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介绍了C[PP管道修复技术的应用和修复用内衬材料设计要求以及制作工艺技术。重点从强力要求、对树脂的阻隔性能、与树脂的相容性能、不同的管道种类要求、施工工艺要求等方面叙述了内衬材料设计要求。介绍了内衬管厚度设计的计算方法。从纺织材料的选择、膜材的选择、制作工艺的选择等方面介绍了CIPP管道修复用内衬材料的制作技术。  相似文献   

哥伦布市河滨公园的地下排污管道承担了该市95%的排放量,直径72英寸的混凝土管道由于硫化氢气体腐蚀发生了破损,危及这一著名风景。采用CIPP法成功地对其进行了修复。  相似文献   

王磊 《岩土钻凿工程》2014,(2):119-121,144
如何快捷、简便、经济、有效地修复大口径排水管道病害,使管道系统保持在较好的工作状态,已成为市政管网安全运行的重要课题之一,天津开发区在泰丰路DN1500污水管道上成功运用CIPP浸渍玻璃纤维拉入法修复技术,是国内管道修复技术应用的突破,对今后全国运用CIPP技术对遭到腐蚀或结构性破坏的大口径管道进行修复,延长管道的使用寿命,起到了示范作用。  相似文献   

管道翻转内衬修复技术的开发与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文简要介绍了翻转内衬修复技术在国外发展的现状及国内开发该项技术的意义,并扼要介绍了该项技术的主要实施方法和尚待完善解决的问题。该项技术中不开挖修复地下管网,是更新,修复地下管网的经济可靠的现代先进技术。  相似文献   

本文概要论述了排水管道在不停榆状况下的内衬修复工艺,并以天津市湖北路排水管道修复工程为例介绍了不停输状况下CIPP安装过程,创造了排水管道在不停输状况下内衬修复施工的先例。  相似文献   

本文重点介绍了翻转内衬修复技术的原理、工序、技术特点等,并概括介绍了其它几种非开挖修复技术修复城市燃气埋地管道的方法,最后展望了翻衬法的应用及推广前景。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了CIPP施工中4个关键性施工工序中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了管道修复CIPP施工的固化施工工艺和固化温度监测设备。  相似文献   

研究紫外线固化软管内衬修复技术和设备。结合传统热固化软管内衬修复技术和深层辐射固化理论,对光固化树脂胶黏剂配方、浸渍树脂软管结构、紫外线固化工艺和设备进行试验和设计。研制出了管道内衬修复用光固化树脂胶黏剂配方,设计了软管结构,确定了紫外线灯的波长、功率、辐射时间等主要工艺参数与软管口径、壁厚的关系,设计制造了紫外线固化灯组和监控设备及辅助机具。经过试验研究、样品检测和工程实际应用,紫外线固化软管内衬修复技术是排水管道非开挖内衬修复的理想选择,内衬管样品力学性能检测结果超过国外同类标准指标。  相似文献   

城市中心交通繁忙地带的老旧地下管道改造历来都是摆在管网运营商面前的一个难题。随着中国城市的发展,地下管线改造对非开挖管道修复更新领域高新技术的需求会越来越强。本文通过介绍CIPP翻转内衬技术在北京西三环高压燃气管线改造中的工程运用,尝试为之后城市燃气乃至上、下水管道的改造提供一个新的思路。  相似文献   

本文概要论述了排水管道CIPP拉入法内衬修复技术采用紫外线固化的工艺过程、技术优势;并根据紫外线固化工艺存在的技术缺陷,提出了有针对性的可操作的质量验收方法,希望对管道业主同仁们在紫外线固化工程验收时有所助益,以进一步促进管道非开挖修复事业在我国的健康发展。  相似文献   

根据防洪影响评价有关规范,对输油管道穿越黄河河道处河势演变情况、主河槽摆动范围、主河槽及滩地冲刷深度等进行深入分析.提出管道穿越河道改造工程有关技术指标,就管道穿越工程对黄河的防洪影响做出综合评价并提出有关防治措施。  相似文献   

