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Abstract– A few relatively unbrecciated olivine‐rich diogenites consist of an equilibrium assemblage of olivine and magnesian orthopyroxene (harzburgite). More common diogenites with smaller amounts of olivine are breccias containing two distinct orthopyroxenes—one magnesian and one ferroan. These diogenites are mixtures of a harzburgite lithology that is more magnesian, with the “normal” orthopyroxenite lithology that is ferroan and may contain small amounts of plagioclase. Both lithologies likely formed by fractional crystallization in multiple plutons emplaced within the crust of asteroid 4 Vesta. Minor element trends in orthopyroxenes indicate that these plutons exhibited a range of compositions. We propose a revised taxonomy for the HED (howardites, eucrites, and diogenites) suite where all ultramafic samples are referred to as diogenites. Within this group, the prefixes dunitic, harzburgitic, and orthopyroxenitic are used to distinguish diogenites consisting of more than or equal to 90% olivine, olivine + orthopyroxene, and more than or equal to 90% orthopyroxene, respectively. The prefix polymict is used to describe brecciated mixtures of any of these rock types. The recognition that olivine is a significant phase in some diogenites is consistent with spectral interpretations of olivine in a deeply excavated crater on Vesta, and has important implications for the bulk composition and petrogenesis of that body.  相似文献   

We have done petrologic and compositional studies on a suite of polymict eucrites and howardites to better understand regolith processes on their parent asteroid, which we accept is (4) Vesta. Taking into account noble gas results from companion studies, we interpret five howardites to represent breccias assembled from the true regolith: Elephant Moraine (EET) 87513, Grosvenor Mountains (GRO) 95535, GRO 95602, Lewis Cliff (LEW) 85313, and Meteorite Hills (MET) 00423. We suggest that EET 87503 is paired with EET 87513, and thus is also regolithic. Pecora Escarpment (PCA) 02066 is dominated by melt‐matrix clasts, which may have been formed from true regolith by impact melting. These meteorites display a range in eucrite:diogenite mixing ratio from 55:45 to 76:24. There is no correlation between degree of regolith character and Ni content. The Ni contents of howardite, eucrite, and diogenites (HEDs) are mostly controlled by the distribution of coarse chondritic clasts and metal grains, which in some cases resulted from individual, low‐velocity accretion events, rather than extensive regolith gardening. Trace element compositions indicate that the mafic component of HED polymict breccias is mostly basalt similar to main‐group eucrites; Stannern‐trend basaltic debris is less common. Pyroxene compositions show that some trace element‐rich howardites contain abundant debris from evolved basalts, and that cumulate gabbro debris is present in some breccias. The scale of heterogeneity varies considerably; regolithic howardite EET 87513 is more homogeneous than fragmental howardite Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 97001. Individual samples of a given howardite can have different compositions even at roughly 5 g masses, indicating that obtaining representative meteorite compositions requires multiple or large samples.  相似文献   

Abstract— Six ordinary chondrite breccias from the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid (Spain), are described and classified as follows: the solar gas-rich regolith breccia Oviedo (H5); the pre-metamorphic fragmental breccias Cabezo de Mayo (type 6, L-LL), and Sevilla (LL4); the fragmental breccias Cañellas (H4) and Gerona (H5); and the impact melt breccia, Madrid (L6). We confirm that chondrites with typical light-dark structures and petrographic properties typical of regolith breccias may (Oviedo) or may not (Cañellas) be solar gas-rich. Cabezo de Mayo and Sevilla show convincing evidence that they were assembled prior to peak metamorphism and were equilibrated during subsequent reheating. These meteorites contain small melt rock clasts that were incorporated into the host chondrite while still molten and/or plastic and cooled rapidly and, yet, are totally equilibrated with their hosts. Compositions of olivine and low-Ca pyroxene in host chondrite and breccia clasts in Cabezo de Mayo are transitional between groups L and LL. It is suggested, based on mineralogic and oxygen isotopic compositions of host and clasts, that the rock formed on the L parent body by mixing, prior to peak metamorphism. This was followed by partial equilibration of two different materials: the indigenous L chondrite host and exotic LL melt rock clasts.  相似文献   

