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Ophiolites worldwide show striking diversities in their rock assemblage and structure (i.e., ophiolite diversity), raising a question whether ophiolites are originally similar before intense tectonic dismemberment. Comparison between ophiolites and oceanic lithospheres at modern mid-ocean ridges may provide key constraints on the origin of ophiolite diversity, because oceanic lithospheric structures are inherently controlled by spreading rates. Here, we present a case study of the Xigaze ophiolite in southern Tibet focusing on its gabbroic intrusions outcropping in three localities, i.e., Dazhuqu, Baigang and Jiding. Compared to the Jiding sequence, the Dazhuqu and Baigang gabbroic rocks are less evolved, characterized by higher Cr2O3 contents but lower contents of TiO2 and rare earth element in both clinopyroxene and bulk compositions. It is evident, hence, that the Xigaze ophiolite is characterized by variably evolved and discontinuously distributed gabbroic intrusions, rather by a continuous lower oceanic crust between the mantle and sheeted dike complex as the Penrose-type ophiolites. Our study, along with the identification in previous studies of oceanic detachment faults within the Xigaze ophiolite, demonstrates that the Xigaze ophiolite shows close similarities to oceanic lithospheres at modern slow- and ultraslow-spreading ridges. Hence, the significant structural distinctions between the Xigaze ophiolite and the Penrose-type ophiolites (e.g., the Oman ophiolite) may be inherently associated with different spreading rates of paleo-ridges. Considering the limited scale of the Xigaze gabbroic rocks, here we suggest the Xigaze ophiolite as a typical representative of fossil ultraslow-spreading ridges.  相似文献   

The Brazilian Coastal Mobile Belt in southern Espírito Santo consists of Archean to Upper Proterozoic units which have been metamorphosed and deformed to a gneiss, migmatite and granulite-facies rock assemblage during Archean and Proterozoic tectono-thermal events.Several tectonic phases and an amphibolite-facies metamorphism are attributed to the Brasiliano-Event (680-450 Ma).Towards the end of the Brasiliano-Cycle diapirically ascending basic to intermediate and acid magmas intruded the lower crust, forming numerous concordant plutons.A model is presented for the Santa Angélica intrusion: A mantle derived basic magma, probably a fractionated alkali or transitional basalt, intruded the lower crust and induced anatectic melting and production of granitic melts. Intensive mechanical mixing of basic and granitic magma during ascent through buoyant and/or forced convection led to a wide variety of hybrid rocks. The structures suggest liquid-solid and liquid-liquid, or mushy-mushy interaction of the contrasting magmas. Different stages of mechanical mixing and homogenization are preserved, now representing »frozen-in« magma mixing features.
Zusammenfassung Der Brasilianische Küstenfaltengürtel im südlichen Espírito Santo beinhaltet archaische bis oberproterozoische Einheiten, die durch tektono-thermale Ereignisse des Archaikums und Proterozoikums in hochdeformierte Gneise und Migmatite umgewandelt wurden.Dem Brasiliano-Ereignis (680–450 Ma) werden mehrere tektonische Phasen unter amphibolitfaziellen Metamorphosebedingungen zugeordnet.Gegen Ende des Brasiliano-Zyklus' erfolgte der diapirische Aufstieg basisch/intermediärer bis saurer Magmen in tiefere Krustenstockwerke unter Bildung konkordanter Plutone.Für den Santa Angélica Pluton wird ein Intrusionsmodell vorgestellt: Basisches Magma aus dem Mantel, das als Fraktionierungsprodukt eines Alkalioder Transitionalbasaltes angesehen wird, induziert anatektische Granitschmelzen in der Unterkruste. Intensive mechanische Durchmischung während des Aufstieges infolge »buoyant« und/oder »forced convection« führt zur Bildung eines weiten Spektrums von Hybridgesteinen. Die darin beobachteten Strukturen sind auf »Flüssig-Fest«- und »Flüssig-Flüssig«-Reaktionen zwischen den beiden verschiedenen Magmen zurückzuführen. Es sind die verschiedensten Stadien der mechanischen Durchmischung und Homogenisierung erhalten. Auf diese Weise ist die Magmenmischung heute in »eingefrorenem« Zustand erhalten.

