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The pressure dependence of P- and S-wave velocities, velocity anisotropy, shear wave splitting and crack-porosity has been investigated in a number of samples from different crustal rock types for dry and wet (water saturated) conditions. At atmospheric pressure, P-wave velocities of the saturated, low-porosity rocks (< 1%) are significantly higher than in dry rocks, whereas the differences for S-wave velocities are less pronounced. The effect of intercrystalline fluids on seismic properties at increased pressure conditions is particularly reflected by the variation of the Poisson's ratio because P-wave velocities are more sensitive to fluids than S-wave velocities in the low-porosity rocks. Based on the experimental data, the respective crack-density parameter (), which is a measure of the number of flat cracks per volume unit contained within the background medium (crack-free matrix), has been calculated for dry and saturated conditions. There is a good correlation between the calculated crack-densities and crack-porosities derived from the experimentally determined volumetric strain curves. The shear wave velocity data, along with the shear wave polarisation referred to a orthogonal reference system, have been used to derive the spatial orientation of effective oriented cracks within a foliated biotite gneiss. The experimental data are in reasonable agreement with the self consistent model of O'Connell and Budiansky (1974). Taking the various lithologies into account, it is clear from the present study, that combined seismic measurements ofV p andV s , using theV p V s -ratio, may give evidence for fluids on grain boundaries and, in addition, may provide an estimate on the in-situ crack-densities.  相似文献   

进行了1榀开窗洞1:2比例的加强肋复合墙体模型的伪静力试验,通过对墙体中钢筋应变进行分析,研究墙体的受力性能和破坏模式,探究在低周反复荷载作用下带窗洞加强肋复合墙体的承载力、滞回及耗能能力、延性和刚度退化等抗震性能,并与不开洞墙体的抗震性能进行对比。在试验研究的基础上,建立具有不同窗洞参数的有限元数值模型,探究窗洞位置、大小、肋柱截面及肋柱配筋率的改变对加强肋复合墙体抗侧刚度的影响。结果表明:带窗洞加强肋复合墙体按照砌块-外框-肋梁的顺序依次破坏,破坏模式以弯剪型破坏为主;相比不开洞加强肋复合墙体,带窗洞墙体的抗侧刚度等抗震性能明显较差;相同窗洞尺寸情况下,窗洞居中时加强肋复合墙体的抗侧刚度相对较大;窗洞开洞率小于12.9%的墙体洞边可不设肋柱;洞边加强肋柱对开窗洞墙体的抗侧刚度提升作用显著,但其提升作用随着窗洞肋柱截面的增大而逐渐减弱;增大加强肋柱配筋率对墙体抗侧刚度的提高不明显。  相似文献   

Fault-weakening effect of reservoir temperature of hot spring and its influence on seismic activities(林元武)Fault-weakeningeffe...  相似文献   

Bucharest is one of the cities most affected by earthquakes in Europe. Situated at 150–170 km distance from Vrancea epicentral zone, Bucharest had suffered many damages due to high energy Vrancea intermediate-depth earthquakes. For example, the 4 March 1977 event produced the collapse of 32 buildings with 8–12 levels, while more than 150 old buildings with 6–9 levels were seriously damaged. The studies done after this earthquake had shown the importance of the surface geological structure upon ground motion parameters. New seismic measurements are performed in Bucharest area aiming at defining better elastic and dynamic properties of the shallow sedimentary rocks. Down-hole seismic measurements were performed in a number of 10 cased boreholes drilled in the Bucharest City area. Processing and interpretation of the data lead to the conclusion that shallow sedimentary rocks can be considered weak in the area, down to 150–200 m depth. Seismic wave velocity values and bulk density values presented in the paper associated with local geology are useful primary data in the seismic microzonation of Bucharest City. They are used as 1D models to derive transfer functions and response spectra for the stack of sedimentary rocks in several parts of Bucharest area, leading to a better knowledge of the local site amplification and associated frequency spectra. In a recent study the H/V spectral ratio using Nakamuras method was applied on the seismic noise measurements in 22 sites in Bucharest City in order to derive the fundamental period associated with these sites. The values confirm the previous results, showing a dominant resonance in the period range of 1.25–1.75 s. The fundamental periods obtained with Nakamuras method are in good agreement with those computed on the basis of geological and geotechnical data in boreholes, which show an increase of the fundamental period in the Bucharest area from south to north, in the same direction as the increase of the thickness of the Quaternary deposits above the Fratesti layer which is considered the bedrock in the area.  相似文献   

