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The approximate composition of the Tunguska meteorite remnants obtained by averaging the results of several measurements is presented. It is pointed out that the matter of the cosmic-body remnants was enriched with alkaline and alkaline-earth elements. The composition of the meteorite matter was extremely heterogeneous. The upper limit of the density of the Tunguska cosmic body has been estimated at 2.8 g/cm3. It is suggested that, due to interaction with the Earth’s atmosphere, the cosmic body disintegrated into fragments from 10?7 to 10?3 m in size, with the majority of the matter being ejected to the upper atmospheric layers. Calculations of the rate and the time of the sedimentation of particles in the atmosphere have shown that the change in atmosphere transparency is controlled by particles larger than 10?5 m in radius.  相似文献   

Abstract— A critical survey is presented of all determinations of the azimuth and inclination of the Tunguska meteorite's trajectory based either on eyewitness testimonies or on the mathematical treatment of the forest-leveling field in the area of the catastrophe. The eyewitness testimonies collected in the neighborhood of the Nizhnyaya Tunguska River indicate the most probable azimuth of the trajectory projection to be 104° from the north to the east, which is close to the most recent azimuth estimate from the forest-leveling field, 99°. For the most part of the trajectory, its inclination could not exceed 15°. However, it is seen from aerodynamic calculations that the combined action of the gravity field and a nonzero aerodynamic lift could increase the inclination to 40° as the end of the trajectory was approached. Meteoroid orbits are calculated for a broad family of trajectories with azimuths ranging from 99° (Fast et al, 1976) to 137° (Krinov, 1949) and geocentric velocities ranging from 25 to 40 km/s. Orbits with large azimuth values (120° and larger) are shown to belong to the asteroidal type. They are succeeded by the orbits of short-period and long-period comets, whereas very small azimuth values and large geocentric velocities correspond to the region of hyperbolic orbits. Certain restrictions on the possible trajectory azimuths and geocentric velocities of the Tunguska body are imposed by this study.  相似文献   

Abstract Chemical data are reported for the Tianlin iron meteorite from south China. The meteorite is classified as a coarse octahedrite of group IA with complete decomposition of cohenite to ferrite and graphite.  相似文献   

Observations of the trail caused by the meteorite which fell around Dhajala, Gujarat (India), on 28 January 1976 have been used to compute the probable orbit of the meteoroid in space. The cosmic ray effects in the meteorite fragments indicate high mass ablation (?90%), suggesting a high velocity (?20 km/sec) of entry into the Earth's atmosphere. The atmospheric trajectory is reasonably well documented and its deviation from the projected ground fallout can be understood in terms of the ambient wind pattern. The apparent radiant of the trail was at a point in the sky with right ascension 165°, declination +60°. Considering the errors in estimating the radiant, we get a range of orbits with a = 2.3 ± 0.8 AU, e = 0.6 ± 0.1, and i = 28 ± 4° with the constraints of a ? 1.5 AU and V < 25 km/sec (which causes nearly complete evaporation of the meteoroid). Taking V = 21.5 lm/sec as indicated by the measured mass ablation of the meteorite, the orbital elements are deduced to be a = 1.8 AU, e = 0.59, i = 27°.6, ω = 109°.1, Ω = 307°.8, and q = 0.74.  相似文献   

