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The area of stable motion for fictitious Trojan asteroids around Uranus’ equilateral equilibrium points is investigated with respect to the inclination of the asteroid’s orbit to determine the size of the regions and their shape. For this task we used the results of extensive numerical integrations of orbits for a grid of initial conditions around the points L 4 and L 5, and analyzed the stability of the individual orbits. Our basic dynamical model was the Outer Solar System (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune). We integrated the equations of motion of fictitious Trojans in the vicinity of the stable equilibrium points for selected orbits up to the age of the Solar system of 5 × 109 years. One experiment has been undertaken for cuts through the Lagrange points for fixed values of the inclinations, while the semimajor axes were varied. The extension of the stable region with respect to the initial semimajor axis lies between 19.05 ≤ a ≤ 19.3 AU but depends on the initial inclination. In another run the inclination of the asteroids’ orbit was varied in the range 0° < i < 60° and the semimajor axes were fixed. It turned out that only four ‘windows’ of stable orbits survive: these are the orbits for the initial inclinations 0° < i < 7°, 9° < i < 13°, 31° < i < 36° and 38° < i < 50°. We postulate the existence of at least some Trojans around the Uranus Lagrange points for the stability window at small and also high inclinations.  相似文献   

We investigated the stable area for fictive Trojan asteroids around Neptune’s Lagrangean equilibrium points with respect to their semimajor axis and inclination. To get a first impression of the stability region we derived a symplectic mapping for the circular and the elliptic planar restricted three body problem. The dynamical model for the numerical integrations was the outer Solar system with the Sun and the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. To understand the dynamics of the region around L 4 and L 5 for the Neptune Trojans we also used eight different dynamical models (from the elliptic problem to the full outer Solar system model with all giant planets) and compared the results with respect to the largeness and shape of the stable region. Their dependence on the initial inclinations (0° < i < 70°) of the Trojans’ orbits could be established for all the eight models and showed the primary influence of Uranus. In addition we could show that an asymmetry of the regions around L 4 and L 5 is just an artifact of the different initial conditions.  相似文献   

The orbits of fictitious bodies around Jupiter’s stable equilibrium points L 4 and L 5 were integrated for a fine grid of initial conditions up to 100 million years. We checked the validity of three different dynamical models, namely the spatial, restricted three body problem, a model with Sun, Jupiter and Saturn and also the dynamical model with the Outer Solar System (Jupiter to Neptune). We determined the chaoticity of an orbit with the aid of the Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents (=LCE) and used also a method where the maximum eccentricity of an orbit achieved during the dynamical evolution was examined. The goal of this investigation was to determine the size of the regions of motion around the equilibrium points of Jupiter and to find out the dependance on the inclination of the Trojan’s orbit. Whereas for small inclinations (up to i=20°) the stable regions are almost equally large, for moderate inclinations the size shrinks quite rapidly and disappears completely for i>60°. Additionally, we found a difference in the dynamics of orbits around L 4 which – according to the LCE – seem to be more stable than the ones around L 5.  相似文献   

H. Scholl  F. Marzari 《Icarus》2005,175(2):397-408
In this paper we explore the dynamical stability of the Mars Trojan region applying mainly Laskar's Frequency Map Analysis. This method yields the chaotic diffusion rate of orbits and allows to determine the most stable regions. It also gives the frequencies which are responsible for the instability of orbits. The most stable regions are found for inclinations between about 15° and 30°. For inclinations smaller than 15°, we confirm, by applying a synthetic secular theory, that the secular resonances ν3, ν4, ν13, ν14 rapidly excite asteroid orbits within a few Myrs, or even faster. The asteroids are removed from the Trojan region after a close encounter with Mars. For large inclinations, the secular resonance ν5 clears a small region around 30° while the Kozai resonance rapidly removes bodies for inclinations larger than 35°. The dynamical lifetimes of the three L5 Trojans, (5261) Eureka, 1998 VF31, 2001 DH47, and the only L4 Trojan 1999 UJ7 are determined by numerically integrating clouds of corresponding clones over the age of the Solar System. All four Trojans reside in the most stable region with smallest diffusion coefficients. Their dynamical half-lifetime is of the order of the age of the Solar System. The Yarkovsky force has little effect on the known Trojans but for bodies smaller than about 1-5 m the drag is strong enough to destabilize Trojans on a timescale shorter than 4.5 Gyr.  相似文献   

