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This article considers the concept and significance of transformative research in the context of geography education. It provides an overview of how the capacity-building activities and management operations of a research coordination network (RCN) are designed to support broad-scale advances in geography education theory, methods, and practice. Vignettes of RCN activities are presented as examples of pathways toward transformative research in the areas of geography learning progressions, assessments of spatial thinking, and geospatially enabled project-based learning. Beyond the prospect of introducing new paradigms of learning and using research findings to inform and systematically change approaches to teacher education and curriculum development, an RCN offers an opportunity to plan broad-based strategy and develop leadership needed to address many long-standing challenges that have undermined the quality and quantity of geography education research. These challenges include the low visibility of geography education research relative to other geographic subdomains, the difficulty of carrying out interdisciplinary and international research collaborations, low rates of transfer and uptake of research findings in practitioner communities and in policymaking, and the erosion of graduate-level programs that prepare students to plan and design conceptually rigorous educational research in geography. 相似文献
Globalization would appear to be a subject that easily could be addressed in geography classrooms, yet this is not always the case. In terms of pedagogy, many geographers are concerned whether the field has been adequately engaging various components of this topic (e.g., connectivity, core-periphery), especially in terms of making the subject matter relevant to students. This article presents the results of a recent course project situated at the intersection of city-level resilience to hazards and connectivity with the global economy, utilizing SWOT analysis. The student projects demonstrated that this comparatively simple analytical tool was a useful means for exploring and integrating key topics in globalization and urban-economic geography, while also facilitating a problem-based learning environment. 相似文献
The Big Questions in Geography 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In noting his fondness for geography, John Noble Wilford, science correspondent for The New York Times, nevertheless challenged the discipline to articulate those big questions in our field, ones that would generate public interest, media attention, and the respect of policymakers. This article presents our collective judgments on those significant issues that warrant disciplinary research. We phrase these as a series of ten questions in the hopes of stimulating a dialogue and collective research agenda for the future and the next generation of geographic professionals. 相似文献
自然地理学的大数据研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
大数据给科学研究带来了机遇与挑战,但针对自然地理学的研究很少.基于此,该文结合大数据理念,立足自然地理学特点,分析了自然地理学的大数据源、大数据研究方法及相关变革.认为自然地理研究中的大数据源主要包括遥感大数据、地面传感器数据、自发地理信息和地理成果累积数据,对地观测、自动感知和自发地理信息是其主要生产方式.自然地理的大数据研究方法重点在地理信息科学的升级与变革,集中在数据-信息-知识的处理过程中.大数据背景下自然地理研究将向数据密集型范式转变,地理研究将实现新的综合,应用性地理学得到发展,研究队伍结构更加多元化,众包研究成为新的方式.要在自然地理研究中充分合理地使用大数据,还需要数据开放与共享政策的支撑,同时有必要开展大数据地理学研究. 相似文献
Dong-min Lee 《The Journal of geography》2018,117(5):216-228
This study illuminates the effects of graduate education on primary teachers' awareness of geography. Data were collected through interviews with twenty-one teachers who held M.A. or Ph.D. degrees in geography and analyzed using Straussian-grounded theory. The participants were categorized into four types. Many teachers (type A) showed meaningful refinement in their awareness of geography, and some of them (type B and C) identified themselves as experts in primary geography. However, a few participants (type D) showed only marginal development of their geographic knowledge. These results suggest the potential for improvements to graduate education in primary geography and for primary teachers. 相似文献
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):153-160