Abstract— Our analyses of high quality spectra of several S‐type asteroids (17 Thetis, 847 Agnia, 808 Merxia, and members of the Agnia and Merxia families) reveal that they include both low‐ and high‐calcium pyroxene with minor amounts of olivine (<20%). In addition, we find that these asteroids have ratios of high‐calcium pyroxene to total pyroxene of >~0.4. High‐calcium pyroxene is a spectrally detectable and petrologically important indicator of igneous history and may prove critical in future studies aimed at understanding the history of asteroidal bodies. The silicate mineralogy inferred for Thetis and the Merxia and Agnia family members requires that these asteroids experienced igneous differentiation, producing broadly basaltic surface lithologies. Together with 4 Vesta (and its smaller “Vestoid” family members) and the main‐belt asteroid 1489 Magnya, these new asteroids provide strong evidence for igneous differentiation of at least five asteroid parent bodies. Based on this analysis of a small subset of the near‐infrared asteroid spectra taken to date with SpeX at the NASA IRTF, we expect that the number of known differentiated asteroids will increase, consistent with the large number of parent bodies inferred from studies of iron meteorites.  相似文献   

We present a new experimental result of fragment spin-rate in impact disruption, using a thin glass plate. A cylindrical projectile impacts on a side (edge) of the plate. Dispersed fragments are observed using a high-speed camera and the spin rates of fragments are measured. We find that the measured fragment spin-rate decreases with increasing size. Assuming that the rotational energy of fragments is supplied from the residual stress, the spin rate ω decreases with increasing fragment size r as ωr−1, which explains the above experimental results. This size-dependence is similar to that of the observed spin rates of small fast-rotating asteroids. Our results suggest that spin rates of fragments of small asteroids immediately after disruption may have a similar size-dependence, and can provide constraints on the subsequent spin-state evolution of small asteroids due to thermal torques.  相似文献   

Abstract— Recent results of isotopic dating studies (182Hf‐182W, 26Al‐26Mg) and the increasing number of observed igneous and metamorphosed fragments in (primitive) chondrites provide strong evidence that accretion of differentiated planetesimals predates that of primitive chondrite parent bodies. The primitive chondrites Adrar 003 and Acfer 094 contain some unusual fragments that seem to have undergone recrystallization. Magnesium isotope analyses reveal no detectable radiogenic 26Mg in any of the studied fragments. The possibility that evidence for 26Al was destroyed by parent body metamorphism after formation is not likely because several other constituents of these chondrites do not show any metamorphic features. Since final accretion of a planetesimal must have occurred after formation of its youngest components, formation of these parent bodies must thus have been relatively late (i.e., after most 26Al had decayed). Al‐Mg isotope data for some igneous‐textured clasts (granitoids and andesitic fragments) within the two chondrite regolith breccias Adzhi‐Bogdo and Study Butte reveal also no evidence for radiogenic 26Mg. As calculated from the upper limits, the formation of these igneous clasts, the incorporation into the parent body regolith, and the lithification must have occurred at least 3.8 Myr (andesite in Study Butte) and 4.7 Myr (granitoids in Adzhi‐Bogdo) after calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAI) formation. The absence of 26Mg excess in the igneous inclusions does not exclude 26Al from being a heat source for planetary melting. In large, early formed planetesimals, cooling below the closure temperature of the Al‐Mg system may be too late for any evidence for live 26Al (in the form of 26Mg excess) to be preserved. Thus, growing evidence exists that chondritic meteorites represent the products of a complex, multi‐stage history of accretion, parent body modification, disruption and re‐accretion.  相似文献   

Thermal models of asteroids generally assume that they accreted either instantaneously or over an extended interval with a prescribed growth rate. It is conventionally assumed that the onset of accretion of chondrite parent bodies was delayed until a substantial fraction of the initial 26Al had decayed. However, this interval is not consistent with the early melting, and differentiation of parent bodies of iron meteorites. Formation time scales are tested by dynamical simulations of accretion from small primary planetesimals. Gravitational accretion yields rapid runaway growth of large planetary embryos until most smaller bodies are depleted. In a given simulation, all asteroid‐sized bodies have comparable growth times, regardless of size. For plausible parameters, growth times are shorter than the lifetime of 26Al, consistent with thermal models that assume instantaneous accretion. Rapid growth after planetesimal formation is consistent with differentiation of parent bodies of iron meteorites, but not with the assumed delay in formation of chondritic bodies. After the initial growth stage, there is an interval of slower evolution until the belt is stirred and the embryos are dynamically removed. During this interval, a fraction of asteroid‐sized bodies experience large accretional impacts, allowing bodies of the same final size to have very different histories of radius versus time. Accretion from small primary planetesimals leaves some fraction of material in bodies small enough to preserve CAIs while avoiding heating by 26Al. Unheated material can be a significant fraction of the mass that remains after large embryos are removed from the Main Belt.  相似文献   

