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A glove box for the fine-scale subsampling of sediment box cores   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The construction and operation of a glove box which allows the fine-scale vertical subsampling of sediment box cores under a low oxygen atmosphere is described.  相似文献   

A large-volume core sampler for sediment—muck substrates is described. The sampler can acquire a discrete sediment core of 10 cm in diameter and up to 1.5 m long. Such samplers are needed to collect the volume necessary for analysis of sediments for contaminants, bulk density, or radioactive dating. The sampler consists of a 1- to 2-m length of PVC pipe mounted below a threaded metal pipe air exhaust—intake assembly. This assembly is quick-connected to standard threaded lengths (300 cm) of water pipe (2 cm diam) or electrical conduit so that bottom sediments in water depths of up to 10 m can be sampled. The core sampler is hand-operated and pushed into bottom sediments from a boat. It does not have to be triggered remotely because of the one-way modified check valve in the air exhaust—intake assembly. After the sampler is extracted from the sediment, the extension handle can be quickly removed for ease of sampler handling, and the core can be extruded from the PVC tube by air pressure.Contribution of the National Sedimentation Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Oxford, Mississippi 38655, U.S.A.  相似文献   

介绍了潮间带地区,海潮引起海水位变动时,一种原位测定海底沉积物渗透系数的新方法.该方法不仅可以测定海底沉积物水平和垂向的渗透系数,还可对海底沉积物中任意倾斜方向的渗透系数给予测定,这一点是传统测定沉积物渗透系数的方法所无法达到的.通过所测数据,我们可以画出表征含水层渗透系数的椭圆,从而确定海底沉积物各相异性的性质,这一结果对于研究地下水流动、河水泄流及海底沉积物中污染物的运移意义十分重大.该方法能有效的用于不同海洋地质情况,并且相比颗粒分析、渗透仪、和抽水试验等其他方法更经济,更实用.  相似文献   

Geochemistry of two sediment cores from the west coast of India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Copper, Pb, Zn, Ni, Co, Mn, AI, Ca, magnetic susceptibility and loss on ignition of sediments from two cores near Mangalore along the western continental shelf of India have been studied. The sediments have high Al and organic matter contents due to the high sedimentation rate and their proximity to river mouths. Down-core variations of elements indicate a decrease of lithogenous component during probably the past few centuries. While abundance of calcareous shells in some zones has lead to the dilution of most of the metals, it appears that Pb and Mn are associated with this phase. Copper, Zn and Fe are associated with organic matter and detrital particles, whereas Ni and Co are predominantly associated with the insoluble fraction. Oxides/hydroxides of Fe and Mn are absent because of the reducing conditions and the high terrigenous influx. Geochemically, Mn and Fe are present in different phases of sediments (in the insoluble fraction and organic matter respectively). The Fe content of one of the cores is positively correlated with magnetic susceptibility.  相似文献   

The temporal resolution of marine proxy data is limited by analytically required sample size. We present in-situ reflectance spectroscopy techniques (usually applied in remote sensing) to analyse the organic fraction of marine and terrestrial sediment. From absorption band depths, photosynthesis pigment variations are derived for sediments from the upwelling region off Peru, where productivity is related to the annual variability of El Niño strength. Quantitative estimations of diagenetic photosynthesis pigments derived from absorption band analysis in reflectance spectra are highly correlated to organic carbon content. The ratio of pigment fractions is related to chlorine concentration and reflects organic matter preservation and deep-water ventilation changes. The import of terrigenous mineroclastics (TM) by local rivers is semi-quantitatively documented in the spectrum continuum. TM is inversely varying with organic matter preservation and chlorine concentration.  相似文献   

The distributions of hydrocarbons in sediment cores dated by 210Pb (1845–1977) from San Pedro and San Nicolas Basins in the Southern California Bight have been determined by gas Chromatographic and combined gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis. The chromatograms of the hydrocarbons contain peaks of resolved alkanes and cycloalkanes, as well as an unresolved complex mixture which decrease in content with increasing depth in both of the cores. The concentrations of o,p' andp,p'-DDE are highest in the top 50 mm of the San Pedro core section. The 45–50 mm segment of this core was deposited in the 1945–1950 period when DDT (the precursor of DDE compounds) came into common use. The relatively high content of hydrocarbons and DDE in this core is attributable to the proximity of the site to the San Pedro Harbor which receives petroleum residues from shipping, sewage outfalls and industrial effluents. The presence of only traces of DDE throughout the San Nicolas core, and the low hydrocarbon content are explainable by the greater distance of this basin from anthropogenic inputs and probably a greater rate of degradation of deposited organic matter during bioturbation. δ13C, δ15N and electron-spin resonance analyses of kerogens and humic substances in these cores, indicate that most of this organic matter in these sediments is of a marine origin.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic and palynological studies have been made of the sediments of two Finnish lakes. Geomagnetic field changes in Finland can be traced since lake sediments record the ambient geomagnetic field at, or close to, the time they are deposited. Pollen analyses provided a useful method of dating these changes since 14C dates proved to be misleading.  相似文献   

