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In situ tensile fracture toughness of surficial cohesive marine sediments   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study reports the first in situ measurements of tensile fracture toughness, K IC, of soft, surficial, cohesive marine sediments. A newly developed probe continuously measures the stress required to cause tensile failure in sediments to depths of up to 1 m. Probe measurements are in agreement with standard laboratory methods of K IC measurements in both potter’s clay and natural sediments. The data comprise in situ depth profiles from three field sites in Nova Scotia, Canada. Measured K IC at two muddy sites (median grain size of 23–50 μm) range from near zero at the sediment surface to >1,800 Pa m1/2 at 0.2 m depth. These profiles also appear to identify the bioturbated/mixed depth. K IC for a sandy site (>90% sand) is an order of magnitude lower than for the muddy sediments, and reflects the lack of cohesion/adhesion. A comparison of K IC, median grain size, and porosity in muddy sediments indicates that consolidation increases fracture strength, whereas inclusion of sand causes weakening; thus, sand-bearing layers can be easily identified in K IC profiles. K IC and vane-measured shear strength correlate strongly, which suggests that the vane measurements should perhaps be interpreted as shear fracture toughness, rather than shear strength. Comparison of in situ probe-measured values with K IC of soils and gelatin shows that sediments have a K IC range intermediate between denser compacted soils and softer, elastic gelatin.  相似文献   

The Acid-Producing Potential (APP) and the Acid-Consuming Capacity (ACC) are introduced as basic parameters for long-term pollution assessment of mud disposal. They can be obtained by a four-step sequential leaching technique. The concentration of Ca extracted by the first Na-acetate step permits calculating the ACC. Both the Fe- and S-fractions deliberated by subsequent leaching steps are used to calculate the APP. When the APP of a sample is substacted from its ACC, a negative value indicates a potential increase of the bioavailability of the toxic metal load upon disposal of this mud in oxic environments.  相似文献   

Deposits of dredged cohesive sediments were monitored for changes in volume, bulk characteristics, and susceptibility to resuspension and erosion at disposal sites in Chesapeake Bay. There is a 23–48% volume reduction during the first six months, with correspondingly greater changes over longer time periods. A bulk density increase from 1.15 to 1.3 g/cm3 due to dewatering and compaction accounts for the majority of the volume change. Tidal current induced resuspension is a minor process. The observed suspended sediment load can be accounted for by erosion of only a fraction of a millimeter of sediment on each tidal cycle.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, many attempts have been made to generate useful bottom erosion models for the study of cohesive sediment movement. This study addresses some of the key questions involved in determining the functional relationship between erosion rate and bottom shear stress. Current, wave, and turbidity data were collected from a bottom mounted instrument array in a moderately energetic estuarine environment. The bottom shear stress was calculated from a wave–current interaction model. The erosion rate was derived from the observed sediment concentration using a vertical mixing model. Examination of the relationship between erosion rate and bottom stress showed that the erosion rate varied at intertidal frequency. When averaged over the tidal fluctuation, the erosion rate remained approximately constant at low stress, but increased sharply when the shear stress rose above a critical value. This suggests two-stage erosion. The bed has a layered structure, in which a thin layer of loose, high water content material overlies a more consolidated bed. The top layer of high water content material (fluff) was easily disturbed and re-suspended by tidal currents, but the consolidated bottom layer was eroded only under conditions of high shear stress.  相似文献   

Velocity and suspension measurements in the logarithmic layer of hydraulically smooth turbulent tidal flow from the North Sea are reported. The data were not compatible with the assumption of Newtonian flow for the experimental seawater—clay suspension.Laboratory measurements were initiated with mud and seawater from the North Sea in which the boundary-layer structure of this two-phase flow was measured down into the viscous sublayer. The dilute seawater—clay suspension was a mixture of illite, kaolinite and chlorite minerals with concentrations less than 380 mg/l and exhibited turbulent drag reduction.By reviewing flow measurements of other authors it is suggested that turbulent drag reduction occurs on a geophysical scale if the flows transport cohesive sediments. It is proposed that drag reduction is caused by dynamic interaction between turbulent shear strain in the flow and deformation of aggregates.As a consequence, the values of the critical friction velocity u1 crit and of erosion rates must be reviewed for cohesive bottom materials. Normally they were obtained under the assumption of a Newtonian flow structure which is not applicable if the flow transports cohesive sediments.To detect the occurrence of drag reduction in geophysical boundary layers (hydraulically smooth), flow measurements must be performed down into the viscous sublayer. The adequate velocity sensors must have a diameter of ?1 mm.  相似文献   

