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Log evaluation of fractured igneous reservoirs in Songliao Basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The petrophysical parameters are bad in most igneous reservoirs of Songliao Basin because of the very low porosity and permeability. The evaluation of igneous reservoirs has not been fully studied so far. The current technique of formation evaluation and interpretation used in sedimentary formations face a series of prob- lems and difficulties. In this study, The PCA was used to identify lithology, a multi-mineral model “QAPM” was proposed. “Surface effect” must be considered when evaluating saturation. A software “SIMPLE” was developed and was used to deal with the logging data in over 70 wells with good results were achieved.  相似文献   

The petrophysical parameters are bad in most igneous reservoirs of Songliao Basin because of the very low porosity and permeability. The evaluation of igneous reservoirs has not been fully studied so far. The current technique of formation evaluation and interpretation used in sedimentary formations face a series of problems and difficulties. In this study, The PCA was used to identify lithology, a multi-mineral model "QAPM" was proposed. "Surface effect" must be considered when evaluating saturation. A software "SIMPLE" was developed and was used to deal with the logging data in over 70 wells with good results were achieved.  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous deposits are composed of important source rocks in Boli Basin. The types of the source rocks include black mudstones and coal (with carbonaceous mudstone). By the organic geochemical analysis methods, the authors discussed the organic petrological characters, abundance of organic matter, degree of maturity and the type of source rocks. The main micro-component of black mudstone is exinite or vitrinite, and the content of vitrinite is high in coal. The weathering of the outcrop is very serious. The abundance of organic matter in source rock reaches the poor to better rank. The major kerogens in mudstone are type- Ⅲ, type- Ⅱ 2 and some type- Ⅱ 1 ; the organic type of coal is type-Ⅲ. The thermal evolution of the source rocks in every structural unit is very different, from low-maturity to over-maturity. The depositional environment is reductive, which is good for the preservation of organic matter. The organic matter in source rocks is mainly from aquatic organisms and terrigenous input.  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous deposits are composed of important source rocks in Boli Basin. The types of the source rocks include black mudstones and coal (with carbonaceous mudstone). By the organic geochemical analysis methods, the authors discussed the organic petrological characters, abundance of organic matter, degree of maturity and the type of source rocks. The main micro-component of black mudstone is exinite or vitrinite, and the content of vitrinite is high in coal. The weathering of the outcrop is very serious. The abundance of organic matter in source rock reaches the poor to better rank. The major kerogens in mudstone are type-Ⅲ, type-Ⅱ2 and some type-Ⅱ1; the organic type of coal is type-Ⅲ. The thermal evolution of the source rocks in every structural unit is very different, from low-maturity to over-maturity. The depositional environment is reductive, which is good for the preservation of organic matter. The organic matter in source rocks is mainly from aquatic organisms and terrigenous input.  相似文献   

The influence of carbonate formation on Pulsed Neutron logging(such as Pulsed Neutron-Neutron logging)is quite different from that of sandstone due to the complexity of reservoir architecture and the development of fracture in carbonate reservoir.To study the factors affecting Pulsed Neutron-Neutron(PNN)logging in carbonate formation,the responses on fracture or cave are simulated by Monte Carlo method,getting the relationships among the macroscopic capture cross section(Σ),the count ratio of the thermal neutron at far spacing and near spacing detectors(RATIO),the fracture porosity,oil-bearing and shale content of fracture.The results show that PNN logging can be used to detect caves,and there exist linear relationships among the macroscopic capture cross section(Σ),the count ratio(RATIO)and the above factors.The research findings in this paper provides theoretical basis for the interpretation and data correction of the PNN logging in carbonate reservoirs.  相似文献   

Considering the importance of fractured rock aquifers in the hydrogeologic process, this research aimed to analyze the flow regime, internal degree of karstification, and estimate storage volume in fractured rock aquifers of the Germi Chai Basin in northwest Iran, which is attributed to its active tectonics, erosion, and the lithological diversity. Given the geological setting, the hypothesis is that this basin is characterized by a high degree of karstification and diffuse or intermediate flow ...  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地红山嘴地区火成岩岩性、岩相类型复杂且变化快,研究程度低。利用宏微观岩矿分析化验技术,结合地球物理测井、地震及全碱—二氧化硅质量分数分析等方法,开展火成岩岩石学、岩相学及时空展布规律研究。结果表明:研究区石炭系发育侵入岩、次火山岩、火山熔岩、火山碎屑熔岩、火山碎屑岩、沉火山碎屑岩六大类火成岩,以火山熔岩和火山碎屑岩为主;识别爆发相、喷溢相、次火山岩相、侵出相和火山沉积相5种岩相,建立符合岩性岩相识别图版。应用地球物理方法验证火成岩岩性鉴定结果并推广至未取心井,符合率达86.7%。平面上,研究区东部主要发育喷溢相火山熔岩,中西部主要发育爆发相凝灰岩。该结果为红山嘴地区石炭系火成岩勘探提供参考。  相似文献   

