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Edward R.D. Scott 《Icarus》2006,185(1):72-82
Thermal models and radiometric ages for meteorites show that the peak temperatures inside their parent bodies were closely linked to their accretion times. Most iron meteorites come from bodies that accreted <0.5 Myr after CAIs formed and were melted by 26Al and 60Fe, probably inside 2 AU. Rare carbon-rich differentiated meteorites like ureilites probably also come from bodies that formed <1 Myr after CAIs, but in the outer part of the asteroid belt. Chondrite groups accreted intermittently from diverse batches of chondrules and other materials over a 4 Myr period starting 1 Myr after CAI formation when planetary embryos may already have formed at ∼1 AU. Meteorite evidence precludes accretion of late-forming chondrites on the surface of early-formed bodies; instead chondritic and non-chondritic meteorites probably formed in separate planetesimals. Maximum metamorphic temperatures in chondrite groups are correlated with mean chondrule age, as expected if 26Al and 60Fe were the predominant heat sources. Because late-forming bodies could not accrete close to large, early-formed bodies, planetesimal formation may have spread across the nebula from regions where the differentiated bodies formed. Dynamical models suggest that the asteroids could not have accreted in the main belt if Jupiter formed before the asteroids. Therefore Jupiter probably reached its current mass >3-5 Myr after CAIs formed. This precludes formation of Jupiter via a gravitational instability <1 Myr after the solar nebula formed, and strongly favors core accretion. Jupiter probably formed too late to make chondrules by generating shocks directly, or indirectly by scattering Ceres-sized bodies across the belt. Nevertheless, shocks formed by gravitational instabilities or Ceres-sized bodies scattered by planetary embryos may have produced some chondrules. The minimum lifetime for the solar nebula of 3-5 Myr inferred from the total spread of CAI and chondrule ages may exceed the median lifetime of 3 Myr for protoplanetary disks, but is well within the 1-10 Myr observed range. Shorter formation times for extrasolar planets may help to explain their unusual orbits compared to those of solar giant planets.  相似文献   

Abstract— The primordial asteroid belt contained at least several hundred and possibly as many as 10,000 bodies with diameters of 1000 km or larger. Following the formation of Jupiter, nebular gas drag combined with passage of such bodies through Jovian resonances produced high eccentricities (e = 0.3‐0.5), low inclinations (i < 0.5°), and, therefore, high velocities (3–10 km/s) for “resonant” bodies relative to both nebular gas and non‐resonant planetesimals. These high velocities would have produced shock waves in the nebular gas through two mechanisms. First, bow shocks would be produced by supersonic motion of resonant bodies relative to the nebula. Second, high‐velocity collisions of resonant bodies with non‐resonant bodies would have generated impact vapor plume shocks near the collision sites. Both types of shocks would be sufficient to melt chondrule precursors in the nebula, and both are consistent with isotopic evidence for a time delay of ?1‐1.5 Myr between the formation of CAIs and most chondrules. Here, initial simulations are first reported of impact shock wave generation in the nebula and of the local nebular volumes that would be processed by these shocks as a function of impactor size and relative velocity. Second, the approximate maximum chondrule mass production is estimated for both bow shocks and impact‐generated shocks assuming a simplified planetesimal population and a rate of inward migration into resonances consistent with previous simulations. Based on these initial first‐order calculations, impact‐generated shocks can explain only a small fraction of the minimum likely mass of chondrules in the primordial asteroid belt (?1024‐1025g). However, bow shocks are potentially a more efficient source of chondrule production and can explain up to 10–100 times the estimated minimum chondrule mass.  相似文献   

