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城市老龄化问题研究的时间地理学框架与展望   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
进入21世纪后,老龄化问题已经成为全世界关注的焦点之一,亦成为多学科研究的对象,通过社会学和地理学对老龄化问题研究视角的对比分析,将时间地理学方法引入对城市老龄化问题的研究中,提出社会学视角与地理学视角相结合的城市老龄化的研究基本框架,展望时间地理学在城市老年服务设施的时间管理和空间管理,老年福利服务以及老年社区建设等方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

On the basis of a space–time substitution, rates of cliff retreat and talus development overthe pasttens ofthousands of years were quantified for valley‐side slopes along the Shomyo River with a known rate of waterfall recession. Detailed profiles of the valley‐side slopes were obtained at 19 sites along the river by map reading and field survey, and the morphologic characteristics of the slopes were then measured. By combining the locations of the slopes with the recession rate of Shomyo Falls, it is estimated that the growth rate of the talus slope is 3.9–7.2 mm/yr, the rate of decline of the cliff is 2.0–4.0 × 10?4 deg/yr, and the retreat rate of the cliff top is 6.2–11.6 mm/yr.  相似文献   

This article examines the locational patterns of population and employment and the resultant changes in urban form in the Halifax–Dartmouth region between 1970 and 1996. The article employs the univariate and bivariate K function to measure spatial dependence or clustering within and between the classes of residential and commercial land parcels. The results of the K function estimates suggest that residential land parcels cluster together, commercial land parcels cluster together, and residential and commercial land parcels have become more clustered over time. Evidence of clustering provides insight into the changing urban form of the region and possible multinucleation.  相似文献   

Although recent studies of individual accessibility have used detailed representations of urban street networks, unrealistic measures of travel time based on assumptions about constant travel speeds through the network were often used. Utilizing constant travel times does not allow for daily congestion and assumes that the effects of congestion are uniform throughout the city and affect all people equally. This research measures individual space‐time accessibility in order to show that the incorporation of locally specific travel times within a street network allows a significant increase in the ability to realistically evaluate individual accessibility within cities. The results show that the accessibility of individuals within cities is not homogenous, and neither does access to employment or shopping opportunities vary according to common expectations about urban form and human behavior. Instead, the role of distance in predicting accessibility variations within cities is quite limited. This article also shows that incorporating time into accessibility measures in the form of congestion and business hours leads to additional (and highly spatially uneven) reductions in accessibility, revealing that the temporal dimension is very important to accurately assessing individual accessibility.  相似文献   

Although recent studies of individual accessibility have used detailed representations of urban street networks, unrealistic measures of travel time based on assumptions about constant travel speeds through the network were often used. Utilizing constant travel times does not allow for daily congestion and assumes that the effects of congestion are uniform throughout the city and affect all people equally. This research measures individual space-time accessibility in order to show that the incorporation of locally specific travel times within a street network allows a significant increase in the ability to realistically evaluate individual accessibility within cities. The results show that the accessibility of individuals within cities is not homogenous, and neither does access to employment or shopping opportunities vary according to common expectations about urban form and human behavior. Instead, the role of distance in predicting accessibility variations within cities is quite limited. This article also shows that incorporating time into accessibility measures in the form of congestion and business hours leads to additional (and highly spatially uneven) reductions in accessibility, revealing that the temporal dimension is very important to accurately assessing individual accessibility.  相似文献   

Economic opportunities are considered a primary determinant of human migration, but their explanatory power in Communist China has been limited because of strong government intervention in controlling migration and in planned population transfers. Since the late 1970s, however, economic reform has brought about changes in China's regional economies and generated new push and pull forces for migration, and the relaxation of migration restrictions has created greater opportunities for nongovernment-induced migration. Using data primarily from the 1990 census, I review the spatial patterns of migration and the characteristics of the new migrants. A case study of Guangdong Province reveals that its attractiveness to migrants from other provinces and its intra-provincial migration patterns are attributable to differentials in per capita output and foreign investment. The findings support the argument that China has entered a new era of migration in which present and expected economic opportunities are important explanations for the volume and directions of population movement.  相似文献   