黏性泥沙在黄河水下三角洲广泛分布,其在外部载荷作用下易引发泥沙淤积、冲刷、海床流化等问题,对港口、航道、海底管线等工程设施构成巨大威胁。利用黄河水下三角洲埕岛海域所取海底表层沉积物,制备不同固结时间和不同含水率的高浓度黏性泥沙样品。采用R/S流变仪,对所制备高浓度黏性泥沙样品进行全剪切速率下的流变试验,分析黄河水下三角洲高浓度黏性泥沙流变特性及含水率和固结时间对流变特性的影响。结果表明,高浓度黏性泥沙在剪切荷载作用下流化失稳,发生相态转化;屈服应力在固结120 min后增加了35%;含水率50%以上高浓度黏性泥沙在高剪切速率下表现出剪切增稠行为,且随含水率增加剪切增稠行为越明显;Power模型适用于含水率大于50%的高浓度黏性泥沙在高剪切速率下的流变行为。本研究可为海底黏性泥沙运动过程数值模拟与海底重力流等灾害预测提供参考。  相似文献   

Side-scan sonar investigations in the eastern part of the macrotidal Bay of Seine have revealed the presence of numerous rippled scour depressions (RSDs) at water depths of 5–9 m. The sediments in these depressions consist essentially of coarse-grained shell hash derived from underlying Holocene sediments dated at roughly 6,500 years BP, and arranged in large wave-generated ripples. The shallow marine area where these features occur consists of a wave-generated ravinement surface produced during the marine flooding of the late Holocene transgression. It can be shown that, during the last 20 years at least, erosion of the muddy sand and sandy seabed has exposed underlying relict sediments. These consist of stiff clays, silts and a layer of shell debris which, when exposed, cover the bottom of large scour depressions which appear to be in equilibrium with the local hydrodynamic regime. Morphological and hydrodynamic data suggest that the RSDs are generated by strong cross-shore bottom currents flowing parallel to the features in the direction of the prevailing waves, and probably associated with storm-induced downwelling events.  相似文献   


The Haamer vibrocorer is a cheap and easily handled sampler for containing continuous cohesive or cohesionless sediment cores. This vibrocorer can be handled on board an ordinary trawler or small vessel. The penetration of the sampling barrel is actuated by two synchronized vibrators. Additional penetration force is provided by the buoyancy of a guiding buoy. To extend the maximum sampling length and to decrease the degree of disturbance, the vibrocorer is equipped with a plastic foil, which encases the core as it enters the liner and reduces inside friction. By providing the sampler with jetting water, the necessary penetration force is decreased. Testing a prototype is always difficult, but a working cycle of up to three cores an hour has been reached using a 6 m vibrocorer. A limited investigation has been conducted to determine the quality of the recovered cores; however, because of the poorly defined quality of the reference samples, no definitive answer to the question of sample disturbance can be given.  相似文献   

The possibility and expediency of analysing tidal phenomena using methods from the theory of periodically-correlated random processes are discussed. The model for simulating these processes allows the cyclicity and stochasticity of tidal oscillations to be considered and the variability of the regular course of tidal waves to be assessed. The model essentially expands the bounds of the classical theory for tidal phenomena.Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   

A simple estimation of light penetration in tidal flat sediments was developed using various sediment size fractions and their attenuation rate of irradiance. The attenuation coefficients of the sediment size fractions of 63–125, 125–250, 250–500, 500–1000 μm and 1000–2000 μm were 8.10, 4.08, 2.92, 2.12 and 1.44 mm−1, respectively. Using the average attenuation coefficient of the particle size fractions in the sediment, the calculated attenuation coefficient agreed well with the actual attenuation coefficient. The method presented gives a photo-parameter to predict productivity in intertidal sediments, given only the particle size fraction.  相似文献   