Abstract– We investigate the hypothesis that many chondrules are frozen droplets of spray from impact plumes launched when thin‐shelled, largely molten planetesimals collided at low speed during accretion. This scenario, here dubbed “splashing,” stems from evidence that such planetesimals, intensely heated by 26Al, were abundant in the protoplanetary disk when chondrules were being formed approximately 2 Myr after calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs), and that chondrites, far from sampling the earliest planetesimals, are made from material that accreted later, when 26Al could no longer induce melting. We show how “splashing” is reconcilable with many features of chondrules, including their ages, chemistry, peak temperatures, abundances, sizes, cooling rates, indented shapes, “relict” grains, igneous rims, and metal blebs, and is also reconcilable with features that challenge the conventional view that chondrules are flash‐melted dust‐clumps, particularly the high concentrations of Na and FeO in chondrules, but also including chondrule diversity, large phenocrysts, macrochondrules, scarcity of dust‐clumps, and heating. We speculate that type I (FeO‐poor) chondrules come from planetesimals that accreted early in the reduced, partially condensed, hot inner nebula, and that type II (FeO‐rich) chondrules come from planetesimals that accreted in a later, or more distal, cool nebular setting where incorporation of water‐ice with high Δ17O aided oxidation during heating. We propose that multiple collisions and repeated re‐accretion of chondrules and other debris within restricted annular zones gave each chondrite group its distinctive properties, and led to so‐called “complementarity” and metal depletion in chondrites. We suggest that differentiated meteorites are numerically rare compared with chondrites because their initially plentiful molten parent bodies were mostly destroyed during chondrule formation.  相似文献   

Thermal models of asteroids generally assume that they accreted either instantaneously or over an extended interval with a prescribed growth rate. It is conventionally assumed that the onset of accretion of chondrite parent bodies was delayed until a substantial fraction of the initial 26Al had decayed. However, this interval is not consistent with the early melting, and differentiation of parent bodies of iron meteorites. Formation time scales are tested by dynamical simulations of accretion from small primary planetesimals. Gravitational accretion yields rapid runaway growth of large planetary embryos until most smaller bodies are depleted. In a given simulation, all asteroid‐sized bodies have comparable growth times, regardless of size. For plausible parameters, growth times are shorter than the lifetime of 26Al, consistent with thermal models that assume instantaneous accretion. Rapid growth after planetesimal formation is consistent with differentiation of parent bodies of iron meteorites, but not with the assumed delay in formation of chondritic bodies. After the initial growth stage, there is an interval of slower evolution until the belt is stirred and the embryos are dynamically removed. During this interval, a fraction of asteroid‐sized bodies experience large accretional impacts, allowing bodies of the same final size to have very different histories of radius versus time. Accretion from small primary planetesimals leaves some fraction of material in bodies small enough to preserve CAIs while avoiding heating by 26Al. Unheated material can be a significant fraction of the mass that remains after large embryos are removed from the Main Belt.  相似文献   

In this work, we study the link between the evolution of the internal structure of Vesta and thermal heating due to 26Al and 60Fe and long‐lived radionuclides, taking into account the chemical differentiation of the body and the affinity of 26Al with silicates. We explored several thermal and structural scenarios differing in the available strength of energy due to the radiogenic heating and in the postsintering macroporosity. By comparing them with the data supplied by the HEDs and the Dawn NASA mission, we use our results to constrain the accretion and differentiation time as well as the physical properties of the core. Differentiation takes place in all scenarios in which Vesta completes its accretion in <1.4 Ma after the injection of 26Al into the solar nebula. In all those scenarios where Vesta completes its formation in <1 Ma from the injection of 26Al, the degree of silicate melting reaches 100 vol% throughout the whole asteroid. If Vesta completed its formation between 1 and 1.4 Ma after 26Al injection, the degree of silicate melting exceeds 50 vol% over the whole asteroid, but reaches 100 vol% only in the hottest, outermost part of the mantle in all scenarios where the porosity is lower than 5 vol%. If the formation of Vesta occurred later than 1.5 Ma after the injection of 26Al, the degree of silicate melting is always lower than 50 vol% and is limited only to a small region of the asteroid. The radiation at the surface dominates the evolution of the crust, which ranges in thickness from 8 to about 30 km after 5 Ma: a layer about 3–20 km thick is composed of primitive unmelted chondritic material, while a layer of about 5–10 km is eucritic.  相似文献   

