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ABSTRACT. Since the fall of the Communist government in 1989, Hungary's political monuments and historical shrines have undergone great change. Although popular attention focused on the removal of overtly political monuments, new shrines were also created, and forgotten memorials were restored. In a departure from earlier political eras, decisions about contested places are issuing from local authorities and private citizens, rather than from the central government. The result is a sometimes subtle rearrangement of public memorials and shrines that interprets the national past by drawing symbolic and spatial parallels between some historical events while rejecting connections among others. The meanings of events and places, particularly those linked to twentieth‐century wartime and civil upheavals, remain contested.  相似文献   

赵莹  柴彦威  Martin DIJST 《地理研究》2013,32(6):1068-1076
家被认为是具有保护性和排他性的私人空间,是个人寻求归属感和安全感的场所。但由于东西方文化差异,家的意义以及家庭关系的重要性存在着明显差异。基于活动—移动行为分析,以家空间利用和家庭关系为突破点,讨论由传统文化价值观及社会经济发展水平影响的社会人际交往模式的不同。实证研究部分基于中国北京和荷兰乌特勒支在2007年进行的活动日志调查,围绕“谁会被允许进入家空间”的问题,将活动空间划分为“自己家—他人家—公共空间”三个层次,分析活动同伴对见面地点选择的影响。结果表明,北京居民通常在家会见亲属,而在公共场所会见朋友;乌特勒支居民对亲属和朋友共同活动地点选择并没有明显差异。这与中国较强的家庭观念以及家庭保护意识相一致。活动地点的选择也受到性别、家庭结构等社会经济属性的影响。进而讨论了中国传统家庭观念对中西方和谐社会建设及老龄社会保障等的现实意义。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In the public‐space discourse Los Angeles is usually portrayed as more “anti‐city” than city. Its landscape is overrun by houses, “private‐public” squares and plazas, theme parks, shopping malls, and so on and lacks inclusive public places. Yet this discourse has essentially disdained to contemplate a major public space that contradicts its general thesis: the Los Angeles coast. The coast is meaningful public place in two specific senses. First, it symbolizes Los Angeles as a whole and therefore provides a basis for regional public identity. Second, Angelinos themselves take the coast seriously as a public place, and they have striven to make it inclusive in practice.  相似文献   

My overarching argument in this article is that the United States is no different than any other country in the world in that its population has elected good leaders and bad. As in other places, global and national neoliberal economic reforms have affected the U.S. economy, hallowing out the manufacturing sector, shrinking government and social safety nets, and fostering income inequality. This has left various U.S. publics struggling to make ends meet and vulnerable to demagoguery. Although the country prides itself on the strength of its institutions, institutions are no more than social contracts that need to be assiduously maintained by civil society. Although there is a strong “ivory tower” tradition in U.S. academe, the republic needs scholars—acting as public intellectuals—to fully participate in civic debates if it is to have a sufficiently robust civil society that maintains and defends its democracy and institutions. This article is divided into three sections. First, I briefly review the Trump administration's proposals for international development and diplomacy, giving particular attention to these issues in the African context. Second, I present an argument for why the United States needs public intellectuals now more than ever. Third, I share some concrete advice on how geographers might better connect with various publics.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):191-202
This paper outlines a framework for the analysis of the provision of public services in urban areas: the public city. Two interwoven concepts are discussed. The first of these relates to the nature of space. A brief review suggests that philosophical disputes overlook the explicit organization of space within jurisdictional units, a key factor in the provision of consumption goods. These areas, which can be identified as local state units, can be rationalized in various ways: neoclassical, liberal, and materialist interpretations have been identified within the literature. This paper argues that the local state cannot be discussed simply within the context of capitalist social relations, and that more detailed interpretations, incorporating concepts such as civil society, are necessary in order to understand the broad range of political activities associated with public provision.  相似文献   

Using the case of Berlin, this article examines civil society actors in relation to local bordering practices following the large number of refugee arrivals in 2015. Combining critical border, migration, and urban studies and adopting a Foucauldian lens, the article aims to illustrate to what extent civil society actors have challenged and transformed local bordering practices vis‐à‐vis refugees within a specific urban space. The analysis illustrates that civil society actors have created new spaces of inclusion for refugees and brought new political and normative challenges to the established notions of belonging. On the other hand, they have also reproduced bordering practices either by their integration into formal state structures or by reinforcing hierarchical categorizations and unequal power relations embedded in the notion of humanitarianism. Finally, the article argues that these de/re‐bordering practices of civil society actors should be understood in line with the constraints that established bordering processes and the existing political and structural dynamics placed on them.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的提高,提供良好优质的公共产品服务,加快推进社会主义和谐社会建设,是当今政府的题中应有之义.其中,空间可达性是公共产品服务的核心内容之一,而这正是地理学最具优势的研究领域.本文基于所开发的公共产品空间布局决策支持系统,以仪征医院空间布局为例,从定量角度深入探讨了不同布局方案所产生的空间效应,为优化公共产品的空间布局提供了非常有说服力的科学依据,同时也从方法论角度进行了公共产品空间布局量化研究的有益尝试.  相似文献   

