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As part of the international cooperative Baikal Drilling Project, siliceous microfossil assemblage succession was analyzed in two short ( 30-cm) sediment cores from Lake Baikal. One core was recovered from the north basin (Core 324, 55°15N, 109°30E), a second from between the central and southern basins (Core 316, 52°28N, 106°5E). The northern core had higher amounts of biogenic silica (40 g SiO2 per 100 g dry weight sediment) compared to the southern core, and increased deposition in the more recent sediments. Weight percent biogenic silica was lower in the southern core, ranging from approximately 20–30 g SiO2 per 100 g dry weight sediment throughout the entire core. Trends in absolute microfossil abundance mirror those of biogenic silica, with generally greater abundance in the northern core (86–275×106 microfossils g–1 dry sediment) compared to the southern core (94–163×106 microfossils g–1 dry sediment).Cluster analyses using relative abundance of the dominant diatom and chrysophyte taxa revealed four zones of microfossil succession in each core. Microfossil assemblage succession in the north basin may be reflecting shifts in nutrient supply and cycling driven by climatic changes. The most recent sediments in the northern basin (Zone 1,c. 1890's–1991 A.D.) were characterized by an increased abundance ofAulacoseira baicalensis andAulacoseira spore. Zone 3 (c. 1630's–1830's A.D.) was dominated by the endemicCyclotella spp. and reduced abundance of theAulacoseira spp. Zone 3 corresponds approximately to the Little Ice Age, a cooler climatic period. The microfossil assemblages between Zones 1 and 3 (Zone 2,c. 1830's–1890's A.D.) and below Zone 3 (Zone 4,c. 830's–1430's A.D.) are similar to one another suggesting they represent transitional intervals between warm and cold periods. Southern basin sediments record similar changes in the endemic taxa. However, the increased abundance of non-endemic planktonic taxa (e.g.Stephanodiscus binderanus, Synedra acus, Cyclostephanos dubius) during two periods in recent history (post World War II and late 1700's) suggests evidence for anthropogenic induced changes in southern Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

Examination of surficial sediments at 16 stations shows minor, but consistent differences in the numbers and kinds of siliceous microfossils deposited in different regions of Lake Baikal. There is a general north-south decreasing trend in total microfossil abundance on a weight basis. Endemic plankton diatom species are the most abundant component of assemblages at all stations. Chrysophyte cysts are present at all stations, but most forms are more abundant at northern stations. Non-endemic plankton diatom species are most abundant at southern stations. Small numbers of benthic diatoms and sponge spicules are found in all samples. Although low numbers are present in offshore sediments, the benthic diatom flora is very diverse. Principal components analysis confirms primary north-south abundance trends and suggests further differentiation by station location and depth.  相似文献   

The biostratigraphy of fossil diatoms contributes important chronologic, paleolimnologic, and paleoclimatic information from Lake Baikal in southeastern Siberia. Diatoms are the dominant and best preserved microfossils in the sediments, and distinctive assemblages and species provide inter-core correlations throughout the basin at millennial to centennial scales, in both high and low sedimentation-rate environments. Distributions of unique species, once dated by radiocarbon, allow diatoms to be used as dating tools for the Holocene history of the lake. Diatom, pollen, and organic geochemical records from site 305, at the foot of the Selenga Delta, provide a history of paleolimnologic and paleoclimatic changes from the late glacial (15 ka) through the Holocene. Before 14 ka diatoms were very rare, probably because excessive turbidity from glacial meltwater entering the lake impeded productivity. Between 14 and 12 ka, lake productivity increased, perhaps as strong winds promoted deep mixing and nutrient regeneration. Pollen evidence suggests a cold shrub — steppe landscape dominated the central Baikal depression at this time. As summer insolation increased, conifers replaced steppe taxa, but diatom productivity declined between 11 and 9 ka perhaps as a result of increased summer turbidity resulting from violent storm runoff entering the lake via short, steep drainages. After 8 ka, drier, but more continental climates prevailed, and the modern diatom flora of Lake Baikal came to prominence. On Academician Ridge, a site of slow sedimentation rates, Holocene diatom assemblages at the top of 10-m cores reappear at deeper levels suggesting that such cores record at least two previous interglacial (or interstadial?) periods. Nevertheless, distinctive species that developed prior to the last glacial period indicate that the dynamics of nutrient cycling in Baikal and the responsible regional climatic environments were not entirely analogous to Holocene conditions. During glacial periods, the deep basin sediments of Lake Baikal are dominated by rapidly deposited clastics entering from large rivers with possibly glaciated headwaters. On the sublacustrine Academician Ridge (depth = 300 m), however, detailed analysis of the diatom biostratigraphy indicates that diastems (hiatuses of minor duration) and (or) highly variable rates of accumulation complicate paleolimnologic and paleoclimatic reconstructions from these records.  相似文献   

