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日冕物质抛射(Coronal Mass Ejection,简称CME)和共转相互作用区(Corotating Interaction Region,简称CIR)是造成日地空间行星际扰动和地磁扰动的两个主要原因,提供了地球磁暴的主要驱动力,进而显著影响地球空间环境.为深入研究太阳风活动及受其主导影响的地磁活动的时间分布特征,本文对大量太阳风参数及地磁活动指数的数据进行了详细分析.首先,采用由NASA OMNIWeb提供的太阳风参数及地磁活动指数的公开数据,通过自主编写matlab程序对第23太阳活动周期(1996-01-01—2008-12-31)的数据包括行星际磁场Bz分量、太阳风速度、太阳风质子密度、太阳风动压等重要太阳风参数及Dst指数、AE指数、Kp指数等主要的地磁指数进行统计分析,建立了包括269个CME事件和456个CIR事件列表的数据库.采用事例分析法和时间序列叠加法分别对两类太阳活动的四个重要太阳风参数(IMF Bz、太阳风速度、太阳风质子密度、太阳风动压)和三个主要地磁指数(Dst、AE、Kp)进行统计分析,并研究了其统计特征.其次,根据Dst指数最小值确定了第23太阳活动周期内的355个孤立地磁暴事件,并以Dst指数最小值为标准将这些磁暴进一步分类为145个弱磁暴、123个中等磁暴、70个强磁暴、12个剧烈磁暴和5个巨大磁暴.最后,采用时间序列叠加法对不同强度磁暴的太阳风参数和地磁指数进行统计分析.统计分析表明,对于CME事件,Nsw/Pdyn(Nsw表示太阳风质子密度,Pdyn表示太阳风动压)线性拟合斜率一般为正;对于CIR事件,Nsw/Pdyn线性拟合斜率一般为负,这可作为辨别CME和CIR事件的一种有效方法.从平均意义上讲,相较于CIR事件,CME事件有更大的南向IMF Bz分量、太阳风动压Pdyn、AE指数、Kp指数以及更小的Dstmin.一般情况下,CME事件有更大的可能性驱动极强地磁暴.总体而言,对于不同强度的地磁暴,Dst指数的变化呈现出一定的相似性,但随着地磁暴强度的增强,Dst指数衰减的速度变快.CME和CIR事件以及其各自驱动的地磁暴事件有着很多不同,因此,需要将CME事件驱动的磁暴及CIR事件驱动的磁暴分开研究.建立CME、CIR事件及地磁暴的数据库以及获取的统计分析结果,将为深入研究地球磁层等离子体片、辐射带及环电流对太阳活动的响应特征提供有利的帮助.  相似文献   

In a previous work the authors have developed a model, providing Kp as a function of the interplanetary magnetic field Bz component. They introduced a modified Bz function (denoted as Bzm), exhibiting a delayed reaction to Bz changes. The modified function Bzm was defined by using the analogy with a damping RC-circuit output voltage. The delaying reaction of Bzm to Bz was characterized by two time constants, one for rising and one for decreasing parts of Bz. The cross-correlation between Kp and Bzm has increased to 0.7, compared with −0.4 between Kp and Bz. In this paper, new dependences of Kp on solar wind velocity and dynamic pressure are included in the model to improve its accuracy. These solar wind parameters are found to correlate best with Kp. The hourly interpolated values are also added to the 3-h Kp values to increase the statistics. The new Kp data set is denoted as Kp1. The mean dependence of Kp on Bzm and dynamic pressure are approximated with parabolas, while the dependence on the velocity is linear. The constants in the model expression are obtained by using ACE data (1998–2000). The overall model error is estimated at 0.63 units Kp. The improvement over the previous simpler dependence in terms of the model error is about 30%.  相似文献   

EISCAT observations of interplanetary scintillation have been used to measure the velocity of the solar wind at distances between 15 and 130R (solar radii) from the Sun. The results show that the solar wind consists of two distinct components, a fast stream with a velocity of 800 km s–1 and a slow stream at 400 kms–1. The fast stream appears to reach its final velocity much closer to the Sun than expected. The results presented here suggest that this is also true for the slow solar wind. Away from interaction regions the flow vector of the solar wind is purely radial to the Sun. Observations have been made of fast wind/slow wind interactions which show enhanced levels of scintillation in compression regions.  相似文献   