宋立新  周春山 《热带地理》2013,33(3):269-275
在公共空间价值研究中,社会行动理论提出基于“场域”空间结构化的社会行动研究框架,并为公共空间价值建构提供了实践论方法。在西方国家出现的公共空间价值危机背景下,社区逐渐成为构建公共空间价值的重要载体,社区规划因其社会行动本质,逐步成为重构社区公共空间价值的重要手段。目前我国社区规划的实践作为城市规划制度体系框架之下的局部探索创新,很难适应公民社会背景下不断成长的社区行动需要。本文借鉴新制度主义理论,以广州市北京街盐运西、流水井、龙藏3个传统文化社区为实证研究对象,从“组织”和“场域”两个分析视角,探讨社区运行空间构建和社区振兴行动方法,试图搭建我国面向公共空间价值需求的社区规划体系。研究显示,上述社区在商业文化的冲击下,面临着社区异质性加深、社区资本降低、社区行动障碍等问题,建设更包容开放、更有活力的可持续社区则成为社区居民的普遍愿望和需求。  相似文献   

杜芳娟  朱竑 《地理研究》2013,32(5):881-890
婚姻圈作为民族社会建构的重要机制,以及族群认同的表现形式和民族文化传承载体,对其现况及未来的研究关乎散居族群的社会经济和文化发展大计。采用口述史、深度访谈法及文本分析的方法研究发现:贵州坡帽仡佬族的婚姻圈经历了族内异地通婚——族内本地通婚与近邻异族通婚——族内本地、近邻异族与异地异族通婚并存等几个阶段的演化。在传统农业社会,散居族群经历了居住、社会和教育多重隔离,通婚受族群性影响,以异地族内通婚为主;而在长期散杂居过程中,族际之间的长期接触融合,其婚姻圈又产生空间近邻性效应,异族通婚开始出现;中国社会转型期及经济一体化使散居族群的婚姻场域发生急剧变化,由此导致远距离通婚,族群性与空间近邻性效应开始减弱。坡帽仡佬族的婚姻圈演化反映了散居族群与主体社会关系的建构过程,但散居族群尚无独立发展的力量。当随着族群内部原有稳定性的打破,族群语言、文化习俗如何保留,族群认同如何维系等都将面临很大的挑战。通过婚姻圈变化之研究视角,关注全球化影响下少数族群文化的保护和发扬问题,是文化扩散和文化整合研究领域新的尝试。  相似文献   

广州市社区出行低碳指数格局及其影响因素的空间异质性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
杨文越  李涛  曹小曙 《地理研究》2015,34(8):1471-1480
通过构建社区出行低碳指数(CTLCI)模型,对广州市社区出行低碳指数的空间格局及其差异特征进行了分析,并利用全局回归(OLS)模型和地理加权回归(GWR)模型对社区出行低碳指数的影响因素以及其间关系的空间异质性进行了研究。结果表明,广州市社区出行低碳指数由中心城区向外逐渐递增,呈明显的圈层结构。内圈层的社区出行低碳指数内部差异最小,中间过渡圈层的最大。社区人口密度对社区出行低碳指数的影响以正向作用为主,公共交通供给水平和路网密集程度对社区出行低碳指数的影响以负向作用为主,且它们的影响作用具有空间异质性。具体指出了在不同地域空间内社区人口密度、公共交通供给水平和路网密集程度对社区出行低碳指数在影响程度和作用方向上的差异,为减少广州城市交通碳排放、针对不同空间制定有效的低碳政策和构建低碳城市空间结构提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

焦华富  许吉黎 《地理科学》2016,36(11):1670-1678
在生态文明建设与服务经济转型的背景下,作为中国工业化阶段能源基地的资源型城市,正面临着经济、社会与生态环境多位一体的全面转型。选取成熟型煤炭资源城市淮南为案例,基于社会空间视角划分城市地域功能结构,构建社会-经济-空间多维因素的互动框架推进资源型城市的科学转型。研究发现:淮南市社会空间包括6个主因子,各主因子的空间集聚和街区分布均具有显著的异质性。基于不同街区的功能属性划分出5个空间功能组团,包括:政府机关、企事业单位组团;居住、商业、生活服务组团; 煤炭开采与加工工业组团; 非矿点区域、乡村区域组团;经济新增长点培育、转型发展组团。城市地域功能结构特征表现为:“城”、“矿”功能的隔离与排斥,连绵型低收入农业空间的嵌入,城市服务功能空间的紧缩,煤炭开采与初加工的空间共位,城市转型尚未形成规模与联动效应。在此基础上,进一步剖析了地域结构的形成原因及优化路径。  相似文献   