The discussion on climatic instability observed in Greenland ice cores during the Eemian period (substage 5e) resulted in discovery of a pronounced mid-Eemian cooling event. We report that the mid-Eemian cooling is found for the first time in the biogenic silica climatic record and microfossil abundance record of Lake Baikal. Timing of this event in Lake Baikal correlates well with timing of the European pollen records and marine sedimentary records. The presence of the mid-Eemian cooling signal in the Lake Baikal record suggests a much closer link between Asian climate influenced by strong pressure fields over the vast land masses and the climate-controlling processes in the North Atlantic during interglacial periods, than what was generally believed. Furthermore, the Lake Baikal record suggests that after the mid-Eemian cooling, the climatic conditions returned close to the warmth of the 5e optimum and thus argues that the warm conditions of the last interglacial persisted in Siberia throughout 5e, and did not end with the mid-Eemian cooling as suggested by several published marine records.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of siliceous microfossils in a 210Pb dated core from Green Bay of Lake Michigan shows clear evidence of eutrophication, but a different pattern of population succession than observed in the main deposition basins of the Great Lakes. Sediments deposited prior to extensive European settlement (ca A.D. 1850) contain high relative abundance of chrysophyte cysts and benthic diatoms. Quantity and composition of microfossils deposited during the pre-settlement period represented in our core is quite uniform, except for the 30–32 cm interval which contains elevated microfossil abundance and particularly high levels of attached benthic species. Total microfossil abundance and the proportion of planktonic diatoms begins to increase ca 1860 and rises very rapidly beginning ca 1915. Maximum abundance occurs in sediments deposited during the 1970's, with a secondary peak in the late 1940's — early 1950's. Increased total abundance is accompanied by increased dominance of taxa tolerant of eutrophic conditions, however indigenous oligotrophic taxa, particularly those which are most abundant during the summer, are not eliminated from the flora, as in the lower Great Lakes. It appears that a combination of silica resupply from high riverine loadings and replacement of indigenous populations by periodic intrusions of Lake Michigan water allow sequential co-existence of species usually exclusively associated with either eutrophic or oligotrophic conditions.  相似文献   

Results of lithostratigraphic and mineral magnetic analysis of two surficial sediment cores (21 cm and 45 cm in length) collected from the Southern basin of Lake Baikal at a water depth of 1390 m, are presented. The sediments have been measured for a wide range of mineral magnetic parameters in order to assess their value in the identification of turbidite layers. Particle size and geochemical data are also presented and these explain some of the down core variations in magnetic mineralogy. It is suggested that changes in the particle size frequency distributions down core may be related to fossil diatom shells. One of the cores has been dated using 210Pb. The sediment cores were cross-correlated using low frequency magnetic susceptibility (f) and these cores can also be correlated with a nearby core collected earlier in 1992. Changes in the magnetic parameters of lf, IRMs and HIRM210 suggest that there are significant changes in the concentration of ferrimagnetic minerals in the sediment cores, indicating changing sediment sources and/or increasing concentrations of spheroidal carbonaceous particles and the dissolution of minerals through reduction below the oxidised layer within the sediment core.  相似文献   

