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The Knipovich Ridge extends for 550–600 km between the Mohns Ridge and the demarcation Spitsbergen Fracture Zone. The structural features of this ridge are repeatedly mentioned in the literature; however, substantial discrepancies remain in the treatment of its tectonics. New data on the structure of this ridge presented in this paper are based on the results of continuous seismic profiling in the area studied by the expedition of the Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate on the R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov in 2006; 56 seismic lines allow us to depict zones differing in seismic records that provide insights into their internal tectonic structure. Interpretation of the seismic data makes it possible to compile maps of the acoustic basement surface and sedimentary cover thickness in the studied area. These maps expand our knowledge of the geological history and geodynamics of the Knipovich Ridge at the neotectonic stage of its evolution.  相似文献   

The geological and geophysical data primarily on the structure of the upper sedimentary sequence of the northern Knipovich Ridge (Norwegian-Greenland Basin) that were obtained during Cruise 24 of the R/V Akademik Nikolai Strakhov are considered. These data indicate that the recent kinematics of the northern Knipovich Ridge is determined by dextral strike-slip displacements along the Molloy Fracture Zone (315° NW). This stress field is superimposed by a system related to rifting and latitudinal opening of rifts belonging to the ridge proper. Thus, the structural elements formed under the effect of two stress fields are combined in this district. Several stages of tectonic movements are definable. The first stage (prior to 500 ka ago) is marked by the dominant normal faults, which are overlain by the lower and upper sedimentary sequences. The second stage (prior to 120–100 ka ago) is characterized by development of normal and reverse faults, which displace the lower sequence and are overlain by the upper sequence. Both younger and older structural features reveal peaks of tectonic activity separated by intermediate quiet periods 50–60 ka long. The stress field of the regional strike-slip faulting is realized in numerous oblique NE-trending normal and normal-strike-slip faults that divide the rift valley and its walls into the segments of different sizes. Their strike (20°–30° NE) is consistent with a system of secondary antithetic sinistral strike-slip faults. The system of depressions located 40 km west of the rift valley axis may be considered a paleorift zone that is conjugated at 78°07′ N and 5°20′ W with the NW-trending fault marked by the main dextral offset. The stress field that existed at this stage was identical to the recent one. The rift valley axis migrated eastward to its present-day position approximately 2 Ma ago (if the spreading rate of ~0.7 cm/yr is accepted). The obtained data substantially refine the understanding of the initial breakup of continents with the formation of oceanic structural elements. The neotectonic stage is characterized by combination of different stress fields that resulted in the formation of a complex system of tectonic structural units, including those located beyond the recent extension zone along the rift axis of the Knipovich Ridge. The tectonic deformations occurred throughout the neotectonic stage as discrete recurrent events.  相似文献   

