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The evolutionary track of low-mass red giant stars (0.7–0.9M ) is computed with the aim to demonstrate the conditions under which low-mass white dwarfs (WDs) can form through the evolution of single stars. Also, the influence of the mixing length to the scale height ratio on the radius of the star is calculated and the coupling between the mixing-length and the mass-loss rate parameters is investigated. Our conclusions are that the uncertainties in mass-loss and mixing-length to scale-height ratio leave enough parameter space to allow the formation of low-mass WD via single star evolution. We also conclude that the gap between proto-WD stars without any nebula and stars with well-defined nebulae is bridged by stars which have a dilute gas cloud around them which cannot be observed as a nebula.  相似文献   

The final state of the primaries of binary systems with initial massesM 1i=10M to 15M is derived from the mass of their C/O-cores. The possibility of a second stage of mass transfer towards the secondary is considered. It turns out that the critical mass for the bifurcation is about 14M : stars with larger masses in this range are the progenitors of neutron stars, while the lower mass stars are the ancestors of white dwarfs.Research supported by the National Foundation of Collective Fundamental Research of Belgium (F.K.F.O.) under No. 10303.  相似文献   

In an investigation of the evolution of homogeneous, isentropic, stars through stages of diminishing entropy, Rakavy and Shaviv (1968) have recently found that stars of mass less thanM c (Chandrasekhar's limiting mass for white dwarfs) evolve into white dwarfs, while stars of mass greater thanM c approach a (singular) state of minimum entropy. An elementary explanation of these results is given and qualitative effects of general relativity are discussed. It is found that stars which are lighter than the Oppenheimer and Volkoff (1939) limit become white dwarfs, while heavier stars must become dynamically unstable at a finite stage in their evolution.  相似文献   

We analyze the time evolution of the number of accreting white dwarfs with surface shell hydrogen burning in semidetached and detached binaries. We consider the case where continuous star formation with a constant rate takes place in a stellar system over 1010 Gyr and the case of a starburst in which the same mass of stars is formed over 109 Gyr. The evolution of the number of white dwarfs is compared with the evolution of the rate of events that are usually considered as SNe Ia and/or accretion-induced collapses, i.e., the accumulation of a Chandrasekhar mass by white dwarfs or the merger of white dwarf pairs with a total mass greater than or equal to the Chandrasekhar one. In stellar systems with a starburst, the supersoft X-ray sources observed at t = 1010 yr are most likely not the progenitors of SNe Ia. The same is true for a significant fraction of the sources in systems with a constant star formation rate. In both cases, the merger of white dwarfs is the dominant mechanism of SNe Ia. In symbiotic binaries, accreting CO dwarfs do not accumulate enough mass for an SNe Ia explosion, while ONeMg dwarfs finish their evolution by an accretion-induce collapse with the formation of a neutron star.  相似文献   

Strange quark stars with a crust and strange dwarfs consisting of a compact strange quark core and an extended crust are investigated in terms of a bag model. The crust, which consists of atomic nuclei and degenerate electrons, has a limiting density of cr=drip=4.3·1011 g/cm3. A series of configurations are calculated for two sets of bag model parameters and three different values of cr (109 g/cm3 cr drip) to find the dependence of a star's mass M and radius R on the central density. Sequences of stars ranging from compact strange stars to extended strange dwarfs are constructed out of strange quark matter with a crust. The effect of the bag model parameters and limiting crust density cr on the parameters of the strange stars and strange dwarfs is examined. The strange dwarfs are compared with ordinary white dwarfs and observational differences between the two are pointed out.  相似文献   

The critical accretion flow of gas onto compact stars with mass of 0.6M is investigated by numerical integrations of the time-dependent hydrodynamic equations in the sphericallysymmetric and optically thick case. For the compact stars surrounded by such a dense cloud of gas, the radiation pressure force decelerates the infall gas significantly and free fall regime of the gas is not at all attained. This results in incident low velocities at the standing shock front close to the stellar surface, low temperatures of the gas around the compact stars, and no X-ray in white dwarfs but soft X-rays in neutron stars, respectively. Some applications of the results to the X-ray sources are discussed.  相似文献   

