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This article combines approaches to better understand both forest cover changes and attitudes toward environmental conservation in the El Cielo Biosphere Reserve in northeastern Mexico. Satellite images are used to document the extent and response of forest cover in the reserve before and after its designation as a biosphere reserve. Ethnographic interviews are also employed to examine the attitudes of local people toward the costs and benefits of the biosphere reserve in their lives. Our research found that unlike many “paper parks,” large-scale deforestation has stopped and forest cover has expanded after the biosphere reserve was created. Our research also found that local people value both tangible and intangible benefits created by the biosphere reserve.  相似文献   

Social science research on nature conservation ascribes enclosures and the consequent evictions and dispossession of local people to unequal power relations. It reveals that the monopoly of power by the state configures new relations between local people and their natural resources, and legitimizes land grabbing. In this paper we build on this literature by engaging two questions. The first question relates to how land tenure regimes enable green grabbing and also configure the participation of local people in nature conservation enterprises. Knowing how land tenure regimes structure the involvement of local people in nature conservation is a necessary step toward an inquiry into the relationship between local people and protected areas. In the second question we ask how historical land tenure allocations enable current configurations of power relations in conservation areas. We use the case study of Mapungubwe on the Botswana‐South Africa‐Zimbabwe borderlands to demonstrate that historical land tenure allocations facilitate land alienation and the marginalization of local people in TFCAs.  相似文献   

在很多情况下,自然保护区管理与保护区周边社区的发展处于矛盾之中。高黎贡山国家级自然保护区地处滇西民族地区,生物多样性保护面临着社区发展的很大压力。综合保护与发展的思想对解决这样的矛盾提供了很好的思路,即要确保生物多样性保护,就需要调和保护区管理与当地社区的社会与经济需求,在保护区外向当地社区提供可行的经济替换,减轻他们对保护区的依赖,从而使当地群众在自然资源管理中扮演积极的角色。高黎贡山国家级自然保护区保山管理局在加强依法管护的同时,运用综合保护与发展策略,将保护区管理与周边社区的发展联系起来,利用自身的一些优势,为周边社区引进项目、资金、技术,促进社区资源管理与经济发展,减缓了社区对保护区的压力,提高了社区群众对自然保护和可持续发展的认识,有的村社还组织起生物多样性保护协会、森林共管委员会等保护性组织,积极参与保护工作。  相似文献   

在日本石川县能登半岛的"能登里山和里海系统"是在人类长期影响之下形成并维持的与高产的沿海地区互联的社会生态生产景观,不仅支撑了传统而多样的农业、林业和渔业产业,同时也维持了当地的生计和丰富的生物多样性。自2011年"能登里山和里海系统"成为全球重要农业文化遗产,地区政府、当地社区、学者、国际机构和私营部门都为其保护和复兴工作积极努力。已采取一些举措如成立"石川里山创成基金"、促进维持与保护石川的里山的点数换礼券制度、"能登米"品牌建设、大学培训课程等等。本文通过近期新计划和已有框架下的保护与复兴工作的案例研究来讨论能登全球重要农业文化遗产的发展。本文还将介绍联合国大学高等研究所石川金泽分所进行的可持续第一产业(SPI)研究项目中有关能登全球农业文化遗产的研究成果和未来方案。  相似文献   

Tiger conservation often requires local-level support to avoid facing serious political challenges. In order to address the political challenges, the social capital of communities can be utilized to create community action and to help understand local dynamics. We studied the social capital in two villages bordering Corbett Tiger Reserve, India. Our results indicate that social capital of local communities is a significant determinant of potential for community action to support or oppose tiger conservation outcomes. Our results also indicate that specific components of social capital (solidarity, reciprocity and cooperation, networks, and mutual support) were critical in this potential community action. Further, the data suggest that the decline of social capital was led by the financial disparities created by unplanned growth of tourism outside the reserve boundaries. We suggest that policy and management interventions should consider social capital of local communities and ways in which it may support tiger conservation in India.  相似文献   

Michoacán, as one of the most species-rich provinces of Mexico and with high levels of endemism, was used for testing the potential of a conservation approach based on biodiversity as determined by scientists and local stakeholder's preferences. The resulting zones covered over 17% of the area of Michoacán in 18 zones. As a result of this study the first “large” tropical dry forest biosphere reserve in Mexico is currently being established. In conclusion, landscape-based conservation zoning based on local stakeholders' perspectives as well as on critical biodiversity indicators, proved to be effective for achieving science-based and politically acceptable nature conservation schemes.  相似文献   

基于社区参与的世界遗产地旅游开发与保护研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社区参与是世界遗产地旅游可持续发展的重要因素,但如何将世界遗产地旅游开发与保护同当地社区有机结合起来,使社区主动参与遗产的开发和保护,从而实现社区及遗产的良性发展已备受学者关注。对此,通过对社区参与旅游研究综述,分析目前中国世界遗产保护与旅游开发中的问题,提出了参与规划决策、参与遗产保护等等社区参与遗产保护与旅游开发的途径,使世界遗产地旅游开发持续健康发展。  相似文献   