Abstract— There are a variety of isotopic data for meteorites which suggest that the protostellar nebula existed and was involved in making planetary materials for some 107 yr or more. Many cosmochemists, however, advocate alternative interpretations of such data in order to comply with a perceived constraint, from theoretical considerations, that the nebula existed only for a much shorter time, usually stated as ≤ 106 yr. In this paper, we review evidence relevant to solar nebula duration which is available through three different disciplines: theoretical modelling of star formation, isotopic data from meteorites, and astronomical observations of T Tauri stars. Theoretical models based on observations of present star-forming regions indicate that stars like the Sun form by dynamical gravitational collapse of dense cores of cold molecular clouds in the interstellar medium. The collapse to a star and disk occurs rapidly, on a time scale of the order 105 yr. Disks evolve by dissipating energy while redistributing angular momentum, but it is difficult to predict the rate of evolution, particularly for low mass (compared to the star) disks which nonetheless still contain enough material to account for the observed planetary system. There is no compelling evidence, from available theories of disk structure and evolution, that the solar nebula must have evolved rapidly and could not have persisted for more than 1 Ma. In considering chronologically relevant isotopic data for meteorites, we focus on three methodologies: absolute ages by U-Pb/Pb-Pb, and relative ages by short-lived radionuclides (especially 26Al) and by evolution of 87Sr/86Sr. Two kinds of meteoritic materials-refractory inclusions such as CAIs and differentiated meteorites (eucrites and angrites)—appear to have experienced potentially dateable nebular events. In both cases, the most straightforward interpretations of the available data indicate nebular events spanning several Ma. We also consider alternative interpretations, particularly the hypothesis of radically heterogeneous distribution of 26Al, which would avoid these chronological interpretations. The principal impetus for such alternative interpretations seems to be precisely the obviation of the chronological interpretation (i.e., the presumption rather than the inference of a short (≤1 Ma) lifetime of the nebula). Astronomical observations of T Tauri stars indicate that the presence of dusty disks is a common if not universal feature, that the disks are massive enough to accomodate a planetary system such as ours, and that at least some persist for 107 yr or more. The results are consistent with the time scales inferred from the meteorite isotopic data. They cannot be considered conclusive with regard to solar nebula time scales, however, in part because it is difficult to relate disk observations to processes that affect meteorites, and in part because the ages assigned for these stars could be wrong by a factor of several in either direction. We conclude that the balance of available evidence favors the view that the nebula existed and was active for at least several Ma. However, because the evidence is not definitive, it is important that the issue be perceived to be an open question, whose answer should be sought rather than presumed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Ningqiang is an anomalous CV chondrite (oxidized subgroup) containing a high abundance of aggregational inclusions (13.7 vol.%) and low abundances of refractory inclusions (1.0+1.0–0.5 vol.%) and bulk refractory lithophiles (~0.82 × CV). Ningqiang may have agglomerated after most refractory inclusions at the nebular midplane had already been incorporated into other objects. Coarse-grained rims surround only ~5% of Ningqiang chondrules, compared to ~50% in normal CV chondrites. Aggregational inclusions appear to have formed by incipient melting of fine-grained aggregates at relatively low temperatures in the solar nebula, possibly by the mechanism responsible for chondrule formation. Granoblastic porphyritic chondrules, which contain olivines forming 120° triple junctures and no mesostasis, probably formed in the solar nebula by incomplete melting of precursor materials that were olivine normative and had relatively low concentrations of Si, Ca, Al, Fe and Na.  相似文献   

Abstract— Numerical simulations have been performed for the differentiation of planetesimals undergoing linear accretion growth with 26Al and 60Fe as the heat sources. Planetesimal accretion was started at chosen times up to 3 Ma after Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) were formed, and was continued for periods of 0.001–1 Ma. The planetesimals were initially porous, unconsolidated bodies at 250 K, but became sintered at around 700 K, ending up as compact bodies whose final radii were 20, 50, 100, or 270 km. With further heating, the planetesimals underwent melting and igneous differentiation. Two approaches to core segregation were tried. In the first, labelled A, the core grew gradually before silicate began to melt, and in the second, labelled B, the core segregated once the silicate had become 40% molten. In A, when the silicate had become 20% molten, the basaltic melt fraction began migrating upward to the surface, carrying 26Al with it. The 60Fe partitioned between core and mantle. The results show that the rate and timing of core and crust formation depend mainly on the time after CAIs when planetesimal accretion started. They imply significant melting where accretion was complete before 2 Ma, and a little melting in the deep interiors of planetesimals that accreted as late as 3 Ma. The latest melting would have occurred at <10 Ma. The effect on core and crust formation of the planetesimal's final size, the duration of accretion, and the choice of (60Fe/56Fe)initial were also found to be important, particularly where accretion was late. The results are consistent with the isotopic ages of differentiated meteorites, and they suggest that the accretion of chondritic parent bodies began more than 2 or 3 Ma after CAIs.  相似文献   