Creating resiliency, accomplished in part by individuals preparing for disaster, is the primary strategy outside of law enforcement for responding to the threat of urban terrorism. Individuals prepare when they perceive a need to do so, yet little is known about what shapes a person's awareness of vulnerability to terrorism. Because evidence indicates that social contacts act as conduits of information and affect perception of risk to natural hazards, it is possible that such contacts also affect terrorism vulnerability awareness. Because social contacts are also known to be systematically segmented by gender and location, we hypothesized that conversations about terrorism vary by gender and place, specifically the home and work place. Drawing on data from 93 interviews with householders in Boston, the study demonstrates that: (1) family networks generated discussions of home preparedness, whereas workplace networks engaged a wider variety of topics; (2) women discussed terrorism more frequently and in greater depth than did men; and (3) women heard more preparedness messages for the home than did men, whereas men undertook preparedness activities external to the home. The findings bridge geography and terrorism studies by theorizing emplaced and subjective human experiences that prompt conversations about terrorism. These conversations, in turn, help urban emergency managers and risk-hazards geographers promote rational dialogue and action vis-à-vis terrorism. Hazards researchers have shown that the more people discuss terrorism, the less they seek extreme and unwarranted responses.  相似文献   

以遥感数据进行土地利用/覆被分类为基础,利用景观格局指数研究快速城市化地区地表覆被格局变化时,面临两大难题,即① 混合像元影响分类的精度存在不确定性,直接影响格局分析结论的可靠性;② 景观格局指数,难以有效分析城市内部局部地区景观格局演变过程的变化特征。针对上述关键问题,本文以不透水表面组分表征城市的主体景观,运用地统计学及剖面线方法分析深圳市地表覆被格局的空间分异及其演变特征。结果表明:① 1990-2005 年,深圳地表覆被空间格局经历了分散-单中心聚集-多中心分散-多中心聚集的演变过程,在经历了东西-西北东南-东北西南-南北方向的发展过程后,景观整体的自相关程度高,空间梯度差异小。1990 年的不透水表面组分比2005 年低20%~40%,并且早期局地变化波动较大,后期变化波动明显减小。在局地空间演变上,老城区变化小,新城区及工业区变化大,城市不透水表面的局地空间差异性显著缩小。② 城市不透水表面具有显著的梯度特征,在空间上主要呈现连续渐变的特点,因而在格局分析方法上,地统计学与剖面线方法可以同时从整体和局地两个层次对空间格局演变进行有效刻画。  相似文献   

熊鹰  徐亚丹  孙维筠  尹建军  侯珂伦 《地理科学》2019,39(10):1561-1569
从城市群规模效益、距离效益和空间联系效益3个方面出发,运用ArcGIS和城市相互作用强度模型对长株潭城市群和环洞庭湖城市群空间结构效益进行评价比较分析。结果表明:环洞庭湖城市群在外在规模上具有相对优势,具体表现为人口规模、空间规模以及城市数量较大,但城市群的紧凑度不高,城市规模等级结构优势不够明显,空间可达性较差,重要城市之间的空间联系不够紧密,呈现“大而散”的特征;相对而言,长株潭城市群城市数量、人口规模及用地较小,但其紧凑度及规模效益较高,城市规模等级结构优势度相对较高,可达性较好,重要城市之间的空间联系较为紧密。在此基础上,以实现城市群空间结构效益最大化为目标,构建了以长沙为中心城市的“一心两圈三轴”结构体系。  相似文献   

安俞静  刘静玉  乔墩墩 《地理科学》2019,39(12):1929-1937
基于中原城市群30个省辖市间的公路、普速、高速列车客运班次和百度指数数据,利用层次分析法、空间可视化和社会网络分析,从多元要素流视角对中原城市群城市空间联系及网络格局进行研究。结果表明:交通网络中晋皖地区被边缘化特征明显,信息网络呈现多维度钻石型关联格局,首位联系受省界制约且具有明显指向性。综合联系网络呈现“一横两纵”格局,具有低密度、单中心和“富人俱乐部”的基本特征,整体空间上“行政区”掣肘现象依然明显。城市综合实力、基础设施、行政效应与政策导向能够较好的反映城市空间联系及网络格局的形成。  相似文献   

运用系统性思维,在综合考虑国土空间全要素、协调空间规划各阶段的前提下,结合资源环境承载能力评价、国土空间开发适宜性评价(“双评价”)与FLUS-UGB模型,提出了城镇开发边界划定的系统流程,包括基于“双评价”识别本底特征、基于功能遴选划分功能适宜区和基于FLUS-UGB模型划定边界3个步骤。以长春市为例,基于2010-2015年土地利用数据进行模型模拟与精度验证,总体精度为0.922 3,Kappa系数为0.844 6,表明模型具有较高精度,进而模拟了2035年长春市城镇发展形态,划定了城镇开发边界,并制定了切实有效的管控手段。这套划定方法以科学评价识别前端本底,以协同共生整合中端功能,以有机生长优化末端布局,为长春市国土空间开发与保护格局的确立迈出了稳健的一步。  相似文献   