Close binaries can evolve through various ways of interaction into compact objects (white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes). Massive binary systems (mass of the primaryM 1 larger than 14 to 15M 0) are expected to leave, after the first stage of mass transfer a compact component orbiting a massive star. These systems evolve during subsequent stages into massive X-ray binaries. Systems with initial large periode evolve into Be X-ray binaries.Low mass X-ray sources are probably descendants of lower mass stars, and various channels for their production are indicated. The evolution of massive close binaries is examined in detail and different X-ray stages are discussed. It is argued that a first X-ray stage is followed by a reverse extensive mass transfer, leading to systems like SS 433, Cir X1. During further evolution these systems would become Wolf-Rayet runaways. Due to spiral in these system would then further evolve into ultra short X-ray binaries like Cyg X-3.Finally the explosion of the secondary will in most cases disrupt the system. In an exceptional case the system remains bound, leading to binary pulsars like PSR 1913+16. In such systems the orbit will shrink due to gravitational radiation and finally the two neutron stars will coalesce. It is argued that the millisecond pulsar PSR 1937+214 could be formed in this way.A complete scheme starting from two massive ZAMS stars, ending with a millisecond pulsar is presented.Paper presented at the Lembang-Bamberg IAU Colloquium No. 80 on Double Stars: Physical Properties and Generic Relations, held at Bandung, Indonesia 3–7 June, 1983.  相似文献   

Hydrogen-rich stars of very low mass (M 0.08M ) never go through hydrogenburning thermonuclear reactions and, in a time scale much shorter than the age of the Galaxy, become completely degenerate objects or black dwarfs. The number of the very-low-mass (VLM) black dwarfs is expected to be very large and they are likely to make a significant contribution to the total mass of the Galaxy. Processes of star and planet formation are discussed and it is concluded that the luminous and dark objects of mass 0.001M -0.08M beyond the solar system are not likely to be planets. Formation of Jupiter is discussed and it is suggested that the mass of Jupiter at the time of formation was smaller than its present mass.Paper presented at the Conference on Planetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

This is a study of the stability of strange dwarfs, superdense stars with a small self-confining core (M core  < 0.02 M) containing strange quark matter and an extended crust consisting of atomic nuclei and degenerate electron gas. The mass and radius of these stars are of the same orders as those of ordinary white dwarfs. It is shown that any study of their stability must examine the dependence of the mass on two variables, which can, for convenience, be taken to be the rest mass (total baryon mass) of the quark core and the energy density ρ tr of the crust at the surface of the quark core. The range of variation of these quantities over which strange dwarfs are stable is determined. This region is referred to as the stability valley for strange dwarfs. The mass and radius from theoretical models of strange dworfs are compared with observational data obtained through the HIPPARCOS program and the most probable candidate strange dwarfs are identified.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the first all-sky suvey of cosmic extreme ultra-violet sources, discovered by theROSAT Wide Field Camera. Details of the instrument and the survey are presented, with comparisons made to previous selected surveys in the X-ray regime. The subsequent optical identification program is described, and the major results summarized. I then discuss the main classes of EUV emitters: active chromosphere stars and hot white dwarfs, and describe the importance of EUV obserevations in understanding the astrophysics of these objects. Many bright, and relatively nearby, sources have been identified with hitherto unrecognized active stars, representing the extremes in chromospheric and coronal activity, be it binary or age related. Many new hot DA white dwarfs have also been indentified, and the most exciting result in this area is the discovery that significant traces of heavier elements (e.g. C, N, O, Si, Fe & Al) exist in their atmospheres, substantially increasing their EUV opacities. The importance of hot white dwarfs as standard candles in probing the local interstellar medium is also discussed. Miscellaneous counterparts (AGN, PNN, O-B stars and CVs) that make up the rest of the sample of EUV sources are also briefly mentioned. I conclude the paper with a discussion of the new magnetic cataclysmic variables discovered at SAAO, which have been the subject of intensive follow-up observations.  相似文献   

