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琼东南盆地构造沉降史及其主控因素   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
以28口钻井、3条主干地震剖面最新解释成果资料为依据的构造沉降史恢复结果表明:琼东南盆地新生代存在三期快速沉降过程和一期缓慢沉降过程:第一期为始新世,第二期为渐新世—早中新世,第三期存在时空差异:在盆地西部乐东凹陷为晚中新世以来,在盆地中东部陵水凹陷和松南-宝岛凹陷为上新世以来;缓慢沉降过程亦存在时空差异,盆地西部中中新世沉降缓慢,盆地中东部中—晚中新世沉降缓慢.第一期快速沉降过程受东亚陆缘扩张和红河断裂左旋走滑共同影响,第二期快速沉降受南海海底扩张和红河断裂左旋走滑联合作用,第三期快速沉降主要受红河断裂右旋走滑控制,缓慢沉降过程与南海海底扩张停止以及红河断裂构造活动处于宁静阶段相耦合.  相似文献   

南海北部珠江口与琼东南盆地构造-热模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
珠江口盆地和琼东南盆地位于南海北部的大陆边缘,本文在此地区选取了13条典型剖面,进行了构造沉降史和热史的模拟,初步探讨了其新生代以来的构造-热演化历史.其研究结果表明:珠江口盆地存在两次热流升高过程,分别为始新世(56.5~32 Ma)和渐新世(32~23.3 Ma).琼东南盆地存在三期加热和两期冷却过程,始新世盆地热流缓慢升高,渐新世西部地区热流持续升高,而东部地区热流升高持续至16 Ma,并在5.4 Ma以来存在一期快速沉降,由西向东加热事件逐渐变弱.南海北部陆缘存在多期次裂谷作用、热流升高的特征;"热沉降"阶段也非完全处于热衰减期,晚期也存在热流升高的加热事件,这些都有别于典型的被动大陆边缘盆地的热演化模式.  相似文献   

松原市区域基底构造特征及演化分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
松辽盆地是大型中-新生代陆相沉积盆地,具民上坳双重结构,基底形态继承了海西期近EW向构造面貌,基底断裂控制了盆地NE向展布,总体上形成了北东向分带、南北向分区的柳和局。  相似文献   

任建业  雷超 《地球物理学报》2011,54(12):3303-3314
通过对盆地地震剖面构造-地层的详细解释,在莺歌海盆地和琼东南盆地(简称莺-琼盆地)古近纪同裂陷充填序列中识别出一条区域性的构造变革界面——T70,该界面在地震剖面上表现为显著的下削上超的地震反射结构特征,发育的时代为32~30 Ma,与南海海底扩张起始和红河断裂带左旋走滑的时间一致; T70界面将莺-琼盆地的同裂陷期地层分隔为断陷层和断坳层(琼东南盆地)或坳陷层(莺歌海盆地)两个构造-地层单元,这些构造地层单元和构造变革界面是南海及其周缘区域板块构造重组事件在莺-琼盆地的响应.论文结合前人成果,论述了以红河—越东—Lupar线断层为界,可以将南海及其周缘地区划分为结构构造、演化特征和动力学背景有显著区别的两个构造变形区:挤出-逃逸构造区和古南海俯冲拖曳构造区.以此构造变形分区为基础,确定了莺-琼盆地的动力学机制,建立了其构造演化模式.本研究有助于从整体上理解南海周缘盆地的发育演化过程及主要控制机制,并对大陆边缘动力学研究和陆缘盆地区的油气勘探有重要意义.  相似文献   

