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A large number of the copper deposits, associated with the eastern ligurian ophiolites, are linked to the volcano-sedimentary sequences and, in minor amounts, to the ophiolitic basal breccias partially covering the intrusive rocks (ultramafites and gabbros). Some of these Fe-Cu-Zn mineralizations were selected because of their well defined stratigraphic and structural features, which, together with the textural and mineralogical characters and the trace elements in sulphides support the following considerations: - the stratiform mineralizations in the basal breccias show evidence of a sedimentary deposition preceding any consistent emplacement of a volcanic cover; - the stratabound deposits between the volcanic series and the sedimentary cover originate from hydrothermal or volcanic (exhalative) processes; - the stratabound deposits inside the volcanic pile show textural and mineralogical evidence of a volcanic origin with a relatively high temperature of formation; - the stockwork mineralizations, with their epigenetic characters, are of hydrothermal origin, probably related to subsea-floor convection cells.  相似文献   

The basement areas in Southeast Libya, South Egypt and North Sudan, west of the Nile, between Gebel Uweinat and the Bayuda Desert, are part of an approximately 1000-km-wide, complexly folded, polymetamorphic zone with a regional N-NNE-NE-ENE trend of foliation and fold axis. Since this belt extends southwestward into the area of Zalingei in the southern Darfur block (West Sudan), it is named the Northern Zalingei fold zone. Sr and Nd isotopic studies suggest that this zone is older than Pan-African and further indicate that, apart from Archean rocks in the Gebel Uweinat area, this belt is of Early-Middle Proterozoic age. An Early-Middle Proterozoic three-stage deformational and anatectic event established the present-day fold and fault geometry in the western parts of this zone in the Gebel Uweinat—Gebel Kamil area. The Pan-African tectono-thermal episode was most effective in the eastern part of the belt, near the boundary with the Nubian Shield volcano-sedimentary-ophiolite-granitoid assemblages. It caused migmatization, granite emplacement, mylonitization and large-scale wrench faulting which was related to Late Proterozoic accretionary and collisional events of the Arabian-Nubian Shield with the margin of the East Saharan Craton.  相似文献   

Depositional sequences and paleogeographic evolution of the Miocene deposits have been studied in the Zibane zone (Saharan Atlas, Algeria) located at the north of the African platform. During the Miocene, this region corresponded to a fault-bounded collapse area and filled by diversified deposits, showing important lateral facies and thicknesses variations. The studied deposits are divided into five depositional sequences separated by major unconformities. These depositional sequences are well developed in the whole basin and testify a paleogeographic differentiation from E–W, induced by a set of NW-SE-trending old faults inherited from the Atlasic orogeny. The organization and the development of those sequences make it possible to correlate them better to the basin scale, which is integrated in a model of restricted platform intersected by NW-SE faults where the tectonic-sedimentation duality is predominant. These new data point to a paleogeographic evolution different from the one usually admitted environment for this region during Miocene time and plead in favour of a reconsideration of the depositional environments of the post-Burdigalian formations in the Zibane zone of the Algerian Atlasic domain.  相似文献   

The Ordovician volcano-sedimentary succession of Erquy (northern Brittany) is made of immature sediments thermally metamorphosed at the contact of intruding basic sills. Pillow lavas constitute the upper part of the sequence. The trace element geochemistry of sills and pillow lavas suggests that they were derived from a tholeiitic source located beneath a passive margin. This volcanic sequence was metamorphosed under low to moderate greenschist facies conditions. In this study the direction and amplitude of chemical and isotopic fluxes in the basalt-sediment-water system were established and the oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions of the aqueous fluid that reacted with the volcanic rocks were characterized. Cationic thermometry on chlorites and isotopic thermometry on plagioclase-chlorite pairs indicate closure metamorphic temperatures in the range 200–250°C for the basaltic sills. Stable isotope compositions of iron-rich chlorites (18O-5.5; D from-60 to-50) and plagioclases (18O from +9 to +10) reveal that the source of the fluid was certainly seawater. The 18O variations within the sills are strongly correlated with the rate of progress of the main metamorphic reaction:clinopyroxene+plagioclase+ilmenite chlorite+albite+epidote+quartz+sphene that produced major element mobility at the scale of the volcanosedimentary sequence. Calculation of elemental fluxes by mass balance combined with oxygen isotopic compositions of basalts shows that the highest water-rock ratios (1) were at sill-sediment boundaries and within pillow lavas at the top of the pile. The volcanosedimentary sequence of Erquy was a net sink for Na and a source for Ca. No Mg uptake could be detected whereas the hydrothermal alteration of the sediments released Fe, Si, and K trapped by the volcanic rocks. The 18O value of the fluid reacting with sills appears to have shifted no more than +4 after percolation at low temperature through immature sediments (18O12). The Erquy volcano-sedimentary sequence represents a marine hydrothermal system dominated by low-temperature exchange which allowed a general 18O-enrichment of the volcanic rocks and a 18O-depletion of sediments.  相似文献   