Relativistic, isentropic, homogeneous models are constructed by a method that automatically detects instabilities, and evolutionary tracks of central conditions are shown on a (T, ) diagram. Models heavier than 20M become unstable because of pair creation. Iron photodisintegration causes instability in the mass range between 1.5M and 20M . General relativistic effects bring about the onset of instability in models of 1.2–1.5M when the central density is about 1010 g/cm3. Lighter models become white dwarfs. It is pointed out that general relativistic instability will prevent the formation of neutron stars through hydrostatic evolution and may be relevant in setting off low-mass supernovae.  相似文献   

If the accreting white dwarf increases its mass to the Chandrasekhar mass, it will either explode as a Type I supernova or collapse to form a neutron star. In fact, there is a good agreement between the exploding white dwarf model for Type I supernovae and observations. We describe various types of evolution of accreting white dwarfs as a function of binary parameters (i.e, composition, mass, and age of the white dwarf, its companion star, and mass accretion rate), and discuss the conditions for the precursors of exploding or collapsing white dwarfs, and their relevance to cataclysmic variables. Particular attention is given tohelium star cataclysmics which might be the precursors of some Type I supernovae or ultrashort period X-ray binaries. Finally we present new evolutionary calculations using the updated nuclear reaction rates for the formation of O+Ne+Mg white dwarfs, and discuss the composition structure and their relevance to the model forneon novae.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986.  相似文献   

Wolf-Rayet stars are defined, a summary is given of the properties of Wolf-Rayet stars, and a qualitative model of a Wolf-Rayet star is sketched. It is incontrovertible that Wolf-Rayet stars are losing mass, a typical rate of mass loss being near 10–5 M per year. The outward directed velocity of the expanding shell has been estimated for 10 stars. The largest value found is 2500 km/sec; most values lie between 1000 and 1500 km/sec. Two outstanding problems are to understand how the observed high velocities are generated and to demonstrate quantitatively the effect of these velocities on the observed spectrum. Five questions raised by the fact that mass loss is observed to take place from Wolf-rayet stars are discussed briefly in Section 5.Presented at the Trieste Colloquium on Mass Loss from Stars, September 12–16, 1968.  相似文献   

Brown dwarfs are the coolest class of stellar objects known to date. Our present perception is that brown dwarfs follow the principles of star formation, and that brown dwarfs share many characteristics with planets. Being the darkest and lowest mass stars known makes brown dwarfs also the coolest stars known. This has profound implication for their spectral fingerprints. Brown dwarfs cover a range of effective temperatures which cause brown dwarfs atmospheres to be a sequence that gradually changes from a M-dwarf-like spectrum into a planet-like spectrum. This further implies that below an effective temperature of \(\lesssim \)2,800 K, clouds form already in atmospheres of objects marking the boundary between M-Dwarfs and brown dwarfs. Recent developments have sparked the interest in plasma processes in such very cool atmospheres: sporadic and quiescent radio emission has been observed in combination with decaying X-ray activity indicators across the fully convective boundary.  相似文献   

The consequences of gas-liquid phase transitions in the core of hot white dwarf stars are discussed. Expressions for the latent heat and the liquefaction curveT l =T l (Q) are obtained. Then amodel for a hot white dwarf is introduced and the corresponding liquefaction sequences are built on the H-R diagram; relations luminosity-central temperature and effective temperature-central temperature are also given for liquefying white dwarfs.Finally the cooling curves are obtained for such stars taking into account the effect of latent heat emission.Our results seem to suggest a possible identification of the central stars of planetary nebulae as hot liquefying white dwarfs.  相似文献   

