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An area of about 1000 square kilometres in Cuddapah and Nellore districts of Andhra Pradesh is studied to bring out the different landforms and other geomorphic features, their material content and distribution, the processes that have acted and are acting in the evolution of landscape and ultimately to get an idea of the geomorphic history of the area. The data obtained during the present study is mainly through remote sensing-techniques (Landsat image and airphoto interpretation) with field checks. The study area forms a part of southeastern Cuddapah Basin and consists of structurally disturbed and deformed sedimentary sequence of varied lithology. The impor-tant rock types in the area are granites, gneisses, quartzites, shales, phyllites, limestones and dolomites. The area presently comes under semi-arid climatic zone. The different landforms recognised and mapped in the area are hog-back ridges, piedmont fans, valley fills, river built plain, abandoned channels, point bars, ’ V‘ shaped valleys, piedmont zone, colluvial plain, residual hills, besides lineaments.  相似文献   

The area around Panwari town, Hamirpur district, Uttar Pradesh, faces acute water scarcity and chronically drought prone. The groundwater resources in the area have not been fully exploited. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the groundwater prospective zones. Landsat TM and IRS-1A LISS-II data have been used to differentiate different hydromorphogeological units and to delineate the major trends of lineaments. The digitally enhanced False Colour Composite, Principal Component Analysis and Edge Detections were useful for better correlation. The digital enhancement was helpful with identification of faint lineaments. In addition, the boundaries of various lands forms were better discriminable on the digitally enhanced products. The deeply and moderately weathered buried pediplains are the most potential zones for groundwater targeting. Occurrence of lineaments in such zones is also a favourable indicator. A number of promising groundwater well sites have been located in the pediplains.  相似文献   

Two buried channels were identified in southern part of Allahabad district based on the visual interpretation of IRS-1 A LISS II FCC followed by detailed study of aerial photographs and cheks. It has been concluded on basis of the configuration of the channels that these were initially joined forming one channel which flowed from east to west although the present master slope of the area is from west to east. The present reversal of the drainage might have been caused by the neo-tectonic activity in the area. The buried channels provide potential ground water reservoirs in the area as proved by a few boreholes drilled on the channels. Some part of the area has become waterlogged due to the seepage of water from the canals cutting across one of the buried channels.  相似文献   

Mapping of the Archaean, Precambrian and Permocarboniferous sedimentary formations in the northern and southern parts of Godavari river covering parts of Adilabad and Karimnagar districts through photointerpretation technique, has been found to be fairly accurate and reliable. Their unique photo characters and other recognition elements are briefly described in this paper.  相似文献   

Wetlands are among the most productive ecosystems in the world and any alterations might lead to changes in their bio-physical, socio-economic and climatic conditions. Wetland dynamics as an index of land use change were studied. Satellite remote sensing was utilized to understand the periodic and seasonal dynamics of Samaspur wetlands using Landsat and RESOURCESAT-1 temporal data. Index-based (i.e., Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)) classification resulted in meaningful discrimination of wetland classes. Results indicate (i) effective water spread areas have increased to optimum capacity at 1990 due to the influence of Sharda canal, (ii) expansion of the agricultural area has led to reduction of the wetland buffer area, and (iii) increase in vegetation biomass due to pesticide-fertilizer runoff and sedimentation load. We also reiterate (i) free availability of the Landsat satellite data in public domain facilitating such monitoring studies and (ii) availability and utility of SWIR band information in wetland classification exercise. The study concludes that policy-driven measures have both long and short term impacts on land use and its natural wetland ecosystems; and the characterizing the later serves as indictor of the former and perhaps vice versa.  相似文献   

Landforms in an area of 1667 sq.km in Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh along the east coast of India has been mapped with the aid of aerial photographs. Simultaneously the current land use has been noted and the data collected in the field of the nature of surficial deposits, drainage and erosion. An attempt is made to classify the area into land systems designated as (1) hill and hillocks, (2) rolling plains, (3) fluvial plain and (4) coastal zone and give details of their characteristic features. Recommendations are made for better landuse of some of the areas taking into consideration the knowledge of their total potential.  相似文献   

Ground water prospecting in hard rock areas of Uttar Pradesh is quite difficult, owing to the geological and geomorphic controls of sub-surface strata on the occurrence and movement of ground water resources, and, therefore, it requires systematic investigations, mainly with the aid of remotely sensed and data, which undoubtedly provide realistic information on the hydrogeological conditions, geomorphologic features, drainage patterns etc. of any rocky area. In this paper, an endeavour has been made to locate ground water possibilities in the drought-affected, rocky terrain of the southern Mirzapur district of Uttar Pradesh, covering part of block Muirpur which is mainly characterised by the varied geological formations, including Archean complex, pre-Vindhyan matasediments and Gondwana formation, through the application of air photointerpretation technique, primarily based on the geologic/geomorphologic approach. The hydro-investigation in the area was carried out using panchromatic aerial photos of 1∶60,000 scale, chiefly to identify the drainage patterns, major geomorphic geo structural and lithological units; as these may control the ground water regime of the area, Further. the present study was also ably supported with limited field survey and hydrogeological data, for achieving reliable results.  相似文献   

