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The advent of high-resolution digital seismic recording and advances in computer technology enable the combination of traditional regional seismic network observations with direct seismogram modeling to improve estimates of small earthquake faulting geometry, depth, and size. We illustrate a combined modeling approach using observations from three earthquakes that occurred within the environs of the New Madrid Seismic Zone: two Missouri earthquakes from September 26, 1990 and May 4, 1991; and the southern Illinois earthquake of February 5, 1994. We also re-examine the faulting geometry for two events from the 1960s that are inconsistent with the current estimate of the regional stress field. Based on direct modeling of the long-period seismograms associated with these events, we revise earlier estimates of the earthquake parameters for the March 3, 1963 and July 21, 1967 Missouri earthquakes. Comparing the new and revised results with existing earthquake mechanisms in the region, we find that tension-axes are generally aligned in a N-S to NW-SE direction, while the compression-axes trend in a NE to E direction. An interesting exception to this pattern are the March 3, 1963 and two nearby earthquakes that lie within a well-defined 30-km long left step in seismicity near New Madrid.  相似文献   

Active faulting and seismic properties are re-investigated in the eastern precinct of the city of Thessaloniki (Northern Greece), which was seriously affected by two large earthquakes during the 20th century and severe damage was done by the 1759 event. It is suggested that the earthquake fault associated with the occurrence of the latest destructive 1978 Thessaloniki earthquake continues westwards to the 20-km-long Thessaloniki–Gerakarou Fault Zone (TGFZ), which extends from the Gerakarou village to the city of Thessaloniki. This fault zone exhibits a constant dip to the N and is characterised by a complicated geometry comprised of inherited 100°-trending faults that form multi-level branching (tree-like fault geometry) along with NNE- to NE-trending faults. The TGFZ is compatible with the contemporary regional N–S extensional stress field that tends to modify the pre-existing NW–SE tectonic fabric prevailing in the mountainous region of Thessaloniki. Both the 1978 earthquake fault and TGFZ belong to a ca. 65-km-long E–W-trending rupture fault system that runs through the southern part of the Mygdonia graben from the Strymonikos gulf to Thessaloniki. This fault system, here called Thessaloniki–Rentina Fault System (TRFS), consists of two 17–20-km-long left-stepping 100°-trending main fault strands that form underlapping steps bridged by 8–10-km-long ENE–WSW faults. The occurrence of large (M6.0) historical earthquakes (in 620, 677 and 700 A.D.) demonstrates repeated activation, and therefore the possible reactivation of the westernmost segment, the TGFZ, could be a major threat to the city of Thessaloniki. Changes in the Coulomb failure function (ΔCFF) due to the occurrence of the 1978 earthquake calculated out in this paper indicate that the TGFZ has been brought closer to failure, a convincing argument for future seismic hazard along the TGFZ.  相似文献   

The distribution of hypocentres in the Upper Rhine Graben area is re-examined, and discussed with respect to the present day tectonic framework. Most earthquakes occur within a N60° striking wedge, located on top of a Moho dome. This wedge is limited by the surface and at depth, by a plane which, in the south of the dome, coincides with the SE dipping Conrad discontinuity. In depth, the seismicity shows a normal distribution the maximums of which are located on a surface dipping 6° towards SE, parallel to the south-eastward dipping Conrad and Moho. This surface outcrops along the north-western edge of the uplifted crystalline Vosges and Black-Forest. The main shocks in earthquake swarms in the region often occur in the vicinity of this surface and along pre-existing N–S to NE–SW Variscan or Tertiary faults and show focal mechanisms of strike-slip. In contrast, part of the aftershocks show focal mechanisms of reverse faulting associated with SE–NW striking compression. The seismic wedge and the north-westward rising seismic surface suggest initiation of crustal ramp, which starts at the south-eastern rim of the Conrad dome and which may become a thrust plane if SE–NW compression continues. In the south-eastern edge of the graben and above the south-eastern ridge of the Moho dome, where evidences for extension have been found, we identify clustering of hypocentres along a surface that strikes N150°, parallel to the main compression and dipping towards NE. Dominant normal faulting mechanisms along this surface suggests initiation of a normal, probably listric fault. At depth, the onset of the future fault plane is located on top of the NW–SE striking ridge of the lower crust and Moho, which act as a an indenter. In addition to thrusting of the whole wedge towards NW, increasing of NW–SE compression would lead to the formation of a half graben at the place of the present Sierentz depression.  相似文献   

