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The Bist Doab Tract of Punjab is an agriculturaly important region lying between the two rivers viz: Beas and Satluj on two sides and the Siwaliks range on the third side. Landsat imagery of bands 5,7 and false colour composite covering this tract were analysed for the texture, shape, size and pattern to study the different geomorphic units developed under different geological periods and environments. The study has enabled to identify the following land form zones (i) Structural hill-Siwaliks-Z1 (ii) Table land-Z2 (iii) Upper piedmont-Z3 (iv) Lower piedmont-Z4 (v) Alluvial plain-Z5 (vi) Sandy and Saline tract-Z6 (vii) Older flood plain-Z7 (viii) Active flood plain-Z8. The resultant geomorphological map of the area has been prepared on 1: 1M scale and as such the applicability of the remotely sensed data has been found to be of immense use in the quick identification of regional geomorphic setting of the area.  相似文献   

Air photos coupled with intensive ground check and laboratory analysis have helped in establishing the relationship between physiography and associated soils located in the alluvial tract of Sonepat district Haryana. Four major landform units in the area were1 (i) recent flood plain, (ii) young meander plain, (iii) old meander plain and (iv) ofd alluvial plain. Each of the major units were sub divided on the basis of photo elements, (tone texture and parcelling). In the recent flood plain development in the profile was restricted due to recent deposits and continuous flooding during rainy season. Profile showed little development in the young and old meander plain which are to some extent free from flood activity. The old alluvial plain which showed maximum development in the profile might be attributed to age (Late Placetocene) and topography (occupies low land). Although over all the profile development is slow due to calcareous nature of parent material.  相似文献   

Urbanization is increasingly becoming a widespread phenomenon at all scales of development around the globe. Be it developing or developed nations, all are witnessing urbanization at very high pace. In order to study its impacts, various methodologies and techniques are being implemented to measure growth of urban extents over spatial and temporal domains. But urbanization being a very dynamic phenomenon has been facing ambiguities regarding methods to study its dynamism. This paper aims at quantifying urban expansion in Delhi, the capital city of India. The process has been studied using urban land cover pattern derived from Landsat TM/ETM satellite data for two decades (1998–2011). These maps show that built-up increased by 417 ha in first time period (1998–2003) and 6,633 ha during next period (2003–2011) of study. For quantification of metrics for urban expansion, the Urban Landscape Analysis Tool (ULAT) was employed. Land cover mapping was done with accuracy of 92.67 %, 93.3 % and 96 % respectively for years 1998, 2003 and 2011. Three major land covers classes mapped are; (i) built-up, (ii) water and (iii) other or non-built-up. The maps were then utilized to extract degree of urbanization based on spatial density of built-up area consisting of seven classes, (i) Urban built-up, (ii) Suburban built-up,(iii) Rural built-up, (iv) Urbanized open land, (v) Captured open land, (vi) Rural open land and (vii) Water. These classes were demarcated based on the urbanness of cells. Similarly urban footprint maps were generated. The two time maps were compared to qualitatively and quantitatively capture the dynamics of urban expansion in the city. Along with urbanized area and urban footprint maps, the new development areas during the study time periods were also identified. The new development areas consisted of three major categories of developments, (i) infill, (ii) extension and (iii) leapfrog.  相似文献   

Landsat imagery of bands 6 and 7 covering Gujarat state were analysed for the texture, shape, size and pattern to study the different landforms developed under different climatic environments. The study enabled to identify the following landforms (i) Hill, (ii) Table land, ridge and dome, (iii) Pediment, (iv) Plain and (v) Marine landscape along with their subunits.  相似文献   

Soil survey of Hissar district (Haryana) covering total area of 6,331 sq. kms. was carried out using the aerial photographs of 1 : 25,000 scale. A detailed physiographic legend was prepared and boundaries were confirmed in relation to soil. Soil-landscape relationship was established during the course of study. Four major physiographic units were identified in the area : i. e. i) Aeolian plain, ii) Alluvial plain, iii) Drishdawati flood plain, iv) Ghaggar flood plain. Each of the major unit was sub-divided on the basis of photo elements, tone, texture, erosion, parcelling etc. The soils of the sand dunes/ Bars are classified as Typic Torripsamments/Ustipsamments; plain-Typic, Camborthids/Calciorthids/Ustrochrepts; basins-Aquic Ustochrepts and salt affected plain-Aquic Natrustalfs.  相似文献   

