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Abstract— Seventy-five orbits of Leonid meteors obtained during the 1998 outburst are presented. Thirty-eight are precise enough to recognize significant dispersion in orbital elements. Results from the nights of 1998 November 16/17 and 17/18 differ, in agreement with the dominant presence of different dust components. The shower rate profile of 1998 November 16/17 was dominated by a broad component, rich in bright meteors. The radiant distribution is compact. The semimajor axis is confined to values close to that of the parent comet, whereas the distribution of inclination has a central condensation in a narrow range. On the other hand, 1998 November 17/18 was dominated by dust responsible for a more narrow secondary peak in the flux curve. The declination of the radiant and the inclination of the orbit are more widely dispersed. The argument of perihelion, inclination, and the perihelion distance are displaced. These data substantiate the hypothesis that trapping in orbital resonances is important for the dynamical evolution of the broad component.  相似文献   

Abstract— Video observations of the Leonid shower aboard two aircraft in the 1998 Leonid multi-instrument aircraft campaign and from ground locations in China are presented. Observing at altitude proved particularly effective, with four times higher rates due to low extinction and low angular velocity at the horizon. The rates, derived from a total of 2500 Leonid meteors, trace at least two distinct dust components. One dominated the night of 1998 November 16/17. This two-day wide component was rich in bright meteors with r = N (m + 1)/N (m) ≈ 1.5 (s = 1.4) and peaked at an influx of 3.1 ± 0.4 × 10?12 m?2 s?1 (for particles of mass <7 × 10?5 g) at solar longitude Λ0 ≈ 234.52 (Eq. J2000). The other more narrow component peaked on 1998 November 17/18 at Λ0 = 235.31 ± 0.01. Rates were elevated above the broad component between Λ0 = 235.15 and 235.40, symmetric around the current node of the parent comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle, peaking at 5.1 ± 0.2 × 10?12 m?2 s?1. The population index was higher, r = 1.8 ± 0.1 (s = 1.7), but not as high as in past Leonid storms (r = 3.0). The flux profile of this component has an unusual asymmetric shape, which implies a blend of contributions from at least two different but relatively recent epochs of ejection. The variation of r across the profile might be due to mass-dependent ejection velocities of the narrowest component. High rates of faint meteors occurred only in an isolated five-minute interval at Λ0 = 235.198, which is likely the result of a single meteoroid breakup in space.  相似文献   

D.K. Yeomans 《Icarus》1981,47(3):492-499
The distribution of dust surrounding periodic comet Tempel-Tuttle has been mapped by analyzing the associated Leonid meteor shower data over the 902–1969 interval. The majority of dust ejected from the parent comet evolves to a position lagging the comet and outside the comet's orbit. The outgassing and dust ejection required to explain the parent comet's deviation from pure gravitational motion would preferentially place dust in a position leading the comet and inside the comet's orbit. Hence it appears that radiation pressure and planetary perturbations, rather than ejection processes, control the dynamic evolution of the Leonid particles. Significant Leonid meteor showers are possible roughly 2500 days before or after the parent comet reaches perihelion but only if the comet passes closer than 0.025 AU inside or 0.010 AU outside the Earth's orbit. Although the conditions in 1998–1999 are optimum for a significant Leonid meteor shower, the event is not certain because the dust particle distribution near the comet is far from uniform. As a by-product of this study, the orbit of comet Tempel-Tuttle has been redetermined for the 1366–1966 observed interval.  相似文献   

We report here evidence for significant transverse spread of the light production region in bright Leonid meteors. One Leonid meteor has an apparent spread in the light production region of about 600 m perpendicular to the flight path for the meteor, that transverse spread persisting for at least 0.3 s. We have also detected short-duration, jet-like features emanating from a bright Leonid meteor recorded in 1998. These jet-like features have maximum spatial dimensions up to 1.9 km. While we cannot definitively rule out instrumental artefacts as a cause for these jet-like features, they may be evidence of motion contributing to the observed spatial spread in the light production region.  相似文献   

Abstract— Two‐station electro‐optical observations of the 1998 Leonid shower are presented. Precise heights and light curves were obtained for 79 Leonid meteors that ranged in brightness (at maximum luminosity) from +0.3 to +6.1 astronomical magnitude. The mean photometric mass of the data sample was 1.4 × 10?6 kg. The dependence of astronomical magnitude at peak luminosity on photometric mass and zenith angle was consistent with earlier studies of faint sporadic meteors. For example, a Leonid meteoroid with a photometric mass of ~1.0 × 10‐7 kg corresponds to a peak meteor luminosity of about +4.5 astronomical magnitudes. The mean beginning height of the Leonid meteors in this sample was 112.6 km and the mean ending height was 95.3 km. The highest beginning height observed was 144.3 km. There is relatively little dependence of either the first or last heights on mass, which is indicative of meteoroids that have clustered into constituent grains prior to the onset of intensive grain ablation. The height distribution, combined with numerical modelling of the ablation of the meteoroids, suggests that silicate‐like materials are not the principal component of Leonid meteoroids and hints at the presence of a more volatile component. Light curves of many Leonid meteors were examined for evidence of the physical structure of the associated meteoroids: similar to the 1997 Leonid meteors, the narrow, nearly symmetric curves imply that the meteoroids are not solid objects. The light curves are consistent with a dustball structure.  相似文献   