Abstract— In this paper, we explore the possibility that the moderately volatile element depletions observed in chondritic meteorites are the result of planetesimals accreting in a solar nebula that cooled from an initially hot state (temperatures > 1350 K out to ?2–4 AU). A model is developed to track the chemical inventory of planetesimals that accrete in a viscously evolving protoplanetary disk, accounting for the redistribution of solids and vapor by advection, diffusion, and gas drag. It is found that depletion trends similar to those observed in the chondritic meteorites can be reproduced for a small range of model parameters. However, the necessary range of parameters is inconsistent with observations of disks around young stars and other constraints on meteorite parent body formation. Thus, counter to previous work, it is concluded that the global scale evolution of the solar nebula is not the cause for the observed depletion trends. Instead, it appears that localized processing must be considered.  相似文献   

Abstract— Some recent information on the Mn‐Cr and Al‐Mg systems is reviewed. This information is used to derive constraints on the timing of processes and events, which took place in the early solar system. Using reasonable assumptions, a timeline is constructed where the estimated age of the solar system is ~4571 Ma. This age is taken to mark the time when most calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) were starting to form, a process that may have lasted for several 105 years. Almost contemporaneously small planetesimals have accreted that served to store these CAIs for later dispersal among larger planetesimals. By the time large numbers of planetesimals of several tens of kilometers in size had formed, the interior of these objects started to melt through the decay of 26Al. Collisional disruption of these planetesimals allowed gases, dust, and melt to escape into the surrounding space. The fine droplets of melt reacted with gas and dust to form chondrules, which, after rapid cooling, were partially re‐accreted onto the residual rubble pile. This process of primary chondrule formation, in most cases involving several generations of planetesimals, most plausibly lasted only for ~2 Ma. Towards the end of this period and during the following 3 to 4 Ma planetary objects of several hundred kilometers in size were formed. They still stored enough energy to continue melting from the inside to finally differentiate into chemically stratified layers, with basaltic volcanism occurring within a few million years.  相似文献   

