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Alaunja watershed, located on ‘Chotanagpur’ plateau of Bihar, is mainly under single cropping. The area receives more than 1000 mm of rainfall but it has not been utilised properly to increase the agricultural output. The remote sensing, geophysical, DBTM (Digital Basement Terrain Model) and GIS (Geographic information System) techniques were used for providing scientific database for sustainable utilisation of water resources in watershed perspective. The landuse, soil and surface water body maps have been prepared using remotely sensed data. DBTM has been generated based on depth of basement information derived from geophysical data to provide information regarding aquifer geometry, fracture zones and sub-surface basins. Analysis indicated that surface and groundwater resources have potential to irrigate 53 per cent of geographical area of the watershed. But at present, this available potential has been utilised only to irrigate 7.03 per cent area of the watershed. Feasibility for large scale development of groundwater through dugwell is possible only in 2 per cent area of the watershed. The available groundwater potential to irrigate 28 per cent area of watershed can not be utilised through dugwells. The surface water potential is also poorly utilised. The present study also helped in prioritising the water resource development activities.  相似文献   

Hydrogeomorphological mapping in Varaha River Basin (VRB) was carried out to develop relationship between groundwater condition and geomophology of the area. The VRB is located in the north coastal region of Andhra Pradesh is characterised by variability in precipitation, temperature, vegetation, infiltration and run-off. Realising the significance of remote sensing in natural resource management and development, IRS 1A data was used in the study. It is inferred that various hydrogeomorphological units identified in the study area, are the outcome of different geomorphic processes that have been operating in the area and reveal which close relationship between groundwater condition and geology and geomorphol-ogy of the area. Areas covered by buried channels have shallow aquifers of good quality wa-ter with excellent yield. Lineaments and fractures may prove to be potential zones for ground-water development.  相似文献   

The area around Panwari town, Hamirpur district, Uttar Pradesh, faces acute water scarcity and chronically drought prone. The groundwater resources in the area have not been fully exploited. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the groundwater prospective zones. Landsat TM and IRS-1A LISS-II data have been used to differentiate different hydromorphogeological units and to delineate the major trends of lineaments. The digitally enhanced False Colour Composite, Principal Component Analysis and Edge Detections were useful for better correlation. The digital enhancement was helpful with identification of faint lineaments. In addition, the boundaries of various lands forms were better discriminable on the digitally enhanced products. The deeply and moderately weathered buried pediplains are the most potential zones for groundwater targeting. Occurrence of lineaments in such zones is also a favourable indicator. A number of promising groundwater well sites have been located in the pediplains.  相似文献   

The significance of neotectonic lineaments for groundwater prospecting was studied for the area around Bhinmal — a semi-arid part of Thar desert. The application of Directional Filtering procedures on IRS LISS I Band 4 digital image of the study area revealed NE-SW, NW-SE and E-W trending lineaments which are very subtle and in two cases, even unnoticed otherwise. The use of exploratory borehole lithologs and field evidences indicated that the identified lineaments are long rectilinear buried and partly exposed channels and the intersection zones are characterised by thick lenses of coarse sand and gravel. These buried channels and zones of coarse sediments thus represent potential sites for the accumulation of freshwater during rain. The present work has highlighted the suitability of Directional Filtering procedures for lineament mapping and buried channel studies in a desertic terrain.  相似文献   

The Dhanbad district in Bihar, feces acate water scareity and is chronically drought prone. The groundwater resources in the area have not been fully exploited. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the groundwater prospective zones, Landsat-5 MSS data of band-2 and band-4 and false colour composite of band 2, 3, 4 were interpreted visually to differentiate different hydromarphogeological units and to delineate the major trends of lineaments. The different geomorphic features identified are linear ridges, residual hills, pediplain, buried pedtment and dissected pediplain, besides lineaments. The study shows that the pediplain and buried pediments are promising zones for groundwater prospecting.  相似文献   

The study area around Choral river basin in the Narmada valley region, forms a part of Indore and Khargone districts of Madhya Pradesh. The geological, geomorphologic, lineament, hydrogeomorphic and groundwater potential zone maps of the study area have been prepared using IRS IC LISS III FCC imagery on 1:50,000 scale. Various litho-units, different land-forms, lineament fabric and hydro-geomorphic units have been worked out by visual interpretation methods and frequent field checks. The integrated hydro-geomorphological map of the study area reveals that the groundwater potential in denudation landforms such as buried pediplains, plateaus, denudational and residual hills is moderate-to-poor. On the other hand, the groundwater occurrence in structural landforms like structural hills, lineaments/faults and narrow gorges is likely to be good to moderate and the depositional landforms namely alluvial plains, valley-fills and meandering-channels favour the accumulation of sub-surface water and, therefore, may be considered as good recharge zones. From the point of view of groundwater occurrence, various hydro-geomorphic units have been classified as high, moderate and low potential zones.  相似文献   

