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理查逊数和晴空颠簸的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
钟中  张金善 《气象科学》1996,16(1):56-62
对切变气流中重力内波的稳定性进行了数值计算,结果表明,判别晴空颠是否发生的临界Ri数随波长,层结稳定度和基本气流变强度的不同而有所变化,预报业务中用Ri〈0.25作为预报晴空的指标易出现空报。  相似文献   

陆汉城  王敬伍 《大气科学》1988,12(2):182-190
利用华东中尺度天气试验(1981—1983年)获得的1981年梅雨锋资料,分析表明梅雨锋降水带内大、暴雨雨团与中间尺度(medium scale)和中尺度(meso scale)扰动相联系,这些扰动是在baroclinic-CISK联合不稳定条件下发展的,最优波长的选择与二维波动的经、纬向波长变化、层结稳定、涡动粘滞性有关,中尺度扰动具有重力惯性波特征。  相似文献   

Energy-Casimir方法在中尺度扰动稳定性研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
考虑湿空气中的水汽效应,引进Casimir函数(它是虚位温的单值函数),在x方向动量方程和总能量方程的基础上,采用Energy-Casimir方法建立了三维非地转平衡和非静力平衡的拟能量波作用方程,由于该方程建立在非地转平衡和非静力平衡的动力框架下,因此可用于讨论层结稳定大气内中尺度扰动系统的发展演变.理论分析表明,拟能量波作用方程具有非守恒形式,其中的拟能量波作用密度主要由扰动动能、有效化能和浮力能三部分组成;拟能量波作用密度局地变化除了受拟能量波作用通量散度影响之外,纬向基本气流切变、科氏力作功以及山非绝热加热和水汽相变所构成的波作用源汇项对其也都有贡献.诊断分析结果表明,对流层中低层的拟能量波作用密度与观测的6 h累积地面降水在水平空间分布和时间演变趋势上比较接近,说明拟能量波作用密度能够较好地抓住强降水区上空对流层中低层动力场和热力场的扰动特征,并在一定程度上可以有效地表征降水系统的发展演变,因而与地面降水量存在紧密联系.波作用方程各项的计算分析表明,波作用通量散度与拟能量波作用密度局地变化的倾向以及强降水区的变化比较一致,并且在强度上强于纬向基本气流切变项和科氏力作功项,因此波作用通量散度对拟能量波作用密度的局地变化具有重要贡献.  相似文献   

李劲 《湖北气象》1995,(4):12-14,21
使用带通滤波方法分析了中尺度扰动与湖北省暴雨之间的关系,得出一些有一定预报意义的暴雨中尺度扰动场概念模型。  相似文献   

中尺度扰动的对称发展   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
孙立潭  赵瑞星 《气象学报》1989,47(4):394-401
本文主要研究了斜压基本气流中中尺度对称型扰动发展的问题,旨在揭示中尺度扰动发展的内在本质。文中应用WKB方法,分析了二维动量无辐散近似下的扰动方程。结果是,中尺度扰动波包对称发展的原因是基本场的不均匀热成风偏差和非定常性。  相似文献   

中尺度扰动不稳定的数值研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张铭  邓冰 《大气科学》2005,29(2):249-258
利用一个二维Boussinesq流体的绝热无粘非静力数值模式,将中尺度不稳定问题作为一个初值问题进行数值研究.线性情况下数值试验的结果基本与采用特征值方法研究得到的结论一致.非线性情况的数值试验表明,其不稳定发生的范围可与线性情况不一致;非线性不稳定的增长率一般较线性不稳定的增长率要小;非线性作用会造成波型的陡凸,从而造成流函数正负环流的不对称和环流流线的密集;非线性情形下的流型有些与强对流系统的流型相像.  相似文献   

李玉兰 《气象》1991,17(12):3-7
本文利用高空常规资料,格距为150km,取λ_(max)=1500km的带通滤波器对长江三角洲地区的暴雨云团所处的环境场(包括风场,高度场和温度场)进行尺度分离,讨论中尺度扰动场与暴雨云团的关系。  相似文献   

在大气中存在着各种尺度的扰动,对于大尺度的扰动(如西风波动等)和小尺度的扰动(如积云等),一般都无异议。但是,介于这两个尺度之间的扰动(如飑线、雷暴、锋面上的扰动、小低压、热带云团等)‘在目前的一些气象文献中,对其称呼却不一,如中尺度、中间尺度和过渡尺度等,容易使读者在概念上发生混乱。  相似文献   

