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Books reviewed in this aritcle: Geographical Regions North Carolina: Its Geology and Mineral Resources. Jasper L. Stuckey . Africa in Transition: Geographical Essays. B. W. Hodder and D. R. Harris (eds.). Frerøerne. Aage H. Kampp . Cmnada: A Geographical Interpretation. John Warkentin (ed.) The Tropical World: Its Social and Economic Conditions and Its Future Status. PIerre Gourou TRAVEL AND EXPLORATION Thoreau as World Traveler. John Aldrich Christie . Physical Geography River Plains und Sea Coasts. Richard J. Russell . Selected Pafiers in Soil Formatiom and Classification. J. V. Drew (ed.). Social Geography Southern Africa and the United States. William A. Hance (ed.) Aids to Geographical Study Communist China Map Polio.  相似文献   

Spatial Orgamization: The Geographer's View of the World. RONALD ABLER, JOHN S. ADAMS, PETER GOULD. Geography, Regions and Cortcepts. HARM J. DE BLIJ. Regional Ecology: The Study of Man's Environment. ROBERT E. DICKINSON. South Western Cape Province. WILLIAM J. TALBOT. Latin America: An Economic amd Social Geogrdphy. J. P. COLE. Irish Geographical Essays in Honour of E. Estyn Eums. NICHOLAS STEPHENS and ROBIN E. GLASSCOCK (eds.) Turkey-An Zntroductovy Geography. J C. DEWDNEY. Asia, East b y South: A Culturai Geography. J. E. SPENCER and WILLIAM L. THOMAS. Romania: A Profile. IAN M. MATLEY. Arid Lands in Transition. HAROLD E. DREGNE (ed.) Israel, A Regional Geography. YEHUDA KARMON. Migration and Regional Development in the United States. PAUL J. SCHWIND. Maps and Diagrams: Their Conzpilation and Construction. F. J. MONKHOUSE and H. R. WILKINSON. Automatic Cartography arcd Planning. Pleistocene and Recent Environments of the Central Great Plains. WAKEFIELD DORT, JR., and J. KNOX JONES, JR. (eds.) . A Geomorphological Study of Post Glacial Uplift, With Particular Reference to Arctic Canada. JOHN T. ANDREWS. Climates of Northern and Western Europe. C. C. WALLEN, (ed.) Climates of the Polar Regions. S. ORVIG (ed.) Climates of Australia and New Zealand. J. GENTILLI (ed.) Atmosphere, weather, and climate. R. G. BARRY and R. J. CHORLEY. Soils: A n Introduction to Soils and Plant Growth. ROY L. DONAHUE, JOHN C.SHICKLUNA, and LYNN S. ROBERTSON. Populatiort Geography and the Deweloping Countries. JOHN I. CLARKE. Resources and Man-A Study and Recommendations, The Geography of Tropical African Development. A. M. OCONNOR. Die Industrialisierung der Bluegrass Region uon Kentucky, with an abstract in English. DIETRICH M. ZIMMER. Industvial Location. DAVID M. SMITH. An Introduction to Regional Economics. EDGAR M. HOOVER. Rural Markets and Trade in East Africa: A Study of the Functions ond Deuelopment of Exchange lnstitutiolzs in Ankole, Uganda. CHARLES M. GOOD. Energy in the Perspective of Geography. NATHANIEL B. GUYOL. Environment: Resources, Pollution C. Society. WILLIAM W. MURDOCH (ed.) Agrarian Policies mzd Problems in Communist and Non-Communist Countries. W. A. DOUGLAS JACKSON (ed.) Ndtural Resources of the Soviet Union: Their Use and Renewal. K. P. GERASIMOV, D. L. ARMAND, and K. M. YEFRON (eds.). Tr. by JACEK I. ROMANOSKI; Rurul Development in u Chirnging World. RAANAN WElTZ (ed.). M.I.T. Managing the Lower Rio Grande: An Experience in International River Development. JOHN C. DAY. University of Politics and Geographic Relationshifis: Toward a New Focus. W. A. DOUGLAS JACKSON and MORWYN S. SAMUELS (eds.) Communication of Innovations: A Cross Cultural Approach. EVERETT M. ROGERS and F. FLOYD SHOEMAKER. Amazoniu: Malz and Culture in a Counterfeit Paradise. BETTY J. MEGGERS. Man across the Sea: Problems of Pre Columbian Contocts.CARROLL L. RILEY, J. CHARLES KELLEY, CAMPBELL W. PENNINGTON, and ROBERT L. RANDS (eds.). Urban Essays: Studies in the Geography of Wales. M. CARTER and W. K. D. DAVIES (eds.) A Geography of Urban Places: Selected Readings. ROBERT G. PUTNAM, FRANK J.TAYLOR, and PHILIP G. KETTLE (eds.). The Urbm Mosaic: Towards a Theory of Residential Differentiation. D. W. G.TIMMS. Stadtgeografihie. BURKHARD HOFMEISTER. Urbam Development in Britain: Sturzdards, Costs and Resources, 1964–2004.  相似文献   