Our work deals with the dynamical possibility that in extrasolar planetary systems a terrestrial planet may have stable orbits in a 1:1 mean motion resonance with a Jovian like planet. We studied the motion of fictitious Trojans around the Lagrangian points L4/L5 and checked the stability and/or chaoticity of their motion with the aid of the Lyapunov Indicators and the maximum eccentricity. The computations were carried out using the dynamical model of the elliptic restricted three‐body problem that consists of a central star, a gas giant moving in the habitable zone, and a massless terrestrial planet. We found 3 new systems where the gas giant lies in the habitable zone, namely HD99109, HD101930, and HD33564. Additionally we investigated all known extrasolar planetary systems where the giant planet lies partly or fully in the habitable zone. The results show that the orbits around the Lagrangian points L4/L5 of all investigated systems are stable for long times (107 revolutions). (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We explore the long-term stability of Earth Trojans by using a chaos indicator, the Frequency Map Analysis. We find that there is an extended stability region at low eccentricity and for inclinations lower than about $50^{\circ }$ even if the most stable orbits are found at $i \le 40^{\circ }$ . This region is not limited in libration amplitude, contrary to what found for Trojan orbits around outer planets. We also investigate how the stability properties are affected by the tidal force of the Earth–Moon system and by the Yarkovsky force. The tidal field of the Earth–Moon system reduces the stability of the Earth Trojans at high inclinations while the Yarkovsky force, at least for bodies larger than 10 m in diameter, does not seem to strongly influence the long-term stability. Earth Trojan orbits with the lowest diffusion rate survive on timescales of the order of $10^9$  years but their evolution is chaotic. Their behaviour is similar to that of Mars Trojans even if Earth Trojans appear to have shorter lifetimes.  相似文献   

Trojan asteroids undergo very large perturbations because of their resonance with Jupiter. Fortunately the secular evolution of quasi circular orbits remains simple—if we neglect the small short period perturbations. That study is done in the approximation of the three dimensional circular restricted three-body problem, with a small mass ratio μ—that is about 0.001 in the Sun Jupiter case. The Trojan asteroids can be defined as celestial bodies that have a “mean longitude”, M + ω + Ω, always different from that of Jupiter. In the vicinity of any circular Trojan orbit exists a set of “quasi-circular orbits” with the following properties: (A) Orbits of that set remain in that set with an eccentricity that remains of the order of the mass ratio μ. (B) The relative variations of the semi-major axis and the inclination remain of the order of ${\sqrt{\mu}}$ . (C) There exist corresponding “quasi integrals” the main terms of which have long-term relative variations of the order of μ only. For instance the product c(1 – cos i) where c is the modulus of the angular momentum and i the inclination. (D) The large perturbations affect essentially the difference “mean longitude of the Trojan asteroid minus mean longitude of Jupiter”. That difference can have very large perturbations that are characteristics of the “horseshoes orbit”. For small inclinations it is well known that this difference has two stable points near ±60° (Lagange equilibrium points L4 and L5) and an unstable point at 180° (L3). The stable longitude differences are function of the inclination and reach 180° for an inclination of 145°41′. Beyond that inclination only one equilibrium remains: a stable difference at 180°.  相似文献   

F. MarzariH. Scholl 《Icarus》2002,159(2):328-338
We have numerically explored the mechanisms that destabilize Jupiter's Trojan orbits outside the stability region defined by Levison et al. (1997, Nature385, 42-44). Different models have been exploited to test various possible sources of instability on timescales on the order of ∼108 years.In the restricted three-body model, only a few Trojan orbits become unstable within 108 years. This intrinsic instability contributes only marginally to the overall instability found by Levison et al.In a model where the orbital parameters of both Jupiter and Saturn are fixed, we have investigated the role of Saturn and its gravitational influence. We find that a large fraction of Trojan orbits become unstable because of the direct nonresonant perturbations by Saturn. By shifting its semimajor axis at constant intervals around its present value we find that the near 5:2 mean motion resonance between the two giant planets (the Great Inequality) is not responsible for the gross instability of Jupiter's Trojans since short-term perturbations by Saturn destabilize Trojans, even when the two planets are far out of the resonance.Secular resonances are an additional source of instability. In the full six-body model with the four major planets included in the numerical integration, we have analyzed the effects of secular resonances with the node of the planets. Trojan asteroids have relevant inclinations, and nodal secular resonances play an important role. When a Trojan orbit becomes unstable, in most cases the libration amplitude of the critical argument of the 1:1 mean motion resonance grows until the asteroid encounters the planet. Libration amplitude, eccentricity, and nodal rate are linked for Trojan orbits by an algebraic relation so that when one of the three parameters is perturbed, the other two are affected as well. There are numerous secular resonances with the nodal rate of Jupiter that fall inside the region of instability and contribute to destabilize Trojans, in particular the ν16. Indeed, in the full model the escape rate over 50 Myr is higher compared to the fixed model.Some secular resonances even cross the stability region delimited by Levison et al. and cause instability. This is the case of the 3:2 and 1:2 nodal resonances with Jupiter. In particular the 1:2 is responsible for the instability of some clones of the L4 Trojan (3540) Protesilaos.  相似文献   