Mineral magnetic measurements of six 210Pb-dated surface cores from different basins of Lake Baikal, Siberia, show temporal records controlled by a range of internal and external processes. With the exception of sediments on the Academician Ridge, there is clear evidence for widespread reductive diagenesis effects on the ferrimagnetic component coupled with neo-formation of paramagnetic iron minerals. Greigite formation, bacterial magnetosome accumulation and turbidite layers may affect the properties of some sediment levels. Concentrations of canted antiferromagnetic minerals (eg. haematite) appear to increase from the 19th century onwards. These minerals are less affected by dissolution processes and probably represent detrital minerals delivered by catchment fluvial processes. The magnetic evidence for recent atmospheric pollution by fossil-fuel combustion processes is weak in all the cores, and supports the findings from studies of spherical carbonaceous particles (SCPs) and heavy metals that pollution is largely restricted to the southern basin. Correlations between recent sediments based on magnetic data may be insecure over long distances or between basins.  相似文献   

Diatoms, crustaceans, and pollen from sediment cores, in conjunction with dated shoreline tufas provide evidence for lake level and environmental fluctuations of Walker Lake in the late Quaternary. Large and rapid changes of lake chemistry and level apparently resulted from variations in the course and discharge of the Walker River. Paleolimnological evidence suggests that the basin contained a relatively deep and slightly saline to freshwater lake before ca. 30 000 years B.P. During the subsequent drawdown, the Walker River apparently shifted its course and flowed northward into the Carson Sink. As a result, Walker Lake shallowed and became saline. During the full glacial, cooler climates with more effective moisture supported a shallow brine lake in the basin even without the Walker River. As glacial climates waned after 15 000 years ago, Walker Lake became a playa. The Walker River returned to its basin 4700 years ago, filling it with fresh water in a few decades. Thereafter, salinity and depth increased as evaporation concentrated inflowing water, until by 3000 years ago Walker Lake was nearly 90 m deep, according to dated shoreline tufas. Lake levels fluctuated throughout this interval in response to variations in Sierra Nevada precipitation and local evaporation. A drought in the Sierras between 2400 and 2000 years ago reduced Walker Lake to a shallow, brine lake. Climate-controlled refilling of the lake beginning 2000 years ago required about one millennium to bring Walker lake near its historic level.Through time, lake basins in the complex Lake Lahontan system, fill and desiccate in response to climatic, tectonic and geomorphic events. Detailed, multidisciplinary paleolimnologic records from related subbasins are required to separate these processes before lake level history can be reliably used to interpret paleoclimatology.This is the fifth of a series of papers to be published by this journal that was presented in the paleolimnology sessions organized by R. B. Davis and H. Löffler for the XIIth Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), which took place in Ottawa, Canada in August 1987. Drs. Davis and Löffler are serving as guest editors of this series.  相似文献   

Authigenic vivianite and siderite microconcretions were found, respectively, in hemipelagic and deltaic facies of 600-m-long BDP-98 sediment section from Lake Baikal. Textural investigations of these microconcretions show that they are typically <1 mm in size, irregular in shape and composed of aggregated crystallites. Dissimilar orientation of vivianite and siderite crystallites suggests formation at different depths in the sediment; up to tens of centimeters for vivianite and tens of meters for siderite. Chemical analyses of both the vivianite and the siderite indicate cation composition characterized by minor amounts of Mn, Ca and Mn apart from the dominating Fe. Rather limited and distinctive carbon isotopic composition of the siderite, with δ 13CVPDB values between about +13 and +16‰, implies formation of the mineral in the methanogenic zone of diagenesis. Isotopic composition of oxygen in the siderite (δ 18OVPDB values between about −10 and -11‰ ) is consistent with crystallization temperature at about 10–30°C and water δ 18OSMOW values between about −10 and -16‰ . The distribution of the authigenic minerals in the section suggests changes in both sedimentary facies and climate, where vivianite formation was controlled by hemipelagic depositional conditions during the Pliocene and Quaternary, whereas siderite reflects impact of deltaic conditions during the Miocene.  相似文献   