贩卖毒品是实现毒品犯罪经济利益的重要环节,是危害最为严重的毒品犯罪类型之一。现有研究主要关注毒品犯罪与建成环境之间的关系,没有顾及打击后贩卖毒品犯罪空间转移现象以及影响因素的变化。本文基于日常活动理论、犯罪模式理论和社会解组理论,以中国ZG市主城区为例,融合多源时空数据,分别对2013年8月开始的“雷霆扫毒”前后的贩卖毒品犯罪构建负二项回归模型,分析微观尺度下半公共空间、室外公共空间和室内私人空间对贩卖毒品犯罪影响的变化。研究发现“雷霆扫毒”行动后:① 贩卖毒品犯罪案件数量显著下降;② 半公共空间对贩卖毒品犯罪的影响作用减弱;③ 室外公共空间对贩卖毒品犯罪影响作用增强,室内私人空间对贩卖毒品犯罪的影响上升。结果表明:“雷霆扫毒”专项行动开展后一年,贩卖毒品犯罪的“主阵地”发生变化,由城市半公共空间逐渐向室外公共空间和室内私人空间转移。特别的是,“雷霆扫毒”对大毒枭及贩毒团伙的打击成效突出,促使2014年贩毒案件大幅度下降,实现了专项行动开展的目的。后续一系列专项行动进一步提升了对贩卖毒品犯罪的发现和查处能力,显示出专项行动对打击隐性犯罪的明显效果。研究表明公安执法部门必须对毒品贩卖犯罪进行持续的、有针对性的打击,对发生地的变动进行定期的监控,不能一蹴而就。  相似文献   

Globalisation is manifested in the Mekong Region both through processes and discourses that reflect the ideology of a borderless world allowing easy passage of capital and commodities, and through resistance to such processes in an increasingly transnationalised civil society movement. However, more immediately significant supranational integrative agendas take the form of regionalisation, a process that has received less attention but which raises analogous concerns of re-scaled governance. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been a catalysing force for regionalisation amidst a host of regional processes and initiatives; as such it has found itself the object of critique as an institution and through the specific projects it has supported that have impacted on local communities and ecosystems. Meanwhile, local and NGO voices associated with the emergence of a vibrant civil society in Thailand and nascent civil society responses in neighbouring countries have challenged claims on resources made in the name of national development and regional integration.
This paper considers some key issues of re-scaling resource and environmental politics in the Mekong Region, and the extent to which challenges have been recast from national to regional development agendas. Politics of environment are shown to exist as a general rather than exceptional response to the region's development direction, and it is suggested that equitable and sustainable development increasingly needs to address simultaneously the re-scaling and reconfigurations of power in both environmental politics and the "infrapolitics" of environment. The paper is illustrated with case studies of dams in Laos and Thailand.  相似文献   

近年来,随着城镇化和旅游业的快速发展,加速了夏河县城市公共空间的更新建设,但也带来场所精神蜕变、识别性降低等一系列问题。在对夏河县进行社会调查、路网拓扑建模的基础上,采用模糊综合评价法、空间句法、核密度分析等方法对场所空间品质、空间活力进行系统地探析,进而对场所单元、丛拉商业文化场所等5处公共场所组团提出了具体的营建策略,并提出场所系统的营造应从构筑系统化的场所、坚持多组团多策略的营造原则、从多主体进行场所营造、营造高通达性的场所、以热点场所单元策动场所组团和场所系统的营造等视角出发营造一个高品质、高活力的场所系统。同时,期望能够为旅游型城市公共空间的场所营造提供一套可借鉴的公共空间评价方法和营造策略  相似文献   

流空间基本性质的地理学透视   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
信息和通信技术ICTs(Information and Communication Technologies)的发展,使空间形态发生了或正在发生隐性变化,表现为由地理空间向地理网络空间转换。地理网络空间的外在表现即是流空间,它是信息社会占支配地位的空间形态,为地理学研究提供新视角。该文基于流空间的形成机制,流空间与地理网络空间、位空间的关系和流空间的发展对地理科学的影响,对流空间的基本性质予以地理学透视。  相似文献   

