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首先指出目前星风吸积模型中理论上的不自洽,考虑到δr≠0,重新推导轨道参量变化方程,消去了理论上的不自洽.提出一个新模型:首次将星风吸积同内禀AGB星核合成模型结合起来计算钡(Ba)星的重元素超丰,并将计算结果与观测值进行了比较.各参量按标准情况取值时,计算结果不太理想.取Bondihoyle吸积率的0.5倍或取较大的星风速率时,对于较长轨道周期(P>1000天)的Ba星,计算结果与观测值基本符合;而较短轨道周期(P<600天)的Ba星,其重元素超丰机制可能是盘吸积  相似文献   

The Malkus theory of a precessionally driven magnetoturbulence in a liquid core is applied to the Moon. It is shown that a lunar magnetic field requires the presence of a non-metallic core at at least 2500K or of an iron core at at least 2000K. Within the limits of our present knowledge these requirements may have been satisfied in the past. A new mechanism is proposed which is based on tidal effects in the outer solid and liquid shells whose existence is suggested by measurements of lunar radioactivity. This mechanism could account for the generation of local rather than poloidal fields at low latitudes in agreement with observation.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April, 1973.  相似文献   

Using data from the present gravitational potential and surface topography of the Moon, it is possible to determine a lower limit of about 5 b.y. for the relaxation time of the mascons. Assuming that the Moon has behaved as a Maxwellian viscoelastic body since the formation of the mascons, this relaxation time indicates a value of about 1027 poise for the viscosity of the lunar interior. Such a high viscosity implies that there has been no convection current inside the upper 800 km of the Moon since the formation of the mascons. Lunar Science Institute Contribution No. 99. The research in this paper was done while the author was a Visiting Scientist at the Lunar Science Institute, which is operated by the Universities Space Research Association under Contract No. NSR 09-051-001 with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   

The thermal evolution of the Moon as it can be defined by the available data and theoretical calculations is discussed. A wide assortment of geological, geochemical and geophysical data constrain both the present-day temperatures and the thermal history of the lunar interior. On the basis of these data, the Moon is characterized as a differentiated body with a crust, a 1000-km-thick solid mantle (lithosphere) and an interior region (core) which may be partially molten. The presence of a crust indicates extensive melting and differentiation early in the lunar history. The ages of lunar samples define the chronology of igneous activity on the lunar surface. This covers a time span of about 1.5 billion yr, from the origin to about 3.16 billion yr ago. Most theoretical models require extensive melting early in the lunar history, and the outward differentiation of radioactive heat sources.Thermal history calculations, whether based on conductive or convective computation codes define relatively narrow bounds for the present day temperatures in the lunar mantle. In the inner region of the 700 km radius, the temperature limits are wider and are between about 100 and 1600°C at the center of the Moon. This central region could have a partially or totally molten core.The lunar heat flow values (about 30 ergs/cm2s) restrict the present day average uranium abundance to 60 ± 15 ppb (averaged for the whole Moon) with typical ratios of K/U = 2000 and Th/U = 3.5. This is consistent with an achondritic bulk composition for the Moon.The Moon, because of its smaller size, evolved rapidly as compared to the Earth and Mars. The lunar interior is cooling everywhere at the present and the Moon is tectonically inactive while Mars could be and the Earth is definitely active.  相似文献   

Supporting evidence for the fission hypothesis for the origin of the Moon is offered. The maximum allowable amount of free iron now present in the Moon would not suffice to extract the siderophiles from the lunar silicates with the observed efficiency. Hence extraction must have been done with a larger amount of iron, as in the mantle of the Earth, of which the Moon was once a part, according to the fission hypothesis. The fission hypothesis gives a good resolution of the tektite paradox. Tektites are chemically much like products of the mantle of the Earth; but no physically possible way has been found to explain their production from the Earth itself. Perhaps they are a product of late, deep-seated lunar volcanism. If so, the Moon must have inside it some material with a strong resemblance to the Earth's mantle. Two dynamical objections to fission are shown to be surmountable under certain apparently plausible conditions.  相似文献   

Aberrational displacement of the observed topocentric positions of the Moon differ from the aberrational effect in its apparent ephemeris geocentric coordinates. The differential aberrational corrections due to the mutual positions of the observer and the Moon, may account to 0 . 3. The reduction method of astrometric observations of the Moon, which takes into account this effect, is proposed.  相似文献   

If the mass of the Earth was not considerably larger than at present, the pre-capture orbit of the Moon was in the range 0.9–1.1 A.U. Capture occurred within several 108 years after formation of the Moon.  相似文献   

Assuming that the lateral variations of density in the lunar crust, the crustal density anomalies, are responsible for the lateral undulations of the lunar gravitational potential, we compute these anomalies for four different lunar models, which include an entirely solid Moon and three different solid lunar models with partially molten layers located within 600 km depth. The stress differences created by the density anomalies are determined for these models. It is found that, since the formation of the mascons, the entirely solid lunar model should have supported stress differences of the order of 70 bars while in the case of the other models, the solid layer overlying the partially molten one should have supported stress differences of more than 100 bars. The high stress differences associated with the partially molten models lead us to conclude that these models are not proper ones, and thus the Moon has always been solid since the formation of the mascons. Lunar Science Institute Contribution No. 97. The research in this paper was done while the author was a Visiting Scientist at the Lunar Science Institute, which is operated by the Universities Space Research Association under Contract No. NSR 09-051-001 with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   

