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The impact of SARAL/AltiKa derived sea level anomaly (SLA) has been studied by assimilating it along with Jason-2 and Cryosat-2 SLA in the Princeton Ocean model (POM) using ensemble optimal interpolation (EnOI) technique. For isolating the extra benefit brought by SARAKL/Altika, a parallel run with assimilation of only Jason-2 and Cryosat-2 SLA has also been conducted. The importance of SARAL SLA in a data assimilative ocean prediction system has been evaluated with special emphasis on the improvement in thermocline depth, depth of the 20° isotherm, subsurface temperature and currents. Comparison with RAMA buoy has shown a positive impact of up to 13% for 20°C isotherm and up to 17% for thermocline depth after assimilating SARAL SLA. An overall improvement in temperature profile is also observed when compared with analogous profiles from RAMA buoys and Argo floats. Improvement in zonal currents away from the equator has also been noticed.  相似文献   

A four-dimensional variational data assimilation system has been applied to an experiment to describe the dynamic state of the North Pacific Ocean. A synthesis of available observational records and a sophisticated ocean general circulation model produces a dynamically consistent dataset, which, in contrast to the nudging approach, provides realistic features of the seasonally-varying ocean circulation with no artificial sources/sinks for temperature and salinity fields. This new dataset enables us to estimate heat and water mass transports in addition to the qualification of water mass formation and movement processes. A sensitivity experiment on our assimilation system reveals that the origin of the North Pacific Intermediate Water can be traced back to the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea in the subarctic region and to the subtropical Kuroshio region further south. These results demonstrate that our data assimilation system is a very powerful tool for the identification and characterization of ocean variabilities and for our understanding of the dynamic state of ocean circulation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

在冬季,孟加拉湾北部存在显著的季节性逆温现象。利用Argo浮标和锚碇浮标资料,分析了冬季孟加拉湾逆温现象的观测特征和维持机制。结果表明,系统性的逆温现象主要局限于15°N以北的区域,它最早于11月份出现在恒河、伊洛瓦底江和戈达瓦里河的河口区域。逆温的强度及分布区域在1月份达到最大,随后从西南部逐步退化,3月逆温现象基本消失。冬季的逆温层位于障碍层之中,厚度在35 m左右,最大海温位于40~60 m深度,整层满足静力稳定条件。对混合层温度和盐度的诊断表明,逆温的出现主要与冬季风导致的强烈海表热量损失有关,低盐水的平流过程也对逆温现象有一定的维持作用。  相似文献   

It is important to estimate hard-to-observe parameters in the ocean interior from easy-to-observe parameters. This study therefore demostrates a reconstruction of observed temperature and salinity profiles of the sea east of Japan (30°≈40°N, 140°≈150°E). The reconstruction was done by estimating suboptimal state from several values of the observed profiles and/or sea surface dynamic height (SDH) calculated from the profiles. The estimation used a variational method with vertical coupled temperature-salinity empirical orthogonal function (EOF) modes. Profiles of temperature and salinity in the subtropical region are effectively reconstructed from in situ temperature profile data, or sea surface temperature (SST) and SDH. For example, the analyzed temperature field from SST and SDH has an accuracy to within 1°C in the subtropical region. Salinity in the sea north of Kuroshio, however, is difficult to estimate because of its complex variability which is less correlated with temperature than in the subtropical region. Sea surface salinity is useful to estimate the subsurface structure. We also show the possibility that the estimation is improved by considering nonlinearity in the equation calculating SDH from temperature and salinity analysis values in order to examine the misfit between analysis and observation. Analysis using TOPEX/POSEIDON altimetry data instead of SDH was also performed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The current study aims to analyze the wind and wave parameters over Indian Ocean region obtained from first Ka –band altimeter AltiKa onboard SARAL, a collaborative mission of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France. It also demonstrates a real time application of SARAL data by assimilating the wave height in a wave model operational at the Space Applications Centre, ISRO. State-of–the art coastal wave model Simulating Wave Near shore (SWAN) is used for this purpose. The well-tested optimal interpolation technique is adopted for assimilation. Before proceeding to the assimilation per se, SARAL/AltiKa Wind and Significant Wave Height (SWH) have been validated using in- situ observations and WAVEWATCH III model. Apart from assessment of wind and wave data quality, this also served the purpose of providing error covariance to be used in assimilation. Supremacy of the assimilation run over parallel control run without assimilation has been judged by comparing the results with buoy observations at Indian National Centre for Ocean Information System (INCOIS). The statistics of validation of the assimilation run has been found to be extremely encouraging and interesting.  相似文献   

