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Results obtained from beachrock lying on the north coast of the antique city of Parion in Çanakkale province, NW Turkey, are presented based on field data, petrographic analyses, cement fabrics, and radiocarbon dating. Extending to 20?m offshore at a depth of ?2?m, the studied 50-cm thick beachrock is poorly sorted lithic sandstone. Both exposed and submerged parts are characterized by sequentially precipitated marine phreatic and vadose cements composed of micrite encrustations with micro-organism borings, pseudopeloidal aggregates of high-Mg calcites with scalenohedral habits and meniscus bridges. Radiocarbon ages point to a deposition during the classical period when the sea level was below (between ?1 and ?1.5?m) that of the present. The beachrock witnesses a granule- and pebble-dominated wide beach prior to cementation, suggesting that Parion’s fortification walls were behind the coastline during this lowstand and raises questions concerning the existence of a harbor north of the city.  相似文献   

Seismic and multi-beam bathymetric data from the northern shelf and slope of the Cinarcik Basin, which is generated by the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) located in the easternmost basin in the Marmara Sea, were re-interpreted to better understand the future sub-marine landslide susceptibility. Seismic data indicate that upper surface of the sub-marine extension of the Paleozoic rocks has an NNE–SSW oriented basin and a ridge type morphology controlled by the secondary faults of the NAFZ. Basins are fulfilled by Plio-Quaternary sediments, which are cut by strike-slip faults on the shelf and slope. The thickness of basin deposits reaches up to 130 m toward the linear northern slope of the Cinarcik Basin. A relatively recent sub-marine landslide, the Tuzla Landslide, cuts the slope of the Cinarcik Basin. The detailed morphological investigation indicates that the Tuzla Landslide is a deep-seated rotational landslide, which was likely triggered by activity of the NAFZ. Morphological analyses also indicate that the thick Plio-Quaternary deposits on the Paleozoic basement slid during the Tuzla Landslide event. This landslide is considered as a key event to understand the dynamics of the potential landslides on the northern shelf and slope of the Cinarcik Basin. Two areas locating on the eastern and the western sides of the Tuzla Landslide are considered as the potential areas for future sliding due to similarities of geological and geomorphological features with the Tuzla Landslide such as similar thick Plio-Quaternary deposits, similar slope morphology, and similar fault activity cutting the sediments. Considering this information, the purposes of the present study are to determine the dynamics of the possible landslide areas and to discuss their effects on the sub-marine morphology. In the light of the interpretations, the amounts of possible displaced material are obtained. Three different landslide scenarios due to possible slide surfaces for future landslides are developed and assessed. The first scenario is sliding of the sediments at the shelf break. The third scenario is a mass movement of almost whole basin deposits on the Paleozoic rocks. The latter one is evaluated as less important because of the volume of the displaced material, and the latter one is accepted as lowest possible event. Among the scenarios, the second scenario is accepted as the most critical and possible because of the amount of the slipped material and existence of faults rupture, which is considered as further sliding surfaces. These landslides will result in important changes in shelf, slope and basin floor in the study area.  相似文献   

Geostatistical techniques were used to evaluate the differences in the geochemistry of metals in the marine sediments along the Eastern Brazilian continental margin along the states of Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte (Northeastern sector) and Espírito Santo (Southeastern sector). The concentrations of Al, Fe, Mn, Ba, Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, V, Hg, and Zn were obtained from acid digestion and quantified using flame atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The metals showed a similar order of concentration: Al > Fe > Ba > Mn > V > Ni > Pb > Cr > Zn > Cu, in both the Ceará; and Rio Grande do Norte shelf regions but different in the Espírito Santo shelf (Fe > Al > Mn > Ba > Zn > V > Cr > Ni > Pb > Cu. The concentrations of Hg and Cd were below the detection limit in all areas. A multivariate analysis revealed that the metals of siliciclastic origin on the continental shelf of Ceará are carried by Al. In addition, a large portion of metal deposits is connected to the iron and manganese oxides on the continental margin of Rio Grande do Norte. The metals from the continental supply on the coast of Espírito Santo (Cu, Ni, Ba, and Mn) are associated with Al; whereas Cr, Pb, V, and Zn are associated with iron in this southern area. Geochemical evaluations are needed to distinguish the origin and mineralogical differences of marine sediments within the regions. Scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM/EDS) applied to the sediments from the coast of Ceará showed the morphological diversity of sediment grains: biological fragments, multifaceted particles, aggregates, and crystals occurred in the three regions analyzed. Among these grains, calcite, Mg-calcite, and aragonite were predominant in the northeastern sector, whereas silicates and other minerals were predominant the southeastern sector. Mg, K, Ti, and Zr as well as the lanthanides La and Ce were identified using SEM/EDS and added to the geochemical analysis of the data.  相似文献   