The solar wind magnetic field distribution near the Earth has been studied and compared with the distribution anticipated according to the classical model. It has been indicated that a two-hump distribution of the IMF values discovered previously is not an artifact of averaging but reflects the actual structure of the magnetic field within the sector. In this case the magnetic field of polarity corresponding to the leading spot in the Northern Hemisphere is encountered more frequently. Not only the magnetic field magnitude but also the fields of either polarity increase with increasing activity. The distance between the peaks on the histogram of the magnetic field near the Earth increases from 6 to 10 nT. The quasi-22-year, 11-year, and quasibiennial (2.6 ± 0.3 years) cycles are observed in an alternate increase in the peaks, in the strength of the fields of either polarity, and in the ratio of the peaks to the occurrence frequency of zero values, respectively. The classical model is violated in approximately 25% of cases.  相似文献   

An extended structure-function model is developed by including the new effect in the p-model of Meneveau and Sreenivasan which shows that the averaged energy cascade rate changes with scale, a situation which has been found to prevail in nonfullydeveloped turbulence in the inner solar wind. This model is useful for the small-scale fluctuations in the inner heliosphere, where the turbulence is not fully developed and cannot be explained quantitatively by any of the previous intermittency turbulence models. With two model parameters, the intrinsic index of the energy spectrum <alpha>, and the fragmentation fraction P 1, the model can fit, for the first time, all the observed scaling exponents of the structure functions, which are calculated for time lags ranging from 81 s to 0.7 h from the Helios solar wind data. From the cases we studied we cannot establish for P 1 either a clear radial evolution trend, or a solar-wind-speed or stream-structure dependence or a systematic anisotropy for both the flow velocity and magnetic field component fluctuations. Generally, P 1 has values between 0.7 and 0.8. However, in some cases in low-speed wind P 1 has somewhat higher values for the magnetic components, especially for the radial component. In high-speed wind, the inferred intrinsic spectral indices (<alpha>) of the velocity and magnetic field components are about equal, while the experimental spectral indices derived from the observed power spectra differ. The magnetic index is somewhat larger than the index of the velocity spectrum. For magnetic fluctuations in both high- and low-speed winds, the intrinsic exponent <alpha> has values which are near 1.5, while the observed spectral exponent has much higher values. In the solar wind with considerable density fluctuations near the interplanetary current sheet near 1 AU, it is found that P 1 has a comparatively high value of 0.89 for V x . The impact of these results on the understanding of the nature of solar wind fluctuations is discussed, and the limitations in using structure functions to study intermittency are also described.  相似文献   

The studies are based on the experimental mass sounding of the interplanetary plasma near the Sun at radial distances of R = 4−70 R S, performed at Pushchino RAO, Russian Academy of Sciences, and on the calculated magnetic fields in the solar corona based on the magnetic field strength and structure measured on the Sun’s surface at J. Wilcox Solar Observatory, United States. The experimental data make it possible to localize the position of the boundary closest to the Sun of the transition transonic region of the solar wind in the near-solar space (R ≈ 10−20 R S) and to perform an interrelated study of the solar wind structure and its sources, namely, the magnetic field components in the solar corona based on these data. An analysis of the evolution of the flow types in 2000–2007 makes it possible to formulate the physically justified criterion responsible for the time boundaries of different epochs in the solar activity cycle.  相似文献   