Resumen El cinturon orogénico costero brasilero en el sur del estado de Espírito Santo contiene unidades arcaicas hasta proterozoicas superiores, las cuales fueron transformados en gneises, migmatitas y rocas de la facies granulita y altamente deformadas por eventos téctono-termales del Arcaico y Proterozoico.Al Evento Brasiliano (680-450 Ma) se le atribuyen varias fases tectónicas bajo condiciones de metamorfismo de facies de anfibolita.Hacia el final del Ciclo Brasiliano se efectuó la ascensión diapírica de magmas básicos/intermedios a ácidos bajo la formación de varios plutones concordantes en profundos niveles de la corteza.Se presenta un modelo de intrusión para el plutón de Santa Angélica: Magma básico proveniente del manto induce magma granítico anatéctico en la corteza inferior. El magma básico es considerado un producto de cristallisación fraccionada de un basalto alcalino o transicional. La intensiva mezcla mecánica durante la ascensión a consecuencia de »buoyant« y/o »forced convection« condujo a la formación de rocas híbridas en su mas amplo espectro. Las estructuras observadas en estas rocas se deben a reacciones líquidosólido, líquido-líquido y »mushy-mushy« entre ambos magmas.Los mas diversos estadios de la mezcla mecánica y de la homogeneisación fueron conservados.Actualmente se encuentra el »magma-mixing« en un estadio de »congelamiento«.

Espirito Santo , - . Brasiliano (680–450 Ma ) . - , , . Santa Angelica : , , ; «» (buoyant) / « » (forced convection) . « — » « — » , . « ».

Abstract New isotopic (Rb–Sr, U–Pb zircon and Sm–Nd) and petrological data are presented for part of an extensive Proterozoic mobile belt (locally known as the Rayner Complex) in East Antarctica. Much of the belt is the product of Mid-Proterozoic (∼ 1800–2000 Ma) juvenile crustal formation. Melting of this crust at about 1500 Ma ago produced the felsic magmas from which the dominant orthogneisses of this terrain were subsequently derived. Deformation and transitional granulite-amphibolite facies conditions (which peaked at 750 ± 50°C and 7–8 kbar (0.7–0.8 GPa) produced open to tight folding about E–W axes and syn-tectonic granitoids about 960 Ma ago. Subsequent felsic magmatism occurred at about 770 Ma and not, as has been widely advocated, at 500–550 Ma, which appears to have been a time of widespread upper greenschist facies (400–500°C) metamorphism, localized shearing and faulting. Sm-Nd model ages of 1.65–2.18 Ga disprove a previously favoured hypothesis that the Rayner Complex mostly represents reworked Archaean rocks from the neighbouring craton (Napier Complex). Models that involve rehydration of the Napier Complex are no longer required, since the Rayner Complex was its own source of water. Two episodes of Proterozoic crustal growth are identified, the later of which occurred between about 1200 Ma and 1000 Ma, and was relatively minor. Sedimentation took place only shortly before Late Proterozoic orogenesis. The multiphase history of the Rayner Complex has resulted in complex isotopic behaviour. Three temporally discrete episodes of Pb loss from zircon have been identified, the earliest two of which are responses to the c. 960 Ma and 540 Ma tectonothermal events. Fluid leaching was operative during the later event for there is a good correlation between degree of isotopic discordance and secondary mineral growth. Pb loss during the high-grade event was probably governed by the same process or by lattice annealing. Some zircon suites also document recent Pb loss. Most lower concordia intercepts have no direct geological meaning and are explicable as mixed ages produced by incomplete Pb loss during two or more secondary events. Whereas all zircon separates from the orthogneisses produce U–Pb isotopic alignments, zircons from the only analysed paragneiss produce scattered data, in part reflecting a range of provenance. The 960 Ma event was also associated with the growth of a characteristically low U zircon (∼ 300 μg/g) in rocks of inferred high Zr content. There is ubiquitous evidence for the resetting of Rb–Sr total-rock isochrons. Even samples separated by up to 10 km fail to produce igneous crystallization ages. Minor mineralogical changes produced by the 540 Ma upper greenschist-facies metamorphism were sufficient to almost completely reset some Rb–Sr isochrons and to produce open system conditions on outcrop scale, at least in one location.  相似文献   

