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Summary Measurements have been made of the dieletric anisotropies of a number of rocks for which magnetic anisotropy data have been obtained previously. The purpose was to examine the possible usefulness of dielectric anisotropy as a physical property indicative of rock fabrics. Its advantage over the magnetic method is that it measures an average alignment of crystals of the dominant minerals, whereas magnetic anisotropy is due only to the ferromagnetic grains. Disadvantages are an extreme sensitivity to specimen shape and difficulty in distinguishing the several types of alignment which can give rise to dielectric anisotropy. In a number of strongly foliated rocks the axes of dielectric anisotropy were found to coincide with the axes of magnetic anisotropy. Specimens from a magnesian-pyroxene rich layer in a Tasmanian dolerite sill and from the olivine rich layer of the Palisades dolerite sill, New York, were found to have no systematic anisotropy. The pyroxenes in the Tasmanian dolerite are elongated crystals (about 2: 1) so that the dielectric measurements show that they do not have a preferred horizontal alignment and therefore have probably not settled as individual crystals. Most of the olivines in the Palisades dolerite are more nearly equidimensional so that the absence of measurable anisotropy in this rock is less conclusive evidence against crystal settling.  相似文献   

We consider the theoretical problems of calculating the physical properties of an aggregate from the constituent crystal properties and the lattice preferred orientation. The notion of a macroscopically homogeneous sample with an internally varing distribution of stress and strain fields is introduced to explain why further efforts have to be made to improve on the physically based Voigt and Reuss bounds. It is shown that the Voigt and Reuss bounds become increasingly separated with inceasing anisotropy, emphasising the need for better methods. The problem of highly anisotropic minerals is illustrated with polycrystals of plagioclase feldspar and biotite. Biotite is used to illustrate the mean velocity, the geometric mean and the self-consistent methods. The self-consistent method, which is generally accepted to give the best estimate, is almost identical to geometric mean recently introduced by Matthies and Humbert (1993) and similar to the arithmetic mean of the Voigt and Reuss bounds (Hill, 1952). The geometric mean has the powerful physical condition that the aggregate mean is equal to the mean of the inverse property (e.g. mean elastic stiffness and compliance). Despite its lack of theoretical justification the Hill average remains a useful estimate.  相似文献   

Plagioclase ultraphyric basalts in Iceland: the mush of the rift   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glassy, plagioclase ultraphyric basalts from six locations in Iceland have bimodal phenocryst size distributions where microphenocrysts (ol+plg±cpx±mt) are in equilibrium with the matrix glass, but macrophenocrysts (ol+plg±cpx) are too primitive to be so. Matrix glass compositions are similar to those of other rift zone glasses from Iceland, and oxygen isotope variations suggest they interacted with the Icelandic crust. A lack of negative Eu-anomalies in matrix glasses precludes large amounts of plagioclase crystallisation from their parental liquids. Compositions of glass inclusions in plagioclase and olivine macrophenocrysts indicate that parental magma compositions of the macrophenocryst assemblage are similar to those of primitive, Icelandic rift zone glasses. Temperatures for plagioclase macrophenocryst crystallisation obtained from Linkam® heating stage experiments, and from glass inclusion compositions corrected for post-entrapment crystallisation, give temperatures up to 1260°C, corresponding to crystallisation at middle to deep crustal levels. Temperature differences of less than 100°C between plagioclase-hosted glass inclusions before and after post-entrapment plagioclase crystallisation show that the macrophenocrysts must have been kept at elevated temperatures prior to incorporation in their present host magmas. We suggest that the macrophenocrysts of the plagioclase ultraphyric basalts accumulated in crystal mush bodies underneath the rift zone and were picked up by their present hosts during a rifting event with increased magma supply from the mantle.  相似文献   

