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The 187Re-187Os isotopic systematics of many bulk chondrites plot well beyond analytical uncertainties of a primordial isochron. Limited variations in 187Os/188Os, coupled with large variations in Re/Os ratios among chondrites, suggest that this apparently open-system behavior is a result of the comparatively recent gain or loss of Re and/or Os. In order to assess whether or not rapid alteration in the terrestrial environment could be responsible for open-system behavior in chondrites, four pieces of the Sutter's Mill meteorite were examined for Os isotopic systematics and abundances of highly siderophile elements. Pieces SM1 and SM2 were collected prior to a rain event, within 2 days of the fall. Pieces SM51 and SM53 were collected after a rain event. There are significant but minor relative and absolute variations in the abundances of the highly siderophile elements, as well as 187Os/188Os among the four pieces. Rhenium-Os isotopic data for SM1 and SM2 plot within analytical uncertainties of a primordial isochron, while powders made from SM51 and SM53 do not. These results suggest that interactions with rain caused some redistribution of Re, and to a lesser extent Os, within small pieces of the meteorite. Thus, Re-Os isotopic systematics of <dm-size pieces of chondrites must be considered susceptible to modification after only a short time on the surface, where exposed to rain.  相似文献   

The space weathering, i.e. the evolution of surface properties over time, due to the exposure to external factors, has been shown to affect the optical properties of the asteroids, usually causing reddening (an effect which is measured in terms of the spectral slope in the visible and near infrared range) and darkening over time. However, some problems remain open. In particular, the timescale for reddening, which we estimate from laboratory experiments, is shorter—maybe, by two or even more orders of magnitude—than the typical asteroidal ages. Thus we should expect a complete saturation of the reddening effects for most of the objects, which does not happen, instead of a general significant dependence of the slope on the age, as indeed we find.In this paper we discuss, with the aid of a simplified model, how the collisions may affect the timing of the reddening process. We show that the collisions might halt the reddening, unless a significant reaccumulation of the fragments created in the cratering collisions takes place. In this case the timing for the complete reddening is driven by the collisional events, thus providing a rationale for the observed slope-age and slope-exposure relations.  相似文献   

Abstract– Weathering of meteorites at the scale of the entire Antarctic Search for Meteorites program population is studied by analyzing the recent version of the online Antarctic meteorite classification database that includes information about 15,263 meteorites. This paper updates, supplements, and expands on the last Antarctic meteorite weathering census by Velbel (1988 , Meteoritics 23:151–159). On average 5% of all Antarctic meteorites are indicated as evaporite bearing in the Antarctic Meteorite Database. Evaporite formation depends on compositional group. Evaporites are much more common on C chondrites than on ordinary chondrites, supporting previous findings. Ordinary chondrites of petrologic type 3 more often have evaporites on their surface than meteorites of other petrologic types. Contrary to previous findings, there is no apparent relation between evaporite formation and meteorite rustiness. Some meteorite‐bearing fields influence the frequency of evaporite‐mineral formation on meteorites. The influence of location is apparently related to differences in environmental conditions, most probably microclimate or/and hydrologic conditions. There is no relation between abundance of evaporite‐bearing meteorites and distance from the sea. Evaporite formation varies with year of collection; however, it was not possible to distinguish whether this is related to annual changes in environment or an artifact of sample categorization or curation.  相似文献   

We report Os isotope compositions of metal grains in two CBa chondrites (Bencubbin and Gujba) determined using a micromilling sampling coupled with thermal ionization mass spectrometry, together with the abundances of major and trace siderophile elements obtained by electron probe microanalysis and femtosecond laser ablation inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry. The CBa metal grains presented 187Os/188Os ratios akin to carbonaceous chondrites with limited variations (0.1257–0.1270). Most of the CBa metal grains were scattered along a 187Re-187Os reference isochron of IIIAB iron meteorites, indicating that the CBa metals experienced limited Re-Os fractionation at the time of their formation. The Re/Os ratios of sampling spots for the CBa metals, recast from the observed 187Os/188Os ratios, had a positive correlation with their Os/Ir ratios. In addition, the metal grains showed a positive correlation in a Pd/Fe versus Ni/Fe diagram. These correlations suggest that the CBa metal grains have formed via equilibrium condensation or evaporation from a gaseous reservoir at ~10−4 bar with enhanced metal abundances. Compared to the Bencubbin metals, the Gujba metals are characterized by having systematically lower Pd/Fe and Ni/Fe ratios that span subchondritic values. Such a difference was most likely induced by the compositionally heterogeneous impact plume from which the metals were condensed.  相似文献   

