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We calculate the X-ray emission from the shocked fast wind blown by the central stars of planetary nebulae (PNe) and compare with observations. Using spherically symmetric self-similar solutions, we calculate the flow structure and X-ray temperature for a fast wind slamming into a previously ejected slow wind. We find that the observed X-ray emission of six PNe can be accounted for by shocked wind segments that were expelled during the early-PN phase, if the fast wind speed is moderate,   v 2∼ 400–600 km s−1  , and the mass-loss rate is a few times  10−7 M yr−1  . We find, as proposed previously, that the morphology of the X-ray emission is in the form of a narrow ring inner to the optical bright part of the nebula. The bipolar X-ray morphology of several observed PNe, which indicates an important role of jets, rather than a spherical fast wind, cannot be explained by the flow studied here.  相似文献   

We propose a scheme to classify planetary nebulae (PNe) according to their departure from axisymmetric structure. We consider only departure along and near the equatorial plane, i.e. between the two sides perpendicular to the symmetry axis of the nebula. We consider six types of departure from axisymmetry: (1) PNe where the central star is not at the centre of the nebula; (2) PNe having one side brighter than the other; (3) PNe having unequal size or shape of the two sides; (4) PNe where the symmetry axis is bent, e.g. the two lobes in a bipolar PN are bent toward the same side; (5) PNe where the main departure from axisymmetry is in the outer regions, e.g. an outer arc; and (6) PNe that show no departure from axisymmetry, i.e. any departure, if it exists, is on scales smaller than the scale of blobs, filaments and other irregularities in the nebula. PNe that possess more than one type of departure are classified by the most prominent type. We discuss the connection between departure types and the physical mechanisms that may cause them, mainly resulting from the influence of a stellar binary companion. We find that ∼50 per cent of all PNe in the analysed sample possess large-scale departure from axisymmetry. This number is larger than that expected from the influence of binary companions, namely ∼25–30 per cent. We argue that this discrepancy comes from many PNe where the departure from axisymmetry, mainly unequal size, shape or intensity, results from the presence of long-lived and large (hot or cool) spots on the surface of their asymptotic giant branch progenitors. Such spots locally enhance the mass-loss rate, leading to a departure from axisymmetry, mainly near the equator, in the descendent PN.  相似文献   

We report the extragalactic radio-continuum detection of 15 planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Magellanic Clouds (MCs) from recent Australia Telescope Compact Array+Parkes mosaic surveys. These detections were supplemented by new and high-resolution radio, optical and infrared observations which helped to resolve the true nature of the objects. Four of the PNe are located in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) and 11 are located in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Based on Galactic PNe the expected radio flux densities at the distance of the LMC/SMC are up to ∼2.5 and ∼2.0 mJy at 1.4 GHz, respectively. We find that one of our new radio PNe in the SMC has a flux density of 5.1 mJy at 1.4 GHz, several times higher than expected. We suggest that the most luminous radio PN in the SMC (N S68) may represent the upper limit to radio-peak luminosity because it is approximately three times more luminous than NGC 7027, the most luminous known Galactic PN. We note that the optical diameters of these 15 Magellanic Clouds (MCs) PNe vary from very small (∼0.08 pc or 0.32 arcsec; SMP L47) to very large (∼1 pc or 4 arcsec; SMP L83). Their flux densities peak at different frequencies, suggesting that they may be in different stages of evolution. We briefly discuss mechanisms that may explain their unusually high radio-continuum flux densities. We argue that these detections may help solve the 'missing mass problem' in PNe whose central stars were originally  1–8 M  . We explore the possible link between ionized haloes ejected by the central stars in their late evolution and extended radio emission. Because of their higher than expected flux densities, we tentatively call this PNe (sub)sample –'Super PNe'.  相似文献   

A sample of 25 infrared-bright planetary nebulae (PNe) towards the Galactic bulge is analysed through 8–13 μm spectroscopy. The classification of the warm dust emission features provides a measure of the C/O chemical balance, and represents the first C/O estimates for bulge PNe. Out of 13 PNe with identified dust types, four PNe have emission features associated with C-based grains, while the remaining 9 have O-rich dust signatures. The low fraction of C-rich PNe, ≲ 30 per cent, contrasts with that for local PNe, around ∼ 80 per cent, although it follows the trend for a decreasing frequency of C-rich PNe with galactocentric radius (Paper I). We investigate whether the PNe discussed here are linked to the bulge stellar population (similar to type IV, or halo, PNe) or the inner Galactic disc (a young and super-metal-rich population). Although 60 per cent of the PNe with warm dust are convincing bulge members, none of the C-rich PNe satisfies our criteria, and they are probably linked to the inner Galactic disc. In the framework of single star evolution, the available information on bulge PNe points towards a progenitor population similar in age to that of local PNe (type I PNe are found in similar proportions), but super-metal-rich (to account for the scarcity of C-rich objects). Yet the metallicities of bulge PNe, as inferred from [O/H], fail to reach the required values – except for the C-rich objects. It is likely that the sample discussed here is derived from a mixed disc/bulge progenitor population and dominated by type IV PNe, as suggested by Peimbert. The much higher fraction of O-rich PNe in this sample than in the solar neighbourhood should result in a proportionally greater injection of silicate grains into the inner Galactic medium.  相似文献   