The center-to-center method of strain analysis can be used to estimate flow lineation in high-silica ash-flow tuffs. It can be used as an alternative or supplement to other techniques for flow lineation identification, such as the examination of flow textures in thin sections and the measurement of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. The center-to-center method is a modification of a technique described by Fry (1979) and by Ramsay and Huber (1983) for determination of finite strain based on the spacing of particles within a deformed rock. In the present study, application of the method to an anticlustered array of phenocrysts in the flattening plane of an ash-flow tuff produces an ellipse with center to edge distances representative of the minimum distance between centers of phenocrysts in all directions within the flattening plane. The long axis of the ellipse corresponds to the maximum axis of finite strain; this direction is suggested to correspond to the flow lineation. The orientation of the stretching lineation was chosen both by eye and by least-squares analysis from center-to-center plots. The calculated orientation of the long ellipse axis can be varied by choice of a maximum distance between digitized objects which are included in the calculation. Comparison is made between late-stage flow lineations identified using the center-to-center method, and the AMS (anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility) method on samples of the high-silica Oligocene Bloodgood Canyon Tuff from the Mogollon-Datil volcanic field of southwestern New Mexico. Flow lineations based on center-to-center analyses of flattening plane-parallel rock slabs and thin sections agree well with AMS-derived flow lineations on most samples from which high-quality AMS lineations were obtained. Center-to-center analuses from flattening plane-perpendicular, lineation-parallel planes of ash-flow tuff produce ellipses inclined from 15° to 85° to the flattening plane, despite compaction of the ash, which should cause angles of inclination to be very low. The inclined ellipses may result from heterogeneities in grain size and distribution of phenocrysts in vertical sections of tuff, or from fragmentation of phenocrysts which occurred during the final stages of emplacement and compression. Center-to-center analyses on rock slabs rather than thin sections helps to avoid the effects of either textural heterogeneity and fragmentation of phenocrysts. With flow lineation identified by center-to-center analysis, petrographic examination of thin sections cut perpendicular to the flattening plane and parallel to the flow lineation allow for the identification of flow direction.  相似文献   

We study the relationships between the seafloor structures and the axial magma chamber geometry in the 9°N overlapping spreading center (OSC) area on the fast spreading East Pacific Rise (EPR). Our observations are based on a new high resolution bathymetric map of the 9°N OSC area derived from picks of the seafloor arrival on 3D seismic data, and on previously published data that constrain the presence and distribution of melt below the 9°N OSC. Differences in the orientation of structures between the seafloor and the magma chamber indicate a sharp change in principal stress directions with depth, suggesting that the brittle crust above the melt sill is decoupled from the melt sill itself and the ductile crust underlying it. The stress-field within the brittle upper crust results from a local interaction of the two overlapping spreading centers, whereas the stress-field in the crust below the melt sill corresponds to the regional stress-field imposed by plate separation. Given this mechanical structure of the crust, the melt sill shape and location appear to be controlled by the following factors: the location of the deep melt source below the melt sill, the ambient stress-field at the depth of the melt sill, and the stress-field in the brittle upper crust above the melt sill, which thermally shapes the roof of the melt sill through repeated eruptions.  相似文献   

—The genesis of the laminated lower crust has been attributed to extensional processes leading to structural and textural ordering. This implies that the lower crust might be anisotropic. Laboratory measurements of lower crustal rock samples and xenolithes show evidence of anisotropy in these rocks due to oriented structure.¶In this paper we investigate the seismic shear-wave response of realistic anisotropic lower crustal models using the anisotropic reflectivity method. Our models are based on representative petrophysical data obtained from exposed lower crustal sections in Calabria (South Italy), Val Strona and Val Sesia (Ivrea Zone, Northern Italy). The models consist of stacks of anisotropic layers characterized by quantified elastic tensors derived from representative rock samples which provide alternating high and low velocity layers.¶The seismic signature of the data is comparable to seismic observations of in situ lower crust. For the models based on the Calabria and Val Strona sequences shear-wave splitting occurs for the Moho reflection at offsets beyond 70 km with travel-time delays up to 300 and 500 ms, respectively. The leading shear wave is predominantly horizontally polarized and followed by a predominantly vertically polarized shear wave. Contrastingly, the Val Sesia model shows no clear evidence of birefringence. Isotropic versus anisotropic modelling demonstrates that the shear-wave splitting is clearly related to the intrinsic anisotropy of the lower crustal rocks for the Val Strona sequence. No evidence of birefringence caused by thin layering is found.  相似文献   