Utilising aerial photographs as the chief source of information an attempt has been made to study the land units, land use, land capability and limitations in relation to geomorphology of an area of about 350 sq. kms. in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh. Besides identifying major individual landforms, the area is divided into four geomorphic environments each characterised by dominant landform pattern and relief. Each form and unit is described. Nine types of land units based on amount of slope and six land use classes were chosen after preliminary interpretation and a reconnaissance field check. The estimated range in slope is given for each land unit. The land’s capability and limitations are brought out from consideration of landforms, land units (slopes), nature of soil and water resources. Soil samples were collected from each geomorphic unit and analysed. The results are presented in the form of 3 maps and 2 tables, which may be of use for planning and development of the area.  相似文献   

In the present study, ground water prospect zones in Dala-Renukoot area, in Sonebhadra district. Uttar Pradesh, India have been delineated, through integration of various thematic maps using ARC/INFO GIS. Thematic maps in respect of geology, geomorphology. slope, drainage, land-use/land cover, lineament and lineament intersection frequency were prepared on 1:50,000 scale using remote sensing and conventional methods. These maps were scanned and registered with reference to a basemap and are input as separate layers using ARC/INFO GIS. Each theme was assigned a weightage depending on its influence on the movement and storage of groundwater and each unit in every theme map is assigned a knowledge based ranking from 1 to 5 depending on its significance to groundwater occurrence. All the themes are overlaid, two at a time and the resultant composite coverage is classified into five groundwater prospect categories. This output map is correlated with the groundwater data collected in the field.  相似文献   

Both surface and subsurface evidences exist along the longitudinal section of the Ganga river in Kanpur-Unnao region of Central Ganga Plain indicating the effect of tectonic subsidence. While the surface evidences are discontinuous chain of high uplands with escarpments on the southern bank of the Ganga river and the wide flood plain on the northern side, the subsurface evidences are in terms of sudden deepending of the granitic basement towards north followed by deposition of coarse sand and gravel forming thick aquifers in the close vicinity of present channel of the Ganga river. The petrological examination of the aquifer material also indicates that the material has been derived from a deformation zone.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to delineate different hydrogeomorphological units in and around the immediate environs of Jhansi city with a view to attempt a correlation between the well yields and hydrogeomorphic units using satellite remote sensing technique. In general, a positive correlation is observed between the geomorphic units and the borewell yields with overlapping yields at the margin. The pediment residual hill complex is observed to provide wells with discharges ranging from 100 gallons per hour (gph) to 5000 gph, while the wells drilled in shallow weathered, buried pediplain has yields in the range of 2000 to 10000 gph moderately weathered, buried pediplain has discharges in the range of 8000 to 12000 gph, and deeply weathered, buried pediplain has discharges in excess of 12000 gph.  相似文献   

Drainage and lineaments play an important role in the flow of groundwater. The objective of this study is to assess the groundwater level and its relation to drainage and lineaments in a hard rock region of a part of Nalgonda district, Andhra Pradesh, southern India. The region predominantly comprise of granites and gneisses. Groundwater level was measured in 42 representative wells in this study area from March 2008 to January 2010 once in every two months. Observed groundwater levels were compared with drainage and dyke density. Groundwater level fluctuation in low drainage density region is generally greater than those in moderate and high drainage density regions. The dykes do not act as barriers for groundwater flow as they are highly weathered. The quantity and flow of groundwater in this region is predominantly controlled by drainage density, intensity of weathering and presence of fractures. Thus the study indicate that the drainage density play a major role in groundwater level fluctuation and as the dykes are weathered, they do not affect the groundwater flow in this shallow unconfined aquifer.  相似文献   

Digital elevation model (DEM) data of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) are distributed at a horizontal resolution of 90 m (30 m only for US) for the world, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) DEM data provide 30 m horizontal resolution, while CARTOSAT-1 (IRS-P5) gives 2.6 m horizontal resolution for global coverage. SRTM and ASTER data are available freely but 2.6 m CARTOSAT-1 data are costly. Hence, through this study, we found out a horizontal accuracy for selected ground control points (GCPs) from SRTM and ASTER with respect to CARTOSAT-1 DEM to implement this result (observed from horizontal accuracy) for those areas where the 2.6-m horizontal resolution data are not available. In addition to this, the present study helps in providing a benchmark against which the future DEM products (with horizontal resolution less than CARTOSAT-1) with respect to CARTOSAT-1 DEM can be evaluated. The original SRTM image contained voids that were represented digitally as ?140; such voids were initially filled using the measured values of elevation for obtaining accurate DEM. Horizontal accuracy analysis between SRTM- and ASTER-derived DEMs with respect to CARTOSAT-1 (IRS-P5) DEM allowed a qualitative assessment of the horizontal component of the error, and the appropriable statistical measures were used to estimate their horizontal accuracies. The horizontal accuracy for ASTER and SRTM DEM with respect to CARTOSAT-1 were evaluated using the root mean square error (RMSE) and relative root mean square error (R-RMSE). The results from this study revealed that the average RMSE of 20 selected GCPs was 2.17 for SRTM and 2.817 for ASTER, which are also validated using R-RMSE test which proves that SRTM data have good horizontal accuracy than ASTER with respect to CARTOSAT-1 because the average R-RMSE of 20 GCPs was 3.7 × 10?4 and 5.3 × 10?4 for SRTM and ASTER, respectively.  相似文献   