床面上泥沙颗粒的起动测量一直是泥沙运动规律研究的难题。为此,提出了一种基于B超成像技术的泥沙起动流速测量方法。在模型试验水槽中,该方法利用B超仪获取水下地形及其附近粒子的运行图像,通过图像处理技术分析统计床面附近运动粒子的成像光斑个数,并分析其与流速之间的关系。结果表明,B超成像光斑个数在泥沙起动过程中存在一个突变过程,且该突变过程与泥沙起动运动相对应,可用来判定泥沙起动及其对应的起动流速,并利用该流速下的床面地形变化验证了该方法的正确性。该方法具有无扰动无干扰、适合于清水和浑水、易于实现自动化测量的特点。  相似文献   

Pedo-sedimentological fieldwork were carried out in the Lajia Ruins within the Guanting Basin along the upper Yellow River valley. In the eolian loess-soil sections on the second river terrace in the Lajia Ruins, we find that the land of the Qijia Culture (4.20–3.95 ka BP) are fractured by several sets of earthquake fissures. A conglomerated red clay covers the ground of the Qijia Culture and also fills in the earthquake fissures. The clay was deposited by enormous mudflows in association with catastrophic earthquakes and rainstorms. The aim of this study is to provide a luminescence chronology of the sediment stratigraphy of the Lajia Ruins. Eight samples were taken from an eolian loess-soil section (Xialajia section) in the ruins for optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. The OSL ages are in stratigraphic order and range from (31.94 ± 1.99) ka to (0.76 ± 0.02) ka. Combined OSL and 14C ages with additional stratigraphic correlations, a chronological framework is established. We conclude that: (1) the second terrace of the upper part of Yellow River formed 35.00 ka ago, which was followed by the accumulation of the eolian loess-soil section; and (2) the eolian loess-soil section is composed of the Malan Loess of the late last glacial (MIS-2) and Holocene loess-soil sequences.  相似文献   

薄层水流速度测量系统的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
根据水流影响电解质扩散和其导电特性的分析,结合电解质脉冲在水流中迁移的数学模型,设计了薄层水流速度测试系统。用Visual Basic语言编写了操作系统,实现了数据采集、参数计算和分析自动化。实验和模拟结果表明,模拟水槽实验中用流量法测量的流速和电解质扩散法测量的水流速度误差很小,说明用此系统测量浅层水流的流速是可行的。  相似文献   

We present late Quaternary records of aragonite preservation determined for sediment cores recovered on the Brazilian Continental Slope (1790–2585 m water depth) where North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) dominates at present. We have used various indirect dissolution proxies (carbonate content, aragonite/calcite contents, and sand percentages) as well as gastropodal abundances and fragmentation of Limacina inflata to determine the state of aragonite preservation. In addition, microscopic investigations of the dissolution susceptibility of three Limacina species yielded the Limacina Dissolution Index which correlates well with most of the other proxies. Excellent preservation of aragonite was found in the Holocene section, whereas aragonite dissolution gradually increases downcore. This general pattern is attributed to an overall increase in aragonite corrosiveness of pore waters. Overprinted on this early diagenetic trend are high-frequency fluctuations of aragonite preservation, which may be related to climatically induced variations of intermediate water masses. Received: 9 November 1998 / Accepted: 25 August 1999  相似文献   

High concentrations of arsenic and humic substances in groundwater from the southwestern coastal plain of Taiwan were well known for their probable relationships with black-foot disease. In order to realize the relationships between the concentrations of humic substances and arsenic in this area, 24 well water samples were analyzed. After filtered through 0.45 μm glass fiber membrane in the field, samples were kept in the dark at 4℃ and then separated into six fractions with varying range of molecular weight (〈0.5, 0.5-1, 1-5, 5-10, 10-50 and 〉50 k Da) by ultrafiltration apparatus (Molecular/Por Stirred Cell system) in the lab. Concentrations of humic substances were measured by fluorescence spectrometer (HITACHI F-2000, ex=370, em=445) and arsenic by FIAS-AA (Perkin Elmer AAnalyst 100, FIAS-400). On average, only 6.2% of the total arsenic in water existed in the fraction of 〉0.5 k Da. and the others were complexed with humic substances (including humic acid and fulvic acid). The results demonstrated a distinct positive correlation between the concentrations of humic substances and arsenic.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of Sepetiba Bay was studied in four sediment cores using a multi-element approach. Two cores were sampled in the more contaminated eastern part of the bay and two cores were sampled in the western region. The aim was to determine whether less common elements like the rare earths or the actinides are associated with contaminant metals like zinc in the Bay. Samples were analysed by instrumental neutron activation analysis that permits the quantification of total concentrations of metals (Ba, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, Hf, Rb, Sc, Zn), rare earth elements (Ce, Eu, La, Lu, Sm and Yb), actinides (Th, U), non-metals and semi-metals (As, Br). Organic carbon and total sulphur were also analysed. The results show very strong zinc contamination in the top layers (more than 1000 μg g−1) and background concentrations in the bottom (15 μg g−1). Elements like chromium which would be expected to be released by the heavy industries of Sepetiba Bay, did not show a contamination profile, and concentrations remained close to those of natural environments. No evidence of any association between the zinc and other potential contaminant elements could be identified in this work.  相似文献   

