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This work is divided into 13 sections and 2 appendices, and aims to elucidate the accretion mechanism, which operates via image-theory forces, whenever two interstellar dust grains come close together. Section 1 is an introduction. Section 2 proposes that the distribution of interstellar grains be taken asn(r) r –4 to avoid distortion of the 3K microwave background by radiation from spinning grains. Section 3 examines each of three types of image force accretion processes, finding them to be dominant compared to radiation or gravitational forces by at least a factor of 1019. Section 4 states that only grains made of conducting material (e.g., graphite, ice, iron) are involved in image theory. Section 5 presents reasons for believing that two grains should coalesce on impact. Section 6 examines the motion of charged interstellar grains in Hi and Hii regions. Section 7 demonstrates, by way of four examples involving dust grains ofr=10–7 cm up tor=10–4 cm, that the image effects on conducting grains are not trivial, and that the dynamics involved is not to be compared at all with elementary Coulomb interaction of two changes. Section 8 concludes that accretion with not take place in Hi clouds if thermal (equipartition) velocities prevail among the dust particles. section 9 examines grain interactions in Hii regions: here, following an argument due to Spitzer, consideration is given to the case of a population of dust grains all streaming in the direction of the local magnetic field B at velocities of order 0.1 km s–1. It is shown that accretion takes place effectively, leading to the formation of interstellar grit, meaning grains of mass 10–8 to 10–7 gm, radius 0.1 mm; and leaving also a population ofr10–6 cm grains, which are observed in polarization and extinction measurements. The existence of the latter is now a deduction and not an ad hoc postulate, as previously, and implies a distribution of the general formn(r) r mean –3 , in approximate agreement with that of Section 2. Section 10 considers the accretion mechanism as a cascade process. Section 11 shows that the existence of grains in space ofr 10–6 cm rules out an origin in supernova or galactic explosions, and supports a passive origin, perhaps in red giants or Mira variables. Section 12 discusses the implications of the results found for polarization observations and cosmogony, the latter being given a new foundation in which planets of different composition form automatically from a solar nebula. Section 13 is a conclusion.  相似文献   

Summary The review discusses the solar system (meteoritic) abundances and the possible modes of nucleosynthesis of the 30-oddp-nuclei from74Se to196Hg. In addition to a discussion of the abundances for bulk meteorites, isotopic anomalies related to thep-nuclei are discussed; e.g., the Xe-HL associated with the interstellar diamonds and the extinct radionuclides146Sm and92Nb. Various proposed schemes of synthesizingp-nuclei are reviewed. It is noted that the 7-process (i.e., photoerosion) operating in SN Ia (exploding C-O white dwarfs) appears capable of accounting for the relative and absolute abundances of all but one or two of the rarest ofp-nuclei. Synthesis of these latter nuclei is also discussed.  相似文献   

Thomas H. Jukes 《Icarus》1974,21(4):516-517
Molybdenum is more abundant in sea-water than chronium or nickel, which does not support the panspermia hypothesis as proposed by Crick and Orgel.  相似文献   

The theory of the "RNA World" states that the first molecular systems to display the properties of self-replication and evolution were RNA molecules. The origin of life not only depended crucially upon this event, but RNA molecules can even be viewed as the first "living" things. In recent years this theory has gained ascendancy over competing ideas and is now largely accepted by biologists as the most satisfactory explanation for the origin of life. The reasons for this development will be reviewed and the problem of the origin of the first RNA molecules will be discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Research on chondrules during the past decade and a half has produced a number of constraints on the processes that formed these enigmatic objects. Although some chondrules may have formed in exceptional ways, it now seems clear that the vast majority did not form by condensation or by any other process that resulted in an extended (>100 s) period of heating; viable models of chondrule formation must generate brief (1–10 s) “flash” heating events. Many chondrules were incompletely melted, indicating that the heat source was marginal; coarse-grained rims are probably the result of heating by the same source that heated chondrules. Although some chondrules are enriched in refractories and poor in volatiles, most chondrules contain FeS in their interiors, implying that the last generation of chondrules formed after the local nebula had cooled below 650 K. The very small weight fraction of chondrules haying small (<50 μm in ordinary chondrites) radii requires either that (a) the formational process destroyed small chondrules by volatilizing them or efficiently recycling them into larger chondrules, or (b) that nebular size-sorting occurred and the fine fraction is not well represented in our known set of chondrites. Our recent studies of compound chondrules show that about 60% are siblings that formed together in the same heating event, and about 40% are independents that originated in different events. Independent compound chondrules tend to have similar FeO/(FeO + MgO) ratios, a possible indication of a high degree of compositional homogeneity in nebular subrogions defined by location or time. About 8% of barred olivine chondrules are the primaries of independently formed compound chondrules, and have thus been subjected to at least two flash-heating events. Allowance for observational biases suggests that a sizable fraction of chondrules have experienced two thermal events strong enough to produce major melting as well as many additional events that could produce minor melting, sintering, and crystal growth.  相似文献   