Pseudoemiliana lacunosa, Gephyrocapsa oceanica and Emiliania huxleyi (Ionian) (Pleistocene–Holocene) calcareous nannoplankton zones were identified from 82 samples of 14 cores taken from 8 locations in the northeastern Sea of Marmara. The investigation indicates that the identified biozones have been alternated by tectonic activity in the 1, 5 and 6 core locations. The study area has been affected three times by tectonic activity during the Pleistocene–Holocene time interval. The first activity occured during the Early Pleistocene and the others during Holocene.  相似文献   

In this study, heavy metal contents of samples from Gumusler creek in Turkey were studied and the metal contamination characteristics were investigated. In this respect, considering the pollutant sites in the area, systematic sediment samples were collected in a zone starting from the manifestation part of the water to the entrance of the Karasu creek in Gumusler town. Samples were taken from lower section of the river bed at 30 stations along Gumusler creek, 13 km in length and their heavy metal contents were analyzed with XRF Spectrometer. Correlation coefficients, element coefitic coefficient correlation, dendogram hierarchical cluster, model summary and Annova analysis statistical methods were applied to data. Strong positive correlations were determined for some elements which are believed to have possibly the same origin. In addition, mineralizations in the area are thought to cause variation in metal contents. Results of chemical analysis show that soil limit values and clark values were exceeded. The heavy metal accumulation in the creek is believed to be derived from non-operated Sb-Hg-W and Fe quarries.  相似文献   

The seismically active Marmara region, located in NW Turkey, lies on the westward end of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF). The NAF is well defined on land. Previous investigations of its extension in the Marmara Sea include marine bathymetry, seismological activity and seismic profiles. In this study, faults and their configurations identified inland are extended into the Marmara Sea by means of aeromagnetic anomalies, as well as seismic and gravity profiles. The deep structure was resolved by constructing a map of the Tertiary bottom. Shallow Curie isotherm was determined by spectral analysis, indicating a thinner crust in the northern Marmara depression area with respect to the continental crust. A combination of the geophysical data allows us to propose the existence of subsidence and isostatic equilibrium in the northern Marmara Sea. A less-active zone identified in the central high zone dividing the Marmara Sea into two parts may also be deduced from the seismic data. This structural arrangement may play a key role in earthquakes that will affect the surrounding regions.  相似文献   

North-western Anatolia has been actively deformed since Pliocene by the right-lateral North Anatolian Fault (NAF). This transform fault, which has a transtensional character in its western end due to effects from the Aegean extensional system, is a major control on the regional geomorphologic evolution. This study applied some geomorphic analyses, such as stream longitudinal profiles, stream length-gradient index, ratio of valley floor width and valley height, mountain front sinuosity, hypsometry and asymmetry factor analyses, to an area just east of the Sea of Marmara in order to understand the tectonic effects on the area’s geomorphological evolution. The active and fastest northern branch of the NAF lies within a topographic depression connecting Sea of Marmara in the east to the Adapazar? Basin in the west. This depression filled with early Pleistocene and younger sediment after a series of pull-apart basins opened along the NAF. North of this depression lies the Kocaeli Peneplain, whose southern edge the NAF uplifted. Meandering streams on the central peneplain were incised possibly due to baselevel changes in the Black Sea. South of the depression, an E-trending mountainous area has a rugged morphology. Based on geomorphic analyses, uplifted Pliocene sediment, marine terraces, and recent earthquake activity, this area between northern and southern branches of the NAF is actively uplifting. The geomorphic indices used in this study are sensitive to vertical movements rather than lateral ones. The bedrock lithology that played an important role on the area’s geomorphologic evolution also affects the geomorphic indices used here.  相似文献   

