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海洋微藻除菌及除菌与自然带菌微藻生长特点比较 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
于1995年4—12月在中国科学院海洋研究所进行微藻除菌及比较除菌与自然带菌微藻生长特点的研究。经平板培养排除霉菌后,利用组合抗生素(青霉素+卡那霉素+链霉素+庆大霉素)获得除菌球等鞭金藻、三角褐指藻及小球藻,对抗生素处理前后的微藻生长特点进行比较研究。结果表明,与未除菌时相比,除菌后的球等鞭金藻及小球藻不易老化(可保持良好悬浮30d以上);回加细菌于除菌藻,藻细胞下沉附底,说明细菌可促使微藻细胞老化。无维生素时,除菌后的球等鞭金藻生长更差,暗示未除菌的球等鞭金藻培养液内可能存在产(类)维生素细菌。除菌后三角褐指藻细胞形态发生一定变化,回加细菌后藻细胞形态有部分恢复。与未除菌时相比,除菌后三角褐指藻更能耐受高温(如30℃)。另外,某些抗生素能够刺激球等鞭金藻的生长。 相似文献
赤潮可以严重危害海洋渔业、海水养殖业和旅游业,甚至危害到人类的生命健康[1,2],它的频繁发生已经引起各国政府的高度重视。虽然可以通过每日多次实时检测海水的水文、化学要素等来推测发生赤潮的可能性[3],但是这些方法都不能直接反映有害赤潮藻的种类和数量,从而不能为赤潮监测和预报提供最直接的参考数据。实际上,对海水中的藻类进行分类、鉴定和数量分析是监测和预报赤潮发生的最直接有效的方法,这包括对水样采集、藻种类鉴定、毒性鉴定和赤潮藻定量计数等。传统的形态分类技术可以解决赤潮监测中的多数问题,但需要有经过专门训练的分… 相似文献
对于推动海陆区域经济协调发展而言,有必要从海陆视角分析沿海和内陆地区高技术产业发展差异及变化趋势。本研究基于区位商模型,从数量水平和质量水平角度分别构建适用于评价海陆差距的"高技术产业总人口区位指数"和"高技术产业从业人员区位指数",对全国省级区域1997-2013年的面板数据进行系统处理,科学测算出沿海和内陆地区区位指数,并针对测算结果进行回顾与趋势分析,从二元差异、变化趋势、影响因素3方面深入研究。结果证明:沿海地区高技术产业发展水平明显优于内陆地区,海陆之间存在较为显著的二元差异;1997-2013年沿海地区高技术产业呈现稳定发展趋势,同期内陆地区高技术产业发展水平只呈现略微上升趋势;高技术产业的发展受到地理区位因素和行政区位因素的影响。 相似文献
推动数字经济与现代海洋产业体系协调发展是实现海洋经济高质量发展和海洋强国战略的重要内容。通过构建综合评价体系,文章从时间和空间两个维度考察中国沿海11个省(自治区、直辖市)数字经济与现代海洋产业体系的耦合协调关系;并基于空间误差模型,分析了两者耦合协调度的影响因素。结果表明:沿海地区数字经济与现代海洋产业体系发展水平均呈上升趋势,两者的耦合协调度逐步向高水平迈进,呈现出“以上海和广东为中心逐渐扩散发展”的空间特征;耦合协调度呈现明显的空间自相关性,经济发展、产业结构、人力资本、科技创新水平是重要驱动因素。因此,要重视数字经济发展,积极构建数字经济与现代海洋产业体系协同机制,促进海洋产业、人力资源、科技创新协同发展,助力海洋经济高质量发展。 相似文献
我国海洋卫星体系及卫星海洋应用体系建设进展与建议 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
海洋卫星体系与卫星海洋应用体系是我国对地观测体系的重要组成部分,也是我国空间基础设施的重要建设目标。它的建立将完善海洋立体监测系统,并推动我国“数字海洋”工程。对该体系的具体内涵进行了描述,同时介绍该体系的进展,并提出了建设该体系的相关建议。 相似文献
The St. Lucia estuarine lake on the north coast of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, is one of the largest estuarine systems in Africa and of unique importance for the adjacent marine and terrestrial ecosystems. The area regularly experiences periods of drought, resulting in hypersaline conditions in its shallow lakes and the closure of the estuarine mouth. This study aimed to assess the primary production rates of phytoplankton and microphytobenthos throughout an annual cycle of this drought phase. Primary production rates were assessed at representative sites, namely the Mouth, Narrows, South and North Lakes from June 2006 to May 2007. Because of the drought, the salinity gradient from the mouth to the head of the estuary was reversed by comparison to estuarine systems with a steady freshwater inflow and regular marine exchange. In March 2007, during the study, the mouth opened as a result of rough seas, and the marine influence broke the existing reversed gradient, producing a marine salinity throughout the system. Microphytobenthic primary productivity varied between 0 and 34 mg C m−2 h−1 and showed strong correlations with salinity, DIN:DIP ratios and irradiance. Benthic productivity was high across the system after breaching of the mouth. Pelagic primary productivity (between 0 and 180 mg C m−2 h−1), showed a correlation with temperature and irradiance and was highest across the system in February 2007 when the mouth was still closed. There was no significant correlation between production rates and biomass (chl-a) in either the benthic or pelagic habitats. The negative correlation between DIN:DIP ratio and benthic primary productivity indicated that phosphorus was the limiting nutrient. This study shows that salinity, along with seasonally dependent parameters such as temperature and irradiance, correlates with the rate of microalgal production. Hence, in these shallow lakes, the largest primary productivity can occur in either the pelagic or benthic subsystems, depending on prevailing conditions at the time. 相似文献
