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ABSTRACT. This article examines how National Geographic Magazine's coverage of the U.S. South contributed to the production of an exalted American national identity. The framework of internal orientalism is employed to explain the role of the South as an internal other in the national discourse and to show how even positive representations of the South are often implicated in this othering. In the pages of National Geographic, the New South's progress is measured by the steps it takes away from the Old South. In highlighting the improvements made within the South, the articles provide subtle hints that the legacy of segregation, intolerance, racism, and poverty continues to haunt the region. The articles set up a spatial distinction that construes these evils as inherently southern problems, which implies that however far the New South moves away from the problematic legacy of the Old South, it will never quite reach the American ideal.  相似文献   

The proposition that geopolitical adjustments in Israel following the 1967 war recreated and fostered the Palestinian national identity is examined and quantified with Q-analysis of the street labor markets for Palestinian workers in Israel. These street labor markets played an important role in creating an interaction and communication network among Palestinians from distant districts, and thus in recreating their national identity. Our Q-analyses show that at least two years before the intifada, a global communication system existed among Palestinian workers through the street labor markets in Israel. Such a global system was a precondition for the outbreak of the intifada.  相似文献   

中国地区工业结构变化与区际增长和分工   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
杨开忠 《地理学报》1993,48(6):481-490
1979以来,中国地区工业结构发生了重要的变化。本文分析了这一变动的特征及其对区际增长和分工的作用,得出以下结论:(1)绝大多数省市区工业结构变化高于国家水平,但由于各地人均收入、区位性以及结构性差异,这种变动具有明显地理分异:南大北小,东西部大中部小。(2)各地工业结构变动普遍表现为重加工业地位上升,采掘工业地位下降,且多数省市区原材料工业和轻工业地位下降,高加工度化和重加工业化十分显著。(3)广东、江苏、福建、河北、安徽、湖南、陕西、浙江、甘肃、云南、四川等省区结构调整有利经济增长,其它省市区结构调整相对不利经济增长。(4)资源型地区数量减少,加工型地区较大幅度地增加,基本形成沿海沿江地区和陕西省以加工业为相对专业化部门,其它广大地区以采掘、原材料为相对专业化部门的区际分工格局。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Until recently, Muslim Americans have often been overlooked in studies on immigration, ethnicity, and race. Their loyalty to America and their integration into the larger culture have frequently been questioned by the media, and academia's interest has mostly been limited to establishing links between Muslims, fundamentalism, and terrorism. Muslim American experiences‐their social, political, and cultural institutions and spaces in the United States‐have drawn little attention from geographers. But stereotypes play an important role in intergroup relations and public‐policy making. Thus, it is important to understand Muslim ethnic‐group experiences of immigration and their place‐making activities in the United States. Based on research in the greater New York metropolitan area, this study explores one facet of the Muslim experience in the United States by investigating Turkish American identity‐construction spaces and their role in the preservation and reformation of Turkish American identity; that is, how these spaces emphasize and shape particular identities and discourage others.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Group identity serves as a mechanism for claiming rights of control and access to land in the United States. Public land managers face myriad identity‐based claims to land in their care. Identity shapes claims that must appear valid within the strictures of a legal system created by a dominant culture to serve its interests. The very form of those systems—of which public lands are a large part—makes possible the expression of particular forms of identity. The story of the Coast Miwok community and the Point Reyes National Seashore suggests that geographical links among identity, landscape, and history are actively constructed through political work and rarely are as obvious as they first appear. Both the formal legal process of federal tribal recognition and restoration and the far less formal Coast Miwok claims to land at Point Reyes National Seashore teach important lessons about neotraditional identity‐based claims to public land.  相似文献   

关于地理学的区域性和地域分异研究*   总被引:29,自引:12,他引:29  
郑度 《地理研究》1998,17(1):4-9
地理学素以综合性和区域性为其特色。区域研究是地理学悠久而重要的传统,并已形成区域学派。根据综合地理学或统一地理学的观点,区域研究是体现自然和人文相结合的重要层次和有效途径。探讨区域单元的形成发展、分异组合、划分合并和相互联系,是地理学对过程和类型综合研究的概括和总结。从地理学角度看,可以认为抓住典型区域研究,深化对地域分异规律的认识,是与国际接轨、连接全球的桥梁。可持续发展的概念应当包含地理学的区域性,其研究与实施也有不同的空间尺度。可以相信,在理论深化和方法创新的基础上,区域研究仍将是地理学的核心领域,也有着开展相关专题综合研究工作的广阔前景。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The fifty‐four Colorado Fourteeners–mountains more than 14,000 feet in elevation–were early symbols of westward expansion, mineral wealth, and wondrous scenery, and they are increasingly popular as environmental icons in place attachment at national, regional, state, and local scales. The symbolism of this contrived yet iconic collection of peaks is examined through the evolution of the Fourteener concept, the popularity of peakbagging, and the role of the Sawatch Range Fourteeners in creating a larger community identity. Elevation is the gatekeeper into the Fourteener club, in which a distinctive landscape iconography of shape, accessibility, and aesthetics reflects the role of idealized nature and mountains in place identity.  相似文献   

试论绿洲建设与区域经济发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张恭 《干旱区地理》1996,19(4):56-59
区域经济学把经济现象(各种经济生产活动的区位配置现象)的载体-地理空间作为研究基础。绿洲区域就是绿洲地理空间与其经济系统时空演化的载体。本文以区域经济发展的基本模式研究绿洲区域经济的发展问题。  相似文献   