John T. Wasson 《Icarus》2008,195(2):895-907
Studies of matrix in primitive chondrites provide our only detailed information about the fine fraction (diameter <2 μm) of solids in the solar nebula. A minor fraction of the fines, the presolar grains, offers information about the kinds of materials present in the molecular cloud that spawned the Solar System. Although some researchers have argued that chondritic matrix is relatively unaltered presolar matter, meteoritic chondrules bear witness to multiple high-temperature events each of which would have evaporated those fines that were inside the high-temperature fluid. Because heat is mainly transferred into the interior of chondrules by conduction, the surface temperatures of chondrules were probably at or above 2000 K. In contrast, the evaporation of mafic silicates in a canonical solar nebula occurs at around 1300 K and FeO-rich, amorphous, fine matrix evaporates at still lower temperatures, perhaps near 1200 K. Thus, during chondrule formation, the temperature of the placental bath was probably >700 K higher than the evaporation temperatures of nebular fines. The scale of chondrule forming events is not known. The currently popular shock models have typical scales of about 105 km. The scale of nebular lightning is less well defined, but is certainly much smaller, perhaps in the range 1 to 1000 m. In both cases the temperature pulses were long enough to evaporate submicrometer nebular fines. This interpretation disagrees with common views that meteoritic matrix is largely presolar in character and CI-chondrite-like in composition. It is inevitable that presolar grains (both those recognized by their anomalous isotopic compositions and those having solar-like compositions) that were within the hot fluid would also have evaporated. Chondrule formation appears to have continued down to the temperatures at which planetesimals formed, possibly around 250 K. At temperatures >600 K, the main form of C is gaseous CO. Although the conversion of CO to CH4 at lower temperatures is kinetically inhibited, radiation associated with chondrule formation would have accelerated the conversion. There is now evidence that an appreciable fraction of the nanodiamonds previously held to be presolar were actually formed in the solar nebula. Industrial condensation of diamonds from mixtures of CH4 and H2 implies that high nebular CH4/CO ratios favored nanodiamond formation. A large fraction of chondritic insoluble organic matter may have formed in related processes. At low nebular temperatures appreciable water should have been incorporated into the smoke that condensed following dust (and some chondrule) evaporation. If chondrule formation continued down to temperatures as low as 250 K this process could account for the water concentration observed in primitive chondrites such as LL3.0 and CO3.0 chondrites. Higher H2O contents in CM and CI chondrites may reflect asteroidal redistribution. In some chondrite groups (e.g., CR) the Mg/Si ratio of matrix material is appreciably (30%) lower than that of chondrules but the bulk Mg/Si ratio is roughly similar to the CI or solar ratio. This has been interpreted as a kind of closed-system behavior sometimes called “complementarity.” This leads to the conclusion that nebular fines were efficiently agglomerated. Its importance, however is obscured by the observation that bulk Mg/Si ratios in ordinary and enstatite chondrites are much lower than those in carbonaceous chondrites, and thus that complementarity did not hold throughout the solar nebula.  相似文献   

