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近代以来江苏沿海滩涂围垦历史演变研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
近百年来江苏沿海进行了大规模的滩涂围垦开发。本研究评估了近代以来江苏沿海滩涂围垦历史演变情况,分析其演变机理。研究搜集整理了清末至今多种历史地形图、地方志、遥感资料,利用统计分析以及空间分析,定量地揭示近百年来江苏沿海围垦时空变化,并简要分析变化背后的机理。研究结果表明:(1)在围垦的时间分布上,不同时期的历史围垦程度不同,其中民国时期1910 年代和解放以后的1950 年代的围垦规模分别为解放前和解放后的两个围垦高峰时期;(2)在围垦的空间分布上,总的来说,盐城市围垦面积最大,总量占全省总围垦面积近70%,南通、连云港市相对较少,而沿海三市围垦面积排名前五名的分别是大丰市、射阳县、连云区、响水县、如东县;(3)从围垦特点看,空间缓冲区分析显示历史上江苏沿海围垦多为鱼鳞似的圈围,用途则以农业生产、水产养殖、国营盐场为主,工业用地、港口建设用地大大不足,用地综合效益不高。  相似文献   

安宁 《地理学报》2022,77(6):1518-1530
当前世界正在经历百年未有之大变局,中国如何积极构建其国家形象成为一个迫切需要回答的综合问题。研究援引批判地缘政治作为理论工具,以在津巴布韦的调查作为经验材料,探讨了津巴布韦不同主体对中国国家形象的动态地理想象及其机制。研究发现,津巴布韦对中国国家形象的地理想象不再受到以其国家宣传话语主导的基于殖民历史和独立战争的历史叙事所支配。相反,在其快车道土地改革运动、中国“走出去”战略及其与非洲日益紧密的联系,以及以“特朗普主义”为代表的全球地缘政治湍流不断等时代背景下,津巴布韦内外部社会关系产生了剧烈变化,不同主体之间(包括国家、政府、政党、协会、企业和个体等)的关系开始变得复杂,津巴布韦社会对中国国家形象的认知因此不再受到历史叙事的单方面影响,也受到流动的中国企业、移民及其在地实践,以及津巴布韦内外部社会关系变化与这种实践之间的互动的影响,从而对中国国家形象进行了不断解构和重构。研究拓展了批判地缘政治理论对话语的理解,强化了该理论与现实问题产生互动的潜力。从应用价值来看,研究讨论了它塑路径对中国国家形象营建的逻辑,对于全球转型背景下如何打造中国国家形象具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

1949年以来我国农村土地制度经历了多次重大变革,每个阶段的土地制度对于沙漠化扩展或逆转有什么影响,是值得深入探讨的理论问题.使用土地制度变化与沙漠化扩展比较的分析方法,得出如下结论:我国沙漠化面积的扩展和逆转,都与我国农村土地制度的变迁紧密相联.集体所有的土地制度,由于缺乏有效的激励机制,造成沙漠化土地的迅速蔓延.而农村土地使用权分配的制度设计,无法兼顾经济发展与生态保护的双重目标.沙漠化治理需要新的制度安排.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Since the fall of the Communist government in 1989, Hungary's political monuments and historical shrines have undergone great change. Although popular attention focused on the removal of overtly political monuments, new shrines were also created, and forgotten memorials were restored. In a departure from earlier political eras, decisions about contested places are issuing from local authorities and private citizens, rather than from the central government. The result is a sometimes subtle rearrangement of public memorials and shrines that interprets the national past by drawing symbolic and spatial parallels between some historical events while rejecting connections among others. The meanings of events and places, particularly those linked to twentieth‐century wartime and civil upheavals, remain contested.  相似文献   