The Experience of Landscape. JAY APPLETON REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY . Geographical Perspectives in the Soviet Union: A Selection of Readings. GEORGE J. DEMKO and ROLAND J. FUCHS (eds. and trs.) A New Geography of Liberia. WILLI SCHULZE Caribbean Transformations. SYDNEY W. MINTZ Themes on Pacific Lands. M. C. R. EDGELL and B. H. FARRELL (eds.) GEOGRAPHICAL PHILOSOPHY AND METHODOLOGY . Measurement in the Social Sciences: Theories and Strategies. H. M. BLALOCK, JR. (ed.) Cluster Analysis. BRIAN EVERITT PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY . Physical Geography Today: A Portrait of a Planet. CRM Books The Unquiet landscape. DENYS BRUNSDEN and JOHN C. DOORNKAMP (eds.) ENVIRONMENT AND MAN . Geomorphology in Environmental Management: An Introduction. R. U. COOKE and J. C. DOORNKAMP Man-Induced Soil Erosion on the Southern Piedmont: 1700-1970. STANLEY W. TRIMBLE California Water: A Study in Resource Management. DAVID SECKLER (ed.) CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY . The Book of the Land. JOHN FRASER Cultural Discord in the Modern World. L. J. EVENDEN and F. F. CUNNINGHAM (eds.) West African Food In The Middle Ages. TADEUSZ LEWICKI The Russian Dilemma: A Political and Geopolitical View. ROBERT G. WESSON New Era of Ocean Politics. ANN L. HOLLICK and ROBERT E. OSGOOD URBAN GEOGRAPHY AND SETTLEMENT . Population and Urbanized Area Growth in Megalopolis, 1950-1970. CLYDE E. BROWNING (ed.) ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY . Economic Geography. B. W. HODDER and ROGER LEE Patterns of Economic Change in the United States: A Regional Study. C. JAMES SAMPLE Agricultural Colonizatiort in India Since Independence. B. H. FARMER Benelux: An Economic Geography of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. R. C. RILEY and G. J. ASHWORTH An Economic Geography of Romania. DAVID TURNOCK Rural Development: World Frontiers. LAURENCE HEWES REGIONAL AND URBAN PLANNING . Urban and Regional Planning. PETER HALL CARTOGRAPHY AND REMOTE SENSING . Aerial Photography in Anthropological Field Research. EVON Z. VOGT (ed.) ATLASES . The Times Atlas of China. P. J. M. GEELAN and D. C. TWITCHETT (eds.); JOHN C. BARTHOLOMEW (cartographic consultant) with other consultants. Historical Atlas of the Religions of the World. ISMA'IL RAGI AL FARUQI (ed.) and DAVID E. SOPHER (map ed.)  相似文献   


Books reviewed in this aritcle:

Geographical Regions North Carolina: Its Geology and Mineral Resources. Jasper L. Stuckey.

Africa in Transition: Geographical Essays. B. W. Hodder and D. R. Harris(eds.).

Frer?erne. Aage H. Kampp.

Cmnada: A Geographical Interpretation. John Warkentin(ed.)

The Tropical World: Its Social and Economic Conditions and Its Future Status. PIerre Gourou

TRAVEL AND EXPLORATION Thoreau as World Traveler. John Aldrich Christie.

Physical Geography River Plains und Sea Coasts. Richard J. Russell.

Selected Pafiers in Soil Formatiom and Classification. J. V. Drew(ed.).

Social Geography Southern Africa and the United States. William A. Hance(ed.)

