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人口生育政策变化会对区域未来人口发展产生直接影响,“全面二孩”政策是继“单独二孩”政策之后逐步放宽生育政策的又一重大举措。结合政策变动,筛选政策受众人群进行精准化预测:未来15年,曲靖市20~39岁育龄妇女将净减少3.7万人,其中符合“全面二孩”生育政策且在20~39岁育龄妇女人口规模将缩减近0.7万;结合“全面二孩”政策最终兑现人口的测算,从2016年至2020年间会产生一个“二孩”生育高峰期,过了高峰期之后将渐落并减少至2.23万,较高峰期缩减0.82万人。“全面二孩”政策进一步调整和完善了生育政策,但后期效果不明显,面对“后人口转变”时代的到来,低生育率、老龄化的人口发展新格局,要实现人口与社会经济的协调发展,仍需与时俱进做出入口政策相应调整。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(7):579-603
The widely reported social pathologies of urban ghettos, barrios, and other slum areas have played a prominent role in the backlash against Aid to Families with Dependent Children and other social programs. The policy debate, however, has been fueled by a series of stereotypes about the characteristics of the residents of such neighborhoods. This article complements existing ethnographic research on high-poverty neighborhoods by examining social and economic data from the 1990 Census on all neighborhoods in U.S. metropolitan areas. High-poverty areas are found to contain a surprising amount of social and economic diversity. Although some residents clearly engage in “underclass” lifestyles, many of their neighbors are not public-assistance recipients and do participate in the labor market, albeit in lower-skill occupations and for fewer hours and lower wages. Other similarities and differences between high-poverty areas and other neighborhoods are explored, leading to a richer understanding of the nature of concentrated urban poverty.  相似文献   

云南澜沧江流域热区资源开发及热作基地建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李凤钊  彭永岸 《热带地理》1994,14(3):210-217
本文通过对澜沧江流域热区资源的分析,认为该区种植热带橡胶、香料、咖啡、南药、热果、发展甘蔗、茶叶、建立各种热作基地是开发利用热区资源的主要途径;热作布局应在立体布局和地域布局基础上形成大分散、小集中的专业化布局;热区开发应采取相应的措施和特殊政策。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(7):650-669
Urban conservation in developing countries takes place despite limited funds, strong forces of deterioration, and the lack of popular and private-sector support. These challenges contribute to the existence of a conservation cycle in which policies evolve from an emphasis on monuments, to largely cosmetic enhancement schemes, to area-improvement projects, and, finally, to more ambitious removal programs. The four stages of the cycle are illustrated with reference to the historic center of Quito, Ecuador. Escape from the cycle to a condition of sustainability is achieved when the private sector is motivated to invest on a scale that generates permanent upgrading. This motivation becomes possible with the area scheme and is a virtual certainty if removal measures come to dominate conservation policy. However, progress through the cycle diminishes the traditional heterogeneity of social groups and ways of life that characterize the historic centers. Reference to the concept of authenticity highlights the tension between architectural conservation, a changing human environment, and the meaning placed in that environment. Although interpreting the meaning of conservation presents problems for policymakers, an improved awareness should contribute to a more sensitive policy.  相似文献   

贫困山区的开发建设,对进一步密切党群关系,加强民族团结,实现四化建设宏伟目标,都有着重要的战略意义。全国贫困山区有18片。国家对贫困山区采取了一系列扶持措施,如放宽政策、扩大农民经营主动权和减轻农民负担等。目前这方面的工作已取得一些成绩。为加快贫困山区开发建设步伐,要采取五种政策性措施。  相似文献   