Magnetic remanence vectors for 1737 samples from two ∼100 m cores of Lake Baikal sediments are reported along with complete magnetic susceptibility profiles obtained from a pass-through system. Chronological control is established by means of two independent correlations; first, by matching susceptibility variations to the oceanic oxygen isotope record and second, by matching the relative palaeointensity variations to the SINT-800 global reference curve. These both imply an average deposition rate of 15 cm kyr–1 and a basal age of ∼640 ka. Spectral analysis reveals the presence of Milankovitch signals at ∼100 kyr (eccentricity), ∼41 kyr (obliquity) and ∼23 and ∼19 kyr (precession). Stable remanence vectors are almost all of normal polarity. The few exceptions comprise brief intervals of low and/or negative inclinations which probably represent geomagnetic excursions. However, these are far less numerous than the high sedimentation rate would lead one to expect. Furthermore, only four of them can be readily matched to the—still poorly understood—global pattern. These are the Laschamp, the Albuquerque, the Iceland Basin and perhaps the West Eifel excursions which occurred at ∼38 000, ∼146 000, at 180 000–190 000 and at 480 000–495 000 yr ago, respectively.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical properties of two 100 m sediment cores (BDP-93-1, 93-2) obtained from the Buguldeika saddle of Lake Baikal in the eastern Siberia and a 14C-based age scale for the core show that the core bottom is about 400000 years ago and that the changes in the sedimentological environment of the area during the interval were that comparatively coarse and high C/N ratio sediments accumulated in the lake during interglacial periods, and fine material and low C/N ratio during glacial periods. The tentative age scale suggests that the first excursion in the earth's magnetic field at about 26 m (BDP-93-1 and 93-2) from the sediment surface corresponds to the Blake event. Statistical analyses of the data-sets for the some properties show that the fluctuations have distinct periods; 20000 years, 40000 years and 100000 years, that are related to the Milankovitch parameters and support that the tentative age scale is approximately acceptable.  相似文献   

The sedimentary record from Lake Baikal (Siberia, Russia) has been an important source of information about paleoclimatic variability in the northern hemisphere and dynamics of continental rift development. A lack of reliable chronology has, however, been a major obstacle to fully utilizing the Baikal archive for time scales beyond about 4-5 Myr. In this paper we use the distribution of 10Be to establish a new chronology for the longest core drilled in Lake Baikal so far. The 10Be-based chronology spans the last 8 Myr and provides better constraints on sedimentation rates and consequently on an east-west tectonic extension in the lake, which has been apparently coeval with other rifts in Asia that are related to the Tibetan plateau uplift. Our data also show higher 10Be flux in the sediment section older then 5 Myr compared with the younger period. This can be explained partly by warm and humid climatic conditions of the Miocene and partly by a high cosmic ray flux to the Earth resulting from possible low geomagnetic field intensity during that time.  相似文献   

The St.16 core obtained from the Academician Ridge of Lake Baikal in eastern Siberia may span about 260 000 years, and some physical properties of the core samples are closely related to aquatic paleoproductivity and climatic change. The median of grain size, grain density, and water content fluctuate synchronously. They also are connected with change in the abundance of biogenic silica (diatoms). The physical parameters indicate that there were high aquatic productivity periods around interglacial periods (MIS 5 and 7; 70 000-125 000 yr B.P. and 180 000-250 000 yr B.P.). Comparatively large clastics were transported from outside of the lake through various routes (ice rafting, etc.) in addition to fluvial routes during the glacials or 'stadials. There are ca. 20 000 yr, 40 000 yr and 100 000 yr periods in the variations of physical properties. These are related to the three Milankovitch parameters of solar insolation.  相似文献   

