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利用CloudSat/CALIPSO卫星资料,本文揭示了东亚三个代表性区域的云微物理属性,为评估和改进模式云微物理过程提供重要的观测基础.研究的云微物理量包括云水/冰质量,数浓度和有效半径.研究表明:暖云中云水质量和数浓度随高度增加而减小,有效半径处于8-14μm范围.对于冰云,云冰质量和有效半径随高度增加而减小,而数浓度在垂直方向上变化不大.此外,云微物理属性在不同云型之间存在显著差异:积云的云水质量和数浓度最大,而卷云的云水质量和数浓度最小.从三个区域的对比结果来看,相比于华东和西北太平洋地区,青藏高原地区暖云的云水质量和数浓度较小,而冰云的则较大.  相似文献   

杨旭  钟中  廉毅  李彦良  曲思邈 《气象学报》2020,78(4):593-607
选用NCEP/NCAR FNL再分析资料,利用中尺度模式WRF对2011年7月25日—8月3日的一次东北亚阻塞高压过程进行数值模拟试验。通过数值对比试验,讨论有冰相物理过程和无冰相物理过程的两种微物理方案对此次阻塞高压过程的强度和维持时间模拟的差异,并简要阐述原因。结果表明:WRF对阻塞高压过程有较好的模拟效果,有冰相物理过程的微物理方案模拟的阻高强度及维持时间较接近实况,整体阻塞闭合环流形势、高压中心值、中心位置以及中心上下游的低压槽强度均与实况接近;无冰相物理过程的微物理方案模拟阻塞高压在500 及200 hPa平均位势高度场上没有闭合的高值中心出现,500 hPa阻塞高压强度弱,持续时间短,200 hPa则相反。进一步研究发现,这两种差异主要由阻塞高压活动区域内的非绝热加热不同引起的,它对阻塞高压形成的强度和维持时间具有很好的指示意义。另外,阻塞高压附近区域的微物理潜热释放对阻塞过程的强度和维持时间也有一定影响。   相似文献   

《Atmospheric Research》2005,73(3-4):173-201
We summarise the microphysical and optical parameters of some principal aerosol species obtained by instrumentation on the UK Met Office C-130 aircraft during international field campaigns since 1996. The aerosol species include Saharan dust, biomass burning aerosol, European continental pollution, eastern seaboard USA pollution, and clean maritime aerosol. The typical structure of the aerosol in the vertical from each airmass type is described. Microphysical parameters are described that comprise the mode radius and geometric standard deviation associated with 2–3 lognormal fits to the mean observed aerosol size distributions spanning the accumulation and coarse modes. Optical parameters comprising the aerosol single scattering albedo (which was both measured and derived from Mie theory), specific extinction coefficient, and asymmetry factor (which were derived from Mie theory) are also presented. Where available, evolution of the physical and optical properties of the aerosol has been highlighted. Comparisons with long-term ground-based AERONET aerosol retrievals show reasonable agreement. Our observations provide useful data for validating and improving global circulation models (GCMs) that use physically based aerosol representation and for validating satellite retrievals of the physical and optical properties of aerosols.  相似文献   

基于CWRF模式(Climate Extension of Weather Research and Forecast Model)结果,探讨了8种云微物理参数化方案对1986—2015年间东亚近海热带气旋的空间分布、频数及强度模拟的影响。结果发现:CWRF模式中各云微物理参数化方案模拟的热带气旋频数普遍较观测偏少,其模拟的强度相比观测也偏弱;热带气旋的空间分布和频数对云微物理参数化方案的选择较为敏感,而云微物理方案的选择对热带气旋强度的模拟影响不大;Morrison方案和Morrison-a方案模拟的热带气旋空间分布更接近于观测,但对热带气旋频数及强度的年际变化趋势模拟得较差,而GSFCGCE方案的TS评分及强度、频数的相关系数均较其他方案偏高。综合来看,采用GSFCGCE方案模拟热带气旋活动总体最优。进一步分析发现,相较于Morrison方案和Thompson方案,考虑气溶胶影响的Thompson-a和Morrison-a方案不仅可以有效提高对热带气旋频数及空间分布的模拟能力,还对热带气旋频数及强度年际变化趋势的模拟能力也有所提升。  相似文献   

Summary This paper provides a theoretical calibration of Optical Array Probes (OAP) mounted on a given aircraft, in order to take into account the aerodynamic influence of the entire aircraft on the measurements obtained. The measured parameters are corrected through the computation of the air flow-field around the entire aircraft carrying the probes, for different flight conditions, in order to obtain the corresponding undisturbed values. These undisturbed values have been compared to the microphysical ones computed by an atmospheric model, the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS). It was found that the removal of the disturbances made by the aircraft on the atmospheric conditions is feasible and provides data that compare much better to the model results. It is suggested that such kind of airborne data corrections may be performed in order to improve the quality of the observations if the aircraft and probe geometries are known. Further information regarding the best location of the probes on the considered aircraft is also obtained.  相似文献   