Various earthquake fault types were analyzed for this study on the crust movement in the high region of the Tibetan plateau by analyzing mechanism solutions and stress fields. The results show that a lot of normal faulting type earthquakes are concentrated in the central High Tibetan plateau. Many of them are nearly perfect normal fault events. The strikes of the fault planes of normal faulting earthquakes are almost in an N-S direction based on the analyses of the Wulff stereonet diagrams of fault plane solutions. It implies that the dislocation slip vectors of the normal faulting type events have quite great components in the E-W direction. The extensions probably are an eastward extensional motion, being mainly a tectonic active regime in the plateau altitudes. The tensional stress in the E-W or NWW-SEE direction predominates earthquake occurrences in the normal event region of the central plateau. The eastward extensional motion in the high Tibetan plateau is attributable to the gravitational collapse of the high plateau and the eastward extrusion of hotter mantle materials beneath the east boundary of the plateau. Extensional motions from the relaxation of the topography and/or gravitational collapse in the high plateau hardly occurred along the N-S direction. The obstruction for the plateau to move eastward is rather weak.  相似文献   

北京时间2022年1月8日01时45分,青海省海北州门源县发生强烈地震(图1),造成数人受伤,房屋倒塌,部分道路、桥梁、隧道等基础设施被破坏或受损。中国地震台网(CENC)测定该地震的震级为MS 6. 9,震中位于37. 77°N,101. 26°E,震源深度为10 km(https://www.cenc.ac.cn/cenc/dzxx/396391/index.html)。利用欧洲航空局哨兵2号雷达卫星的震前、震后SAR数据进行差分干涉处理,得到同震形变场分布图。限定此次地震以左旋走滑运动为主,断层走向NWW,断层面近直立;主体破裂深度在10 km以上并到达地表,形成长度>35 km的地表变形带,最大滑动量约2 m。2022年门源MS 6. 9地震发生在青藏高原中北部的祁连- 柴达木次级地块的北部(图1)、托莱山断裂带和冷龙岭断裂带的交会部位,是继1986年和2016年两次门源MS 6. 4地震之后在冷龙岭断裂带上发生的震级最高、地表破裂最长的地震事件。  相似文献   

The present relief of the Betic-Rif Cordillera has been mainly developed since the Late Miocene in the context of the Eurasia–Africa NW–SE oblique convergence and other interacting processes like slab roll-back or delamination. However, seismicity distribution and field observations reveal that most of the external mountain front of the Betics is not clearly active at Present and tectonic activity is generally concentrated towards the innermost zones (Alborán Domain). New seismological data and recent faulting evidence from the northwesternmost front – the one best oriented with respect to the plate convergence – allow to discuss the present behaviour. Surface observations mainly indicate a N–S extensional tectonic regime, contrasting with the shallow reverse NW–SE compressive and the strike-slip earthquake focal mechanisms. Altogether, these data suggest the activity of a tectonic wedge with top-to-the-NW tectonic transport, bounded by a NW–SE transfer fault that separates the active western from the inactive eastern segments of the mountain front.  相似文献   