1 Traitsofnon-profitorganizationsThethirdsectororthenon-profitorganization,togetherwithitssocialrolesindi-catesanewstageofsocialdevelopmentaswellasare-allocationofrolestodifferentor-ganizations,whichdrawsadividing-linebetweenthegovernmentandtheenterp…  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Pakistan is home to some of the most widely admired examples of civil‐society‐based service‐delivery and advocacy groups. Pakistan has also spawned some much‐maligned nongovernmental actors with violent agendas. This article uses the social capital / civil society conceptual lens to view the modes of (anti)social capital mobilization that contribute to the civil and uncivil spaces of Pakistani society. The case examples of Jamaat‐e‐Islami, an Islamic revivalist organization, and the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan are used to understand the geography of social and antisocial forces in Pakistan. It is argued that the processes that mobilize social capital‐whether positive or perverse‐are multiscalar and that, in the Pakistani context, no compelling cultural or religious reason exists for the ascendance of one type of social capital over the other. Positive social capital can be mobilized to contribute to a more civil social discourse in Pakistan, given the right policy choices.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(5):431-449
The idea that cities or their neighborhoods, like organisms, experience a life cycle was very popular in policy-oriented U.S. urban studies literature of the 1970s. This paper presents a critical evaluation of the city life cycle idea. A brief survey of the city life cycle idea in recent literature is followed by a "double-barrelled" critical evaluation. First, the idea is examined and evaluated in terms of its use in, and implications for, the practice of social science. Second, the idea is evaluated as it influenced public policy and served to reinforce the interests of particular groups. Two conclusions are presented (1) that the largely uncritical use of the city life cycle idea allowed the idea to slip from being an image to being a cause in accounts of urban decline and (2) that the city life cycle idea, albeit flawed, was accepted and persisted because it servedparticular interests. The adoption of the city life cycle idea has had consequences both for the social sciences based upon it and for the cities and their inhabitants which became the targets of policies influenced by the idea.  相似文献   

湖北省城市经济地域分异规律研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
作为经济发展的重要载体,城市经济在整个区域经济格局中占据愈来愈重要的地位。以湖北省37个城市为研究对象,从定量的角度对各城市经济实力进行评价,在此基础上分析和探讨其分布特征与地域分异规律。地域分异特征有:城市分布密度差异显著,东部相对密集,西部则相对稀疏;综合实力较强的城市分布较为均衡。地域分异规律主要表现为:自然地域分异决定城市的社会经济分异的基本格局;主要城市特别是较发达城市呈现出沿主要江河沿岸和交通沿线扩展的点轴式的地域分异规律;能矿资源的地域组合及开发决定了能矿工业基地和一些矿业城镇的地域分异;区位、资源、劳动力、技术、市场、政策等要素的地域组合决定城市的经济地域类型与综合实力。并以此为基础提出各城市经济发展的相应对策。  相似文献   

广州城市郊区化的进程及动力机制   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29  
陈文娟  蔡人群 《热带地理》1996,16(2):122-129
随着城市经济社会的发展,我国一些大城市出现了郊区化的初步征兆,开展了郊区化研究有着重要的理论和实际两个方面的意义。广州是我国少数几个已开始进入城市郊区化阶段的大城市之一。本文分析该市郊区化的进程及动力机制,并提出调控对策。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(1):77-89
Funded principally by the Ford Foundation and the Russell Sage Foundation, the Multi-City Study of Urban Inequality (MCSUI)—a primary data gathering initiative undertaken by an interdisciplinary team of social and behavioral scientists—is designed to advance our knowledge and understanding of the forces responsible for the growing schism between the haves and the have-nots in urban America over the last two decades. This paper highlights the study's research design and sampling frame, identifies the types of research and policy issues that will be addressed with the data collected, and discusses the significance and expected outcomes of the research.  相似文献   

开发区土地可持续利用系统的结构研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
龙花楼 《干旱区地理》2001,24(2):172-176
在提出开发区土地可持续利用概念的基础上,分析了开发区土地可持续利用系统的结构,指出我国现有开发区土地利用系统的结构不合理是引发开发区土地利用问题的根源。实现开发区土地可持续利用,有赖于优化目前的结构,即对开发区土地利用系统的各要素进行优化重组,从而改革其功能,以解决开发区土地利用中出现的各类问题。最后对如何优化开发区土地利用系统的结构进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

西北干旱区的可持续发展及信息调控   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
我国西北干旱区是国家下世纪开发的重点区域。本文对西北干旱区可持续发展的问题与特点进行了分析,认为许多问题具有明显的空间分异特征;同时,论述了信息调控的必要性和GIS和SDSS方法在区域可持续发展信息调控中的作用。  相似文献   