Ecohydrology, aiming to study the interactions between terrestrial ecological systems and hydrological cycles as well as their impacts on water management, has been an emerging interdisciplinary research field since the 20 th century. It hosts both natural and human regulated processes that are potentially coupled in complex ways. Understanding the ecological-hydrological processes, the fundamental mechanisms and the connections between them is critical since these processes are not isolated but integrated to impact basin-scale hydrological and biogeochemical functioning of a larger river system, especially in arid environment where water resources are considered to be the source of life. Thus, research on ecological-hydrological processes in arid environment is not only a scientific focus area but also important to sustainable development. Research projects and initiatives involved in observation, measurement, modeling and data assimilation have been well-developed for those purposes over the past 20 years. This review summarizes the historical development of ecohydrology science in China and the state-of-the-art tools available in the research framework. Five grand scientific challenges are listed as prospects and exciting opportunities for the scientific community. To advance the current ecological-hydrological processes research, scientists from multidisciplinary backgrounds(such as geography, geology, geomorphology, hydrology, geochemistry and ecology), need to unite to tackle the many open problems in new dimensions.  相似文献   

Individual states and academic institutions have taken leadership on climate change policy in the United States. Without unified national policy, a patchwork of state policies fosters geographic variation among climate action plans (CAPs) for American College and Universities Presidents’ Climate Commitment signatories. Correlation among indexes rating state climate policy and signatory CAPs and spatial analysis indicate that states with aggressive climate policy foster aggressive policy within their academies. Reflection on the national scale suggests that although state policies help combat climate change, they could be more significant if articulated within a more comprehensive national policy.  相似文献   

Ecohydrology, aiming to study the interactions between terrestrial ecological systems and hydrological cycles as well as their impacts on water management, has been an emerging interdisciplinary research field since the 20th century. It hosts both natural and human regulated processes that are potentially coupled in complex ways. Understanding the ecological-hydrological processes, the fundamental mechanisms and the connections between them is critical since these processes are not isolated but integrated to impact basin- scale hydrological and biogeochemical functioning of a larger river system, especially in arid environment where water resources are considered to be the source of life. Thus, research on ecological-hydrological processes in arid environment is not only a scientific focus area but also important to sustainable development. Research projects and initiatives involved in observation, measurement, modeling and data assimilation have been well-developed for those purposes over the past 20 years. This review summarizes the historical development of ecohydrology science in China and the state-of-the-art tools available in the research framework. Five grand scientific challenges are listed as prospects and exciting opportunities for the scientific community. To advance the current ecological-hydrological processes research, scientists from multidisciplinary backgrounds (such as geography, geology, geomorphology, hydrology, geochemistry and ecology), need to unite to tackle the many open problems in new dimensions.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):695-697
Since 1905 the Bureau of the Census has devised and applied concepts and criteria for delineating metropolitan areas and has published statistics describing them. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and its predecessor, the Bureau of the Budget, have defined metropolitan areas for use by federal agencies since introducing standard metropolitan areas (SMAs) for the 1950 census. In the late 20th century, new national United States settlement forms emerged, and distinctions between urban and rural areas or between metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas lost both their theoretical and practical significance. A proposed system of national settlement areas, applied experimentally to eight diverse states, uses counties (towns and cities in New England) as basic statistical units, with each categorized by its population density as ranked within both its state and the nation. Relative population density alone is an adequate and appropriate surrogate for activity patterns and interaction among geographic units, approximating the patterns delineated by current practice, while blanketing the nation with non-overlapping statistical aggregates. [Key words: metropolitan area definition, urban population density, census geography.]  相似文献   

We show that most of the arguments in the above paper are either incorrect or irrelevant to the point the authors are trying to make. We show that their results have no bearing on the model proposed by our group, as they claim. They discuss the seismic response of a valley with a 2-D trapezoidal cross-section in a vertical plane, whereas we dealt with a closed basin with a 2-D cross-section but of arbitrary geometry and in the horizontal plane. Even more significantly, the width of the valley they use is much smaller than the wavelength of the horizontal P waves that can resonate, thereby precluding any possibility of them being trapped. Therefore, their arguments do not clarify the issue posed in the title of their article.  相似文献   

Mark Wise 《Area》2006,38(2):204-212
This paper calls for more analysis of contemporary transnational linguistic movements. Geographers have hitherto focused on linguistic problems within states and paid less attention to issues that arise as languages, notably English, are used internationally across state boundaries. It does this by examining a conflict that arose when forces integrating the supranational European Single Market space came into conflict with a Member State's determination to protect the linguistic 'integrity' of its national territory. This conflict would appear to be a precursor of similar ones to come as languages increasingly compete in a linguistic market within an integrating Europe and a globalizing world.  相似文献   