The Oranjekom Complex, a small mafic to anorthositic layered intrusion situated on the eastern margin of the Namaqua Mobile Belt, forms part of a number of such intrusions that were intruded early in the evolution of the belt. These have subsequently been deformed and isochemically metamorphosed to amphibole-bearing rocks. Petrographic and geochemical evidence indicates that the magmas were alumina-rich and that plagioclase was the primary liquidus phase, but in situ differentiation trends are shown mainly by the mafic phases. This implies that plagioclase crystals, although present in the magma, remained partially in suspension, whereas the mafic minerals accumulated. This is supported by both major and trace element character of the rocks. The RbSr and SmNd isotopic systems indicate that the Oranjekom Complex was intruded and metamorphosed at ca. 1100 Ma. This was followed by further metamorphism at ca. 944 Ma. The isotopic character indicates a depleted mantle source, that gives an age slightly older but within error of the estimated time of intrusion. Further data is required to precisely constrain the age of intrusion of these important markers in the evolution of the Namaqua Orogen. The isotope data indicate that there was limited crustal interaction indicating a thin (possibly juvenile) crust at that time.  相似文献   

对班公湖-怒江西段舍马拉沟蛇绿岩中层状辉长岩的Sm-Nd、K-Ar同位素测定结果表明,Sm-Nd内部等时线年龄为(191 22)Ma,K-Ar年龄为(140 4.07)Ma和(152.30 3.60)Ma,结合地质资料分析,认为前者代表了洋盆张开年龄为早侏罗世,后者代表受到洋壳俯冲影响的时问;根据中段、东段蛇绿岩带已有的资料,讨论了班公湖-怒江蛇绿岩带的洋盆张开时代、俯冲时间及闭合时代,认为班公湖-怒江洋盆可能在早侏罗世自东向西同时张开,中侏罗世开始极性向南的俯冲,洋盆最终在早侏罗世末封闭。  相似文献   

通过1:5万黑红山幅区调工作,在内蒙古北山造山带的额勒根地区新发现并详细填绘出一套由玄武岩、斜长花岗岩、硅质岩和砂板岩构成的蛇绿构造混杂岩组合,该蛇绿混杂岩带呈NWW向带状展布,宽2.5~8 km,延伸约25 km。其中,玄武岩具富Na2O(3.02%~6.04%)、MgO(4.29%~5.46%)而贫K2O(0.03%~0.23%)、TiO2(0.44%~0.59%),轻稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分模式为平坦型;微量元素富集大离子亲石元素Ba、U,明显亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta、P、Ti,兼具洋中脊玄武岩和岛弧玄武岩特征。斜长花岗岩与蛇绿岩中的玄武岩具相似的岩石地球化学特征,形成于玄武质岩浆部分熔融,稀土元素配分模式显示弱负Eu异常的似平坦型曲线。在斜长花岗岩中获得LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为342±4.7 Ma,推测古洋壳形成于早石炭世。结合蛇绿岩两侧不同时代火山岩构造环境的分析,认为额勒根蛇绿混杂岩为古亚洲洋向南俯冲过程中弧后扩张形成的SSZ型蛇绿岩。晚中生代一系列北东向左行走滑断裂,使红石山-百合山蛇绿岩带向北错移至额勒根一带通过。该蛇绿岩带的发现,解决了区域上红石山-百合山蛇绿岩带的东延问题,为北山乃至中亚造山带古生代构造演化提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