利用2008年4—7月、2009年5—8月和2011年5—9月黄山光明顶的云滴谱观测资料,对离散度和体积平均半径之间的关系进行了深入的分析和讨论。结果表明,随着体积平均半径的增大,离散度与体积平均半径之间的相关从正变成负,主要与活化、凝结、蒸发和去活化有关,与以往研究一致。在此基础上,进一步发现负相关比较弱,主要与碰并过程有关。当云雨自动转化阈值函数增大时,碰并增强,离散度与体积平均半径之间的相关性由负转正,且正相关性逐渐增强。碰并导致的正相关削弱了凝结和蒸发导致的负相关。此外,尽管云滴谱出现了双峰谱,但第一档强度(第一档浓度除以总的浓度)仍然可以很好地区分正负相关性。  相似文献   

利用飞机、雷达、卫星观测资料,对2014年5月1日08时—2日08时河北省一次降水性层状云结构特征进行综合观测分析。结果表明本次过程降水云大致分为3层:4 200~2 850 m为冷暖云结构,2 162~2 174 m为十几米厚的纯暖云,近地面层121~265 m有粒子浓度较低(量级为101cm-3)的暖云。降水开始前存在较明显的催化云—供给云结构,降水开始后高层对低层有催化作用。人工增雨潜力区主要位于3 100~4 000 m,对应的雷达回波强度为20~30 d Bz,且雷达回波强度垂直梯度明显变小。对不同高度的云微物理量进行相关性分析,结果表明,云底的液态水含量和云滴浓度与气溶胶浓度具有较强的负相关,过冷水含量与云滴浓度相关性达到0.434,云凝结核浓度在冷云中与温度相关性较强,相关系数达到0.717。  相似文献   

A ground-based seeding experiment using carbon dioxide and propane sprayed from pressurized bottles was carried out under supercooled cloud conditions on a small spatial and short time scale. Water vapor deposition on the artificially generated dry ice and propane ice germs as the main ice formation process (nucleation and growth) is consistent with the experimental results. After nucleation, diffusional growth of the ice particles, partly at the expense of evaporating small droplets, was identified during the mixing of the seeding line with the ambient supercooled cloud. Within the seeding plume, ice water contents up to 80% of the total condensed water are observed, although the size of the formed ice particles did not exceed 25 μm. From the changes of the ice and supercooled liquid phase with time under mixed-phase conditions, liquid water content (LWC) evaporation, ice water content (IWC) formation, and ice crystal growth rates are estimated, which are not affected by the artificial nucleation process. Thus, these rates are assessed to be applicable for a growing ice phase of small ice particles in a young mixed-phase cloud, where other growth mechanisms, like riming or aggregation, are negligible.  相似文献   

本文利用WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式的不同云微物理方案对2009年6月14日发生在华东地区的一次飑线过程进行1 km的高分辨率模拟,探讨不同云微物理方案对飑线模拟的影响。结果表明:双参数方案的模拟效果总体上优于单参数方案,其中WDM6方案模拟效果最佳,能够较好的模拟出强对流回波区、层云区的主要特征。在单参数方案中以WSM6方案最优。Kessler和LIN方案模拟飑线的回波范围偏小,强度偏弱。进一步对比热力和动力场发现,WDM6方案模拟的冷池的面积最大,强度最强,气压最高,飑线前部的入流处风速最大。不同云微物理方案对微物理场的影响较明显,相比单参数方案,双参数方案模拟的水凝物混合比更高,且能够模拟粒子数浓度,更准确地描述了云中的各类粒子特征。  相似文献   

河北一次层状云系降水的微物理机制数值模拟与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用一维层状云模式,详细分析了2009年5月1日中国中东部地区一次层状云系的微物理结构和降水过程。结果表明:此次降水为层状云系降水,云系垂直结构符合顾震潮三层概念模型和“播种云-供给云”机制,其中第一层(上层:4.7-7.0 km)存在冰雪晶,雪主要通过冰晶自动转化和凝华增长。第二层(中层:2.6-4.6 km)有冰晶、雪、霰、云水、雨滴,此层贝吉龙过程作用明显。第三层(下层:1.3-2.5 km)主要粒子为云滴、雨滴、从上层融化的雪和霰,霰的融化对于雨滴的形成贡献最大。云体发展成熟时,各层之间存在一定的播种-供应关系,如第一层向第二层顶部播撒雪和冰晶,第二层向第三层顶部播撒霰和雪。  相似文献   