王明  吕建永  李刚 《地球物理学报》2014,57(11):3804-3811
利用全球磁流体力学(MHD)的模拟结果,研究了太阳风压力系数与上游太阳风参数和日下点磁层顶张角的相关性.在识别出日下点附近磁层顶位置后,通过拟合得到日下点附近的磁层顶张角.在考虑上游太阳风中的磁压和热压以及磁层顶外侧的太阳风动压的情况下,计算了太阳风压力系数.通过分析行星际磁场不同方向时太阳风动压在日地连线上与磁压和热压的转化关系,详细研究了太阳风参数和日下点磁层顶张角对太阳风压力系数的影响,得到以下相关结论:(1) 在北向行星际磁场较大(Bz≥5 nT)时,磁层顶外侧磁压占主导,南向行星际磁场时磁层顶外侧热压占主导;(2) 太阳风压力系数随着行星际磁场的增大而增大,随着行星际磁场时钟角的增大而减小;并且在行星际磁场大小和其他太阳风条件相同时,北向行星际磁场时的太阳风压力系数要大于南向行星际磁场时的;北向行星际磁场时,太阳风压力系数随着太阳风动压的增大而减小,南向行星际磁场时,太阳风压力系数随着太阳风动压的增大而增大;以上结论是对观测结果的扩展;(3) 最后,我们还发现太阳风压力系数随着日下点磁层顶张角的增大而增大.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the nature of the main source of the sporadic solar wind on the Sun: coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Analysis of data from Mark 3 and Mark 4, the Digital Prominence Monitor (MLSO), and STEREO (EUVI) spacecraft has revealed the existence of two types of CMEs: gradual and impulse. They differ in the place, velocity, and angular size at the instant of their emergence. The source of gradual CMEs is located in the corona, at a distance of 1.1 R 0 < R ≤ 1.7 R 0 from the center of the Sun. They start moving from a state of rest, having an angular size ≈15–65° (in the heliographic coordinate system). Impulse CMEs are probably formed under the Sun’s photosphere. This may be due to the supersonic emergence of magnetic tubes (ropes) from the convective zone. The possibility of this phenomenon has been demonstrated earlier in theory. The radial velocity of such tubes at the photospheric level may be 100 km/s or higher; the minimum angular size is ∼1°.  相似文献   

A large number of individual enstatite crystals of the gas-rich aubrites Khor Temiki, Staroe Pesyanoe and Bustee was analyzed for implanted helium and for steep gradient ion tracks in order to investigate the relation between solar flare irradiation and solar wind implantation with extreme local resolution. Irradiated and non-irradiated crystals coexist within the gas-rich phases of the aubrites investigated. Statistically in a given meteorite the proportion of crystals with implanted solar wind is similar to the proportion of solar flare irradiated crystals. It varies from aubrite to aubrite in the sequence of their bulk contents of trapped rare gases.For nine enstatites, tracks and rare gases were subsequently measured within the same crystal. The results support the intimate association of solar flare tracks and implanted He. The4He-surface concentrations of irradiated crystals vary between <5 × 10?7 and 10?4 cm3 STP/cm2.The absence of saturation effects together with the low degree of elemental gas fractionation indicates very short solar wind exposure times (< 100 yr) rather than strong diffusion losses. The evidence from tracks and rare gases can be understood in terms of an early simultaneous irradiation of aubritic crystals by solar wind and solar flare particles on top of a regolith-covered parent body.  相似文献   

The theoretical motion of individual dust grains in the lunar regolith is analyzed by using a Monte Carlo statistical code where the variables are the mass and speed distribution of meteorites at the lunar surface and the geometrical shape of impact craters. From these computations the detailed irradiation history of the grains in the ancient solar wind is traced back, over a period of 4 billion years, as a function of the grain size. Then by combining this irradiation scheme with the result of solar wind simulation experiments, the time and depth dependent accumulation of solar wind effects in the theoretical grains (solar wind maturation) is inferred. Finally, the validity of these predictions is tentatively checked by discussing a variety of physical and chemical solar wind effects which are registered in the surface layers of lunar dust grains. Therefore these studies give a tentative scenario for the “maturation” of the lunar regolith with respect to solar wind effects, but they also reveal useful guidelines to deduce meaningful information from such effects. In particular, they suggest a “lunar skin” sampling technique for extracting dust grains in lunar core tubes which could help in deciphering the past activity of the ancient solar wind over a time scale of several billion years.  相似文献   