The Song Ma Anticlinorium displays evidence for four deformations, the first two accompanied by high-grade to greenschist facies metamorphism, and the third by production of syn-low-grade metamorphic sheath folds. The fourth occurred during post-Cretaceous folding and thrusting which produced a thrust-fold complex across northern Vietnam. Whilst the Song Ma Anticlinorium may contain a metamorphosed island-arc volcano-sedimentary sequence, this Palaeozoic sequence cannot represent the active plate boundary in Triassic, Cenozoic or Recent times. The Song Ma Anticlinorium is not an Indosinian subduction zone, but is an allochthonous terrane which accreted to the South China Plate in Siluro-Devonian times.  相似文献   

A large mass of dolomitic marble including many eclogite blocks occurs in orthogneisses of the Rongcheng area of the Su-Lu province, eastern China. The marble consists mainly of dolomite, calcite (formerly aragonite), graphite, forsterite, diopside, talc, tremolite and phlogopite. Aggregates of talc and calcite occur at the boundary between dolomite and diopside. Tremolite is a reaction product between talc and calcite. Eclogite blocks are rimmed by dark green amphibolite. The primary mineral assemblage in the core of eclogite is Na-bearing garnet (up to 0.2  wt% Na2O), omphacitic pyroxene, clintonite and rutile. Secondary minerals are pargasitic/edenitic amphibole, plagioclase, sodic diopside, chlorite, zoisite and titanite. The peak metamorphic conditions, based on stability of the dolomite+forsterite+aragonite (now calcite)+graphite assemblage, under conditions where tremolite is unstable, are estimated at T  =610–660 °C and P =2.5–3.5  GPa (for X CO=0.001). A reaction between dolomite and diopside to form talc under tremolite-unstable conditions indicates a temperature decrease under ultra-high-pressure conditions ( P >2.4  GPa, X CO<0.0013). The formation of secondary tremolite is consistent with a nearly adiabatic pressure decrease post-dating the ultra-high-pressure metamorphism. The temperature decrease under ultra-high-pressure conditions preceding decompression may reflect the underplating of a cold slab, and the rapid decompression probably corresponds to the upwelling stage promoted by the delamination of a downwelling lithospheric root. The P – T  conditions of the amphibolitization stage are estimated at <0.9  GPa and <460 °C, and are similar to conditions recorded by the surrounding orthogneisses.  相似文献   

Provenance and tectonic history of the Jurassic accretionary complex, Mino terrane, located in the Inner Zone of south‐west Japan, were studied using sandstone framework composition and mudrock geochemistry. Modal analysis of sandstones shows that the tectonic setting of the source area for the studied Mino terrane clastic rocks was uplifted basement, largely dominated by high‐grade metamorphic terrain composed of quartz and feldspar, especially plagioclase. The textural and mineralogical immaturity, extent of alkali and alkaline earth element leaching, low chemical index of alteration values and depleted rare earth element (REE) contents suggest rapid uplift and erosion within the source terrain and a relatively weak weathering intensity. Factor analysis revealed that grain‐size effects governed compositional heterogeneity in the studied sediments. Provenance of the sediments is interpreted as being plagioclase‐enriched felsic basement rock, such as granodiorite, within a continental margin and evolved arc tectonic setting rather than active volcanic arc. Lack of a contribution from active volcanic arcs may have resulted from the cessation of volcanism during the reorganization of the subducting plate system and/or erosion of arc volcanics and exposure of basement. Considering the previous studies on palaeogeography and palaeocurrent reconstruction, the north‐eastern part of the Yeongnam massif in the Korean Peninsula is interpreted as the most probable source area for the studied turbidites. The results of mixing calculation for Mino terrane sediments suggest that Precambrian leucocratic granite and the basement rock of the Cretaceous Gyeongsang Basin shed large amounts of sediments to the Mino trench, whilst Precambrian granitic gneiss and the Triassic pluton supplied lesser amounts. The results of this study reveal that, although active subduction–accretion processes were occurring, the Mino trench was bordered by continental basement rocks. This knowledge contributes to enhanced understanding of the Jurassic palaeogeography of the east Asia continental margin.  相似文献   