陈传明 《湿地科学》2012,10(3):359-364
自然保护区的建立对改善区域生态环境、保护生物多样性和恢复生态系统功能具有重要作用.如何处理自然保护区生态保护与毗邻社区社会经济发展之间的关系,是当前自然保护区研究者、决策者和社区居民共同关注的问题.利用文献调研法、问卷调查法、访谈法和意愿调查法等,分析福建漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区的建立对毗邻社区居民的影响.研究结果表明,大部分社区居民对福建漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区的建立持赞同态度,这种态度受被调查者的教育程度、年龄和性别的影响;保护区的建立使大多数社区居民收入减少,而社区居民没有得到相应的补偿;社区居民面临着缺少资金、补偿制度缺失和缺乏生产技术等问题;提出了福建漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区毗邻社区社会经济可持续发展的建议.  相似文献   

The Sundarban Biosphere Reserve in West Bengal, India, is part of the largest mangrove forest ecosystem in the world. The reserve is a world heritage site and the last refuge for the endangered Bengal tiger at a crucial time when global climate change threatens their existence. The mangrove ecosystem and wildlife conservation have become the priority for the state government of West Bengal. However, in becoming so, the state government imposes restrictions on catching fish in the core and buffer areas of the biosphere reserve, which intensify fishermen's everyday resource‐access struggles in the mangrove forest. This paper examines the conflict between local fishermen and conservation needs, broadening the understanding of human‐environment relationships in the Sundarbans region of India.  相似文献   

向海国家级自然保护区湿地资源保护与可持续利用探析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
为了湿地资源的保护与可持续利用作为国际重要湿地之一的吉林向海国家级自然保护区的类型应予重新科学界定,明确其保护目标的合理划定功能分区;积极开展湿地生态系统的常规监测、基础与专题性科学研究;认真进行湿地资源开发的环境影响评价,科学选取评价指标体系,注重长期与代际影响的评价和生态保护、补偿与恢复措施的论证;尽快制制定保护区旅游开发规划,提介生态旅游模式并强化环境管理体制,以实现旅游业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

在全球气候变化的背景条件下,中国河口海湾生态系统的研究逐渐深入和系统化,研究热点开始关注国际公约中的重要生态敏感区,大大缩短了与国际学术界同类研究的差距。以长江口为例,由于河口海湾地区处于海洋、陆地和河流生态系统相互作用的界面上,具有开放度高、敏感度高、脆弱性高和稳定性低的"三高一低"特征。针对长江口大量滩涂栖息地被围垦和侵占的现状,提出了在长江口受损湿地构建人工替代栖息地进行人工优化的途径。中国河口海湾研究不仅需要开展国际、国内交流,还要广泛争取国际组织的资助和合作,探索跨学科、跨行业、跨地区参与动态保护管理和开发利用,使以长江三角洲为代表的中国滨海河口海湾三角洲地区的保护开发和资源利用实现可持续的生态文明。  相似文献   

This study examines the economic efficiency of implementing a residential water conservation program in a small Pennsylvania public water utility. Local demographic data and results from similar programs elsewhere were used to estimate potential water conservation for three programs: rebates for low-flow toilets, rebates for high-efficiency washing machines, and in-home water audits. Future water supply and wastewater treatment demand were estimated. The net present value of constructing, operating, and maintaining new capacity infrastructure (water supply, water storage tanks, and wastewater treatment plant capacity), as well as the costs of the conservation programs, was calculated for a range of scenarios that included future demand growth, construction costs, interest rates, and levels of participation in the conservation programs. Results indicate that investing in residential water conservation would be cost-effective for a small number of scenarios that generally combine higher growth rates, higher interest rates, higher construction costs, and relatively modest public participation in conservation. The results are affected by the timing of necessary supply-side investments relative to the most significant water conservation gains, the relatively inexpensive local water supply costs, and the relatively high local wastewater treatment costs. Water conservation might be cost-effective for a wider range of conditions in communities facing scarce and expensive water supply options.  相似文献   

罗培  秦子晗 《地理研究》2013,32(5):952-964
以华蓥山大峡谷地质公园为例,应用问卷调查和登门访谈的方法,对地质公园内居民的社区参与现状和意愿进行调查,分析他们对地质遗迹资源保护与开发的认知态度,明确他们在资源开发中的利益诉求。调查表明,在资源保护和开发中社区参与存在的主要问题是,居民参与度低,参与机会有限,有强烈的参与决策、规划、商业经营的愿望,并希望在参与中分享资源开发的利益,参与过程得到政府、企业的保障。本文在现有的经营体制下,从资源保护(含环境保护)、规划决策、商业经营、利益分配、社会参与保障等五个方面,构建了居民在地质遗迹资源保护和利用中的社区参与模型体系,为我国地质遗迹资源保护和开发中的社区参与问题研究和实践提供了参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The Shimentai Nature Reserve in Yingde County, Guangdong Province, China, established recently in a subtropical upland forest area, has served for ages as an essential and customary source of livelihood for local people. Assessment of forest usage indicates heavy reliance by villagers on its diversified biotic resources. This forest dependence, associated with socioeconomic factors such as distance from village, ethnic origin, out‐migration of rural youngsters, and a local tradition of conservation, is unlikely to decline in the near future. The reserve management recognizes the need to address the livelihood issues of local people and to win local support. A pragmatic adherence to provincial and higher‐level policies that exclude forest‐tapping activities could lead to more people‐versus‐park conflicts, which would dilute fundamental conservation objectives. A more enlightened and localized approach that nurtures a synergy between limited forest use and conservation while helping to develop new income sources could furnish workable alternatives.  相似文献   