Sea Surface Temperature (SST), river discharge and biological productivity have been reconstructed from a multi-proxy study of a high-temporal-resolution sedimentary sequence recovered from the Tagus deposition center off Lisbon (Portugal) for the last 2000 years. SST shows 2 °C variability on a century scale that allows the identification of the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and the Little Ice Age (LIA).High Iron (Fe) and fine-sediment deposition accompanied by high n-alkane concentrations and presence of freshwater diatoms during the LIA (1300–1900 AD) (Science 292 (2001) 662) suggest augmented river discharge, whereas higher total-alkenone concentrations point to increased river-induced productivity. During the MWP (550–1300 AD) (Science 292 (2001) 662) larger mean-grain size and low values of magnetic susceptibility, and concentrations of Fe, n-alkanes, and n-alcohols are interpreted to reflect decreased runoff. At the same time, increased benthic and planktonic foraminifera abundances and presence of upwelling related diatoms point to increased oceanic productivity. On the basis of the excellent match found between the negative phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index and the intensified Tagus River discharge observed for the last century, it is hypothesized that the increased influx of terrigenous material during the LIA reflects a negative NAO-like state or the occurrence of frequent extreme NAO minima. During the milder few centuries of the MWP, stronger coastal upwelling conditions are attributed to a persistent, positive NAO-like state or the frequent occurrence of extreme NAO maxima.The peak in magnetic susceptibility, centered at 90 cm composite core depth (ccd), is interpreted as the result of the well-known 1755 AD Lisbon earthquake. The Lisbon earthquake and accompanying tsunami are estimated to have caused the loss of 39 cm of sediment (355 years of record—most of the LIA) and the instantaneous deposition of a 19-cm sediment bed.  相似文献   

I. Rod Smith 《Sedimentology》2000,47(6):1157-1179
Sediment cores from six small lake basins in the Canadian high Arctic reveal a gravel‐rich (≤30% by weight) to gravel‐poor (≥2%) diamict facies underlying massive, post‐glacial, clayey silt. Ten other lakes contain a second diamict facies within what are interpreted to be glaciolacustrine sedimentary assemblages. The sedimentology, clast fabrics and fossil remains (diatoms, ostracodes and chironomid head capsules) within both diamict facies suggest that these deposits are not tills. Clast fabrics yielded low S1 (0·41–0·57) and high S3 (0·09–0·22) eigenvalues, placing them within the range of ice‐rafted diamictons and glacigenic sediment flows. The high percentage of clast dip angles >45° (15–61%), random clast azimuth and lower diamict contacts conformable to underlying current‐bedded sediment favours an origin as a rain‐out or settling deposit. Samples of the matrix and scrapings of clasts from the diamicts revealed a diatom assemblage dominated by littoral and planktonic forms, such as are found in the littoral regions of the lakes today. This contrasts sharply with the assemblages within the overlying clayey silt, in which benthic forms predominate. Clasts are thus interpreted to have been rafted from the littoral areas of the lake. The process proposed to explain this is rafting by the lake ice cover in a glacial‐marginal environment. Early season meltwater, impounded along the lateral margin of retreating cold‐based glaciers, would buoyantly lift the lake ice cover and any adfrozen lake sediment. Higher lake levels and increased areal extent of seasonal freeze‐on between the lake ice cover and the lake bed would allow the redeposition of littoral sediments to the benthic regions through greater lateral shifting of the ice cover as it broke up. Incision by meltwater streams into the lateral glacial margins would later isolate the lake, allowing seasonal warming of lake water, enough to support the growth and maturation of the ostracode and chironomid species found as fossils within the diamicts.  相似文献   

This article reports on the concentration of selected trace elements (Mn, Zn, Cr, Cu, Ba, As, B, V, and Hg) and major elements (Fe and Al) from the intertidal sediment cores from Sundarban wetland, India. This is a typical meso-macrotidal estuarine area affected by domestic and industrial activities located upstream. The overall concentrations range is low to moderate, indicating the environmental conditions in the outfall zone (grain size, hydrodynamic regime, and confinement), which favors the in situ accumulation of pollutants. The extent of contamination from trace elements in Sundarban core sediments is evaluated through a two-pronged approach: (i) by determining the metal enrichment in the sediments through the calculation of Pollution Load Index (PLI), Enrichment Factor (EF) and Index of Geoaccumulation (I geo), and (ii) by defining a potential level of biological risk by the use of quality criteria such as Threshold Effect Level (TEL) and Effects Range-Low (ERL) benchmarks. On the basis of the calculated indices, sediments are particularly enriched with Cr, Cu, B, V, and As. Those enrichments seem to be due to the fine granulometry of the regions with Fe and Mn oxi-hydroxides being the main metal carriers. Trace Elements input to the Sundarban wetland need to be kept under strict control in future specially with reference to As since, according to TEL and ERL benchmarks, it already appears to be associated with a potential biological risk.  相似文献   

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