Approximately 400,000 line kilometers of high quality, low level Arctic aeromagnetic data collected by the Naval Research Laboratory, the Naval Oceanographic Office and the Naval Ocean Reseach and Development Activity from 1972 through 1978 have been analyzed for depth to magnetic source. This data set covers much of the Canada Basin, the Alpha Ridge, the central part of the Makarov Basin, the Lincoln Sea, the Eurasia Basin west and south of the 55°E meridian and the Norwegian-Greenland Sea north of the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone. The analysis uses the autocorrelation algorithm developed by Phillips (1975, 1978) and based on the maximum entropy method of Burg (1967, 1968, 1975). The method is outlined, examples of various error analysis techniques shown and final results presented. Where possible, magnetic source depth estimates are compared with basement depths derived from seismic and bathymetric data.All major known bathymetric features, including Vesteris Bank and the Greenland, Molloy and Spitsbergen fracture zones, as well as the Mohns, Knipovich and Nansen spreading ridges and the Alpha Cordillera appear as regional highs in the calculated magnetic basement topography. Shallow basement was also found under the northeastern Yermak Plateau, the Morris Jesup Rise and under the southern (Greenland-Ellesmere Island) end of the Lomonsosov Ridge. Regional magnetic source deeps are associated with such bathymetric depressions as the Canada, Makarov, Amundsen, Nansen, Greenland and Lofoten basins; more localized magnetic basement deeps are found over the Molloy F.Z. deep and over the Mohns, Knipovich and Nansen rift valleys. A linear magnetic basement deep follows the extension of Nares Strait through the Lincoln Sea toward the Morris Jesup Rise, suggesting the continuation of the Nares Strait or Wegener F.Z. into the Lincoln Sea. A sharp drop in the regional magnetic source depths to the southeast of the Alpha Ridge suggests the Alpha Ridge is not connected to structures in northwest Ellesmere Island as previously postulated from high altitude aeromagnetic collected by Canadian workers. A regional deep under the east Greenland shelf west of the Greenland Escarpment suggests the presence of 5–10 km of post-Paleozoic sediments.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy of Paleocene-Eocene rocks based on assemblages of dinocysts, benthic and planktonic foraminifers, nannoplankton, diatoms, and nummulites was refined in the sedimentary sequence penetrated by borehole (BH) 13 in the Gremyach’e potassium salt deposit. The rocks were subdivided into local lithostratigraphic units with refined ages and more substantiated reference to the general and regional scales. In addition to formations of the Volga-Caspian region: Saratov, Kamyshin, Tsaritsyn, Mechetka and Elshanka, for the Paleogene of the southwestern Volgograd region there were used formations of neighbor regions as well: Eisk Formation (Paleocene) in the eastern Donetsk Basin and the Sergeevka, Tishki and Kas’yanovka formations (Middle and Upper Eocene) in the Voronezh Anteclise. The presence of the Oligocene in the section of the Maikop Group has been established for the first time. New biostratigraphic units based on dinocysts and foraminifers were suggested.  相似文献   

Field investigation together with a number of geochemical petrographical analyses, as well as absolute K-Ar age determinations and geophysical data, allow the recognition of an evolutionary sequence of geodynamic events which have affected the northern region of Antarctic Peninsula and the adjacent islands.A significant volcanic calc-alkaline belt, which developed on the northwestern margin of the Antarctic Peninsula during the Cretaceous to Middle Tertiary, is indicative of active subduction of the Antarctic plate in that area. This activity decreases during the Lower Miocene, giving way to an expansive phase represented by the Bransfield Rift. These extensional processes are dominant during the Pliocene, creating a rift system in southeastern Bransfield towards Larsen. Both the Bransfield and Larsen systems comprise one “fan-like rift system”, associated with the Prince Gustav Rift and the Scotia Arc micro-plate. Ejection of abundant pyroclastic material generated a large plateau of palagonite hyaloclastites of basaltic alkaline composition. During the Pleistocene-Recent, the extensional activity continued, as evidenced by the active volcanic fractures represented in Bransfield by the Deception, Penguin and Bridgeman volcanic centres; in the Prince Gustav Rift by Paulet Islands and others, and in Larsen by the Coley, Seal Nunatak and Argo volcanic centres. The latter is characterized by basaltic olivine-alkaline effusions. These rifts and the continental blocks are affected by a series of fractures with a N60°–70°W strike, which could be directly associated with the Hero Fracture Zone extending northwest of the South Shetland Islands Trench.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the total transport of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) in the northern fractures (Kane, Cabo Verde, Marathon) are one order of magnitude smaller than in the southern fractures (Vema, Doldrums, Vernadsky). The estimates of AABW transport through this group of fractures based on measurements in 2014 were approximately 0.28 Sv, which is about 25% of the transport through the Vema Fracture Zone. However, the coldest water flows through the Vema Fracture Zone.  相似文献   