Abstract Disciplinary concern with career options and opportunities has fluctuated over the years. Not surprisingly, geography continues to be incorrectly stereotyped as a field of study offering limited employment prospects. While geographic education has long focused on content, it must also embrace the importance of educating instructors, students, and career counselors concerning how the field opens doors to viable careers. This article presents a program that can be implemented by college and university departments to raise awareness and disseminate information about career opportunities in geography. The program emphasizes an integrated approach that includes partnerships with alumni, campus placement offices, and employers. 相似文献
美国大学区域地理教育的发展与变迁--以亚洲地理教育为例 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
区域地理是地理学教育与研究的一个重要组成。在当今经济与环境的全球化过程中,对区域地理课程的需求有了明显上升。区域地理教育的重要性也引起了方面的重视。美国大学区域地理教育的发展与变迁主要受两方面的影响:一是地理教育在国民教育中的地位;二是某个区域在国际事务中的重要性以及与美国的关系。在过去30年中,随着近年来亚洲经济的高速发展和它在国际中的地位日益提高,以及亚洲与美国贸易额的的迅速增长,亚洲地理课在 相似文献
科学地理学的理论基础及其研究内容与学科性质 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在科学与技术是不同的知识形态,科学史研究的地理思潮转向,地理学向“软”的一面转向并关注社会,科学史研究的地理思潮倾向于关注“社会→地理→科学”关系的历史解释,地理学家在科学史的地理解释思想上的贡献等理论基础上,拙文主要阐述科学地理学这一新学科在建构“科学—地理—社会”关系体系上的独特性:①建构关注过去的、现在的及未来的“社会→地理→科学”关系;②践行“以任务带动学科”和“任务学科并重”的地理学发展方略,主要建构“科学→地理→社会”关系;③聚焦于科学活动因素的区域性,注重区域相关性分析方法论。基于这种独特性和地理学方法论精髓,科学地理学研究的内容体系包括:①科学研究及其组织与传播的时空结构;②科学研究及其组织与传播的时空结构与地理环境、经济、技术、社会、文化等结构要素的时空结构及其相互关系;③科学研究及其组织与传播对自然景观、社会景观、文化景观等的影响;④科学研究及其组织与传播对“人地关系地域系统”演进的影响。科学地理学的理论基础、建构“科学—地理—社会”关系的独特性和研究内容决定了科学地理学的交叉性、综合性和区域性,这与地理学特征是一致的,促进着现代地理学微观上的“深”化发展和宏观上的“综合”发展。 相似文献
物流地理学研究进展与展望 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以国内地理学视角物流活动研究为基础,梳理了中国物流地理学的发展脉络和理论进展。通过文献研究方法,分析了国内物流地理学的研究背景,对主要研究领域进行了综述,进一步理清了地理学研究与物流学研究的边缘学术衔接点,映射了20 年来中国学术背景下的物流地理学的研究进展和规律,列举出了各研究板块的代表性文献,对国内物流地理学研究的深化开辟了新的理论途径。研究表明,中国学术界物流地理研究宏观属性相对明显,地理学视角研究极大地丰富了物流活动研究的理论基础和方法论体系,已形成了物流运输地理研究、区域物流地理研究、港口场站物流地理研究、物流地理信息系统研究和物流地理综合性方法论研究等主要研究板块。最后,依托国内物流地理学研究的基本态势和现实经济社会发展的需求,探讨了未来中国物流地理学研究的基本趋向。 相似文献
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(2):66-73
Abstract An increased use of artistic literature as a resource in both teaching and research is evident in geography. With the growing interest of some scholars in the behavioral aspects of geography, traditional resources are being supplemented with more humanistic, subjective information sources. In historical geography, for example, literature is a particularly suitable resource for studies of man's role in past geographies and of human perception of past environments.1 Specialists in regional geography and area studies also have shown a growing appreciation of such sources.2 A parallel and related development has occurred in geographic education. In many different courses, but particularly in those dealing with regions, literature has become a recommended resource. The purposes of this paper are (1) to review the relevance of the novel as a resource for geographers and (2) to suggest that a current novel, Centennial, by James A. Michener,3 particularly warrants consideration for use in courses on the historical geography of the United States. 相似文献
The debate regarding geographic information systems (GIS) as tool, toolbox, or science still lingers in geography departments and among geographers. Analysis of geographic information is a vital component of decision making among business, governments, researchers, and academics. GIS users, geographers and nongeographers alike, use and benefit from problem-solving methods in numerous fields and contexts, making the use of GIS and the core competencies associated with using GIS a topic of intense debate. Complicating this ongoing discussion is the rise of data-centric approaches to research in geography that further expand the capabilities of spatial analysis and add to the expected knowledge of a GIS user and analyst. Building on a panel discussion at the 2016 American Association of Geographers (AAG) annual meeting, as well as informal dialogues on Twitter and other social media platforms that navigate this issue in academics and industry, this article explores how skills in research computing and programming operate in geography and GIS, especially given the rise of data-centric approaches to research in these realms. Some topics, like the costs and benefits of open and closed source software, are familiar from previous discussions in geography and GIS. Others, though, like the reward structures and recognition for computing skills or programming ability, have not been widely considered given the current landscape. 相似文献
Janice Monk 《The Professional geographer》1994,46(3):277-288
Feminist geography is now widely practiced internationally, but its development is usually reviewed from a temporal rather than a spatial perspective. This article assesses the varying extent and nature of feminist geography across countries, attempting to interpret differences in terms of cultural contexts and disciplinary trends. It is intended to stimulate reflection and does not claim to offer definitive interpretations. 相似文献