The effect of the eccentricity of a planet’s orbit on the stability of the orbits of its satellites is studied. The model used is the elliptic Hill case of the planar restricted three-body problem. The linear stability of all the known families of periodic orbits of the problem is computed. No stable orbits are found, the majority of them possessing one or two pairs of real eigenvalues of the monodromy matrix, while a part of a family with complex instability is found. Two families of periodic orbits, bifurcating from the Lagrangian points L1, L2 of the corresponding circular case are found analytically. These orbits are very unstable and the determination of their stability coefficients is not accurate, so we compute the largest Liapunov exponent in their vicinity. In all cases these exponents are positive, indicating the existence of chaotic motions  相似文献   

The stability of Trojan type orbits around Neptune is studied. As the first part of our investigation, we present in this paper a global view of the stability of Trojans on inclined orbits. Using the frequency analysis method based on the fast Fourier transform technique, we construct high-resolution dynamical maps on the plane of initial semimajor axis a 0 versus inclination i 0. These maps show three most stable regions, with i 0 in the range of  (0°, 12°), (22°, 36°)  and  (51°, 59°),  respectively, where the Trojans are most probably expected to be found. The similarity between the maps for the leading and trailing triangular Lagrange points L 4 and L 5 confirms the dynamical symmetry between these two points. By computing the power spectrum and the proper frequencies of the Trojan motion, we figure out the mechanisms that trigger chaos in the motion. The Kozai resonance found at high inclination varies the eccentricity and inclination of orbits, while the  ν8  secular resonance around   i 0∼ 44°  pumps up the eccentricity. Both mechanisms lead to eccentric orbits and encounters with Uranus that introduce strong perturbation and drive the objects away from the Trojan like orbits. This explains the clearance of Trojan at high inclination  (>60°)  and an unstable gap around  44°  on the dynamical map. An empirical theory is derived from the numerical results, with which the main secular resonances are located on the initial plane of  ( a 0, i 0)  . The fine structures in the dynamical maps can be explained by these secular resonances.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that Jupiter Trojans may exhibit chaotic behavior, a fact that has put in question their presumed long term stability. Previous numerical results suggest a slow dispersion of the Trojan swarms, but the extent of the ‘effective’ stability region in orbital elements space is still an open problem. In this paper, we tackle this problem by means of extensive numerical integrations. First, a set of 3,200 fictitious objects and 667 numbered Trojans is integrated for 4 Myrs and their Lyapunov time, TL, is estimated. The ones following chaotic orbits are then integrated for 1 Gyr, or until they escape from the Trojan region. The results of these experiments are presented in the form of maps of TLand the escape time, TE, in the space of proper elements. An effective stability region for 1 Gyr is defined on these maps, in which chaotic orbits also exist. The distribution of the numbered Trojans follows closely the TE=1 Gyr level curve, with 86% of the bodies lying inside and 14% outside the stability region. This result is confirmed by a 4.5 Gyr integration of the 246 chaotic numbered Trojans, which showed that 17% of the numbered Trojans are unstable over the age of the solar system. We show that the size distributions of the stable and unstable populations are nearly identical. Thus, the existence of unstable bodies should not be the result of a size-dependent transport mechanism but, rather, the result of chaotic diffusion. Finally, in the large chaotic region that surrounds the stability zone, a statistical correlation between TLandTE is found.  相似文献   