Land-locked seas were polluted mainly by land-based pollutants. The Black Sea is the largest enclosed sea in the world and widely perceived to be heavily polluted. In order to determine the impact of marine activities on heavy metal pollution, shore (500 m distance from edge)–offshore (5,555 m distance from edge) samples of various stations through the Sinop, Samsun and Ordu cities located in the Middle Black Sea region between May 2000 and October 2001 were taken. In addition, samples were taken between April–May 2000 in order to designate the heavy metal pollution of certain rivers, streams, harbor and shores in Samsun’s boundary and 32 sampling stations for the routine pollution monitoring studies are selected including rivers, streams, industrial and domestic discharge points along the Black Sea coast of Turkey in the year 1996. Heavy metal concentrations of whole samples were measured and compared with “Quality Criteria of General Marine and Continental Inside Water Sources” currently effective in Turkey so as to bring up the levels of pollution in marine, rivers and streams.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the distribution of trace metals (Zn, Hg, Cd, Cu, and Pb), as indicators of pollution, in the surficial offshore shelf sediments along the northern coast of Heraklion Prefecture (Crete, Mediterranean Sea). The concentrations and the spatial distribution of the different trace metals, in relation to the sedimentological characteristics and the water circulation pattern of the entire continental shelf, are associated with human inshore sources of pollutants located along the coastline of the study area. Although the trace metal concentrations measured are higher than the background values, they are not considered to be dangerous to human health, as they are lower than the standard values given by the World Health Organisation, with only a few localised exceptions. Furthermore, results reveal the important role of local hydrodynamism that moves fine-grained material and associated trace metals offshore (seawards to wave breaking zone) and then transports them eastwards by entrapping them in the prevailing offshore shelf-water circulation.  相似文献   

Extensive published data sets and some new data on the clay mineral composition of surface sediments in the Aegean Sea, northeastern Mediterranean Sea, have been compiled in order to map the distribution patterns of clay mineral assemblages and to decipher source areas and transport paths. We distinguished six provinces, a Northwest Aegean Province, a Marmara-Dardanelles Province, a West Turkey Province, a Southeast Aegean Province, a Kithira Province and a Central Aegean Province. The clay mineral assemblages in the coastal and shelf areas carry the signature of the riverine sediment discharge from southeast Europe and Turkey, respectively. The southern Aegean Sea is probably influenced by the River Nile discharge and transport of clay minerals by surface currents. The clay minerals in the central Aegean Sea form a mixed assemblage comprising components of the other assemblages. A dispersion and dilution of clay minerals by surface currents is obvious.  相似文献   

Petrochemistry of the south Marmara granitoids, northwest Anatolia, Turkey   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Post-collision magmatic rocks are common in the southern portion of the Marmara region (Kap?da?, Karabiga, Gönen, Yenice, Çan areas) and also on the small islands (Marmara, Av?a, Pa?aliman?) in the Sea of Marmara. They are represented mainly by granitic plutons, stocks and sills within Triassic basement rocks. The granitoids have ages between Late Cretaceous and Miocene, but mainly belong to two groups: Eocene in the north and Miocene in the south. The Miocene granitoids have associated volcanic rocks; the Eocene granitoids do not display such associations. They are both granodioritic and granitic in composition, and are metaluminous, calc-alkaline, medium to high-K rocks. Their trace elements patterns are similar to both volcanic-arc and calc-alkaline post-collision intrusions, and the granitoids plot into the volcanic arc granite (VAG) and collision related granite areas (COLG) of discrimination diagrams. The have high 87Sr/86Sr (0.704–0.707) and low 143Nd/144Nd (0.5124–0.5128). During their evolution, the magma was affected by crustal assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC). Nd and Sr isotopic compositions support an origin of derivation by combined continental crustal AFC from a basaltic parent magma. A slab breakoff model is consistent with the evolution of South Marmara Sea granitoids.  相似文献   

Rapid economic development in East Asian countries has inevitably resulted in environmental degradation in the surrounding seas, and concern for both the environment and protection against pollutants is increasing. Identification of sources of contaminants and evaluation of current environmental status are essential to environmental pollution management, but relatively little has been done in the South China Sea (SCS). In order to investigate the metal pollution status and source within the SCS, a total of 52 surface sediment samples were collected in 1998 from the SCS for the selected heavy metal measurements such as Pb, Zn, Cu, V, Cr, Cd and Sc. The total concentrations (in mg kg− 1 dry weight) in sediments ranged and averaged (mean ± S.D.): Pb, 4.18 to 58.7 (23.6 ± 8.93); Zn, 10.7 to 346 (87.4 ± 47.7); Cu, 5.29 to 122 (38.1 ± 24.6); V, 0.03 to 148 (78.0 ± 37.0); Cr, 4.48 to 589 (105 ± 86); Cd, 0.08 to 2.14 (0.40 ± 0.40) and Sc, 0.33 to 20.6 (10.6 ± 4.4), respectively. Enrichment factor (EF) values and geoaccumulation indexes (Igeo) suggest that Cu, Pb, Zn and V contamination exists only in few localized areas, but Cr and Cd contamination can be found in large-scale area of the SCS before 1998. Further studies are needed to reconstruct deposition history and for trend analysis.  相似文献   