Abstract— Chondrules, silicate spheres typically 0.1 to 1 mm in diameter, are the most abundant constituents in the most common meteorites falling on Earth, the ordinary chondrites. In addition, many primitive meteorites have calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs). The question of whether comets have chondrules or CAIs is relevant to understanding what the interior of a comet is like and what a cometary meteorite might be like. In addition, one prominent model for forming chondrules and CAIs, the X‐wind model, predicts their presence in comets, while most other models do not. At present, the best way to search for chondrules and CAIs in comets is through meteor showers derived from comets, in particular, the Leonid meteor shower. Evidence potentially could be found in the overall mass distribution of the shower, in chemical analyses of meteors, or in light curves. There is no evidence for a chondrule abundance in the Leonid meteors similar to that found in chondritic meteorites. There is intriguing evidence for chondrule‐ or CAI‐sized objects in a small fraction of the light curves, but further work is required to generate a definitive test.  相似文献   

Abstract— In this paper, we study the extremely high beginning parts of atmospheric trajectories of seven Leonid meteors recorded by sensitive TV systems equipped with image intensifiers up to apparent magnitude +6.5. For all seven cases, we observed comet‐like diffuse structures with sizes on the order of kilometers that developed quickly during the meteoroids' descent through the atmosphere. For the brightest event with a maximum absolute magnitude of ?12.5, we observed an arc similar to a solar protuberance and producing a jet detectable several kilometers sideways from the brightest parts of the meteor head, and moving with a velocity over 100 km/s. These jets are common features for the seven studied meteors. Precise position in trajectory, velocity, and brightness at each point is available for all seven meteors, because of double‐station records on 85 km base‐line. When these meteoroids reached 130 km height, their diffuse structures of the radiation quickly transformed to the usual meteor appearance resembling moving droplets, and meteor trains started to develop. These meteor phenomena above 130 km were not recognized before our observations, and they cannot be explained by standard ablation theory.  相似文献   

Most astronomers expected a significant meteor shower associated with the Leonid meteoroid stream to appear in 1998 and 1999. An enhanced shower was widely observed in both years, and details can be found in many published articles. In 1998, one remarkable feature was the appearance of a strong component, rich in bright meteors, which appeared about 16 h before the expected maximum of the main shower, but another observed feature was an abnormal peak in the ionosphere characteristic value f b E s which was detected about 18 h after the main shower. A very high value of f b E s persisted for over an hour. The likely explanation is that the ionosphere was bombarded by an additional swarm of meteoroids, much smaller than those that produce a visible trail or an ionization trail that can be picked up by radio detectors. The different dynamical behaviours between small and large meteoroids are investigated and, in consequence, an explanation for the observed phenomena is offered and 1933 is suggested as being the likely ejection time.  相似文献   

Jenniskens  P.  de Lignie  M.  Betlem  H.  Borovicka  J.  Laux  C.O.  Packan  D.  Kruger  C.H. 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1998,80(1-3):311-341
In order to further observing programs aimed at the possible meteor storms of November 1998 and 1999, we describe here how the Leonid shower is expected to manifest itself on the sky. We discuss: 1) the expected wavelength dependence of meteor (train) emission, 2) the meteor brightness distribution and influx, 3) the stream cross section, radiant and altitude of the meteors, 4) the apparent fluxes at various positions in the sky as a function of radiant elevation as well as 5) the trail length and radial velocity, and 6) the diameter and brightness of persistent trains as a function of radiant elevation. These topics were chosen to help researchers plan an observing strategy for imaging, spectroscopy, and LIDAR observations. Some applications are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Third Peak of the 1998 Leonid Meteor Shower   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 INTRODUCTIONThe Leonid meteor shower is a well-known periodic meteor shower. Its history is tied upwith the development of the theory of meteor stream astronomy itself. It was the very st.rongshowers of 1799 and 1833 that played a sghficant pat in the recoghtion of the ealstence ofmeteoroid streams. These evellts started the obse~ions of Leoaid meteor shower and broughtabout the birth of meteoritiCS. It is known that the Leould parent comet, 55P/Tempel-TUttle,has an orbital period a…  相似文献   