The northeast (NE) Honshu arc was formed by three major volcano-tectonic events resulting from Late Cenozoic orogenic movement: continental margin volcanism (before 21?Ma), seafloor basaltic lava flows and subsequent bimodal volcanism accompanied by back-arc rifting (21 to 14?Ma), and felsic volcanism related to island arc uplift (12 to 2?Ma). Eight petrotectonic domains, parallel to the NE Honshu arc, were formed as a result of the eastward migration of volcanic activity with time. Major Kuroko volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits are located within the eastern marginal rift zone (Kuroko rift) that formed in the final period of back-arc rifting (16 to 14?Ma). Volcanic activity in the NE Honshu arc is divided into six volcanic stages. The eruption volumes of volcanic rocks have gradually decreased from 4,600?km3 (per 1?my for a 200-km-long section along the arc) of basaltic lava flows in the back-arc spreading stage to 1,000?C2,000?km3 of bimodal hyaloclastites in the back-arc rift stage, and about 200?km3 of felsic pumice eruptions in the island arc stage. The Kuroko VMS deposits were formed at the time of abrupt decrease in the eruption volume and change in the mode of occurrence of the volcanic rocks during the final period of back-arc rifting. In the area of the Kuroko rift, felsic volcanism changed from aphyric or weakly plagioclase phyric (before 14?Ma), to quartz and plagioclase phyric with minor clinopyroxene (12 to 8?Ma), to hornblende phyric (after 8?Ma), and hornblende and biotite phyric (after 4?Ma). The Kuroko VMS deposits are closely related to the aphyric rhyolitic activity before 14?Ma. The rhyolite was generated at a relatively high temperature from a highly differentiated part of felsic magma seated at a relatively great depth and contains higher Nb, Ce, and Y contents than the post-Kuroko felsic volcanism. The Kuroko VMS deposits were formed within a specific tectonic setting, at a specific period, and associated with a particular volcanism of the arc evolution process. Therefore, detailed study of the evolutional process from rift opening to island arc tectonics is very important for the exploration of Kuroko-type VMS deposits.  相似文献   