The Taitao ophiolite of southern Chile lies 10 km from the buried extension of the Peru-Chile trench, and less than 50 km from the present position of the Nazca/South America/Antarctica triple junction. Plio-Pleistocene radiometric and paleontologic ages indicate its formation during ridge subduction, and an ultramafic rock, gabbro, sheeted dike, volcanic and sedimentary rock psuedostratigraphy suggests formation by typical accretionary processes for oceanic lithosphere. Yet major and trace element data show that mafic dikes and volcanic units are transitional from MORB to IAT, and there are abundant silicic volcanic units of calc-alkaline character that have high LIL element and light REE concentrations relative to oceanic plagiogranites. Sr and Nd isotopic data are consistent with that of modern oceanic suites, even though having a greater internal variability. Silicic volcanic units show the more enriched Sr and depleted Nd isotopic ratios relative to dike and gabbro samples. In addition to chemical distinctions, paleobathymetric data support a shallow water origin for some of the upper volcanic units and, assuming local compensation, suggest crustal thicknesses of continental proportion. In the vicinity of the Taitao ophiolite, and extending some 40 km landward of the plate margin, are a series of silicic stocks, sills, and plutons that were intruded into the forearc at the time of ridge collision and ophiolite generation. These calc-alkaline I-type granitoids are light REE enriched and have Sr and Nd isotopic compositions similar to those of the main volcanic chain 200 km landward. Chemically, some of the silicic intrusions are indistinguishable from volcanic units of the ophiolite. In general, major, trace, REE, and isotopic variations of both the ophiolite and the distributed intrusions are atypical of simple fractionation trends for basaltic liquids. Intermediate to silicic units lie along mixing hyperbolae between Taitao gabbro and either forearc sediment or metamorphic basement on a Nd---Sr correlation diagram, and these two crustal components support, respectively, either a 10–25% or 5–10% assimilation. Shutdown of magmatism, and therefore probably partial melting as well, appears to occur within 40 km of the trench, roughly spanning the depth interval for the disappearance of the plagioclase-lherzolite stability field as the zone of mantle upwelling is overridden by an increasing thickness of continental lithosphere. A deeper and more landward absence of partial melt related to the subducted ridge is supported by the correlation of the shutoff and re-initiation of arc volcanism over the northern and southern trailing edges of the postulated subcontinental asthenospheric window. Here, as well as elsewhere in the circum-Pacific, the general restriction of magmatism related to ridge subduction to near-trench settings supports a shallow (0 to 15 km) shutoff mechanism for adiabatic decompressive melting and a rather abrupt return to single-phase (solid) convective rise of mantle into an evolving asthenospheric window.  相似文献   