Abstract— We test the hypothesis that chondrules (and Type B and C calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions, CAIs) originated during passage of precursors through bow shocks upstream of planetesimals moving supersonically relative to nebula gas. A two-dimensional piecewise parabolic method (PPM) hydrocode, supplemented by a one-dimensional adiabatic shock model, is employed to simulate the postshock gas density, temperature, and velocity fields for given planetesimal sizes, velocities, and ambient nebular densities and temperatures. Thermal histories of incident silicate particles are calculated in the free molecular flow approximation by integration of the one-dimensional equations of gas-grain energy and momentum transfer. For gas number densities >1014 cm?3, Mach numbers in the range of 4 to 5 are sufficient to melt isolated spherical particles with radii in the range 0.05 to 0.5 mm during passage of shocked gas thicknesses of 25–35 km. Minimum gas-planetesimal relative velocities are in the range 5.5–7 km/s, implying orbital eccentricities >0.2 and/or inclinations >15°. Melting of centimeter-sized CAI precursors requires either higher Mach numbers (6–7) or ambient gas densities >1015 cm?3. For a constant radial distribution of planetesimal orbital eccentricities and inclinations, the model predicts more efficient melting of precursor particles at decreasing radial distances from the Sun where planetesimal velocities are largest. In order to process a significant fraction of solids in the nebula, planetesimals near ~2.5 AU during the chondrule formation epoch must have had a range of eccentricities and inclinations comparable to those presently observed in the residual asteroid belt. The most likely energy source for maintaining the necessary gas-planetesimal relative velocities is external gravitational perturbations associated with the forming outer planets, primarily Jupiter.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 26Al/27Al ratio in a large number of calcium-aluminum inclusions (CAIs) is a rather uniform 5 × 10?5, whereas in chondrules the ratio is either undetectable or has a much lower value; the simplest interpretation of this is that there was an interval of a few million years between the times that these two meteoritic constituents formed stable solids. The present investigation was undertaken as an exploration of the physics of the processes in the solar nebula during and after the accumulation of the Sun. Understanding the time scales of events in this nebular model, to see if this would cast light on this apparent CAI to chondrule time interval, was the major motivation for the exploration. There were four stages in the history of the solar nebula; in stage 1, a fragment of an interstellar molecular cloud collapsed to form the Sun and solar nebula; in stage 2, the nebula was in approximate steady state balance between infall from the cloud and accretion onto the Sun and was in its FU Orionis accumulation stage; in stage 3, the Sun had been mainly accumulated and there was a slow residual mass flow into the Sun while it was in its classical T Tauri stage; and in stage 4, the nebula had finished accreting material onto the Sun (now a weak-lined T Tauri star) and was in a static condition with no significant dissipation or motions, other than removal at the inner edge due to the T Tauri solar wind and photoevaporation beyond 9 astronomical units (AU). It is found that the energy source keeping the nebula warm during stages 3 and 4 is recombination of ionized H in the ionized bipolar jets and the T Tauri coronal expansion solar wind. The parameters of the heating model were adjusted to locate the ice sublimation line at 5.2 AU. In this work, a nebular model is used with a surface density of 4.25 × 103 gm/cm2 at 1 AU and a variation with radial distance as the inverse first power. Under normal conditions in the nebula, there is a negative pressure gradient that provides partial radial support for the gas, which thus circles the Sun more slowly than large solid objects do. Large objects undergo a slow inward spiral due to the gas drag; very small objects move essentially with the gas but have a slow inward drift; and intermediate objects (e.g., 1 m) have a fairly large inward drift velocity that traverses the full radial extent of the nebula in considerably less than the CAI to chondrule time interval. Such objects are thus lost unless they can grow rapidly to larger sizes. Near the inner edge (bow) of the nebula during stage 4, the pressure gradient becomes positive, creating a narrow zone of zero gas drag toward which solids drift from both directions, facilitating planetesimal formation in the inner solar nebula. Recent theoretical and experimental results on sticking probabilities of solids show that icy surfaces have the best sticking properties, but icy interstellar grains can only stick together when subjected to impact velocities of less than 2000 cm/sec. However, if the solid objects are very underdense, then a collision leads to interpenetration and many points at which the small constituent grains can adhere to one another, and thus coagulation becomes possible for such underdense objects. Simulations were made of such coagulation in the outer solar nebula, and it was found that the central plane of the nebula quickly becomes filled with meter-sized and larger bodies that rapidly accumulated near the top of the nebula and rapidly descended; in a few thousand years this quickly leads to gravitational instabilities that can form planetesimals. These processes led to the rapid formation of Jupiter in the nebula (and the slightly less rapid formation of the other giant planets). The early formation of Jupiter opens an annular gap in the nebula, and thus a second region is created in the nebula with zero gas drag. It is concluded that CAIs were formed at the end of stage 2 of the nebula history and moved out into the nebula for long-term storage, and that most chondrules were formed by magnetic reconnection flares in the bow region of the nebula during stage 4, several million years later. Carbonaceous meteorites should be formed on the far side of the Jovian gap, with the chondrules being heated by flares on the early Jupiter irradiating materials in the nearby zone of zero gas drag, and they should have essentially the same 26Al ages as the CAIs (this will be very hard to confirm owing to scarcity of Al mineral phases in these chondrules).  相似文献   

Abstract— We investigate the possible formation of chondrules by planetesimal bow shocks. The formation of such shocks is modeled using a piecewise parabolic method (PPM) code under a variety of conditions. The results of this modeling are used as a guide to study chondrule formation in a one‐dimensional, finite shock wave. This model considers a mixture of chondrule‐sized particles and micron‐sized dust and models the kinetic vaporization of the solids. We found that only planetesimals with a radius of ?1000 km and moving at least ?8 km/s with respect to the nebular gas can generate shocks that would allow chondrule‐sized particles to have peak temperatures and cooling rates that are generally consistent with what has been inferred for chondrules. Planetesimals with smaller radii tend to produce lower peak temperatures and cooling rates that are too high. However, the peak temperatures of chondrules are only matched for low values of chondrule wavelength‐averaged emissivity. Very slow cooling (<?100s of K/hr) can only be achieved if the nebular opacity is low, which may result after a significant amount of material has been accreted into objects that are chondrule‐sized or larger, or if chondrules formed in regions of the nebula with small dust concentrations. Large shock waves of approximately the same scale as those formed by gravitational instabilities or tidal interactions between the nebula and a young Jupiter do not require this to match the inferred thermal histories of chondrules.  相似文献   