We propose a new automatic orbital tuning algorithm to adjust climatic signals to insolation. This can tune two signals with periodicity only without shape similarity. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used as an optimizing method. The new age model for the Brunhes epoch in Lake Baikal core BDP98 defined climatic shifts at about 250 kyr B.P., 350 kyr B.P. and 700 kyr B.P. The sedimentation rate for the interval from 350 kyr B.P. to 700 kyr B.P. was comparatively low and stable. This new model also indicates that there was a stadial during the super interglacial period (MIS 11), and that the terrestrial response to climate change was complex in this period.  相似文献   

The late Quaternary diatom record from subalpine Crowfoot Lake, Banff National Park, Alberta (lat. 51° 61N; long. 116° 31W) has been analyzed. Results are related to independently inferred vegetation and climate changes. No diatoms were found in the basal diamict that predates 11330 14C yr BP. Very few occur until ca. 10 10014 C yr BP probably due to the short time between de-glaciation and an advance of the Crowfoot Glacier during the Younger Dryas Chron. Initial pioneering species were characteristic of alkaline water and calcareous organic sediments. They appeared as sediments became organic and laminated suggesting increasing water clarity, and as the Pinus-dominated forest expanded and the climate warmed. After ca. 9060 14C yr BP diatom numbers increased rapidly, reaching a maximum prior to the Mazama tephra; they remained high until ca. 3500 14C yr BP. The period between ca. 9060 and 3500 14C yr saw timberline elevation increase and the dominance of xerophytic taxa. These are consistent with early to mid-Holocene warmth and aridity. Diatom productivity reflects the warm climate and presumably longer ice-free season, a stable catchment and transparent water. Decreases in diatom productivity coincide with a vegetation change with reduction of xerophytic taxa and the appearance of a closed Picea-Abies forest, hence a cooler, wetter climate at ca. 4100 to 3500 14C yr BP. The diatom numbers during the Neoglacial were of the same magnitude as prior to ca. 9060 14C yr BP. Small species of Fragilaria (overwhelmingly Fragilaria construens v. venter) became extremely dominant during the period of high diatom productivity, and remained so thereafter. Recovery of the lake appears to have been rapid after deposition of the Mazama tephra. Maximum occurrence of Cyclotella radiosa occurred ca. 8000 14C yr BP during the warm early Holocene and may reflect this warmer climate, a longer ice-free season than presently, perhaps less turbid water, or it may reflect a subtly higher nutrient status of the lake water. The diatom record of Crowfoot Lake has responded with sensitivity, particularly in terms of productivity, to the Holocene vegetation and climate changes.  相似文献   