Failure of masonry structures generally occurs via specific collapse mechanisms which have been well documented. Using rocking dynamics, equations of motion have been derived for a number of different failure mechanisms ranging from the simple overturning of a single block to more complicated mechanisms. However, most of the equations of motion derived thus far assume that the structures can be modelled as rigid bodies rocking on rigid interfaces with an infinite compressive strength—which is not always the case. In fact, crushing of masonry—commonly observed in larger scale constructions and vertically restrained walls—can lead to a reduction in the dynamic capacity of these structures. This paper rederives the rocking equation of motion to account for the influence of flexible interfaces, characterized by a specific interface stiffness as well as finite compressive strength. The interface now includes a continually shifting rotation point, the location of which depends not only on the material properties of the interface but also on its geometry. Expressions have thus also been derived for interfaces of different geometries, and parametric studies conducted to gauge their influence on dynamic response. The new interface formulations are also implemented within a new analytical modelling tool that provides a novel approach to the dynamic analysis of masonry collapse mechanisms. Finally, this tool is exemplified, along with the importance of the interface formulation, by evaluating the collapse of the Dharahara Tower in Kathmandu, which was almost completely destroyed during the 2015 Gorkha earthquake.  相似文献   

以福建及粤赣地区内陆为分析区域,基于该区域的地质构造环境,主要使用测震学分析方法,结合GPS、形变等手段的研究成果,研究分析该区域与周边地区地震活动的互动关系。结果发现,青藏亚板块和中国台湾地区的强震活动对福建及粤赣地区内陆地震活动有影响,地震活动具有较明显的相关关系。  相似文献   

The seismic performance of underground reservoir structures depends on the properties of the structure, soil, and ground motion as well as the kinematic constraints imposed on the structure. A series of four centrifuge experiments were performed to evaluate the influence of site response, structural stiffness, base fixity, and excitation frequency on the performance of relatively stiff reservoir structures buried in dry, medium-dense sand. The magnitude of seismic thrust increased and the distribution of seismic earth pressures changed from approximately triangular to parabolic with increasing structural stiffness. Heavier and stiffer structures also experienced increased rocking and reduced flexural deflection. Fixing the base of the structure amplified the magnitude of acceleration, seismic earth pressure, and bending strain compared to tests where the structure was free to translate laterally, settle, or rotate atop a soil layer. The frequency content of transient tilt, acceleration, dynamic thrust, and bending strain measured on the structure was strongly influenced by that of the base motion and site response, but was unaffected by the fundamental frequency of the buried structure (fstructure). None of the available simplified procedures could capture the distribution and magnitude of seismic earth pressures experienced by this class of underground structures. The insight from this experimental study is aimed to help validate analytical and numerical methods used in the seismic design of reservoir structures.  相似文献   