Abstract— Models of the solar nebula are constructed to investigate the hypothesis that surviving planetary objects began to form as the nebula cooled from an early, hot epoch. The imprint of such an epoch might be retained in the spatial distribution of planetary material, the systematic deviations of its elemental composition from that of the Sun, chemical indicators of primordial oxidation state, and variations in oxygen and other isotopic compositions. Our method of investigation is to calculate the time‐dependent, two‐dimensional temperature distributions within model nebulas of prescribed dynamical evolution, and to deduce the consequences of the calculated thermal histories for coagulated solid material. The models are defined by parameters which characterize nebular initial states (mass and angular momentum), mass accretion histories, and coagulation rates and efficiencies. It is demonstrated that coagulation during the cooling of the nebula from a hot state is expected to produce systematic heterogeneities which affect the chemical and isotopic compositions of planetary material. The radial thermal gradient at the midplane results in delayed coagulation of the more volatile elements. Vertical thermal gradients isolate the most refractory material and concentrate evaporated heavy elements in the gas phase. It is concluded that these effects could be responsible for the distribution of terrestrial planetary masses, the systematic depletion patterns of the moderately volatile elements in chondritic meteorites and the Earth, the range of oxygen isotopic compositions exhibited by calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) and other refractory inclusions, and some geochemical evidence for a moderately enhanced oxidation state. However, nebular fractionations on a global scale are unlikely to account for the more oxidizing conditions inferred for some CAIs and chondritic silicates, which require dust enhancements greater than a few hundred. This conclusion, along with the well‐established evidence from studies of chondrules and CAIs for thermal excursions of short duration, make it likely that local environments, unrelated to nebular thermal evolution, were also important.  相似文献   

F.J. Ciesla 《Icarus》2010,208(1):455-467
Refractory objects such as Calcium, Aluminum-rich Inclusions, Amoeboid Olivine Aggregates, and crystalline silicates, are found in primitive bodies throughout our Solar System. It is believed that these objects formed in the hot, inner solar nebula and were redistributed during the mass and angular momentum transport that took place during its early evolution. The ages of these objects thus offer possible clues about the timing and duration of this transport. Here we study how the dynamics of these refractory objects in the evolving solar nebula affected the age distribution of the grains that were available to be incorporated into planetesimals throughout the Solar System. It is found that while the high temperatures and conditions needed to form these refractory objects may have persisted for millions of years, it is those objects that formed in the first 105 years that dominate (make up over 90%) those that survive throughout most of the nebula. This is due to two effects: (1) the largest numbers of refractory grains are formed at this time period, as the disk is rapidly drained of mass during subsequent evolution and (2) the initially rapid spreading of the disk due to angular momentum transport helps preserve this early generation of grains as opposed to later generations. This implies that most refractory objects found in meteorites and comets formed in the first 105 years after the nebula formed. As these objects contained live 26Al, this constrains the time when short-lived radionuclides were introduced to the Solar System to no later than 105 years after the nebula formed. Further, this implies that the t=0 as defined by meteoritic materials represents at most, the instant when the solar nebula finished accreting significant amounts of materials from its parent molecular cloud.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have developed a nebular condensation model and a computational routine that potentially can account for the unequilibrated mineral assemblages in chondritic meteorites. The model assumes that as condensation proceeds, a specified fraction (called the isolation degree, ξ) of the existing condensate is steadily withdrawn from reactive contact with the residual gas, presumably as a result of the growth and aggregation of condensed mineral grains. The isolated condensates may remain in the condensing system as coarse inert objects; whereas, the mineral grains that are still in reactive contact with residual nebular gases are in the form of fine dust. This paper describes the condensation with partial isolation (CWPI) model of condensation and uses it to study condensation in a nebula of solar composition at a total pressure of 10?5 bar. The systematic isolation of condensates from residual nebular gases has profound effects on the condensation sequence. At ξ values <0.2%, the condensation sequence is essentially independent of the isolation degree and identical to the classic condensation sequence. At ξ values >2.5%, the condensation sequence is also independent of the isolation degree and closely resembles the “inhomogeneous accretion model” or “chemical disequilibrium model” of condensation. In the intermediate range of ξ values, the character of the condensation sequence is very sensitive to the degree of chemical fractionation caused by condensate isolation. The mineralogy of chondritic meteorites is not consistent with condensation sequences having ξ > 2.5; this is an upper limit on the ξ values that is characteristic of condensation in the solar nebula. The mineralogy and chemistry of carbonaceous and enstatite chondrites can be explained by accretion of isolated condensates formed at ξ values of ≤0.1% and 0.7–1.5%, respectively, providing that segregation of the inert coarse objects and fine reactive dust occurred in the nebula. Segregation of these two categories of condensate may have been responsible for the observed volatility-based chemical fractionations among chondritic meteorites.  相似文献   