琼东南盆地发育于前新生代基底之上,作为南海被动大陆边缘一部分,记录了南海北部裂陷盆地结构及其演化.利用最新钻井、反射地震、重力等资料,分析新生代盖层和前新生代基底地壳结构,建立盆地地层结构模型,然后计算全盆地地壳伸展变化特征.结果表明:新生代地层序列的盆地充填由西向东逐渐减薄,古近纪、新近纪以及第四纪期间(45 Ma~现今)最后沉积中心呈现逐渐向西或西南迁移趋势.下地壳局部表现为地震速度偏高(厚度2~4 km,vP>7.0 km·s-1,水平延伸范围约为40~70 km).重震联合模拟显示这里存在密度偏高特征,推测存在可能与张裂晚期和扩张早期岩浆物质底侵或混合到伸展程度较低的大陆地壳有关.计算获得的前新生代基底地壳厚度由在弱展区域陆架区约25 km,在减薄最大区域中央坳陷为3 km.伸展系数(β)最高值大于6.0出现在中央坳陷,低值小于2.0在坳陷南北两侧,说明地壳在盆地中央拉伸比较剧烈.  相似文献   

极性是地震资料的一个基本属性,不同极性的地震资料可能得到不同的地质认识.琼东南盆地多年度地震资料极性不统一,给目标评价和储层描述带来很大的困扰.本文从探讨地震资料采集、处理、解释各阶段极性的定义入手,分析不同阶段引起地震极性变化的原因,总结适合地震解释阶段极性判断方法.判断地震资料极性的方法主要有利用已知地球物理性质的标志层判断和利用钻井资料合成地震记录判断两大类,将极性判断方法应用到琼东南盆地地震资料,分析认为资料A、B浅层均为正极性,资料A深层偏向于负极性,资料B深层偏向于正极性.根据极性判断结果对资料A、B进行纵波阻抗反演,两批资料反演结果的高度吻合证实极性判断准确.琼东南盆地多年度地震资料在使用前做针对目标层段极性判断并匹配处理是必要的.  相似文献   

琼东南盆地油气地质显示盆地内具有生物成因和热成因天然气的巨大生成能力和远景. 地震剖面显示盆地内发育有泥底辟和气烟囱、沟通泥底辟和气烟囱与海底的断裂及可能正在活动的天然气冷泉,这些特征非常有利于天然气水合物的发育. 通过天然气水合物热力学稳定域预测,确定了琼东南盆地天然气水合物的平面和剖面分布特征. 生物成因甲烷水合物分布于水深大于约600m的海底,稳定带最大厚度约314m;热成因天然气水合物分布于水深大于约450m的海区,稳定带最大厚度约410m. 盆地内天然气水合物远景总量约10×109m3,水合物天然气远景为1.6×1012m3.  相似文献   

南海北缘琼东南盆地热结构与莫霍面温度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
相对于大陆地区,洋壳或海陆过渡区目前较缺乏岩石圈热结构方面的研究.本文依据琼东南盆地现有热流数据和相关岩石热物性参数,沿分布于盆地内不同位置的4条地震测线计算了不同圈层的热流分配关系(即热结构)及莫霍面温度.计算时根据最新的P-波速度变化分析将该区地壳分为四层,分别为沉积盖层、上地壳、下地壳及下地壳高速层.结果表明:琼东南盆地地幔热流由浅水区向深水区逐渐增加,是控制盆地现今海底热流分布的主要因素;其占海底热流平均比例为76.3±7.0%,具有典型的"冷壳热幔"的岩石圈热结构特征;莫霍面温度范围500~700℃,存在一个低温区和两个高温区,其整体分布与盆地基底以下地壳伸展减薄及断裂发育有关.  相似文献   


南海北部琼东南盆地陵水凹陷的钻探、三维地震与地球化学分析表明, 该区域发育热成因气控制的呈烟囱状反射特征的裂隙充填型和薄砂层的孔隙充填型水合物.不同站位水合物富集程度、厚度与赋存形态不同, 这种复杂水合物富集成藏的控制因素还有待进一步明确.本文利用宽频处理三维地震与随钻测井资料, 精细识别了裂隙充填型水合物发育的空间分布, 分析了断层与块体搬运沉积物对水合物赋存的影响, 通过建立重烃气体影响的Ⅱ型水合物稳定带底界, 并结合数值模拟方法, 定量模拟了多类型水合物形成与富集的控制因素.结果表明: 起源于基底隆起的断层连通了深部气源与浅部水合物稳定带, 控制着深部热成因气向上运移, 发育的多期块体搬运沉积内局部裂隙及下部的有利砂层, 使水合物在垂向上呈多层叠置分布特征.