Land use change studies permeate the geographic literature. While these studies have helped researchers understand the dynamics and importance of such changes, they have less often taken a deeper historical approach in combination with their traditional strengths of geographic information analysis. In this study, we explore historical land use changes in one of South Africa's former bantustans, Lebowa, from 1963 to 2001. We argue that changes in land use arise from both current socioeconomic dynamics but also from historical precedent established by the apartheid regime. Our methods couple historical aerial photography to recent household surveys to elucidate the national, regional and local influences over land use change. We conducted extensive field research in the study site between 2003 and 2006. Our findings show a high degree of urbanization, a loss of grassland and agricultural land and a dramatic pattern of increasing spatial concentration near growth points. We outline three recommendations for policymakers planning post-apartheid rural spaces and conclude with future research needs.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(4):799-815
Since the last century, several geological and geophysical studies have been developed in the Santiago Basin to understand its morphology and tectonic evolution. However, some uncertainties regarding sedimentary fill properties and possible density anomalies below the sediments/basement boundary remain. Considering that this is an area densely populated with more than 6 million inhabitants in a highly active seismotectonic environment, the physical properties of the Santiago Basin are important to study the geological and structural evolution of the Andean forearc and to characterize its seismic response and related seismic hazard. Two and three‐dimensional gravimetric models were developed, based on a database of 797 compiled and 883 newly acquired gravity stations. To produce a well‐constrained basement elevation model, a review of 499 wells and 30 transient electromagnetic soundings were used, which contribute with basement depth or minimum sedimentary thickness information. For the 2‐D modelling, a total of 49 gravimetric profiles were processed considering a homogeneous density contrast and independent regional trends. A strong positive gravity anomaly was observed in the centre of the basin, which complicated the modelling process but was carefully addressed with the available constrains. The resulting basement elevation models show complex basement geometry with, at least, eight recognizable depocenters with maximum sedimentary infill of ~ 500 m. The 3‐D density models show alignments in the basement that correlates well with important intrusive units of the Cenozoic and Mesozoic. Along with interpreted fault zones westwards and eastwards of the basin, the observations suggest a structural control of Santiago basin geometry, where recent deformation associated with the Andean contractional deformation front and old structures developed during the Cenozoic extension are superimposed to the variability of river erosion/deposition processes.  相似文献   

"Despite the widespread interest in the changing geographies of national migration regimes, it is somewhat remarkable that no widely accepted measure of the spatial concentration or focus exhibited by such geographies has emerged. We examine four of the most popular indices of inequality in this paper and contrast their performance as measures of spatial focus. Adopting the coefficient of variation as our preferred alternative, we go on to examine the spatial focus of aggregate interstate migration steams in the U.S. over time. Then we consider disaggregations of the migration streams by age, race and nativity, and examine the role of states as national redistributors of these same subpopulations."  相似文献   

吴文化区域系统初步研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
吴文化是中华文化中最活跃的区域文化之一,吴文化区域自唐宋以来一直是中国经济文化最发达的地区之一,在其孕育、成长、成熟和转型发展过程中受吴地自然与社会环境的影响较大,构成了独特的文化整合演变模式。本文试从文化区域系统分析的角度对吴文化进行了初步研究,分析得出:(1)吴文化是水的文化;(2)吴文化区域系统是开放的巨系统;(3)吴文化系统在其整合过程中,形成斑斓的吴文化景观。  相似文献   

传统观点认为交易型展览只有商品销售、国际贸易和市场营销功能。在互联网时代,这些功能在一定程度上受到电子商务的挑战。事实上,现代展览还可能具有政治、外交、教育、娱乐和创新等功能。对国内外相关文献进行分析,发现:有关交易型展览创新功能的研究文献主要涉及营销学和经济地理学,而不是旅游学。其中,营销学学者和经济地理学学者分别将展览视为临时市场和临时集群,并从多角度进行了研究。虽然营销学学者和经济地理学学者各自特别重视展览现场的信息沟通和知识转移对企业创新的影响,但都认为国际展览比国家和区域型展览具有更高的创新价值,并且参展者之间的关系建设是信息沟通和知识转移的重要前提。20世纪以来,两大学科学者(特别是国外学者)对交易型展览创新功能的研究日益增加。这些研究集中于解释展览的创新功能和探索展览创新功能发挥的机制。对主要研究成果从营销学和经济地理学两个角度按出版时间顺序进行了回顾,根据研究者的研究对象和建议提出了未来研究的四个主要方向:(1)重视展览类型对创新类型或阶段的影响;(2)展览溢出效应对企业创新的负面效应;(3)展览与其他会展活动的协同创新机制;(4)展览对城市产业和社会创新的贡献。  相似文献   