利用基于三维斜压非线性的普林斯顿海洋模型(POM)及其切向线性伴随模式的四维变分数据同化(4DVAR)系统对一个近岸风暴潮个例进行理想同化试验和模拟,着重分析了四维变分数据同化增水改善中的二维平流作用。试验结果表明,同化后的水位结果明显优于同化前的结果,而且同化对预报的影响主要在前5h,尤其是积分到3—4h时同化和无同化的结果差异最大,在5h后同化的影响变得非常小。从平流作用中分析得知,无论是只同化水位还是同化水位和海表流速,同化的结果都增大了沿岸和向岸的平流。与无同化结果相比,同化试验的增水改善主要是来自向岸平流的增大,但只同化水位时由于水位增大使向岸压力梯度减小从而阻碍了向岸流的进一步增大;而同时同化水位和海表流速时,由于流速也被改善,故增水改善更明显和合理。  相似文献   

卫星高度计资料在三维海温和盐度数值预报中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着卫星遥感观测技术的发展,越来越多的卫星观测资料被应用于数值模式的同化研究中.基于国家海洋环境预报中心西北太平洋三维湿盐流预报系统,利用法国CLS中心的沿轨高度计资料的海表面高度异常的融合数据,结合基于三维变分的OVALS(ocean variational analysis system)同化系统,在垂向将海面高度...  相似文献   

1 Introduction Ocean upper mixed layer, with nearly uniform temperature, salinity and density, is formed by sea sur- face forces such as wind stress, buoyancy flux and sur- face waves, etc. Under the mixed layer, thermocline and halocline often exist. Usually the depth of them is almost equal. But in the tropical ocean, the halocline is often shallower than the thermocline. Then between the layer of uniform salinity and the thermocline, there is a layer which has a rather strong density gradi…  相似文献   

The distribution of ocean salinity controls the density field and thereby plays a major role in influencing the ocean dynamics. It has been a challenging task to understand the variability of salinity structure in the regions of large fresh water discharge and high precipitation such as Bay of Bengal (BoB). Recent advancement in satellite technology has made possible the measurement of sea surface salinity (SSS). Aquarius is the satellite which measured the global SSS for the period 2011 to 2015. In the present study, we assimilated Aquarius SSS in the Global Ocean Data Assimilation System based on 3DVAR technique. The assimilation of Aquarius SSS resulted in reduced biases in salinity not only at the surface, but also in the vertical distribution of salinity and better captured the temporal variations of salinity structure in sensitive regions, such as the Bay of Bengal. In addition, the assimilation of SSS showed marginal improvement in ocean thermal structure over data sparse regions of Indian Ocean. It is also shown that the assimilation of Aquarius SSS has improved the stratification in the upper Ocean which is the key factor in the observed improvement in ocean analysis.  相似文献   

A regional ocean circulation model with four-dimensional variational data assimilation scheme is configured to study the ocean state of the Indian Ocean region (65°E–95°E; 5°N–20°N) covering the Arabian Sea (AS) and Bay of Bengal (BoB). The state estimation setup uses 10 km horizontal resolution and 5 m vertical resolution in the upper ocean. The in-situ temperature and salinity, satellite-derived observations of sea surface height, and blended (in-situ and satellite-derived) observations of sea surface temperature alongwith their associated uncertainties are used for data assimilation with the regionally configured ocean model. The ocean state estimation is carried out for 61 days (1 June to 31 July 2013). The assimilated fields are closer to observations compared to other global state estimates. The mixed layer depth (MLD) of the region shows deepening during the period of assimilation with AS showing higher MLD compared to the BoB. An empirical forecast equation is derived for the prediction of MLD using the air–sea forcing variables as predictors. The surface and sub-surface (50 m) heat and salt budget tendencies of the region are also investigated. It is found that at the sub-surface, only the advection and diffusion temperature and salt tendencies are important.  相似文献   