The knowledge of mass loss rates due to thermal winds in cool dwarfs is of crucial importance for modeling the evolution of physical parameters of main sequence single and binary stars. Very few, sometimes contradictory, measurements of such mass loss rates exist up to now. We present a new, independent method of measuring an amount of mass lost by a star during its past life. It is based on the comparison of the present mass distribution of solar type stars in an open cluster with the calculated distribution under an assumption that stars with masses lower than Mlim have lost an amount of mass equal to ΔM. The actual value of ΔM or its upper limit is found from the best fit. Analysis of four clusters: Pleiades, NGC 6996, Hyades and Praesepe gave upper limits for ΔM in three of them and the inconclusive result for Pleiades. The most restrictive limit was obtained for Praesepe indicating that the average mass loss rate of cool dwarfs in this cluster was lower than 6 × 10–11 M/yr. With more accurate mass determinations of the solar type members of selected open clusters, including those of spectral type K, the method will provide more stringent limits for mass loss of cool dwarfs. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Evolution of massive stars losing mass with the rateM H L/V C is computed (for =1,2,7). It is shown that observed mass loss rates correspond to 0.3 and, therefore, mass loss by stellar wind cannot play any significant role in the evolution of normal massive stars. However, for several types of massive stars (WR, OH/IR, X-ray sources) enhanced mass loss explains their peculiar features. Computations of evolutionary sequences of massive stars with convective overshooting taken into account (as a formal increase of the convective core) show that a significant broadening of the hydrogen-burning band in the H-R diagram may be obtained.  相似文献   

We report the results of photometric observations of a number of magnetic white dwarfs in order to search for photometric variability in these stars. These V-band observations revealed significant variability in the classical highly magnetized white dwarf GRW+70?8247 with a likely period from several days to several dozen days and a half-amplitude of about 0. m 04. Our observations also revealed the variability of the well-known white dwarf GD229. The half amplitude of its photometric variability is equal to about 0. m 005, and the likely period of this degenerate star lies in the 10–20 day interval. This variability is most likely due to the rotation of the stars considered.We also discuss the peculiarities of the photometric variability in a number of other white dwarfs. We present the updated “magnetic field–rotation period” diagram for the white dwarfs.  相似文献   

We investigate whether the recently observed population of high-velocity white dwarfs can be derived from a population of binaries residing initially within the thin disc of the Galaxy. In particular, we consider binaries where the primary is sufficiently massive to explode as a Type II supernova. A large fraction of such binaries are broken up when the primary then explodes as a supernova, owing to the combined effects of the mass loss from the primary and the kick received by the neutron star on its formation. For binaries where the primary evolves to fill its Roche lobe, mass transfer from the primary leads to the onset of a common envelope phase during which the secondary and the core of the primary spiral together as the envelope is ejected. Such binaries are the progenitors of X-ray binaries if they are not broken up when the primary explodes. For those systems that are broken up, a large number of the secondaries receive kick velocities ∼100–200 km s−1 and subsequently evolve into white dwarfs. We compute trajectories within the Galactic potential for this population of stars and relate the birth rate of these stars over the entire Galaxy to those seen locally with high velocities relative to the local standard of rest (LSR) . We show that for a reasonable set of assumptions concerning the Galactic supernova rate and the binary population, our model produces a local number density of high-velocity white dwarfs compatible with that inferred from observations. We therefore propose that a population of white dwarfs originating in the thin disc may make a significant contribution to the observed population of high-velocity white dwarfs.  相似文献   

Recently some authors have questioned whether Newton's law of gravitation is actually true on scales less than 1 km. The available constraints on the gravitational constant show that is laboratory valueG 0 may differ from the value at infinityG by 40%. Long (1976) reported experimental evidence for departures from Newton's law. In this note it is shown that the difference betweenG 0 andG modifies the mass-radius relation of degenerate stars. The observations of white dwarfs are consistent with the theory of stellar evolution only ifG 0 differs fromG by not more than 10%. This estimate may be improved by a higher accuracy of observations.  相似文献   

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