This paper interprets a stone‐banked lobe on the upper western face of Mt Rufus, at an altitude of 1380 m in western Tasmania, Australia. The morphology of the deposit resembles that of a solifluction lobe. Field observations show vertical and downslope movement of pebbles, cobbles and small boulders over a single winter season. The movement is largely related to frost pull (10–15 cm) and shallow freeze–thaw processes promoting the downslope (up to 50 cm yr–1) creep of material and the accumulation of coarse clasts at the lobe riser. The climate of Mt Rufus is strongly maritime and this is reflected in the limited duration and depth of penetration of frozen ground at this site during the 2013 winter. Despite the relatively mild climatic conditions, freeze–thaw processes are clearly the dominant geomorphic force operating at the site. These findings support observations of active stone‐banked lobes on sub‐Antarctic islands where intense freezing is absent. Both there and at Mt Rufus, movement is dominated by freeze–thaw processes operating in the upper c. 20 cm of the regolith. These are typical landforms of marginal freeze–thaw settings.  相似文献   

余琳  吴悦芳 《热带地理》2015,35(1):81-88
城市休闲空间的发展与城市空间结构的扩张与城市产业的发展息息相关。文章以佛山为例,从历史的角度回溯佛山城市休闲空间发展及演变的过程,并将叙事的脉络深刻植入到佛山城市建设发展的总体框架中。明清时期以前,在商品经济的发展背景下,佛山的墟市、街道、河涌等成为城市经济活动的交换中心,集市繁荣起来,而居民的休闲生活在商品的贸易中逐步萌芽,休闲空间雏形形成。明清时期,由于商业中心确立和土地利用形式的改变,城市规模扩大,休闲空间则成为根植于人民生活中的重要部分。改革开放后,佛山城市休闲空间得到全面拓展,城市更新背景下的新佛山,基于当地传统与记忆,关注休闲空间的修复与革新,着力于改善残旧的旧城地区,致力于提供一种普遍的可识别性,以及相同历史与文化现实的归属感,从而促进休闲空间和城市历史街区的交流与延续。  相似文献   

曾冰  张艳  胡亚光 《热带地理》2020,40(1):119-127
通过构建相应指标体系,采取主成分分析法测度长江中游城市群城市竞争力。在GIS软件支持下,基于时间成本距离栅格的交通可达性分析,利用场强模型,对2015年长江中游城市群31个城市腹地范围进行识别。研究发现:长江中游城市群城市竞争力空间分布差异较大,最大值和最小值相差达5.84倍,与行政级别具有一定关联性。从交通可达性来看,1 h圈空间范围主要集中在中心城市附近,≥3 h圈主要分布在远离省会城市的外围地区,以及岳九咸(岳阳、九江和咸宁)省际交界区。长江中游城市群城市间交通发展缺乏统一规划与协调性,内部交通联系较为薄弱。从空间场强来看,高场强区集中于中心城市及其周边地区,低场强区分布于交通通达性较差的边缘与外围地区,尤其是省际边界地区。场强空间分布与城市竞争力与交通可达性分布具有较强的吻合度,但省际间协同发展程度低。城市腹地范围来看,湖北省大部分城市腹地面积较小,江西省城市腹地面积相对广阔,湖南城市腹地面积居中,三大省会城市腹地面积远超过其他城市,意味着长江中游城市群业已形成以省会城市为多中心的复合型极核发展格局,但内部一体化程度偏弱。从腹地与行政范围的层叠结果来看,城市腹地与市域行政范围吻合度较差,省会城市扩伸率要高于其余城市,而且三大省会城市的域外腹地面积比例远高于其他城市,九江、岳阳、宜昌、常德、新余、景德镇等地域外腹地面积比例也较高。总体来说,长江中游城市群仍停留在子圈内一体化的阶段,还未实现三圈融合和高度一体化发展阶段。  相似文献   

胡语宸  刘艳军  孙宏日 《地理科学》2020,40(9):1450-1459
中国快速城镇化过程中已经出现了城市增长与收缩并存的现象,其中收缩型城市中又以资源型城市较为典型。研究城市增长与收缩过程及其影响因素有助于优化资源型城市发展路径以及制定合理的规划策略。本研究以黑龙江省鸡西市、鹤岗市、双鸭山市、七台河市为研究案例,从城市比较研究的思路入手,利用均方差决策法、偏最小二乘法等方法定量化表征4市城市增长与收缩过程并分析其影响因素。结果表明:① 4市并不是处于持续收缩的状态,而是增长与收缩交替进行。② 从城市增长与收缩过程的影响因素方面看,鸡西市主要受居民收入与消费情况影响,鹤岗市主要受产业及投资影响,双鸭山市主要受制造业和外部投资影响,七台河市主要受煤炭产量影响。③ 从差异性角度分析,城市增长与收缩过程以及影响因素的差异主要由替代产业选择差异、城市间竞争、外部性影响所决定。  相似文献   