The biotic turnover in the Pliensbachian-Toarcian transition and changes in assemblages of bivalves, ostracodes, foraminifers, dinocysts, spores, and pollen are described. Only five of 24 bivalve genera and two of four ostracode genera cross the Pliensbachian-Toarcian boundary so that composition of genera and families to be entirely renewed at the base of the Harpoceras falciferum Zone. In the interval of three ammonite zones, diversity of foraminifers is reducing from 27 genera in the Amaltheus margaritatus Zone (upper Pliensbachian) to 17 and then to 15 genera in the Tiltoniceras antiquum (lower Toarcian) and Harpoceras falciferum zones, respectively. Single dinocysts of the Pliensbachian are replaced by their abundant specimens at the base of the Toarcian, and substantial changes in composition of palynological assemblages are simultaneously established. Factors responsible for “mass extinctions” of marine invertebrates are suggested to be the paleogeographic reorganization, anoxic events, eustatic sea-level changes, and climatic fluctuations. The biotic turnover in the Arctic region is interrelated mainly with thermal changes, which caused the southward displacements of taxa distribution areas during a rapid cooling and their gradual return to former habitat areas in the period of warming, rather than with extinction events.  相似文献   

Borehole 2506 drilled in the northern area of the Arkhangelsk Oblast penetrated through the Paleozoic sedimentary block isolated in the Vendian thick sequence. A diverse acritarch assemblage has been established within the depth interval of 119.9–217.5 m. The assemblage comprises more than 70 taxa, including species characteristic of the boundary interval between the Volkhov and Kunda horizons of the East European Platform (the graptolite Didymograptus hirundo Zone). Stratigraphic position of host deposits was established within the Darriwilian Stage of the Middle Ordovician. The described assemblage of microphytofossils is similar to coeval assemblages from NW Russia, Baltic region, and Scandinavia, being typical of the Baltic phytoplankton province of temperate latitudes. A great number of species in common suggests that the assemblage under consideration is correlative with coeval assemblages of southern China thus offering a possibility of remote correlation.  相似文献   

The results of geological, structural, tectonic, and geoelectric studies of the dry basins in the Baikal Rift Zone and western Transbaikalia, combined under the term Baikal region, are integrated. Deformations of the Cenozoic sediments related to pulsing and creeping tectonic processes are classified. The efficiency of mapping of the fault-block structure of the territories overlapped by loose and poorly cemented sediments is shown. The faults mapped at the ground surface within the basins are correlated with the deep structure of the sedimentary fill and the surface of the crystalline basement, where they are expressed in warping and zones of low electric resistance. It is established that the kinematics of the faults actively developing in the Late Cenozoic testifies to the relatively stable regional stress field during the Late Pliocene and Quaternary over the entire Baikal region, where the NW-SE-trending extension was predominant. At the local level, the stress field of the uppermost Earth’s crust is mosaic and controlled by variable orientation of the principal stress axes with the prevalence of extension. The integrated tectonophysical model of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic rift basin is primarily characterized by the occurrence of mountain thresholds, asymmetric morphostructure, and block-fault structure of the sedimentary beds and upper part of the crystalline basement. The geological evolution of the Baikal region from the Jurassic to Recent is determined by alternation of long (20–115 Ma) epochs of extension and relatively short (5.3–3.0 Ma) stages of compression. The basins of the Baikal Rift System and western Transbaikalia are derivatives of the same geodynamic processes.  相似文献   

The first data on the distribution of planktonic foraminifers and radiolarians in the Mt. Ak-Kaya section, the central Crimean Mountains, are considered. According to the analyzed distribution of foraminifers, the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the section are subdivided into three biostratigraphic units: the Marginotruncana austinensis-Globotruncana desioi (presumably upper Coniacian), Sigalia carpatica (uppermost Coniacian-lower Santonian), and Contusotruncana fornicata-Marginotruncana marginata (upper Santonian) beds. Subdivisions substantiated by distribution of radiolarians are the Alievium praegallowayi-Crucella plana (upper Coniacian-lower Santonian), Alievium gallowayi-Crucella espartoensis (the upper Santonian excluding its uppermost part), and Dictyocephalus (Dictyocryphalus) (?) legumen-Spongosaturninus parvulus (the uppermost Santonian) beds. The Contusotruncana fornicata-Marginotruncana marginata Beds are concurrent to the middle part of the Marsupites laevigatus Zone coupled with the Marsupites testudinarius Zone (the uppermost Santonian). The Alievium gallowayi-Crucella espartoensis Beds are correlative with the upper part of the Alievium gallowayi Zone in the Californian radiolarian zonation. The cooccurring assemblages of planktonic foraminifers and radiolarians provide a possibility to correlate the Coniacian-Santonian deposits within the Crimea-Caucasus region.  相似文献   