The In Ouzzal terrane (IOT) or In Ouzzal granulite unit (IOGU) is an elongated Palaeoproterozoic block within the Neoproterozoic Pan-African belt of north-west Africa. The granulites derive from Archaean protoliths that include a large volume of metasediments which were deposited on a 3.2-Ga gneissic basement. Near-peak granulite facies conditions between 2.17 and 2 Ga were estimated at P=10 kbar and T rising from 800 to 1000°C. Premetamorphic orthogneisses were intruded at 2.5 Ga, and followed by the emplacement of syn- to late-kinematic charnockites, syenites and carbonatites at around 2 Ga. Cooling of the granulites occurred till 1800 Ma. Shortly after its exhumation coeval with crustal extension and related alkaline magmatism in adjacent areas, the IOT was buried beneath late Palaeoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic cover sequences, and then behaved as a rigid block. Both margins are lithospheric faults, as evidenced by the occurrence of shear-zone-related mafic and felsic plutons. Pan-African tectonothermal events were negligible in the north, but granulites in the south were significantly reworked under lower greenschist facies conditions during the northern motion of the block with respect to both the western and the eastern Pan-African terranes. The Cambrian molasse, associated with widespread alkaline volcanism and subvolcanic granites, is horizontal in the north. The IOT, which was part of a larger continental mass including its counterpart in northern Mali, is interpreted as an exotic terrane which may have docked during Pan-African plate convergence and lateral collision. The unchanged pediplain since c. 1.7 Ga in the north suggests that the IOT is underlain by thick Palaeoproterozoic lithospheric mantle, whereas its southern part is probably allochthonous and overlies Pan-African structural units.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1852-1872
Medium-grade metabasites and metapelites from the Cajamarca Complex (Central Cordillera of Colombia) are in fault contact with the Jurassic Ibague batholith and show a penetrative foliation, locally mylonitic, suggesting intense dynamic–thermal metamorphism. The amphibolites are composed of calcic amphibole + epidote + plagioclase + quartz plus rutile + titanite + apatite + carbonate as accessory phases. Chlorite and albite appear as retrograde replacements. The metapelites are mainly composed of phengite + quartz + garnet + chlorite, plus epidote + albite + apatite + titanite + haematite as accessory phases. Bulk geochemistry of the amphibolites indicates basaltic protoliths with a mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) signature, although enrichment in the mobile large-ion lithophile elements compared to MORB suggests pre- and/or syn-metamorphic alteration by fluids. Peak pressure–temperature determinations for both types of rocks are similar, ranging 550–580°C and 8 kbar (approximately 26 km depth and an apparent geothermal gradient of 22°C/km). 40Ar-39Ar dating of amphibole from two amphibolite samples and one phengitic mica from a pelitic schist yielded plateau ages of 146.5 ± 1.1 Ma and 157.8 ± 0.6 Ma, and 157.5 ± 0.4 Ma, respectively. These Late Jurassic ages contrast with previously published (Permian)Triassic ages of metamorphism in the Cajamarca Complex. Taken together, our data indicate tectonic-driven burial of oceanic supracrustal sequences down to mid-crustal depths during Late Jurassic times and are best explained as the result of terrane collision-related metamorphism and deformation in a fore-arc/volcanic-arc environment of the active western margin of Gondwana rather than as a result of Jurassic thermal–metamorphic resetting of a (Permian)Triassic metamorphic sequence during intrusion of the Jurassic Ibague batholith. Our results represent the first report of Jurassic terrane collision tectonics involving supracrustal oceanic rocks in the northwestern margin of Gondwana in Colombia.  相似文献   

We present paleomagnetic data on the Cambrian volcanosedimentary complexes of the Bateni Ridge, which correspond to the evolution of the Kuznetsk Alatau island arc. The paleomagnetic poles which served as the basis for the apparent polar-wander path (APWP) were determined. The paleomagnetic data were compared with those on the Cambrian poles for other fragments of the Kuznetsk Alatau island arc.For example, the APWP of the Bateni fragment corresponds to that of the Kiya (Martaiga) fragment of the eastern slope of the Kuznetsk Alatau. The distribution of the paleomagnetic poles suggests that the relative drift of the Kuznetsk Alatau arc fragments and the entire island arc system resulted from large-amplitude strike-slips. In the Cambrian, this paleoarc moved from ~10° N to ~10° S and rotated more than 50° clockwise. In the paleomagnetic record, its accretion is reflected in the coincidence of the Late Cambrian–Early Ordovician poles on the eastern slope of the Kuznetsk Alatau with one another and the coeval poles for the Siberian craton. This coincidence also suggests that the general structure of the present Kuznetsk Alatàu formed as early as the Early Caledonian. Nevertheless, the differences in the position of the poles on the western and eastern slopes of the Kuznetsk Alatau suggest that strike-slip activity along the Kuznetsk–Altai deep fault (the major one in the region) continued in the Late Paleozoic and, probably, in the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

New mineralogical, geochemical, and isotope data in combination with numerical modeling were used to reconstruct the physicochemical and geodynamic conditions of the formation of Pleistocene basalts of Kunashir Island. Although they are petrologically close to the Holocene basalts of Tyatya Volcano, their eruption occurred during a brief period of island arc extension, which was accompanied by the high degree melting of mantle wedge asthenosphere. Numerous geological, petrological, and paleogeographical data testify that Pleistocene is an important stage in the geodynamic reorganization of the Kuril island arc. This stage was responsible for uplifting of the southern islands above sea level accompanied by catastrophic endogenous events, deformation, topographic reorganization of the large area of the Sea of Japan and adjacent land, and final folding stage in the West Sakhalin Mountains.  相似文献   