Spatial access to healthy foods has drawn growing attention regarding the relationship with people's health conditions and demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Individuals' differences and the impact of travel behaviors on food accessibility, however, are rarely studied. This study incorporates mobility, time, and transportation mode components to measure each individual's access to healthy foods. We employed three activity space measures to estimate food accessibility: route network buffer, time-weighted standard deviational ellipse (SDE), and mode-weighted SDE. Food accessibility in three activity spaces shows similar variabilities. Geographic size and spatial access to healthy foods differ significantly by income and employment for all three activity space measures. People with higher incomes and those who are currently employed are likely to have larger activity spaces and higher food accessibility. As age increases, people tend to increase their size of activity spaces (in both SDE measures) and food accessibility significantly. Females are likely to have smaller activity spaces and less accessibility to healthy foods (only in the time-weighted SDE measure). Geographic size and spatial access do not differ significantly by education and number of vehicles per household. Although three activity spaces are highly correlated in both geographic size and spatial access, differences still exist among them.  相似文献   

I use a gender framework to examine why women need to utilize social networks to discover and resolve problems related to reproductive tract infections (RTI) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). In India, women's health is linked with social status and perception of their health needs. This paper provides insight on how social networks are gender‐, location‐, and context‐specific and how they are linked to STD issues. This paper examines why social networks are integral to women. The health‐seeking behavior of rural and urban casual sex workers is examined via Q‐analysis, a language of mapping relationships. Results from Q‐analysis reveal women's use of four systems—kinship, belief, traditional medical, and western medical services. Finally, I conclude with important implications for research on gender relations and social networks.  相似文献   

南京城市森林景观格局特征与空间结构优化   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
赵清  郑国强  黄巧华 《地理学报》2007,62(8):870-878
城市森林研究是一个新兴的研究领域, 城市森林的景观生态学研究是城市森林研究的必然发展趋势和重要内容。首先根据景观生态分类法的思想和原则, 将城市森林景观分为2 个类型4 个亚型, 然后综合运用RS 和GIS 技术进行南京城市森林景观类型空间信息调查, 获取城市森林景观类型分布图及类型空间属性数据。在此基础上, 以定量和定性相结合的方法分析城市森林景观格局特征, 并提出城市森林景观空间结构优化的措施和建议。研究认为, 南京城市森林景观具有总覆盖度适宜, 空间分布的区域差异极为突出, 大型半自然和近自然 林斑块是景观主体, 景观生态系统的形成、分布和类型分异与自然环境的地域分异密切相关, 人类对景观干扰作用强等特点, 而因地制宜的构建基于" 集中与分散相结合原则" 的总体结构优化模式是南京城市森林景观发展的主导方向, 设计不同尺度和等级规模的景观廊道是景观建设的主要任务, 加强生态敏感部位景观斑块建设是关键措施。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(5):496-516
The development of new approaches for understanding processes of urban development and their environmental effects, as well as strategies for sustainable management, is essential in expanding metropolitan areas. This study illustrates the potential of linking urban growth and watershed models to identify problem areas and support long-term watershed planning. Sediment is a primary source of nonpoint-source pollution in surface waters. In urban areas, sediment is intermingled with other surface debris in transport. In an effort to forecast the effects of development on surface-water quality, changes predicted in urban areas by the SLEUTH urban growth model were applied in the context of erosion-sedimentation models (Universal Soil Loss Equation and Spatially Explicit Delivery Models). The models are used to simulate the effect of excluding hot-spot areas of erosion and sedimentation from future urban growth and to predict the impacts of alternative erosion-control scenarios. Ambos Nogales, meaning "both Nogaleses," is a name commonly used for the twin border cities of Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. The Ambos Nogales watershed has experienced a decrease in water quality as a result of urban development in the twin-city area. Population growth rates in Ambos Nogales are high and the resources set in place to accommodate the rapid population influx will soon become overburdened. Because of its remote location and binational governance, monitoring and planning across the border is compromised. One scenario described in this research portrays an improvement in water quality through the identification of high-risk areas using models that simulate their protection from development and replanting with native grasses, while permitting the predicted and inevitable growth elsewhere. This is meant to add to the body of knowledge about forecasting the impact potential of urbanization on sediment delivery to streams for sustainable development, which can be accomplished in a virtual environment.  相似文献   

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