Groundwater being a valuable resource in today’s world needs proper evaluation and management for overall development within the region for its judicious use. The Baghmundi Block of Purulia district, West Bengal is within the hard rock terrain of Ayodhya hills and Matha Protected forest. The groundwater in this region is confined within the fracture zones and weathered residuum. Hydrogeomorphologically, the entire area is classified into following categories such as - i) Very shallow weathered pediment, ii) Moderately weathered pediment, iii) Valley fills, iv) Erosional gullies, v) Lateritic Upland and vi) Accumulation gullies. The hydrogeomorphic map of the area prepared by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of West Bengal has been digitized for the present study. The lineament map has been prepared from the satellite imagery. The lineament map has also been digitized for the present study. From this the lineament density contour map has been prepared. An integrated remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) based methodology has been used for the delineating Groundwater potential zones in the study area. Here the Geomorphology and Lineament density maps are overlaid following the Weighted Index Overlay Method, which delineates groundwater potential zones.  相似文献   

Virtual globes have been developed to showcase different types of data combining a digital elevation model and basemaps of high resolution satellite imagery. Hence, they became a standard to share spatial data and information, although they suffer from a lack of toolboxes dedicated to the formatting of large geoscientific dataset. From this perspective, we developed Geolokit: a free and lightweight software that allows geoscientists – and every scientist working with spatial data – to import their data (e.g., sample collections, structural geology, cross-sections, field pictures, georeferenced maps), to handle and to transcribe them to Keyhole Markup Language (KML) files. KML files are then automatically opened in the Google Earth virtual globe and the spatial data accessed and shared. Geolokit comes with a large number of dedicated tools that can process and display: (i) multi-points data, (ii) scattered data interpolations, (iii) structural geology features in 2D and 3D, (iv) rose diagrams, stereonets and dip-plunge polar histograms, (v) cross-sections and oriented rasters, (vi) georeferenced field pictures, (vii) georeferenced maps and projected gridding.Therefore, together with Geolokit, Google Earth becomes not only a powerful georeferenced data viewer but also a stand-alone work platform. The toolbox (available online at http://www.geolokit.org) is written in Python, a high-level, cross-platform programming language and is accessible through a graphical user interface, designed to run in parallel with Google Earth, through a workflow that requires no additional third party software. Geolokit features are demonstrated in this paper using typical datasets gathered from two case studies illustrating its applicability at multiple scales of investigation: a petro-structural investigation of the Ile d’Yeu orthogneissic unit (Western France) and data collection of the Mariana oceanic subduction zone (Western Pacific).  相似文献   

To understand the nature of land degradation and factors responsible for it, investigations were carried out in Etah district with an area of 4.45 lakh hectares. For identification of soil/land degradation problems, multidate Landsat, TM spectral bands and FCC were used. It is observed that salt-affected soils are sharply depicted by light and dark gray mixed tone on band 3, while they are not clear on band 4. Flood plain and waterlogged soils are clearly observed on band 4. Band 6 (10.3 – 12.5 µm) helps in separation of broad zones of coarse and fine-textured soils, active flood plain of rivers, and eroded and gullied lands. The confusion between coarse-textured droughty soils and salt-affected areas in TM FCC (2, 3, 4) could be eliminated by use of band-6 data in combination with FCC. For delineation of problematic areas, two approaches were followed viz. (i) physiographic approach, and (ii) direct approach. In the physiographic approach landscape map associated with image characteristics was prepared. Further the image interpretation units were interpreted for land degradation hazards. With this approach physiography and soil relationship and the degradation problems vis-a-vis soil units could be established and ameliorative measures as per soil condition can be suggested. In direct approach, the problematic areas as per predetermined key were demarcated. Out of 4.45 lakh ha of the area, 1.99 lakh ha is affected by various soil degradation problems, like droughty soils, flooding hazard and salinity and alkalinity which cover 22.1%, 50.0% and 27.9%, respectively. To study the distribution of a salt-affected lands, major physiographic boundaries were superimposed over the land degradation map prepared by direct approach. It is observed that 81.5% of the salt-affected areas lie in the old alluvial plain while 18.5% is in recent flood plain.  相似文献   