由于页岩气在储层中存在解吸、扩散和渗流相互作用,使页岩气藏压裂水平井与常规气藏压裂水平井在渗流特征及产能递减规律方面有较大差异.综合考虑页岩气解吸、扩散和渗流特征,建立页岩气藏压裂水平井产能模型,应用Laplace变换和Duhamel原理,结合Stehfest数值反演求解产能模型,绘制页岩气藏压裂水平井产能递减曲线,分析解吸系数、无因次储容系数、无因次解吸时间、无因次人工裂缝间距、人工裂缝条数和裂缝表皮系数对产能递减曲线的影响.该结果对认识页岩气藏压裂水平井产能递减规律、评价预测产能及优化压裂裂缝提供参考.  相似文献   

Assessment of fractured rock aquifers in many parts of the world is complicated given their strong heterogeneity. Delineation of the subsurface geological formation in the weathered terrain is essential for groundwater exploration. To achieve this goal, 2D electrical resistivity tomography(ERT) and self-potential(SP) in combination with joint profile method(JPM) and boreholes have been carried out to delineate the subsurface geological units, detect the fracture/fault zones in hard rock, monitor the groundwater flow, and estimate the groundwater reserves contained within the weathered terrain at a complex heterogeneous site of Huangbu, South Guangdong of China. The integration of resistivity images with the borehole lithology along three profiles delineates three subsurface distinct layers namely topsoil cover, weathered and unweathered layers. The incorporation of ERT and SP with JPM reveal five fractures/faults, i.e., F_1, F_2, F_3, F_4 and F_5. 2D ERT models interpret the less resistive anomalies as the fractures/faults zones, and high resistive anomalies as the fresh bedrock. The inversion program based on the smoothness-constraint is used on the resistivity field data to get more realistic three layered model. SP measurements are obtained along the same electrical profiles which provide the negative anomalies clearly indicating the groundwater preferential flow pathways along the fracture/fault zones. Hydraulic parameters namely hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity were determined to estimate the groundwater resources contained within the fractures/faults. The integrated results suggest that the fractures/faults zones are most appropriate places of drilling for groundwater exploration in the investigated area. Geophysical methods coupled with the upfront borehole data provides better understanding about the conceptual model of the subsurface geological formations. The current investigation demonstrates the importance of the integrated geophysical methods as a complementary approach for groundwater assessment in the hard rock weathered areas.  相似文献   

Hilly or mountainous terrain occupies around 12% of the area of Bangladesh.Natural resources associated with Bangladesh’s hill are forest resources,biodiversity,minerals,and agricultural crops.Natural resources have been exploited in the recent four decades due to excessive clearing of hill forest cover,resulting in loss of species richness, impacts related to increased water flow variability, increased hill slope erosion and flooding intensity, and a gradual decrease in the extent of hill area in Bangladesh.This review explores the major causes and effects of depletion of natural resources by linking drivers,pressures and the related impacts.A review has been conducted to structure the effects on the hilly areas and describe the responses to minimize them in the associated DPSIR framework.Population growth has been identified as a major driver contributing to high deforestation rates.This may negatively effect agricultural productivity and increase the frequency of serious flooding.Slash and burn cultivation also impacts the regeneration of evergreen forests,which may accelerate soil erosion. Due to this and other factors,local people are facing a deficits of natural resources(food,fodder,fuel wood and water),which exacerbates the effects of poverty. Future research should try to facilitate decision making for sustainable utilization of natural resources management in the hilly areas of Bangladesh. Additional conservation measures should be developed to increase the resilience of ecosystems at national and regional levels.  相似文献   

Reliable estimation of deformation and failure behaviors of fractured rock mass is important for practical engineering design. This study proposes a multi-domain equivalent method for fracture network to estimate the deformation properties of complex fractured rock mass. It comprehends both the advantages of the discrete fracture network model and the equivalent continuum model to capture the features of discontinuities explicitly while reducing computational intensity. The complex fracture netw...  相似文献   