Plate tectonic reconstructions assume a major inactive transform fault, the Davie Fracture Zone, in the West Somali Basin, along which Madagascar is thought to have migrated southwards following Gondwana breakup in the Mesozoic. Based on the interpretation of reflection seismic data, we show that the Walu Ridge offshore Kenya and the Kerimbas Basin offshore northern Mozambique are tectonically unrelated to the southward motion of Madagascar and correlate with Late Cretaceous volcanism and inversion in Kenya and the evolution of the East African Rift System respectively. Offshore Tanzania, geophysical data do not show basement structures indicating the presence of a major transform fault. These results challenge the commonly supported transform margin concept and imply a more southerly pre‐breakup position of Madagascar within Gondwana. Opening of the West Somali Basin by SW‐propagating oblique rifting and seafloor spreading is proposed.  相似文献   

The walls of the Knipovich Ridge are complicated by normal and reverse faults revealed by a high-frequency profilograph. The map of their spatial distribution shows that the faults are grouped into domains a few tens of kilometers in size and are a result of superposition of several inequivalent geodynamic factors: the shear zone oriented parallel to the Hornsunn Fault and superposed on the typical dynamics of the midocean ridge with offsets along transform fracture zones and rifting along short segments of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). According to the anomalous magnetic field, the Knipovich Ridge as a segment of the MAR has formed since the Oligocene including several segments with normal direction of spreading separated by a multitransform system of fracture zones. In the Quaternary, the boundary of plate interaction along the tension crack has been straightened to form the contemporary Knipovich Ridge, which crosses the previously existing magmatic spreading substrate and sedimentary cover at an angle of about 45° relative to the direction of accretion. The sedimentary cover along the walls of the Knipovich is Paleogene in age and has subsided into the rift valley to a depth of 500–1000 m along the normal faults.  相似文献   

Morphology of the Rio Grande Rise and the acoustic structure of different types of deposits in its uppermost sedimentary cover were discussed based on high-resolution seismoacoustic profiling of cruises #32 (2010) and #52 (2016) of R/V Akademik Ioffe. Slopes of the Rio Grande Rise are composed mainly of landslide deposits and gravitites, but contourite sedimentation is possible on its southern slope. Contourite sedimentary waves and, probably, small drifts are identified in the Cruzeiro do Sul Trough at the top of the Rio Grande Rise. Mixed gravitite–contourite sedimentary systems seem to be located at the foot of northern and southern slopes. The downslope density flows and the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) contourite current are responsible for the formation of these features.  相似文献   

Seismic reflection data reveal prominent bottom-simulating reflections (BSRs) within the relatively young (<0.78 Ma) sediments along the West Svalbard continental margin. The potential hydrate occurrence zone covers an area of c. 1600 km2. The hydrate accumulation zone is bound by structural/tectonic features (Knipovich Ridge, Molloy Transform Fault, Vestnesa Ridge) and the presence of glacigenic debris lobes inhibiting hydrate formation upslope. The thickness of the gas-zone underneath the BSR varies laterally, and reaches a maximum of c. 150 ms. Using the BSR as an in-situ temperature proxy, geothermal gradients increase gradually from 70 to 115 °C km−1 towards the Molloy Transform Fault. Anomalies only occur in the immediate vicinity of normal faults, where the BSR shoals, indicating near-vertical heat/fluid flow within the fault zones. Amplitude analyses suggest that sub-horizontal fluid migration also takes place along the stratigraphy. As the faults are related to the northwards propagation of the Knipovich Ridge, long-term disturbance of hydrate stability appears related to incipient rifting processes.  相似文献   