G. T. M. 《测量评论》2013,45(44):339-340

In two papers on this subject (v, 34, 236, and vi, 40, 85) some difficulties were examined and missing evidence explored. Reference was made to the past existence of divers acres in the British Isles. In a lecture by Professor A. E. Snape, M.SC., on “Our Units of Measurement”, delivered at the University of Cape Town and printed in the South African Survey Journal (III, Part viii, 24, 340, 1930), some other units are considered and additional evidence adduced. For example, the Cheshire acre is given as 2.11 statute acres.  相似文献   

Rajaji National Park in U.P. is a protected area where large number of nomad population live within the park area. Their dependence on the forest for cattle rearing and firewood has caused degradation of the forests. Proximity to settlements outside the park further adds to the problems. In the present study, forest cover and river, bed changes have been attempted by using temporal aerospace data of the year 1960 and 1993. Subsequently, PAMAP GIS package has been used for the change detection analysis. The study indicates that the land cover changes are mainly due to biotic factors. Some of the important changes in forest cover are: (i) transformation of mixed forest to scrub forest in 67 ha (ii) the sal mixed and mixed sal forest categories have replaced sal forest in 262 ha (iii) significant increase in forest plantation i.e. 2075 ha in the year 1960 to 3793 ha in 1993 (iv) eighteen times increase in Chirpine area, it increased from 13 ha in 1960 to 230 ha in 1993. The land cover changes in 6663 ha (45%) out of 14962 ha of the study area. The consequential changes in the river beds due to the change in the forest cover was also analyzed. During this period river beds with boulders have increased by 87 ha. These river bed changes include lengthening and broadening of river and change in river course.  相似文献   

Photo-interpretation coupled with systematic field checks over an area of about 1500 sq. km has led to the identification of various landform units and their characteristic landuse pattern in part of the submontaneous tract of Arunachal Pradesh and Assam in the Dihang river basin. Four major geomorphic units have been mapped and their respective lithounits are studied in detail. Present landuse and the land’s capability inrespect of each of the major geomorphic units have been noted. Suggestions have been made for better utilisation of land.  相似文献   

Soil mapping on the scale 1:50,000 was conducted in Tehri-Garhwal district of Uttar Pradesh using Survey of India Topographic maps and utilising aerial photographs of the area which were interpreted for demarcation of physiographic units, vegetation, drainage and other features relevant to soil development. Resulting soil map and soils and land use information have been helpful in presenting an optimum land use and management plan in the area keeping in view of the soils characteristics, terrain features and existing land use, Soils and physiographic interpretation in the area have highlighted significant soil-landscape relationships relevant to land utilization. The other factors responsible for soil formation which could be significant in the area i.e. climate and parent material were also taken into consideration apart from topography. Of all these factors topography was revealed to be the predominant factor governing soil formation in the area. Soil units mapped coincided with the physiographic units demarcated through aerial photo-interpretation. The area of the district could be divided into three climatic zones viz. (i) Cool temperate, (ii) Sub-tropical warm temperate and (iii) tropical following Kaushic (1962). It was noticed that in each climatic zone with the climate being almost uniform within the zone, irrespe tlve of variations in the parent material, soil development was markedly affected by topographly, variations which led to differences in soil characteristics particulary soil texture and amount of coarse fragments. In about 70 percent of the area of the district where slopes are steep to very steep, topography was revealed to be the dominant factor determining characteristic soil development. In the remaining part where slopes are moderate to gentle, parent material is the dominant factor followed by topography.  相似文献   