A Mw 6.3 magnitude earthquake occurred on October 6, 2008 in southern Damxung County within the N–S trending Yangyi graben, which forms the northern section of the Yadong-Gulu rift of south-central Tibet. The earthquake had a maximum intensity of IX at the village of Yangyi (also Yangying) (29°43.3′N; 90°23.6′E) and resulted in 10 deaths and 60 injured in this sparsely populated region. Field observations and focal mechanism solutions show normal fault movement occurred along the NNE-trending western boundary fault of the Yangyi graben, in agreement with the felt epicenter, pattern of the isoseismal contours, and distribution of aftershocks. The earthquake and its tectonic relations were studied in detail to provide data on the seismic hazard to the nearby city of Lhasa.The Damxung earthquake is one of the prominent events along normal and strike-slip faults that occurred widely about Tibet before and after the 2008 Mw 7.9 magnitude Wenchuan earthquake. Analysis of these recent M ? 5.0 earthquake sequences demonstrate a kinematic relation between the normal, strike-slip, and reverse causative fault movements across the region. These earthquakes are found to be linked and the result of eastward extrusion of two large structural blocks of central Tibet. The reverse and oblique-slip surface faulting along the Longmenshan thrust belt at the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau causing the Wenchuan earthquake, was the result of eastward directed compression and crustal shortening due to the extrusion. Prior to it, east–west extensional deformation indicated by normal and strike-slip faulting events across central Tibet, had led to a build up of the compression to the east. The subsequent renewal of extensional deformational events in central Tibet appears related to some drag effect due to the crustal shortening of the Wenchuan event. Unraveling the kinematical relation between these earthquake swarms is a very helpful approach for understanding the migration of strong earthquakes across Tibet.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Cadiz spans the plate boundary between Africa and Eurasia west of the Betic-Rif mountain belt. A narrow east dipping subduction zone descends beneath the Gulf of Cadiz and the straits of Gibraltar. The deep crustal structure of the Gulf and the adjacent SW Iberian and Moroccan margins is constrained by numerous multi-channel seismic reflection and wide-angle seismic surveys. A compilation of these existing studies is presented in the form of depth to basement, sediment thickness, depth to Moho and crustal thickness maps. These structural maps image an E-W trending trough, with thin (< 10 km) crust beneath the Gulf of Cadiz. This trough is filled by an eastward thickening wedge of sediments, reaching a thickness of 10-15 km in the eastern Gulf. These sediments are tectonically deformed, primarily along a series of westward-vergent thrust faults and represent a 200-250 km wide accretionary wedge. The northern and especially the southern limits of the accretionary wedge are marked by sharp morphological lineaments showing evidence of recent deformation. These tectonic limits are situated in an internal position with respect to the Miocene deformation front (external Betic and Rif allocthons), which has been abandoned. At the western boundary of the accretionary wedge, near the adjacent Seine and Horseshoe abyssal plains, an E-W trending basement high (Coral Patch Ridge) can be seen indenting the deformation front in an asymmetric manner. Analog modeling is performed using granular materials accreted against a semicircular backstop (representing the basement of the Rif and Betic mountain belts). The modeling initially produces a symmetric, arcuate accretionary wedge. The ensuing collision of an oblique rigid indenter retards accretion on one side, resulting in an embayment and a locally steeper deformation front. The deformation pattern observed in morphology and high-resolution seismic profiles suggests the accretionary wedge and underlying subduction system is still active. The implications of active subduction for the source region of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake and the regional seismic hazard assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

Various earthquake fault types, mechanism solutions, stress field, and other geophysical data were analyzed for study on the crust movement in the Tibetan plateau and its tectonic implications. The results show that numbers of thrust fault and strike-slip fault type earthquakes with strong compressive stress near NNE-SSW direction occurred in the edges around the plateau except the eastern boundary. Some normal faulting type earthquakes concentrate in the Central Tibetan plateau. The strikes of fault planes of thrust and strike-slip faulting earthquakes are almost in the E-W direction based on the analyses of the Wulff stereonet diagrams of fault plane solutions. This implies that the dislocation slip vectors of the thrust and strike-slip faulting type events have quite great components in the N-S direction. The compression motion mainly probably plays the tectonic active regime around the plateau edges. The compressive stress in N-S or NE-SW directions predominates earthquake occurrence in the thrust and strike-slip faulting event region around the plateau. The compressive motion around the Tibetan plateau edge is attributable to the northward motion of the Indian subcontinent plate. The northward motion of the Tibetan plateau shortened in the N-S direction encounters probably strong obstructions at the western and northern margins.  相似文献   

