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Fulong Wu 《Geoforum》2007,38(2):379-392
Rather than being abandoned along with the demise of the centrally planned economy, city planning as a profession is flourishing in China. New hybrid plans such as strategic development plans (concept plans) have been invented, and the planning procedure has become more flexible. Design competition and planning consultancy are widespread. This paper examines the development of new strategic development plans and design competition. It is argued that city planning has been re-orientated from a technical rationale, i.e. allocating state development projects to the city, to the imperative derived from market-oriented development, i.e. consolidating competitiveness during inter-city competition. The contradiction between market and planning is that while the status of city planning has been raised and its approach is becoming more strategic, the actual functionality of city planning has become more instrumental.  相似文献   

This research examines urban sculpture production to understand how a public art (called “urban sculpture” in China) scene is produced in the country, using Shanghai as a case study. Theories of Chinese urban planning are innovatively applied. The findings generate theoretical implications for “contextualizing” public art production in geographical studies. All the chief officials in charge of urban sculpture planning in Shanghai were interviewed, and documentary analyses were conducted. The article argues that urban sculptures are conceived of as both symbolic capitals and didactic tools in the cultural policies of Shanghai. Urban sculpture planning plays an important role in coordinating and manipulating development of symbolic resources to advance urban entrepreneurialism within the ideological framework of the Communist Party’s leadership. The main features of the urban sculpture planning system of China are twofold: (1) The two-tier planning structure combines a master plan at the municipal level and detailed plans for site analysis and design guidance at the district level, all collaboratively working to create an attractive city image for urban entrepreneurialism. (2) An authoritarian style of planning system controls the contents and expression of urban sculpture within the ideological framework of urban sculpture planning.  相似文献   

Regional planning in the U.S.S.R. is part of a comprehensive and hierarchical spatial and sectoral planning system. Four levels are described: (a) the national level, involving the total settlement system; (b) the major regional level, handling major development schemes; (c) the minor regional level, with plans for administrative districts; and (d) the urban level, where city master plans are produced. The amount of detail and scale of working increased downwards through the hierarchy. The most pressing problem is planning for the emergence and growth of cities of 100,000 population or more. Moscow city-region is used as an illustration.  相似文献   

Many of the imbalances which the successive strategic plans for the Paris region sought to correct have persisted, whether in employment location, transport access or structure and location of the housing stock. The reasons for these relative failures can be found, in part, in the content of the strategies, in housing, land and transport policies and in shortcomings of the urban planning and economic planning systems. The weakness of the Paris Region as the strategy's executor in relation to the central and local governments and public corporations cannot, however, be underestimated. In the first part, French strategic planning is assessed within the urban planning system, followed in the second part by a detailed study of the failures of plan implementation in transport policy and housing and office location.  相似文献   

V. Nath 《GeoJournal》1993,29(2):171-180
This paper reviews the planning and city building processes in Delhi in three periods — the imperial Mughal, the imperial British and the post-Independence. In the two earlier periods, the plans followed the ideals and tastes of the ruling elites and the cities were built to meet their needs. But the cities were well adapted to the technologies of the times and patterns of social interactions among the residents. Consequently, they provided to most of their residents a living environment which was efficient, healthy and satisfying. One reason for this was that Delhi was a relatively small city and increase in population was slow.The half century since 1941 has witnessed an unprecedented increase in population which has gone up from less than 700,000 in 1941 to 8.4 million in 1991. The increase has been due partly in response to expansion of employment in public administration, trade, finance and manufacturing industries, and partly to large in-migration of displaced persons from Pakistan during 1947–48, and from other states of India throughout the period.The efforts of the public agencies — the Central Government and the Delhi Development Authority — to expand housing have been matched by those of individuals and cooperative societies. But the efforts have been focussed on providing housing to people of medium and high income groups; the housing needs of the poor have been met by rapid growth of slums and unauthorised colonies. Expansion of physical and social infrastructure has also proved inadequate to meet the demands on it. The reliance in the absence of a mass transit facility, on a miscellany of motor vehicles for movement within the city, has resulted in very high levels of air and noise pollution.The hopeful beginning with long-term planning, made with successful implementation of the first master plan 1961–81, has suffered a set back as a result of the failure of the Central Government to approve the second master plan 1981–2001. The Regional Plan 2001 for the National Capital Region, approved in 1988 by all the governments concerned, is also not being implemented. In the resulting, impasse there is unplanned growth of a giant conurbation adding to its various problems. The paper recommends revival of metropolitan and regional planning for direction of growth of the conurbation to 2010.  相似文献   