斜压大气中尺度横波扰动的发展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
为探索带状中尺度扰动发生发展的可能性及其对深厚对流云团的启动和组织作用。本文利用准动量无辐散二维模式讨论了斜压切变基流上中尺度横波扰动的发展问题。首先导出波能密度和波作用量,然后利用WKB方法分析了波包的传播,建立波作用量方程,进而从波作用量方程出发,分别讨论了大气中各种层结下横波型扰动发展的物理背景条件。  相似文献   

张立凤  施连俊 《大气科学》2004,28(6):931-940
计算分析了不同的环境场下,三种类型β中尺度扰动的不稳定结构,结果表明β中尺度对称不稳定的结构与α中尺度扰动不同,随水平尺度的减小,不稳定重力惯性波的垂直波数增大;斜交型扰动与横波型扰动不稳定的结构相似的,在Ri较小时,其流函数的垂直结构表现为"猫眼"流型,在Ri较大时,其流函数的垂直结构表现为不规则的波动流型,这说明在β中尺度范围内,这两种不稳定也是同源的.  相似文献   

风廓线曲率与理查孙数的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘树华  张霭琛 《气象》1991,17(5):10-13

The bulk Richardson number ( $Ri_{Bh}$ ; defined over the entire stable boundary layer) is commonly utilized in observational and modelling studies for the estimation of the boundary-layer height. Traditionally, $Ri_{Bh}$ is assumed to be a quasi-universal constant. Recently, based on large-eddy simulation and wind-tunnel data, a stability-dependent relationship has been proposed for $Ri_{Bh}$ . In this study, we analyze extensive observational data from several field campaigns and provide further support for this newly proposed relationship.  相似文献   

It is shown that the observationally determined roughness relation z 0 = u * 2/g in which g is the acceleration of gravity, u *, is the friction velocity in air, and = 0.0185 (Wu, 1982) for the wind profile over the sea surface relative to the surface current, is consistent with the existence of a Richardson Number criterion at the air-sea interface in which the critical Richardson Number, Ric = 1, such that all the shear energy is converted into potential energy.  相似文献   

The empirical dependence of turbulence Prandtl number (Pr) on gradient Richardson number (Ri) is presented, derived so as to avoid the effects of self-correlation from common variables. Linear power relationships between the underlying variables that constitute both Pr and Ri are derived empirically from flux and profile observations. Pr and Ri are then reconstructed from these power laws, to indicate their interdependence whilst avoiding self-correlation. Data are selected according to the stability range prior to regression, and the process is iterated from neutral to higher stability until error analysis indicates the method is no longer valid. A Butterworth function is fitted to the resulting Pr −1(Ri) regression to give an empirical summary of the analysis. The form suggests that asymptotically Pr −1 decreases as Ri 3/2. Scatter in the data increases above Ri ~ 1, however, indicating additional constraints to Pr are not captured by Ri alone in this high stability regime. The Butterworth function is analytic for all Ri > 0, and may be included in suitable boundary-layer parameterisation schemes where the turbulent diffusivity for heat is derived from the turbulent diffusivity for momentum.  相似文献   

The impacts of initial perturbations on the computational stability of nonlinear evolution equations for non-conservative difference schemes and non-periodic boundary conditions are studied through theoretical analysis and numerical experiments for the case of onedimensional equations.The sensitivity of the difference scheme to initial values is further analyzed.The results show that the computational stability primarily depends on the form of the initial values if the difference scheme and boundary conditions are determined.Thus,the computational stability is sensitive to the initial perturbations.  相似文献   

We present results of a technique for examining the scale-dependence of the gradient Richardson number, Ri, in the nighttime residual layer. The technique makes use of a series of high-resolution, in situ, vertical profiles of wind speed and potential temperature obtained during CASES-99 in south-eastern Kansas, U.S.A. in October 1999. These profiles extended from the surface, through the nighttime stable boundary layer, and well into the residual layer. Analyses of the vertical gradients of both wind speed, potential temperature and turbulence profiles over a wide range of vertical scale sizes are used to estimate profiles of the local Ri and turbulence structure as a function of scale size. The utility of the technique lies both with the extensive height range of the residual layer as well as with the fact that the sub-metre resolution of the raw profiles enables a metre-by-metre ‘sliding’ average of the scale-dependent Richardson number values over hundreds of metres vertically. The results presented here show that small-scale turbulence is a ubiquitous and omnipresent feature of the residual layer, and that the region is dynamic and highly variable, exhibiting persistent turbulent structure on vertical scales of a few tens of metres or less. Furthermore, these scales are comparable to the scales over which the Ri is less than or equal to the critical value of Ri c of 0.25, although turbulence is also shown to exist in regions with significantly larger Ri values, an observation at least consistent with the concept of hysteresis in turbulence generation and maintenance. Insofar as the important scale sizes are comparable to or smaller than the resolution of current models, it follows that, in order to resolve the observed details of small Ri values and the concomitant turbulence generation, future models need to be capable of significantly higher resolutions.  相似文献   