The Cenomanian-Turonian deposits exposed in the Ksour Mountains, western part of the Saharan Atlas (Algeria), document marine shelf environments that had been thriving on the North African passive margin, connected northwards to the Tethys Ocean, and fringed southwards by the Saharan craton. Their lithological, palaeontological, and sedimentological characteristics have been investigated to provide new insights into the biostratigraphy, palaeo-environmental evolution and sea-level changes in this western part of the Saharan Atlas. Three formations are recognized, from base to top of the studied succession: 1. The El Rhelida Formation comprising two informal units: the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate unit deposited under different flow regime conditions, from shoreline to backshore environments, and the limestone–claystone unit including coastal mudflat deposits prone to storm events. The early Cenomanian age of the El Rhelida Formation is supported by vertebrate assemblages. 2. The Mdaouer Formation comprising two units: the evaporitic unit dominated by claystone and evaporite alternations deposited on a flat coastal sabkha with occasional storms, and the marlstone–limestone unit formed in a peritidal-lagoonal environment. The Mdaouer Formation is of early-middle Cenomanian age. 3. The Rhoundjaïa Formation comprising three units: the lower limestone unit consisting of relatively homogeneous fossiliferous limestones; the middle marly unit composed of marlstone and bioclastic limestones, and the upper limestone unit consisting of carbonates showing vertical variations in faunal content and stratonomy. The Rhoundjaïa Formation was deposited in homoclinal ramp setting. Ammonite data indicate an early late Cenomanian to early Turonian age for this interval. Within an overall transgressive trend, the Cenomanian-Turonian deposits of the Ksour Mountains record three third-order depositional sequences bounded each by regional discontinuities.  相似文献   

We report lithium (Li) isotopic measurements in seawater-derived waters that were discharged from geothermal wells, thermal springs, and sub-marine springs located in volcanic island arc areas in Guadeloupe (the Bouillante geothermal field) and Martinique (Lamentin plain and the Diamant areas). While Li isotopic signatures of the geothermal fluids collected from deep reservoirs were found to be homogeneous for a given site, the δ7Li signatures for each of these reservoirs were significantly different. The first low temperature (25-250 °C) experiments of Li isotope exchange during seawater/basalt interaction confirmed that Li isotopic exchange is strongly temperature dependent, as previously inferred from natural studies. Li isotopic fractionation ranged from +19.4‰ (Δsolution-solid) at 25 °C to +6.7‰ at 250 °C. These experiments demonstrated the importance of Li isotopic fractionation during the formation of Li-bearing secondary minerals and allowed us to determine the following empirical relationship between isotopic fractionation and temperature: Δsolution-solid = 7847/T − 8.093. Application of experimental results and literature data to the Bouillante area suggested that geothermal water was in equilibrium at 250-260 °C. It likely has a deep and large reservoir located in the upper sheeted dike complex of the oceanic crust, just below the transition zone between andesite volcanic flows and the basaltic dikes. The upper dike section, from which Li is extracted by hydrothermal fluids, was characterized by light Li isotopic values in the rocks, indicating retention of 6Li by the altered rocks. For the Lamentin and Diamant areas, the geothermal fluids appeared to be in equilibrium with reservoir volcano-sedimentary rocks at 90-120 °C and 180 °C, respectively. Further evidence for this argument is provided by the fact that only the Na/Li thermometric relationship determined for sedimentary basins yielded temperature values in agreement with those measured or estimated for the reservoir fluids. This suggests the importance of a sedimentary signature in these reservoir rocks. Altogether, this study highlights that the use of Li isotopic systematics is a powerful tool for characterizing the origin of geothermal waters as well as the nature of their reservoir rocks.  相似文献   

