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在群舞创作中,舞蹈构图就是舞蹈演员与整个舞台空间的静止画面,"静止"是舞蹈构图的表现形式,"流动"是舞蹈调度的表现形式,作为舞蹈构图与构图的必要连接,在营造舞蹈情境和增强形式美上起到了补充作用。舞蹈调度是变换舞蹈构图的一种过程,舞蹈构图是调度过程的某一个停顿和结果。二者相辅相成,不断进行连接和变化,为表现舞蹈作品的主题,交代环境情节和塑造舞蹈形象而发挥其特有的作用。  相似文献   

The term ‘biological resources' here means a set of organisms that can be used by man directly or indirectly for consumption. They are involved in economic activities and represent an important part of a country's raw material potential. Many other organisms are also subject to rational use and protection. They can be associated with true resource species through interspecific relationships. The Caspian and Aral Seas are continental water bodies, giant saline lakes. Both categories of species are represented in the benthic and pelagic communities of the Caspian and Aral Seas and are involved in human economic activities. The most important biological resource of the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea is their ichthyofauna, represented by both aboriginal species and species introduced by man in the 20 th century. Among invertebrates, the main biological resource of these saline lakes is the brine shrimp A rtemia. The physical state of the Caspian as a water body is relatively stable but its biological resources are very seriously af fected by irrational use. The Aral Sea since the second half of the 20 t h century has experienced catastrophic anthropogenic regression, which has led to the almost complete loss of its biological resources due to salinization. However, thanks to efficacious engineering measures, it has now become possible to preserve its northern part(Small Aral) and rehabilitate it, lowering the salinity to its former state. The result has been the restoration of its fish biological resources. In the southern part of Aral(Large Aral), which turned into a group of separated hypersaline reservoirs, the only resource species currently available is the brine shrimp A rtemia. The main environmental threats for biological resources of the future Caspian and Aral as well as potential solutions are considered.  相似文献   

资源环境领域的信息化与本土化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文重点论述了资源环境领域的深层研究问题;同时提出用信息化推动现代化的观点,进而对地球信息科学与数字地球的战略进行了概要地分析。  相似文献   

论述了现行油田勘探开发管理体制存在的问题指出现行管理体制已不能适应形势发展的需要。从提高油田勘探开发的整体经济效益出发,提出了加快勘探开发一体化改革的对策与建议。  相似文献   

TheSonghuaRiver,oneofthemajorriversinNortheastChina,hastwosources:thenorthsourceistheNenjiangRiverandthesouthsourceistheSecondSonghuaRiver.ThetrunkstreamoftheNenjiangRiver,risingatthesouthernfootoftheYilehuliMountain,is1370kmlonganditswatershedareais…  相似文献   

合理的机构定位十分重要。充分发挥测绘行政主管部门的测绘行政管理和测绘保障两个职能,确保测绘工作服务于社会发展和经济建设。  相似文献   

中国浪漫主义文学的发展源远流长,从楚汉浪漫传统到晚明叛逆洪流,中国古代浪漫主义文学由幼稚走向成熟,也逐渐产生了和现代浪漫思潮相同的精神内涵,这就是强烈的自我意识和反叛意识;20世纪"五四"时期,在新文化运动的背景上发展出全新的、更为自由奔放的、波澜壮阔的现代浪漫主义文学巅峰。由于政治环境、文化氛围、文学传统等多种因素的影响,中国古代浪漫主义文学在广度、深度等方面都与现代浪漫主义文学存在明显差异。  相似文献   

针对影响当前征地补偿安置落实的多种因素,对改进和完善征地补偿制度.保障农民土地权益提出了5项措施:一是限制征用土地范围,减少圈占耕地行为;二是依法落实补偿政策.保证费用足额到位。三是实行以土地换社保,保障农民长远生计;四是探索集体土地流转,合理分配土地收益。五是加大土地.执法力度.严肃查处违法行为。  相似文献   

The Huanghe and Yongding rivers were formed before the early and middle Pliocene epoch. Then they became interior rivers because of the appearance of interior fault lake basins at the end of the Pliocene epoch. The interior flow period continued until the end of the early Pleistocene or the middle pf the Middle Pleistocene, and then they changed into the exterior rivers again till today.  相似文献   


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