Detailed reviews of multichannel seismic reflection, sparker, chirp and multibeam data that were collected on the southern Marmara Sea shelf revealed various shallow gas indicators and related sedimentary structures, including enhanced reflections, seismic chimneys, acoustic blanking, bright spots, pockmarks, mound-like features and seeps. Seismic attribute analyses were applied to characterise the existence of gas-bearing sediments. The distribution of shallow gas indicators provides important insights into their origin and the geological factors that control them. Prominent gas accumulations and seeps are observed along the profiles that cross the branches of the central segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, which indicates that the gas seeps are controlled by active faulting. This indicates that the faults act as conduits through the sedimentary column. The dense occurrences of gas directly off the river mouths along the shallow bays provide clues about the organic-rich carbon content of the sediments and biogenic methane generation. In some areas, the gas-related acoustic anomalies are mostly located in the upper sediments below the marine unit, which indicates that the gas emissions in these areas were terminated as a result of the increased overburden pressure after the Holocene sea level rise and the deposition of the marine unit.  相似文献   

Possible long-term seismic behaviour of the Northern strand of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, between western extreme of the 1999 İzmit rupture and the Aegean Sea, after 400 AD is studied by examining the historical seismicity, the submarine fault mapping and the paleoseismological studies of the recent scientific efforts. The long-term seismic behaviour is discussed through two possible seismicity models devised from M S ≥ 7.0 historical earthquakes. The estimated return period of years of the fault segments for M1 and M2 seismic models along with their standard deviations are as follows: F4 segment 255 ± 60 and 258 ± 12; F5 segment 258 ± 60 and 258 ± 53; F6 segment 258 ± 60 and 258 ± 53; F7 segment 286 ± 103 and 286 ± 90; F8 segment 286 ± 90 and 286 ± 36. As the latest ruptures on the submarine segments have been reported to be during the 1754–1766 earthquake sequence, and the 1912 mainshock rupture has been evidenced to extend almost all over the western part of the Sea of Marmara, our results imply imminent seismic hazard and, considering the mean recurrence time, a large earthquake to strike the eastern part of the Sea of Marmara in the next two decades.  相似文献   

The sedimentary sequence discovered at archaeological excavations in ancient Theodosius Harbour at İstanbul contains the records of sea level, environmental changes and the cultural history of the region. The cobbles at the base of the sequence include archaeological remnants of Neolithic culture that settled in the area between 8.4 and 7.3 14C ka BP, and are located at 6 m below the present sea level. The sediments representing a coastal environment indicate that the area was used as a harbour from AD 4th to at least the 11th century and were filled by the sediments derived from Lykos Stream after 11th century.  相似文献   

The Tsunami of August 17, 1999 in Izmit Bay,Turkey   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Altinok  Y.  Tinti  S.  Alpar  B.  Yalçiner  A. C.  Ersoy  Ş  Bortolucci  E.  Armigliato  A. 《Natural Hazards》2001,24(2):133-146
The Kocaeli 1999 Earthquake with an Mw = 7.4 caused major hazards throughout the NW of Turkey from Tekirdag to Bolu. Historical data indicates that some of the earthquakes around Izmit Bay have caused tsunamis. In this study, tsunami research for the Kocaeli 1999 Earthquake has been made also taking into consideration historical data. In this research more than about 70 data at 35 localities have been used to determine the tsunami evidences in the bay. Coastal observations indicated runups which were ranging from 1 to 2.5 m along the shores. However, the wave runups are more complex along the south coast due to the presence of coastal landslides (Deirmendere, Halidere, Ulasli, Karamürsel) and subsided areas (Kavakli to Yeniköy) along the shore. West of Yalova, evidence of tsunami rapidly diminished. In addition, possible tectonic mechanism has been determined by using 33 single-channel high-resolution digital seismic reflection profiles which were acquired following the Kocaeli 1999 Earthquake. As a result it has been determined that the Kocaeli Earthquake has created tsunami in Izmit Bay.  相似文献   