Aids to Geographical Study Communist China Map Polio.  相似文献   

GENERAL GEOGRAPHY . Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered. E. F. Schumacher The Environment of Mankind: An Introduction to Physical Geography. Donald K. Fellows GEOGRAPHICAL PHILOSOPHY AND METHODOLOGY . Theoretical Problems in Physical and Economic Geography, Volume 1. A. A. Nazimovich (ed.) Teaching Geography. Patrick Bailey PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY . Arctic and Alpine Environments. Jack D. Ives and Roger G. Barry (eds.) Structural Geomorphology. Jean Tricart , trs., S. H. Beaver and E. Derbyshire ENVIRONMENT AND MAN . The Ecology of Natural Resources. I. G. Simmons Human Ecology. Norman D. Levine (principal author and ed.) Living in the Environment: Concepts, Problems, Alternatives. G. Tyler Miller , Jr . The Florida Experience: Land and Water Policy in a Growth State. Luther J. Carter Water Management and Agricultural Development: A Case Study of the Cuyo Region of Argentina. Kenneth D. Frederick Derelict Land. Kenneth L. Wallwork Human Geography in a Shrinking World. Ronald Abler , et al. (eds.) HUMAN GEOGRAPHY . Migration Theory and Fact: A Review and Bibliography of Current Literature. R. Paul Shaw CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY . Diffusion of an American Montessori Education. Judith Wangerin Meyer The Columbian Exchange, Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492. Alfred W. Crosby , Jr . Modem Political Geography. Edward F. Bergman Upper Coulee Country. Cotton Mather , John Fraser Hart , Hildegard Binder Johnson and Ron Matros HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY . Man Made The Land: Essays in English Historical Geography. Alan R. H. Baker and J. B. Harley (eds.) The Court of Private Land Claims: The Adjudication of Spanish and Mexican Land Grant Titles, 1891-1904. Richard Wells Bradfute URBAN GEOGRAPHY AND SETTLEMENT . Proceedings of the Commission on Regional Aspects of Development of the International Geographical Union, Vol. I, Methodology and Case Studies, Vol. II, Spatial Aspects of the Development Process. Richard S. Thoman (ed.), Vol. I; Frederick M. Helleiner and Walter StÖhr (eds.) Growth Centres in Spatial Planning. Malcolm J. Moseley Urban Futures for Central Canada: Perspectives on Forecasting Urban Growth and Form. L. S. Bourne , R. D. Mackinnon , J. Siegel and J. W. Simmons (eds.) The City in the Third World. D. J. Dwyer (ed.) Human Activity Patterns in the City: Things People Do in Time and in Space. F. stuart Chapin , Jr . Urban Geography. Ray M. Northam The Urban Ecosystem: A Holistic Approach. Forest Stearns and Tom Montag (eds.) ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY . Introduction to Regional Science. Walter Isard An Agricultural Typology of California. Howard F. Gregor Spatial Aspects of Development. B. S. Hoyle (ed.) CARTOGRAPHY AND REMOTE SENSING . Display and Analysis of Spatial Data. John C. Davis and Michael J. Mccullagh (eds.)  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: canada before confederation: A study in historical geograpby. R. Cole Harris and John Warkentin. Geographical Philosophy And Methodology . Perspectives in Geographical Education. J.Bale, N. Graves and R. Walford (eds.). Physical Geography . Climatology: Fundamentals and Applications. John R. Mather. Problems of Polar Geograpby (Problemy Polyamoi Geografii). M.I.Belov (ed.) Recent History of an Etbiopian Delta. K. W. Butzer. Coastal Deserts, Theri Natural and Human Environments. David H.K. Amiran and Andrew W. Wilson (eds.). Drainage Basin Form and Process: A Geomorphological Approach. K.J. Gregory and D.E. Walling. Man and Environment. Márton Pécsi and Ferenc Probald (eds.). Terrain Evaluation: The World Land-Scape. Colin W. Mitchell. Prioriities in Water Management. Francis M. Leversedge (ed.). Ecological Principles For Economic Development. Raymond F. Dasmann. John P. Milton and Peter H. Freeman. Land and Leisure: Concepts and Methuds in Outdoor Recreation. David W. Fisher, John E. Lewis and George B. Priddle (eds.) HUMAN GEOGRAPHY . Elements of Human and Social Geography. Eric Sunderland. Spatial Structures. R. J. Johnston. Health Care Delivery: Spatial Perspectives. Gary W. Shannon and G. E. Alan Dever. Location Preferences, Migration, and Regional Growth: A Study of the South and Southwest United States. Niles M. Hansen Cultural Geography . Irish Settlements in Eastern Canada: A Study of Cultural Transfer and Adaptation. John J. Mannion. Historical Geography . Flood Tide of Empire: Sfiain and the Pacific Northwest, 154?-1819. Warren L. Cook. Urban Geography and Settlement . Suburban Growth: Geographical Processes at the Edge of the Western City. James H. Johnson (ed.). The Canadian City: Space, Form, Quality. John N. Jackson. Urban Networks in Ching China and Tokugawa fafian. Gilbert Rozman. The Shaping of Urban Society; A History of City Forms and Fwnctions. Janet Roebuck. Economic Geography . The Bases of Economic Geography. Ronald Reed Boyce. A Geography of Energy. H. Reid Wagstaff. Geographical Perspectives on American Poverty. Richard Peet (ed.). Aids To Geographical Research . Quantitative Techniques in Geografihy: An Introduction. R. Hammond and P. S. Mccullogh. Cluster Analysis. E. J. Bijnen. Scaling: A Sourcebook for Behavioral Scientists. Gary M. Maranell (ed.). The National Archives and Statistical Research. Meyer H. Fishbein (ed.). Cartography and Remote Sensing . Remote Sensing: Techniques for Environmental Analysis. John E. Estes and Leslie W. Senger (eds.). The Earth from Space. Johann Bodechtel and Hans-Gunther Gierloff-Em-Den. Environmzentul Remote Sensing: Application and Achieuements. E. C. Barrett and L. C. Curtis (eds.). Climatology from Satellites. E. C. Barrett. The Maflping of New Jersey: The Mew and the Art. John P. Snyder. Tropical Africa: An Atlas for Rural Development. H. R. J. Davies.  相似文献   