A Precambrian metadolerite dyke has two distinct types of remanence carriers; those with medium/high coercivities (unblocking fields of 20–120 mT) and those with low coercivities (unblocking fields of <15 mT). Optical examination reveals numerous submicron probably opaque inclusions in the plagioclase feldspar and also large opaque grains consisting of coarse oxidation-exsolution intergrowths of magnetite and ilmenite. All opaque phases have been examined using transmission electron microscopy together with microanalysis and electron diffraction. The submicron inclusions in the plagioclase are titanomagnetites(0 < x ≤ 0.14) with a size range between about 0.01 and 0.5 μm and axial ratios between 1 (equidimensional) and about 0.3. Many of these inclusions fall in the single-domain field but some are probably pseudo-single-domain. The large opaque grains contain almost pure magnetite and ilmenite and show no fine-scale exsolution; the magnetite regions of the intergrowths are of multidomain size and reveal multidomain structure under Lorentz electron microscopy. There are also some primary ilmenites containing very fine exsolved haematite, and there are very fine plates of ilmenite and very elongate needles of magnetite within the augite. Experiments on artificial samples containing very carefully prepared separates of plagioclase and large opaque grains show that the pure plagioclase acquires a remanence with unblocking fields of 20–140 mT and blocking temperatures of 390–590°C and the large opaque grains acquire a remanence with unblocking fields of less than 15 mT but a wide range of blocking temperatures up to about 570°C. It is concluded that the medium/high coercivity component of remanence in the rock is carried largely or possibly entirely by the submicron magnetites within the plagioclase and that the low coercivity component is carried largely or entirely by the multidomain magnetites in the large opaques. The contribution of the magnetite needles in the augite is uncertain as the rock does not contain any detectable component of remanence with the extremely high coercivities expected from their very elongate shape.  相似文献   

Yield strength is an important property of particle–fluid suspensions. In basaltic lavas that crystallize during flow emplacement, the onset of yield strength may result in threshold transitions in flow behavior and flow surface morphology. However, yield strength–crystallinity relations are poorly known, particularly in geologic suspensions, where difficulties of experimental and field measurements have limited data acquisition in the subliquidus temperature range. Here we describe two complementary experimental approaches designed to examine the effect of particle shape on the low-shear yield strength of subliquidus basalts. The first involves melting cubes of holocrystalline basalt samples with different initial textures to determine the temperature (crystallinity) at which these samples lose their cubic form. These experiments provide information on the minimum crystal volume fractions (0.20<φ<0.35) required to maintain the structual integrity of the cube. The second set of experiments uses suspensions of corn syrup and neutrally buoyant particles to isolate the effect of particle shape on yield strength development. From these experiments, we conclude that the shape is important in determining the volume fraction range over which suspensions exhibit a finite yield strength. As anisotropic particles may orient during flow, the effect of particle shape will be controlled by the orientation distribution of the constituent particles. We find that the so-called ‘excluded volume’ can be used to relate results of experiments on anisotropic particles to those of suspensions of spherical particles. Recent measurements of yield strength onset in basaltic melts at crystal volume fractions near 0.25 are consistent with our observations that crystal frameworks develop at low to moderate crystal volume fractions when crystals are anisotropic (e.g. plagioclase). We further suggest that conditions leading to yield strength onset at low crystallinities include rapid cooling (increased crystal anisotropy), heterogeneous nucleation (which promotes extensive crystal clustering and large cluster anisotropy) and static conditions (random crystal orientations).  相似文献   

Using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), we measured water contents of quartz and feldspar for four thin sections of felsic mylonite and two thin sections of banded granitic gneiss col- lected from a ductile shear zone of middle crust along the Red Rivers-Ailaoshan active fault. The ab- sorbance spectra and peak position suggest that water in quartz and feldspar of granitic gneiss and felsic mylonite occurs mainly as hydroxyl in crystal defect, but also contains inclusion water and grain boundary water. The water contents of minerals were calculated based on the absorbance spectra. Water content of feldspar in granitic gneiss is 0.05 wt%-0.15 wt%, and that of quartz 0.03 wt%-0.09 wt%. Water content of feldspar ribbon and quartz ribbon in felsic mylonite is 0.095 wt%-0.32 wt%, and those of fine-grained feldspar and quartz are 0.004 wt%-0.052 wt%. These data show that the water content of weakly deformed feldspar and quartz ribbons is much higher than that of strongly deformed fine-grained feldspar and quartz. This suggests that strong shear deformation leads to breakage of the structures of constitutional water, inclusion and grain boundary water in feldspar and quartz, and most of water in minerals of mylonite is released to the upper layer in the crust.  相似文献   