区域持续发展的基本理论及其实践意义   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
区域持续发展是从实践中提出的重大课题,理论滞后于应用为其基本现实。没有理论的行动是盲目的。区域持续发展理论建设已迫在眉睫。理论建设包括科学体系、理论基础、基本理论和核心理论层次,本文主要对其基本理论层进行论述,认为现代人地关系协调论、区域PRED系统论、区域发展控制论和人地相互作用潜力论构成了区域持续发展的基本理论,这些理论对于构建区域持续发展核心理论以及指导当前的区域持续发展实践有着极为重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

地域系统理论与北京山区优化开发研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
李廷芳 《地理研究》1996,15(2):92-99
地域系统理论是区域开发的理论基础。本文结合《北京山区优化开发研究》课题的实践,讨论了地域系统的结构与机制、地域过程的极化与扩散、地域系统的调控、地域系统类型与综合区划等地域系统理论的基本内容。  相似文献   

日本90年代区域差异的现状与趋势   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
在都道府县层次上,日本的经济区域差异已比较小。从GDP的人均生产额来说,最高的东京都与最低的奈良县之比为3倍左右;从人均分配所得来说,最高的东京与最低的冲绳县之比只有2倍左右。所以分配的差异比生产的差异更小。但人口密度和经济密度的区域差异仍很突出。人口密度的差异达到70多倍。经济密度的差异更达到160多倍。日本经济区域差异的缩小主要发生在60、70年代,在80年代反而有所扩大,90年代主要由于泡沫经济的破灭又有所缩小。在今后几年,在泡沫经济破灭、东亚经济危机等暂时因素和较高的经济发展水平、越来越注重环境和福利的价值观等长远因素的作用下,日本的区域差异还将进一步缩小。  相似文献   

区域形象设计的理论与应用研究——以安徽形象设计为例   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
钱智  徐俊 《地理研究》1998,17(1):66-74
文章从思维科学、行为科学、区域规划、文化地理学、企业形象设计等学科的基本理论切入,提出区域形象设计的概念、基本思想和基本操作框架,并以安徽形象设计为实例分析,认为区域形象设计是市场经济条件下,地方政府进行社会经济文化建设与管理的基本手段,是区域经济文化协调发展的重要途径,是区域规划发展的新里程。  相似文献   

区域旅游竞争与合作关系的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
区域旅游竞争与合作是当前旅游研究中的热点所在.从区域旅游竞争与合作关系的产生机理人手,通过对有竞合关系的旅游地吸引力进行对比,将区域旅游竞合关系的空间结构划分为大圈-体型、优势屏蔽型和互补合作型3类,从而为政府对有地缘性关系的区域旅游地竞合关系抉择进行博弈分析和调控提供相应对策.  相似文献   

论海港地域组合的形成机制与发展过程   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14  
陈航 《地理学报》1996,51(6):501-507
海港地域组合客观存在已逐渐为人们所认识。本文着重对其形成机制,原理,条件和发展规律进行专门的探讨与论述。  相似文献   

绿洲地域系统及其演变规律的初步研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
绿洲地域系统是干旱区最重要的人地关系地域系统,但目前对绿洲系统的理论研究尚处起步阶段,本文论述了绿洲,绿洲地域系统的概念,结构,讨论了绿洲可持续发展的优势和限制因素,研究了人类与自然两大系统的协调和融合,以及在自然条件约束下,人类在绿洲地区活动范围的空间变化规律。  相似文献   

In the early 1900s, U.S. state and Canadian provincial governments began to register automobiles and issue license plates to their owners. Within several decades of the first issuance of license plates, state and provincial governments began to use these plates for advertising purposes, such as promoting local economies and tourism. In recent decades, however, governments have used license plates to promote national identities and nationalist ideals. Using examples from the United States and Canada, I examine how governments have used such banal signifiers of place as license plates to craft and promote these identities and how drivers have contested that usage.  相似文献   

知识经济时代的区域资源环境研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
知识经济时代正逐步向我们走来。本文主要从知识经济时代来临之际的区域资源环境研究入手,论述资源环境观念的创新,区域特点、区域综合评价、区域可持续发展的内涵的改变。阐述了区域资源环境的研究在面向知识经济时代、建设国家创新体系之际,应该着手的两大任务:一个是区域资源环境的研究在建设国家创新体系中所能发挥的作用,即区域资源环境研究对建设国家创新体系的贡献;另一个是区域资源环境研究在国家创新体系中自身的创新,即是区域资源环境研究本身的创新。  相似文献   

I.IntroductionThroughouthistorymineralshavebeenadeterminantfactorintheevolutionofsocietiesandcivilization.TheveryobviousimpactofmineralsonMan’sevolutioncanbetracedintermsofMan’sacquaintancewithminerals—thePrestoneAge,theStoneAge,theBronzeAge,theIronAge,…  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. As an information economy and a cultural hallmark, cyberspace belies traditional boundaries yet involves a distinctive territory, citizenry, literature, technology, capital and finance, ritual, weapons and belligerencies, a recognizable past, and variegated if unspecified futures. Not easily quantified is the geography of so elusive and placeless an entity, and its technology has been variously portrayed as utopian, liberating, elitist, or enslaving; in it are brought to life strains of technological determinism. Maps of cyberspace can be forged only with utmost difficulty, and it is best beloved and imagined in dense cyberpunk fiction. Part sacred space, part ethereal region, part digital fact, cyberspace involves a regional geography perhaps best captured in a koan: What is the place where everyone is but nobody lives?  相似文献   

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