Interaction with the interstellar medium (ISM) cannot be ignored in understanding planetary nebula (PN) evolution and shaping. In an effort to understand the range of shapes observed in the outer envelopes of PNe, we have run a comprehensive set of three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations, from the beginning of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) superwind phase until the end of the post-AGB/PN phase. A 'triple-wind' model is used, including a slow AGB wind, fast post-AGB wind and third wind reflecting the linear movement through the ISM. A wide range of stellar velocities, mass-loss rates and ISM densities have been considered.
We find that ISM interaction strongly affects outer PN structures, with the dominant shaping occurring during the AGB phase. The simulations predict four stages of PN–ISM interaction whereby (i) the PN is initially unaffected, (ii) then limb-brightened in the direction of motion, (iii) then distorted with the star moving away from the geometric centre, and (iv) finally so distorted that the object is no longer recognizable as a PN and may not be classed as such. Parsec-size shells around PNe are predicted to be common. The structure and brightness of ancient PNe are largely determined by the ISM interaction, caused by rebrightening during the second stage; this effect may address the current discrepancies in Galactic PN abundance. The majority of PNe will have tail structures. Evidence for strong interaction is found for all known PNe in globular clusters.  相似文献   

The fast-spinning Crab pulsar (∼30 turn s−1), which powers the massive expansion and synchrotron emission of the entire Crab nebula, is surrounded by quasi-stationary features such as fibrous arc-like wisps and bright polar knots in the radial range of 2×1016≲ r ≲2×1017 cm, as revealed by high-resolution (∼0.1 arcsec) images from the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) on board the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ). The spin-down energy flux (∼5×1038 erg s−1) from the pulsar to the luminous outer nebula, which occupies the radial range 0.1≲ r ≲2 pc, is generally believed to be transported by a magnetized relativistic outflow of an electron–positron e± pair plasma. It is then puzzling that mysterious structures like wisps and knots, although intrinsically dynamic in synchrotron emission, remain quasi-stationary on time-scales of a few days to a week in the relativistic pulsar wind. Here we demonstrate that, as a result of slightly inhomogeneous wind streams emanating from the rotating pulsar, fast magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) shock waves are expected to appear in the pulsar wind at relevant radial distances in the forms of wisps and knots. While forward fast MHD shocks move outward with a speed close to the speed of light c , reverse fast MHD shocks may appear quasi-stationary in space under appropriate conditions. In addition, Alfvénic fluctuations in the shocked magnetized pulsar wind can effectively scatter synchrotron beams from gyrating relativistic electrons and positrons.  相似文献   

We present radio observations of the unique, recently formed, planetary nebula (PN) associated with a very long-period OH/IR variable star V1018 Sco that is unequivocally still in its asymptotic giant branch phase. Two regions within the optical nebula are clearly detected in non-thermal radio continuum emission, with radio spectral indices comparable to those seen in colliding-wind Wolf–Rayet binaries. We suggest that these represent shocked interactions between the hot, fast stellar wind and the cold nebular shell that represents the PN's slow wind moving away from the central star. This same interface produces both synchrotron radio continuum and the optical PN emission. The fast wind is neither spherical in geometry nor aligned with any obvious optical or radio axis. We also report the detection of transient H2O maser emission in this nebula.  相似文献   

Planetary nebulae (PNe) are formed in a very fast process. In just about 1000 years, the nebula evolves from a spherical and slowly expanding AGB envelope to a PN, with usually axial symmetry and high axial velocities. Molecular lines are known to probe most of the nebular material in young PNe and protoplanetary nebulae (PPNe), and are therefore very useful to study such an impressive evolution. Many quantitative results on these objects have been so obtained, including general structure, total mass and density distribution, kinetic temperatures, velocity fields, etc. Existing observations probe both the gas accelerated by post-AGB shocks and the quiescent components. But the study of crucial regions to understand PN formation (recently shocked shells, regions heated by the stellar UV and inner rotating disks) requires observations at higher frequency and with better spatial resolution.   相似文献   