The effect of bioturbation on the erodability of natural and manipulated copper spiked sediments (3 μmol Cu g−1 dw) was investigated using sediments collected in the Tagus estuary and Nereis diversicolor (900 ind m−2). The input of particulate matter and Cu into the water column as a result of erosion was quantified in an annular flume at 7 shear velocities (1–13 cm s−1). The biogeochemical characteristics of the sediment were analysed in depth down to 8 cm. Cu contamination elicited lower levels of eroded matter and lower shear strength profiles. Eroded matter and sediment shear strength values were higher (up to 1.7 kg m−2) in the presence of N. diversicolor, whose effect was less pronounced under contamination. Sediment erodability was not only related to hydrodynamics but was highly affected by the biogeochemical characteristics and contamination of the sediments.  相似文献   

The use of free-living nematodes as a bioassay for estuarine sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A bioassay technique using free-living nematodes has been developed to assess the environmental quality of estuarine sediments. Nematodes offer the advantages of (a) generally being the most abundant metazoan in sediments; (b) having short life histories and no pelagic larvae; and (c) being relatively easy to maintain in laboratory culture. Small individual body size and rapid generation time (two weeks) render nematodes especially useful in evaluating effects of potential toxicants on populations, rather than on single individuals.The bioassay technique was developed using two species, Chromadorina germanisa and Diplolaimella punicea, and sediments from the Hudson-Raritan estuarine area. The life histories and feeding habits of both species are known. Test sediments were taken from eight stations that represent a gradient from lightly to heavily impacted. Concentrations of potential toxicants measured in these sediments included polychlorinated hydrocarbons, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, and heavy metals. Control sediments, taken from 100 km distant, were almost totally toxicant-free. Nematodes were incubated in the dark at 25°C for two weeks at 1:1 and 1:10 concentrations (volume/volume) of sediments prepared with sterile sea water. Food consisted of bacteria from nematode stock cultures. Intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) of the nematodes was used as the indicator of sediment quality; r has units (daily increase in number of generations), is easily computed, and can be treated statistically.Both species grew better in control and other sediments containing low concentrations of PCBs, PAHs, and heavy metals. In sediments having TIF PCB and PAH concentrations (ppb) of more than 270 and 8700, respectively, population growth of both species tended to be less than half that found at lower concentrations. Significant inverse correlations between r and toxicant concentration occurred at 1:1 sediment-water concentrations. At 1:10 concentrations the correlations remained negative, but not at the 0·05 level of significance.Use of the nematodes Chromadorina germanica and Diplolaimella punicea offers a quick, easy and statistically testable means of assessing the quality of marine sediments on populations, rather than single individuals, of marine benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   

在2011年7月利用35SO2-4培养示踪法测定九龙江河口两个站位(A站位位于咸淡混合区,盐度3~5;B站位位于海相区,盐度20~25)沉积柱中硫酸盐还原速率的垂直分布。结果显示A站位沉积柱中硫酸盐还原速率变化范围为54~2 345nmol/(cm3·d),从表层到底部先增大后减小,最大值出现在20cm深度附近;B站位硫酸盐还原速率在24~987nmol/(cm3·d)之间,分别在10cm和78cm深度附近出现两个峰值,分别为876nmol/(cm3·d)和987nmol/(cm3·d)。综合分析两个站位孔隙水中SO2-4、甲烷浓度和沉积物中总有机碳、温度和氧化还原电位的垂直变化趋势与其硫酸盐还原速率的分布规律,表明A站位沉积物中硫酸盐还原以有机矿化为主;B站位受到有机质矿化和甲烷厌氧氧化的共同作用;两个站位硫酸盐还原速率及垂直分布趋势受孔隙水中SO2-4浓度、有机质活性和温度的共同影响;根据各个层位硫酸盐还原速率估算两个站位硫酸盐还原通量(以硫计)分别为527.9mmol/(m2·d)和357.1mmol/(m2·d),表明硫酸盐还原是九龙江河口有机质厌氧矿化的重要路径。  相似文献   

