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A wind tunnel study of turbulent flow over model hills   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Detailed wind tunnel measurements have been made of mean flow and turbulence over a two-dimensional ridge and a circular hill, both having cosine-squared cross-section and maximum slope about 15 °. The measurements were made in an artificially thickened neutrally stratified boundary layer, and have been compared with results from linear models and rapid distortion theory as appropriate.Our study shows that linear theory gives generally good predictions of the mean flow on the upwind side of the hills, and especially of the flow speedup at the hill top, but that the turbulence is less well predicted. In particular, the measurements show a major increase in the vertical component of turbulence and in the shear stress on the upwind slope of both the two- and three-dimensional hills which is not predicted by either equilibrium or isotropic rapid-distortion theories, although this may be partly due to the effect of streamline curvature. Rapid-distortion theory is successful only in describing the streamwise component of turbulence in the outer region of the flow, while in the upper part of the inner region of the flow, the turbulence measurements show disagreement with both the equilibrium and the rapid-distortion theories. Our experiments also confirm that the equilibrium region is a very thin layer close to the surface, while above this region and below the outer region, there is a transitional region where all terms in the stress equation are important.The measurements over the three-dimensional hill suggest that the mean flow and turbulence are broadly similar to those over the two-dimensional ridge, but with reduced perturbation amplitudes. The major differences between the two cases are found on the upwind slope and in the wake where, respectively, horizontal divergence and convergence of the three-dimensional flow are most pronounced.  相似文献   

A wind tunnel study of turbulent flow over a two-dimensional ridge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a wind-tunnel simulation of adiabatic atmospheric flow normal to a rough, two-dimensional ridge. The data are analyzed in physical streamline coordinates, which are described in some detail. The mean velocity speed-up on the hill top is adequately predicted by existing formulae while the behaviour of the wake flow fits into a pattern that emerges from other wind-tunnel experiments. The turbulent stresses evolve in response to the extra strain rates induced by the hill, streamline curvature and acceleration: % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4baFfea0dXde9vqpa0lb9% cq0dXdb9IqFHe9FjuP0-iq0dXdbba9pe0lb9hs0dXda91qaq-xfr-x% fj-hmeGabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaacaWG1bWaaWbaaS% qabeaaceaIYaGbaebaaaaaaa!3456!\[u^{\bar 2}\]is coupled strongly to acceleration while % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4baFfea0dXde9vqpa0lb9% cq0dXdb9IqFHe9FjuP0-iq0dXdbba9pe0lb9hs0dXda91qaq-xfr-x% fj-hmeGabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaadaqdaaqaaiaadw% hacaWG3baaaaaa!3462!\[\overline {uw}\]and % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4baFfea0dXde9vqpa0lb9% cq0dXdb9IqFHe9FjuP0-iq0dXdbba9pe0lb9hs0dXda91qaq-xfr-x% fj-hmeGabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaacaWG3bWaaWbaaS% qabeaaceaIYaGbaebaaaaaaa!3458!\[w^{\bar 2}\]follow curvature. These differing responses lead to significant phase differences between the changes in the component stresses as the hill is traversed. An analogous response is seen in the components of turbulent stress divergence, which are computed as part of streamwise momentum budgets. Only very close to the surface is turbulent stress divergence comparable to the inertial and pressure terms in the momentum budget; over most of the flow regime, the mean flow response is approximately inviscid. Finally, we compare our results with data from other wind tunnel models and from real hills.  相似文献   