This paper provides new geochemical and isotopic data on the evolution of the western foreland to the Nubian shield of north-east Africa. There is abundant evidence for early to middle Proterozoic crust west of the River Nile, but this was severely affected by the Pan-African ( 500–900 Ma) orogenic cycle. The results are reported of Rb-Sr whole rock and zircon evaporation geochronological studies and whole rock Sm-Nd and feldspar Pb isotopic analyses for four rock units around Wadi Halfa in northernmost Sudan. These results indicate the presence of heterogeneous pre-Pan-African crustal components, preserved in mylonitic gneisses and in conglomerates that unconformably overlie the gneisses. Several episodes of crust formation, inferred from zircon ages, are preserved in the gneisses : 2.6, 2.4, 2.0, 1.7, 1.2 and 0.72 Ga. Nd model ages for the same units are invariably older than the zircon ages, yet still record a predominantly late Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic history, with depleted mantle model ages between 1.3 and 2.8 Ga. The earliest recorded Pan-African magmatic event is about 720 Ma and dates the beginning of collisional deformation. A younger Pan-African volcanic sequence ( 650 Ma) has isotopic compositions of Sr and Nd compatible with derivation from late Prote rozoic asthenospheric mantle. A 530 Ma anorogenic A-type granite also has isotopic compositions suggesting derivation from a primitive source. The inferred tectonic evolution began with rifting to form an oceanic re-entrant. This was followed by subduction leading to collision at about 700 Ma, accompanied by post-orogenic rifting at about 650 Ma.  相似文献   

崔美慧  孟繁聪  吴祥珂 《岩石学报》2011,27(11):3365-3379
祁漫塔格山西段鸭子泉祁漫塔格群中发育有中基性火成岩,岩石类型主要为角闪辉长岩、闪长岩、玄武岩及安山岩.其主要地球化学及同位素特征为:(1)基性岩样品的SiO2含量为47.93%~50.54%,MgO为3.40%~6.24%,全铁FeOT为11.24%~14.10%,主要为拉斑玄武岩系列;中性岩样品的SiO2含量为51.5%~59.59%,MgO为2.05~6.42%,全铁FeOT含量为5.65%~9.38%,属于拉斑-钙碱性系列岩石组合;(2)基性及中性火成岩稀土配分型式均为LREE富集的右倾型,(La/Yb)N为1.44~11.69;(3)富集大离子亲石元素Sr、Ba、Th、U,而相对亏损高场强元素P、Zr、Ti等,Nb为明显的负异常,而Ta显示弱负异常;(4)εNd(t=480Ma)介于+1.1~+7.9之间,表明该中基性火成岩在形成过程中受到过俯冲地壳物质的混染.上述特征说明鸭子泉中基性火成岩可能形成于岛孤环境.对闪长岩样品中的锆石进行LA-ICP-MS U-Pb同位素分析,获得206 pb/238U加权平均年龄为480±3Ma,代表了闪长岩的形成时间,这表明在早奥陶世祁漫塔格洋已经存在并开始俯冲,形成鸭子泉岛弧火成岩.  相似文献   

Five suites of rocks collected from the Precambrian basement in the NE Bayuda Desert of central northern Sudan give late Proterozoic whole-rock RbSr isochron ages. The Abu Harik Complex, thought by some previous workers to be an older basement, gives an age of 898 ± 51 Ma. Upper amphibolite-facies metasediments give a metamorphic age of 761 ± 22 Ma. The supposedly younger greenschist-facies El Koro Volcanic Series were erupted 800 ± 83 Ma ago. These are chemically similar to the volcanics which unconformably overlie the Sol Hamed ophiolite in the Red Sea Hills of NE Sudan and to some modern island are volcanics. The metasediments were intruded 678 ± 43 Ma ago by the Diefallab Granite, which is itself deformed. The younger, weakly-deformed Amaki Series, with a basal conglomerate containing basement clasts overlain by purple grits, is probably equivalent to the molasse-type Hammamat Group of the Eastern Desert of Egypt which was deposited between 616 and 596 Ma ago. Finally, the post-tectonic Shallal Granite, with within-plate geochemistry, was intruded 549 ± 12 Ma ago. Geochemical data suggest that the Abu Harik Complex, the El Koro Volcanic Series and the Diefallab Granite are arc-related magmatic rocks. They were intruded into, or thrust onto, shallow-water, shelf sediments during subduction and then collision, between c. 900 and 550 Ma. The data presented here give no support to previous views that the high-grade metasediments were metamorphosed prior to the late Proterozoic events, that they unconformably overlie a still older, perhaps Archaean, basement or that they are unconformably overlain by younger late Proterozoic low-grade volcanics. The Precambrian rocks along the E side of the Bayuda Desert must now all be assigned to the late Proterozoic and the boundary between this late Proterozoic fold belt and an older craton, known to crop out at Jebel Uweinat, must lie farther to the W.  相似文献   