The 1998 Leonid meteor shower was observed at the Gaomeigu station of Yunnan Observatory during five successive days in November. The visual records indicate that the number of meteors increased suddenly, from a ZHR of about 140 to over 400, in the early morning of November 17th, Beijing time. But it decreased slowly in the following two days. During the maximum there was a high proportion – about 10 percent – of very bright fireballs with enduring trains. The brightest one was about -10 magnitude with a smoke train fading about three minutes after. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Detailed visual observations and modelling of the 1998 Leonid shower   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a detailed activity profile for the 1998 Leonid shower from visual observations. The shower displayed at least two distinct components – a broad component peaking between 2344 and 2350, and two narrower filaments near 23521 and 23533 probably of younger origin based on modelling results. This dual-peaked structure in the flux profile has peak fluxes to a limiting magnitude of +6.5 of 0.03 Leonid km−2 h−1. The distribution of particles also changes dramatically across the stream in 1998, with large meteoroids dominating the early peak and smaller meteoroids relatively more abundant near the time of the nodal passage of the comet. Detailed comparison of the observed activity with models in 1998 shows that the early component comes from material ejected between 500 and 1000 yr ago. Our modelling results suggest that the later dual peaks are caused by high- β meteoroids with large ejection velocities released during the 1932 and 1965 passages of Comet 55P/Tempel–Tuttle.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have used dual coaxial microchannel plate image-intensified monochrome charge-coupled device (CCD) detectors run at standard NTSC frame rates (30 frames per second, fps) to study the Leonid meteor shower on 1998 November 17 from an airborne platform at an altitude of ~13 km. These observations were part of NASA's 1998 Leonid multi-instrument aircraft campaign (MAC). The observing systems had fields of view (width) of 16.3° and 9.5°, and limiting stellar sensitivities of +8.3m and +8.9m. During 12 h of recording, 230 meteors were detected, of which 65 were Leonid meteors. Light curves are presented for 53 of these meteors. The magnitudes at peak brightness of the meteors investigated were generally in the range from +4.0m to +6.0m. The mass distribution indices for the two samples are 1.67 and 1.44, with the former being based on the wider field of view dataset. The light curves were skewed with the brightest point towards the beginning of the meteor trail. The F parameter for points one magnitude below maximum luminosity had a mean value of 0.47 for the wider field system and 0.37 for the more sensitive narrower field system. We provide leading and trailing edge light curve slopes for each meteor as another indication of light curve shape. There were few obvious flares on the light curves, indicating that in-flight fragmentation into a large number of grains is not common. There is variability in light curve shape from meteor to meteor. The light curves are inconsistent with single, compact body meteor theory, and we interpret the data as indicative of a two-component dustball model with metal or silicate grains bonded by a lower boiling point, possibly organic, substance. The variation in light curve shape may be indicative of differences in mass distribution of the constituent grains. We provide trail length vs. magnitude data. There is only a slight hint of a bend at +5m in the data, representing the difference between meteors that have broken into a cluster of grains prior to grain ablation, and those that continue to fragment during the grain ablation phase. Two specific meteors show interesting light curve features. One meteor is nebulous in appearance, with significant transverse width. The apparent light production region extends for 450 m from the center of the meteor path. Another meteor has several main fragments, and evidence of significant separated fragments. We offer several suggestions for improvements for the 1999 Leonid MAC light curve experiment.  相似文献   

Abstract— During the early morning hours of the night of the peak of the annual Leonid meteor shower on 1998 November 17, a bright fireball (approximately ?12 to ?14 visual magnitude at 100 km in the zenith) was observed over northern New Mexico with visual sightings as far away from Los Alamos as Albuquerque (~150 km to the south of Los Alamos), including direct persistent trail observations at the U. S. A. F. Starfire Optical Range (SOR), which is also near Albuqerque. This event did not produce any sonic boom reports, presumably because of its high altitude. It was also detected locally by an infrared radiometer at Sandia National Laboratory and by an intensified charge-coupled device (CCD) camera located in Placitas, New Mexico. Subsequent investigations of the data from the six infrasound arrays used by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and operated for the Department of Energy as a part of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) Research and Development program for the International Monitoring System (IMS) showed the presence of an infrasonic signal from the proper direction at the correct time for this bolide from two of our six arrays (both located in Los Alamos). The infrasound recordings (i.e., the wave amplitude and period data) indicated that an explosion occurred in the atmosphere at a source height of ~93.5 km (with respect to sea level) or ~90 km with respect to the altitude of Los Alamos, having its origins slightly to the north and west of Los Alamos. Purely geometric solutions from the ground observers reports combined with direct measurements from the CCD camera at Placitas produced a source height of 91 ± 7 km. The signal characteristics analyzed from 0.5 to 3.0 Hz include a total duration of about 3–4 s for a source directed from Los Alamos toward 353.6 ± 0.4° measured from true north at a maximum elevation arrival angle of ~72.7°. The latter was deduced on the basis of the observed signal trace velocities (for the part of the recording with the highest cross-correlation) and ranged from a constant value of about 920–1150 m/s (depending on the window length used in the analysis) for a ray trajectory along a direct refractive path between the source and the Los Alamos arrays. The dominant signal frequency at maximum amplitude at Los Alamos was ~0.71 Hz. These highly correlated signals had a peak to peak, maximum amplitude of ~2.1 microbars (0.21 Pa). Using several methods that incorporate various observed signal characteristics, total distance traveled, etc., our analysis indicates that the bolide probably had a source energy of ~1.14 t (TNT equivalent) or 4.77 × 109 J. This is ~14.1× smaller than the source energy estimate made using the infrasonic, empirical source energy relationship for low-altitude stationary point sources developed in the 1960s by the Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC), Patrick Air Force Base, Florida. This relation was originally developed, however, for much larger source energies and at much longer ranges.  相似文献   