Spiky pulses in broadband electrostatic “noise” (BEN) in the plasma sheet boundary layer (PSBL) observed by Geotail led to a model for BEN as Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal (BGK) modes, which has been explored by a number of simulations. A recent modified model proposed by Grabbe (Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000a) 3614; Rec. Res. Dev. Plasma 1 (2000b) 89) for BEN well into the magnetotail, in which these trapped-particle modes only occur in the top of the spectrum, whereas the bulk of the spectrum below that which propagates obliquely to the magnetic field consists of standard modes driven by unstable electron/ion beams, predicts that such solitary waves are only present in the source region, whereas they are not in BEN that has propagated well outside the source region. Motivated by that prediction and other features of the model, observations are examined from POLAR of BEN obtained poleward of and within the near-Earth extension of the PSBL. The wave data examined for BEN poleward of the near-Earth PSBL (in the plasma mantle) exhibit frequent turbulent waveforms, but little evidence of solitary waves. However, the wave data near the PSBL source region shows a persistent level of turbulence, within which solitary-like waves are embedded, several of which saturate the receiver. The non-solitary portion of the observed wave data, which appears throughout these regions, fits well the theory of standard electron/ion beam instabilities. However, the higher-frequency portion above the plasma frequency, which is confined to the PSBL vicinity, appears nonlinear in character, with a stronger magnetic field apparently playing a vital role in that nonlinearity.  相似文献   

Charles A. Wood 《Icarus》1973,20(4):503-506
The heights of central peaks in lunar craters are directly proportional to crater diameters, implying that peak height is a function of crater-forming energy. A similar relationship exists for terrestrial meteorite and TNT craters whose uplifts are of rebound origin. A rebound origin for lunar central peaks implies an impact origin for central peak craters. Correlation of peak heights and crater depths provides direct evidence for lava filling of crater floors.  相似文献   

Within observational accuracy, the radiation pressure 1/3aT 4 at the effective solar temperature is equal to the coronal gas pressurenkT. This suggests a radiative-gas discontinuity between optically thick and optically thin regions. Ideal transitions of this nature are studied and the applicability of this model to the Sun is explored. Further empirical corroboration is obtained if the gas pressure anomalies of Gulyaev are resolved by postulating a corrective gradient of radiation pressure possibly caused by Lyman- opacity.  相似文献   

We develop a simple, time-dependent Comptonization model to probe the origins of spectral variability in accreting neutron star systems. In the model, soft 'seed photons' are injected into a corona of hot electrons, where they are Compton upscattered before escaping as hard X-rays. The model describes how the hard X-ray spectrum varies when the properties of either the soft photon source or the Comptonizing medium undergo small oscillations. Observations of the resulting spectral modulations can determine whether the variability is due to (i) oscillations in the injection of seed photons, (ii) oscillations in the coronal electron density, or (iii) oscillations in the coronal energy dissipation rate. Identifying the origin of spectral variability should help clarify how the corona operates and its relation to the accretion disc. It will also help in finding the mechanisms underlying the various quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) observed in the X-ray outputs of many accreting neutron star and black hole systems. As a sample application of our model, we analyse a kilohertz QPO observed in the atoll source 4U 1608–52. We find that the QPO is driven predominantly by an oscillation in the electron density of the Comptonizing gas.  相似文献   