Syn-rift sediments in basins formed along the future southern continental margin of the Jurassic Tethys ocean, comprise, in the eastern Alps of Switzerland, up to 500 m thick carbonate turbidite sequences interbedded with bioturbated marls and limestones. In the fault-bounded troughs no submarine fans developed; in contrast, the fault scarps acted as a line source and the asymmetric geometry as well as the evolution of the basin determined the distribution of redeposited carbonates. The most abundant redeposits are bio- and lithoclastic grainstones and packstones, with sedimentary structures indicating a wide range of transport mechanisms from grain flow to high- and low-density turbidity currents. Huge chaotic megabreccias record catastrophic depositional events. Their main detrital components are Upper Triassic shallow-water carbonates and skeletal debris from nearby submarine highs. After an event of extensional tectonism, sedimentary prisms accumulated in the basins along the faults. Each prism is wedge-shaped with a horizontal upper boundary and consists of a thinning- and fining-upward megacycle. Within each megacycle six facies associations are distinguished. At the base of the fault scarp, an association of breccias was first deposited by submarine rockfall and rockfall avalanches. A narrow, approximately 4000 m wide depression along the fault was subsequently filled by the megabreccia association, in which huge megabreccias interfinger with thin-bedded turbidites and hemipelagic limestones. The thick-bedded turbidite association covered the megabreccias or formed, farther basinward, the base of the sedimentary column. Within the thick-bedded turbidites, thinning- and fining-upward cycles are common. The overlying thin-bedded turbidite association shows nearly no cyclicity and the monotonous sequence of fine-grained calciturbidites covers most of the basin area. With continuous filling and diminishing sediment supply, a basin-plain association developed comprising fine-grained and thin-bedded turbidites intercalated with bioturbated marls and limestones. On the gentle slopes opposite the fault escarpment, redeposited beds are scarce and marl/limestone alternations as well as weakly nodular limestones prevail.  相似文献   

Petrographic and geochemical study of 79 samples from the Limestone Caribbee islands of Antigua, St. Martin and Desirade show different degrees of metasomatic alteration resulting from burial metamorphism up to lower zeolite facies (with laumontite and prehnite). In Antigua, Oligocene unaltered plagioclase basalt, andesite and dacite, identical to the low-K island-arc lavas of nearby Guadeloupe, occur with their partly and greatly altered equivalents. Most thoroughly altered are the flows, dykes and trondhjemite intrusion of Desirade island (in part Jurassic). Two types of alteration are closely associated in these islands. Spilitisation leading to albitisation of plagioclase, chloritisation of orthopyroxene and the formation of calcite, zeolite, i prehnite, ± epidote, ± native copper results in enrichment in Na2O (to 8.8 %) and depletion in K2O, CaO, Rb, Sr, Ba and Cu. Less common is poeneitisation, which resembles spilitisation but also involves sericitisation and partial replacement of plagioclase by alkali feldspar, in turn resulting in enrichment in K2O (to 9.4 %), Ba and often Na2O, Rb and Sr. Clinopyroxene and quartz are unchanged by the alteration.Comparison of the altered rocks with lavas from different tectonic environments reveals that metasomatism leads to nonmagmatic bulk compositions. The unaltered and least altered lavas are island arc type while the Ni content (which appears unaffected by metasomatism) indicates that the spilitic pillow lavas of E. Desirade are Ni-rich ocean floor basalts.
Zusammenfassung Die petrographische und geochemische Untersuchung von 79 Proben von den Kalkstein-Karibeninseln Atigua, St. Martin und Desirade zeigt eine unterschiedlich starke metasomatische Veränderung der Gesteine infolge einer Versenkungsmetamorphose. Diese reichte bis hinauf zur unteren Zeolitfazies (mit Laumontit und Prehnit). In Antigua treten unveränderte oligozäne Plagioklasbasalte, Andesite und Dacite auf. Diese Laven sind identisch mit den low-K Inselbogenlaven des nahegelegenen Guadeloupe. Neben diesen unveränderten Laven treten auch teilweise oder erheblich veränderte Äquivalente auf. Sehr weitgehend verändert sind die Ergüsse, Gänge und die Trondheimit-Intrusion von Desirade (diese Gesteine sind zum Teil jurassisch). Zwei Arten von Veränderung sind in diesen Inseln eng miteinander verbunden. Die Spilitisierung von Plagioklas führte zur Albitisierung von Plagioklas, zur Chloritisierung von Orthopyroxen und zur Bildung von Calcit, Zeolit, ± Prehnit, ± Epidot, ± Rohkupfer. Sie führte somit zu einer Anreicherung der Gesteine an Na2O (bis 8,8%) und einer Verarmung an K2O, CaO, Rb, Sr, Ba und Cu. Seltener ist eine Poeneitisierung zu beobachten; diese ähnelt der Spilitisierung, führt aber auch zu einer Serizitisierung und zu teilweisem Austausch von Plagioklas gegen Alkalifeldspat, was wiederum zu einer Anreicherung von K2O (auf 9,4 %), Ba und oft N2O, Rb und Sr führt. Clinopyroxen und Quarz werden durch diese Umwandlung nicht verändert.Ein Vergleich der umgewandelten Gesteine mit Laven von verschiedenen tektonischen Bereichen zeigt, daß Metasomatismus zu nicht-magmatischem Chemismus führt. Die nicht oder nur wenig umgewandelten Laven gehören zum Inselbogentyp, während der Ni-Gehalt (der unbeeinflußt von metasomatischen Vorgängen ist) zeigt, daß die spilitischen Pillowlaven von Ost-Desirade Ni-reiche Ocean-floor-Basalte sind.