五峰-龙马溪组页岩是目前国内页岩气勘探的首选层位,而其地震岩石物理特征是利用地震方法进行"甜点"预测的重要基础之一,但对五峰-龙马溪组页岩地震弹性特征变化规律的研究并未考虑沉积、成岩过程的影响,致使相应的规律性认识缺乏地质意义.在对五峰-龙马溪组页岩样品系统声学测量基础上,分析了页岩样品地震弹性性质的变化规律.利用X射线衍射分析、扫描电镜(SEM)、阴极发光(CL)与能谱分析确定了五峰-龙马溪组页岩在不同沉积环境下的成岩过程,并讨论了成岩过程与地震弹性性质变化规律的因果关系.研究结果表明,页岩中有机质(TOC)受高热演化程度的影响,其密度通常高于1.4 g·cm-3,并接近于有机碳密度上限1.6 g·cm-3(石墨密度).五峰-龙马溪组页岩地震弹性性质变化规律整体受沉积环境控制,沉积环境的差异形成不同的成岩过程,致使地震弹性特征也表现出不同的变化规律.表现在五峰-龙马溪页岩样品动态岩石物理特征主要受岩石结构控制(支撑颗粒弹性性质),而孔隙度、TOC含量以及孔隙形状则为对地震弹性特征影响的次一级因素.五峰-龙马溪组页岩上段为浅水陆棚相,机械压实与化学压实(硅质胶结)为先后两个过程,造成样品表现出高的速度-孔隙度变化率、高速度比(泊松比)、高各向异性以及低TOC含量的特征.五峰-龙马溪组页岩下段为深水陆棚相,机械压实过程中同时伴有生物成因的硅质胶结,造成岩石样品表现出较高TOC含量与孔隙度、各向异性较弱以及较小的速度-孔隙度变化率.研究结果可为五峰-龙马溪页气储层的测井解释和地震"甜点"预测提供依据.  相似文献   

On the basis of measuring the pressure distribution and analyzing its origin in the Carboniferous and Permian of Shenmu-Yulin area, the evolution history of ancient pressure is restored mainly by means of the basin numerical simulation technique, in which the paleo-pressure has been constrained by the compaction restoration and the examination of fluid inclusion temperature and pressure. Then the development and evolution history of abnormal pressure and its effect on gas migration and accumulation are investigated. Studies show that the pressure in southeastern and northwestern parts of studied area is near to hydrostatic pressure, whereas in the remainder vast area the pressure is lower than the hydrostatic pressure, which is caused by difficulty to measure pressure accurately in tight reservoir bed, the calculating error caused by in-coordinate between topography relief and surface of water potential, pressure lessening due to formation arising and erosion. There are geological factors beneficial to forming abnormal high pressure in the Upper Palaeozoic. On the distraction of measured pressure, paleo-pressure data from compaction restoration and fluid inclusion temperature and pressure exa- mining, the evolution history of ancient pressure is restored by the basin numerical simulation technique. It is pointed out that there are at least two high peaks of overpressure in which the highest value of excess pressure could be 5 to 25 MPa. Major gas accumulated in main producing bed of Shanxi Fm (P1s) and lower Shihezi Fm (P2x), because of two-fold control from capillary barrier and overpressure seal in upper Shihezi Fm (P2s). In the middle and southern districts, the two periods of Later Jurassic to the middle of Early Cretaceous, and middle of Later Cretaceous to Palaeocene are main periods of gas migration and accumulation, while they belong to readjustment period of gas reservoirs after middle of Neocene.  相似文献   

作为不同层次地震平静异常预测效能的研究之一,本文针对四川及其三个分区,利用过去积累的30多年地震资料,经过多种方案试算、评分检验,明确了平静指标和预测规则,找到了合适的研究平静预测的震级下限M0、预测震级M1、平静异常时间T1与预测时间T2等最佳参数组合,可以取T2等最佳参数组合,可以取得高于置信水平为97.5%的区别随机瞎报的阈值R0的R评分值。  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘的地壳流及动力过程   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文



针对测震台网定位存在偏差的问题,采用双差定位方法,对2008—2019年9月内蒙古测震台网及周边台站记录的内蒙古中西部地区4410个地震事件进行重新定位.研究表明,利用双差定位方法重新定位后地震分布更集中,更符合内蒙古中西部地区的地质构造特征,定位精度显著提高.  相似文献   




Introduction ZHOU, et al (1994) collected and investigated periods of level deformation data from 1954 to 1992, and gained sequence of a picture per year (or several years) that vividly showed the varia-tion of the deformation field of Tangshan earthquake source area around the Tangshan diamond block which was 21.3. They indicated that the Tangshan earthquake source area showed de-formation gap and the hard solid characteristic of relative stabilization or relative closedown. In the investig…  相似文献   