We describe the development and preliminary application of the inverse Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), a four dimensional variational (4DVAR) data assimilation system for high-resolution basin-wide and coastal oceanic flows. Inverse ROMS makes use of the recently developed perturbation tangent linear (TL), representer tangent linear (RP) and adjoint (AD) models to implement an indirect representer-based generalized inverse modeling system. This modeling framework is modular. The TL, RP and AD models are used as stand-alone sub-models within the Inverse Ocean Modeling (IOM) system described in [Chua, B.S., Bennett, A.F., 2001. An inverse ocean modeling system. Ocean Modell. 3, 137–165.]. The system allows the assimilation of a wide range of observation types and uses an iterative algorithm to solve nonlinear assimilation problems. The assimilation is performed either under the perfect model assumption (strong constraint) or by also allowing for errors in the model dynamics (weak constraints). For the weak constraint case the TL and RP models are modified to include additional forcing terms on the right hand side of the model equations. These terms are needed to account for errors in the model dynamics.Inverse ROMS is tested in a realistic 3D baroclinic upwelling system with complex bottom topography, characterized by strong mesoscale eddy variability. We assimilate synthetic data for upper ocean (0–450 m) temperatures and currents over a period of 10 days using both a high resolution and a spatially and temporally aliased sampling array. During the assimilation period the flow field undergoes substantial changes from the initial state. This allows the inverse solution to extract the dynamically active information from the synthetic observations and improve the trajectory of the model state beyond the assimilation window. Both the strong and weak constraint assimilation experiments show forecast skill greater than persistence and climatology during the 10–20 days after the last observation is assimilated.Further investigation in the functional form of the model error covariance and in the use of the representer tangent linear model may lead to improvement in the forecast skill.  相似文献   

Interannual variability(IAV) in the barrier layer thickness(BLT) and forcing mechanisms in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean(EEIO) and Bay of Bengal(BoB) are examined using monthly Argo data sets during 2002–2017. The BLT during November–January(NDJ) in the EEIO shows strong IAV, which is associated with the Indian Ocean dipole mode(IOD), with the IOD leading the BLT by two months. During the negative IOD phase, the westerly wind anomalies driving the downwelling Kelvin waves increase the isothermal layer depth(ILD). Moreover, the variability in the mixed layer depth(MLD) is complex. Affected by the Wyrtki jet, the MLD presents negative anomalies west of 85°E and strong positive anomalies between 85°E and 93°E. Therefore, the BLT shows positive anomalies except between 86°E and 92°E in the EEIO. Additionally, the IAV in the BLT during December–February(DJF) in the BoB is also investigated. In the eastern and northeastern BoB, the IAV in the BLT is remotely forced by equatorial zonal wind stress anomalies associated with the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO). In the western BoB, the regional surface wind forcing-related ENSO modulates the BLT variations.  相似文献   

利用2002—2015年ARGO网格化的温度、盐度数据, 结合卫星资料揭示了赤道东印度洋和孟加拉湾障碍层厚度的季节内和准半年变化特征, 探讨了其变化机制。结果表明, 障碍层厚度变化的两个高值区域出现在赤道东印度洋和孟加拉湾北部。在赤道区域, 障碍层同时受到等温层和混合层变化的影响, 5—7月和11—1月受西风驱动, Wyrtki急流携带阿拉伯海的高盐水与表层的淡水形成盐度层结, 同时西风驱动的下沉Kelvin波加深了等温层, 混合层与等温层分离, 障碍层形成。在湾内, 充沛的降雨和径流带来的大量淡水产生很强的盐度层结, 混合层全年都非常浅, 障碍层季节内变化和准半年变化主要受等温层深度变化的影响。上述两个区域障碍层变化存在关联, 季节内和准半年周期的赤道纬向风驱动的波动过程是它们存在联系的根本原因。赤道东印度洋地区的西风(东风)强迫出向东传的下沉(上升)的Kelvin波, 在苏门答腊岛西岸转变为沿岸Kelvin波向北传到孟加拉湾的东边界和北边界, 并且在缅甸的伊洛瓦底江三角洲顶部(95°E, 16°N)激发出向西的Rossby波, 造成湾内等温层深度的正(负)异常, 波动传播的速度决定了湾内的变化过程滞后于赤道区域1~2个月。  相似文献   