Summary Early Proterozoic layered intrusions, about 2440 Ma in age, are widespread over a large area of the northeastern Fennoscandian Shield in Finland, Sweden and the Soviet Union. Only one intrusion, the Kukkola intrusion, is encountered in Sweden whereas in Finland, their number exceeds twenty. These are concentrated principally in two areas, the dicontinuous Tornio-Närdnkävaara intrusion belt which crosses northern Finland and the Koitelainen intrusion with its satellites located in central Finnish Lapland. The intrusions in the Soviet Union are concentrated in three areas: (i) on the Kola Peninsula, (ii) in the Paanajärvi area close to the Finnish border and (iii) northeast of Lake Onega.Examples of all the ore types characteristic of layered intrusions have been found in these intrusions. Chromitite layers are encountered in the Kukkola/Tornio, Kemi, Penikat, Koitelainen and Burakovsky intrusions, but only one, the Kemi chromitite, has so far been mined. The Portimo, Koillismaa, Monchegorsk and Fedorova intrusions are characterized by PGE-bearing Cu-Ni-deposits in their marginal series. Mineralized zones enriched in PGE are also encountered in the layered series. Those in the Penikat intrusion and in the Portimo intrusions are the most remarkable and the best known to date. Vanadium-bearing Fe-Ti-oxide layers are encountered in several intrusions, but only one, the Mustavaara deposit, is presently being exploited.Two types of parental magma have tentatively been proposed for these intrusions. The first type is represented by a magma which was relatively rich in magnesium and chromium and was as a whole boninitic in composition, whereas the plagioclase-rich intrusions and megacyclic units are interpreted as having crystallized from a magma which was greatly depleted in these elements, especially Cr, and had melted crustal material incorporated in it.The emplacement of the early Proterozoic layered intrusions in Fennoscandia was part of the world-wide igneous activity indicated by other layered intrusions and mafic dyke swarms of similar age in other ancient cratons, i.e. the Jimberlana intrusion in Australia, the Great Dyke in Zimbabwe, the Scouric picrite suite in Scotland, the Hearst-Matachewan dyke swarm, Copper Cliff Formation and East Bull Lake intrusion in Ontario, Canada, and the Vestfold Hills and Napier Complex dyke swarms in Antarctica. This almost contemporaneous occurrence in different parts of the world would suggest a more intimate relationship between the Fennoscandian Shield, northwest Scotland, Canadian Shield, Yilgarn Block, Zimbabwe Craton and East Antarctic Shield at the beginning of the Proterozoic than at present.
Früh-Proterozoische geschichtete Intrusionen im nordöstlichen Teil des Fennoskandischen Schildes
Zusammenfassung Im Nordost-Teil des Fennoskandischen Schildes in Finnland, Schweden und der Sowjetunion kommen fast vierzig frühproterozoische geschichtete Intrusionen, die ungefähr 2440 Mio J. alt sind, vor. Nur eine davon, die Kukkola Intrusion, liegt in Schweden, während in Finnland mehr als zwanzig Intrusionen vorkommen. Diese sind hauptsächlich in zwei Gebieten konzentriert, nämlich in dem nicht-zusammenhängenden Tornio-Näränkävaara Gürtel, der das nördliche Finnland durchzieht, und die Koitelainen-Intrusion mit ihren Satelliten im zentralen Finnischen Lapland. Die Intrusionen in der Sowjetunion sind in drei Gebieten konzentriert: (i) auf der Kola Halbinsel (ii) im Paanajärvi Gebiet nahe der Finnischen Grenze und (iii) östlich vom Onega-See.Beispiele aller für geschichtete Intrusionen charakteristischen Erztypen kommen vor. Chromititlagen sind in den Intrusionen von Kukkola/Tornio, Kemi, Penikat, Koitelainen und Burakovsky zu finden, aber nur eine davon, der Kemi Chromitit, ist bisher in Abbau genommen worden.Die Portimo-, Koillismaa-, Monchegorsk- und Fedorova-Intrusionen werden durch PGE-führende Kupfer-Nickel-Lagerstätten in ihren randlichen Bereichen charakterisiert. Mineralisierte Zonen die an PGE angereichert sind kommen auch in den geschich teten Serien vor. Die bemerkenswertesten sind die PGE-Vererzungen der Penikat- und der Portimo-Intrusionen. Vanadium-führende Fe-Ti-Oxidlagen kommen in verschiedenen Intrusionen vor, aber nur eine davon, die Mustavaara-Lagerstätte, ist bisher abgebaut worden.Diese Intrusionen werden auf zwei verschiedene Magmentypen zurückgeführt. Ersteres ist ein Magma das relativ reich an Magnesium und Chrom war und eine boninitische Zusammensetzung hatte, während die Plagioklas-reichen Intrusionen, und die megazyklischen Einheiten auf ein Magma das an diesen Elementen (besonders Cr) verarmt war, und das Krustenmaterial aufgeschmolzen hat, zurückgehen.Die Platznahme der frühproterozoischen geschichteten Intrusionen in Fennoskandien stellt einen Teil weltweiter magmatischer Aktivität dar, die durch andere geschichtete Intrusionen und mafische Gänge von fast identischem Alter in anderen alten Kratonen repräsentiert wird. Hier ist die Jimberlana-Intrusion in Australien, der Great Dyke in Zimbabwe, die Pikrit-Suite von Scourie in Schottland, die Gänge von Hearst-Matachewan, die Copper Cliff Formation und die East Bull Lake Intrusion in Ontario, Kanada ebenso wie die Gangsysteme der Vesthold Hills und des Napier Komplexes in Antarctica zu nennen. Diese fast gleichaltrigen Vorkommen in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt weisen auf eine engere Beziehung zwischen dem Fennoskandischen Schild, Nordwest-Schottland, dem Kanadischen Schild, dem Yilgarn Block, dem Zimbabwe-Craton und dem Ostantarktischen Schild zum Beginn des Proterozoikums hin.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