Satellite data assimilation can provide accurate initial field for Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models. So far, data variational assimilation is based on the theory where error obeys Gaussian distribution, so as to apply the least square method. During classical variational assimilation, if the data contain outliers, the results of optimal parameter estimation is meaningless. Therefore, quality control is quite necessary for Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) data before data assimilation. This paper made a comment of the advances in the quality control using AIRS data, which analyzed and discussed the research status from five aspects: channel selection, outliers elimination, bias correction, cloud detection and data sparseness. Three methods for channel selection were summarized, which are stepwise iterative method based on information entropy, the cumulative effect coefficient of principal component and principal components—Stepwise regression, respectively. Comparatively, stepwise iterative method based on information entropy is more widely used, but the selected channels are weak related; Channel combination with large amount of information can be obtained through the method of principal components—stepwise regression, but the implementation process is time-consuming due to the algorithm. Both the lane of law and the double weight method were used in outliers elimination, and the result shows that the latter one is better. Two kinds of bias correction method including off-line and on-line, were introduced, which contain static, adaptive, regression method, variational, method based on the radiative transfer model, bias correction with Kalman filter and dynamic update of bias correction technique. It is found that the timeliness of static method is better; while variational method could solve the problems of data drift and so on. The result is better when using bias correction based on the model and Kalman methods, but it is more time-consuming and not suitable for business application. Generally, the effect and timeliness of dynamic update one is the best among them. In this paper four kinds of cloud detection method are discussed here, including the sky field-of-view, sky channel, cloud radiation correction and different instrument cloud products matching. The first two methods are more feasible from the perspective of timeliness for numerical prediction, but the data quantity using could detection method of sky field-of-view is less than sky channel, leading to discarding of lots of channel data in climate sensitive area such as upper channel, and thus affecting the quality of analysis field. Further on, the methods of hops jumper, box and principal component applied to AIRS data sparseness were analyzed. From assimilation timeliness and operability, box method is feasible; although there is high complexity with algorithm of principal component analysis, which has a certain application prospect. After reviewing the quality control section, some further research directions in these fields were given respectively.  相似文献   

近岸海洋气象平台涡动相关数据处理与质量控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涡动相关方法在海洋—大气界面通量过程的观测研究中得到广泛应用。通量观测的数据质量很大程度上取决于环境条件和订正方法的正确应用,因此需要对数据进行处理与质量控制。基于博贺海洋气象平台上方2层涡动相关系统约7个月的湍流观测数据,分析了目前未能在数据采集平台上实时运行的几种订正方法对通量结果的影响。分析表明:在通量值较小时,...  相似文献   

数字填图系统(RGMAP)利用PRB数据流"栈"与不同阶段数据模型的关系,创建PRB数据流"栈"与不同阶段数据模型继承和传递的技术,实现了地质图空间数据库建立的技术流程.1:5万地质图空间数据库建立流程可分为:地质字典库→1:2.5万野外手图库(单条路线)→1:2.5万图幅PRB库(路线总图)→1:2.5万实际材料图库→1:2.5万投影到1:5万图库→1:5万地质图空间数据库→元数据库七个阶段.本文按建库流程,分析各阶段可能产生的质量问题,探讨不同阶段质量控制要点及相应操作技巧,从而提高数据库建立的质量与效率.  相似文献   

信息化和智能化是当今世界社会和经济发展的必然趋势。本文从地勘单位项目管理现状及目前存在的一些问题入手,结合国家产业政策和ISO9001质量管理体系要求,提出了建立基于ISO9001质量管理体系的项目信息化管理平台的构想。该平台建立后,不但可实现真正意义上的“网上贯标”和资源共享,而且还可大幅度降低管理成本,缩短工作周期,有效控制质量,提高经济效益,提升企业形象。该系统开发属低投入、高回报,具备广阔的应用推广前景。  相似文献   

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