The Dry Valleys of Antarctica are an excellent analog of the environment at the surface of Mars. Soil formation histories involving slow processes of sublimation and migration of water-soluble ions in polar desert environments are characteristic of both Mars and the Dry Valleys. At the present time, the environment in the Dry Valleys is probably the most similar to that in the mid-latitudes on Mars although similar conditions may be found in areas of the polar regions during their respective Mars summers. It is thought that Mars is currently in an interglacial period, and that subsurface water ice is sublimating poleward. Because the Mars sublimation zones seem to be the most similar to the Antarctic Dry Valleys, the Dry Valleys-type Mars climate is migrating towards the poles. Mars has likely undergone drastic obliquity changes, which means that the Dry Valleys analog to Mars may be valid for large parts of Mars, including the polar regions, at different times in geologic history. Dry Valleys soils contain traces of silicate alteration products and secondary salts much like those found in Mars meteorites. A martian origin for some of the meteorite secondary phases has been verified previously; it can be based on the presence of shock effects and other features which could not have formed after the rocks were ejected from Mars, or demonstrable modification of a feature by the passage of the meteorite through Earth's atmosphere (proving the feature to be pre-terrestrial). The martian weathering products provide critical information for deciphering the near-surface history of Mars. Definite martian secondary phases include Ca-carbonate, Ca-sulfate, and Mg-sulfate. These salts are also found in soils from the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. Results of earlier Wright Valley work are consistent with what is now known about Mars based on meteorite and orbital data. Results from recent and current Mars missions support this inference. Aqueous processes are active even in permanently frozen Antarctic Dry Valleys soils, and similar processes are probably also occurring on Mars today, especially at the mid-latitudes. Both weathering products and life in Dry Valleys soils are distributed heterogeneously. Such variations should be taken into account in future studies of martian soils and also in the search for possible life on Mars.  相似文献   

Substantial indigenous abundances of siderophile elements have been found to be present in the lunar highlands. The abundances of 13 siderophile elements in the parental magma of the highlands crust were estimated by using a simple model whereby the Apollo 16 highlands were regarded as being a mixture of three components (i.e. cumulus plagioclase + intercumulus magma that was parentel to the highlands crust + meteoritic contamination by ordinary chondrites). The parental magma of the highlands was found to possess abundances of siderophile elements that were generally similar to the abundances of the unequivocally indigenous siderophile elements in primitive, low-Ti mare basalts. This striking similarity implies that these estimated abundances in the parental highlands magma are truly indigenous, and also supports the basic validity of our simple model.It is shown that metal/silicate fractionation within the Moon cannot have been the cause of the siderophile element abundances in the parental highlands magma and primitive, low-Ti mare basalts. The relative abundances of the indigenous siderophile elements in highland and mare samples seem, instead, to be the result of complex processes which operatedprior to the Moon's accretion.The abundances of the relatively involatile, siderophile elements in the parental highlands magma are strikingly similar to the abundances observed in terrestrial oceanic tholeiites. Furthermore, the abundances of the relatively volatile, siderophile elements in the parental highlands magma are also systematically related to the corresponding abundances in terrestrial oceanic tholeiites. In fact, the parental magma of the lunar highlands can be essentially regarded as having been a volatile-depleted, terrestrial oceanic tholeiite.The complex, siderophile element fractionations in the Earth's upper mantle are thought to be the result of core segregation. However, it is well-known that the siderophile element abundances do not correspond to expectations based solely upon equilibration of metal/silicate at low-pressures, as evidenced by the over-abundances of Au, Re, Ni, Co and Cu. Ringwood (1977a) has suggested that the siderophile element abundances in the Earth's upper mantle are the product of equilibration at very high-pressures between the mantle and a segregating core that contained substantial quantities of an element with a low atomic weight, such as oxygen. Comparable processes cannot have operated within the Moon due to its small internal pressures and the very small size of its possible core. Therefore, the fact that the Moon exhibits a systematic resemblance to the Earth's upper mantle is highly significant.The origin of the Moon is discussed in the context of these results. The possibility that depletion of siderophile elements occurred in an earlier generation of differentiated planetesimals similar to those which formed the basaltic achondrites, stony-irons, and irons is examined but can be dismissed on several grounds. It seems that the uniquely terrestrial siderophile signature within the Moon can be explained only if the Moon was derived from the Earth's mantle subsequent to core-formation.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May, 1978.  相似文献   