In hard-rock terrain under semi-arid climatic zone of western Rajasthan, prospective groundwater zones are poorly defined. The area of Sirohi district studied is regarded as a critical zone for tubewell siting. The present study involves delineation of lineaments on spaceborne and airborne data and their identification in field. Lineaments are identified with surface and subsurface geological features for selection of drilling sites. The study has resulted in 100 percent high-yielding exploratory wells in the area. Identical results obtained in their respective observation wells reaffirm utility of the approach adopted.  相似文献   

The area of upper Vaigai river basin covering parts of Madurai and Theni Districts, in Tamil Nadu, faces acute water scarcity and chronically drought prone. The groundwater resources in the area have not been fully exploited. The present investigation has been made to evaluate the potential zones for groundwater targeting using IRS - ID LISS III geocoded data on 1:50,000 scale. The geology, geomorphology, lineament tectonic maps are generated and integrated to evaluate the hydrogeomorphological characteristics of the upper Vaigai river basin and demarcate the groundwater potential zones. A number of geomorphic units have been observed. Out this the more groundwater prospective units are buried pediment medium, buried pediment deep, flood plain, bajada and lineament and intersection of lineaments. Non potential areas like pediment, pediment inselberg, shallow pediment and pediplain were identified.  相似文献   

The area in and around Guntur Town in Andhra Pradesh faces an acute water problem. It represents plain land and gentle slope responsible for infiltration and groundwater recharge. Adequate groundwater resource is reported to be available in the investigated area. It has not been properly exploited. The present investigation is, therefore, undertaken to assess groundwater favourable zones for development and exploration with the help of geomorphological units and associated features. The identified units and features by remote sensing technology with the integration of conventional information and limited ground truths are shallow weathered pediplain (PPS), moderately weathered pediplain (PPM), deeply weathered pediplain (PPD), residual hill (RH) and lineaments (L). The results show that the PPD, PPM and PPS are good, moderate to good and poor to moderate promising zones, respectively for groundwater prospecting. The RH is a poor geomorphological unit in respect to prospective zone as groundwater resource. However, adequate recharge source of groundwater can be expected surrounding the RH, as it acts as surface run-off zone. Lineaments parallel to the stream courses and intersecting-lineaments are favourable indicators for groundwater development. They can also be utilized to augment groundwater resource.  相似文献   


Lineaments have proved to have greater control over groundwater but their depth persistence and their control over groundwater flow have remain unexplored for many years. In the present study an attempt has been made to unearth the depth persistence of lineaments by integrating data collected from resistivity soundings. The lineaments are interpreted from IRS 1A imagery and revealed NE‐SW, NNW‐SSE, NNE‐SSW, N‐S, E‐W and NW‐SE orientations. The integration of resistivity data shows that N‐S and NW‐SE trending lineaments have depth persistence and also have greater control over groundwater movement.  相似文献   

Synoptivity and the exemplified fracture systems exhibited by the space borne imagery data has helped in solving many of the geological enigma in various parts of the world. The study conducted, using such remotly sensed data, in Jhalawar anticline, part of Proterozoic Cratonic Vindhyan Basin, Rajasthan, India, led to infer the history of tectonic evolution of peribasinal deformation which has been a matter of controversy for a century and more. In Landsat MSS data the Jhalawar region displays a panorama of lineaments and their analysis through azimuthal frequency diagrams, isofracture, lineament incidence and lineament intersection incidence density maps shows that the mean orientation of the lineaments fall in NW-SE and NE-SW and the shape of the various lineament density contours also show NE-SW and NW-SE orientations. In aerial photographs the area exhibits four sets of lineaments in NE-SW, NW-SE, N-S and E-W directions. Amongst these the former two sets are expressed as wide open master fracture systems with prolific vegetation fills along them and the latter two sets are characteristically observed as thin vegetation linears with frequent strike slip faulting along them. The further analysis of these fracture/lineament systems derived from multi-level remote sensing data shows that the Jhalawar anticline, which followed the pattern of flexural slip fold mechanism, was evolved by horizontally disposed σ1 (greatest principal stress) and 3σ (least principal stress) with the former oriented in NE-SW and the latter aligned in NW-SE directions with vertically disposed 2σ. The inference of such palaeostress environment of the Jhalawar region lead in the identification of a buried rigid basement high southwest of Jhalawar anticline, beneath the Deccan pile and loci of ground water, silica sand and probable igneous plug.  相似文献   

