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Much of the current research on long‐term landscape evolution and drainage history in SE Australia is built in one way or another on the early work of Griffith Taylor. The controversy prompted by several attempts to incorporate Taylor's work in recent plate tectonics interpretations of the long‐term evolution of SE Australia highlights differences of opinion as to the appropriate methodologies for such investigations. These questions, including the issues of data sources in reconstructions of long‐term landscape history, testability of such reconstructions, and the relationship between the landscape history so reconstructed and larger‐scale, regional landscape histories, appear not to have been addressed in recent literature on geomorphological methodology. This literature notes the demise of critical rationalism and appears to espouse a strongly relativist viewpoint, which relies on the shared understanding among the discipline's practitioners as to what are appropriate data sources and tests for hypotheses of long‐term landscape evolution. This offers little hope for resolution of the current disputes about the evolution of the drainage systems of SE Australia, but puts the onus squarely on us, the practitioners, to develop shared understandings of the appropriate data sources and tests for our hypotheses and grand schemes of the type so favoured by Griffith Taylor.  相似文献   

Griffith Taylor was the first geomorphologist to work in the Dry Valleys of southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Following his field work in February 1911, he proposed a multistage model in which earlier cirque erosion was later swamped by expanding outlet glaciers. Subsequently these glaciers retreated leaving the present form of the valleys. The topography retained the imprint of each episode, hence his name ‘palimpsest theory’. I summarise later research and compare Taylor's theory with current views.  相似文献   

This exercise in a type of applied historiography begins by annotating aspects of reform in Western education from the 1880s to the 1930s, an interval which exhibits the responses of ‘new’ subjects to political and social demands for improved civics education, and encompasses the inauguration of a recognisably ‘academic’ geography in Australia. Designedly, since the nominated period also incorporates the early life and career of pioneering geographer Griffith Taylor, the discussion probes beneath the strata of obfuscatory generalisation to relate one individual's engagement with the vortex of change. More specifically, it extracts a few lessons from Taylor's approach to ‘Nation‐Planning’ to suggest an appropriate orientation to current reformism in Australian education. It is argued that, while this trend questions the civic utility of established disciplines, it has been badly served by a disturbing ignorance of the social and intellectual heritage of the subjects under challenge.  相似文献   

This paper considers the likely future population in Australia to 2050 and is cast within the context of environmental limitations, to which Griffith Taylor alerted the nation in the 1920s and 1930s, and for which he was vilified in several quarters. While acknowledging the relative accuracy of his long-range forecasts, the arguments here depart from environmental determinism, although varying sets of environmental ethics and values are considered in relation to Australia's global responsibilities and international commitments. It is argued that an increase in population to 26 million by 2050 will not place severe stresses on the physical environment, provided environmental and resource management strategies are put firmly in place, and if consumption and resource use practices are significantly modified. An ideological linkage exists between a resurgent Australian nationalism and a number of environmental perspectives, but one which rejects growth and biological diversity among humans while embracing environmentalism. This inward-looking nationalism–environmentalism is seen as harmful both to Australia's moral integrity as a nation, and in local and world citizenship.  相似文献   

Intersections between economy, culture and environment pose exciting future challenges for human geography. Part of Griffith Taylor's pioneering role as a geographer was to investigate relationships between these three aspects of human life, although his agenda was that of environmental determinism. This paper considers these intersections as they relate to contemporary geographical studies of restructuring, in particular the emergence of a genuinely global economic system since about 1980. Recent developments in cultural geography argue that geographical analysis of restructuring has been dominated by an economic determinism which has buried other stories which could be told about industrial change. The paper sketches lines of possible dialogue between economic geography and cultural studies, illustrating the argument with examples from restructuring in the Australian food industry. In opening such a dialogue, economic geography would be better placed to return to interactions between economy, culture and environment. In his day, Taylor was not afraid to upset the conventional wisdom about these relationships and this may be one of his most enduring legacies.  相似文献   

Graphical Aids for Stochastic Processes. Bob Fisch and David Griffeath, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole LANDSAT , Version 4.3. macGIS, Version 0.95. 1989. Simulating Central Place Structures (Version 1.0). Daniel A. Griffith STRUCTURE V4.0. Ronald Burt  相似文献   

Many geographers, past and present, have addressed public policy issues facing nations and peoples and in the process offered solutions to highly complex problems. Three ‘sentinels’ of the discipline, Halford Mackinder, Carl Sauer and Thomas Griffith Taylor, served as protectors of geography speaking up for the science in a way often confronting public officials, politicians and others. They contributed significantly to the development of geography in Britain, the USA, Australia and Canada, while engaging in public policy debates on topics such as geopolitics, geographical constraints on land use and natural resource management. All three were advocates for the unity of geography, stressing how an understanding of the interconnectedness of natural and human phenomena can assist in decision making. They were often frustrated by what they saw as ill-informed policies which did not respect geographic realities. Given their varied contributions, it is difficult to fully assess their impact both during their long and productive lifetimes, and subsequently, especially given the interdisciplinary and contested nature of their research. Today, academic geographers are faced with having to increasingly ‘prove the impact’ of their research, something beyond the comprehension of previous generations. Lessons from an analysis of the work of these ‘sentinels’, as well as my own experience, show how difficult a task this will be.  相似文献   