Abstract— The lunar soil characterization consortium, a group of lunar‐sample and remote‐sensing scientists, has undertaken the extensive task of characterization of the finest fractions of lunar soils, with respect to their mineralogical and chemical makeup. These compositional data form the basis for integration and modeling with the reflectance spectra of these same soil fractions. This endeavor is aimed at deciphering the effects of space weathering of soils on airless bodies with quantification of the links between remotely sensed reflectance spectra and composition. A beneficial byproduct is an understanding of the complexities involved in the formation of lunar soil. Several significant findings have been documented in the study of the <45 μm size fractions of selected Apollo 17 mare soils. As grain size decreases, the abundance of agglutinitic glass increases, as does the plagioclase, whereas the other minerals decrease. The composition of the agglutinitic glass is relatively constant for all size fractions, being more feldspathic than any of the bulk compositions; notably, TiO2 is substantially depleted in the agglutinitic glass. However, as grain size decreases, the bulk composition of each size fraction continuously changes, becoming more Al‐rich and Fe‐poor, and approaches the composition of the agglutinitic glasses. Between the smallest grain sizes (10–20 and < 10 μm), the IS/FeO values (amount of total iron present as nanophase Fe0) increase by greater than 100% (>2x), whereas the abundance of agglutinitic glass increases by only 10–15%. This is evidence for a large contribution from surface‐correlated nanophase Fe0 to the IS/FeO values, particularly in the <10 μm size fraction. The surface nanophase Fe0 is present largely as vapor‐deposited patinas on the surfaces of almost every particle of the mature soils, and to a lesser degree for the immature soils (Keller et al., 1999a). It is reasoned that the vapor‐deposited patinas may have far greater effects upon reflectance spectra of mare soils than the agglutinitic Fe0.  相似文献   

Abstract— Cosmic‐ray exposure ages calculated from cosmogenic noble gas nuclides are reported for 57 enstatite (E) chondrites, 43 of them were measured for the first time. With a total of 62 individual E chondrites (literature and this data, corrected for pairing) the observed spectrum of ages ranges between 0.07 and 66 Ma. Three clusters seem to develop at about 3.5, 8, and 25 Ma, respectively. Since the uncertainty of ages is estimated to be ~20% (in contrast to 10 to 15% for ordinary chondrites) and the number of examined samples is still comparatively small, these peaks have to be confirmed by more measurements. Regarding the two subgroups, EH and EL chondrites, no systematic trend is apparent in the distribution of cosmic‐ray exposure ages. Several E chondrites yield significantly lower 38Ar ages compared to those calculated from cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne. For these E chondrites, we suggest a reduction of cosmogenic 38Ar as a result of weathering. In order to prove the possible influence of terrestrial alteration on the cosmogenic noble gas record of E‐chondritic material, we simulated terrestrial weathering in an experiment of 12 weeks duration. The treatment showed that a significant amount of cosmogenic 38Ar is lost on Earth by the influence of water.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present concentration and isotopic composition of He, Ne, and Ar in ten chondrites from the Nullarbor region in Western Australia as well as the concentrations of 84Ke, 129Xe, and 132Xe. From the measured cosmogenic 14C concentrations (Jull et al. 1995), shielding‐corrected production rates of 14C are deduced using cosmogenic 22Ne/21Ne ratios. For shielding conditions characterized by 22Ne/21Ne >1.10, this correction becomes significant and results in shorter terrestrial ages. The exposure ages of the ten Nullarbor chondrites are in the range of values usually observed in ordinary chondrites. Some of the meteorites have lost radiogenic gases as well as cosmogenic 3He. Most of the analyzed specimens show additional trapped Ar, Kr, and Xe of terrestrial origin. The incorporation of these gases into weathering products is common in chondrites from hot deserts.  相似文献   