An Mb = 5.1 earthquake occurred on February, 29, 1980, in the Western Pyrenees near Arudy (France). The telemetred network of the I.P.G.P., operating in this area since 1978, allowed a good localization of this earthquake (43°4.21′N, 0°24.59′W, depth 4km). During the two years preceding this earthquake the seismic activity exhibited a gradual decrease. A foreshock of magnitude 1.6 was recorded three hours before the main shock.A temporary network set up in the epicentral area a few days after the main shock permitted a precise study of the aftershock sequence. Fifty fault-plane solutions for earthquakes ranging from magnitude 1.5-4 were obtained. A complex pattern of faulting was revealed, with both strike-slip and normal faulting. However, a regional tectonic stress tensor can be proposed from a detailed investigation of the aftershock sequence. This stress tensor is in agreement with previous results in this area.  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带是中国东部板内一条规模最大的强构造变形带与地震活动断裂带,其断裂结构与历史地震活动性具明显的分段活动性。文中通过沿郯庐断裂带中南段的历史地震活动性、精定位背景地震活动性与震源机制解分析,讨论了断裂带的深部几何结构与现今活动习性。现今地震活动在中段主要沿1668年郯城MS 8地震破裂带线性分布,线性条带在泗洪-诸城间延伸约340 km长,为1668年地震长期缓慢衰减的余震序列活动。大震地表破裂遗迹与精定位地震分布都揭示出郯庐断裂带中段的两条全新世活动断裂昌邑-大店断裂与安丘-莒县断裂以右阶斜列的形式共同参与了1668年郯城MS 8地震破裂。精定位震源剖面刻画出两条断裂结构面呈高角度相背而倾,其中昌邑-大店断裂倾向SE,安丘-莒县断裂倾向NW,两条断裂在深部没有合并汇聚。余震活动所代表的1668年地震震源破裂带是郯庐断裂带中现今尚未闭锁的安全段落,对应于高b值段。而未发生破裂的安丘以北段,小震活动不活跃,b值低,现今可能已成为应力积累的闭锁段。震源机制解揭示的断裂应力状态在中段以NE向主压应力为主,表现为右旋走滑活动性质,且存在少量正断分量,南段转为以NEE至近EW向为主,存在少量的逆冲分量。在中段与南段的转折处宿迁-嘉山段,主压应力方向垂直断裂带走向呈NWW向,反映出局部以挤压为主的应力特征,其中泗洪-嘉山段也是历史地震未破裂段,现今小震活动不活跃,因此该段可能更易于应力积累。精定位小震活动在郯庐断裂与北西向断裂相交汇处聚集,反映出北西向断裂的新活动性,以及郯庐断裂带现今的逆冲作用。在断裂带南端,精定位背景地震活动沿与其相交汇的襄樊-广济断裂带东段呈北西向线性分布,表明了该段的现今活动性。  相似文献   

Data concerning the focal mechanism and the spatial distribution of earthquakes have been used to investigate the active tectonics of the northern Aegean and the surrounding area.A thrust region, which includes the northernmost part of the Aegean and at least part of the Marmara Sea, has been defined. An amphitheatrical Benioff zone dipping towards the thrust region from south, east and probably from west, at a mean angle of about 30°, has been detected.The thrust region is surrounded by a region of normal faulting. An eastward progression of the seismic activity in this normal faulting region between 1954 and 1971 has been observed.A correspondence between the earthquake occurrence in the thrust and normal faulting regions has also been observed. Each large shock produced by tensional mechanism in the region of normal faulting is preceded or followed by one or more shocks of compressional mechanism in the thrust region.The focal mechanism, the distribution of the earthquake foci with intermediate focal depth, as well as some magnetic and gravimetric observations can be interpreted by assuming that dense oceanic crust sinks in the northern part of this area and that the adjacent lithosphere moves by segmentation to fill the void with the consequence of producing tensile stresses associated with normal faulting. Such a mechanism of lithospheric interaction suggests that accretion probably takes place in this area.  相似文献   