Dawn J. Wright 《The Professional geographer》1999,51(3):426-439
The initial impetus for developing a specialty in ocean geography resulted from the need to resolve applied problems in coastal resources, as opposed to development of oceanographic research methods and concepts. However, the development in the last 10 to 20 years of sophisticated technologies for ocean data collection and management holds tremendous potential for mapping and interpreting the ocean environment in unprecedented detail. With the understanding that ocean research is often very costly, yet deemed extremely important by large funding agencies, geographers now have the opportunity to perform coastal and marine studies that are more quantitative in nature, to formulate and test basic hypotheses about the marine environment, and to collaborate with geographers working in corollary subdisciplines (e.g., remote sensing, GIS, geomorphology, political geography as pertaining to the Law of the Sea, etc.), as well as with classically-trained oceanographers. This article reviews, for the non-specialist, the newest advances in mapping and management technologies for undersea geographic research (particularly on the ocean floor) and discusses the contributions that geographers stand to make to a greater understanding of the oceans. 相似文献
Adolf K. Y. Ng 《The Professional geographer》2013,65(1):65-86
Despite the long existence of port geography research, there has been no systematic investigation on its evolution and research trends. Hence, through investigating 155 port geography articles featured in geography journals between 1956 and 2011, this article studied the evolution and research trends of port geography. The article argues that port geography had gradually evolved from a secondary and encyclopedic subdiscipline within transport and human geographies to a primary and specialized one. Such a trend had blurred its “geographicalness,” however, with port geography moving toward the more applied and interdisciplinary transportation. The article also indicates that further research would be required to understand the communication between port geography and other disciplines, as well as philosophical and epistemological issues. 相似文献
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):301-303
Abstract Teaching geography within a field-based, environmental-problem-solving framework integrates geographic knowledge and practice and introduces high school students to skills required to undertake geographic research. A five-day field investigation on coastal geography was designed for juniors at a science high school in New Jersey. The goal of the field investigation was to allow students to engage in problem-solving, gather field data, apply geographic concepts and tools, and foster the ability to think critically. The purpose of the investigation was to identify the spatial distribution of litter on a beach and interpret the distribution based on physical and human processes. The field site is a 400-m-long shoreline reach in Raritan Bay, New Jersey. Students defined the term “litter” for purposes of the investigation, developed a classification system, and mapped the location and type of litter on the beach. Three sampling grids were established across the beach from the dune crest to the waterline. Students conducted topographic surveys of the sampling grids, collected litter in each grid cell, and counted, classified, and weighed the litter. Data gathered were reduced, analyzed, and interpreted based on the published literature. Findings were presented at a formal presentation on the last day of the investigation. Students submitted a written report and presented the results of the investigation at a student conference two months later. Field investigations can expose students to different methods of data sampling and measurement. Collaboration between secondary schools and universities can result in successful learning initiatives that allow students the opportunity to experience the role of a practicing professional. 相似文献
从福利地理学到福祉地理学:研究范式重构 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
史密斯提出的福利地理学分析范式是福祉地理学研究的重要理论基石。但由于发展观演变、福利向福祉概念的转向、福祉概念的复杂性、地理哲学思潮多元化及研究手段多样化等因素,使得福利向福祉拓展以及福利地理学向福祉地理学发展。分别从本体论、认识论、方法论和伦理性等方面探究了从福利地理学到福祉地理学的研究范式转向及特征,以此研究了福祉地理学研究范式的嬗变和新范式的理论基础,构建了福祉地理学的研究概念、哲学基础与方法体系。 相似文献