Abstract The St-Robert (Québec, Canada) meteorite shower occurred on 1994 June 15 at 0h02m UT accompanied by detonations audible for >200 km from the fireball endpoint. The fireball was recorded by visual observers in Vermont, New York State, New Hampshire, Québec and Ontario as well as by optical and infrared sensors in Earth-orbit. Penetration to an altitude of 36 km occurred ~60 km to the northeast of Montreal, where the bolide experienced several episodes of fragmentation. A total of 20 fragments of this H5 chondrite, comprising a total mass of 25.4 kg, were recovered in an ellipse measuring 8 × 3.5 km. One fragment of the shower partially penetrated the aluminum roof of a shed. Interpretation of the visual and satellite data suggests that the fireball traveled from south-southwest to north-northeast, with a slope from the horizontal of 55°–61°. A statistical evaluation of the likely heliocentric orbits for the body prior to collision with the Earth, coupled with theoretical modeling of the entry, suggests an entry velocity in the range of 12.7–13.3 km/s; the meteoroid had moved in a low-inclination orbit, with orbital perihelion located extremely close to the Earth's orbit. From satellite optical data, it is found that the photometric mass consumed during the largest detonation is ~1200 kg. Estimation of the amplitude of the acoustic signal detected by the most distant observer yields a source energy near 0.5 kt TNT equivalent energy, which corresponds to a mass of order 10 metric tonnes. This measure is uncertain to approximately one order of magnitude. Theoretical modeling of the entry of the object suggests a mass near 1600 kg. Cosmogenic radionuclide activities constrain the lower initial mass to be ~700 kg with an upper limit near 4000 kg. Seismic data possibly associated with the fireball suggest extremely poor coupling between the airwave and the ground. The total mass estimated to have reached the ground is ~100 kg (in material comprising >55 g fragments), while the preatmospheric mass is found to be most probably in the range of 1200–2000 kg.  相似文献   

Abstract— On 1992 August 14 at 12:40 UTC, an ordinary chondrite of type L5/6 entered the atmosphere over Mbale, Uganda, broke up, and caused a strewn field of size 3 × 7 km. Shortly after the fall, an expedition gathered eye witness accounts and located the position of 48 impacts of masses between 0.1 g and 27.4 kg. Short-lived radionuclide data were measured for two specimens, one of which was only 12 days after the fall. Subsequent recoveries of fragements has resulted in a total of 863 mass estimates by 1993 October. The surfaces of all fragments contain fusion crust. The meteorite shower caused some minor inconveniences. Most remarkably, a young boy was hit on the head by a small specimen. The data are interpreted as to indicate that the meteorite had an initial mass between 400–1000 kg (most likely ~1000 kg) and approached Mbale from Az = 185 ± 15, H = 55 ± 15, and V = 13.5 ± 1.5/s. Orbital elements are given. Fragmentation of the initial mass started probably above 25 km altitude, but the final catastrophic breakup occurred at an altitude of 10–14 km. An estimated 190 ± 40 kg reached the Earth's surface minutes after the final breakup of which 150 kg of material has been recovered.  相似文献   

Abstract— A large meteorite fall in southern Germany on April 6, 2002 was captured by camera stations of the European Fireball Network (EN) which routinely monitors the night sky over central Europe. From analysis of the images, a prediction on the geographic location of the meteorite strewn field could be made. Following systematic ground searches in difficult high‐mountain terrain, three fragments of a rare EL6 enstatite chondrite were recovered during search campaigns in the summers of 2002 and 2003. “Neuschwanstein” is the fourth meteorite fall in history that has been photographed by fireball networks and the fragments of which have been found subsequently. It is the first time since the beginning of the EN operation in the early sixties that the photographic observations have made a meteorite recovery possible.  相似文献   

We present the results of an extensive study of the Tunguska Cosmic Body (TCB) origin on dynamical grounds. To identify the TCB parent, or a plausible candidate, we applied the well-known concept of dynamical similarity whereby we have compared the geocentric and heliocentric dynamical parameters of a selected set of the Near Earth Objects (NEOs) and TCB particles. First, we made use the idea of Kresak by comparing geocentric coordinates of the TCB radiant with those of the NEOs. Second, we studied the long-term dynamical evolution of all NEOs and TCB particles searching for similarities between their heliocentric orbits. As a general result, we observed many more similar cases and a different pattern of the high orbital similarity among the TCB particles and the asteroid orbits than we did for comets.  相似文献   