边界热质传递过程的主动传递(Active Transport)为由"低势"向"高势"的物量(包括质量、能量和信息等)传递,传递动力由边界内的其他能量(如化学反应等)或耦合作用提供,主动传递过程已经超越经典传热学和热力学的范围.基于Kedem分析方法,采用传热学和不可逆热力学理论相结合的方法研究边界热质传递过程的主动传递机理,提出耦合流、正耦合、负耦合和耦合程度等概念,并以两组分膜分离系统为例进行分析.  相似文献   

自释光现象被用于沉积物测年的半个多世纪以来,释光测年技术已被广泛应用于各类海洋沉积物的年代测定,为古环境古气候和构造活动及地形地貌演变等研究提供了高精度年代学约束的同时,释光测年技术的精度和准确性也取得了长足发展。在系统回顾和总结海洋沉积物释光测年的发展历史基础上,详细讨论了释光测年技术在海洋沉积物测年中的研究现状,总结了全球海洋沉积物释光测年研究的特点。海洋沉积物的沉积埋藏过程相对复杂,部分晒退现象普遍存在,饱和含水的沉积环境导致环境剂量精确测定存在一定困难。因此在海洋沉积物年代测定和计算过程中需要根据实际情况对样品的释光性质进行分析,选择合适的等效剂量测试方法,并使用合适的环境剂量校正方法进行年代计算。释光测年方法在晚更新世以来海洋沉积物测年中表现出了独特的优势,释光测年目标矿物在海洋沉积物中普遍存在,并且随着近年来研究的不断深入,测年精度也得到了明显的提高,可以为晚更新世以来的海洋沉积物研究提供高精度的绝对年代地层格架。  相似文献   

板沙地区山凤断裂以北分布一类富钠质岩石 ,以往的研究较少。对该类岩石分布、产状作了详细描述 ,通过宏观微观特征及岩石化学、稀土元素地球化学特征的分析进一步确认其为一套热水沉积岩 ,是热水溶液喷出海底后与海水介质和陆源沉积物混合形成的  相似文献   

针对缝洞型低渗碳酸盐油藏,建立考虑启动压力梯度和动边界共同影响的三重介质低渗透油藏非线性非稳态渗流模型.鉴于数学模型的非线性和非齐次性,通过引入新定义的压力(量纲一)线性化压力扩散方程,应用Laplace变换和Duhamel原理结合Stehfest数值反演对模型进行求解,获得三重介质低渗油藏产量递减典型曲线,在产量递减双对数图上出现3个递减阶段和2个相对平缓稳定阶段;分析启动压力梯度、溶洞窜流系数、基质窜流系数、裂缝弹性储容比和溶洞弹性储容比与基质弹性储容比之比等敏感参数对产量(量纲一)的影响规律.计算分析表明,启动压力梯度越大,中后期产量递减曲线下降幅度越大.通过绘制的产量递减曲线图版,可以预测缝洞型低渗透碳酸盐岩油藏未来产量的变化.  相似文献   

Based on the statistics of surface drifter data of 1979–2011 and the simulation of nuclear pollutant particulate movements simulated using high quality ocean reanalysis surface current dataset, the transport pathways and impact strength of Fukushima nuclear pollutants in the North Pacific have been estimated. The particulates are used to increase the sampling size and enhance the representativeness of statistical results. The trajectories of the drifters and particulates are first examined to identify typical drifting pathways. The results show that there are three types of transport paths for nuclear pollutants at the surface: 1) most pollutant particles move eastward and are carried by the Kuroshio and Kuroshio-extension currents and reach the east side of the North Pacific after about 3.2–3.9 years; 2) some particles travel with the subtropical circulation branch and reach the east coast of China after about 1.6 years according to one drifter trajectory and about 3.6 years according to particulate trajectories; 3) a little of them travel with local, small scale circulations and reach the east coast of China after about 1.3–1.8 years. Based on the particulates, the impact strength of nuclear pollutants at these time scales can be estimated according to the temporal variations of relative concentration combined with the radioactive decay rate. For example, Cesium-137, carried by the strong North Pacific current, mainly accumulates in the eastern North Pacific and its impact strength is 4% of the initial level at the originating Fukushima area after 4 years. Due to local eddies, Cesium-137 in the western North Pacific is 1% of the initial pollutant level after 1.5 years and continuously increases to 3% after 4 years. The vertical movement of radioactive pollutants is not taken into account in the present study, and the estimation accuracy would be improved by considering three-dimensional flows.  相似文献   