Records of major geologic events of the past 260 Myr including: biologic extinction events, ocean-anoxic and black-shale events, major changes in sea level, major evaporite (salt) deposits, continental flood-basalt eruptions, first-order discontinuities in sea-floor spreading, and major mountain building events, have been aggregated and analyzed with moving-window and spectral techniques that facilitate recognition of clustering and possible cyclieity. Significant clustering of events suggests a model in which changes in rates and directions of sea-floor spreading (ridge jumps) are associated with episodic rifting, volcanism, mountain building, global sea level and changes in the composition of the earth's atmosphere via the carbon cycle. Variation in atmospheric CO2 affects global climate, ocean circulation and marine productivity. The geologic data formally show a statistically significant underlying periodicity of 26.6 Myr for the Mesozoic and Cenozoic (the exact period differs with minor changes in geologic dating). Phase information suggests that the most recent maximum of the cycle occurred within the last 9 Myr, and may be close to the present time. The quasi-regular pulses of activity might be related to internal earth processes. However, a similar periodicity in impact craters and in galactic dynamics, and a one-to-one correlation among mass extinctions, large impact events, and flood-basalt volcanism, indicate an extraterrestrial pacemaker.  相似文献   

The thermal history of Mars during accretion and differentiation is important for understanding some fundamental aspects of its evolution such as crust formation, mantle geochemistry, chronology, volatile loss and interior degassing, and atmospheric development. In light of data from new Martian meteorites and exploration rovers, we have made a new estimate of Martian mantle siderophile element depletions. New high pressure and temperature metal–silicate experimental partitioning data and expressions are also available. Using these new constraints, we consider the conditions under which the Martian mantle may have equilibrated with metallic liquid. The resulting conditions that best satisfy six siderophile elements—Ni, Co, W, Mo, P, and Ga—and are consistent with the solidus and liquidus of the Martian mantle phase diagram are a pressure of 14 ± 3 GPa and temperature of 2100 ± 200 K. The Martian mantle depletions of Cr and V are also consistent with metal–silicate equilibration in this pressure and temperature range if deep mantle silicate phases are also taken into account. The results are not consistent with either metal–silicate equilibrium at the surface or at the current‐day Martian core–mantle boundary. Recent measurements and modeling have concluded that deep (~17 GPa or 1350 km) mantle melting is required to explain isotopic data for Martian meteorites and the nature of differentiation into core, mantle, and crust. This is in general agreement with our estimates of the conditions of Martian core formation based on siderophile elements that result in an intermediate depth magma ocean scenario for metal–silicate equilibrium.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have investigated the texture, bulk chemistry, mineralogy, as well as the anhydrous minerals oxygen isotopic composition of 67 small Antarctic micrometeorites (AMMs) collected at Cap Prudhomme, Antarctica, and belonging to the currently poorly studied size fraction 25–50 μm. When compared to larger (50–400 μm) micrometeorites collected at the same site in Antarctica with the same techniques, no significant differences are found between the two populations. We therefore conclude that the population of Cap Prudhomme AMMs is homogeneous over the size range 25–400 μm. In contrast, small AMMs have different textures, mineralogy, and oxygen isotopic compositions than those of stratospheric interplanetary dust particles (IDPs). Because small AMMs (<50 μm) overlap in size with IDPs, the differences between these two important sources of micrometeorites can no longer be attributed to a variation of the micrometeorite composition with size. Physical biases introduced by the collection procedures might account for these differences.  相似文献   

Polygonal crack systems with domal microrelief imaged by the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Opportunity show remarkable similarity to terrestrial crack systems developed on outcrop surfaces. Study of Jurassic Navajo Sandstone surfaces show development of crack systems in relatively isotropic host rock as a result of tensile weathering stresses. These terrestrial analogs are utilized to understand potential weathering processes on Mars.  相似文献   

