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lNwnDUCnoNTheDelesseriaceangenusHopdeumKtitzingincludesabout25speciesoccurringintropicalandtemPerateseasthroughouttheworld-ThereareanuInberofmorphologicalandtaxonodricstudiesonHopghsuminconteInPOngliteratUre(WOInrsleyandShep-ley,l982;Mikdri,l985;WynnandKraf,l985;WynneandBallantin,1986;Yoshi-daandMibo,l986;Miknd,l987;Wynneetal-,'l989).Uptodate,onlyonespecies,H-attenuatam,hasbeendescrihedfrOInChineseseas(Tsengetal.,1983).DuringataXodricstUdyoftheChineseIhadesum,specimenscollectedb…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThesPeciesofthebolyBucephalidaePoche,l9o7inChinawasfirstreportedbyTseng(l93o).Sincethen,72sPeciesbelongingto17generahavebeende.ribed1).Duringtheperiodfrom1992to1995,allbucephalidspecimensdepositedinthelnstituteofHydrObiologyoftheChineseAcademyofScienceswereexaminedbythepresentau-thors.Fourspecimenscollectedfromyellowcatfish,PsewhbguMtheatJiujiangTmofNanhaiCounty,GuangdongProvinceinChinahyDr.MuenLininl956werefoundtobeunidentified.CarefulobservationsoflhesPecimensindic…  相似文献   

Pmpusndnorliuetlisp.nov.(Fig.1)StroInateOdeampas,Cheng,l962,Fish.SouthChinaSea,761-762,fig.6l6(ZhaPO,GuanghallLangzhou,Shanwi,Nanao,GUangdongProvince).Inagnosis:Standrilengthofadultshort,notmorethanl5omm.Thehalbenl-shaPedspinesofdOhalandanalfinsareconspicuousinbOthjuvenileandadultfishandnoteInbeddedinskin.Eyeslmp,eyediameter2.8-3.5inheadlength.PamPhenoidofskullroundcurve-shaped,orbitalfossalarge,sedri-circularshaPed-Otoliththickandsolid,itsanteriornotchshallow-NuInberofprecaudaland…  相似文献   

A new species ofProteocephalus from the fishSinocyclocheilus grahami tingi, a subspecies endemic to Fuxian Lake in Southwest China,is described. This is the first report of cestode from this host. The new species differs fromP. exiguus, P. Longicollis, P. parasiluri andP. torulosus, the only other species ofProteocephalus currently reported from China, by lacking an apical sucker, fromP. exiguus by having 45–108 rather than 24–54 testes per proglottis, and a maximum of 15 rather than 28 uterine diverticula; fromP.longicollis by having an average of 45–108 rather than 75–115 testes per proglottis and testes being in a single layer instead of 2 layers; and fromP. torulosus by having 45–108 instead of 150 testes per proglottis and testes being in 3–4 layers; and fromP. parasiluri by having 45–108 rather than 180 testes per proglottis. It resemblesP. percae, P. pollanicola, andP. thymalli in number of testes and uterine diverticula, but differs by lacking an apical sucker.Proteocephalus thymalli, like the new species, has a vagina that opens dorsally to the cirrus sac, butP. thymalli slao has postovarian testes, which the new species lacks. The possible significance of parasitological examinations of the other two subspecies ofS. grahami in two lakes close to Fuxian Lake is discussed in relation to host speciation and coevolution of the host-parasite system.  相似文献   

A diplomonad flagellate Hexamita capsularis sp.nov.from the posterior intestine of the fish(Xenocypris dividi)from Liangzi Lake,Hubei Province,is described.The flagellate was oval,withsmooth surface and homogenous cytoplasm,6.21±0.28μm in length,3.43±0.48μm in width and with anelliptical capsule.Two recurrent flagellae arranged between two nuclei ran longitudinally to the posteriorend.Fibrillar bands connected the accessory organelles of two cytostomal tubes,the body depressed atthe posterior end of the body.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONKnowledgeofmarineCymothoidaeofChinesewatersispoor,exceptforthecontributionsofYu( 1 93 5)andShen ( 1 940 )intheearly 2 0thcenturyandYuandLi( 2 0 0 2 ) .AmongNerocilaisopodspecimensdepositedintheInstituteofOceanology,ChineseAcademyofSciences (IOCAS) ,wasaform (c…  相似文献   

MODUcTIONThislistof4pisionidspedesisoneofthecontributi0nstothestudyoflittofalmeiofaunaIp0lychaetesfromtheChinesecoast.ThernateriaIswerecoforduringashortexpeditiontoHainanIslandbyProfB.L.Wu,Mr.F.P.HuangandMr.Z.H.ixngoftheFirstInstituteofdrinography,StatedrinicAdndnisttationinQingdaoandProfDr.W.WeStheideandDr.G.PurschkeoftheUniversityofDenabruckinOct0berl99l,additionalmateriaIsweresamPledbyMr.Z.H.Dinginash0rtexpeditiontoHongkonginJanuary1995.Hithert0,onlyPtrionelevisetoSaZhao…  相似文献   

The characteristics and infraciliature of a new euplotid ciliate,Euplotes qingdaoensis n.sp.,discovered from the coastal waters of Jiaozhou Bay,northern China,were studied using live observation and silver impregnation.The new marine species is characterized by a slightly fl attened body(90–110 μm×70–80 μm,in vivo),an adoral zone of 26–29 membranelles,10 strong frontoventral and fi ve transverse cirri,two caudal cirri,a single left marginal cirrus,seven dorsal kineties,a middle kinety with about 15 pairs of basal bodies,a silverline system of the double-eurystomus type,and a C-shaped macronucleus.  相似文献   