Decentralisation, the transfer of powers to a lower level of government, is thought to encourage more efficient and equitable management of natural resources. Participation of civil society organisations (CSOs) is considered critical to create positive outcomes of decentralisation. Here we examine aspects of civil society participation in decentralised management using the case of Brazil's water resources management. Several Brazilian states have enacted reforms mandating watershed committees in which the participation of civil society is either encouraged or required. However, actual participation of civil society is not yet well understood. To assess participation, we collected qualitative data on watershed districts in three Brazilian states (Bahia, Paraná and São Paulo). Our findings reaffirm the importance of the state in establishing a transparent legal framework to encourage participation and in defining “civil society”. The ability of civil society leaders to obtain and deploy local environmental knowledge, which frames environmental issues in new geographical scales, is useful to achieve the efficiency and efficacy objectives of decentralisation. However, by “upscaling” political activities beyond decentralisation's new territories, CSOs could make decentralisation irrelevant to local environmental issues.  相似文献   

城市物质空间更新研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市物质空间更新是城市发展的自然历史过程。转型期的中国城市,物质空间更新的速度与范围正在逐渐加大,且深度作用于社会经济空间重构过程。本文首先全面总结了国内外城市物质空间更新的相关理论与研究成果,凝练了在城市物质空间更新背景、演替脉络、更新模式及策略方面的核心思想与评判方法,总结了城市物质空间更新的成功做法和经验。其次,从城市物质空间更新的空间判定与时空组织模式、建筑资产拆损、更新模式与综合评估、影响因素与机制定量研究方面对中国未来的城市物质空间更新研究进行了展望。最后,本文认为在新型城镇化和资源节约型社会建设大背景下,有必要加强中国城市物质空间更新的系统研究、综合研究、动态研究和定量研究,进而为制定因地制宜的物质空间更新优化调控政策和方案提供依据。  相似文献   


The selling of naming rights to corporate sponsors has led urban policymakers to increasingly view the identities of public places as rent-generating assets to fund urban infrastructure. Yet few scholars have critically analyzed this emerging global trend of toponymic commodification and the seeking of “naming rent.” Through a combination of archival research, on-site field observations, and semi-structured interviews, this study examines how the practice of toponymic commodification is transforming the cultural landscapes of contemporary cities by considering two naming rights programs: Dubai’s Metro Naming Rights Initiative and the Sponsor Winnipeg Program. In each case, we explore the implications of commodifying public place names as well as the conflicting perceptions of such sponsorship programs. In doing so, the present study illustrates how the selling of naming rights is reshaping the built environment into a space of symbolic/economic capital transformations as brands become destinations and public places are reconceived as marketing opportunities.  相似文献   

唐佳  甄峰  汪侠 《地理科学》2020,40(8):1245-1255
以引用曼纽尔·卡斯特《网络社会的崛起》的898篇英文文献和363篇中文文献为数据基础,综合运用引文内容分析和引文情境分析方法,基于中外引文的分析与对比,研究了“网络社会理论”对于人文地理学的知识贡献。研究发现:“流动空间”是国内外文献引用最多的理论观点,且国内研究的引用比例明显高于国外研究;国内外研究对于“网络社会理论”的关注点存在差异,国内研究主要聚焦于网络社会的外在空间形态及其的转型,而国外研究则更加关注网络社会的内在空间动力;引文内容承担着9种引用功能以及3类知识贡献,体现了“网络社会理论”对于人文地理学不同程度的影响。其中,批判性引用揭示了“网络社会理论”的不足之处,指出了“空间二元论”的抽象性、地方空间的重要性以及研究数据、方法和时代背景的局限性,为未来“网络社会理论”在人文地理学领域的应用与创新提供了新的启示。  相似文献   

The concerns of political ecology since its beginnings as a field have been predominantly set in rural areas with limited focus on urban industrial risks. Further, debates on the global South (often from Anglo‐American perspectives) have not fully appreciated the divergent and differentiated perceptions of urban risks and, therefore, everyday forms of resistance within civil society. Instead, work has mainly focused on civil society power relations against the state and industry that are driven by coherent populist political agendas. Against this setting, this paper's contribution aims to better contextualize ‘other’ third world localities in political ecology through a case study of urban industrial risks in the upper/middle income (as opposed to rural, low/lower middle income) country, South Africa. In doing so, the paper sheds light on the derelict aspect of civil society contestation, especially along class and ethnic lines, over urban landfill infrastructure as a livelihood resource or a health hazard. The paper draws upon frameworks of self‐reflexivity and reflexive localism as complementary to the mainstream political ecology to illuminate differentiated civil society reflexiveness and therefore, aims to advance the discussion of other political ecologies. The case study of the largest formal landfill site in Africa, the Bisasar landfill situated in Durban, highlights differences underlying power relations and constraints within civil society (in leadership, social networking, resources and mistrust) that have implications for mainstream political ecology notions of civil society coherence.  相似文献   

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