Up to now, 17 Neptune Trojan asteroids have been detected with their orbits being well determined by continuous observations. This paper analyzes systematically their orbital dynamics. Our results show that except for two temporary members with relatively short lifespans on Trojan orbits, the vast majority of Neptune Trojans located within their orbital uncertainties may survive in the solar system age. The escaping probability of Neptune Trojans, through slow diffusion in the orbital element space in 4.5 billion years, is estimated to be ~50%. The asteroid 2012 UW177 classified as a Centaur asteroid by the IAU Minor Planet Center currently is in fact a Neptune Trojan. Numerical simulations indicate that it is librating on the tadpole-shaped orbit around the Neptune's L4 point. It was captured into the current orbit approximately 0.23 million years ago, and will stay there for at least another 1.3 million years in the future. Its high inclination of i ≈ 54° not only makes it the most inclined Neptune Trojan, but also makes it exhibit the complicated and interesting co-orbital transitions between the leading and trailing Trojans via the quasi-satellite orbit phase.  相似文献   

Many asteroids with a semimajor axis close to that of Mars have been discovered in the last several years. Potentially some of these could be in 1:1 resonance with Mars, much as are the classic Trojan asteroids with Jupiter, and its lesser-known horseshoe companions with Earth. In the 1990s, two Trojan companions of Mars, 5261 Eureka and 1998 VF31, were discovered, librating about the L5 Lagrange point, 60° behind Mars in its orbit. Although several other potential Mars Trojans have been identified, our orbital calculations show only one other known asteroid, 1999 UJ7, to be a Trojan, associated with the L4 Lagrange point, 60° ahead of Mars in its orbit. We further find that asteroid 36017 (1999 ND43) is a horseshoe librator, alternating with periods of Trojan motion. This asteroid makes repeated close approaches to Earth and has a chaotic orbit whose behavior can be confidently predicted for less than 3000 years. We identify two objects, 2001 HW15 and 2000 TG2, within the resonant region capable of undergoing what we designate “circulation transition”, in which objects can pass between circulation outside the orbit of Mars and circulation inside it, or vice versa. The eccentricity of the orbit of Mars appears to play an important role in circulation transition and in horseshoe motion. Based on the orbits and on spectroscopic data, the Trojan asteroids of Mars may be primordial bodies, while some co-orbital bodies may be in a temporary state of motion.  相似文献   

Irregular satellites—moons that occupy large orbits of significant eccentricity e and/or inclination I—circle each of the giant planets. The irregulars often extend close to the orbital stability limit, about 1/3-1/2 of the way to the edge of their planet's Hill sphere. The distant, elongated, and inclined orbits suggest capture, which presumably would give a random distribution of inclinations. Yet, no known irregulars have inclinations (relative to the ecliptic) between 47 and 141°.This paper shows that many high-I orbits are unstable due to secular solar perturbations. High-inclination orbits suffer appreciable periodic changes in eccentricity; large eccentricities can either drive particles with ∼70°<I<110° deep into the realm of the regular satellites (where collisions and scatterings are likely to remove them from planetocentric orbits on a timescale of 107-109 years) or expel them from the Hill sphere of the planet.By carrying out long-term (109 years) orbital integrations for a variety of hypothetical satellites, we demonstrate that solar and planetary perturbations, by causing particles to strike (or to escape) their planet, considerably broaden this zone of avoidance. It grows to at least 55°<I<130° for orbits whose pericenters freely oscillate from 0 to 360°, while particles whose pericenters are locked at ±90° (Kozai mechanism) can remain for longer times.We estimate that the stable phase space (over 10 Myr) for satellites trapped in the Kozai resonance contains ∼10% of all stable orbits, suggesting the possible existence of a family of undiscovered objects at higher inclinations than those currently known.  相似文献   