获取含水层水力参数空间非均质分布信息是研究地下水渗流、地下水污染物运移等诸多地下水问题的重要基础。然而,受常规勘察技术所限,含水层的非均质性难以直接刻画,尤其在裂隙介质含水层中,水力参数分布的非均质性更加突出,进一步增加了刻画的难度。针对该问题,本研究首先通过德国哥廷根大学北校区内的Neutra试验场地进行的64次抽水试验,获取了该场地不同深度观测点的水头响应曲线,然后使用解析方法对64组数据进行分析和参数评估,同时采用水力走时的方法对井间水力参数分布进行反演计算,最后将得到的结果分别与经典解析解参数估计和热示踪试验结果进行对比验证。结果表明,解析解参数估计的结果虽然能够在一定程度上展现含水层的垂向非均质性,但是无法刻画井间含水层水力参数的非均质分布;与热示踪试验结果的对比验证了基于水力走时反演的水力层析法在刻画裂隙介质水力参数的空间非均质分布的可靠性。   相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThetoxicityofheavymetalsreleasedintotheenvironmenthasrecentlytriggeredanumberofstudiesaimingattheremovalofmetalionsfromaqueoussolutions (FourestandVolesky ,1 997;FehrmannandPohl,1 993 ;KuyucakandVolesky,1 989) .Itwasfoundthattheaccumulationofheavymeta…  相似文献   

选取华北花园地区下马岭组元古界低成熟泥页岩为代表的低成熟古老烃源岩,制备成干酪根,分别在正常和含铀条件下进行高压釜黄金管生烃模拟实验,探讨铀对古老烃源岩有机质生烃的影响。结果表明:铀影响古老烃源岩有机质生烃产率和热演化,降低有机质生烃中甲烷的形成,使液态烃的生成滞后,并在成熟—过成熟阶段抑制液态烃的裂解,总烃产率不变;二氧化碳和氢气产率明显提升;含铀条件下生成的甲烷、乙烷、丙烷和二氧化碳的δ~(13)C值比正常条件的轻,铀可抑制有机质生烃的热演化,降低有机质成熟度,与铀共生的古老烃源岩生成的油气更容易保存。  相似文献   

冷家溪群是江南造山带湖南段的最早物质纪录,其沉积构造背景及相关的钦杭结合带位置尚存争议。在野外地质调查基础上,对湘东北金井地区冷家溪群早期-中期相对新鲜砂岩采样进行系统的主量元素和微量元素含量分析,进而按时代先后对砂岩分组并进行地球化学研究,以此探讨沉积期盆地性质及大地构造格局。金井地区冷家溪群砂岩的主量元素组成变化较大,SiO2质量分数总体较低、Al2O3质量分数和Al2O3/SiO2比值较高、K2O/Na2O比值高且变化大。轻稀土富集、重稀土平坦、铕负异常明显等特征暨球粒陨石标准化曲线形态与典型的后太古宙页岩和上陆壳相似。主量元素地球化学特征反映沉积环境为弧后盆地,且早期易家桥组和潘家冲组的成熟度较高,主要来源于北邻构造相对稳定的扬子陆块南缘;中期雷神庙组-黄浒洞组的成熟度较低,可能更多来源于南邻构造相对活动的大陆岛弧。各组地层构造环境微量元素判别图解均显示为大陆岛弧环境,但从微量元素特征对母岩的继承性分析,仍反映出弧后盆地环境;有关微量元素参数的相对大小指示早期沉积环境为活动陆缘、中期沉积环境为大陆岛弧,与主量元素特征反映的信息一致。根据上述地球化学证据,提出冷家溪期构造格局与演化过程:早期受古华南洋板块向北西高角度俯冲影响,弧后软流圈上涌导致岩石圈伸展而形成宽阔的弧后盆地,金井地区处于盆地北部而主要接受北邻扬子陆块来源沉积;中期古华南洋板块俯冲角度变缓并推动大陆岛弧向北西运移,弧后盆地收缩,金井地区因构造迁移而主要接受南邻大陆岛弧来源沉积。结合区域资料,认为弧后盆地南邻大陆岛弧大体在安仁-双牌一线。   相似文献   

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