We carried out viscosity measurements and sampling of a crystal suspension derived from alkali olivine basalt from the Matsuura district, SW Japan, at subliquidus temperatures from 1230 °C to 1140 °C under 1 atm with NNO oxygen buffered conditions. Viscosity increased from 31 to 1235 Pa s with a decrease in temperature from 1230 to 1140 °C. On cooling, olivine first appeared at 1210 °C, followed by plagioclase at 1170 °C. The crystal content of the sample attained 31 vol.% at 1140 °C (plagioclase 22%, olivine 9%). Non-Newtonian behaviors, including thixotropy and shear thinning, were pronounced in the presence of tabular plagioclase crystals. The cause of such behavior is discussed in relation to shear-induced changes in melt–crystal textures. Relative viscosities, ηr (= ηs / ηm, where ηs and ηm are the viscosities of the suspension and the melt, respectively), were obtained by calculating melt viscosities from the melt composition and temperature at 1 atm using the equation proposed by Giordano and Dingwell [Giordano, D., Dingwell, D.B., 2003. Non-Arrhenian multicomponent melt viscosity: a model. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 208, 337–349.]. The obtained relative viscosities are generally consistent with the Einstein–Roscoe relation, which represents ηr for suspensions that contain equant and equigranular crystals, even though the crystal suspension analyzed in the present experiments contained tabular plagioclase and granular olivine of various grain sizes. This consistency is attributed to the fact that the effect of crystal shape was counterbalanced by the effect of the dispersion of crystal size. The applicability of the Einstein–Roscoe equation with respect to crystal shape is discussed on the basis of the present experimental results. Our experiments and those of Sato [Sato, H., 2005. Viscosity measurement of subliquidus magmas: 1707 basalt of Fuji volcano. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 100, 133–142.] show that the relationship between relative viscosity and crystal fraction is consistent with the Einstein–Roscoe relationship for axial ratios that are smaller than the critical value of 4–6.5, but discrepancies occur for higher ratios.  相似文献   

—Reflectivity synthetic seismograms demonstrate that the type, layering and orientation of 1-D anisotropy influences strongly the coda of teleseismic P waves at periods T > 1 sec, particularly P-SH converted waves. We assume the simplest form of anisotropy described by an elastic tensor with a symmetry axis ? of arbitrary orientation. The resulting phase velocities vary as cos 2ξ with respect to that axis. Using three families of simple crustal models, we compare the effects of an anisotropic surface layer with reverberations caused by both "thick" and "thin" layers of anisotropy at depth. If anisotropy in the surface layer is significant, the polarization of direct P can be distorted to generate a transverse component, followed by Ps and a prominent shear reverberation converted from direct P at the free surface. If the anisotropic layer is buried, the first, and often the most prominent, arrival on the transverse component is the P-to-SH conversion at its upper surface. If the anisotropic layer is sufficiently thin, P-to-SH conversions from its boundaries interfere to form a derivative pulse shape on the transverse component, which could be mistaken as the signature of shear-wave splitting. If ? is horizontal, compressional (P) and shear (S) anisotropy both produce similar waveform perturbations with four-lobed azimuthal patterns, suggesting that a weighted stack of P coda from different back-azimuths would improve signal-to-noise. For ? tilted between the horizontal and vertical, however, the effects of P- and S-anisotropy differ greatly. The influence of P-anisotropy on P-to-S conversion is greatest for a symmetry axis tilted at 45° to the vertical, where its azimuthal pattern has two lobes, rather than four. Combinations of P- and S-anisotropy typically lead to a composite azimuthal dependence in the P-coda reverberations.  相似文献   

本文从地震模型实验入手,讨论和测试了垂直地震剖面法在多个薄层粘合的二维固体模型中地震直达波、反射波的运动规律,及其各向异性现象。利用坐标变换方法,将多层的各向异性介质转换成均匀各向同性介质,从而推导出地震反射波理论时-深方程。通过模型的测定,介绍了各向异性系数的求取及地质剖面的构制方法。比较了各向异性理论及均匀同性理论解释的地质剖面,肯定了各向异性理论在垂直地震剖面法解释中的可靠性。  相似文献   