The Sun-to-Mercury mass ratio adopted by the International Astronomical Union (6023600 ± 250) was obtained in 1987 by analyzing Mariner 10 observations (Anderson et al. 1987) and since then has not been improved. The large number of asteroids in Mercury-approaching orbits and the ever-increasing accuracy of their observations allow the mass of Mercury to be estimated by a different method. We have improved the orbital parameters of 43 asteroids and obtained 6023440 ± 530 for the Sun-to-Mercury mass ratio through a simultaneous solution based on their optical and radar observations. A further improvement in this estimate is possible in the immediate future owing to the rapid increase in the number of known asteroids whose observations can be used to solve this problem.  相似文献   

The angular diameter of minor planets compared with best observation conditions of about one arcsec (seeing) at ground-based observatories, though situated at high sea levels with best climate conditions, usually is too small to be resolved for surface studies or diameter determinations with direct photographic or similar imaging methods.Nevertheless the rough geometry and/or small scale structures on the asteroid's surface can be studied with light-curve observations using high precision photoelectric photometry and the fact that the rotation of an asteroid during a spin period is now determined for slightly more than 200 minor planets.On only a few selected asteroids (63 Ausonia, 88 Thisbe, 92 Undina, 110 Lydia, 118 Peitho, 128 Nemesis, 139 Juewa, 337 Devosa and 599 Luisa) do we show, from details detected in the light-curves, how observations of this type were carried out successfully. From the small scale features we get the rough linear extensions on the asteroid surface from differences in magnitude and time. Such observations will be more useful and important in future with respect to an optimum selection of objects for a possible direct asteroid spacecraft mission.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.Visiting Astronomer, Kitt Peak National Observatory, USA, Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation. A part of the observations was carried out at the Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP), France.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the 2/1 mean-motion asteroidal resonance with Jupiter is studied by numerical integration of the equations of motion of the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn-asteroid system. The measurement of the fundamental asteroidal frequencies by means of Fourier and wavelet analyses allows us to construct the web of the secular, secondary and Kozai resonances inside the 2/1-resonance boundaries. The structure of the phase space of the 2/1 resonance is discussed with emphasis on the acting depletion mechanisms due to presence of these inner resonances. Special attention is paid to the study of the middle-eccentricity depleted region. The importance of the great inequality of the Jupiter-Saturn system in the acceleration of the diffusion processes in this region is pointed out. The existence of a group of asteroids like (3789) Zhongguo, inside the 2/1 resonance, is also discussed.  相似文献   

P. Descamps  F. Marchis 《Icarus》2008,193(1):74-84
We describe in this work a thorough study of the physical and orbital characteristics of extensively observed main-belt and trojan binaries, mainly taken from the LAOSA (Large Adaptive Optics Survey of Asteroids [Marchis, F., Baek, M., Berthier, J., Descamps, P., Hestroffer, D., Kaasalainen, M., Vachier, F., 2006c. In: Workshop on Spacecraft Reconnaissance of Asteroid and Comet Interiors. Abstract #3042]) database, along with a selection of bifurcated objects. Dimensionless quantities, such as the specific angular momentum and the scaled primary spin rate, are computed and discussed for each system. They suggest that these asteroidal systems might be the outcome of rotational fission or mass shedding of a parent body presumably subjected to an external torque. One of the most striking features of separated binaries composed of a large primary (Rp>100 km) with a much smaller secondary (Rs<20 km) is that they all have total angular momentum of ∼0.27. This value is quite close to the Maclaurin-Jacobi bifurcation (0.308) of a spinning fluid body. Alternatively, contact binaries and tidally locked double asteroids, made of components of similar size, have an angular momentum larger than 0.48. They compare successfully with the fission equilibrium sequence of a rotating fluid mass. In conclusion, we find that total angular momentum is a useful proxy to assess the internal structure of such systems.  相似文献   