莺-琼盆地演化与含油气系统   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
莺-琼盆地(是莺歌海盆地和琼东南盆地的简称)位于海南岛西南,是我国最近崛起的又一个大气区.莺歌海盆地和琼东南盆地是两个不同成因类型的盆地,但自 5 Ma BP以后盆地的快速沉降与快速沉积,使两个盆地都进入到高地温梯度、超压环境,从而造成与众不同的成烃成藏条件.  相似文献   

Mesozoic basin evolution and tectonic mechanism in Yanshan, China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Mesozoic basins in Yanshan, China underwent several important tectonic transformations, including changes from a pre-Late Triassic marginal cratonic basin to a Late Triassic-Late Jurassic flexural basin and then to a late Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous rift basin. In response to two violent intraplate deformation at Late Triassic and Late Jurassic, coarse fluvial depositional systems in Xingshikou and Tuchengzi Formations were deposited in front of thrust belts. Controlled by transform and extension faulting, fan deltas and lacustrine systems were deposited in Early Cretaceous basins. The composition of clastic debris in Late Triassic and Late Jurassic flexural basins respectively represents unroofing processes from Proterozoic to Archean and from early deposited, overlying pyroclastic rocks to basement rocks in provenance areas. Restored protobasins were gradually migrated toward nearly NEE to EW-trending from Early Jurassic to early Late Jurassic. The Early Cretaceous basins with a NNE-trending crossed over early-formed basins. The Early-Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous basins were respectively controlled by different tectonic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Based on the drilling data,the geological characteristics of the coast in South China,and the interpretation of the long seismic profiles covering the Pearl River Mouth Basin and southeastern Hainan Basin,the basin basement in the northern South China Sea is divided into four structural layers,namely,Pre-Sinian crystalline basement,Sinian-lower Paleozoic,upper Paleozoic,and Mesozoic structural layers.This paper discusses the distribution range and law and reveals the tectonic attribute of each structural layer.The Pre-Sinian crystalline basement is distributed in the northern South China Sea,which is linked to the Pre-Sinian crystalline basement of the Cathaysian Block and together they constitute a larger-scale continental block—the Cathaysian-northern South China Sea continental block.The Sinian-lower Paleozoic structural layer is distributed in the northern South China Sea,which is the natural extension of the Caledonian fold belt in South China to the sea area.The sediments are derived from southern East China Sea-Taiwan,Zhongsha-Xisha islands and Yunkai ancient uplifts,and some small basement uplifts.The Caledonian fold belt in the northern South China Sea is linked with that in South China and they constitute the wider fold belt.The upper Paleozoic structural layer is unevenly distributed in the northern South China.In the basement of Beibu Gulf Basin and southwestern Taiwan Basin,the structural layer is composed of the stable epicontinental sea deposit.The distribution areas in the Pearl River Mouth Basin and the southeastern Hainan Basin belong to ancient uplifts in the late Paleozoic,lacking the upper Paleozoic structural layers.The stratigraphic distribution and sedimentary environment in Middle-Late Jurassic to Cretaceous are characteristic of differentiation in the east and the west.The marine,paralic deposit is well developed in the basin basement of southwestern Taiwan but the volcanic activity is not obvious.The marine and paralic facies deposit is distributed in the eastern Pearl River Mouth Basin basement and the volcanic activity is stronger.The continental facies volcano-sediment in the Early Cretaceous is distributed in the basement of the western Pearl River Mouth Basin and Southeastern Hainan Basin.The Upper Cretaceous red continental facies clastic rocks are distributed in the Beibu Gulf Basin and Yinggehai Basin.The NE direction granitic volcanic-intrusive complex,volcano-sedimentary basin,fold and fault in Mesozoic basement have the similar temporal and spatial distribution,geological feature,and tectonic attribute with the coastal land in South China,and they belong to the same magma-deposition-tectonic system,which demonstrates that the late Mesozoic structural layer was formed in the background of active continental margin.Based on the analysis of basement structure and the study on tectonic attribute,the paleogeographic map of the basin basement in different periods in the northern South China Sea is compiled.  相似文献   