Considerable attention has been devoted to shape analysis in geography with few fruitful results. We ask whether or not shape analysis is worth pursuing, referring to papers by Griffith and Lo. The methodology utilizes a two-step procedure. First, Lo's analysis is reconstructed to include indices reported in Griffith. Second, findings from the investigations are compared. Similar results are obtained from both studies, but the failure to extract any one-to-one correspondence between a shape and its associated index value(s) continues to cast doubt on the utility for subsequent studies.  相似文献   


More than 250 radiocarbon dates of lacustrine algae and marine shells afford a chronology for Ross Sea drift in eastern Taylor Valley. Dates of algae that lived in ice-dammed Glacial Lake Washburn show that grounded Ross Sea ice blocked the mouth of Taylor Valley between 8340 and 23,800 14C yr bp . Ross Sea ice was at its maximum position at the Hjorth Hill moraine between 12,700 and 14,600 14C yr bp and was within 500m distance of this position as late as 10,794 14C yr bp . The implication is that the flow line of the Ross Sea ice sheet which extended around northern Ross Island and across McMurdo Sound to Taylor Valley must have remained intact, and hence that a grounded ice sheet must have existed east of Ross Island as late as 8340 14C yr bp . Evidence from ice-dammed lakes in Taylor Valley and from shells from McMurdo Sound suggests grounding-line retreat from the vicinity of Ross Island between 6500 and 8340 14C yr bp . If this is correct, then most recession to the present-day grounding line on the Siple Coast took place subsequently in the absence of significant deglacial sea-level rise. Rising sea level may have triggered internal mechanisms within the ice sheet that led to retreat, but did not in itself drive continued ice-sheet recession. Ice retreat, once set in motion, continued in the absence of sea-level forcing. If correct, this hypothesis implies that the grounding line could continue to recede into the interior reservoir of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

Geochemical data and geophysical measurements from a 554-m ice-core from Taylor Dome, East Antarctica, provide the basis for climate reconstruction in the western Ross Embayment through the entire Wisconsinan and Holocene. In comparison with ice cores from central East and West Antarctica, Taylor Dome shows greater variance of temperature, snow accumulation, and aerosol concentrations, reflecting significant variability in atmospheric circulation and air mass moisture content. Extreme aridity during the last glacial maximum at Taylor Dome reflects both colder temperatures and a shift in atmospheric circulation patterns associated with the advance of the Ross Sea ice sheet and accounts for regional alpine glacier retreats and high lake levels in the Dry Valleys. Inferred relationships between spatial accumulation gradients and ice sheet configuration indicate that advance of the Ross Sea ice sheet began in late marine isotope stage 5 or early stage 4. Precise dating of the Taylor Dome core achieved by trace-gas correlation with central Greenland ice cores shows that abrupt deglacial warming at Taylor Dome was near-synchronous with the ∼14.6 ka warming in central Greenland and lags the general warming trend in other Antarctic ice cores by at least 3000 years. Deglacial warming was following by a warm interval and transient cooling between 14.6 and 11.7 ka, synchronous with the Bølling/Allerød warming and Younger Dryas cooling events in central Greenland, and out of phase with the Antarctic Cold Reversal recorded in the Byrd (West Antarctica) ice core. Rapid climate changes during marine isotope stages 4 and 3 at Taylor Dome are similar in character to, and may be in phase with, the Northern Hemisphere stadial–interstadial (Dansgaard–Oeschger) events. Results from Taylor Dome illustrate the importance of obtaining ice cores from multiple Antarctic sites, to provide wide spatial coverage of past climate and ice dynamics.  相似文献   

THE BENCHMARK SYSTEM , Version 5.6. Get-A-Ref , Version 4.2. MapInfo , Version 3.0. OSU MAP-for-the-PC , OSU MAP-for-the-PC, Version 3.0. Duane F. Marble, Jay Sandhu, and others Spatial Regression Analysis on the PC , Version 1.0. Daniel A. Griffith  相似文献   

以游客感知体验评价为依据,建立基于游客感知价值的古村落旅游主题定位与策划模式。首先构建了古村落旅游主题定位与策划一般模式,分析指出,基于游客感知价值的古村落旅游主题定位与策划模式的关键是古村落旅游资源本体认知、旅游产品谱识别与市场定位。以张谷英村为例,提出以"湘楚民居,龙形古村落"作为该村旅游主题,并探讨定位后的主题塑造问题。  相似文献   