Based on the phenomena that the deformation gap was observed before the great Tangshang earthquake, this paper discusses the strain gap according to test and theory. The (strain) patterns were recorded photographically by realtime holographic interferometry and shadow optical method of caustics, as soon as the loading process started. In the meantime, the AE (acoustic emission) signals were recorded by a micro crack information storage-analysis system. According to damage theory and location of micro fracture, we have studied the stain gap and gained: a) It is necessary that strain gap appears under the condition of linear elasticity theory, and its situation is relatively stable, corresponding to stress concentration. b) Micro fractures, which appear initially at area of high stress, occur rarely at the strain gap, and their locations are finally in the zone between the stress concentration area and the strain gap, which indicate the clusters or groups. However, the major macro fracture (final rupture) started from the shadow areas, and then grew quickly towards the strain gaps, which resulted in failure of sample. Foundation item: The Dual Project of China Seismological Bureau (9691309020301), the Specialized Funds for National Key Basic Study (G1998040704), the project for the MOST under contract (2001BA601B02) and Youth Funds for applied basic study of the Science and Technology Bureau of Yunnan Province (98D019Q).  相似文献   

喜马拉雅山系的崛起、青藏高原的隆升以及与成山、成岩、成盆、成矿和成灾相关的深层过程是东亚乃至全球地球动力学研究中最为重要的科学事件.1958年始在柴达木盆地的地震反射探测与地壳、上地幔精细结构和大陆动力学研究开启了青藏高原地球内部研究的先河,半个世纪以来它影响并引导着我国这一科学领域的发展和前进.本文为纪念地壳与上地幔精细结构和大陆动力学在中国的诞生而作.柴达木盆地壳、幔精细结构地震反射探测结果表明:柴达木盆地的沉积层巨厚可达15~19 km,且存在着迴折波和不同类型与路径的多次波.地壳厚达50~52 km,且存在着高速梯度夹层和低速层.Moho界带为由高、低速相间的薄层束组构,且上地幔顶部纵波速度为8.1 km/s.从这一基点出发,对包括柴达木盆地在内的青藏高原地球深部与地球动力学研究中的几个科学问题进行了思考!为今后青藏高原地球物理深化研究的内涵和布局提出了初步的见解.  相似文献   

黄河流域是我国遭受地震灾害最为严重的流域,近年来探测工作对黄河中下游的活动断层有较多新认识,如构成北华北盆地与南华北盆地新构造分界的新乡-商丘断裂,新发现存在多个晚更新世活动段,具备发生中强级以上地震的可能,对识别沿黄河中下游的地震危险源、提高地震危险性认识有重要影响。本文通过总结近年来活动断层探测的最新进展,分析了沿黄河中下游地区的活动断层分布特征及其可能产生的灾害影响,并提出后续工作规划建议。  相似文献   

明锋  柴洪洲 《地球物理学报》2009,52(8):1993-2000
目前很多文献基于弹性力学假设,以小形变、均匀应变场为前提,利用GPS资料建立了中国大陆块体的整体旋转与均匀应变模型,并对模型进行了相关检验.但上述对模型的检验侧重从模型的拟合效果上进行分析和比较,忽略了对模型的适用性和假设条件合理性的检验.实际上,不同块体由于自身构造和外部条件的不同,其运动状况与应变状态并不完全一致,模型的适用性需进一步的验证.本文提出了两步检验方法对所建立的模型在中国大陆6个主要块体上进行了检验:第一步对应变参数进行显著性检验,第二步对应变均匀性进行检验,结果表明:根据所用数据精度,华南块体的刚性程度在95% 的置信水平上可以认为显著的,建立模型时不必考虑内部形变;其他块体内部形变显著,整体旋转与均匀应变模型并不能反映真实的地壳运动状态,必须考虑其形变的不均匀性.  相似文献   

本文利用数值计算和经验公式相结合的方法,获得了在波浪和风生流和波浪共同作用下海底泥沙输移的二维模型.在此基础上,讨论了海底泥沙输移在风速、风向和泥沙粒径不同等三种情况下的变化特征;指出了经验公式对泥沙输移规律的适用范围以及风速、风向对于近岸处泥沙输移重要性.这一研究结果对近岸结构物的选址设计具有实际应用价值.  相似文献   

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