Parts of Indogangetic alluvial plain and southern part of Simla-Himalayas were studied to evaluate the ground water potential zones through hydromorphogeological mapping using various remotely sensed data. Black and white panchromatic aerial photographs were mainly used to differentiate different lithounits whereas MSS and TM FCC were used to delineate the major trends of lineaments. IRS LISS-II CCT was used for digitally generating enhanced False Colour Composite, Principal Component and Filtered products for better correlative studies. Different rocks of Subathu and Siwalik groups form the structural hills of high to low relief which are mainly runoff zones. The alluvial fan forming piedmont zone has been further subdivided into upper and lower piedmont zones. In order to ascertain ground water movement and occurrence, the infiltration and discharge zones were established. Other local potential discharge zones were also considered. Ground water occurs under semi-confined to confined conditions and good prospects of potable water are present in the area.  相似文献   

In the present study, detailed field survey in conjunction with remotely sensed (IRS-1D, LISS-III) data is of immense help in terrain analysis and landscape ecological planning at watershed level. Geomorphologically summit crust, table top summits, isolated mounds. plateau spurs, narrow slopes, plateau side drainage floors, narrow valleys and main valley floor were delineated. The soil depth ranges from extremely shallow in isolated mounds to very deep soils in the lower sectors. Very good, good, moderate, poor and very poor groundwater prospect zones were delineated. By the integrated analysis of slope, geomorphology. soil depth, land use/land cover and groundwater prospect layers in GIS. 29 landscape ecological units were identified. Each landscape ecological unit refers to a natural geographic entity having distinctive properties of slope, geomorphology. soil depth, land use/ land cover and groundwater prospects. The landscape ecological stress zone mapping of the study area has been carried out based on the analysis and reclassification of tandscape ecological units. The units having minimum ecological impact in terms of slope, geomorphology, soil depth and land use/land cover were delineated under very low stress landscape ecological zones. The units having maximum ecological stress in the form of very high slopes, isolated mounds, table top summits and summit crust, extremely shallow soils, waste lands and very poor groundwater prospects were delineated into very high stress landscape ecological zones. The integrated analysis of remotely sensed data and collateral data in GIS environment is of immense help in evaluation of landscape ecological units and landscape ecological stress zones. The delineated landscape ecological stress zones in the watershed have been recommended for landscape ecological planning for better utilization of natural resources without harming the natural geo-ecosystem of the area.  相似文献   

Lineament patterns detected from remotely sensed data provide useful information to geoscientists, specially in the study of basement tectonics, groundwater targetting and mineral exploration. Improvements in the spatial resolution of satellite images have resulted in the detection of short and faint lineaments which have hitherto gone unnoticed The IRS-1A LISS-II data offers a significant improvement in spatial resolution as compared to the Landsat MSS. A set of computer programmes developed for analysis of lineaments were used to study the parameters such as lineament frequency, length and density in order to quantify the added information derived using IRS-1A LISS-II images. The incremental contribution of LISS-II images are of the order of 100 per cent for lineament frequency and about 60 per cent for total line kilometers of lineaments detected.  相似文献   

The litho-units of the area between Chawand to Kotra across the Aravalli-Delhi Fold Belt are referable to Bhilwara, Aravalli and and Delhi Supergroups. Earlier workers considered the sequence as progressively younger toward west across the Avavalli Orographic axis. Two-dimensional trend mapping of the planar tectonic anisotropy was carried out to map lineaments from landsat TM Image. Ground checks of the lineament along Chawand-Kotra section suggest that lineaments are tectonic dislocations, morphotectonically controlled by thrusts and ductile shears within the Aravalli-Delhi Fold Belt. The recognition of thrust bounded litho-tectonic units from interpretation of satellite remotely sensed data may necessitate reassessment of the Precambrian lithostraligraphy of the Aravalli and Delhi supergroups in the study area. The paper reports thrust tectonics from Aravalli-Delhi Fold Bell. The Antalia Schuppean Belt is possible duplex; imbricate thrusts are connected with base thrust and continuity with roof thrust has been punctuated by transverse faulting and erosion.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed to identify and delineate the groundwater potential areas in parts of Western Ghats, Kottayam, covering the upper catchment of Meenachil river. The study area is composed rocks of Archaean age and Charnockite dominated over others. The information on lithology, geomorphology, lineaments, slope and land use/land cover was generated using the Resourcesat (IRS P6 LISS III) data and Survey of India (Sol) toposheets of scale 1:50,000 (surveyed in 1969) and integrated them with raster based Geographical Information System (GIS) to identify the groundwater potential of the study area. Thus, a GIS-based model which takes account of local condition/variations has been developed specifically for mapping groundwater potential. On the basis of hydrogeomorphology, three categories of groundwater potential zones namely good, moderate and poor were identified, and delineated. The high potential zones correspond to the fracture valleys, valley fills, pediments and denudational slope, which coincide with the low slope and high lineaments density areas. The low zone mainly comprise structural hills and escarpments and these act as run-off zones. The derived panchayath-wise groundwater potentiality information could be used for effective identification of suitable locations for extraction of potable water for rural populations.  相似文献   