Abstract— Antarctic meteorites have been and are being well studied but the potential for glaciological and climatological information in the sites where they are found is only beginning to be realized. To date, meteorite stranding surfaces have been identified only in East Antarctica: (1) The MacKay Glacier/David Glacier region contains the Allan Hills and the Reckling Moraine/Elephant Moraine stranding surfaces. Because the Allan Hills Main Icefield has a large proportion of meteorites with long terrestrial ages, these concentrations of meteorites must have had catchment areas extending well inland, in contrast to the present. Where known, bedrock topography is mesa-like in form and influences ice flow directions. Ice levels at the Allan Hills may have been higher by 50–100 m in the past. Reckling Moraine and Elephant Moraine are located on a long patch of ice running westward from Reckling Peak; the ice appears to be pouring over a bedrock escarpment. (2) In North Victoria Land, ice diverges around Frontier Mountain and flows into a site behind the barrier where ablation occurs extensively. It is proposed that meteorites and rocks were dumped by ice flow at the mouth of a valley in the lee of the mountain at the site where a meltwater pond existed, in a depression produced by ablation. Later, the pond migrated headward along the valley to a point where it is today, leaving a morainal deposit with the meteorites at a higher level. (3) Between the Beardmore and Law Glaciers, ice flows sluggishly into the southwestern margin of the Walcott Névé. Northeastern sections of the Walcott are virtually barren of meteorites. The entering Plateau ice is diverted northward to flow along the base of Lewis Cliff. This flow apparently terminates in an ice tongue protruding into a vast moraine, where a very large concentration of meteorites was found on the ice. This final segment of flowing ice is called the Lewis Cliff Ice Tongue. Meteorite Moraine, a subsidiary occurrence 2 km to the northeast, is also found against morainal deposits. The origin of the moraines and the history of meteorite concentration at this site is the subject of some debate. (4) The Transantarctic Mountains are submerged along one segment many hundreds of km in length by ice flowing off the Polar Plateau. The Thiel Mountains, Pecora Escarpment and Patuxent Range are the only surface indications of the underlying mountains along this interval, and meteorite stranding surfaces are found at each of these sites. Little is yet known about ice dynamics at these sites. (5) The immense Yamato Mountains meteorite stranding surface covers an area of about 4000 km2. So far, most meteorites have been recovered in the upper reaches of this blue ice field, where ice flow is slowed by outlying subice barriers of the Yamato Mountains. Individual massifs in this range extend northward over 50 km, and the Yamato Meteorite Icefield loses 1100 m in elevation over this distance. (6) The Sør Rondane Mountains form a barrier to ice flow off the Polar Plateau. The major meteorite stranding surface associated with this barrier is the Nansenisen Icefield, a large ablation area about 50 km upstream of the mountains. The existence of a meteorite stranding surface at this site has not been explained so far. Most meteorite stranding surfaces have been functioning for a long time. They are sites where net ablation of the surface is occurring; the ice at these sites is stagnant or flowing only slowly, and the numbers of meteorites with great terrestrial ages decrease exponentially. Concentration mechanisms operating at these sites involve ablation, direct infall, time, low temperatures, moderate weathering and wind ablation. Detrimental to concentration are ice flow out of the area and extreme weathering. In spite of the fact that the Antarctic Ice Sheet is thought to be over 10 Ma old, we do not find stranding surfaces with meteorites having greater terrestrial ages than 1 Ma. This suggests that stranding surfaces are transient features, affected on a continental scale by possible extreme warming during late Pliocene and on a smaller scale by regional changes that produce differential effects between icefields. The latter effect is suggested by differences in the average terrestrial age of meteorites at different stranding surfaces. In either case, these sites seem to appear as a result of thinning near the edges of the ice sheet, and stratigraphic sequences may be exposed in the ice at stranding surfaces. We review five models for the production of meteorite stranding surfaces: (1) simple deflation of the ice sheet, in which ablation removes great thicknesses of overlying ice, exposing the contained meteorites while allowing direct falls to accumulate, (2) simple accumulation of direct falls on a bare ice surface that is not deflating, (3) ablation of ice trapped against a barrier, in which meteorites accumulate by direct infall while inflowing ice contributes meteorites by ablation discovery, (4) deceleration of ice by a subice barrier, which allows ablation discovery of meteorites in incoming ice and accumulation of other meteorites on the surface by direct infall and (5) stagnation of ice by encounter with an ice mass able to produce an opposing flow vector, in which ablation discovery and direct infall accumulation processes operate to build the meteorite concentration.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Tagish Lake C2 (ungrouped) carbonaceous chondrite fall of January 18, 2000, delivered ?10 kg of one of the most primitive and physically weak meteorites yet studied. In this paper, we report the detailed circumstances of the fall and the recovery of all documented Tagish Lake fragments from a strewnfield at least 16 km long and 3 to 4 km wide. Nearly 1 kg of “pristine” meteorites were collected one week after the fall before new snow covered the strewnfield; the majority of the recovered mass was collected during the spring melt. Ground eyewitnesses and a variety of instrument‐recorded observations of the Tagish Lake fireball provide a refined estimate of the fireball trajectory. From its calculated orbit and its similarity to the remotely sensed properties of the D‐ and P‐class asteroids, the Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite apparently represents these outer belt asteroids. The cosmogenic nuclide results and modeled production indicate a prefall radius of 2.1–2.4 m (corresponding to 60–90 tons) consistent with the observed fireball energy release. The bulk oxygen‐isotope compositions plot just below the terrestrial fractionation line (TFL), following a trend similar to the CM meteorite mixing line. The bulk density of the Tagish Lake material (1.64 ± 0.02 g/cm3) is the same, within uncertainty, as the total bulk densities of several C‐class and especially D‐ and P‐class asteroids. The high microporosity of Tagish Lake samples (?40%) provides an obvious candidate material for the composition of low bulk density primitive asteroids.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Ocotillo IAB iron meteorite contains small silicate inclusions consisting of olivine, low-Ca pyroxene, chromian diopside, plagioclase, magnesiochromite, apatite, troilite and metal. The ferromagnesian silicates have a small range of Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratios that are not due to zoning. These phases appear to be not well equilibrated. The FeO content of magnesiochromite is lower than values normally seen in silicate assemblages in IAB iron meteorites. The minerals in Ocotillo are generally like silicate assemblages in other IAB meteorites, covering similar composition ranges and exhibiting a metamorphic (granoblastic) texture. An estimate was made of the bulk composition of Ocotillo silicate inclusions. The bulk composition is close to that of ordinary chondrites with the exception of a deficiency in CaO that might be due to a sampling problem associated with the method used to estimate the bulk composition.  相似文献   