Measurements of atmospheric turbulence made over the Arctic pack ice during the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean experiment (SHEBA) are used to determine the limits of applicability of Monin–Obukhov similarity theory (in the local scaling formulation) in the stable atmospheric boundary layer. Based on the spectral analysis of wind velocity and air temperature fluctuations, it is shown that, when both the gradient Richardson number, Ri, and the flux Richardson number, Rf, exceed a ‘critical value’ of about 0.20–0.25, the inertial subrange associated with the Richardson–Kolmogorov cascade dies out and vertical turbulent fluxes become small. Some small-scale turbulence survives even in this supercritical regime, but this is non-Kolmogorov turbulence, and it decays rapidly with further increasing stability. Similarity theory is based on the turbulent fluxes in the high-frequency part of the spectra that are associated with energy-containing/flux-carrying eddies. Spectral densities in this high-frequency band diminish as the Richardson–Kolmogorov energy cascade weakens; therefore, the applicability of local Monin–Obukhov similarity theory in stable conditions is limited by the inequalities RiRi cr and RfRf cr. However, it is found that Rf cr  =  0.20–0.25 is a primary threshold for applicability. Applying this prerequisite shows that the data follow classical Monin–Obukhov local z-less predictions after the irrelevant cases (turbulence without the Richardson–Kolmogorov cascade) have been filtered out.  相似文献   

里查森数对α中尺度涡旋波不稳定的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张立凤  王丽琼  张铭 《大气科学》2002,26(5):677-683
作者讨论了里查森数对α中尺度涡旋波不稳定的影响.结果表明:α中尺度涡旋波的失稳与里查森数有很大关系;当里查森数不太大时,才存在α中尺度涡旋波的不稳定;里查森数越小,越容易出现斜交型不稳定,且斜交型不稳定扰动的波长越短.此时在α中尺度波段以斜交型不稳定占优;在弱稳定层结下,更有利于出现α中尺度涡旋波的不稳定,而大的风切变仅有利于该不稳定增长率的增大.  相似文献   

Taking into account the effect of moisture, we derive a three-dimensional pseudoenergy wave-activity relation for moist atmosphere from the primitive zonal momentum and total energy equations in Cartesian coordinates by using the energy-Casimir method. In the derivation, a Casimir function is introduced, which is a single-wlue function of virtual potential temperature. Since the pseudoenergy wave-activity relation is constructed in the ageostrophic and nonhydrostatic dynamical framework, it may be applicable to diagnosing the stability of mesoscale disturbance systems in a steady-stratified atmosphere. The theoretical analysis shows that the wave-activity relation takes a nonconservative form in which the pseudoenergy wave-activity density is composed of perturbation kinetic energy, available potential energy, and buoyant energy. The local change of pseudoenergy wave-activity density depends on the combined effects of zonal basic flow shear, Coriolis force work and wave-activity source or sink as well as wave-activity flux divergence. The diagnosis shows that horizontal distribution and temporal trend of pseudoenergy wave-activity density are similar to those of the observed 6-h accumulated surface rainfall. This suggests that the pseudoenergy wave-activity density is capable of representing the dynamical and thermodynamic features of mesoscale precipitable systems in the mid-lower troposphere, so it is closely related to the observed surface rainfall. The calculation of the terms in the wave-activity relation reveals that the wave-activity flux divergence shares a similar temporal trend with the local change of pseudoenergy wave-activity density and the observed surface rainfall. Although the terms of zonal basic flow shear and Coriolis force contribute to the local change of pseudoenergy wave-activity density, the contribution from the wave-activity flux divergence is much more significant.  相似文献   

The parameterization of the dimensionless entrainment rate (w e /w *) versus the convective Richardson number (Ri δθ ) is discussed in the framework of a first-order jump model (FOM). A theoretical estimation for the proportionality coefficient in this parameterization, namely, the total entrainment flux ratio, is derived. This states that the total entrainment flux ratio in FOM can be estimated as the ratio of the entrainment zone thickness to the mixed-layer depth, a relationship that is supported by earlier tank experiments, and suggesting that the total entrainment flux ratio should be treated as a variable. Analyses show that the variability of the total entrainment flux ratio is actually the effect of stratification in the free atmosphere on the entrainment process, which should be taken into account in the parameterization. Further examination of data from tank experiments and large-eddy simulations demonstrate that the different power laws for w e /w * versus Ri δθ can be interpreted as the variability of the total entrainment flux ratio. These results indicate that the dimensionless entrainment rate depends not only on the convective Richardson number but also upon the total entrainment flux ratio.  相似文献   

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