GEOMORPHOLOGY Itroduction to Coastline Deuelopment. Applied Coastal Geonzorphology. J. A. STEERS, (ed.) Coastal Zone Resource Management. JAMES C. HITE and JAMES M. STEPP,(eds.) The Surface of the Earth. ARTHUR BLOOM. BIOGEOGRAPHY Principles of Biogeography. DAVID WATTS. ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY Government Influence and the Location of Economic Activity. G. J. R. LINGE and P. J. RIMMER, (eds.) Place and People, an Ecology of a New Guinean Community. WILLIAM C. CLARKE. SOCIAL GEOGRAPHYSpatial Variation of Black Urban House holds. DAVID R. MEYER. Society aed Milieu ie the French Geographic Tradition. ANNE BUTTIMER. URBAN GEOGRAPHY Seaports and Development in Tropical Africa. B. S. HOYLE and D. HILLING. Building a New Towa; Finland's New Garden City, Tupiola. HEIKKI VON HERTZEN and PAUL D. SPREIREGEN. The Lenguage of Cities: A Glossary of Terms. CHARLES ABRAMS. Urbino: The History of a City and Plans for its Development. GIANCARLO DE CARLO. Sir Ebenezer Howard and the Town Planning Mouement. DUGALD MACFAD YEN. Victorian Toronto, 1850 to 1900: Pattern and Process of Growth. PETER G. GOHEEN. The North American City. MAURICE H. YEATES and BARRY J. GARNER. Cities and Immigrartts-A Geografiby of Change in Nineteenth Century America. DAVID WARD. Reservation to Cily: kdian Migratiofz and Federal Relocation. ELAINE M. NEILS. Soufhwest: Three Peoples in Geographical Change, 1600–1970. D. W. MEINIG. Illzistrated Handbook of Vernacular Architecture. R. W. BRUNSKILL. The First European Agriculture: A Stzcdy of the Osteological and Botanical Evidence Until Two Thousand BC. JACQUELINE MURRAY. The Public Lands of Australia Felix. J. M. POWELL. Sixteenth Century North America: The Land and the People as Seen by Europeans. CARL ORTWIN SAUER The Huuen-Finding Art-A History of Navigation from Odysseus to Captairt Cook. E. G. R. TAYLOR. The Domesday Geography of Midland England. H. C. DARBY and I. B. TERRETT (eds.). The Domesday Geography of Eastern England. H. C. DARBY. De Brahm's Report of the General Suruey in the Soathern District of North America. LOUIS DE VORSEY, JR., (ed.) AIDS TO GEOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH Geographical Research and Writing. ROBERT N. DURRENBURGER. Thomas Y. Crowell Geography: An outline for the intending student. W. G. V. BALCHIN (ed.) Focus on Geography: Key concepts and teaching strategies. P. BACON (ed.). Introduction to Scientific Geografihic Research. L. LLOYD HARING and JOHN F. LOUNSBURY.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Boris, Eileen and Prugel, Elisabeth (eds.), Homeworkers in Global Perspective: Invisible No More Chrisman, Nicholas R., Exploring Geographic Information Systems Cox, Kevin R. (ed.), Spaces of Globalization: Reasserting the Power of the Local. Cullingworth, Barry, Planning in the USA: Policies, Issues and Processes Elliott, David, Energy, Society and Environment Hood, Christopher and Jones, David K. C. (eds.), Accident and Design: Contemporary Debates in Risk Management Jones, John Paul, III; Nast, Heidi J. and Roberts, Susan M. (eds.), Thresholds in Feminist Geography: Difference, Methodology, Representation Longley, Paul and Batty, Michael (eds.), Spatial Analysis: Modelling in a GIS Environment Masudpiloto, Felix Roberto, From Welcomed Exiles to Illegal Immigrants: Cuban Migration to the U.S., 1959–1995 Monmonier, Mark, Cartographies of Danger: Mapping Hazards in America Phelps, Nicholas A., Multinationals and European Integration: Trade Investment, and Regional Development Short, Nicholas M. and Blair, Robert W., Jr. (eds.), Geomorphology From Space: A Global Overview of Regional Landforms Sorenson, John L. and Raish, Martin H., Pre-Columbian Contact with the Americas across the Oceans: An Annotated Bibliography Thompson, Gary L., Shelley, Fred M., and Wije, Chand (eds.), Geography, Environment, and American Law Thompson, Russell D. and Perry, Allen (eds.), Applied Climatology: Principles and Practice Williams, Colin C., Consumer Services and Economic Development  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Adams, William M., Goudie, Andrew S., and Orme, Antony R. (eds.), The Physical Geography of Africa Agnew, John A. (ed.), Political Geography: A Reader Birkin, Mark, Clarke, Graham, Clarke, Martin, and Wilson, Alan, Intelligent GIS: Location Decisions and Strategic Planning Cole, George M., Water Boundaries Ramesh Dutta Dickshit (ed.), Developments in Political Geography: ACentury of Progress Hanink, Dean M., Principles and Applications of Economic Geography: Economy, Policy, Environment Hutcheon, P.D., Leaving the Cave: Evolutionary Naturalism in Social-Scientific Thought Johns, Michael, The City of Mexico in the Age of Diaz Lewis, Arnold, An Early Encounter with Tomorrow: Europeans, Chicago's Loop and the World's Columbian Exposition Lin, George C.S., Red Capitalism in South China: Growth and Dvelopmentof the Pearl River Delta Mitchell, Bruce, Resource and Environmental Management Munton, Don (ed.), Hazardous Waste Siting and Democratic Choice Stoddard, Robert H. and Morinis, Alan (eds.), Sacred Spaces, Sacred Places: the Geography of Pilgrimages Van Gardingen, P.R., Foody, G.M. and Curran, P.J., Scaling-up: From Cell to Landscape  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Aryeetey-Attoh, SamuelGeography of Sub-Saharan Africa Chew, Sing C. and Denemark, Robert A.(eds) The Underdevelopment of Development: Essays in Honor of Andre Gunder Frank Chinn, Jeff and Kaiser, RobertRussians as the New Minority: Ethnicity and Nationalism in the Soviet Successor States Curtis, Sarah and Taket, AnnHealth and Societies: Changing Perspectives Dudley, Nigel; Jeanrenaud, Jean-Paul and Sullivan, FrancisBad Harvest? The Timber Trade and the Degradation of the World's Forests Ellis, Steven and Mellor, AnthonySoils and Environment Gradus, Yehuda and Lithwick, Harvey (eds)Frontiers in Regional Development Green, Milford B. and McNaughton, Rod B. (eds)The Location of Foreign Direct Investment: Geographic and Business Approaches Greenberg, Michael and Schneider, DonaEnvironmentally Devastated Neighborhoods: Perceptions, Policies, and Realities Griffiths, Ieuan Ll.The African Inheritance Harrison, Lynn C. and Husbands, Winston (eds)Practicing Responsible Tourism: International Case Studies in Tourism Planning, Policy, and Development Jensen, John R.Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective Pacione, MichaelGlasgow: The Socio-Spatial Development of the City Platt, Rutherford H.Land Use and Society: Geography, Law, and Public Policy Rhodes, Martin (ed.)The Regions and the New Europe: Patterns in Core and Periphery Development Salant, Priscilla and Waller, Anita J.Guide to Rural Data Schnell, Izhak; Sofer, Michael and Drori, Israel Arab Industrialization in Israel: Ethnic Entrepreneurship in the Periphery Shelley, Fred M.; Archer, J. Clark; Davidson, Fiona M. and Brunn, Stanley D.Political Geography of the United States Taffe, Edward J.; Gauthier, Howard L. and O'Kelly, Morton E.Geography of Transportation  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
John C. Allen and Don A. Dillman. Against all Odds: Rural Community in the Information Age Richard M. Auty. Patterns of Development: Resources, Policy, and Economic Growth David Bell and Gill Valentine, eds. Mapping Desire: Geographies of Sexualities Joseph K. Berry. Spatial Reasoning for Effective GIS Matthew S. Carroll. Community and the Northwestern Logger Kam Wing Chan. Cities with Invisible Walls: Reinterpreting Urbanization in Post-1949 China Nora Federici, Karen Oppenheim Mason and Solvi Sogner, eds. Women's Position and Demographic Change Stephen Graham and Simon Marvin. Telecommunications and the City: Electronic Spaces, Urban Places Costis Hadjimichalis and David Sadler, eds. Europ at the Margins: New Mosaics of Inequality Sally Hardy, Mark Hart, Louis Albrechts and Anastasios Katos, eds. An Enlarged Europe: Regions in Competition Chiao-Min Hsieh and Jean Kan Hsieh. China: A Provincial Atlas Douglas L. Johnson and Laurence A. Lewis. Land Degradation: Creation and Desctruction Mark Luccarelli. Lewis Mumford and the Ecological Region: The Politics of Planning Bruce Mitchell, ed. Resource and Environmental Management in Canada: Addressing Conflict and Uncertainty C. J. L. Murray and A. D. Lopez, eds. Global Comparitive Assessments in the Health Sector: Disease Burden, Expenditures and Information Packages Martin O'Connor. ed. Is Capitalism Sustainable? Political Economy and the Politics of Ecology Harlan J. Onsrud and Gerald Rushton, eds. Sharing Geographic Information Peter Preston and Paul Simpson-Housley, eds. Writing the City: Eden, Babylon and the New Jerusalem N. C. Saxena and Vishwa Ballabh. Farm Forestry in East Asia Alvin Y. So and Stephen W. K. Chiu. East Asia and the World Economy Will D. Swearingen and Abdellatif Bencherifa, eds. the North African Environment at Risk Diane L. Wolf, ed. Feminist Dilemmas in Fieldwork Charles I. Zinser. Outdoor Recreation: United States National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands  相似文献   