Bends that locally violate plate-motion-parallel geometry are common structural elements of continental transform faults. We relate the vertical component of crustal motion in the western Marmara Sea region to the NNW-pointing 18° bend on the northern branch of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF-N) between the Ganos segment, which ruptured in 1912, and the central Marmara segment, a seismic gap. Crustal shortening and uplift on the transpressive west side of the bend results in the Ganos Mountain; crustal extension and subsidence on the transtensional east side produce the Tekirdağ Basin. We propose that this vertical component of deformation is controlled by oblique slip on the non-vertical north-dipping Ganos and Tekirdağ segments of the North Anatolian Fault. We compare Holocene with Quaternary structure across the bend using new and recently published data and conclude the following. First, bend-related vertical motion is occurring primarily north of the NAF-N. This suggests that this bend is fixed to the Anatolian side of the fault. Second, current deformation is consistent with an antisymmetric pattern centered at the bend, up on the west and down on the east. Accumulated deformation is shifted to the east along the right-lateral NAF-N, however, leading to locally opposite vertical components of long- and short-term motion. Uplift has started as far west as the landward extension of the Saros trough. Current subsidence is most intense close to the bend and to the Ganos Mountain, while the basin deepens gradually from the bend eastward for 28 km along the fault. The pattern of deformation is time-transgressive if referenced to the material, but is stable if referenced to the bend. The lag between motion and structure implies a 1.1–1.4 Ma age for the basin at current dextral slip rate (2.0–2.5 cm/year). Third, the Tekirdağ is an asymmetric basin progressively tilted down toward the NAF-N, which serves as the border fault. Progressive tilt suggests that the steep northward dip of the fault decreases with depth in a listric geometry at the scale of the upper crust and is consistent with reactivation of Paleogene suture-related thrust faults. Fourth, similar thrust-fault geometry west of the bend can account for the Ganos Mountain anticline/monocline as hanging-wall-block folding and back tilting. Oblique slip on a non-vertical master fault may accommodate transtension and transpression associated with other bends along the NAF and other continental transforms.  相似文献   

Sediments of the Lagoa Vermelha (Red Lake), situated in the Ribeira Valley, southeastern Brazil, are made of a homogeneous, organic-rich, black clay with no visible sedimentary structures. The inorganic geochemical record (Al, As, Ba, Br, Co,Cs, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Rb, Sc, Sb, V, Zn, Hg and Pb) of the lake sediments was analyzed in a core spanning 2430 years. The largest temporal changes in trace metal contents occurred approximately within the last 180 years. Recent sediments were found to be enriched in Pb, Zn, Hg, Ni, Mn, Br and Sb (more than 2-fold increase with respect to the “natural background level”). The enhanced accumulation of Br, Sb, and Mn was attributed to biogeochemical processes and diagenesis. On the other hand, the anomalous concentrations of Pb, Zn, Hg and Ni were attributed to pollution. As Lagoa Vermelha is located in a relatively pristine area, far removed from direct contamination sources, the increased metal contents of surface sediments most likely resulted from atmospheric fallout. Stable Pb isotopes provided additional evidence for anthropogenic contamination. The shift of 206Pb/207Pb ratios toward decreasing values in the increasingly younger sediments is consistent with an increasing contribution of airborne anthropogenic lead. In the uppermost sediments (0-10 cm), the lowest values of the 206Pb/207Pb ratios may reflect the influence of the less radiogenic Pb from the Ribeira Valley District ores (206Pb/207Pb between 1.04 and 1.10), emitted during the last 50 years.  相似文献   

The Manyas fault zone (MFZ) is a splay fault of the Yenice Gönen Fault, which is located on the southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault System. The MFZ is a 38 km long, WNW–ESE-trending and normal fault zone comprised of three en-echelon segments. On 6 October 1964, an earthquake (Ms = 6.9) occurred on the Salur segment. In this study, paleoseismic trench studies were performed along the Salur segment. Based on these paleoseismic trench studies, at least three earthquakes resulting in a surface rupture within the last 4000 years, including the 1964 earthquake have been identified and dated. The penultimate event can be correlated with the AD 1323 earthquake. There is no archaeological and/or historical record that can be associated with the oldest earthquake dated between BP 3800 ± 600 and BP 2300 ± 200 years. Additionally, the trench study performed to the north of the Salur segment demonstrates paleoliquefaction structures crossing each other. The surface deformation that occurred during the 1964 earthquake is determined primarily to be the consequence of liquefaction. According to the fault plane slip data, the MFZ is a purely normal fault demonstrating a listric geometry with a dip of 64°–74° to the NNE.  相似文献   

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