The onset of separation in neutral,turbulent flow over hills   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The onset of separation in turbulent, neutrally stratified, boundary-layer flow over hills is considered. Since the flows are fully turbulent, the occurrence of intermittent separation, in the sense of any reversal of near surface flow, will depend strongly on the detailed structure and behaviour of the turbulent eddies. Very little is known about such intermittent separation and the phenomenon cannot be studied with numerical models employing standard turbulence closures; eddy-resolving models are required. Therefore, here, as elsewhere in the literature, the arguably less physically significant process of mean flow separation is studied. Numerical simulations of flow over idealised two- and three-dimensional hills are examined in detail to determine the lowest slope, crit, for which the mean flow separates.Previous work has identified this critical slope as that required to produce a zero surface stress somewhere over the hill. This criterion, when a mixing-length turbulence closure is applied, reduces to requiring the near-surface vertical velocity shear to vanish at some point on the hill's surface. By applying results from a recent linear analysis for the flow perturbations to this condition, a new expression for crit is obtained. The expression is approximate but its relative simplicity makes it practically applicable without the need for use of a computer or for detailed mapping of the hill. The approach suggested differs from previous ones in that it applies linear results to a non-linear expression for the surface stress. In the past, a linear expression for the surface stress has been used. The proposed expression for crit leads to critical angles that are about twice previous predictions. It is shown that the present expression gives good agreement with the numerical results presented here, as well as with other numerical and experimental results. It is also consistent with atmospheric observations.  相似文献   

A model is presented which calculates the changes of the velocity variances and stress uw in flow over gentle isolated hills. At intermediate frequencies spectra of the velocity components are modified according to rapid distortion theory. At low frequencies spectral densities change in proportion to the square of the mean wind. The inner and outer layer of the flow are distinguished. Streamline curvature effects are accounted for in the vertical velocity variance and the covariance.The sensitivity of the model to several parameters is investigated. Then, its results are compared with measurements of turbulent flow over various hills and an escarpment. The model is able to simulate the structure of the modified variance and covariance fields although larger differences occur at individual positions. The calculated modified spectra compare well with observed spectra.  相似文献   

Two mass consistent models (MATHEW and MINERVE) and two dynamic linearized models (MS3DJH/3R and FLOWSTAR) are used to simulate the mean flow over two-dimensional hills of analytical shape and of varying slope. The results are compared with detailed wind tunnel data (RUSHIL experiment at US EPA). Different numerical experiments have been performed, varying input data and control parameters, to test the data-processing methodology and to evaluate the minimum input data (for mass consistent models only) necessary to obtain a reliable flow field. The models behave differently according to the physical assumptions made and numerical procedure used: an assessment is then made in order to identify the proper solution for the different conditions of topography and wind data.  相似文献   

A simple model for turbulent diffusion is proposed based on a turbulent energy model modified by Galperin and Hassid (1986) wherein local equilibrium in the concentration flux equation is assumed resulting in a turbulent diffusivity tensor. The early stage of plume development is simulated through adjustment of the integral length scale of diffusion. A simple semi-empirical formulation is also proposed for the dissipation length scale of concentration variance. Although it is substantially simpler than that of Sykes et al. (1984), the model is shown to compare well with the measurements of Fackrell and Robins (1982a, b).  相似文献   

This paper describes wind-tunnel experiments on the flow around single and multiple porous windbreaks (height H), sheltering a model plant canopy (height H/3). The mean wind is normal to the windbreaks, which span the width of the wind tunnel. The incident turbulent flow simulates the adiabatic atmospheric surface layer. Five configurations are examined: single breaks of three solidities (low, medium, high; solidity = 1 - porosity), and medium-solidity multiple breaks of streamwise spacing 12H and 6H. The experimental emphases are on the interactions of the windbreak flow with the underlying plant canopy; the effects of solidity; the differences in shelter between single and multiple windbreaks; and the scaling properties of the flow. Principal results are: (1) the "quiet zones" behind each windbreak are smaller in multiple than single arrays, because of the higher turbulence level in the very rough-wall internal boundary layer which develops over the multiple arrays. Nevertheless, the overall shelter effectiveness is higher for multiple arrays than single windbreaks because of the "nonlocal shelter" induced by the array as a whole. (2) The flow approaching the windbreak decelerates above the canopy but accelerates within the canopy, particularly when the windbreak solidity is high. (3) A strong mixing layer forms just downwind of the top of each windbreak, showing some of the turbulence and scaling properties of the classical mixing layer formed between uniform, coflowing streams. (4) No dramatic increase in turbulence levels in the canopy is evident at the point where the deepening mixing layer contacts the canopy (around x/H = 3) but the characteristic inflection in the canopy wind profile is eliminated at this point.  相似文献   