Geomorphologic map prepared, using the remote sensing techniques and conventional methods, has been used to assess groundwater prospects in a developing satellite township of Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Complex. Andhra Pradesh, India. The geomorphic units delineated are denudational, fluvial and coastal. The study indicates that the fluvial and rolling plains are promising zones for groundwater occurrence. The denudational landforms are not considered as groundwater potential zones, whereas the groundwater occurring in the coastal plain is not suitable for any use, because of its brackish nature.  相似文献   

Himalayas possess one of the largest resources of snow, ice and glaciers that act as a huge freshwater reservoir. Monitoring the glaciers is important to assess the overall reservoir health of the Himalayas. Samudra Tapu is one of the largest glaciers in Chandra basin of district Lahaul and Spiti, Himachal Pradesh. Based on the field investigations and the remote sensing techniques. features such as accumulation area, ablation area snowline/equilibrium line, moraine-dammed lakes and permanent snowfields were mapped. The glacial terminus was identified using moraine-dammed lake, as lake is located at down streamside of the terminus. The total recession of glacier during the period of 38 years (1962–2000) is about 742 m with an average rate of 19.5 m/yr. In addition, glacial extent is reduced from 73 to 65 km2 between 1962 and 2000. suggesting overall deglaciation of 11%. During field investigation. three stages of glaciation using terminal moraine were identified. These moraines were mapped by merging LISS-II1 and PAN data. At the peak of glaciation. the glacial terminus was extended 3.18 km downstream of terminus position in year 2000. Total area during peak of glaciation period has been observed to be 77.67 km2, which is 12.67 km2 higher than the present glacier extent.  相似文献   

Geology in parts of Sainj Valley,Kulu district,Himachal Pradesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper highlights the findings of photogeological studies, with selective field checks, carried out in Sainj Valley. For the first time, a photogeological map of the area has been prepared using large scale aerial photographs Structurally the area forms‘Window in a Window’ structure as the oldest rocks of Kulu formation are thrusted over the younger rocks of Larji Group (Larji and Banjar formations) and further Banjars are thrusted over Larjis. Thus, Larjis being stratigraphically youngest, occupy the lowest tectonic position. The Kulu formation mainly consists of Central Crystalline, schists and gneisses. Banjar is composed of quartzite, metabasics, slate and phyllite. Larji predominantly consists of dolomite and quartzite with slate and phyllite. The photogeological studies have helped to bring out the lineament pattern, landslide zones, major structural trends and main geological formations. The lineaments mainly trend in NNE-SSW, NW-SE, NE-SW and NNW-SSE directions. A key for photo-characters of different litho units and terrain elements of the area is established.  相似文献   

Kondakarla lake is the largest natural fresh water lake in Visakhapatnam district. The lake is thought to have been formed in stages. There might have been in the past a ‘U’ shaped rim of hills enclosing a basin with a minor drainage system. With the reduction of hills in relative relief, the drainage got obliterated because of excessive deposition of alluvium leaving a gently sloping piedmont and a central shallow depression. An old course of the Sarada river entered the lake and there are evidences in field indicating the old course having got in and got out of the lake, in the absence of a few geomorphic units along the foot-slopes of the hills. These geomorphic units appear to have been removed by the swerving meander loops of the old course. Again, there are a series of four sandy islands in the lake, the configuration and disposition of which indicate deposition in the inside of the meander loops as point bar deposits, while the old course migrated towards southeast of the basin. The lake is thought to have been farmed in the gently sloping basin partially deepened perhaps by migrating course of tha Sarada river. Aggradation at the northestern part besides cutting off of the meander loop, has created a barrier of low relief resulting in a narrow long basin of internal drainage. Neither the structural trend of the hills nor any other features indicate synclinal or anticlinal troughs, ruling out any structural origin for this lake.  相似文献   

Visual interpretation of LANDSAT imagery in bands 6 and 7 covering Panna district, Bundelkhand, Madhya Pradesh was carried out for terrain analysis and present land use. The physiographic units viz. hills and hill ranges, escarpments, ridges, table-land, pediment, piedmont plain and sub-units of second order were identified and delineated using inter pretation elements. Area of each unit and sub-unit is calculated and presented in the table showing extent, tone, texture, shape and land use. Land use in relation to physiographic units is also described in the paper and shown in the form of small scale map. Visual interpretation technique helps in broad terrain analysis on scale 1:1 million. This information could be used for making a rapid resource inventory.  相似文献   

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