The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) is an ultraviolet spectrograph scheduled for installation in the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) during HST Servicing Mission 4, currently planned to occur in August 2008. COS was designed to maximize sensitivity to faint point sources, and will provide limiting sensitivities at moderate spectral resolutions (R~20,000) that are a factor of 2 to >10 times better than those provided by previous ultraviolet spectrographs on HST. Here, we present an overview of the some of the science areas that will be addressed by COS observations and provide a summary of the capabilities of COS and the expected on-orbit performance.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(9):1069-1092
Mariner 10, the only spacecraft that ever passed close to Mercury, revealed several unexpected characteristics: an intrinsic magnetosphere, the highest mean density of any Solar System terrestrial planet and a very thin non-collisional atmosphere. Mercury's atmosphere is very poorly explored since only three atomic elements, H, He and O, were observed during the three flybys of Mariner 10. The measurements done by radio and solar occultations provided upper limits on the neutral and ion densities. These measurements pointed out the close connection between species in Mercury's exosphere and its surface, which is also the case for the Moon. Mariner 10 observations also characterized the vertical distributions and the day to night contrasts of Mercury's exosphere for its lightest components H and He (Broadfoot, A.L., et al., 1976. Mariner 10: Mercury atmosphere. Geophys. Res. Lett. 3, 577–580).More than a decade later, the first observation from a ground-based observatory of Mercury's sodium (Na) exospheric component was reported (Potter, A.E., Morgan, T.H., 1985. Discovery of sodium in the atmosphere of Mercury. Science 229, 651–653). Since then, potassium and more recently calcium have been identified in Mercury's exosphere. The bright Na resonant scattering emission has been often observed since 1985. This large set of observations is now the best source of information on Mercury's exospheric mechanisms of ejection, dynamics, sources and sinks. In particular, several of these observations provided evidence of prompt and delayed effects, both localized and global, for the very inhomogeneous Mercury's Na exosphere. These inhomogenities have been interpreted as the trace of Mercury's magnetosphere–solar wind interaction and have highlighted some of the main sources of exospheric material. Some of these features have been also interpreted as the trace of a global dayside to night side circulation of Mercury's exosphere and therefore have highlighted also the relation between exospheric production and upper surface composition.Hopefully, new sets of in situ measurements will be obtained within the next decade thanks to Messenger and Bepi-Colombo missions. Until then, ground-based observations and modelling will remain the only approaches to resolve questions on Mercury's exosphere. Mercury's exospheric composition and structure as they are presently known are described in this paper. The principal models for the main short and long times terms variations and local and global variations of Mercury's exosphere are described. The mechanisms of production and their characteristics are also given. Mercury's exosphere can also be seen as part of the coupled magnetosphere–upper surface–exosphere system and several of the links between these elements are essential to the interpretation of most of the ground-based observations. The relation between Mercury's planet composition and its exospheric composition is also considered, as is the global recycling, sources and sinks of Mercury's exosphere.  相似文献   

The observed proper-motions are shown to indicate that most pulsars come from binary systems. Due to a remarkable relationship between the speed of a pulsar and that of its progenitor in orbit, it is concluded that these binaries went through a common-envelope phase. This provides independent support to similar conclusions drawn from stellar evolution considerations.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

Murray Dryer 《Solar physics》1996,169(2):421-429
Explicit delineation of the cause (or causes) of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) has eluded our understanding for several decades. More recently, their extension into interplanetary space has also attracted attention, particularly since the faster CMEs have been inferred to be associated with the more severe, non-recurrent, geomagnetic storms. Understanding the linkage of one phenomenon to the other requires improved monitoring of the manifestations of CMEs so that post-launch tracking via remote-sensing (interplanetary scintillations) and/or in situ observations will be meaningful. A critical examination is made here of recent claims that the single cause of CMEs lies in their close connection with large-scale, closed magnetic structures in the corona. Proponents of this position generally disregard or minimize an earlier, proposed suggestion that the cause is to be found in the small-scale, complex activity within eruptive flares with or without eruptive prominences. It is proposed here that equal weight to a bimodal set of causes should be considered. We also revisit a number of comments, pro and con, on the proposed solar flare myth paradigm.Dedicated to Cornelis de Jager  相似文献   