An Aleutian high-alumina basalt from the island of Atka at one atmosphere crystallizes plagioclase (1275°C) followed by olivine (1170°C) and clinopyroxene (1115°C). At oxygen fugacities along NNO, magnetite crystallizes below 1070°C, but its liquidus increases to at least 1175°C at an oxygen fugacity two log units above NNO. Phase relations at two kilobars pressure of melts containing small amounts of water are similar, although orthopyroxene and magnetite are observed to follow clinopyroxene. Amphibole crystallizes at near-liquidus temperatures only at water contents of melts approaching 4.5%. Amphibole assumes the liquidus in melts containing 5% water.Anhydrous melts crystallize plagioclase to 19 kbar, where garnet and clinopyroxene assume the liquidus. Olivine yields to clinopyroxene as the highest-temperature subliquidus phase at about 9 kbar.The array of compositions of basaltic Atka rocks, as displayed on appropriate pseudoternary projections, can be interpreted as a crystal fractionation path at moderate pressure (8 kbar) and small melt-water contents. The interpreted fractionating minerals are olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and (probably) magnetite. (The actual phenocrysts in Atka basalts like AT-1, which lacks phenocrystic clinopyroxene, must have crystallized at pressure less than 8 kbar, however.) The compositions of two-pyroxene andesites from Atka can be interpreted to lie on a lower-pressure fractionation trend at melt water contents of 2–3%. Such water contents are consistent with the complete absence of amphibole in any Atka rocks and are suggestive that water contents of the basaltic magmas, if the basalts are parental to the andesites, were 1–2%.  相似文献   

The Mt Somers Volcanics are part of a suite of mid-Cretaceous (89 ± 2 Ma) intermediate to silicic volcanics, erupted onto an eroded surface of Torlesse sediments. Rock types vary from basaltic andesite to high-silica rhyolite. Andesites are medium- to high-K with phenocrysts of plagioclase, orthopyroxene and pigeonite. Dacites are peraluminous and commonly contain granulite facies xenoliths and garnet xenocrysts. Equilibrium mineral assemblages indicate metamorphic pressures of close to 6 kbar at 800°C. Rhyolites are peraluminous with phenocrysts of quartz, sanidine, plagioclase, biotite, garnet and orthopyroxene. The ferromagnesian phases show textural evidence of magmatic crystallization and are chemically distinct from xenocryst phases in dacites. Equilibrium assemblages indicate that early magmatic crystallization occurred at close to 7 kbar (20 km depth) at above 850°C, with melt-water contents of less than 3.5%. Major-element contents, trace-element contents and an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7085 indicate that the rhyolites formed by partial melting of dominantly quartzo-feldspathic Torlesse sediments, leaving a granulite-facies residue. The chemical variation displayed by the rhyolites is best explained by fractional crystallization of the observed high-pressure phenocryst assemblage. Most elements show a compositional gap between rhyolite and dacite. The major-element, trace-element and Sr isotope compositions of the intermediate lavas are best explained by assimilation of lower crustal material combined with fractional crystallization in mantle-derived tholeiitic magmas. Magmatism was the result of heat and magma flux from the mantle, during the change from compressive to extensional tectonics after the culmination of the Rangitata Orogeny.  相似文献   

We use Kirchhoff prestack depth migration to calculate migrated sections in 3-D simple anisotropic homogeneous velocity models in order to demonstrate the impact of anisotropy on migrated images. The recorded wave field is generated in models composed of two homogeneous layers separated by one either non-inclined or inclined curved interface. The anisotropy in the upper layer is triclinic. We apply Kirchhoff prestack depth migration to velocity models with different types of anisotropy: a triclinic anisotropic medium, an isotropic medium, transversely isotropic media with a horizontal (HTI) and vertical (VTI) symmetry axis. We observe asymmetry in migration caused by triclinic anisotropy and we show the errors of the migrated interface caused by inaccurate velocity models used for migration. The study is limited to P-waves.  相似文献   

