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王猛  刘焰  何延波  魏东 《地质科学》2008,43(3):603-622
利用GTOPO30和SRTM3数字高程(DEM)数据,提取了喜马拉雅山脉(造山带)的数字高程模型并对其进行了地质地貌的初步分析。从SRTM3数字高程数据提取出坡度数据,初步分析了喜马拉雅山脉坡度和高程的特征。数字高程和坡度图清楚地展现了喜马拉雅大型断裂带(构造边界)的空间分布特征。分析了中国气象局下属的西藏、青海、四川和云南4省区气象观测台站55年来的年平均降水量观测数据、喜马拉雅山脉南坡的年平均降水量数据、喜马拉雅DEM和裂变径迹数据,发现喜马拉雅山脉从东至西,年平均降水量逐渐减少,地形起伏逐渐变小,而高程渐次升高,与此同时剥蚀速率降低;从北至南,年平均降水量逐渐增加,地形起伏增大,高程快速降低,而剥蚀速率则急剧升高。这充分说明了喜马拉雅年平均降水量大的地区,地表剥蚀作用相对较强,年平均降水量小的地区,地表剥蚀作用则较弱,即:在喜马拉雅地区,长周期的地表剥蚀过程(可长达数个百万年时间尺度)和短周期(仅仅50年)的降水量观测是耦合的。  相似文献   

苟龙龙  张立飞 《岩石学报》2009,25(9):2271-2280
古南天山洋闭合过程中,由于洋壳俯冲产生的岛弧岩浆作用加热大陆地壳,在新疆西南天山木扎尔特一带形成了一套低压高温泥质麻粒岩相变质岩石.本文用Theriak-Domino热力学软件对该套岩石中的堇青石榴夕线石黑云母片麻岩和含夕线石堇青石榴黑云母片麻岩进行了岩石学相平衡计算研究,得到它们峰期变质的温压条件分别是:T=630~674℃,P=5.2~5.5kbar和T=645~684℃,P=5.4~5.7kbar.并采用独居石Th-U-Pb电子探针定年方法,对样品WQ006中的3颗独居石进行了原位年龄测定(38个分析点),得到2组等时线年龄,分别是376±8Ma和280σ8Ma(2σ).结合独居石的岩相学特征,提出了新疆西南天山低压高温麻粒岩相峰期变质作用的时代为280±8Ma,而376±8Ma(2σ)可能为原沉积岩的原岩/成岩年龄.表明西南天山洋壳开始俯冲发生在晚古生代,进一步证明了西南天山造山带俯冲碰撞发生在晚二叠纪之后的观点.  相似文献   

Gold mineralization of the Tardan deposit is of different spatial occurrences and is related to different hydrothermal-metasomatic formations, the main ones being skarn-magnetite bodies, metasomatites of mineralized crush zones, and metasomatites of argillizitic-rock association. The formation of gold mineralization was a multistage process related to the repeated magmatism of the Tannu-Ola complex. It took place in a wide temperature range (400–150 °C), which determined the diversity of produced mineral assemblages. The gold mineralization associated with magnetite bodies shows a spatial correlation with magnesian and calcareous skarns and is localized in plagiogranites and gabbro-diorites of the Tannu-Ola complex intruded in the Late Ordovician. Gold mineralization that occurs in crush zones and along the fault sutures in moderate- and low-temperature hydrothermal-metasomatic rocks (propylites, beresites, serpentinites, and argillizites) formed somewhat later than skarns as a result of the intrusion of granite dike bodies. Comparative analysis of different types of gold mineralization showed both a change of mineral assemblages of the gold mineralization during the ore formation and some geochemical difference between gold and gold-bearing ores. In passing from early to late occurrences of native gold, its fineness decreases, the contents of admixtures correspondingly increase, and the gold composition changes. Gold of high-temperature rocks is rich in Cu (up to 17%), and gold of low-temperatures rocks has higher contents of Ag and Hg.  相似文献   

简要报道了新近首次在冀西北张家口尚义地区发现的恐龙足迹。野外地质调查发现,恐龙足迹赋存于尚义晚中生代盆地侏罗系—白垩系后城组顶部。恐龙行迹呈近东西向展布,由数十个足迹构成。初步研究表明,造迹者分别属于兽脚类和蜥脚类恐龙,由西向东行进。足迹中包括兽脚类足迹70余个,组成数个行迹;蜥脚类足迹15个,构成1列行迹。蜥脚类足迹特征显示其可能属于游泳状的行迹。华北北部土城子组/后城组发育于燕辽生物群—热河生物群更替演化时期(晚侏罗世—早白垩世早期),以往在该时期沉积物中罕见脊椎动物骨骼化石。近年来华北北部土城子组/后城组中频繁发现的恐龙足迹表明,燕辽生物群—热河生物群更替演化时期发育着以恐龙为代表的脊椎动物群。该发现将有助于进一步了解土城子组/后城组沉积时期恐龙属种的多样性及其生物古地理环境。晚侏罗世—早白垩世早期沉积古地理和古生态环境及其与恐龙动物群发育的研究有助于揭示陆地生物群更替演化和环境的关系。  相似文献   