Map analysis of metasedimentary belts within the southern part of the Archean Slave Province reveals that folds are inclined or overturned in a pattern which can be related to regional compression during emplacement of granitic plutons. Tight folds of variable trend are overturned away from divergent fan axes, which are zones where the folds are upright. The fan axes transgress trend lines and curve in general conformity with bordering plutons. Overturning is preferentially westward for 400 km across five sedimentary belts and is pronounced near eastern margins of plutons within the belts, where axial surfaces commonly dip < 45°. A secondary regional cleavage or schistosity (a plane of flattening) strikes consistently northward; though oblique to axial surfaces, it tends to dip and fan in the same sense.The structural relations suggest that initially upright folds were tilted and overturned during a phase of regional E-W compression similar to that which formed the cleavage. Strain modifications leading to the overturning were apparently due to upper-level movement outward from fan axes accompanied by uplift of granitic plutons. Intracrustal underthrusting during the compression could account for the predominance of westerly overturning.  相似文献   

芦山地震发震构造及其与汶川地震关系讨论   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
芦山地震发生在巴彦喀拉块体与华南块体之间龙门山推覆构造带南段。野外考察表明,芦山地震在震中区没有形成具有构造地质意义的地震地表破裂带,仅在各山前陡坡地带出现平行于山麓陡坡的张性地裂缝、山地基岩崩塌、滑坡等边坡震动失稳现象和震动引起的砂土液化现象。重新定位的芦山地震余震分布、震源机制解和地表构造地质等分析表明,芦山地震的发震断层为一条现今尚未出露地表、其上断点仍埋藏在地下9 km以下地壳中的一条盲逆断层,走向212°,倾向NW,倾角38°±2°,上断点以上至地表的构造变形符合断层扩展背斜模型。根据汶川地震和芦山地震的余震空间分布、地震破裂过程、深浅构造关系等差异反映出它们是分别发生在龙门山推覆构造带中段和南段的两次独立地震破裂事件。  相似文献   

Data for the post-Serravallian, ‘neotectonic’ evolution of the Pontides in northern Turkey indicate predominant ENE-WSW shortening with complementary NNW-SSE extension. We present a new fault plane solution for the Bartin earthquake (3 September 1968) and compare its mechanism with the movement picture of other neotectonic faults in the Pontides and northern Greece together with that of the Thessaloniki earthquake (20 May 1978). The general strain pattern exhibited by these structures agrees remarkably well with that inferred from early Tortonian-early Pleistocene structures reported from within the North Anatolian fault zone, which have been interpreted as indicating a possible reversal of the sense of movement along the North Anatolian transform fault. Here, we argue that such ‘incompatible’ structures may be related to the overall E-W shortening of Anatolia and the southern parts of the Black Sea resulting from the sideways continental escape from around the African and the Arabian promontories, rather than to hypothetical reversal of motion along the North Anatolian fault, for which there is no evidence other than the above-mentioned ‘incompatible’ structures. This new model also has important implications for seismicity and earthquake risk in regions contained within the southern part of the Black Sea plate.  相似文献   

An earthquake swarm occurred during February and March 1997 in the vicinity of the Tancitaro Volcano, in the southern part of the tectonically complex Michoacan Triangle. A study of these events provides an opportunity to map the active faults in the area and to learn if the orientation and the sense of motion on these faults are consistent with the mapped faults and the alignment of cinder cones in the region. The foci of 230 earthquakes, which could be located, are distributed between 10 and 18 km depth, and show an alignment in, roughly, a NE direction. The focal mechanisms and seismic moments of the 27 best-recorded events were determined by waveform modeling of P and S waves. These mechanisms show two distinct patterns. More than 50% of the solutions are left-lateral strike–slip mechanisms with a normal component. The preferred fault plane strikes NE. Another group of events, probably caused by triggered seismicity on the Chapala–Oaxaca fault zone, shows left-lateral strike–slip mechanisms with a large-thrust component on NW-trending faults. S wave splitting shows 1–2.5% crustal-anisotropy. The direction of the anisotropy coincides with the NE alignment of events, and the preferred nodal plane. This is also the alignment of cinder cones, suggesting that preexisting fractures and cracks are responsible for the seismicity and anisotropic behavior of the crust. The resulting stress orientation, NE compression, is the one expected for the fore-arc region. We conclude that although Michoacan Triangle lies in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, it does not form part of this stress province where the stress orientation is NS extension.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The precise nature of the transition between the present-day compressional tectonics in central Mongolia and extensional deformation in the central Baikal rift has still to be determined. For that purpose we have built a comprehensive earthquake focal mechanism data base for the Mongolia – southern Siberia area, from which we map the variations of the stress field. We focus our detailed investigations on the largest seismic event in the transition zone, the 1950 (Mw 6.9) Mondy earthquake, for which several discordant focal mechanisms have been proposed. Using a new approach in source inversion, we resolve the focal mechanism (left-lateral strike slip type on a steep south-dipping fault) and depth (14 ± 3 km) of the Mondy earthquake with a satisfactory accuracy. This seismological information, combined with the geological observations, allows us to decipher the connections between the 1950 mainshock, the local stress tensor and the active faults, which strongly suggest a partitioning of the deformation between two faults, namely the Mondy and Ikhe–Ukghun faults.  相似文献   