我国土地研究领域知名学者,原中国土地勘测规划院(现中国国土勘测规划院)院长、党委书记,曾担任中国土地学会副理事长的黄小虎研究员,应邀于2020年11月21日在清华大学土地利用与住房政策研究中心主办的“后疫情时代:国土空间规划与城乡高质量发展”论坛上作主题报告。他在发言中指出:传统规划体系存在多类型规划矛盾冲突的问题,多规合一为解决这一问题指明了方向、奠定了基础。十八大以后,中央对经济社会的发展战略、路线方针等陆续做出重大调整,国家发展内涵发生转变,要求突出发展质量,强调环境保护、农业农村优先。在体制机制上明确由新组建的自然资源部负责建立空间规划体系,其他部门不再编制涉及空间布局的规划,“多规合一”得到实现。国土空间规划的核心内容是国土利用和土地利用的功能分区,这也是用途管制的依据。  相似文献   

Stalin and Hitler planned major changes in the townscapes of their capital cities. These plans were part of their effort to install highly mobilized despotic regimes that needed a wide-ranging set of symbols to focus allegiance and to impress awe. These plans remained to some extent paper exercises but part of it left significant traces in the contemporary cities, particularly in Moscow. The intended changes showed similarities in their megalomania expressed in plans for a gigantic dome surrounded by a huge public square in the core of the city. There were also differences as regards the type of symbols used due to both dictotors' different roles within their regimes, the degree of didactic intent due to the nature of the commanding ideologies and the level of modernization of both countries, and the diverging versions of antimodernist building style (which they shared with many others elsewhere at the time).  相似文献   

Stalin and Hitler planned major changes in the townscapes of their capital cities. These plans were part of their effort to install highly mobilized despotic regimes that needed a wide-ranging set of symbols to focus allegiance and to impress awe. These plans remained to some extent paper exercises but part of it left significant traces in the contemporary cities, particularly in Moscow. The intended changes showed similarities in their megalomania expressed in plans for a gigantic dome surrounded by a huge public square in the core of the city. There were also differences as regards the type of symbols used due to both dictotors' different roles within their regimes, the degree of didactic intent due to the nature of the commanding ideologies and the level of modernization of both countries, and the diverging versions of antimodernist building style (which they shared with many others elsewhere at the time).  相似文献   

This paper is a critical analysis of the rational model in planning. As political science and theory have contributed little to the environmental debate, natural resources problems have often been misunderstood as technical instead of political in every sense. The ‘implementation gap’, or the failure of plans and policies to produce intended outcomes, is blamed on problems of process. Solutions are sought in improved institutional arrangements and rational techniques. Yet there are significant political, administrative and technical/scientific constraints to rational planning and implementation. This is illustrated by an assessment of the British planning system in regulating mineral development in coastal areas. A brief case study examines the 30-year attempt of Dorset County officials to phase out beach gravel extractions from the internationally significant Chesil Beach coast. The analysis reveals that a decision which is ‘rational’ from a planning point of view has been influenced by the exercise of political discretion, scientific uncertainty and an administrative legacy of multiple and overlapping jurisdictions.  相似文献   