Big Data has emerged in the past few years as a new paradigm providing abundant data and opportunities to improve and/or enable research and decision-support applications with unprecedented value for digital earth applications including business, sciences and engineering. At the same time, Big Data presents challenges for digital earth to store, transport, process, mine and serve the data. Cloud computing provides fundamental support to address the challenges with shared computing resources including computing, storage, networking and analytical software; the application of these resources has fostered impressive Big Data advancements. This paper surveys the two frontiers – Big Data and cloud computing – and reviews the advantages and consequences of utilizing cloud computing to tackling Big Data in the digital earth and relevant science domains. From the aspects of a general introduction, sources, challenges, technology status and research opportunities, the following observations are offered: (i) cloud computing and Big Data enable science discoveries and application developments; (ii) cloud computing provides major solutions for Big Data; (iii) Big Data, spatiotemporal thinking and various application domains drive the advancement of cloud computing and relevant technologies with new requirements; (iv) intrinsic spatiotemporal principles of Big Data and geospatial sciences provide the source for finding technical and theoretical solutions to optimize cloud computing and processing Big Data; (v) open availability of Big Data and processing capability pose social challenges of geospatial significance and (vi) a weave of innovations is transforming Big Data into geospatial research, engineering and business values. This review introduces future innovations and a research agenda for cloud computing supporting the transformation of the volume, velocity, variety and veracity into values of Big Data for local to global digital earth science and applications.  相似文献   

Scalar wavelet based contourlet frame based features are used for improving the classification of remote sensing images. Multiwavelet an extension to scalar wavelets provides higher degree of freedom, which possess two or more scaling function and wavelet function. Unlike scalar wavelets, which has single scaling and wavelet function. Multiwavelet satisfies several mathematical properties simultaneously such as orthogonality, compact support, linear phase symmetry and higher order approximation. The multiwavelets considered here are Geronimo-Hardin-Massopust (GHM) and Chui Lian (CL). In this paper the performance of GHM and CL multiwavelet is compared. Finally CL based multicontourlet frame based features are used for improving the classification accuracy of remote sensing images as it has directional filter banks. Principal component analysis based feature reduction is performed and Gaussian Kernel Fuzzy C means classifiers are used to improve the classification accuracy. The experimental results shows that the CL based multicontourlet overall accuracy is improved to 5.3% (for LISS-IV(i)), 2.09% (for LISS IV(ii)) 4.17% (for LISS IV(iii)) and 4.2% (for LISS IV-(iv)) the kappa coefficient is improved to 0.04 (for LISS IV-(i)), 0.029 (for LISS IV-(ii)), 0.031 (for LISS IV-(iii)) and 0.05 (for LISS IV-(iv)) compared to Wavelet based Contourlet transform.  相似文献   

Visual interpretation of IRS-1A LISS-II (October 1988 & Feb. 1989) FCC (spectral bands 2, 3 & 4) at 1:50,000 scale was carried out for soil resource mapping of Bhiwani district (Haryana State) covering on area of 5099 sq. kim. Based on image characteristics, element analysis (landform, vegetation & erosion) and field traverses, physiography-soil relationship was established. Major physiographic units identified in the area are: Aeolian plain, Fluvio-acolian plain, Transitional plain, Alluvial plain, Hills and Pediments. Area was divided into 34 subunits. Final physiography-soil map on 1:50,000 scale was prepared. Taxonomically, the soils of each unit were classified and are found as: In aeolian plain—Typic Torripsamments/coarse loamy, Typic Camborthios; Fluvio-aeolian plain-Aridic Ustipsamments/coarse loamy/fine loamy Typic/Udic Ustochrepts; Alluvial plain—Typic Ustipsamments/coarse loamy/fine loamy Typic/Udic Ustochrepts; Hills and Pediments—fregmental Lithic Torriorthents/Typic Torripsamments. Interpretation for each subunit was made regarding land suitability for various land utilisation types. It was found that hills and pediments, dunal ridges, dunal complexes and serub-lands are best suitable for forestry and horiculture plantations. Dunal plains and inter-dunal depressions are best suitable for gram/bajra/oilseeds/guar, very gently sloping dunal plain and low lying plain are suitable for wheat/arhar/cotton/sunflower.  相似文献   