We present ROSAT HRI X-ray data and optical imaging of the important dwarf starburst Markarian 33. We find an extended, complex, shell-like morphology in the X-ray emission, with an extent of ∼     , coincident with the bright star-forming regions at the centre of the galaxy. The physical extent of this X-ray emission from Mrk 33 is very similar to the observed H α emission, and suggests that the bulk of the X-ray emission is coming from an expanding superbubble.
We estimate the age and mass of Mrk 33's starburst to be 5.8 Myr and     respectively, with the energy injection rate in the central regions of the galaxy being ∼1041 erg s−1, while the associated mass-loss rate from the star-forming regions is estimated to be ∼0.2 M yr−1. We suggest that the X-ray emission is predominantly powered by starburst-type activity, and argue that a blow-out in the form of a galactic wind is the most likely fate for Mrk 33, resulting in the loss of most of the galaxy's metal-enriched material and a small fraction (<1 per cent) of the ISM.  相似文献   

We study the influence of X-rays on the wind structure of selected O stars. For this purpose we use our non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) wind code with inclusion of additional artificial source of X-rays, assumed to originate in the wind shocks.
We show that the influence of shock X-ray emission on wind mass-loss rate is relatively small. Wind terminal velocity may be slightly influenced by the presence of strong X-ray sources, especially for stars cooler than   T eff≲ 35 000 K  .
We discuss the origin of the   L X/ L ∼ 10−7  relation. For stars with thick wind this relation can be explained assuming that the cooling time depends on wind density. Stars with optically thin winds exhibiting the 'weak wind problem' display enhanced X-ray emission which may be connected with large shock cooling length. We propose that this effect can explain the 'weak wind problem'.
Inclusion of X-rays leads to a better agreement of the model ionization structure with observations. However, we do not find any significant influence of X-rays on P  v ionization fraction implying that the presence of X-rays cannot explain the P  v problem.
We study the implications of modified ionization equilibrium due to shock emission on the line transfer in the X-ray region. We conclude that the X-ray line profiles of helium-like ions may be affected by the line absorption within the cool wind.  相似文献   

We use ideal axisymmetric relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations to calculate the spin-down of a newly formed millisecond,   B ∼ 1015 G  , magnetar and its interaction with the surrounding stellar envelope during a core-collapse supernova (SN) explosion. The mass, angular momentum and rotational energy lost by the neutron star are determined self-consistently given the thermal properties of the cooling neutron star's atmosphere and the wind's interaction with the surrounding star. The magnetar drives a relativistic magnetized wind into a cavity created by the outgoing SN shock. For high spin-down powers  (∼1051–1052 erg s−1)  , the magnetar wind is superfast at almost all latitudes, while for lower spin-down powers  (∼1050 erg s−1)  , the wind is subfast but still super-Alfvénic. In all cases, the rates at which the neutron star loses mass, angular momentum and energy are very similar to the corresponding free wind values (≲30 per cent differences), in spite of the causal contact between the neutron star and the stellar envelope. In addition, in all cases that we consider, the magnetar drives a collimated  (∼5–10°)  relativistic jet out along the rotation axis of the star. Nearly all of the spin-down power of the neutron star escapes via this polar jet, rather than being transferred to the more spherical SN explosion. The properties of this relativistic jet and its expected late-time evolution in the magnetar model are broadly consistent with observations of long duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and their associated broad-lined Type Ic SN.  相似文献   

I examine the implications of the recently found extrasolar planets on the planet-induced axisymmetric mass-loss model for the formation of elliptical planetary nebulae (PNe). This model attributes the low departure from spherical mass-loss of upper asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars to envelope rotation which results from deposition of orbital angular momentum of the planets. Since about half of all PNe are elliptical, i.e., have low equatorial to polar density contrast, it was predicted that about 50 per cent of all Sun-like stars have Jupiter-like planets around them, i.e., a mass about equal to that of Jupiter, M J, or more massive. In the light of the new findings that only 5 per cent of Sun-like stars have such planets, and a newly proposed mechanism for axisymmetric mass-loss, the cool magnetic spots model, I revise this prediction. I predict that indeed ∼50 per cent of PN progenitors do have close planets around them, but the planets can have much lower masses, as low as ∼0.01 M J, in order to spin-up the envelopes of AGB stars efficiently. To support this claim, I follow the angular momentum evolution of single stars with main-sequence mass in the range of 1.3–2.4 M , as they evolve to the post-AGB phase. I find that single stars rotate much too slowly to possess any significant non-spherical mass-loss as they reach the upper AGB. It seems, therefore, that planets, in some cases even Earth-like planets, are sufficient to spin-up the envelope of these AGB stars for them to form elliptical PNe. The prediction that on average several such planets orbit each star, as in the Solar system, still holds.  相似文献   