The thermal history and current state of the lunar interior are investigated using constraints imposed by recent geological and physical data. Theoretical temperature models are computed taking into account different initial conditions, heat sources, differentiation and simulated convection. To account for the early formation of the lunar highlands, the time duration of magmatism and presentday temperatures estimated from lunar electrical conductivity profiles, it is necessary to restrict initial temperatures and abundances of radioactivie elements. Successful models require that the outer half of the Moon initially heated to melting temperatures, probably due to rapid accretion. Differentiation of radioactive heat sources toward the lunar surface occurred during the first 1.6 billion years. Temperatures in the outer 500 km are currently low, while the deep interior (radius less than 700 to 1000 km) is warmer than 1000°C, and is of primordial material. In some models there is a partially melted core. The calculated surface heat flux is between 25 and 30 erg/cm2 s.Presently at the Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle, North Carolina 27709, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Shock metamorphism of the lunar samples is discussed. All types of lunar glasses formed by various-size collision-type impact are found as impact glass, ropy glass and agglutinates. The agglutinates bonded by crystal and glassy materials contain hydrogen and helium from the solar wind components. Lunar shocked minerals of plagioclase and silica show anomalous compositions and densities. There are typical two formation processes on planetary materials formed by shock events; that is (1) shocked quartz formed by silica-rich target rocks (esp. on evolved planets of the Earth and Mars), and (2) shocked silica with minor Al contents formed from plagioclase-rich primordial crusts of the Moon. The both shocked silica grows to coarse-grain normal crystals after high-temperature metamorphism which cannot distinguish the original main formation event of impact process.  相似文献   

On periodic flybys of the moon   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper considers the plane circular restricted three-body problem for small . Symmetric periodic solutions of the second species (passing near the body of mass ) and their distance from the center of the body of mass are studied by constructing perturbations of arc-solutions (solutions with consecutive collisions) existing for =0. Orbits which also pass near the body of mass 1- are studied in detail. The results are applied to finding periodic orbits in the Earth-Moon system and in the Sun-Jupiter system.Russian version: Preprint No. 91 (1978) of Inst. Appl. Math.; present English translation was made by L. M. Perko and W. C. Schulz (February 1979).  相似文献   

A simple analysis shows that the normal assumption of an outward heat flow, together with the normally assumed surface layer of low thermal conductivity, would give rise to microwave emission effects and to local variations in surface temperature which are not in fact observed. It is concluded that either the surface layer must be much thinner than is at present postulated, or that the outward flow of heat must be much smaller than is supposed.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic induction in a stratified Moon with a trailing cavity is discussed. The influence of the Moon wake is studied by using a two-layer lunar model with a perfectly conductive core. The magnetic field is shown to be independent of the wake length when that quantity is greater than 3 lunar radii. Regions on the sunlit and dark sides where the magnetic field may be described in terms of its first spatial harmonic have been distinguished, together with the corresponding errors admitted. It is in these regions that the electrical conductivity of the Moon can be found with very high accuracy, by simultaneous observations on the lunar surface and in the undisturbed solar wind. Results of these observations can be conveniently related to values of the apparent resistivity. Translated by Miss Eva Vokálová of the Astronomical Institute, Charles University, Prague, Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet flux from the entire lunar disk has been measured in a series of rocket flights from Woomera at several wavelength bands in the range 2400-2900 Å and also at the wavelength of the hydrogen Lα line (1216 Å). Comparison of these measurements with other observations shows that between the visible and middle ultraviolet part of the spectrum, the lunar albedo decreases sharply towards shorter wavelengths falling to (0.7 ± 0.1) percent at 2400 Å which is a factor of ten less than the visible albedo. The measured albedo at 1216 Å is (0.3 ± 0.1) percent indicating that the decline in reflectivity with decreasing wavelength is less rapid at far ultraviolet wavelengths than is the decline between visible and middle ultraviolet.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to give a brief account of the history of lunar mapping in the pre-telescopic era, and that immediately following the discovery of the telescope. It is pointed out that the first (and also last) extant map of the Moon based on naked-eye observations was prepared some time before 1603 by William Gilbert - discoverer of the terrestrial magnetism - though it was published only posthumously in 1651. Moreover, the recently unearthed drawings of the Moon by Thomas Harriott in England based on telescope observations between 1609 and 1610 are in no way inferior (if not otherwise) than those published by Galileo Galilei at the same time. As G. C. La Galla's drawings of the Moon published in Venice in 1612 are in reality identical with those of Galileo, the third independent contribution to lunar mapping was made by P. Christoph Scheiner in Germany between 1611 and 1613; preceding those by C. Malapert (1916) or Gassendi and Mellan more than twenty years later.  相似文献   

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