A computationally efficient model — the MS3DJH — was used to predict the near-surface wind-speed variations over a given idealised twin hill. Results given compare the model predictions with those of trained meteorologists. Further application of the model to assessment of e.g. power-producing turbine sites is discussed.  相似文献   

The report presents the results of a wind-tunnel study of the flow of the natural wind over complex terrain. A 1:4000 undistorted scale model of Gebbies Pass in the South Island of New Zealand was prepared and tested in the boundary-layer wind tunnel in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Canterbury.Three forms of construction, viz., terraced, contoured and roughness-added, were compared. Velocity and turbulence profiles, Reynolds stresses and spectra were measured, and correlation of results between different types of construction was calculated. The terraced form was much simpler to construct but was found to be unsatisfactory. The correlation between the contoured and roughness-added models was as high as 0.94, although the roughness-added model made a significant difference to the results in the lower 20%; of the boundary layer. The results of these tests will be compared with results from the field in a future report.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model for wind prediction over rough terrain has been developed for practical use. It is a compromise between hydrodynamic and objective wind models. The proposed model includes: (1) a statistical model to predict the wind velocity and potential temperature at anemometer height at observing stations, (2) the drainage wind model expressed by Prandtl's analytic solution for the slope wind, (3) the Businger-Dyer surface-layer formulation which considers the surface energy budget and (4) the model for three-dimensional boundary-layer solutions to the stationary flow. In this model, mass consistency is guaranteed by using flow fields that satisfy the continuity equation. Model predictions show good agreement with the observations.  相似文献   

We analyse single-point velocity statistics obtained in a wind tunnel within and above a model of a waving wheat crop, consisting of nylon stalks 47 mm high and 0.25 mm wide in a square array with frontal area index 0.47. The variability of turbulence measurements in the wind tunnel is illustrated by using a set of 71 vertical traverses made in different locations, all in the horizontally-homogeneous (above-canopy) part of the boundary layer. Ensemble-averaged profiles of the statistical moments up to the fourth order and profiles of Eulerian length scales are presented and discussed. They are consistent with other similar experiments and reveal the existence of large-scale turbulent coherent structures in the flow. The drag coefficient in this canopy as well as in other reported experiments is shown to exhibit a characteristic height-dependency, for which we propose an interpretation. The velocity spectra are analysed in detail; within and just above the canopy, a scaling based on fixed length and velocity scales (canopy height and mean horizontal wind speed at canopy top) is proposed. Examination of the turbulent kinetic energy and shear stress budgets confirms the role of turbulent transport in the region around the canopy top, and indicates that pressure transport may be significant in both cases. The results obtained here show that near the top of the canopy, the turbulence properties are more reminiscent of a plane mixing layer than a wall boundary layer.  相似文献   

Two-point, space-time correlations of streamwise and vertical velocity were obtained from a wind tunnel simulation of an atmospheric surface layer with an underlying model wheat canopy constructed of flexible nylon stalks. Velocity data extend from 1/6 canopy height to several canopy heights, with in excess of 2000 three-dimensional vector separations of the two x-wire probes. Isocorrelation contours over anx, z slice show the streamwise velocity autocorrelation to be roughly circular, such that vertical velocities at the same horizontal position but different heights are closely in phase. Cross-correlations between the two velocity components reflect this difference to some extent. Lateral displacements of the probes revealed side lobes with correlations of reversed sign but we cannot positively link this pattern to particular vorticular structures. Integral length scales obtained directly from the spatial correlations match similar scales deduced from single-point time series with Taylor's hypothesis at 2 to 3 times the canopy height but greatly exceed such scales at lower levels, particularly within the wheat. We conclude that the reversed sign lateral lobes are important components of the correlation field and that an integral length scale for the lateral direction must be defined such that they are included. Convective velocities obtained from the time lag to optimally restore correlation lost by physical separation of the probes change only slowly with height and greatly exceed the mean wind velocity within and immediately above the canopy. Thus, mean wind velocity is not a suitable proxy for convective velocity in the application of Taylor's hypothesis in this situation. The ratio of vertical to longitudinal convective velocity for the streawise velocity signal yields a downwind tilt angle of about 39° which is probably a better estimate of the slope of the dominant fluid motions than the tilt of the major axis of the isocorrellation contours mentioned previously.  相似文献   