Abstract— Precise atmospheric trajectories including dynamic and photometric data on thirteen of the brightest Leonid fireballs have been determined from the double‐station photographic observations of Leonid meteors during the ground‐based expedition to China in 1998 November. the expedition was organized as a collaboration between the dutch and chinese academy of sciences and was supported by the leonid multi‐instrument aircraft campaign (mac) program (jenniskens and butow, 1999). All data presented here were taken at Xinglong Observatory and at a remote station, Lin Ting Kou near Beijing, on the night of 1998 November 16/17. At the Xinglong station, photographic cameras were accompanied by an all‐sky television camera equipped with an image intensifier and 15 mm fish‐eye objective in order to obtain precise timings for all observed meteors up to magnitude +2. Whereas beginning heights of photographed meteors are all lower than 130 km, those observed by the all‐sky television system are at ~160 km, and for three brightest events, even > 180 km. Such high beginnings for meteors have never before been observed. We also obtained a precise dynamic single‐body solution for the Leonid meteor 98003, including the ablation coefficient, which is an important material and structural quantity (0.16 s2 km?2). From this and from known photometry, we derived a density of this meteoroid of 0.7 g/cm3. Also, all PE coefficients indicate that these Leonid meteors belonged to the fireball group IIIB, which is typical for the most fragile and weak interplanetary bodies. From a photometric study of the meteor lightcurves, we found two typical shapes of light curves for these Leonid meteors.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Leonid meteor shower was observed worldwide in 1998 November in an intensive campaign without precedent. During this international effort ~35 500 meteors were reported by members and collaborators of the International Meteor Organization (IMO) using a standard methodology. Despite the absence of a meteor storm in 1998, the rich observational data allow us to obtain a detailed unprecedented knowledge of the stream structure between 1994 and 1998.  相似文献   

Abstract— In 1996, a broad outburst structure of bright Leonid meteors similar to the 1995 and the 1994 displays (Jenniskens, 1996; Langbroek, 1996b) was observed. In addition, a second narrow outburst structure of fainter meteors, which will be reported and discussed in this paper, has with certainty been observed. This observation marks the first detection of such a narrow structure in the new series of Leonid outbursts. It has a similar exponential activity behaviour and similar emphasis on fainter meteors as shown by the 1866 and 1966 Leonid storm structures. Similar narrow peaks have been observed in 1965 and 1969 (Jenniskens, 1995, 1996). The broad 1996 structure of bright meteors peaked at November 17.31 ± 0.04 (λ 235°.28 ± 0.04 (2000.0)). The additional narrow structure peaked at November 17.20 ± 0.01 (λ 235°.172 ± 0.007). The occurrence of the narrow peak can best be explained as a first modest sign of presence of the meteoroid structure that should be responsible for the expected meteor storm activity of the Leonids in 1998–1999. The appearance 0.°085 before the node of 55P/Tempel-Tuttle suggests that the expected 1998–1999 Leonid storms might peak just before passage through the node of the comet.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 1998 return of the Leonid shower was the target of the Leonid multi-instrument aircraft campaign (Leonid MAC), an unusual two-aircraft astronomical research mission executed near Okinawa, Japan. The prospect of a meteor storm brought 28 researchers of 7 nationalities together in a concerted effort to observe the shower by imaging, spectroscopic, and ranging techniques. This paper is a review of the major science issues that are behind the deployment of each of the present array of instruments and describes the interconnection of the various experiments. This was NASA's first astrobiology mission. The mission also aimed to study contemporary issues in planetary astronomy, in atmospheric sciences, and concerning the satellite impact hazard. First results of the participating observers are discussed and put in context, in preparation for the deployment of a planned second mission in November of 1999.  相似文献   

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