The study area is one of the watersheds of North Pennar basin, covering an area of 570 km2 in Pavagada taluk of Tumkur district. The watershed has been subdivided into nine sub-watersheds namely Dalavayihalli, Maddalenahalli, Talamaradahalli, Puluvalli tank, Nagalamadike, Gowdatimmanahalli, Naliganahalli, Devadabetta and Byadanur. These nine sub-watersheds have been evaluated to delineate groundwater potential zones based on the characteristics of geomorphic units together with slope, geology, lineaments, borewell data using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques. Slope varies from nearly level (0–1%) to very steep (>35%). The different geomorphic units in each sub-watershed consist of denudational hills, residual hills, inselbergs, pediment inselberg complex, pediments, shallow weathered pediplains, moderately weathered pediplains and valley fills. The lineament map for each sub-watershed has been prepared and the trends were analysed with rose diagrams. The analysis of borewell locations and their yield data in association with lineaments at subwatersheds level reveals that the lineaments are acting as a pathway for groundwater movement. The integrated map comprising groundwater potential zones prepared by “Union” function using GIS indicate that valley fills and moderately weathered pediplains are very good to good, shallow weathered pediplains are good to moderate, pediment inselberg complex and pediments are moderate to poor and denudational hills, residual hills and inselbergs are poor to very poor groundwater prospect zones.  相似文献   

In recent years satellite remote sensing techniques have greatly aided identification of fractures/joints/faults in connection with groundwater exploration. However, due to some constraints in filtering out the type of fracture i.e. shear fracture, tensional fracture, mineralised fracture etc. as to their “open or closed” nature from groundwater aspects, there is need of adding geophysical survey, particularly resistivity survey to further enhance the accuracy, and hence minimise drilling failures. The area under study is a part of Ranchi plateau and lithologically comprising of granite-gneiss. The present paper lays stress on an integrated approach for localising well sites through satellite data analysis and resistivity profiling along with vertical electrical sounding which is based on fracture patterns. With this combined effort i.e. firstly considering the surfacial features like drainage, geomorpho-logy, lithology and lineaments, and secondly taking into account geophysical survey aspects, i.e. depth and thickness of fracture zone, lateral extent, different layer parameter, etc., fairly accurate results are achieved. In the presnt study this type of an integrated survey has been carried out in Lohardaga and Gumla districts in Bihar, the results of which are highlighted in the paper.  相似文献   

The Uthangarai-Thirthamalai region in Dharmapuri district is a typical Precambrian tract in Tamil Nadu. IRS-1C satellite imagery was used for interpreting folds, faults, fractures and lineaments, in this region. As interpreted from the satellite imagery, there are five major structural domains, which control the Ponnaiyar, Pambar, Vaniyar and Kovilar river courses and other drainage pattern in this region. Presence of fault rock, epidotization and sympathetic fractures along such folds and faults reveals the intensity of tectonism in this sector. The interpreted lineaments have been classified into five major groups on the basis of their geometry and orientation. From the rose diagram, it is inferred that the NNW-SSE trending lineaments are fall in major frequency domain. The springs observed near Hanumanthirtham and Thirthamalai region could be structurally originated. The geomorphology interpreted from the satellite data has shown significant morphological expression of folds, faults and lineaments. The geophysical data have been analysed and correlated with intensity of weathering by fractures and lineaments.  相似文献   

The present work accentuated the expediency of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) applications in groundwater studies, especially in the identification of groundwater potential zones in Ithikkara River Basin (IRB), Kerala, India. The information on geology, geomorphology, lineaments, slope and land use/land cover was gathered from Landsat ETM + data and Survey of India (SOI) toposheets of scale 1:50,000 in addition, GIS platform was used for the integration of various themes. The composite map generated was further classified according to the spatial variation of the groundwater potential. Four categories of groundwater potential zones namely poor, moderate, good and very good were identified and delineated. The hydrogeomorphological units like valley fills and alluvial plain and are potential zones for groundwater exploration and development and valley fills associated with lineaments is highly promising area for groundwater extraction. The spatial variation of the potential indicates that groundwater occurrence is controlled by geology, structures, slope and landforms.  相似文献   

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