Variation of soil moisture during active and weak phases of summer monsoon JJAS (June, July, August, and September) is very important for sustenance of the crop and subsequent crop yield. As in situ observations of soil moisture are few or not available, researchers use data derived from remote sensing satellites or global reanalysis. This study documents the intercomparison of soil moisture from remotely sensed and reanalyses during dry spells within monsoon seasons in central India and central Myanmar. Soil moisture data from the European Space Agency (ESA)—Climate Change Initiative (CCI) has been treated as observed data and was compared against soil moisture data from the ECMWF reanalysis-Interim (ERA-I) and the climate forecast system reanalysis (CFSR) for the period of 2002–2011. The ESA soil moisture correlates rather well with observed gridded rainfall. The ESA data indicates that soil moisture increases over India from west to east and from north to south during monsoon season. The ERA-I overestimates the soil moisture over India, while the CFSR soil moisture agrees well with the remotely sensed observation (ESA). Over Myanmar, both the reanalysis overestimate soil moisture values and the ERA-I soil moisture does not show much variability from year to year. Day-to-day variations of soil moisture in central India and central Myanmar during weak monsoon conditions indicate that, because of the rainfall deficiency, the observed (ESA) and the CFSR soil moisture values are reduced up to 0.1 m3/m3 compared to climatological values of more than 0.35 m3/m3. This reduction is not seen in the ERA-I data. Therefore, soil moisture from the CFSR is closer to the ESA observed soil moisture than that from the ERA-I during weak phases of monsoon in the study region.


A random-walk model for dispersion of heavy particles in turbulent air flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A random-walk model is presented for calculating the dispersion of heavy particles in a turbulent air flow when only air turbulence statistics and the drag characteristics of the particle are known. Algebraic expressions for the modification of air velocity variance 2 and Lagrangian autocorrelation tune-scale T L,due to particle inertia effects, are derived. These expressions introduce only a very small computational overhead on the random-walk models for inertia-less particles of Wilson et al. (1983). Measurements of T Land by Snyder and Lumley (1971) for four different particles are used to determine constants in the heavy-particle model. It is shown that the agreement between the model, for a single set of constants, and the dispersion measurements is good for the 47 m hollow glass, 87 m glass, and 47 m copper particles. The predictions for the 87 m corn pollen particles show less satisfactory agreement by underestimating dispersion measurements by 15% after 0.4s. Finally, some aspects of the model's application to spray dispersion in and above a crop canopy are considered.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experimental investigation of the behaviour of the statistics of concentration fluctuations in a passive plume dispersing over a two-dimensional hill of moderate steepness. Recently developed high frequency response Flame Ionization Detector (FID) technology with a frequency response in excess of 200 Hz was utilized to obtain an extensive set of measurements of the mean and fluctuating plume concentrations. Plumes dispersing over flat terrain and over a hill with a maximum slope of 0.3 were studied. For both cases, extensive turbulent flow measurements were also carried out.The measured mean plume concentration profiles were of a generally Gaussian form and showed the expected effects of surface reflection for the flat terrain and hill. Plume intermittency and concentration fluctuation intensity were calculated at all measurement locations. Conditional and unconditional plume concentration statistics were calculated. The conditional (in-plume) concentrations and intensities were more uniform with height than for the unconditional ones.  相似文献   