辽宁层状云微物理结构的水平变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据1997年在辽宁利用机载粒子测量系统(PMS)获取的探测资料,探讨了层状云中云滴谱、粒子数浓度在水平方向上的分布变化,并分析了温度、粒子含水量在水平方向上的变化特征。研究表明:云滴数浓度和云滴半径在水平方向上存在着较强的起伏性变化;层状云中温度在水平方向上总体变化不大;云中的云滴谱结构在水平方向上的起伏较大,存在3种变化规律;云中含水量在水平方向上的变化大,且与粒子数浓度存在正相关。  相似文献   

人工影响天气的学科基础是中小尺度天气动力学与云降水物理学,需要将天气-动力-云降水物理耦合为一体。考虑到目前将天气动力学性质的基础数值模式用于人工影响天气中的问题,从数值模式动力方程、模式分辨率、云物理过程、数值求解方案、初边值条件等方面系统地探索了发展人工影响天气数值模式中一些需要重点解决、且不可忽视的特色问题,并举例对相关问题提出了解决思路和方法。期望提出的问题有助于构思更适合于人工影响天气数值模式,使数值模式功能真正向满足人工影响天气的要求靠近一步。  相似文献   

A difference in partitioning between cloud droplets and interstitial air for two chemical species (elemental carbon and sulphur) with different expected behaviour in nucleation scavenging was observed in clouds at Mt. Kleiner Feldberg (825 m asl), near Frankfurt, Germany. The fraction of sulphur incorporated in cloud droplets was always higher than the fraction of elemental carbon. This difference in partitioning has also been observed in fog but under different pollution conditions in the Po Valley, Italy. Both these studies were based on bulk samples. In the present study at Kleiner Feldberg, impactor samples of the particles in the interstitial air and the cloud droplet residuals were taken and a single particle analysis was done on the samples. It was found that, for a given particle size, the majority of particles forming cloud droplets were soluble and that insoluble particles preferentially remained in the interstitial air.  相似文献   

Radar parameters including radar reflectivity,Doppler velocity,and Doppler spectrum width were obtained from Doppler spectrum moments.The Doppler spectrum moment is the convolution of both the particle spectrum and the mean air vertical motion.Unlike strong precipitation,the motion of particles in cirrus clouds is quite close to the air motion around them.In this study,a method of Doppler moments was developed and used to retrieve cirrus cloud microphysical properties such as the mean air vertical velocity,mass-weighted diameter,effective particle size,and ice content.Ice content values were retrieved using both the Doppler spectrum method and classic Z-IWC(radar reflectivity-ice water content) relationships;however,the former is a more reasonable method.  相似文献   

云微物理过程对强对流风暴的影响之数值模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
李德俊  陈宝君 《气象科学》2008,28(3):264-270
本文运用三维对流云模式对美国SPACE计划(South Park Area Cumulus Experiment)1977年7月19日South Park地区一例强对流风暴进行了模拟,目的是考察不同云微物理过程对风暴的影响.不同微物理方案模拟对比有助于我们加深对风暴内部微物理过程的了解.结果表明,不同微物理方案模拟的风暴内部动力场、强度有所不同.不考虑冰相过程的暖雨方案,模拟的风暴最弱;冰相过程中仅考虑冻结/融化潜热释放,模拟的风暴强度在后期稍弱.由于降水绝大部分由霰、雹转变而来,以及霰、雹粒子对运动场的影响及其相变潜热作用,冰相过程中如果不考虑霰、雹的模拟方案,模拟风暴的动力场及降水场都发生改变.  相似文献   

The impact of solar activity on climate system is spatiotemporally selective and usually more significant on the regional scale. Using statistical methods and solar radio flux(SRF) data, this paper investigates the impact of the solar11-yr cycle on regional climate of Northeast Asia in recent decades. Significant differences in winter temperature,precipitation, and the atmospheric circulation over Northeast Asia are found between peak and valley solar activity years. In peak years, temperature is higher over vast areas of the Eurasian continent in middle and high latitudes, and prone to producing anomalous high pressure there. Northeast Asia is located to the south of the anomalous high pressure, where the easterlies prevail and transport moisture from the western Pacific Ocean to the inland of East Asia and intensify precipitation there. In valley years, temperature is lower over the Eurasian continent and northern Pacific Ocean in middle and high latitudes, and there maintain anomalous low pressure systems in the two regions. Over the Northeast Asian continent, north winds prevail, which transport cold and dry air mass from the high latitude to Northeast Asia and reduce precipitation there. The correlation coefficient of winter precipitation in Northeast China and SRF reaches 0.4, and is statistically significant at the 99% confidence level based on the Student's t-test. The latent heat flux anomalies over the Pacific Ocean caused by solar cycle could explain the spatial pattern of abnormal winter precipitation of China, suggesting that the solar activity may change the climate of Northeast Asia through air–sea interaction.  相似文献   

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