F Nimmo  R.T Pappalardo 《Icarus》2003,166(1):21-32
We use stereo-derived topography of extensional bands on Europa to show that these features can be elevated by 100-150 m with respect to the surroundings, and that the positive topography sometimes extends beyond the band margins. Lateral variations in shell thickness cannot maintain the observed topography for timescales greater than ∼0.1 Myr. Lateral density variations can maintain the observed topography indefinitely; mean density contrasts of 5 and 50 kg m−3 are required for shell thicknesses of 20 and 2 km, respectively. Density variations caused by temperature contrasts require either present-day heating or that bands are young features (<1 Myr old). Stratigraphic analyses suggest that these mechanisms are unlikely. The observation that bands form from ridges may be explained by an episode of shear-heating on ridges weakening the ridge area, and leading to strain localization during extension. Fracture porosity is likely to persist over Myr timescales in the top one-third to one-quarter of the conductive part of the ice shell. Lateral variations in this porosity (of order 20%) are the most likely mechanism for producing band topography if the ice shell is thin (≈2 km); porosity variations of 2% or less are required if the shell is thicker (≈20 km). If the ice shell is thick, lateral variations in salt content are a more likely mechanism. Warm ice will tend to lose dense, low-melting temperature phases and be buoyant relative to colder, salt-rich ice. Thus, lateral density variations will arise naturally if bands have been the sites of either localized heating or upwelling of warm ice during extension.  相似文献   

Abstract— The N-isotopic composition of acid-resistant residues of three low petrologic type ordinary chondrites (Adrar 003, LL3.2; Inman, L3.4; Tieschitz, H3.6) and an enstatite chondrite (Indarch, EH4) have been measured by static mass spectrometry. All of these samples have been shown by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to contain silicon nitride (Si3N4), and no other nitrides were detected in any of the residues (Lee et al., 1995). Stepped combustion has demonstrated the presence of at least two components with low C/N ratios, which have been interpreted as Si3N4. The most abundant component, common to all the meteorites studied, released during combustion at temperatures >1150 °C, may have formed during metamorphism of the meteorite's parent body. In addition, the ordinary chondrites Tieschitz and Inman show evidence for a second component of Si3N4 that is less stable to combustion than the first and is enriched in 15N. The unusual N-isotope signature suggests that this second type of Si3N4 may constitute a new type of interstellar grain. A comparison of the isotope and microscope data suggests that the >1150 °C component can be related to nierite (α-Si3N4) and the less stable component to β-Si3N4.  相似文献   

In the planet X model periodic comet showers are associated with passages of the planet's perihelion and aphelion points through a primordial disk of comets believed to lie beyond the orbit of Neptune. A strong feature of this model is that the required orbital elements and mass of planet X are consistent with independently predicted values based on the residuals in the motions of Uranus and Neptune. Here we present a more extensive analysis of the model taking into account the fact that only those comets scattered directly into the zones of influence of Saturn and Jupiter can contribute to a shower whose duration is consistent with observation (≲ 15 myr). These requirements impose a minimum planetary inclination of ≈25°, which in turn restricts the semimajor axis to be ≲100 AU. A fraction of the comets scattered directly into the zones of influence of Uranus and Neptune will evolve on time scales of ∼108 years into the steady state flux of short-period comets. We find that the absolute numbers of shower and steady state are comparable and compatible with the known terrestrial cratering rate, assuming the existence of long-lived extinct comet cores. Canonical planet X model parameters, deduced in part from the scattering dynamics analysis, are: semimajor axis ≈80 AU, eccentricity ≈0.3, inclination ≈45°, and mass ≈5m. An analysis is given which suggests that planet X, in its present orbit, can create the requisite density gradient of comets near perihelion and aphelion during the lifetime of the Solar System. The required inclination of planet X's orbit (≳25°) may explain the failure of previous surveys to discover the planet as its present latitude is not likely to be near the ecliptic. It it exists, the best immediate hope of finding planet X is the ongoing IRAS search in the 100-μm band and the full sky optical survey by Shoemaker and Shoemaker. Independent of the question of periodic comet showers, the existence of planet X and the comet disk can readily explain the origin of the steady state flux of short-period comets over a wide range of parameters.  相似文献   