The seismic activity of the Norwegian and Greenland Seas and adjacent areas has been examined in view of the tectonic evolution of the North Atlantic. The 529 earthquakes used covered the period 1955–1972, and for fifteen of these events fault-plane solutions were available. An analysis was made of the location precision which turned out to be better than 20 km in most cases. Expectedly, little new evidence was obtained at the midoceanic ridges and major fracture zones, with possible exceptions of the Knipovich Ridge showing a well-defined seismicity belt supporting the idea of an active spreading ridge, and the Spitsbergen Fracture Zone, which seems to be a system of en-echelon faults. Most interesting is a weak linear event pattern in the Lofoten Basin, possibly giving evidence of unknown structures parallel to the Greenland and Senja Fracture Zones, although sediment loading also may be important. Earthquakes along the shelf edge off Norway are located at or near isostatic gravity belts which may act as hinge lines for the marginal subsidence, thus implying stress release caused by differential subsidence of the continental crust. Part of the seismicity of eastern Greenland and western Norway appears to be related to zones of weakness of pre-Cenozoic age. The seismic activity along the edges of the Norwegian Channel is very limited.  相似文献   

Spatially continuous rock assemblages that share similar environmental evolution or structural features can be classified as a single tectonic unit. This approach enables to link dispersed units or massifs with each other and sometimes can be subjective, depending on the classification criteria. The relationship and the nature of the contact between the Strandja Massif and the ?stanbul Zone have been controversial due to the Cainozoic cover. Amalgamation of these units was claimed as early as the Aptian-Albian.

Lower Triassic sedimentary rocks, which are overlain by the Carboniferous flysch with a N-verging thrust fault are exposed NW of the ?stanbul Zone. This study reveals the spatial relationship between the Strandja Massif and the ?stanbul Zone deduced from the U-Pb dating and Lu-Hf isotopes of the detrital zircons from these Lower Triassic clastics. Our results show that the early Triassic basin was fed from a provenance that included arc-related Upper Carboniferous-Lower Permian magmatic rocks which is much more likely to be the Strandja Massif than the ?stanbul Zone. The second outcome of this study is that a unit that previously assigned to Palaeozoic turned out to be Triassic, which brings the Strandja Massif farther to the east, into the northern ?stanbul Zone.  相似文献   

Analysis of multichannel seismic data from the continental margin off Svalbard between the Senja and Spitsbergen fracture zones suggests that the transition between continental and oceanic crust is located at or close to the Hornsund Fault Zone. In the Late Paleocene/Early Eoeene (57 m.y.) the region between Svalbard and Northeast-Greenland was subjected to regional shear movements associated with a transform system between the young Lofoten-Greenland Basin and the Arctic Ocean. Approximately 50 m.y. ago the spreading axis migrated to the northeast creating a deep basin north of the Greenland-Senja Fracture Zone forming the passive margin between Bear Island and 76.5°N. North of 76.5°N the regional transform was maintained. At the time of the main reorganization of relative plate motion (36 m.y.) the northern margin evolved. A continental fragment was possibly cut off from the Svalbard margin forming a small microcontinent. The microcontinent appears as the submarine ridge which has been associated with the Hovgaard Fracture Zone. It is suggested that the sediments west of the Hornsund Fault Zone are not older than Eocene in the south and mid-Oligocene in the north. The position of the spreading axis has greatly influenced the margin sedimentation.  相似文献   