GENERAL GEOGRAPHY Geography. EDWARD J. TAAPFE (ed.) Network Analysis in Geography. PETER HAGGETT and RICHARD J. CHORLEY. An Introduction to Geography. G. ETZE LPEARCY and GEORGE P. STEVENS. F. E. GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS Systems Simulation for Regional Analysis. H. R. HAMILTON (ed.) Ireland. A. R. ORME Settlement and Encounter. FAY GALE and GRAHAM H. LAWTON(eds.) Eastern Europe: Essays in Geogrgphical Problems. GEORGE W. HOFFMAN (ed.). The Soviet Union. W. H. PARKER. Lundy. A. and M. LANGHAM. The African Experience, Volume I: Essays and Volume 11: Syllabus. JOHN N.PADEN and EDWARD W. SOJA (eds.) BIOGEOGRAPHY A Geography of Plants and Animals. DAVID J. DE LAUBENFELS. POPULATION The Population of Europe: A Geografihicicl Perspective. LESZEK A. KOSINSKI. A Geography of Population and Settlement. MAURICE E. MCGAUGH. Geography and A Crowding World. WILBUR ZELINSKY, LESZEK A. KOSINSKI and R. MANSELL PROTHERO (eds.) ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY Geography of Agriculture: Themes in Research. HOWARD F. GREGOR. Spatial Economic Theory. ROBERT D.DEAN, WILLIAM H. LEAHY, and DAVID L. MCKEE (eds.) Urban Economics: Theory, Development and Planning. WILLIAM H. LEAHY, DAVID L. MCKEE, and ROBERT D. DEAN (eds.) Regional Economics: Theory and Practice. DAVID L. MCKEE, ROBERT D. DEAN, and WILLIAM H. LEAHY (eds.) A Geography of Agriculture. JAMES R. ANDERSON. The Agricultural Developmetat of Brazil. Koro: Economic Development md Social Change in Fiji. R. F. WATTERS. Farming Systems of the World. A. N. DUCKHAM and G. B. MASEFIELD. The World Market for Iron Ore. Change in Agriculture. A. H. BUNTING(ed.) Geography, Marketing, and Urban Growth. DONALD F. MULVIHILL and RUTH C. MULVIHILL. La grande migration dété des citadins de France. FRANCOISE CRIBIER. The Agricultural Development of Peru. ARTHUR J. COUTU and RICHARD KING. Land Development and Colonization in Latin America: Brazil's New Agrarian Reform: An Evaluation of Its Property Classification and Tax Systems. ARMIN K. LUDWIG and HARRY W. TAYLOR. Geography and Retailing. PETER SCOTT. A Geography of Industrial Location. E WILLARD MILLER. POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY China: Area, Administration, amd Nation Building. JOSEPH B. R. WHITNEY. African Boundary Problems. CARL GOSTA WIDSTRAND (ed.). Tanganyika Under German Rule. JOHN ILIFFE. CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY The Ecological Basis for Subsistence Change among the Sandawe of Tanzania. JAMES L. NEWMAN. The Tepehuan of Chihuahua: Their Material Culture. CAMPBELL w. PENNINGTON. Introduction to Cultural Geography. A Study of Man and His Environment. SAMUEL N. DICKEN and FORREST R.PITTS. URBAN GEOGRAPHY The Location of Service Towns: An Approach to the Analysis of Central Place Systems. JOHN U. MARSHALL. Metropolitan Plan Making: An Analysis of Experience with the Prepmation and Evaluation of Alternative Land Use and Transportation Plans. DAVID E. BOYCE, NORMAN D. DAY, and CHRIS MCDONALD. HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHYGeographical Interpretations of Historical Sources: Readings in Historical Geography. ALAN R. H. BAKER, JOHN D. The Sugar Hacienda of the Marqueses del Valle. WARD BARRETT. Wirtschaftsfunktion und Sozialstruktur der Wiener Ringstrase (Die Wiener Ringstrasse—Bild einer Epoche. Die Erweiterung der Inneren Stadt Wien unter Kaiser Franz Joseph, Band VI.) BLISABETH LICHTENBERGER. Alexandre de Humboldt: Historien et Geographe de Espmirique Espagnole. CHARLES MINGUET. The Draining of the Somerset Levels. MICHAEL WILLIAMS. The New Cambridge Modern History.Volume XlV, Atlas. H. C. DARBY and HAROLD FULLAND (eds.) Geographical Interpretations of Historical Sources: Readings in Historical Geography. ALAN R. H. BAKER, JOHN D. HAMSHERE, and JOHN LANGTON (eds.). Feeding The Russian Fur Trade: Provisionment of The Okhotsk Seaboard and The Kamchatka Peninsula, 1639–1856. JAMES R. GIBSON. AIDS TO GEOGRAPHICAL STUDY Cuenca del Rio de la Plata. Estudio parasu Planification y Desarrollo. Inuentario de Datos Hidroldgicos y Clinzatoldgicos. Atlas Razuitia Khozaistua i Kul'tury SSSR (Atlas of Economic and Cultural Development of the USSR). Atlas of Mexico. MICHAEL E. BONINE, ROBERT K. HOLZ, CLARK C. GILL, JAMES P. WEILER, and STANLEY A. ARBINGAST. The Analysis of Geographical Data. W.H. THEAKSTONE and C. HARRISON. Place Names of Southwest Peloponnesus. DEMETRIUS J. GEORGACAS and WILLIAM A. MCDONALD. American Place-Names: A Concise and Selective Dictionary for the Continemtal United States of America. GEORGE R.STEWART. The Soil Conservation Service. D. HARPER SIMS. Maps for Books und Theses. A, G.HODGKISS. Landforms and Topographic Maps. WILLIAM B. UPTON, JR.