The combined use of a stratified flow wind tunnel and of periodic sampling methods in low Reynolds number flows allows the recovery of the instantaneous dynamics of internal waves. Several detailed examples are given of the thermal structure of large propagating and breaking internal waves and Kelvin-Hemholtz waves. Preliminary measurements of the stability of finite waves as a function of Richardson number are also reported.  相似文献   

A computationally simple model is given for estimation of wind speed over a low, isolated protuberance, given a knowledge of the surface wind over nearly level ground. Readers are invited to match their own mathematico-predictive skills to those of the model for a topographically simple terrain.  相似文献   

AModelStudyofThree-DimensionalWindFieldAnalysisfromDual-DopplerRadarDataKongFanyou(孔凡铀);MaoJietai(毛节泰)(DepartmentofGeophysics...  相似文献   

The EPA Meteorological Wind Tunnel was used to examine the flow field in and around models of open-top field-plant growth chambers used to assess the effects of pollutant gases on plant growth. Baffles designed to reduce the ingress of ambient air into the chamber through the open top were tested; the mean flow and turbulence in the simulated boundary layer with and without the chambers were compared (the chamber was operated with and without the pollutant flow system on); and the effects of surrounding chambers on the concentration field were measured. Results showed that a baffle with a reduced opening vertically above the test area maintained the highest uniform concentration in the test area. The major differences between the three (no chamber and the chamber with flow on and off) mean velocity profiles occurred below z/h = 2.0 (h is chamber height) and at z/h ≤ 4.2. The three Reynolds stress profiles were similar above z/h = 2.0. Downwind of the chamber, the Reynolds stresses in the on-mode were greater than those in the off-mode above z/h = 1.1. The reverse was true below that point. Both longitudinal and vertical intensities above and downwind of the chamber were greater with the mixture flow system on rather than off, below about z/h < 1.5. Lateral variations in the mean wind indicated that the mean velocity was greater with the mixture flow system on except near the centerline where the reverse was true. The concentrations in the downwind wake resembled those for a cube. The location of a cylinder within a regular array had some effect on its internal gas concentration. Locations near the upwind and downwind edges of the array were associated with lower concentrations, although for all locations the highest internal values were always found at the lowest portion of the upwind wall. With active cylinders downwind, the gas plume emitted from a source cylinder at the windward edge of the array was forced 0.5 h higher and the centerline meandered laterally when compared with the single-cylinder case. A cylinder located at z/h = 1.0 downwind from a source cylinder received approximately 3%; of the concentration input to the source, or roughly 10%; of the actual concentration within the source cylinder.  相似文献   

为了获取大气湍流和空间三维风场结构,利用3台同型号的测风激光雷达开展协同观测试验。(1)利用虚拟铁塔协同观测技术开展大气湍流探测,与香河102 m铁塔安装的三维超声风速仪观测结果做对比,32 m处高频(10 Hz)风速的相关系数高达0.92,平均误差为0.77 m/s,均方根误差为0.41 m/s;大气湍流强度(TKE)的相关系数高达0.99,平均误差为-0.02 m2/s2,均方根误差为0.08 m2/s2,并且协同观测的高频风速与三维超声风速仪的观测结果具有相同的频谱结构。(2)利用扫描协同观测技术开展三维风场探测,与铁塔上的常规测风设备相比,其90 m高度处的水平风速和风向的相关系数分别为0.92和0.93,平均误差为-0.41 m/s和0°,均方根误差为0.73 m/s和34°。相比于单台测风激光雷达,基于3台测风激光雷达协同观测技术具有一定的优势:不需要风场水平均匀的假设、探测精度更高等。但其对观测环境的要求较高:观测路径上不能有遮挡、观测必须协同等。在科研业务应用中,需要根据实际的观测需...  相似文献   

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