Résumé L'étude pétrographique et géochimique de 79 échantillons provenant des Iles calcaires des Caraïbes, Antigua, St. Martin et la Désirade, montre une forte transformation métasomatique différentielle des roches à la suite d'un métamorphisme d'enfouissement. Celui-ci va jusqu'au facies inférieur zéolithique (avec laumontite et prehnite). Dans Antigua, on trouve indemnes de toute transformation, des basaltes à plagioclase, des andésites et dacites d'âge oligocène. Ces laves sont identiques avec les laves des arcs insulaires à faible teneur en K de la Guadeloupe voisine. A côté de ces laves intactes, on trouve également des équivalents partiellement ou fortement transformés. Comme profondément modifiés, on trouve des coulées, filons et intrusions de trondhjémite de la Désirade (roches en partie également jurassiques). Deux modes de transformation sont itimement associés dans ces îles. La spilitisation du a conduit a l'albitisation du plagioclase, la chloritisation de l'orthopyroxène et à la formation de calcite, zéolite, ± prehnite, ± épidote, ± cuivre natif. Elle a aussi conduit à un enrichissement des roches en Na2O (jusque 8,8 %) et un appauvrissement en K, Ca, Rb, Sr, Ba et Ca. Plus rarement une une poeneitisation est observée; celle-ci ressemble à la spilitisation mais conduit à la séricitisation et en partie à une substitution partielle du plagioclase en feldspath alcalin, ce qui conduit à nouveau à un enrichissement en K2O (jusque 9,4 %), Ba et souvent Na2O, Rb et Sr. Le clinopyroxène et le quartz ne sont pas transformés au cours de cette modification.Une comparaison des roches transformées avec les laves de différentes régions tectoniques montre que la métasomatose a conduit à un chimisme non magmatique. Les laves pas ou seulement peu modifiées appartiennent au type des arcs insulaires, tandis que la teneur en Ni (qui n'est pas influencée par les processus métasomatiques) montre que les laves en coussins spilitiques de l'E de la Désirade, sont des laves basaltiques de fond océanique riches en Ni.

79- , . . ( Laumotit' Prehnit'). -, . - Guadeloupe. , , . , — — . . , , ,± ,±,±. — 8,8 % — , , , , . ; , , , , — 9,4 % —, , , . . , , . , , , , , , , .

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