黄铁矿等硫化物离子探针硫同位素分析已经广泛应用在成矿机理、古环境重建、大气环境硫源示踪及行星演化等研究中。纳米离子探针(CAMECA Nano SIMS 50L)的使用将硫化物硫同位素分析空间分辨率提升到微纳尺度(1μm~100nm), 实现了分辨率1~2μm、精度0.5‰(1SD)的硫同位素点分析方法, 分辨率100nm、精度1‰的硫同位素图像分析方法。为了进一步优化分析流程拓展纳米离子探针硫同位素的应用, 本文系统比较了纳米离子探针微纳尺度硫同位素点分析方法、图像分析方法的各自特点及分析流程; 并以东营凹陷北带沙四段黄铁矿为研究对象, 联合采用了纳米离子探针硫同位素点分析和硫同位素图像分析手段, 对黄铁矿微细结构进行分析, 从而揭示了储层中黄铁矿成因及其油气成藏的指示意义。


Amos Frumkin   《Quaternary Research》2009,71(3):319-328
Trees growing on the Mt. Sedom salt diapir, at the southern Dead Sea shore, were swept by runoff into salt caves and subsequently deposited therein, sheltered from surface weathering. A subfossil Tamarix tree trunk, found in a remote section of Sedom Cave is radiocarbon dated to between  2265 and 1930 BCE. It was sampled in 109 points across the tree rings for carbon and nitrogen isotopes. The Sedom Tamarix demonstrates a few hundred years of 13C and 15N isotopic enrichment, culminating in extremely high δ13C and δ15N values. Calibration using modern Tamarix stable isotopes in various climatic settings in Israel shows direct relationship between isotopic enrichment and climate deterioration, particularly rainfall decrease. The subfossil Tamarix probably reflects an environmental crisis during the Intermediate Bronze Age, which subsequently killed the tree  1930 BCE. This period coincides with the largest historic fall of the Dead Sea level, as well as the demise of the large regional urban center of the 3rd millennium BCE. The environmental crisis may thus explain the archaeological evidence of a shift from urban to pastoral culture during the Intermediate Bronze Age. This was apparently the most severe long-term historical drought that affected the region in the mid-late Holocene.  相似文献   


锦葵科(Malvaceae Juss.)翅子树属(Pterospermum Schreb.)主要分布于热带亚洲,该属化石目前只在印度有少量记录。本研究报道了产自云南省景谷县(23°31′N,100°42′E)下中新统三号沟组的翅子树属叶片化石。通过形态学研究鉴定出3个种:双兴翅子树(P.shuangxingii Y.S.Zhao, J.Huang et T. Su sp. nov.),叶片偏小型,顶端截形并具3浅裂,与现今分布于东南亚地区的大花翅子树(P.grandiflorum Craib)形态较为相似;云南翅子树近似种(P.cf.yunnanense H.H.Hsue),叶片偏小型,顶端不分裂;翅子树属一未定种(Pterospermum sp.),叶片中型,叶片顶端具齿。景谷县翅子树属化石的发现证明,早中新世该属就在我国西南地区分化并繁盛至今。综合本研究以及已有证据,翅子树属可能从印度次大陆起源,随后向亚洲东部和东南部的热带地区扩散,最终形成了现今热带亚洲的分布格局。此外,本研究还描述了翅子树属化石叶片上的9种昆虫取食类型,与该属现生种叶片的昆虫取食形态一致,表明该属现今的植食性昆虫取食行为可能在早中新世就已经出现。


A new species of Shuyuidae (Eugaleaspiformes, Galeaspida), Jiangxialepis jiujiangensis sp. nov., is described from the lower Telychian (Llandovery, Silurian) Qingshui Formation in Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, China. The new species differs from the type species J. retrospina from Wuhan, Hubei Province in its sharp and posteriorly positioned median dorsal spine and narrow spine-shaped inner cornual processes. The Silurian strata in Xiushui–Wuning area has provided a standard framework for the correlation of Silurian shallow marine red beds in South China. Thus, the finding of J. jiujiangensis from the Silurian Lower Red Beds (LRBs) in Jiangxi Province bears very important biostratigraphic significance. It can directly compare to Jiangxialepis retrospina from the Fentou Formation in Wuhan, Hubei Province in the genus level. This indicates that the age of the fish-bearing strata in Wuhan is most likely to be the early Telychian rather than middle Telychian as previously assumed.  相似文献   

This is the first record of a representative of the organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst genus Palynodinium from the New Zealand region. Previously, Palynodinium grallator has been reported from two sites in offshore Tasmania during Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 189. The new species Palynodinium minus is found consistently in latest Maastrichtian? and earliest Danian strata (latest Haumurian–earliest Teurian) in two sections located along the mid-Waipara and Grey rivers, North Canterbury, South Island. It occurs in a narrow stratigraphic interval at the Cretaceous–Paleogene transition and is potentially a stratigraphically important index species in the region. Its range coincides with that of the global earliest Danian index fossil Carpatella cornuta and a basal Danian acme interval of Trithyrodinium evittii, and is correlated to ca. 65.5–65.2 Ma. Its highest occurrence is at the base of an acme interval of Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum. It has only been recorded from sections composed of siliciclastic shelf sediments, suggesting that it might have had a palaeoecological preference for relatively near-shore environments.  相似文献   

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