The accumulation rates of sediment cores in Osaka Bay have been determined by using210Pb dating technique. In the upper 10 cm210Pbex contents show a constant value with depth. The accumulation rates below the homogeneous layer of sediments ranging from 0.12 to 0.61cm y–1 (0.067–0.34 g cm–2 y–1) were obtained. The higher contents of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cr were observed in the upper 10 to 30 cm of sediments. Assuming that the increment of heavy metal content in sediments is due to anthropogenic origin, the amount of anthropogenic input of heavy metals into sediments were estimated to be 1,300–2,700g cm–2 for Zn, 150 – 480 for Cu, 360 – 410 for Pb and 320 – 480 for Cr. The increment appears to start about 100 years ago. In surfical sediments most of heavy metal contents exceeded the background content, and then most part of Osaka Bay is polluted by heavy metals.  相似文献   

徐松立  黄邦钦 《台湾海峡》2010,29(4):478-487
尝试利用放射性同位素14C示踪方法测定浮游植物不同类群的光合速率和生长速率,并通过实验室和现场海域的培养实验来初步评估该技术的可行性.通过高效液相色谱法分离光合色素,手动收集并测定各对应光合色素峰的放射性活度,依据Redalje-Laws法并结合类胡萝卜素标记法计算出各大类群浮游植物的光合速率和生长速率.实验结果表明,在实验室纯种培养的4株藻光合速率范围为347.73~678.98 mg/(dm3.d),最高的为绿藻的小球藻,最低的为定鞭金藻的球石藻.其生长速率范围为0.12~0.24 d-1,最高的为球石藻,最低的为小球藻.在现场海域各类群的光合速率相对较低,变化范围为0.63~68.78 mg/(dm3.d),生长速率在0.07~1.68 d-1之间.本研究首次在我国海域通过现场原位测定得到不同类群浮游植物的光合速率和生长速率.但在测定过程中存在的样品含量和放射活度较低等问题还有待于进一步解决.  相似文献   

Stability of many ocean structures is affected by seabed scour induced by under-currents. The depth of scour is an important parameter for determining the minimum depth of foundations as it reduces the lateral capacity of the foundations. A review of the literature reveals that there is not much information available in the field of scour in cohesive soils. Hence, a detailed laboratory testing programme on model piles of diameters 50 mm to 110 mm embedded in soft silty clay soil was carried out in a wave flume of 30 m long, 2.0 m wide and 1.7 m deep, which has the capability of simulating steady currents. Scour around the pile due to steady streaming is monitored by using special instrumentation. A procedure has been suggested to predict the ultimate scour depths based on the observed variation in scour depth over a limited time period. The study indicates that the ultimate scour depth is controlled by diameter of obstruction, current velocity, model Reynolds number, flow Froude number, shear stress, and soil characteristics. Based on these results, a few functional relationships are suggested between scour depth and other parameters like Reynolds number, Froude number, and strength of the soil bed.  相似文献   

海水盐度对沉降泥沙固结过程影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄河每年输送上亿吨泥沙入海,其中80%以上沉积在河口附近水下三角洲。受黄河入海径流量、气候及海洋动力条件影响,黄河口海域海水盐度变化显著。目前,不同盐度海水环境下入海泥沙沉降形成的海床土,固结过程有何差异尚不清楚。本文在黄河水下三角洲潮坪配制不同盐度的流态沉积物,模拟不同沉积环境下新沉积土的固结过程,利用轻型贯入测试、十字板剪切测试等现场原位试验,实时观测沉积环境盐度对沉降泥沙固结过程的影响。研究发现:随着海水盐度增加,沉积物固结强度增大,沉积环境盐度每增高1‰,沉积物固结后强度可增加0.15倍;海水盐度对沉积物固结速率的影响,在初始阶段表现不明显,在沉积物固结后期,盐度每增高1‰,固结速率可增长1.23倍;海水盐度的增高,还加剧了沉积物固结强度的空间非均匀性。本研究的发现,促进了对河口区海底工程环境的认识。  相似文献   

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