On the morning of June 30, 1908 a remarkable naturalphenomenon took place in the region to the north and north-west of Lake Baikal in Russia, which is now usually known as the Tunguska event. Despite the fact that a dozen explanations or more have been put forward to explain this event, its origin is still questionable.In this work geophysical circumstances of the Tunguskaevent are investigated. The research reveals that the event took place during a strong upsurge of tectonic activity in the Tunguska event region, and there were some peculiarities in tectonic activity even on larger scales. Also the event occurred during a change from a long period of "good" weather to a 'bad' one in the region. And there were also peculiarities in the atmosphere on larger scales at those times.In the author's opinion, this suggests that the Tunguskaevent was of geophysical origin. On much smaller scales similar geophysical events occur rather often.  相似文献   

Abstract— Because the path of the Murchison meteorite fortuitously intersected the Earth's path at an angle of only a few degrees, the visual observations establish the entry velocity to be within 2 km/s of 13 km/s and determine the nature of its orbit with a precision quite unusual for visually sighted falls.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Ilumetsa impact craters were discovered in 1938 in the course of geological mapping. In the crater field area, the Middle Devonian bedrock consists of light‐yellow weakly cemented siltstones and sandstones of the Givetian Burtnieki Regional Stage, which are overlain by a 1–2 m thick layer of reddish‐brown loamy till. Põrguhaud, the biggest crater, has a diameter of 75–80 m at the top of the uplifted rim and is 12.5 m deep. The zone of authochtonous breccias below the apparent crater extends to 30 m deep. The crater is partly filled with a thin layer of gyttja and peat up to 2 m thick. Radiocarbon ages of 6030 ± 100 (TA‐310) and 5910 ± 100 (TA‐725) years B.P. from the lowermost organic layer and palynological evidence suggest that the age of the impact was ~6000 14C years B.P. The Sügavhaud crater has a diameter of 50 m at the top of the rim and is 4.5 m deep. Organic matter on the bottom of the crater is absent. As precise age determination of the Ilumetsa craters by direct dating methods has proved inconclusive, we proposed a method of geological correlation which is based on the occurrence of impact spherules in lake and bog sediments around the crater field. Radiocarbon dating of samples from a peat layer with glassy spherules of impact origin in the Meenikunno Bog, 6 km southwest of the Ilumetsa crater field, yielded the ages of 6542 ± 50 (Tln‐2214) for the depth interval 5.6–5.7 m and 6697 ± 50 (Tln‐2316) years B.P. for the depth interval 5.7–5.8 m. These dates suggest that the Ilumetsa craters were formed ~6600 years ago.  相似文献   