昆明周边地区活动断层滑动与现代构造应力场   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
荆振杰  杜义  谢富仁 《地震学报》2008,30(3):230-239
昆明盆地是一个受南北向活动断裂控制的新生代断陷盆地. 昆明盆地及其周边地区共有8条主要断裂带, 野外地震地质调查和断裂滑动观测表明, 南北向和北东向活动断裂以左旋走滑为主, 北西向活动断裂以右旋走滑为主. 采用野外观测取得的22个测点共706条活断层擦痕数据, 利用断层滑动资料反演构造应力张量的方法, 计算获得了研究区现代构造应力场主要特征: 昆明盆地及其周边地区现代构造应力场以北北西——南南东向挤压、 北东东——南西西向拉张为特征, 其最大主压应力(sigma;1)方向为333deg;——2deg;, 平均倾角21deg;; 最小主压应力(sigma;3)方向为44deg;——93deg;, 平均倾角14deg;; 中间主应力(sigma;2)倾角较陡, 近垂直. 应力结构均为走滑型. 断层滑动反演结果与震源机制解资料分析结果基本一致.   相似文献   

通过对云贵高原西北部鹤庆钻孔古湖相沉积岩芯的粒度、碳酸盐含量和烧失量等指标的综合分析、研究,重建了鹤庆盆地2.78 Ma以来的古环境演化过程.岩芯磁性地层表明,鹤庆湖盆形成于约2.78 Ma.环境代用指标的综合分析显示:鹤庆盆地2.78 Ma以来有过三次大的环境转变,即2.65 Ma鹤庆湖盆积水成湖,1.55 Ma、0.99 Ma左右山盆高差两次加大,这分别与青藏运动B幕、C幕和昆黄运动耦合.  相似文献   

The updated study shows that the taphrogenesis of basement of the Fushun Basin is not a kind of instantaneous process. It intensified gradually and went to extreme in the sedimentary stage of the Guchengzi formation, and then, it weakened rapidly and stopped soon afterwards; the depression did not take place after the taphrogenesis. On the contrary, it almost happened simultaneously with the taphrogenesis. The depression went at a high speed from the beginning of the sedimentary period of the Xilutian formation, and then weakened gradually in the sedimentary period of the Gengjiajie formation. The evolution course of the synsedimentary structure of the Fushun Basin can be summarized as the following six stages: slow taphrogenesis and high speed depression to accelerated taphrogenesis and high speed depression to high speed taphrogenesis and high speed depression to retarded taphrogenesis and high speed depression to gradual halt of taphrogenesis and reduced depression to slow depression and gradual halt of depression. The tectonic evolution resulted in the formation of the "lower taphrogenesis and upper depression" structure. The formation of the binary structure might be due to the suspension of taphrogenesis and the change of the regional structure stress field, but the depression kept going. The result of calculation combining the analysis of the synsedimentary structural frame, the back-stripping method of the subsidence history of the basin basement and the simulation of thermo-settlement history indicates that the great sedimentary space required by the "upper depression part" consists of two parts, namely, 40% from compaction of sediments and 60% from slow depression of the basin basement during a long period of time. Gradual halt of the depression in the Fushun Basin may be attributed to the reversal of the lithosphere hot-recession and gravity isostasy adjustment which may be the result of new hot-events in the depths and accompanied invasion of extremely thick diabase sill, thus revealing a new forming mechanism of "fault subsidence at the base and depression on the top" structure.  相似文献   