简述了卫星重力梯度测量技术的基本原理和GOCE数据特点;基于三个不同的重力场模型,采用不同阶次,联合卫星测高平均海面高模型分别推算出全球海面地形,并对结果作了比较分析;探讨了卫星重力梯度测量技术在海洋科学各相关领域的具体应用前景,指出卫星重力梯度测量技术的发展将为海洋科学发展带来巨大的变化。  相似文献   

2018年6 月5~9日青岛近海发生一次海雾天气过程,为6月9日2018上海合作组织青岛峰会开幕式演出的天气预报服务,特别是能见度精细化预报带来了很大的预报难点。本文分析了此次海雾天气的生消过程,并重点讨论了6月9日能见度变化的主要原因。4~7日边界层内接近接地的强逆温层的建立,有利于海雾的形成与维持。由于白天时段日射增温导致能见度好转,海雾出现日变化。自7日夜间开始地面气压场梯度明显减弱,南风减弱转为偏东风,暖湿气流供应减弱不利于海雾天气的维持。8日之后,边界层内上升运动逐渐增强且混合层高度明显增加,中低层干冷空气的侵入,导致边界层内逆温结构被破坏、近地面湿层消失,使此次海雾过程趋于消散。9日傍晚的能见度条件基本达到演出要求。9日夜间受焰火燃放污染物影响,能见度短时波动。各种海雾客观预报方法预报准确率达到66%左右,主观预报订正准确性高于客观预报。  相似文献   

风廓线雷达在重污染天气与逆温层关系研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用气象要素地面观测和环境空气质量监测数据,结合对流层风廓线雷达探测资料,深入研究了2013-2019年发生在青岛地区的65个重污染天气的逆温层变化特征及其与重污染天气的关系.结果表明:(1)青岛地区的重污染天气主要发生在12月至次年1月,重污染发生当日的空气质量指数(Air quality iudex AQI)有...  相似文献   

主成分分析法在海洋工程系统风险分析中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
风险分析作为一门新的应用技术,正在不断地为更多的人们所认识。它不仅在重大项目的投资分析中起着不可缺少的重要作用,并且正在被广泛的应用于军事、环境、科学和工程等领域中。但是,如何在系统风险分析中,特别是在工程系统风险分析中对已识别出的风险事件进行量化分析、找出主要风险事件对系统的影响及对子系统的风险程度进行比较和分析仍是一个重要的课题。这个问题的解决将使风险分析更接近工程实际、更具有实际的指导意义。文章介绍了主成分分析法的原理和实施步骤,并通过实例介绍了主成分分析法在系统风险分析中的应用。在系统风险分析中使用主成分分析法,可以对系统中各子系统的风险程度进行客观的评估,并且可以对风险事件进行聚类分析,使风险控制更容易实施,并且使风险分析更接近工程实际、更具有指导意义。文章中还指出了在使用主成分分析法时应注意的问题。  相似文献   

再分析风场数据至今已发展了约30年,目前人们使用区域乃至全球网格化再分析数据集愈加频繁,但风场再分析数据在强天气过程中的强度明显不足,将风场再分析数据同台风观测数据相融合是解决问题的重要途径,本文通过"构建经验台风圆形风场-叠加台风移行风场-流入角修正-叠加背景再分析风场"的基本思路,融合了西太平洋联合警报中心的所有台...  相似文献   

在面对复杂地质条件下的勘探问题时,单一使用地震勘探方法存在局限性,经常难以得到满意的地质解释。这就需要使用多种物探方法进行辅助和补充。本研究综合利用海洋重力磁力测量数据,以Encom Model Vision解释软件为平台,结合琼东南盆地崖北凹陷区域地质背景资料,在两条地震剖面及邻近井资料的约束下建立地质地球物理模型,进行重磁反演,对两条测线中的地层及地质异常体的密度及磁化率进行计算。结果显示,崖北凹陷地层呈现四层密度结构,反演所得沉积基底密度为2.70 g/cm3,沉积地层的密度为2.18~2.51 g/cm3。地震剖面中向上侵入的地质异常体经判断为新近系末期喷出地表被后续沉积地层覆盖所形成的蘑菇状,低密度,中-强磁性的火成岩体。结合磁力异常可推断在测区西部还有更大规模的发育的火成岩侵入。这表明了同时新近系末期火成岩及相应火山活动的发现将会对崖北凹陷油气的成藏产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

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