Abstract— Precise radiometric age determination of the Kaalijärv meteorite craters on the island of Saaremaa in Estonia have so far proved inconclusive. Here we present trace element analyses of peat cores taken several kilometers away from the Kaalijärv craters that reveal a distinct Ir‐enriched layer produced by the meteorite impact. By radiocarbon dating the peat cores, we have determined for the first time the precise age of the impact that generated the Kaalijärv craters. The calibrated date of the impact is 400–370 B.C. at ± 1σ.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Julesburg chondrite, a single stone weighing 57.9 kg, was found in 1983 in Sedgewick County, Colorado, USA. It contains abundant chondrules and chondrule fragments but little fine-grained matrix. The olivine composition ranges from Fa1 to Fa25 but a frequency plot of olivine compositions is strongly peaked at Fa23. The low-Ca pyroxenes range from Fs3 to Fs28 and show no dominant composition. The abundance of clearly defined chondrules, the heterogeneity of the silicates and the presence of glass within chondrules indicate a type 3 chondrite, refined by thermoluminescence data to 3.6. The total iron content of 20.46% is indicative of an L-group stone. The low noble gas retention ages indicate that this meteorite was outgassed late in its history. This is supported by petrographic evidence of brecciation and shock. Aluminum-rich spinels within chondrules and inclusions contain up to 2.6% ZnO which suggests that they formed in a volatile-rich environment.  相似文献   

Abstract The Chervettaz meteorite was an observed fall on 1901 November 30. Our study confirms the previous classification as an L5 chondrite. Weak deformations indicate stage S3 of shock deformations.  相似文献   

We have developed a statistical framework that uses collisional evolution models, shock physics modeling, and scaling laws to determine the range of plausible collisional histories for individual meteorite parent bodies. It is likely that those parent bodies that were not catastrophically disrupted sustained hundreds of impacts on their surfaces—compacting, heating, and mixing the outer layers; it is highly unlikely that many parent bodies escaped without any impacts processing the outer few kilometers. The first 10–20 Myr were the most important time for impacts, both in terms of the number of impacts and the increase of specific internal energy due to impacts. The model has been applied to evaluate the proposed impact histories of several meteorite parent bodies: up to 10 parent bodies that were not disrupted in the first 100 Myr experienced a vaporizing collision of the type necessary to produce the metal inclusions and chondrules on the CB chondrite parent; around 1–5% of bodies that were catastrophically disrupted after 12 Myr sustained impacts at times that match the heating events recorded on the IAB/winonaite parent body; more than 75% of 100 km radius parent bodies, which survived past 100 Myr without being disrupted, sustained an impact that excavates to the depth required for mixing in the outer layers of the H‐chondrite parent body; and to protect the magnetic field on the CV chondrite parent body, the crust would have had to have been thick (approximately 20 km) to prevent it being punctured by impacts.  相似文献   

Abstract— Visual reports of the fall of the Murchison meteorite constrain the time of arrival to within approximately one minute of 00:58 UT 28 September 1969 and indicate an azimuth close to south east. On the basis of recent orbital and radiant determinations, reference is made to the apparent similarities with the theoretical radiant for meteors associated with Comet P/Finlay and orbital similarities with Apollo asteroid 1979 VA.  相似文献   

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