We studied systematically cases of the families of non-symmetric periodic orbits in the planar restricted three-body problem. We took interesting information about the evolution, stability and termination of bifurcating families of various multiplicities. We found that the main families of simple non-symmetric periodic orbits present a similar dynamical structure and bifurcation pattern. As the Jacobi constant changes each branch of the characteristic of a main family spirals around a focal point-terminating point in x- at which the Jacobi constant is C  = 3 and their periodic orbits terminate at the corotation (at the Lagrangian point L4 or L5). As the family approaches asymptotically its termination point infinite changes of stability to instability and vice versa occur along its characteristic. Thus, infinite bifurcation points appear and each one of them produces infinite inverse Feigenbaum sequences. That is, every bifurcating family of a Feigenbaum sequence produces the same phenomenon and so on. Therefore, infinite spiral characteristics appear and each one of them generates infinite new inner spirals and so on. Each member of these infinite sets of the spirals reproduces a basic bifurcation pattern. Therefore, we have in general large unstable regions that generate large chaotic regions near the corotation points L4, L5, which are unstable. As C varies along the spiral characteristic of every bifurcating family, which approaches its focal point, infinite loops, one inside the other, surrounding the unstable triangular points L4 or L5 are formed on their orbits. So, each terminating point corresponds to an asymptotic non-symmetric periodic orbit that spirals into the corotation points L4, L5 with infinite period. This is a new mechanism that produces very large degree of stochasticity. These conclusions help us to comprehend better the motions around the points L4 and L5 of Lagrange.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, we developed a technique for estimating the inner eccentricity in coplanar hierarchical triple systems on initially circular orbits, with comparable masses and with well-separated components, based on an expansion of the rate of change of the Runge-Lenz vector. Now, the same technique is extended to non-coplanar orbits. However, it can only be applied to systems with I 0 < 39.23° or I 0 > 140.77°, where I is the inclination of the two orbits, because of complications arising from the so-called ‘Kozai effect’. The theoretical model is tested against results from numerical integrations of the full equations of motion. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We have used the ESO Schmidt telescope during the apparitions 1996, 1997 and 1998 to study the preceding Lagrangian cloud of Jupiter, L4. In our observed field of view, about 700 square degrees, during 1996 we found 399 moving objects that we classified as Trojans. From this we conclude that down to absolute magnitude H ≤ 13.0 there are ≈ 1100 Trojans in the L4 cloud. Proper elements of 696 numbered and multiopposition Trojans were calculated and one of these in the L5 cloud were found to be a non Trojan. A discussion of the Trojan proper elements is also presented.  相似文献   

Frozen orbits are always important foci of orbit design because of their valuable characteristics that their eccentricity and argument of pericentre remain constant on average. This study investigates quasi-circular frozen orbits and examines their basic nature analytically using two different methods. First, an analytical method based on Lagrangian formulations is applied to obtain constraint conditions for Martian frozen orbits. Second, Lie transforms are employed to locate these orbits accurately, and draw the contours of the Hamiltonian to show evolutions of the equilibria. Both methods are verified by numerical integrations in an 80 × 80 Mars gravity field. The simulations demonstrate that these two analytical methods can provide accurate enough results. By comparison, the two methods are found well consistent with each other, and both discover four families of Martian frozen orbits: three families with small eccentricities and one family near the critical inclination. The results also show some valuable conclusions: for the majority of Martian frozen orbits, argument of pericentre is kept at 270° because J 3 has the same sign as J 2; while for a minority of ones with low altitude and low inclination, argument of pericentre can be kept at 90° because of the effect of the higher degree odd zonals; for the critical inclination cases, argument of pericentre can also be kept at 90°. It is worthwhile to note that there exist some special frozen orbits with extremely small eccentricity, which could provide much convenience for reconnaissance. Finally, the stability of Martian frozen orbits is estimated based on the trace of the monodromy matrix. The analytical investigations can provide good initial conditions for numerical correction methods in the more complex models.  相似文献   

We study the effect of eccentricity and inclination on small amplitude librations around the equilibrium points L 4 and L 5 in the circular restricted three-body problem. We show that the effective libration centres can be displaced appreciably from the equilateral configuration. The secular extrema of the eccentricity as a function of the argument of pericentre are shifted by ∼25 ° This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper formulates a circular restricted four body problem (CRFBP), where the three primaries are set in the stable Lagrangian equilateral triangle configuration and the fourth body is massless. The analysis of this autonomous coplanar CRFBP is undertaken, which identifies eight natural equilibria; four of which are close to the smaller body, two stable and two unstable, when considering the primaries to be the Sun and two smaller bodies of the Solar System. Following this, the model incorporates ‘near term’ low-thrust propulsion capabilities to generate surfaces of artificial equilibrium points close to the smaller primary, both in and out of the plane containing the celestial bodies. A stability analysis of these points is carried out and a stable subset of them is identified. Throughout the analysis the Sun-Jupiter-asteroid-spacecraft system is used, for conceivable masses of a hypothetical asteroid set at the libration point L 4. It is shown that eight bounded orbits exist, which can be maintained with a constant thrust less than 1.5 × 10−4 N for a 1000 kg spacecraft. This illustrates that, by exploiting low-thrust technologies, it would be possible to maintain an observation point more than 66% closer to the asteroid than that of a stable natural equilibrium point. The analysis then focusses on a major Jupiter Trojan: the (624) Hektor asteroid. The thrust required to enable close asteroid observation is determined in the simplified CRFBP model. Finally, a numerical simulation of the real Sun-Jupiter-(624) Hektor-spacecraft is undertaken, which tests the validity of the stability analysis of the simplified model.  相似文献   

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