Kunming basin is a Cenozoic faulted basin under the control of mainly SN-trending active faults. In and around the basin, there are a total of eight major active faults. Seismo-geological survey and fault slip observation show that the SN- and NE-trending active faults are mostly sinistral strike-slip faults, while the NW-trending faults are mostly dextral strike-slip faults. Using stress tensor inversion method with 706 active fault striation data at 22 measurement sites, we determined tectonic stress field of the study area. The result shows that modern tectonic stress field in and around Kunming basin is characterized by NNW-SSE compression, ENE-WSW extension, and strike-slip stress regimes. The maximum principal compressional stress (σ1) is oriented 335o~2o, with an average dip angle of 21°; the minimum (σ3) is oriented 44o~93o, with an average dip angle of 14°, and the intermediate (σ2) has a high, or nearly vertical, dip angle. The inversion result from fault slip data is consistent with the result from focal mechanism solutions.  相似文献   


羌塘盆地位于青藏高原中部,经历了多期复杂构造运动,是研究青藏高原演化的良好窗口.本文利用1 ∶ 20万重力和磁力数据,基于1 ∶ 50万地表地质信息约束,反演获得了羌塘盆地中部区域中上地壳的三维密度和磁性结构,揭示了南、北羌塘坳陷、班公湖—怒江缝合带、可可西里—金沙江缝合带和龙木错—双湖缝合带的密度和磁性特征.根据反演结果,认为:主要构造单元与密度和磁化率异常有良好的对应关系,下地壳和上地幔是羌塘盆地大范围低值重力异常的重要来源;可可西里—金沙江缝合带向下切割较深,引起磁异常的岩浆岩大量存在于中地壳;双湖至唐古拉山一线不存在贯穿羌塘盆地的“中央隆起带”;北羌塘广泛分布的火山岩主要存在于上地壳,来源可能是下地壳和上地幔的低密度岩浆岩体;印度板块俯冲的前缘可能影响到了羌塘盆地下方.


Many geologists focus on the foreland structures, co-relationship between shallow and deep structures and their dynamics between intra-continent orogenies and foreland basin in recent years[1―17]. The intra-plate collision and deformed area of West Kunlun-Pamirand Southern Tianshan become the natural lab of this studies and there are many new developments con-cerned with the geometry and kinemics of foreland thrusting, back-thrusting and triangle zones[3―14]. Many types of foreland thrusti…  相似文献   

琼东南盆地地壳伸展深度依赖性及其动力学意义   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
地壳或岩石圈尺度内伸展因子随深度变化特征对于理解岩石圈演化有重要的指示意义.我们利用南海北部大陆边缘琼东南盆地区深反射地震剖面的地壳分层模型,计算了沿剖面上地壳与全地壳的伸展因子.结果表明:琼东南盆地区具有明显的地壳尺度内伸展的深度相关性(上地壳尺度伸展因子变化范围为1.0~2.0,全地壳尺度的伸展因子变化范围为1.2~2.5);琼东南盆地各构造单元内的上地壳与全地壳伸展具有明显的非均一性(长昌凹陷上地壳尺度伸展最大,乐东—陵水凹陷其次,松南—宝岛凹陷最小;长昌凹陷和松南—宝岛凹陷的地壳尺度伸展因子较乐东—陵水凹陷大) 与各向异性(南东—北西剖面较之北东—南西向剖面地壳伸展因子大).这些结果预示着琼东南盆地区地壳伸展优势方向为北西向,盆地区东西部的伸展过程或伸展机制可能差异较大拟或存在太平洋岩石圈俯冲角空间差异或地幔岩浆产出时空差异.结合研究区相关研究成果,推断地壳伸展因子的深度相关性可能是共轭大陆边缘低角度拆离控制的简单剪切系统内伴随地幔挤出的动力学现象.  相似文献   

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