辽宁省建筑业与经济增长关系的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建筑业是国民经济和社会发展的基础产业,为衡量一个国家和地区工业化水平的重要标志之一。近年来,中国建筑业占国民生产总值的比重一直保持在6%左右,且有逐年增长的趋势。在宏观分析全国建筑业发展现状的基础上,着重分析辽宁省建筑业发展的现状和走向,然后采用逐步回归分析方法和回归模型对辽宁省2001~2009年建筑业与经济增长的关系进行实证研究。认为辽宁省建筑业与经济增长的依存关系显著,即建筑业每增加1元可以带动全省GDP增长5.809元,然后从振兴辽宁老工业基地和全省"十二五"发展规划、建筑业的支柱产业地位、完善市场运行体制及拓宽建筑业发展空间等几个方面,提出辽宁省建筑业可持续发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

生态旅游是21世纪旅游发展的重要趋势之一,其本质是一种"绿色旅游",是经济、社会、生态三大效益统一的旅游.生态旅游强调人与环境的公平与和谐,这要求人们在旅游活动中对旅游资源及行为要用环境道德的标准来自发约束.为了使旅游资源得到可持续利用,还需要在生态旅游规划、开发、保护和管理等方面贯彻科学的环境道德控制的理念和方法.对云南抚仙湖生态旅游中环境道德状况的调查分析表明:要依靠道德准则和信念及社会舆论的作用,运用环境道德的规范和原则自发地调节旅游行为.同时运用必要的政策、教育手段来提高人们的环境道德水平将有利于推动生态旅游深入而持久地发展.  相似文献   

本文对世界范围内区域集团化的基本特征进行总结和分析,以期深入认识世界经济一体化、集团化趋势,重点目的在于揭示区域集团化与区域合作进程中政府推动力的作用目标和方式。作者以发展的角度阐述了全球区域集团化的基本地理特征以及区域合作集团的组织制度建设的基本情况,对比分析了代表性区域合作组织的合作目标、合作形式及其演变,并对推动区域集团化的政策措施给予总结和介绍。  相似文献   

分析了岷江上游高山峡谷区的水土流失特征、危害、产生原因及发展趋势,当地水土保持工作中存在着一方治理多方破坏,边治理边破坏,破坏大于治理,管理监督机构不健全,法规不完善,政策不配套而又不稳定等问题。这些问题亟待上下共同来解决.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Until recently, Muslim Americans have often been overlooked in studies on immigration, ethnicity, and race. Their loyalty to America and their integration into the larger culture have frequently been questioned by the media, and academia's interest has mostly been limited to establishing links between Muslims, fundamentalism, and terrorism. Muslim American experiences‐their social, political, and cultural institutions and spaces in the United States‐have drawn little attention from geographers. But stereotypes play an important role in intergroup relations and public‐policy making. Thus, it is important to understand Muslim ethnic‐group experiences of immigration and their place‐making activities in the United States. Based on research in the greater New York metropolitan area, this study explores one facet of the Muslim experience in the United States by investigating Turkish American identity‐construction spaces and their role in the preservation and reformation of Turkish American identity; that is, how these spaces emphasize and shape particular identities and discourage others.  相似文献   

Since World War II, migrant labor has contributed significantly to Western Europe's economic growth. Initially, industries recruited and hired migrant workers to overcome labor shortages and downward demographic trends within the domestic work force. Since the recession of the mid-1970s, however, migrant labor has faced increasing job loss and restricted entry to many Western European countries. Throughout the postwar period, state immigration policy has supported industry, initially by assisting in the recruitment, and more recently, facilitating the repatriation of migrant workers. Economic and social disparities between developed core and underdeveloped peripheral countries are linked to international labor mobility. Certain sectors in the core benefit from the reserve labor force while emigration from peripheral countries partially contributes to these countries' economic problems. These issues are explored through a case study of the employment of North Africans in the French automobile industry.  相似文献   

论民俗旅游资源的基本特征及其开发原则   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
陈烈  黄海 《热带地理》1995,15(3):272-277
富有民族特色的民俗旅游是一项具有广阔前景的旅游项目。民俗旅游资源具有世界性、地域性、集体性、增智性和封闭性等基本特征。开发利用民俗旅游资源要严格掌握和妥善运用有关的民族政策,保护民族利益;要注重发挥民俗资源特色和保护当地社会文化环境,避免盲目仿效、随意移樾和粗制滥造;要区分主次,重点开发,切忌一拥而上;要注意把当地民俗资源优势与其它景观优势结合配置,增强吸引力,提高效益。  相似文献   

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