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this aritcle: General Geography A Geografihy of Maskind. Jan O. M. Broek and John W. Webb . Man and the Earth. Joseph Bixby Hoyt . Geographical Regions Winter in Finland: A Study in Human Geography. W. R. Mead and Helmer Smeds . The Domesday Geography of South-West England. H. C. Darby and R. Welldon Finn (eds.). Latin America: A Geographical Survey. Harry Robinson . Monsoon Asia: A Geographical Suruey. Harry Robinson . Japan Advances: A Geographical Study. Prue Dempster . The Dodecanese: Diversity and Unity in Island Politics. Roger E. Kasperson . YEARBOOKS Pacific Islamds Year Book and Who's Who. Tenth edition. Judy Tudor . (ed.) TRAVEL AND EXPLORATION The Pacific Basin: A History of Its Geographical Exploration. Herman R. Friis (ed.). The Exploration of Western America, 1800–1850: Am Historical Geography. E. W. Gilbert . Cartography Kartografihie in Stichworten. Herbert Wilhelmy . Physical Geography Physical Geography. R. G. Greswell . Quantitative Geography. Part II: Physical and Cartographic Topics. W. L. Garrison and D. F. Marble , (eds.) Landform Studies from Australia and New Guinea. J. N. Jennings and J. A. Mabbutt (eds.) Man and Environment Environmental Perception and Behavior. David Lowenthal (ed.). Economic Geography The Economic Importance of the Coal Industry to Pennsylvania. George H. K. Schenck and JOHN J. Schanz , Jr . The Economics of Irrigation. Colin Clark Agricultural Geography. Leslie Symons . Geography of International Trade. Richard S. Thoman and Edgar C. Conkling . The Spatial Dynamics of U. S. Urban-Industrial Growth, 1800–1914: Interpretive and Theoretical Essays. Allan R. Pred . Political Geography Background to Political Geography. G. R. Crone . The Columbia River Treaty: The Economics of an InternatiomaL River Basin Development. John V. Krutilla . Atlases Kulturgeografisk Atlas, 2: Tekstbind. Johannes Humlum . Sierra Leone im Maps. John I. Clarke , (ed.). The Times Atlas of the World. John Bartholomew (ed.).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience. YI-Fu TUAN. REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY. A Geography of the New York Metropolitan Region. EDWARD F. BERGMAN and THOMAS W. POHL. Changing Jamaica. ADAM KUPER. GEOGRAPHICAL PHILOSOPHY AND METHODOLOGY. Soviet Geographical Studies, National Committee of Soviet Geographers of USSR Academy of Sciences. G. ABRAMOV and Yu. PIVOVAROV (eds.). Holistic Thought in Social Science. D. C. PHILLIPS. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. The Climate of the British Isles. T. J. CHANDLER and s. GREGORY (eds.). Climates of the Soviet Union. World Survey of Climatology, Volume 7. PAUL E. LYDOLPH. Urban Climatology and its Relevance to Urban Design. T. J. CHANDLER. Tropical Climatology: An Introduction to the Climates of the low Latitudes. S. NIEUWOLT. The Warm Desert Environment. ANDREW GOUDIE and JOHN WILKINSON. ENVIRONMENT AND MAN. Friendly Vermin: A Survey of Feral Livestock in Australia. TOM MCKNICHT. Land Use in Zanibia, Part I: The Basicaily Traditional Land Use Systems and their Regions; Part II: Land Use Map. JÜRCEN SCHULTZ. Environmental Interaction. DAVID CANTER and PETER STRINGER (eds.). Conservation In Canada: A Conspectus. J. S. MAINI and A. CARLISLE (eds.). The Study of the Future: An introduction to the Art and Science of Understanding and Shaping Tomorrow's World. EDWARD CORNISH The Native Population of the Americas in 1492. WILLIAM M. DENEVAN (ed.). The City in Southern History: The Growth of Urban Civilization in the South. BLAINE A. BROWNELL and DAVID R. GOLDFIELD (eds.). John Pory, 1572–1636: The Life and Letters of a Man of Many Parts. WILLIAM S. POWELL. URBAN GEOGRAPHY AND SETTLEMENT. Urban Social Geography from the Perspective of the Real Estate Salesman. RISA PALM. Urban Policymaking and Metropolitan Dynamics: A Comparative Geographical Analysis, Vol. II, Association of American Geographers, Comparative Metropolitan Analysis Project. JOHN S. ADAMS (ed.). The Dispersed City. CHARLES R. HAYES. Race and Residence. TREVOR R. LEE. Delhi Metropolitan Region: A Study in Settlement Geography. SUDESH NANGIA. Murder in Space City: A Cultural Analysis of Houston Homicide Patterns. HENRY P. LUNSGAARDE. Design for Diversity: Planning for Natural Man i n the Neo-technic Environment: An Ethological Approach. BARRIE B. GREENBIE. REGIONAL AND URBAN PLANNING. Spatial Dimensions of Public Policy. J. T. COPPOCK and W. R. D. SEWELL (eds.). Transportation Planning Policy and Analysis. D. N. M. STARKIE. Micropolitan Development: Theory and Practice of Greater Rural Economic Development. LUTHER TWEETEN and GEORGE L. BRINKMAN. Regional lnformation and Regional Planning. ANTONI KUKLINSKI (ed.). Regional Disaggregation of National Policies and Plans. ANTONI KUKLINSKI (ed.). CARTOGRAPHY AND REMOTE SENSING. Remote Sensing of Environment. JOSEPH LINTZ, JR. and DAVID S. SIMONETT (eds.). Remote Sensing for Environmental Sciences. ERWIN SCHANDA (ed.).  相似文献   