Flexible management of fishing rights and a sustainable fisheries industry in Europe 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Although overexploitation of commercial fish stocks in European waters has been in the public debate now for more than 20 years, the European Union has so far failed to implement sustainable fisheries management. Millions in subsidies paid to the fishing industry have led to significant excess capacity in the fishing fleet. Various feeble attempts to stop overexploitation of marine resources have failed. The cause is that fishing policy is highly dominated by short-term socioeconomic interests. There is an urgent need for a new fisheries management system in Europe that supports reductions in the fishing fleet, increases responsibility among fishers and guarantees long-term conservation of natural marine resources.Transferable rights to fish have proved a reliable and effective means of creating incentives to conserve marine resources. By strengthening individual fishing rights under flexible quota management systems, the EU Member States could, within the Common Fisheries Policy, make a significant contribution to conserving fish stocks, to reducing excess capacity and to raising the profitability of the fisheries industry. A closer look at existing reservations against a flexible management system shows most of the objections to be overstated or capable of resolution. 相似文献
微藻应用前景广阔,是国际生物技术领域新资源物种和新资源产品开发的热点方向。我国的微藻开发应用已超过半个世纪,养殖产量已达全球的三分之二,微藻受到越来越多的关注。但微藻产业在我国发展还不规范,其产业标准体系亟待完善。本文介绍了我国微藻产业发展历史、现状及发展趋势,并阐述了微藻产业标准化体系构建的重要性。针对微藻种质资源评价、生产养殖技术规范、产品质量安全标准体系等方面,较为全面地分析了我国微藻产业标准化存在的问题。结合微藻产业标准化现状,围绕种质资源分类的基础类标准,规范产品生产技术工艺的技术规程类标准,产品营养成分或活性物质的检测方法类标准以及反映产品质量和安全的产品类标准四个维度,提出了关于构建微藻产业标准化体系的思考,并对加强我国微藻产业标准化工作提出对策建议。 相似文献
以“解剖态势、研究机理、寻找对策”为旨意,对我国海洋新兴产业增长点进行走势分析与规律研究,探讨发展的机理,分析障碍因素,提出产业政策和发展途径。作者认为,我国海洋新兴产业的增长点,已经进入成长期,具备了规模化、社会化发展的条件。要使其健康、持续发展,必须深入研究其演进中独具特点的众多因素、条件的运作机理。从海洋资源、环境、技术、产业所形成的供求约束综合分析,应认识和掌握三方面的运作机理:(1)资源不确定性、环境外部性对海洋新兴产业发展的影响及其校正;(2)海洋高新技术商品化、产业化、社会化的依次递进与协调运作机理;(3)市场机制与政府行为引导海洋新兴产业健康发展的协调机理。促进海洋新兴产业增长点的规模化、社会化发展,必须制定科学的扶持政策体系,寻求新的发展途径。 相似文献
《Marine Policy》2016
This article presents a framework for fisheries sector analysis based on the literatures on global value chains (GVCs) and global production networks (GPNs). A value chain approach offers an alternative to focusing primarily on policy as an explanatory variable, by bringing into focus relations among buyers, sellers and other stakeholders as well as their institutional context. After outlining the utility of this approach, the article identifies three questions at the forefront of contemporary debates on the dynamics of GVCs and GPNs. Namely: (1) How institutional context affects distributional and regulatory outcomes; (2) The conditions under which particular institutions that limit or regulate market forces are either productive or perverse; and (3) Why and how particular markets are constituted in the ways that they are. The article then showcases some of the central findings from the case studies brought together in this thematic issue, demonstrating how they contribute to current analytic debates surrounding value chains and core substantive problems facing both fisheries and those engaged in the fishing industry. 相似文献
The use of lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) systems for modelling petroleum reservoir analogues has become increasingly popular over the past few years, and there has been a proliferation of articles on the subject both on techniques and applications. A review of the literature of recent years has been conducted focussing on the use of lidar data not only in petroleum geology related projects, but also looking to the wider field of lidar usage to examine what other approaches may be of use to the petroleum geologist. Benefits of digital data acquisition are considered, as well as a basic overview of data collection approaches. Use of a variety of attributes (intensity, colour, dip, azimuth, co-linearity, co-planarity among others) is discussed as an aid to both manual and automated interpretation approaches. Integration of lidar data with other data types from traditional field data (sedimentary logs for example) and other digital data types such as multispectral and hyperspectral imagery, and ground penetrating radar are discussed as a way of increasing the amount of information in the digital dataset. The application of artificial intelligence approaches such as Smart Swarms and Neural Networks are considered, as well as current developments in both hardware and software. A variety of examples are given where lidar has been used in an innovative or interesting way, showing the strength of this data acquisition approach when combined with appropriate interpretation and modelling techniques. 相似文献