This paper describes key urban development strategies pursued during the last seven years by the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city in Brazil. It discloses internal processes, organisational restructuring of the municipality and institutional changes geared to increase effective urban management and resource mobilisation required to implement multiple sector programmes and key projects in several locations in the city like Favela Bairro and Rio Cidade Programmes, The Rio Strategic Plan, etc. It is argued that the formation of interdepartmental working groups for better horizontal articulation of policy making and implementation, the creation of the financial and accounting unit, the decentralisation of authority towards sub-municipality levels, and capacity strengthening of its personnel – among other things – have made a positive impact on the performance of local government. The paper further highlights a significant change towards policies of urban consolidation and revitalisation of declined areas of the city supported by heavy public investments and the effort towards broader civil society involvement in municipal projects. Municipal autonomy, problem-solving and result-oriented type of planning and management and organisational change are some of the lessons pinpointed by the paper for a city of that size and complexity.  相似文献   

Through a series of case studies, this paper discusses the three stakeholders in land development for housing in Dhaka city: the public and private sectors, and NGOs. In a scenario in which urban planning merely serves to the fulfil formal requirements and benefit certain groups, in which the public sector is an accomplice to the private sector, and where NGOs have their own private interests; urban planning in the public interest is interlocked with private interests. NGOs are important tertiary stakeholders in planning and service provision. While they vary in their types and objectives, environment NGOs in particular often find themselves in an antagonistic position concerning public and private land development. However, the interventions to the public and private sectors placed by the NGOs can provide a platform for future negotiation and participation in policy formulation.  相似文献   

Education infrastructure issues have been one of the most important topics in developing countries that have difficulty reserving money for education infrastructure needs, especially Turkey. Development plans have a crucial role in meeting school infrastructure needs in Turkey. Generally, the expropriation method has been used for land transitions from private to public ownership. However, scarcity of monetary resources for such land transitions and legal/technical deficiencies delays the process. The main objectives of this paper are to respond to the need of the education sector by using land management tools and to identify the most suitable land management tool for allocating basic and primary school lands free of charge. Current trends, education indicators, management responsibility and financial resources, statistical and economical information, education infrastructure needs, and qualitative-quantitative characteristics of the pupils in the Turkish education system are analyzed based on national and international reports. Then, the property right problems experienced in the process of allocating school lands are defined. Methods of transferring school lands to public ownership are examined, and the benefit-cost relationships are revealed. Land readjustment (LR) would make an important contribution to planning decisions and the implementation stage in the sustainable management of school lands.  相似文献   

For almost 70 years. Soviet urban planners have enacted policies to create an urban environment designed to further the development of socialism. This paper analyzes the planning and development of one Soviet new town, Dubna, in order to provide insight into Soviet urban planning in general, as well as to identify the problems and prospects for city planners as they attempt to translate general socialist planning goals into reality. The study indentifies specific characteristics of the ideal Soviet socialist city and examines the extent to which these have been realized in Dubna. This allows a comparison between the actual accomplishments of local officials in Dubna and the ideal planning goals expressed throughout the Soviet urban literature. It also helps identify barriers to effective implementation of urban policies, barriers that help explain the disparity between the real and the ideal. Given the strong parallels between Soviet and British new towns, the examination is further enhanced by comparing Dubna with British new towns. Using the British case as a yardstick provides a crosscultural comparison that extends our understanding of the Soviet case, where data and analyses are lacking.  相似文献   

Shao  Yiwen  Xu  Jiang 《Natural Hazards》2018,104(1):55-76

This paper offers a critical investigation on the implementation of reconstruction plans in China following Wenchuan Earthquake through the lens of disaster resilience. The analysis is built upon a resilience in planning framework which consists of nine attributes. Empirical cases of two typical towns in Wenchuan County, Weizhou and Yingxiu, are discussed and compared. This paper upholds an evolutionary perspective of resilience and argues that reconstruction planning is a contested and politically laden field for different stakeholders, such that social aspect resilience is key to understanding plan implementation.