John C. Allen and Don A. Dillman. Against all Odds: Rural Community in the Information Age

Richard M. Auty. Patterns of Development: Resources, Policy, and Economic Growth

David Bell and Gill Valentine, eds. Mapping Desire: Geographies of Sexualities

Joseph K. Berry. Spatial Reasoning for Effective GIS

Matthew S. Carroll. Community and the Northwestern Logger

Kam Wing Chan. Cities with Invisible Walls: Reinterpreting Urbanization in Post-1949 China

Nora Federici, Karen Oppenheim Mason and Solvi Sogner, eds. Women's Position and Demographic Change

Stephen Graham and Simon Marvin. Telecommunications and the City: Electronic Spaces, Urban Places

Costis Hadjimichalis and David Sadler, eds. Europ at the Margins: New Mosaics of Inequality

Sally Hardy, Mark Hart, Louis Albrechts and Anastasios Katos, eds. An Enlarged Europe: Regions in Competition

Chiao-Min Hsieh and Jean Kan Hsieh. China: A Provincial Atlas

Douglas L. Johnson and Laurence A. Lewis. Land Degradation: Creation and Desctruction

Mark Luccarelli. Lewis Mumford and the Ecological Region: The Politics of Planning

Bruce Mitchell, ed. Resource and Environmental Management in Canada: Addressing Conflict and Uncertainty

C. J. L. Murray and A. D. Lopez, eds. Global Comparitive Assessments in the Health Sector: Disease Burden, Expenditures and Information Packages

Martin O'Connor. ed. Is Capitalism Sustainable? Political Economy and the Politics of Ecology

Harlan J. Onsrud and Gerald Rushton, eds. Sharing Geographic Information

Peter Preston and Paul Simpson-Housley, eds. Writing the City: Eden, Babylon and the New Jerusalem

N. C. Saxena and Vishwa Ballabh. Farm Forestry in East Asia

Alvin Y. So and Stephen W. K. Chiu. East Asia and the World Economy

Will D. Swearingen and Abdellatif Bencherifa, eds. the North African Environment at Risk