The solar wind–magnetosphere coupled system is characterized by dynamical processes. Recent works have shown that nonlinear couplings and turbulence might play a key role in the study of solar wind–magnetosphere interaction processes.Within this framework, this study presents a statistical analysis aimed to investigate the relationship between solar wind MHD turbulence and geomagnetic activity at high and low latitudes as measured by the AE and SYM-H indices, respectively. This analysis has been performed for different phases of solar cycle 23. The state of turbulence was characterized by means of 2-D histograms of the normalized cross-helicity and the normalized residual energy. The geomagnetic response was then studied in relation to those histograms.The results found clearly show that, from a statistical point of view, solar cycle 23 is somewhat peculiar. Indeed, good Alfvénic correlations are found unexpectedly even during solar activity maximum. This fact has implications on the geomagnetic response as well since a statistical relationship is found between Alfvénic fluctuations and auroral activity. Conversely, solar wind turbulence does not seem to play a relevant role in the geomagnetic response at low latitudes.  相似文献   

The basic statistical properties of solar cycles, including the Gnevyshev-Ol?? rule, the Waldmeier effect, and the amplitude-period effect, are tested using data on the number of sunspot groups for 1700?C1996, considering the hypothesis about a missing solar cycle in the late 18th century. The results show that the division of the long cycle of 1784?C1800 into two short cycles??1784?C1793 and 1793?C1800??alters significantly the pattern of the solar cycles. The Gnevyshev-Ol?? cycle intensity effect becomes stronger, and almost all other statistical effects grow weaker. This change is due to the fact that the short and weak cycle of 1793?C1800 is statistically very unusual and its features are very different from those of other solar cycles.  相似文献   

We present a newly developed global magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) model to study the responses of the Earth's magnetosphere to the solar wind. The model is established by using the space-time conservation element and solution element(CESE) method in general curvilinear coordinates on a six-component grid system. As a preliminary study, this paper is to present the model's numerical results of the quasi-steady state and the dynamics of the Earth's magnetosphere under steady solar wind flow with due northward interplanetary magnetic field(IMF). The model results are found to be in good agreement with those published by other numerical magnetospheric models.  相似文献   

A short review of recent observations of solar wind fluctuations in the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) range of scales is presented. In recent years, the use of high time-resolution data on an extended interval of heliocentric distance has allowed significant advances in our knowledge of MHD fluctuations. We first focus on the origin and evolution of the Alfvénic-type fluctuations. The role of interplanetary sources and the influence of interactions with structures convected by the solar wind are examined. Then compressive fluctuations are investigated, with special attention being given to their nature and origin. Observations are discussed in the light of recent theories and models. Finally, predictions for MHD turbulence in polar regions of the heliosphere are highlighted.  相似文献   

The Apollo 11 soil breccias are samplers of the ancient lunar environment due to their history in the regolith and their efficient closure to addition of recent solar wind upon compaction. These breccias contain the lowest15N/14N isotopic ratio yet reported for any lunar sample (in fact, for any natural sample). This extends the range of variation of15N/14N of the solar wind to greater than 30%, from a δ15N of ?190‰ in the past to +120‰ at present. No mechanism is yet known that is capable of accounting for such a large change in the15N/14N ratio without producing a substantial concomitant change in the13C/12C ratio, although some sort of nuclear reaction in the sun appears to be required. Apollo 11 soil breccias and 15086 are all formed by meteoritic impacts which compact the lower regolith against the basement rock without much heating. Rock 15086 formed from the layer of regolith between 100 and 200 cm depth, as shown by the close agreement between the nitrogen content and isotopic ratios of 15086 and those of the Apollo 15 deep drill core. Cosmic ray exposure ages, based on spallation-produced15N, are 2.3 ± 0.4 b.y. for Apollo 11 breccias. This age is much greater than the estimate from cosmogenic21Ne, presumably due to diffusive loss of neon.  相似文献   

The properties of turbulent fluctuations of the solar wind plasma near the interplanetary shock observed at September 12, 2014 by the BMSW instrument are considered. The spectra of the density fluctuations in the solar wind and their statistical characteristics up-and downstream of the shock front are analyzed. They are compared with each other and with characteristics corresponding to different turbulence models. It is shown that the spectral and statistical characteristics of the density fluctuations in the solar wind conserve their basic properties after the arrival of an interplanetary shock. Intermittency is observed both before and after the front, but its level increases on average in the second case. In both regions, the scaling of the structure functions of the density fluctuations in the solar wind differ from the scaling of the classical Kolmogorov model and can be described by the log-Poisson turbulence model. Parameterization of the scaling of the structure functions revealed the presence of filamentary structures in the solar wind plasma, which provide the density intermittency in the studied space regions.  相似文献   