In the present study, detailed field survey in conjunction with remotely sensed (IRS-1D, LISS-III) data is of immense help in terrain analysis and landscape ecological planning at watershed level. Geomorphologically summit crust, table top summits, isolated mounds. plateau spurs, narrow slopes, plateau side drainage floors, narrow valleys and main valley floor were delineated. The soil depth ranges from extremely shallow in isolated mounds to very deep soils in the lower sectors. Very good, good, moderate, poor and very poor groundwater prospect zones were delineated. By the integrated analysis of slope, geomorphology. soil depth, land use/land cover and groundwater prospect layers in GIS. 29 landscape ecological units were identified. Each landscape ecological unit refers to a natural geographic entity having distinctive properties of slope, geomorphology. soil depth, land use/ land cover and groundwater prospects. The landscape ecological stress zone mapping of the study area has been carried out based on the analysis and reclassification of tandscape ecological units. The units having minimum ecological impact in terms of slope, geomorphology, soil depth and land use/land cover were delineated under very low stress landscape ecological zones. The units having maximum ecological stress in the form of very high slopes, isolated mounds, table top summits and summit crust, extremely shallow soils, waste lands and very poor groundwater prospects were delineated into very high stress landscape ecological zones. The integrated analysis of remotely sensed data and collateral data in GIS environment is of immense help in evaluation of landscape ecological units and landscape ecological stress zones. The delineated landscape ecological stress zones in the watershed have been recommended for landscape ecological planning for better utilization of natural resources without harming the natural geo-ecosystem of the area.  相似文献   

A soil and land use survey of Mewat area, Haryana, was carried out using the aerial photographs of 1:50,000. Four major physiographic units namely hills, piedmont plain, intermontante basin and Yamuna alluvial plain were recognised. The land use was studied in relation to the physiographic units. The legend adopted for land use classification has physiography at first level, utility at second level and management and identification at third and fourth levels respectively. Of the total area of 161,103 ha surveyed, 131,637 ha (81.72%) are cultivated. Of this 75,967 ha (47.16%) irrigated and 55,670 ha (34.56%) is unirrigated. Under uncultivated area, barren lands cover 14,224 ha (8.82%), forests occupy 3,463 ha (5.25%), settlements cover 3,300 (2.05%), water bodies occupy 1,312 ha (0.81%) and roads, railway lines, canals and drains constitute 2,167 ha (1.55%).  相似文献   

Based on the visual interpretation of satellite (Landsat) false colour composite imagery, the entire Haryana State is divided into eleven landform units. Seven major landform units are studied in details with respect to water table fluctuation, ground water quantum and draft. The studies reveal that usable recharge and draft per unit area are maximum in case of area of water seepage and periodic flooding followed by Yamuna and Ghaggar flood plain and upper alluvial plains with occasional sand dunes. The minimum recharge and draft are observed in case of dune areas.  相似文献   

Utilising aerial photographs as the chief source of information an attempt has been made to study the land units, land use, land capability and limitations in relation to geomorphology of an area of about 350 sq. kms. in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh. Besides identifying major individual landforms, the area is divided into four geomorphic environments each characterised by dominant landform pattern and relief. Each form and unit is described. Nine types of land units based on amount of slope and six land use classes were chosen after preliminary interpretation and a reconnaissance field check. The estimated range in slope is given for each land unit. The land’s capability and limitations are brought out from consideration of landforms, land units (slopes), nature of soil and water resources. Soil samples were collected from each geomorphic unit and analysed. The results are presented in the form of 3 maps and 2 tables, which may be of use for planning and development of the area.  相似文献   

‘Terrain Analysis’ of the the Assam Plains and adjoining areas of the Naga foothills and Mikir hills plateau has been carried out using LANDSAT images and cartographic maps, essentially as an aid for planning seismic surveys for hydrocarbon exploration. The terrain is divisible into five geomorphic zones of distinct characters and processes of evolution. They are: i) Brahmaputra flood plains, ii) Assam Alluvial Plains, iii) Naga Piedmont plains, iv) Mikir Denudational hills, and v) Naga Structural Hills. A number of geomorphic anomalies have been identified in these zones. Maximum number of the anomalies occur in the piedmont zone which is considered to be most prospective since suitable hydrocarbon generation and entrapment conditions exist in that part of the basin. There dominant trends of lineaments striking ENE-WSW NW-SE and E-W are observed in the area in that order of extent and frequency. The last mentioned appears to be youngest which has off-setted even the Naga Thrust. Five distinct planation surfaces/summit levels have been identified in the Mikir as well as Naga hills. They are correlatable with the known unconformities at the top of basement, top of Barails, top of Girujan, top of Namsang and top of Dihing Formations. The subsurface lithology expected during shot hole drilling for seismic surveys has been predicted considering the process of evolution of each zone.  相似文献   

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