Ion irradiation experiments have been performed on silicates (bulk samples) rich of olivine, pyroxene, and serpentine to simulate the effects of space weathering induced on asteroids by solar wind ions. We have used different ions (H+, He+, Ar+, Ar2+) having different energies (from 60 to 400 keV) to weather the samples, probed by Raman spectroscopy and UV-vis-NIR reflectance spectroscopy. All the irradiated materials have shown reddening and darkening of reflectance spectra in the 0.25-2.7 μm spectral range. We have found that the increase of the spectral slope of the continuum across the 1-μm band is strongly related with the number of displacements caused by colliding ions because of elastic collisions with the target nuclei. The spectral slopes have been compared, at increasing ion fluence, with those from irradiated Epinal meteorite. We show that formation of nuclear displacements by solar wind ion irradiation is a physical mechanism that reddens the asteroidal surfaces on a time-scale lower than 106 years.  相似文献   

Paul G. Lucey  Miriam A. Riner 《Icarus》2011,212(2):451-1125
Submicroscopic iron particles larger than about 50 nm, infused throughout mineral grains or glasses, are abundant in planetary materials altered by their environment such as shocked meteorites and lunar agglutinate glasses. Such particles darken their host material but do not redden their spectra but to date there has been no theoretical treatment of their optical effects. Using Mie theory, we modify the Hapke (2001) radiative transfer model of the effects of space weathering to include these effects. Comparison with laboratory measurements shows that the new treatment reproduces the relationship between submicroscopic iron size, abundance and reflectance. We apply this new model to near-IR spectra of Mercury recently obtained by the MESSENGER spacecraft and find that submicroscopic iron is much more abundant on Mercury than in lunar soils, with typical total submicroscopic iron abundances near 3.5 wt.% compared to about 0.5 wt.% for lunar soils We also find that the ratio of iron particles that darken but do not redden to the abundance of very small iron particles that impart the red slope to space weathered material is much larger than lunar (6 vs. 2). Both the total submicroscopic iron abundance and ratio of particle size fractions are consistent with the higher production of melt and vapor in micrometeorite impact on Mercury relative to the Moon (Cintala, 1992) that enables more accumulation of space weathering products before sequestration by regolith overturn. The radiative transfer model cannot directly constrain the abundance of opaque minerals on Mercury because of ambiguities between the darkening effects of opaques and submicroscopic iron particles larger than 50 nm, but assuming the opaques are the ultimate source of the submicroscopic iron, our results place a lower limit of 4-20 wt.% on opaque abundance on Mercury depending on the composition of the opaque phase and whether titanium metal also contributes to the space weathering effect.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present combined multi‐spectral imager (MSI) (0.95 μm) and near‐infrared spectrometer (NIS) (0.8–2.4 μm) observations of Psyche crater on S‐type asteroid 433 Eros obtained by the Near‐Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR)—Shoemaker spacecraft. At 5.3 km in diameter, Psyche is one of the largest craters on Eros which exhibit distinctive brightness patterns consistent with downslope motion of dark regolith material overlying a substrate of brighter material. At spatial scales of 620 m/ spectrum, Psyche crater wall materials exhibit albedo contrasts of 32–40% at 0.946 μm. Associated spectral variations occur at a much lower level of 4–8% (±2–4%). We report results of scattering model and lunar analogy investigations into several possible causes for these albedo and spectral trends: grain size differences, olivine, pyroxene, and troilite variations, and optical surface maturation. We find that the albedo contrasts in Psyche crater are not consistent with a cause due solely to variations in grain size, olivine, pyroxene or lunar‐like optical maturation. A grain size change sufficient to explain the observed albedo contrasts would result in strong color variations that are not observed. Olivine and pyroxene variations would produce strong band‐correlated variations that are not observed. A simple lunar‐like optical maturation effect would produce strong reddening that is not observed. The contrasts and associated spectral variation trends are most consistent with a combination of enhanced troilite (a dark spectrally neutral component simulating optical effects of shock) and lunar‐like optical maturation. These results suggest that space weathering processes may affect the spectral properties of Eros materials, causing surface exposures to differ optically from subsurface bedrock. However, there are significant spectral differences between Eros' proposed analog meteorites (ordinary chondrites and/or primitive achondrites), and Eros' freshest exposures of subsurface bright materials. After accounting for all differences in the measurement units of our reflectance comparisons, we have found that the bright materials on Eros have reflectance values at 0.946 μm consistent with meteorites, but spectral continua that are much redder than meteorites from 1.5 to 2.4 μm. Most importantly, we calculate that average Eros surface materials are 30–40% darker than meteorites.  相似文献   