E. Marsch  C. Y. Tu 《Annales Geophysicae》1994,12(12):1127-1138
The probability distributions of field differences x()=x(t+)-x(t), where the variable x(t) may denote any solar wind scalar field or vector field component at time t, have been calculated from time series of Helios data obtained in 1976 at heliocentric distances near 0.3 AU. It is found that for comparatively long time lag , ranging from a few hours to 1 day, the differences are normally distributed according to a Gaussian. For shorter time lags, of less than ten minutes, significant changes in shape are observed. The distributions are often spikier and narrower than the equivalent Gaussian distribution with the same standard deviation, and they are enhanced for large, reduced for intermediate and enhanced for very small values of x. This result is in accordance with fluid observations and numerical simulations. Hence statistical properties are dominated at small scale by large fluctuation amplitudes that are sparsely distributed, which is direct evidence for spatial intermittency of the fluctuations. This is in agreement with results from earlier analyses of the structure functions of x. The non-Gaussian features are differently developed for the various types of fluctuations. The relevance of these observations to the interpretation and understanding of the nature of solar wind magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence is pointed out, and contact is made with existing theoretical concepts of intermittency in fluid turbulence.  相似文献   

行星际背景太阳风的三维MHD数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
杨子才  沈芳  杨易  冯学尚 《地球物理学报》2018,61(11):4337-4347

近地空间的太阳风参数预报具有重要的科学研究意义和实际应用价值,三维磁流体力学(MHD)数值模拟是太阳风参数预报的重要手段.本文建立了一套基于经验模型的三维MHD数值模型.模型的内边界设置在0.1天文单位(AU)处,在六片网格系统下利用TVD Lax-Friedrich格式求解理想MHD方程组,采用扩散法消除磁场的散度.模型以GONG的观测磁图作为输入数据,利用经验模型并结合卫星观测特征确定内边界条件.边界条件中保留了6个可调参数,以便适当调整参数使其方便适合模拟不同太阳活动期的太阳风.利用该模型分别模拟了2007年和2016年的背景太阳风,得到了太阳风速度、密度、温度和磁场强度,这些参数与ACE/WIND卫星观测符合较好.


We address the geoeffectiveness of three interplanetary structures in the interplanetary space: magnetic clouds (MCs), interplanetary shocks (IPSs), and corotating interaction regions (CIRs). The geoeffectiveness is evaluated using the geomagnetic indices Kp, AE, and Dst. We find that MCs are more geoeffective than IPSs, or CIRs. The average values of magnetic indices are significantly enhanced during disturbed periods associated with MCs, IPSs and CIRs, compared to the whole interval. The highest effect is noted for MC disturbed periods.Results obtained for the three data sets are used to derive a theoretical (continuous) probability distribution function (PDF) by fitting the histograms representing the percentage of events against the intervals of magnetic index. PDFs allow estimation of the probability of a given level of geomagnetic activity to be reached after the detection, by in situ solar wind observations, of a given interplanetary structure approaching the Earth.  相似文献   

High-performance computational models are required to make the real-time or faster than real-time numerical prediction of adverse space weather events and their influence on the geospace environment. The main objective in this article is to explore the application of programmable graphic processing units (GPUs) to the numerical space weather modeling for the study of solar wind background that is a crucial part in the numerical space weather modeling. GPU programming is realized for our Solar-Interplanetary-CESE MHD model (SIP-CESE MHD model) by numerically studying the solar corona/interplanetary solar wind. The global solar wind structures are obtained by the established GPU model with the magnetic field synoptic data as input. Meanwhile, the time-dependent solar surface boundary conditions derived from the method of characteristics and the mass flux limit are incorporated to couple the observation and the three-dimensional (3D) MHD model. The simulated evolution of the global structures for two Carrington rotations 2058 and 2062 is compared with solar observations and solar wind measurements from spacecraft near the Earth. The MHD model is also validated by comparison with the standard potential field source surface (PFSS) model. Comparisons show that the MHD results are in good overall agreement with coronal and interplanetary structures, including the size and distribution of coronal holes, the position and shape of the streamer belts, and the transition of the solar wind speeds and magnetic field polarities.  相似文献   

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