Geochemical analysis of six radiometrically dated short cores of recent sediment from Lake Baikal shows clear evidence of enhanced Pb supply. However, the sediment concentration increases are very small; the average Pb concentration rises from a baseline value of 10.9 g g-1 to a peak value of only 14.8 g g-1. In contrast to the more polluted lakes commonly studied in Europe and North America, variation in Pb concentration is far more strongly influenced by natural variation than by pollution. In sediment deposited over the last 150–200 years 73% of the variance in the sediment Pb concentration can be accounted for by variation in bulk composition of the sediment, and by atmospheric pollution. Factors influencing Pb concentrations over this time period are, in order of decreasing average importance (fraction of total variance explained), catchment supply (indicated by 226Ra activity variation) (43%), anthropogenic Pb emissions (24%), and dilution by ferromanganese hydroxides (6%). On longer (1000s of years) time scales dilution by biogenic silica is probably more important.The recent enhanced supply of catchment Pb correlates with accelerating accumulation rates, indicating a link with enhanced erosion. Anthropogenic sources dominate only in the southern basin, where local fossil-fuel burning industry is situated. The evidence for a local industrial source for the Pb pollution is strengthened by the high correlation between the inventories for Pb and for spheroidal carbonaceous particles. The absence of detectable anthropogenic Pb enrichment in the northern part of the lake suggests that long-distance Pb pollution is small compared with the local natural supply.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns of spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCP) extracted from lake sediments provide an unambiguous record of the distributions of fossil-fuel derived pollutants. When applied to sediment cores taken from Lake Baikal spatial patterns show good agreement with the distribution of industry, with the highest concentrations found in the southern basin nearest to Irkutsk. SCP were found to occur in all cores from all areas of the lake in contrast to metal results where anthropogenically enhanced deposition was only demonstrable in the southern basin. SCP distribution within the sediments of Lake Baikal is seen to be distinctly regional and therefore long distance transport is not thought to be an important pathway for these pollutants. Temporal patterns of SCP show trends that reflect the development of industry in the area since the 1940s. Settling rates in the 1600 m water column suggest that the SCP sediment record may be approximately an order of magnitude more sensitive to depositional changes than that of trace metals.  相似文献   

Sediment traps placed in the profundal region of Elk Lake, north central Minnesota during the 1979 spring and 1983–84 fall and spring seasons monitored seasonal diatom production for two climatically distinctive periods. The spring of 1979 was one of the coldest and wettest on record. Ice out at Elk Lake was 10 days later than average, and spring circulation was short. Fragilaria crotonensis dominated the late spring and early summer diatom production in association with Synedra and Cyclotella species, perhaps because rates of phosphorus supply were low compared to silica. The winter of 1983–84 was drier than usual, and the early but cold spring of 1984 caused ice out at Elk Lake to be about 1 week earlier than normal. Spring storms promoted a long and full circulation that allowed Stephanodiscus minulutus to bloom, presumably in response to increased phosphorus loading related to deep and vigorous circulation. The two dominant diatoms in Elk Lake, F. crotonensis and S. minutulus may reflect climatic patterns that control lake circulation. The climatically regulated occurrence of these diatoms is generally, but not specifically, comparable to their distribution in lake surface sediments throughout Minnesota. A combination of regional and lake-specific studies on the controls of diatom succession and distribution provides climatic insights for interpreting paleolimnogical records of diatoms.  相似文献   

A short-core paleolimnological investigation was carried out to acquire knowledge of the recent history of Lake Pihlajavesi, Saimaa Lake complex, and define its natural state before cultural disturbances. In the natural state, with negligible human interference, the basin was oligotrophic and oxygen-rich. The bioproductivity in the littoral zone was low and the profundal benthic quality was good according to Wiederholm's Benthic Quality Index.Based on diatom analyses, no significant changes have taken place in the phytoplankton communities during the past decades. Sedimentary chironomid communities reveal, however, slight changes on profundal life in the Pihlajavedenselkä basin, near the main pollution sources, whereas there were no significant changes in the outer basin. Three stages could be distinguished in the pollution history of Pihlajavedenselkä: (1) 'The natural state' up until the 1960s, (2) 'the period of increasing loading' during the 1960s and 1970s, and (3) 'the recovery of the basin' during the past two decades.Untreated municipal waste water from the town of Savonlinna was partly responsible for the commencement of eutrophication in the Pihlajavedenselkä basin in the 1960s. The paper and pulp industry in Varkaus, some 40 kilometres upstream from Lake Pihlajanvesi, has also increased eutrophication, especially during the worst period of water quality in the 1960s and 1970s. More effective waste water purification has markedly reduced effluent loading and led to a general recovery of the area. Neverthless the effects of slight nutrient loading can still be seen, especially in littoral bioproductivity.Our paleolimnological data indicate that the present ecosystem will offer living conditions for the endemic Saimaa ringed seal population that are similar to those that existed prior to human disturbances.  相似文献   

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