Interpretation of satellite altimetry data as well as ship bathymetry data revealed strongly elongated anomalies roughly perpendicular to the mid-ocean ridges in the Indian and east Pacific oceans. A spectral analysis of gravity altimetry data along profiles parallel to the East Pacific Rise indicated wavelengths of about 150–180  km close to the ridge and about 250  km further away. A simple model of Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities developing at the base of the cooling lithosphere is discussed and applied to the data. By considering thermal diffusion and comparing Rayleigh–Taylor growth rates to the velocity of the thermal front in the cooling lithosphere, we are able to explain the observed anomalies by instabilities developing below the lithosphere in a layer with a viscosity of about 1019  Pa  s above an asthenospheric layer with a viscosity reduction of 2–3 orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

我国主题公园的发展现状表现为由移植和模仿的单一主题结构向多元主题结构及综合化方向发展等特征.研究发现,影响我国主题公园发展的因素主要有区位因素和资源环境条件、主题公园的主题选择和文化内涵、园内的休闲设施配套建设和行之有效的管理手段.改革创新是保持我国主题公园生命力的关键,有效的市场营销是其发展的载体,先进的管理技术和手段是其成功发展的基础.其创新应该体现在主题设施项目的挖掘、先进的休闲娱乐功能理念以及经营管理等方面.  相似文献   

左冰  陆嘉敏 《热带地理》2018,38(6):781-790
基于保继刚等学者的研究成果,采用类“元分析”法提取影响主题公园空间布局的影响因素,应用主成分分析和逐步回归法对影响因素进行统计检验。结果发现:1)中国主题公园分布主要受地方经济基础和营商环境的影响;2)中国主题公园区位分布符合市场学派的观点,并逐渐由市场驱动向综合考虑成本因素转变;3)主题公园选址在总体上寻求空间集聚效应,低等级主题公园选址存在或者寻求溢出效应或者避免竞争2种情形;4)目的地感知形象对于高等级/大型主题公园布局的影响开始消减。地方经济基础-政府治理绩效-土地等成本因素对于主题公园选址有重要影响,值得政府和企业高度重视。  相似文献   

城市修建主题公园适宜性评价指标体系研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以国内外城市修建主题公园适宜性研究的已有成果和产业实践为基础,预选出城市修建主题公园适宜性的55个影响因素,运用德尔菲法、自相关分析法、变差系数法对55个因素进行3轮筛选,构建了包含16个因素的评价指标体系,运用AHP和熵权法对指标确权,并对全国33个主要大中城市建设主题公园的适宜性开展实证研究。结果表明:本研究所构建的指标体系仅用28%的指标反映了96%的原始信息,指标体系更简明科学、便于操作;二级指标中的人口因素影响作用显著,三级指标中的城市常住人口、GDP、旅游总人数、地价水平以及周边城市常住人口是影响主题公园在城市选址的关键因素。四大直辖市叠加四大一线城市修建主题公园适宜性最高,海口、银川、西宁等16个城市修建主题公园适宜性指数最低,城市修建主题公园适宜性指数与已有研究成果中的国内城市群发育指数基本一致;实证研究结论与中国主题公园的实际分布情况相吻合,表明指标体系的科学性及可行性,可用以指导主题公园的在全国城市的选址。  相似文献   

主题公园规划设计探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章就我国目前在开发建设主题公园过程中存在的问题,认为不能就主题公园论主题公园,而应树立以大众文化为内涵,以综合效益为目标、以区位组合为关键的规划设计理念,提出了可行性分析、主题策划、产品组合、游线设计、设施布局、环艺设计、形象策划、文化展经营管理和营销策划等方面的基本思路与对策。  相似文献   

基于旅游体验的海洋主题公园旅游产品设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在“体验经济”时代,旅游作为一种天然的体验活动,其产品设计应充分考虑旅游者的真实感受。海洋类主题公园是当今主题公园的新势力,近年来发展迅速。结合武汉极地海洋世界的规划实践,对中国现有海洋类主题公园的产品特征和存在问题进行分析,并提出将旅游体验融人海洋主题公园产品设计的设想,从“融情景体验于旅游产品设计、融高科技成分于旅游产品设计、增旅游者互动于旅游产品设计”3个方面探讨海洋主题公园产品设计的思路,为该类型的旅游产品创新开拓思路和提供方法,促使中国主题公园的发展迈人新的台阶。  相似文献   

主题公园发展的影响因素系统分析   总被引:107,自引:1,他引:107  
保继刚 《地理学报》1997,52(3):237-245
主题公园是一种投资大、风险高的新型旅游项目,通过大量的实证调查和文献总结,本文对影响主题公园发展的主要因素进行系统分析,这些因素是:客源市场和交通条件、区域经济发展水平、城市旅游感知形象、空间集聚和竞争以及决策者行为。  相似文献   

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