We study the usage of the X-ray light curve, column density towards the hard X-ray source, and emission measure (density square times volume), of the massive binary system η Carinae to determine the orientation of its semimajor axis. The source of the hard X-ray emission is the shocked secondary wind. We argue that, by itself, the observed X-ray flux cannot teach us much about the orientation of the semimajor axis. Minor adjustment of some unknown parameters of the binary system allows to fit the X-ray light curve with almost any inclination angle and orientation. The column density and X-ray emission measure, on the other hand, impose strong constrains on the orientation. We improve our previous calculations and show that the column density is more compatible with an orientation where for most of the time the secondary – the hotter, less massive star – is behind the primary star. The secondary comes closer to the observer only for a short time near periastron passage. The 10-week X-ray deep minimum, which results from a large decrease in the emission measure, implies that the regular secondary wind is substantially suppressed during that period. This suppression is most likely resulted by accretion of mass from the dense wind of the primary luminous blue variable star. The accretion from the equatorial plane might lead to the formation of a polar outflow. We suggest that the polar outflow contributes to the soft X-ray emission during the X-ray minimum; the other source is the shocked secondary wind in the tail. The conclusion that accretion occurs at each periastron passage, every five and a half years, implies that accretion had occurred at a much higher rate during the Great Eruption of η Car in the 19th century. This has far reaching implications for major eruptions of luminous blue variable stars.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on neutron stars (NS) of the magnetar type inside massive binary systems. We determine the conditions under which the matter from the stellar wind can penetrate the inner magnetosphere of the magnetar. At a certain distance from the NS surface, the magnetic pressure can balance the gravitational pressure of the accreting matter, creating a very turbulent, magnetized transition region. It is suggested that this region provides good conditions for the acceleration of electrons to relativistic energies. These electrons lose energy due to the synchrotron process and inverse Compton (IC) scattering of the radiation from the nearby massive stellar companion, producing high-energy radiation from X-rays up to ∼TeV γ-rays. The primary γ-rays can be further absorbed in the stellar radiation field, developing an IC  e±  pair cascade. We calculate the synchrotron X-ray emission from primary electrons and secondary  e±  pairs and the IC γ-ray emission from the cascade process. It is shown that quasi-simultaneous observations of the TeV γ-ray binary system LSI +61 303 in the X-ray and TeV γ-ray energy ranges can be explained with such an accreting magnetar model.  相似文献   

We present Keck II spectroscopy of optical mHz quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in the light curve of the X-ray pulsar binary Hercules X-1. In the power spectrum it appears as 'peaked noise', with a coherency ∼2, a central frequency of 35 mHz and a peak-to-peak amplitude of 5 per cent. However, the dynamic power spectrum shows it to be an intermittent QPO, with a lifetime of ∼100 s, as expected if the lifetime of the orbiting material is equal to the thermal time-scale of the inner disc. We have decomposed the spectral time series into constant and variable components and used blackbody fits to the resulting spectra to characterize the spectrum of the QPO variability and constrain possible production sites. We find that the spectrum of the QPO is best fitted by a small hot region, possibly the inner regions of the accretion disc, where the ballistic accretion stream impacts on to the disc. The lack of any excess power around the QPO frequency in the X-ray power spectrum, created using simultaneous light curves from RXTE , implies that the QPO is not simply reprocessed X-ray variability.  相似文献   

The X-ray binary system GX 301−2 consists of a neutron star in an eccentric orbit accreting from the massive early-type star Wray 977. It has previously been shown that the X-ray orbital light curve is consistent with the existence of a gas stream flowing out from Wray 977 in addition to its strong stellar wind. Here, X-ray monitoring observations by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer ( RXTE )/All-Sky Monitor and pointed observations by the RXTE /Proportional Counter Array over the past decade are analysed. We analyse both the flux and column density dependence on orbital phase. The wind and stream dynamics are calculated for various system inclinations, companion rotation rates and wind velocities, as well as parametrized by the stream width and density. These calculations are used as inputs to determine both the expected accretion luminosity and the column density along the line-of-sight to the neutron star. The model luminosity and column density are compared to observed flux and column density versus orbital phase, to constrain the properties of the stellar wind and the gas stream. We find that the change between bright and medium intensity levels is primarily due to decreased mass loss in the stellar wind, but the change between medium and dim intensity levels is primarily due to decreased stream density. The mass-loss rate in the stream exceeds that in the stellar wind by a factor of ∼2.5. The quality of the model fits is better for lower inclinations, favouring a higher mass for Wray 977 in its allowed range of  40–60 M  .  相似文献   