Detailed petrography and modal analysis of 35 sandstone thin sections was carried out to determine petrotectonic setting of the provenance of the Lower Siwalik molasse of southeastern Kumaun Himalaya. The sandstones are fine‐ to coarse‐grained (0.14–0.63 mm), poorly‐ to moderately‐sorted and comprise lithic arenites, sublithic arenites and lithic greywackes. The sandstones invariably belong to the quartzolithic QtFL (Qt, total quartz; F, feldspar; L, lithic grains) and QmFLt (Qm, monocrystalline quartz; Lt, lithic grains plus polycrystalline quartz) petrofacies, and indicate their derivation from a quartzose‐ and transitional‐recycled orogen provenance under sub‐humid climatic conditions. The framework composition of the sandstones comprises abundant monocrystalline and polycrystalline quartz and low‐ to high‐grade metamorphic rock fragments, along with subordinate feldspar, characterized by low ratios of plagioclase to total feldspar, and accessory minerals. The framework composition and petrofacies characters of these texturally submature sandstones suggest their derivation mainly from the nearby located Great Himalaya terrane and subordinately from the Tethys and Lesser Himalayan terranes. A comparison of the data presented here with the previous similar data from Lower Siwalik of northwestern Pakistan, northwestern India, south‐central Kumaun, western Nepal and southeastern Nepal reveals that like the Lower Siwalik rivers in other sections, the Lower Siwalik rivers of the southeastern Kumaun too drained large parts of the Great Himalayan terrane and some parts of the Tethys and Lesser Himalayan terranes.  相似文献   

 Many heterogeneous media and environmental processes are statistically anisotropic. In this paper we focus on range anisotropy, that is, stochastic processes with variograms that have direction dependent correlation lengths and direction independent sill. We distinguish between two classes of anisotropic covariance models: Class (A) models are reducible to isotropic after rotation and rescaling operations. Class (B) models can be separated into a product of one-dimensional functions oriented along the principal axes. We propose a new Class (A) model with multiscale properties that has applications in subsurface hydrology. We also present a family of Class (B) models based on non-Euclidean distance metrics that are generated by superellipsoidal functions. Next, we propose a new method for determining the orientation of the principal axes and the degree of anisotropy, i.e., the ratio(s) of the correlation lengths. This information reduces the degrees of freedom of anisotropic variograms and thus simplifies the estimation procedure. In particular, Class (A) models are reduced to isotropic and Class (B) models to one-dimensional functions. Our method is based on an explicit relation between the second-rank slope tensor (SRST), which can be estimated from the data, and the covariance tensor. The procedure is conceptually simple and numerically efficient. It is more accurate for regular (on-grid) data distributions, but it can also be used for sparse (off-grid) spatial distributions. In the case of non-differentiable random fields the method can be extended using generalized derivatives. We illustrate its implementation with numerical simulations.  相似文献   

由所建立的三维qP波相速度表示式出发,导出并解析求解各向异性介质中的频散方程,得到三维各向异性介质中的相移算子,进而将以相移算子为基础的对称非平稳相移方法推广到各向异性介质,发展了一个三维各向异性介质的深度偏移方法. 文中使用的各向异性介质的速度模型与现行的各向异性构造的速度估计方法一致,将各向同性、弱各向异性及强各向异性统一在一个模型中. 所建立的各向异性介质对称非平稳相移波场延拓算子可以同时适应速度及各向异性参数横向变化;文中给出的算例虽然是针对二维VTI介质的,但所提出的算法同样适用于三维TI介质.  相似文献   

Azimuthal Resistivity Soundings (ARS), using the so-called “Arrow-type array” as proposed by Bolshakov et al. were carried out in Central Tunisia, together with azimuthal resistivity tomography, because of the known anisotropic behaviour of the nearly vertical formations.First, the developments designed by Bolshakov et al. are reviewed: they deal with the separation between the effects of anisotropy and of heterogeneities, the design of the Arrow-type array and the introduction of the azimuthal spectral analysis.Second, the main methodological results obtained near Gouazine Lake are presented: (1) the clear effect of a quasi-vertical contact and (2) the characterisation of the anisotropic substratum below a thin superficial layer in one site close to the axis of the valley: the strike direction (α = 50°N), and a rather high anisotropy coefficient (λ ≈ 4) are determined.And lastly two directions for further developments are suggested.  相似文献   

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