Small-scale livelihood projects are widely used in forest conservation and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD)+ initiatives; however, there is limited information on how effective these projects are at delivering livelihood and conservation benefits. We explored local perceptions of the effectiveness of small-scale livelihood projects in delivering livelihood and conservation benefits in eastern Madagascar. Our results suggest that small-scale livelihood projects vary greatly in their ability to deliver livelihood benefits, and that the type of livelihood project (e.g., agriculture, beekeeping, fish farming, or livestock production) has a significant impact on which livelihood benefits are delivered. Many small-scale livelihood projects, regardless of project type, are perceived to contribute to forest conservation efforts. Our study highlights that small-scale livelihood projects have the potential to contribute to both improved livelihoods and enhanced forest conservation, but also illustrates the need for more information on the factors that lead to project success.  相似文献   

While contentious national debates persist about the promise or peril of so‐called “sanctuary cities,” this article draws on an archive of U.S. subfederal policies that focused on local responses to immigration and enforcement from 2001–2014 to argue that sanctuary constitutes a process rather than a binary state of being. Such a conceptualization underscores the broad spectrum of policy endeavors that comprise sanctuary and shifts the focus away from a reductionist question of whether or not a place is a sanctuary to inquiries into how sanctuary functions as a process in both policy creation and application. I focus on sanctuary as a process to demonstrate its socio‐spatial heterogeneity and to highlight how the assertion of local values within sanctuary policies advances internal bordering. Textually analyzing sanctuary policies in this way illustrates how the process of sanctuary can simultaneously resist the bordering efforts of federal immigration enforcement and reborder local practices to cultivate belonging for citizens and noncitizens alike.  相似文献   

This research presents a case study on perceptions of local people on the use of Nyabrongo river wetland and its conservation in Rwanda. It critically examines the potential implications of a shift in wetland use and management practices for local people and presents empirical data from a household survey, group discussions, and observations from transect walks. Results showed that the change in the use and management regime of Nyabarongo river wetland poses substantial loss for local people in terms of provision of resources, income, and access to the wetland, so that the majority of the participants are not happy with the current use of the wetland. Research concluded that there should be participation of all stakeholders, including local people, during policy development in order to shift from command-and-control toward local stakeholder integration in decision making.  相似文献   

Geographically or sociologically defined resource management units, such as buffer zones or community resource management territories, seek to harmonize local land–use practices with protected–area management objectives. The geographically restricted nature of these models often results in simplistic representations of society–nature relations over time and space. Conservation areas are misrepresented as ecologically and socially homogeneous, as well as politically neutral. This study examines the limits of a spatially defined conservation and development project designed around the physical geographical unit of the watershed at Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya. It argues that politically motivated violence that has plagued the area since the early 1990s has severely undermined the suitability of such narrowly defined conservation territories. Specifically, the case study points to the permeability of the Lake Nakuru watershed to national and regional political forces that ultimately constrain participation in conservation activities. The spaces of conservation and development must be enlarged to include these extralocal arenas and processes if environmental problems are to be effectively addressed.  相似文献   

Historically land reserve programs have been used to reduce soil erosion. Slippage, which occurs when the number of acres enrolled in a reserve program is not met by an equivalent reduction of acreage in production, has limited reserve success, however. This study addresses the effect of slippage on conservation reserves in southwestern Kansas from 1988–1994. Slippage has varied considerably on both spatial and temporal bases. At one extreme the programs were 100% successful in removing land from production, but at the other extreme, slippage rendered reserve programs nearly useless. Overall, slippage in the study area has greatly reduced conservation reserve effectiveness.  相似文献   

Connectivity initiatives typically require conservation action on private lands as a complement to public reserve systems, so they are more likely to succeed if underpinned by knowledge of the social factors influencing landholders' participation. Using a combination of social survey and market research techniques, we identify spatially referenced landholder segments. Using a number of behavioral and attitudinal constructs, including three psychographic constructs not previously used for identifying segments—sense of place, lifestyle motives, and nature values—we identify three lifestyler and two farmer segments, and show that the characteristics of lifestyler segments are more nuanced than previously thought. Preferences for four corridor connectivity initiatives are found to differ across landholder segments, which indicates the importance using a targeted approach for designing connectivity conservation programs. The results highlight the importance for achieving corridor connectivity of the Blue Collar Lifestyler segment, a lower sociodemographic segment not previously identified in the literature.  相似文献   

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