Adhvaryu  Bhargav  Mudhol  Sushmita S. 《GeoJournal》2021,87(4):485-509

Rapid urbanisation in India is a key contributor to the overstressed public infrastructure. The urban public transport system is one of the important infrastructure systems. An effective public transportation network helps the city improve its accessibility, lower carbon footprint, and enhances economic growth and societal equity. India is a relatively poor country with limited public resources. Therefore, investing in an effective urban public transport system needs a tailored approach. Such an approach would entail using public transport to guide urban development. In this context, the first step would be to measure the accessibility levels of the existing public transport network and then use the accessibility mapping outputs to better inform the urban planning process. This study explores the Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) tool that measures the accessibility of the public transport system and provides a spatial visualisation using Geographic Information System. PTAL is implemented taking Hubli-Dharwad as a case study for the base year (2020) superimposed with population and employment density, and future year (2031). The outcome of the research facilitates the city planning process by guiding transportation and land-use zoning integrations, direct public transport investments, demarcation of transit-oriented development zones, parking policies, and identifying locations of affordable and low-cost housing.


公众参与是随着政治文明和法制建设不断成熟、发展而产生的一种民主理念,已经成为城市规划工作中一项必不可少的内容。文章就我国城市规划中公众参与的现状提出我国城市规划过程中公众参与的必要性和紧迫性,总结出我国现阶段公众参与的现状与问题,并提出对策和合理化建议,从而把公众参与真正落实到我国的城市规划过程当中。  相似文献   

本文回顾了山西大同"万人坑"景区总体规划阶段,并记述了该项目从方案深化设计到施工图设计再到最终建成开馆的全过程。同时,指出了每一个设计阶段所面临的新挑战,必须有相应的灵感和创造加以应对。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the specifics of modern geological conditions and deformations of landslide-affected slopes within the historical center of the city of Odessa. Landslide protection was developed in the 19th century and during 1960s on adjacent coastal areas, according to urban planning and landslide protection plans. The historical center was formed around the Odessa port and includes several unique architectural monuments such as the 142-m-long Potemkin Stairs, Primorsky Boulevard, and the Odessa Opera Theater. Architectural and urban planning designs in the city include landslide protection and preventive measures. Results of landslide studies show that landslide development along the Odessa coast is influenced primarily by tectonic movements and the heterogeneity of the geological substrata. All historical and contemporary protective and preventive landslide measures maintain their engineering geological integrity and effectiveness despite the differences in time of their construction and design.  相似文献   

Huong Ha  Tai-Chee Wong 《GeoJournal》1999,49(3):301-309
The economic reforms or `doi moi' introduced in 1986 have transformed Vietnam's planned economy to a more market-oriented one. Rise in international capital, market liberalisation and greater population mobility have contributed towards a greater concentration of squatters in the city centre, and extended metropolitan development in the fringes of Ho Chi Minh City. Rapid urbanisation and, to a lesser extent, industrialisation have converted large tracts of farmlands to urban use, and greater rural exodus. Such dramatic changes have drawn the city government's attention to face the new challenges. As a very important political and economic centre in the south, Ho Chi Minh City has prepared for itself a new Master Plan, approved in 1997, to provide a legitimate and institutional framework to guide its future spatial development. This paper introduces the background and explains the rationale behind the drafting of the Master Plan, and highlights the constraints that are expected in implementing it. The administrative framework in planning is also examined in terms of its advantages and disadvantages in a planning system with four levels: national, provincial, district and local. Land availability in the city centre, source of funding and technical expertise are all parts and parcels of the challenges in the process of modernising HCMC to accommodate the need of its residents and rapid global change. Ho Chi Minh City's strong relationships with its hinterlands have equally required the planners to look at the planning field using the whole national and regional scenarios. Policy recommendations aimed at improving the implementation capability are finally presented. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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