Diane L. Wolf, ed. Feminist Dilemmas in Fieldwork

Charles I. Zinser. Outdoor Recreation: United States National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Arne, Kalland and Gerard, Persoon (eds) Environmental Movements in Asia M., Kellman and R., Tackaberry Tropical Environments: The Functioning and Management of Tropical Ecosystems Gavin, Daws and Marty, Fujita Archipelago: The Islands of Indonesia From the Nineteenth‐Century Discoveries of Alfred Russel Wallace to the Fate of Forests and Reefs in the Twenty‐First Century Nihal, Perera Decolonizing Ceylon: Colonialism, Nationalism and the Politics of Space in Sri Lanka  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Leinbach, Thomas R. and Brunn, Stanley D. (eds.) Worlds of E‐Commerce: Economic, Geographical, and Social Dimensions Calthorpe, Peter and Fulton, William The Regional City: Planning for the End of Sprawl Furuseth, Owen J. and Lapping, Mark B. (eds.) Contested Countryside: The Rural‐Urban Fringe in North America Sharp, Joanne P. Condensing the Cold War: Reader's Digest and American Identity Gleeson, Brendan and Low, Nicholas (eds.) Governing for the Environment: Global Problems, Ethics, and Democracy Isenberg, Andrew The Destruction of the Bison: An Environmental History, 1750 – 1920 Albert, Donald P., Gesler, Wilbert M. and Levergood, Barbara (eds.) Spatial Analysis, GIS, and Remote Sensing Applications in the Health Sciences Wright, Dawn J. and Bartlett, Darius J. (eds.) Marine and Coastal Geographical Information Systems Jankowski, Piotr and Nyerges, Timothy Geographic Information Systems for Group Decision Making: Towards a Participatory Geographic Information Science Gerber, Rod and Chuan, Goh Kim (eds.) Fieldwork in Geography: Reflections, Perspectives, and Actions Craige, Betty Jean Eugene Odom: Ecosystem Ecologist and Environmentalist Lowenthal, David George Perkins Marsh: Prophet of Conservation Schroeder, Richard Shady Practices: Agroforestry and Gender Practices in The Gambia Lovell, W. George A Beauty that Hurts: Life and Death in Guatemala Lichtenberger, Elisabeth Austria: Society and Regions  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Geography and Politics in America. Stanley D. Brunn. Regional Geography . Latin American Development: A Geographical Perspective. Alan Gilbert. Southeast Asia: Realm of Contrasts. Ashok K. Dutt (ed.). The United Arab Emirates: An Economic and Social Survey. K. G. Fenelon. Encyclopaedia of Papua and New Guinea. Peter Ryan (ed.). Physical Geography . World Weather and Climate. Denis Riley and Lewis Spolton. Ice Age Lost. Gwen Shultz. Environment And Man . Climate and Life. M. I. Budyko (David H. Miller, English Editor). Energy and the Environment: A Long Range Forecasting Study. Vaclav Smil. Tropical Forest Ecosystems im Africa and South America: A ComfiaTative Review. Betty J. Meggers, Edward S. Ayensu and W. Donald Duckworth (eds.). EcoEogy and Change: Rural Modernization itt an African Commzmity. C. Gregory Knight. Images of Place: Essays on Eizvironmental Perception, Communications and Education. Brian Goodey. Community Response to Coastal Erosion: Individual and Collective Adjustments to Hazard on the Atlantic Shore. James K. Mitchell. Coastal Ecosystems: Ecological Considerations for Management of the Coastal Zone. John Clark. The Atmospheric Environment; A Study of Comfort and Performance. Andris Auliciems. Recreational Geography. Patrick Lavery (ed.). Cultural Geography . Locational Approaches to Power and Conflict. Kevin R. Cox, David R. Reynolds and Stein Rokkan (eds.). A Geography of American Sport: From Cabin Creek to Anaheim. John A. Rooney, Jr. Historical Geography . The Making of the South Australian Landscape: A Study in the Historical Geography of Australia. Michael Williams Urban Geography And Settlement . The Economics of Urban Size. Harry W. Richardson. The New Urban History: Quantitative Explorations by American Historians. Leo F. Schnore (ed.) Changing Agrarian Structure k India. G. S. Bhalla. Economic Geography . The Agricultural Systems of the World: An Evolutionary Approach. D. B. Grigg. The Steel Zrzdzcstry in Postwar Britain. David W. Heal. Regional And Urban Planning . Location Criteria for High Schools. Fred L. Hall. The Development of Rural America. George L. Brinkman (ed.) Aids To Geographical Research . The Almanac of American Politics: The Senators, the Representatives–Their Records, States, and Districts. 1974. Michael Barone, Grant Ujifusa and Douglas Matthews. Cartography And Remote Sensing . Remote Sensing: A Better View. Robert D. Rudd. Atlases . USSR Agriculture Atlas. Central Intelligence Agency. An Agricultural Atlas of India: A Geographical Analysis. Jasbir Singh.  相似文献   

Leinbach, Thomas R. and Brunn, Stanley D. (eds.) Worlds of E-Commerce: Economic, Geographical, and Social Dimensions

Calthorpe, Peter and Fulton, William The Regional City: Planning for the End of Sprawl

Furuseth, Owen J. and Lapping, Mark B. (eds.) Contested Countryside: The Rural-Urban Fringe in North America

Sharp, Joanne P. Condensing the Cold War: Reader's Digest and American Identity

Gleeson, Brendan and Low, Nicholas (eds.) Governing for the Environment: Global Problems, Ethics, and Democracy

Isenberg, Andrew The Destruction of the Bison: An Environmental History, 1750 – 1920

Albert, Donald P., Gesler, Wilbert M. and Levergood, Barbara (eds.) Spatial Analysis, GIS, and Remote Sensing Applications in the Health Sciences

Wright, Dawn J. and Bartlett, Darius J. (eds.) Marine and Coastal Geographical Information Systems

Jankowski, Piotr and Nyerges, Timothy Geographic Information Systems for Group Decision Making: Towards a Participatory Geographic Information Science

Gerber, Rod and Chuan, Goh Kim (eds.) Fieldwork in Geography: Reflections, Perspectives, and Actions

Craige, Betty Jean Eugene Odom: Ecosystem Ecologist and Environmentalist

Lowenthal, David George Perkins Marsh: Prophet of Conservation

Schroeder, Richard Shady Practices: Agroforestry and Gender Practices in The Gambia

Lovell, W. George A Beauty that Hurts: Life and Death in Guatemala

Lichtenberger, Elisabeth Austria: Society and Regions  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Ryan, James R. Picturing Empire: Photography and theVisualization of the British Empire Sizoo, Edith (ed.) Women's Lifeworlds: Women's Narratives on Shaping their Realities. Teaford, Jon Post-Suburbia Government and Politics in the Edge Cities. Warhus, Mark Another America: Native American Maps and the Historyof Our Land Yeung, Y. M. and Chu, David K. Y. (eds.) Guangdong: Survey of aProvince Undergoing Rapid Change Young, E. M. World Hunger  相似文献   

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