Meteorites are impact-derived fragments from ≈ 85 parent bodies. For seven of these bodies, the meteorites record evidence suggesting that they may have been catastrophically fragmented. We identify three types of catastrophic events: (a) impact and reassembly events > 4.4 Gy ago, involving molten or very hot parent bodies(> 1200°C); this affected the parent bodies of the ureilites, Shallowater, and the mesosiderites. In each case, the fragments cooled rapidly (≈ 1–1000°C day−1) and then reassembled, (b) Later impacts involving cold bodies which, in some cases, reassembled; this occurred on the H and L ordinary chondrite parent bodies. The L parent body probably suffered another catastrophic event about 500 My ago. (c) Recent impacts of cold, multi-kilometer-sized bodies that generated meter-sized meteoroids; this occurred on the parent bodies of the IIIAB irons (650 My ago), the IVA irons (400 My ago), and the H ordinary chondrite (7 My ago).  相似文献   

F.A. Franklin 《Icarus》1979,40(3):329-334
A principal feature of the asteroidal distribution is the rapid truncation of its population outward from ~3.4 AU. This paper presents further evidence, based on the motion and distribution of certain minor planets with large semimajor axes, that this truncation cannot be strictly the result of gravitational perturbations of the major planets even acting over times of ~109 years. The motion of other outer asteroids sets a probable upper limit of 0.081 on Jupiter's eccentricity.  相似文献   

Abstract— A large body of evidence, including the presence of a dynamical family associated with 4 Vesta, suggests that this asteroid might be the ultimate source of both the V-type near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) and howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) meteorites. Dynamical routes from Vesta to the inner regions of the solar system are provided by both the 3:1 mean-motion resonance with Jupiter and the V6, secular resonance. For this reason, numerical integrations of the orbits of fictitious Vesta fragments injected in both of these resonances have been performed. At the same time, the orbital evolution of the known V-type NEAs has been investigated. The results indicate that the dynamical half lifetimes of Vesta fragments injected in both the 3:1 and the V6, resonances are rather short ('2 Ma). The present location of the seven known V-type NEAs is better explained by orbital evolutions starting from the v6 secular resonance. The most important result of the present investigation, however, is that we now face what we call the “Vesta paradox.” Roughly speaking, the paradox consists of the fact that the present V-type NEAs appear to be too dynamically young to have originated in the event that produced the family, but they are too big to be plausible second-generation fragments from the family members. The cosmic-ray exposure (CRE) age distribution of HED meteorites also raises a puzzle, since we would expect an overabundance of meteorites with short CRE ages. We propose different scenarios to explain these paradoxes.  相似文献   

The anomalous polymict ureilite Almahata Sitta (AhS) fell in 2008 when asteroid 2008 TC3 disintegrated over Sudan and formed a strewn field of disaggregated clasts of various ureilitic and chondritic types. We studied the petrology and oxygen isotope compositions of enstatite meteorite samples from the University of Khartoum (UoK) collection of AhS. In addition, we describe the first bona fide (3.5 mm-sized) clast of an enstatite chondrite (EC) in a typical polymict ureilite, Northwest Africa (NWA) 10657. We evaluate whether 2008 TC3 and typical polymict ureilites have a common origin, and examine implications for the history of enstatite meteorite asteroids in the solar system. Based on mineralogy, mineral compositions, and textures, the seven AhS EC clasts studied comprise one EHa3 (S151), one ELb3 (AhS 1002), two EHb4-5 (AhS 2012, AhS 26), two EHb5-6 or possibly impact melt rocks (AhS 609, AhS 41), and one ELb6-7 (AhS 17), while the EC clast in NWA 10657 is EHa3. Oxygen isotope compositions analyzed for five of these are similar to those of EC from non-UoK collections of AhS, and within the range of individual EC meteorites. There are no correlations of oxygen isotope composition with chemical group or subgroup. The EC clasts from the UoK collection show the same large range of types as those from non-UoK collections of AhS. The enstatite achondrite, AhS 60, is a unique type (not known as an individual meteorite) that has also been found among non-UoK AhS samples. EC are the most abundant non-ureilitic clasts in AhS but previously were thought to be absent in typical polymict ureilites, necessitating a distinct origin for AhS. The discovery of an EC in NWA 10657 changes this. We argue that the types of materials in AhS and typical polymict ureilites are essentially similar, indicating a common origin. We elaborate on a model in which AhS and typical polymict ureilites formed in the same regolith on a ureilitic daughter body. Most non-ureilitic clasts are remnants of impactors implanted at ~50–60 Myr after CAI. Differences in abundances can be explained by the stochastic nature of impactor addition. There is no significant difference between the chemical/petrologic types of EC in polymict ureilites and individual EC meteorites. This implies that fragments of the same populations of EC parent bodies were available as impactors at ~50–60 Myr after CAI and recently. This can be explained if materials excavated from various depths on EC bodies at ~50–60 Myr after CAI were reassembled into mixed layers, leaving relatively large bodies intact to survive 4 billion years. Polymict ureilites record a critical timestep in the collisional and dynamical evolution of the solar system, showing that asteroids that may have accreted at distant locations had migrated to within proximity of one another by 50–60 Myr after CAI, and providing constraints on the dynamical processes that could have caused such migrations.  相似文献   