Environmental governance aims to reconcile an expanding set of societal objectives at ever-larger scales despite the challenges that remain in integrating conservation and development at smaller scales. We interrogate Solomon Islands’ engagement in the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security to contribute new insight on the scalar politics of multi-level marine governance. We show how regional objectives are re-interpreted and prioritized as they translate into national policy and practice. Our data suggest that enhanced coordination of finances and activities, integration of objectives in shared protocols and priority geographies, and a subtle shift in power relations between the state, donors, and implementation partners have resulted from processes of re-scaling. We discuss important procedural adjustments in cross-level and cross-scale governance across jurisdictional, institutional, and sectoral scales. We also reflect on the changing role of national governments in shifts toward large-scale, multi-national initiatives.  相似文献   

20世纪以来东北城市的发展及其历史作用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
东北地区城市的产生与发展有着悠久的历史,并形成特有的文化,但由于历史的原因,城市发展水平长期落后于中原地区。东北地区近现代城市的产生与发展是近100年的事情。20世纪以来,东北地区经历了清政府的移民实边,俄、日等帝国主义的殖民侵略与掠夺开发,新中国成立后的工业化重点发展。伴随着经济的发展和经济结构的剧烈变革,东北城市发展进入鼎盛时期,并后来居上成为我国除几个直辖市外,城市化水平最高的地区。与全国其他地区城市相比,东北城市发展有着特定的社会政治与经济背景,但也清晰而集中地反映了城市化与交通发展、工业化相互促进,同步发展的特征。本文试图把东北地区近百年来城市的发展置于区域社会政治与经济发展的进程中进行考察,着重探讨东北辽宁、吉林、黑龙江三省城市发展的动因,同时阐明它的发展对区域经济及全国经济产生的影响,分析当前存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

Cellular automata (CA) have been efficiently used to express the complexity and dynamics of cities at different scales. However, those large-scale simulation models typically use only binary values to represent urbanization states without considering mixed types within a cell. They also ignore differences among the cells in terms of their temporal evolution characteristics at different urbanization stages. This study establishes a gradient CA for solving such problems while considering development differences among the cells. The impervious surface area data was used to detect the urbanization states and temporal evolution trends of the grid cells. Transition rules were determined with the incorporation of urban development theory expressed as an S-shaped curve. China was selected as the case study area to validate the performance of the gradient CA for a national simulation. A comparison was also made to a traditional binary logistic-CA. The results demonstrated that the gradient CA achieved higher accuracies in terms of both spatial patterns and quantitative assessment indices. The simulation pattern derived from the gradient CA can better reflect the local disparity and temporal characteristics of urban dynamics. A national urban expansion for 2050 was also simulated, and is expected to provide important data for ecological assessments.  相似文献   

滇西北横断山区, 由于地质的强烈作用, 形成怒江、澜沦江、金沙江三江相间并流的地貌大奇观, 有众多峡谷和高大雪山群, 低纬低海拔的冰川。气候多样, 生物资源品种繁多, 垂直地带性非常明显, 集聚了最壮丽的自然风光。藏、纳西、白、彝、傈僳、怒、独龙、普米、回等民族聚居, 社会发展层次有先有后, 有人类社会发展的博物馆之称, 民族风情浓郁。大理、丽江、巍山3 座国家级历史文化名城, 与众多民族文化和民族风情融为一体。随着香格里拉在滇西北的定位以及丽江古城被列为人类文化遗产, 人们揭开了这块神秘土地的面纱。它是21 世纪中国极具开发潜力的旅游热点。  相似文献   

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