The August 1, 1975 earthquake near Oroville, California, occurred along the Sierra foothills in a region characterized by occasional moderate earthquakes. Several earthquakes in the general region, including those in 1869, 1875, and 1909, appear to have had significant aftershock sequences. The general character of the aftershock sequence of the Oroville earthquake thus does not appear to be anomalous when measured against the known seismic history of this area.

Four smoked-paper micro-earthquake recorders were deployed immediately following the occurrence of the main earthquake to attempt to define the structural associations of the principal earthquake by location and analysis of aftershocks. Focal locations for 243 micro-earthquakes in the magnitude range of 1–3 were selected from the 30-day period (August 2–September 1), during which monitoring was continued. The aftershocks clearly define a planar surface striking north–south and dipping west at 62° from the surface to a depth of about 12 km. Aftershocks during the first two days of monitoring defined a surface of active faulting of approximately 100 km2. Extension of this surface both to the north and south began on August 5 at focal depths of 5–10 km, resulting in a total ruptured area of approximately 125 km2. The number of aftershocks per day decreased at the rate oft−1.1, but the decay curve was punctuated by several secondary aftershock sequences. No. direct relationship between the aftershock sequence and the presence of Oroville Reservoir was observed.  相似文献   

The 14 November 2001 Kunlun, China, earthquake with a moment magnitude (Mw) 7.8 occurred along the Kusai Lake–Kunlun Pass fault of the Kunlun fault system. We document the spatial distribution and geometry of surface rupture zone produced by this earthquake, based on high-resolution satellite (Landsat ETM, ASTER, SPOT and IKONOS) images combined with field measurements. Our results show that the surface rupture zone can be divided into five segments according to the geometry of surface rupture, including the Sun Lake, Buka Daban–Hongshui River, Kusai Lake, Hubei Peak and Kunlun Pass segments from west to east. These segments, each 55 to 130 km long, are separated by step-overs. The Sun Lake segment extends about 65 km with a strike of N45° 75°W (between 90°05′E 90°50′E) along the previously unrecognized West Sun Lake fault. A gap of about 30 km long exists between the Sun Lake and Buka Daban Peak where no obvious surface ruptures can be observed either from the satellite images or field observations. The Buka Daban–Hongshui River, Kusai Lake, Hubei Peak and Kunlun Pass segments run about 365 km striking N75° 85°W along the southern slope of the Kunlun Mountains (between 91°07′E 94°58′E). This segmentation of the surface rupture is well correlated with the pattern of slip distribution measured in the field. Detailed mapping suggest that these five first-order segments can be further separated into over 20 second-order segments with a length of 10–30 km, linked by smaller scale step-overs or bends.Our result also shows that the total coseismic surface rupture length produced by the 2001 Kunlun earthquake is about 430 km (excluding the 30-km-long gap), which is the longest coseismic surface rupture for an intracontinental earthquake ever recorded.Finally, we suggest a multiple bilateral rupture propagation model that shows the rupture process of the 2001 Mw 7.8 earthquake is complex. It consists of westward and eastward rupture propagations and interaction of these bilateral rupture processes.  相似文献   

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