A convenient integral formulation (-integrals) proves useful in describing reflection effects where there is an axisymmetric illumination, and the form of the emergent intensity distribution of the reflected component can be approximated by a cosine series. The formulation is applied to close binary systems where theoretical curves for the reflected light variation are considered. The treatment proceeds to the fifth power in the fractional dimensions — i.e. including combination of the leading terms of reflection with physical distortion of the components — and is therefore consistent with the usual first order theory of photometric proximity effects in close binary systems.  相似文献   

Abstract— Linear discriminant analysis and logistic regression have been applied to concentration data for 10 labile trace elements (Rb, Ag, Se, Cs, Te, Zn, Cd, Bi, Tl and In) in 33 Antarctic H4–6 chondrites. The proportion of bulk Fe in the Fe3+ state, Fe3+/Fe, of these same chondrites permit their assignment to less- and more-weathered suites. Wherever the division between these suites is placed, the results are identical and consistent with the null hypothesis that the suites sample a single preterrestrial compositional population. Hence, no evidence exists that preterrestrial contents of labile trace elements in Antarctic H4–6 chondrites have been significantly altered by weathering as quantified by Fe3+/Fe or the A-B-C weathering index.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Sahara Desert is a region of high diurnal temperature variation and sporadic rainfall that has recently yielded over 450 meteorites. Eighteen of these Saharan samples are carbonaceous chondrites, of which we have analysed 17 for C content and isotopic composition. Ten of the 18 are paired CR chondrites, of which four have also had N and H contents and compositions determined. A primitive ordinary chondrite (L/LL3.2) found in the region has also been analysed for C, N and H contents and isotopic composition. Saharan samples contain between 21% and 45% of the light elements of their non-Saharan counterparts. Paired Saharan samples show a greater heterogeneity in both C content and isotopic composition than multiple analyses of non-Saharan samples. The cause of the observed isotopic and abundance effects is due to the hot desert weathering processes experienced by these samples. Peak temperatures of meteorites on the desert floor may be in excess of 100 °C, leading to low-temperature hydrous pyrolysis and oxidation reactions, liberating volatile organics and CO2. This may also cause the remaining material to become partially solubilised and ultimately lost during rainfall. The low δD of the CR and ordinary chondrites can be attributed to the destruction and loss of organic material through dehydrogenation and exchange reactions on the desert surface. The increased 13C abundance suggests that the less tightly bound C from the macromolecular organic material is isotopically lighter than the remaining C. Carbon contents and isotopic compositions are also affected by the addition of terrestrial calcitic evaporite deposits, up to 10,000 ppm carbonate has been measured, with a δ13C of between 0 and ?10%0.  相似文献   

Abstract– We have examined the relationship between natural thermoluminescence (TL) and 26Al in 120 Antarctic meteorites in order to explore the orbital history and terrestrial ages of these meteorites. Our results confirm the observations of Hasan et al. (1987) which were based on 23 meteorites. For most meteorites there was a positive correlation between natural TL and 26Al, reflecting their similarity in decay rate under Antarctic conditions and thus in terrestrial age. For a small group with low TL and high 26Al a small perihelion was proposed. Within this group, natural TL decreases with terrestrial age as determined by 36Cl measurements, although the rate of TL decay is faster (half‐life approximately 10 ka) and the ages that can be determined are smaller (<200 ka) than for most meteorites. The faster decay rate and lower natural TL levels are a reflection of recent exposure to higher radiation doses and higher temperatures, since this history would populate less stable TL traps with smaller electron densities. We sort the 120 meteorites by perihelion and terrestrial age. The normal perihelion group range up to approximately 1000 ka and the small perihelion group range up to approximately 200 ka. An intermediate perihelion group tends to have short terrestrial ages (20–60 ka). There is acceptable agreement between most (34 out of 43) of our present terrestrial age estimates and those determined by isotopic means, the exceptions reflecting complex irradiation histories, long burial times in the Antarctic, or other issues.  相似文献   

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