We examine the orbital evolution of planetesimals under the influence of Jupiter's perturbations and nebular gas drag, under the assumption that gas persisted in the asteroid region for some time after Jupiter attained its final mass. Two distinct mechanisms, associated with the 2 : 1 and 3 : 2 mean motion resonances, can excite eccentricities to high values, despite the damping effect of drag. If Jupiter's eccentricity was comparable to its present value, planetesimals can be temporarily trapped in the 2 : 1 resonance. Bodies crossing the 3 : 2 resonance can enter a region of phase space with overlapping high-order resonances. Both mechanisms can produce eccentricities greater than 0.5 for asteroid-sized planetesimals. The combination of resonant perturbations and drag causes secular decay of semimajor axes, resulting in migration of bodies from the outer to inner belt. Inclinations remain low, implying significant collisional evolution during this migration. Velocities of resonant bodies relative to the gas are highly supersonic; these would have been a source of shock waves in the solar nebula.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract– A synthesis of previous work leads to a model of chondrule formation that involves periodic melting of dispersed dust in debris clouds that were generated by collisions between chondritic planetesimals. I suggest that chondrules formed by the passage of nebular shock waves through these dust clumps, which temporarily surrounded disrupted planetesimals. Type I chondrules formed by more intense evaporative heating of fewer particles in tenuous clumps, or at the edges of dense clumps, and type II chondrules formed by less intense evaporative heating of more particles deeper within dense clumps. Chondrules reaccreted by self‐gravity into the planetesimals, mixing with less heated dust and rock. This process of disruption, melting, and reaccretion could have repeated many times. In this way, chondrite components of various origins and thermal histories could remain preserved in planetesimals as a distinctive mix of materials for extended periods of time, while still allowing for a repetitive melting process that converted some of the planetesimal debris into chondrules. I also suggest that during chondrule formation, the inner solar nebula gas was evolving by the gradual incorporation and heating of icy bodies depleted in 16O, causing a general increase in gaseous Δ17O with time in most places, especially close to the “snow line.” In this model, early formed type I chondrules in C chondrites with lower Δ17O values were produced inside the snow line, and later formed type I and type II chondrules in C and O chondrites with higher Δ17O values were created nearer the snow line after it had moved closer to the young Sun.  相似文献   

Abstract— In this paper, we review the mineralogy and chemistry of calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs), chondrules, FeNi‐metal, and fine‐grained materials of the CR chondrite clan, including CR, CH, and the metal‐rich CB chondrites Queen Alexandra Range 94411, Hammadah al Hamra 237, Bencubbin, Gujba, and Weatherford. The members of the CR chondrite clan are among the most pristine early solar system materials, which largely escaped thermal processing in an asteroidal setting (Bencubbin, Weatherford, and Gujba may be exceptions) and provide important constraints on the solar nebula models. These constraints include (1) multiplicity of CAI formation; (2) formation of CAIs and chondrules in spatially separated nebular regions; (3) formation of CAIs in gaseous reservoir(s) having 16O‐rich isotopic compositions; chondrules appear to have formed in the presence of 16O‐poor nebular gas; (4) isolation of CAIs and chondrules from nebular gas at various ambient temperatures; (5) heterogeneous distribution of 26Al in the solar nebula; and (6) absence of matrix material in the regions of CAI and chondrule formation.  相似文献   

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