We study the dynamical evolution of the Hilda group of asteroids trough numerical methods, performing also a collisional pseudo-evolution of the present population, in order to calculate the rate of evaporation and its contribution to the cratering history of the Galilean satellites. If the present population of small asteroids in the Hilda's region follows the same size distribution observed at larger radii, we find that this family is the main contributor to the production of small craters (i.e., crater with diameters d∼4 km) on the Galilean system, overcoming the production by Jupiter Family Comets and by Trojan asteroids. The results of this investigation encourage further observational campaigns, in order to determine the size distribution function of small Hilda asteroids.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present spectroscopic observations of 16 asteroids from 1.9‐3.6 μm collected from the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) from 1996–2000. Of these 16 asteroids, 11 show some evidence of a 3 μm hydrated mineral absorption feature greater than 2s? at 2.9 μm. Using relations first recognized for carbonaceous chondrite powders by Miyamoto and Zolensky (1994) and Sato et al. (1997), we have determined the hydrogen to silicon ratio for these asteroids and calculated their equivalent water contents, assuming all the hydrogen was in water. The asteroids split into 2 groups, roughly defined as equivalent water contents greater than ?7% (8 asteroids, all with 3 μm band depths greater than ?20%) and less than ?3% for the remaining 8 asteroids. This latter group includes some asteroids for which a weak but statistically significant 3 μm band of non‐zero depth exists. The G‐class asteroids in the survey have higher water contents, consistent with CM chondrites. This strengthens the connection between CM chondrites and G asteroids that was proposed by Burbine (1998). We find that the 0.7 μm and 3 μm band depths are correlated for the population of target objects.  相似文献   

At present, approximately 1500 asteroids are known to evolve inside or sticked to the exterior 1:2 resonance with Mars at a ? 2.418 AU, being (142) Polana the largest member of this group. The effect of the forced secular modes superposed to the resonance gives rise to a complex dynamical evolution. Chaotic diffusion, collisions, close encounters with massive asteroids and mainly orbital migration due to the Yarkovsky effect generate continuous captures to and losses from the resonance, with a fraction of asteroids remaining captured over long time scales and generating a concentration in the semimajor axis distribution that exceeds by 20% the population of background asteroids. The Yarkovsky effect induces different dynamics according to the asteroid size, producing an excess of small asteroids inside the resonance. The evolution in the resonance generates a signature on the orbits, mainly in eccentricity, that depends on the time the asteroid remains captured inside the resonance and on the magnitude of the Yarkovsky effect. The greater the asteroids, the larger the time they remain captured in the resonance, allowing greater diffusion in eccentricity and inclination. The resonance generates a discontinuity and mixing in the space of proper elements producing misidentification of dynamical family members, mainly for Vesta and Nysa-Polana families. The half-life of resonant asteroids large enough for not being affected by the Yarkovsky effect is about 1 Gyr. From the point of view of taxonomic classes, the resonant population does not differ from the background population and the excess of small asteroids is confirmed.  相似文献   

An analysis of the distribution of the orbital periods of the asteroids has shown that there is a preference for these periods to be near-commensurate with that of Mars. We suggest that this preference is associated with a formation process and implies that the orbital period of Mars has not changed greatly since the time of asteroid formation. We deduce from this that the solar system is highly stable and long-period gravitational perturbations have probably had little influence on the gross evolution of the solar system.Paper presented to the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Lunar Studies, Patras, Greece, September 1971.  相似文献   

We have analyzed photometric lightcurves of 30 asteroids, and present here the obtained shapes, rotational periods and pole directions. We also present new photometric observations of five asteroids. The shape models indicate the existence of many features of varying degrees of irregularity. Even large main-belt asteroids display such features, so the resulting poles and periods are more consistent than those obtained by simple ellipsoid-like models. In some cases the new rotational parameters are rather different from those obtained previously, and in a few cases there were no proper previous estimates at all.  相似文献   

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