研究区属北羌塘盆地,上三叠统巴贡组呈NW向带状分布于长江源各拉丹冬地区南北两侧(以往南部称土门格拉组),夹于金沙江缝合带南侧和中央隆起带之间,南部土门格拉一带产Cardium(Tulongocardium)martini-Trigonia(Kumatrigonia)huhxilensis组合,北部雀莫错一带产Halobia superbescens-Halobia disperseinsecta组合和Amonotis togtonheensis-Cardium(Tulongocardium)xizangensis组合,反映的地质时代为诺利期,但南北部双壳类组合优势种明显不同。本文从物源区、沉积岩石类型及其组合、高频旋回沉积和古盐度、古水深、古气候及岩石地球化学和古生物特征角度,探讨南北巴贡组沉积古地理格局和双壳类组合的古生态,提出南部双壳类组合生活在盐度较低、氧化、干热、弱碱性浅水环境并繁盛于海泛晚期-海退期层位中,陆源物质供应充分而物种分异度不高;北部双壳类生活在盐度稍高、弱还原、温暖潮湿的较深水环境并繁盛于海侵-高水位期层位中,生物群面貌上的差异是同一地质时期南北不同的沉积环境造成的。  相似文献   

Recent geophysical measurements, including multi-channel seismic reflection, on the Svalbard passive margin have revealed that it has undergone a complex geological history which largely reflects the plate tectonic evolution of the Greenland Sea and the Arctic Ocean. The western margin (75–80°N) is of a sheared-rifted type, along which the rifted margin developed subsequent to a change in the pole of plate rotation about 36 m.y. B.P. The north-trending Hornsund Fault on the central shelf and the eastern escarpment of the Knipovich Ridge naturally divide the margin into three structural units. These main marginal structures strike north, paralleling the regional onshore fault trends. This trend also parallels the direction of Early Tertiary plate motion between Svalbard and Greenland. Thus, the western Svalbard margin was initially a zone of shear, and the shear movements have affected the adjacent continental crust. Although, the nature and location of the continent—ocean crustal transition is somewhat uncertain, it is unlikely to lie east of the Hornsund Fault. The northern margin, including the Yermak marginal plateau, is terminated to the west by the Spitsbergen Fracture Zone system. This margin is of a rifted type and the preliminary analysis indicates that the main part of the investigated area is underlain by continental crust.  相似文献   

The model of geological structure of sedimentary cover of the Laptev Sea accepted by most geologists suggests that the lower seismic complex of the cover begins by the Aptian–Albian sedimentary rocks. They can be studied in natural outcrops of Kotelnyi Island. The section of the Tuor-Yuryakh Trough, which exposes the lower part of the Cretaceous complex, is described in the paper. It is composed of continental coaliferous rocks ~100 m thick. The marking beds divide it into five members, which are traced along the western wall of the trough at the distance up to 3 km. The spore–pollen complexes and plant megafossils indicate that almost the entire visible section of the mid-Cretaceous is Albian. Only its lower part no more than 14 m thick can probably belong to the Aptian. Marine facies with Albian foraminifers were found 15 m above the bottom of the Cretaceous complex. The section of the Cretaceous rocks is underlain by the Lower Jurassic marine clays and siltstones. The foraminifer assemblages of this part of the section are typical of the upper Sinemurian–Pliensbachian and fossil bivalves indicate late Sinemurian age of the host rocks. The hiatus ~70 Ma duration has no expression in the section and this boundary can de facto be substantiated only by microfossils. This vague contact between the Lower Jurassic and mid-Cretaceous rocks does not correspond to geophysical characteristics of the bottom of the lower seismic complex of the cover of the eastern part of the Laptev Sea. The latter is described as the most evident seismic horizon of the section of the cover, suggesting unconformable occurrence of the lower seismic complex on a peneplenized surface of lithified and dislocated rocks. This is mostly similar to the bottom of the Eocene sediments, which were observed on Belkovsky and Kotelnyi islands. The paper discusses possible application of our land results for interpretation of the shelf seismic sections of the Laptev Sea. It is concluded that local reasons are responsible for a vague boundary between the Lower Jurassic and mid-Cretaceous sequences in the section studied. Our observations support ideas on possible Aptian–Albian age of the rocks of the basement of the lower seismic complex; however, it is proposed to use also the previously popular idea on the Eocene age of the lower seismic complex of sedimentary cover of the eastern part of the Laptev Sea as one of the possible working scenarios.  相似文献   

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