Thirty-two 63.0–134.4 mm standard length specimens collected during 1954–1990 from the coastal waters of the South China Sea and the continental coast of the Taiwan Strait were identified as a new species,Pampus minor Liuet Li, sp. nov. Contribution No. 3329 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Study supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences Special Grant for Biota Research.  相似文献   

Hypoglossum fujianensis sp. nov. is an epiphytic alga in the intertidal zone. Plants are light red, 0.9–2 cm high. Margin of branches gives rise to uniseriate hair-like rhizoids, formed outward from the fusion of the second-and third-order cells. Blades are single layered (except the midrib) and uncorticated. Tetrasporangial sori are formed on the middle part of blades. The globular tetrasporangia are developed from lateral pericentral cells. Project 39391800 supported by the NSFC.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONStudyonmarinefishlarvaenutritionisthemostadvancedintheresearchdomainoffishnutri tion .Itwasfoundinrecentyearsthatn 3highlyunsaturatedfattyacids (n 3HUFA)areessentialfattyacidsformarinelarvalfish ,andthatdocosahexaenoicacid (DHA ,2 2 :6n 3)andeicosape…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONRaninoidesfoundbyH .MilneEdwards,1 83 7,nowincludessixspeciesinIndo PacificOceans:R .personatusHenderson ,1 888,R .seratifronsHenderson,1 888,R .hendersoniChopra,1 93 1 ,R .barnardiiSakai,1 974 ,R .crosnieriRibes,1 989andR .intermediusDaietXu,1 993 .RecentlyreportedR .perso…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThegenusPraebebaliawasestablishedbyRathbun ,1 91 1 .Itscarapaceisbroaderthanlongaslongasbroad ,orslightlylongerthanbroad ;theposteriorborderisusuallyarmedwithaspineortu bercleoneachside ,thehepaticandintestinalregionsaredistinctlyelevated ;thechel…  相似文献   

The ampharetid genus Lysippe Malmgren, 1866 is reported for the first time from Chinese waters. The identification was based on material deposited in the Marine Biological Museum of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Qingdao). A new species, Lysippe trichobranchia sp. nov. is described. The new species is widely distributed in shallow waters of the Bohai Gulf, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea at depths of 10-40 m.  相似文献   

The morphology and infraciliature of a new marine colepid ciliate, Apocoleps magnus gen. nov., spec. nov., are described based on living observations and silver impregnations. The new genus Apocoleps is characterized by having 8 (vs. 6 in most other related genera) armour tiers, spines at both ends of the cell, 3 adoral organelles and plates with 4 reniform uni-windows. Apocoleps magnus spec. nov. is defined by the following features: body elongated and slightly curved, about 100–120μm× 35–45 μm in vivo; an...  相似文献   

描记采于云南省沪西县城郊龙潭及阿庐古洞的金线鲃属一新种,命名为阿庐金线鲃Sinocyclocheilus aluensisL ietX iao sp.nov。新种在外形上与狭孔金线鲃S.angustiporusZhengetX iao(1985)相近,但有下列特征与之区别:1)新种头长显著大于体高;后者头长约等于体高。2)新种背鳍起点至吻端的距离大于至尾鳍基的距离;后者正相反。3)新种鳃孔大,上角超过眼上缘水平线;后者鳃孔小,上角低于眼上缘水平线。4)经线粒体细胞色素b基因测定,两者分子遗传距离为3.0%,提示是两个独立种。  相似文献   

描记采于云南省邱北县一地下洞穴盲金线鲃一新种,以其头上骨质突形状如鹰喙命名鹰喙角金线鲃Sinocyclocheilus aquihornes sp.nov.。新种头形及完全退化的眼与分布于云南泸西阿庐古洞的透明金线鲃S.hyalinus Chen et Yang(1994)相近,但有下列特征可区别:1)角形如鹰喙,后者为一向前的直突起;2)侧线完全,侧线鳞为36,后者侧线不完全,侧线鳞孔9-11;3)背鳍起点位于体中点,至吻端的距离等于至尾鳍基的距离;后者背鳍起点位于体中点之后,至吻端的距离大于至尾鳍基的距离。  相似文献   

The morphology and infraciliature of a marine ciliateAnphileptus litonotiformis nov. sp. inhabiting a shrimp farming pond in Sheyang (Jiangsu Province) are described. According to the infraciliature, habitat, and other morphological characters, it can not be congeneric with any other species of the genus. The special features ofA. litonotiformis are theLitonotus-like body shape and the arrangement of its extrusomes regularly located along the margin of the cytostome. The most important characters of some relatedAnphileptus-species from marine water are biometrically tabled and discussed.  相似文献   

云南洞穴金线鲃属鱼类(鲤科)一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描记采于罗平县—地下河金线鲃属一新种,命名为瓦状角金线鲃Sinocyclocheilus tileihornesMao,Lu et Li,sp.nov。新种外形与犀角金线鲃S.rhinocerous Li et Tao(1994)相近,但新种无侧线鳞,角顶部分叉呈瓦状,腹鳍较长,后伸超过肛门或达到臀鳍起点可与之相区分。  相似文献   

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