We present a multi-wavelength study of the Be/X-ray binary system EXO 2030+375. We report that the Be companion is currently in a low-activity phase as indicated by the notable decrease of the infrared and optical emission. If this trend continues the source will lose its circumstellar envelope. Infrared spectroscopy in the IJHK bands is presented for the first time, along with optical and X-ray observations. These infrared spectra agree with the optical companion being an early-type (B0) main-sequence star. When active EXO 2030+375 shows an X-ray outburst at each periastron passage of the neutron star. In addition to the maximum X-ray luminosity displayed at orbital phase ∼0.0, we find a smaller maximum in the light curve at phase ∼0.5. This second intensity peak may be explained if the velocity of the wind is lower than or comparable to the orbital velocity of the neutron star at apastron. We also comment on the relation between the optical/infrared behaviour and the X-ray emission and argue that the X-ray inactive period observed between 1993 August and 1996 April is a result of centrifugal inhibition of accretion of matter rather than a low-activity circumstellar disc.  相似文献   

We find that at redshifts   z ≳ 10, HD  line cooling allows strongly shocked primordial gas to cool to the temperature of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). This temperature is the minimum value attainable via radiative cooling. Provided that the abundance of HD, normalized to the total number density, exceeds a critical level of  ∼10−8  , the CMB temperature floor is reached in a time which is short in comparison to the Hubble time. We estimate the characteristic masses of stars formed out of shocked primordial gas in the wake of the first supernovae, and resulting from the virialization of dark matter haloes during hierarchical structure formation to be  ∼10 M  . In addition, we show that cooling by HD enables the primordial gas in relic H  ii regions to cool to temperatures considerably lower than those reached via H2 cooling alone. We confirm that HD cooling is unimportant in cases where the primordial gas does not go through an ionized phase, as in the formation process of the very first stars in   z ≳ 20  minihaloes of mass  ∼106 M  .  相似文献   

Theoretical X-ray line profiles from colliding wind binaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present theoretical X-ray line profiles from a range of model colliding wind systems. In particular, we investigate the effects of varying the stellar mass-loss rates, the wind speeds and the viewing orientation. We find that a wide range of theoretical line profile shapes is possible, varying with orbital inclination and phase. At or near conjunction, the lines have approximately Gaussian profiles, with small widths  (HWHM ∼ 0.1 v )  and definite blueshifts or redshifts (depending on whether the star with the weaker wind is in front or behind). When the system is viewed at quadrature, the lines are generally much broader  (HWHM ∼ v )  , flat-topped and unshifted. Local absorption can have a major effect on the observed profiles – in systems with mass-loss rates of a few times  10−6 M yr−1  the lower energy lines  ( E  ≲ 1 keV)  are particularly affected. This generally results in blueward-skewed profiles, especially when the system is viewed through the dense wind of the primary. The orbital variation of the linewidths and shifts is reduced in a low-inclination binary. The extreme case is a binary with   i = 0°  , for which we would expect no line profile variation.  相似文献   

We introduce a new Rigid-Field Hydrodynamics approach to modelling the magnetospheres of massive stars in the limit of very strong magnetic fields. Treating the field lines as effectively rigid, we develop hydrodynamical equations describing the one-dimensional flow along each, subject to pressure, radiative, gravitational and centrifugal forces. We solve these equations numerically for a large ensemble of field lines to build up a three-dimensional time-dependent simulation of a model star with parameters similar to the archetypal Bp star σ Ori E. Since the flow along each field line can be solved independently of other field lines, the computational cost of this approach is a fraction of an equivalent magnetohydrodynamical treatment.
The simulations confirm many of the predictions of previous analytical and numerical studies. Collisions between wind streams from opposing magnetic hemispheres lead to strong shock heating. The post-shock plasma cools initially via X-ray emission, and eventually accumulates into a warped, rigidly rotating disc defined by the locus of minima of the effective (gravitational plus centrifugal) potential. However, a number of novel results also emerge. For field lines extending far from the star, the rapid area divergence enhances the radiative acceleration of the wind, resulting in high shock velocities (up to  ∼3000 km s−1  ) and hard X-rays. Moreover, the release of centrifugal potential energy continues to heat the wind plasma after the shocks, up to temperatures around twice those achieved at the shocks themselves. Finally, in some circumstances the cool plasma in the accumulating disc can oscillate about its equilibrium position, possibly due to radiative cooling instabilities in the adjacent post-shock regions.  相似文献   

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