The earth is immersed in a hot, rarefied, energetic flow of particles and electromagnetic fields originating from the Sun and engulfing the entire solar system, forming the heliosphere. The existence of the solar wind has been established for almost 50 years now, and abundant data has been accumulated concerning both its average properties and the intermittent, violent energetic manifestations known as Coronal Mass Ejections which often impact the earth’s magnetosphere (causing geomagnetic storms and aurorae). The mystery of how the solar corona is heated and the solar wind is accelerated remains unsolved, however, because of the large gap in our knowledge of the inner region of the heliosphere, inside the orbit of mercury. The PHOIBOS mission, with a perihelion at 4 Rs, by accessing the regions where energy in the coronal plasma is channeled from internal, magnetic and turbulent energy into bulk energy of the solar wind flow aims to solve the question of why the Sun has a hot corona and produces a solar wind. The PHOIBOS mission builds on previous Solar Probe studies, but provides an alternative orbit scenario avoiding a Jupiter encounter in favor of multiple Venus encounters and SEP systems to work its way close to the Sun in a gradual manner, providing a much vaster data return.  相似文献   

Abstract— Primary minerals in calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs), Al‐rich and ferromagnesian chondrules in each chondrite group have δ18O values that typically range from ?50 to +5%0. Neglecting effects due to minor mass fractionations, the oxygen isotopic data for each chondrite group and for micrometeorites define lines on the three‐isotope plot with slopes of 1.01 ± 0.06 and intercepts of ?2 ± 1. This suggests that the same kind of nebular process produced the 16O variations among chondrules and CAIs in all groups. Chemical and isotopic properties of some CAIs and chondrules strongly suggest that they formed from solar nebula condensates. This is incompatible with the existing two‐component model for oxygen isotopes in which chondrules and CAIs were derived from heated and melted 16O‐rich presolar dust that exchanged oxygen with 16O‐poor nebular gas. Some FUN CAIs (inclusions with isotope anomalies due to fractionation and unknown nuclear effects) have chemical and isotopic compositions indicating they are evaporative residues of presolar material, which is incompatible with 16O fractionation during mass‐independent gas phase reactions in the solar nebula. There is only one plausible reason why solar nebula condensates and evaporative residues of presolar materials are both enriched in 16O. Condensation must have occurred in a nebular region where the oxygen was largely derived from evaporated 16O‐rich dust. A simple model suggests that dust was enriched (or gas was depleted) relative to cosmic proportions by factors of ~10 to >50 prior to condensation for most CAIs and factors of 1–5 for chondrule precursor material. We infer that dust‐gas fractionation prior to evaporation and condensation was more important in establishing the oxygen isotopic composition of CAIs and chondrules than any subsequent exchange with nebular gases. Dust‐gas fractionation may have occurred near the inner edge of the disk where nebular gases accreted into the protosun and Shu and colleagues suggest that CAIs formed.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Sirente crater is a circular structure with a diameter of ˜80 m. The rim deposit is an inverse‐graded, matrix‐supported breccia. Sedimentological features of the rim deposit suggest that the crater is not related to an explosion or violent mechanical displacement. The structure and texture of the deposit exhibit a primary sedimentary character. The rim deposits do not contain artifacts and do not show evidence of reworking. A multistage formation is reconstructed for the rim growth and associated deposits. The geometry and sedimentology of the deposits indicate that they were produced by the extrusion and accumulation of mudflow deposits. The dominant ejection mechanism was low mud fountains and the transport medium was water. Petrographic and geochemical evidence does not indicate any physical or cryptic trace of an extraterrestrial body. The most realistic agent that explains the observed effects is a rapid local emission of mud and/or water. Geological processes capable of producing these features include piping sinkholes or, more probably, “caldera”‐type mud volcanoes, which may result from underground water‐table perturbation and/or decompression of deep CO2/hydrocarbon gas reservoirs due to tectonic deformation or faulting activity during a seismic event. In both cases, the name “crater” for this geological form may be maintained, but there is no compelling evidence for an impact origin. In this paper, the scientific literature on the Sirente crater is reconsidered in the light of new morphological, sedimentological, geochemical, and archaeological data. A new mechanism is proposed involving mud‐fountaining.  相似文献   

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