正秦岭造山带由华北板块和扬子板块及其间的微板块经过多期次不同构造运动叠加复合形成,是我国中央造山带的重要组成部分,其形成和演化过程记录了华北板块和扬子板块元古代俯冲消减、古生代弧-陆碰撞和早中生代的陆内造山运动的重要信息(Meng Qingren et al., 2000)。秦岭杂岩(原秦岭岩群)作为秦岭造山带最古老的前寒武纪结晶基底,是研究秦岭造山带构造演化的重要窗口。前人对侵入其中的小型岩体、岩脉研究较少。本次研究  相似文献   

The metamorphic Raspas Complex of southwest Ecuador consists of high-pressure mafic, ultramafic, and sedimentary rocks. The Lu–Hf ages of a blueschist, a metapelite, and an eclogite overlap at around 130 Ma and date high-pressure garnet growth. Peak metamorphic conditions in the eclogites reached 1.8 GPa at 600°C, corresponding to a maximum burial depth of ~60 km. The geochemical signatures of the eclogites suggest that their protoliths were typical mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB), whereas the blueschists exhibit seamount-like characteristics, and the eclogite-facies peridotites seem to represent depleted, MORB-source mantle. That these rocks were subjected to similar peak PT conditions contemporaneously suggests that they were subducted together as an essentially complete section within the slab. We suggest that this section became dismembered from the slab during burial at great depth—perhaps as a consequence of scraping off the seamounts. The spatially close association of MORB-type eclogite, seamount-type blueschist, serpentinized peridotite, and metasediments points to an exhumed high-pressure ophiolite sequence.  相似文献   

Data from detailed sample traverses in the layered gabbro unit of the North Arm Mauntain massif, Bay of Islands ophiolite, allow meter-scale resolution of magmatic processes in spreading ridge magma chambers. One suite of 46 samples from a 195 m interval near the base of the layered gabbro unit contains cumulus plagioclase (An73.7–87.5; average modal abundance=75%), clinopyroxene (Mg#=80.3–86.0; 18%), and olivine (Fo76.6–82.1; 6%), with intergranular orthopyroxene (Mg#=78.0–83.3; 1%), and accessory Cr-Al spinel (Cr#=32.3–41.4). Ilmenite rims spinel in one sample. Whole rock Zr contents range from <6 to 15 ppm. Plots of stratigraphic height in the traverse versus petrogenetic indicators (e.g. Mg#'s of mafic phases and An in plagioclase) reveal both normal and reverse cryptic variation patterns; the patterns for all indices are generally correlated. The normal portions of the patterns formed during fractional crystallization of basalt batches. Ranges of mineral compositions in the normal trends suggest that 29–38% crystallization of each batch of basalt occurred before magmatic replenishment. The reverse cryptic trends formed by crystallization of hybrid magmas produced during periods of magma mixing. Other evidence for magma mixing is the systematic association of spinel and reversely zoned plagioclase with the reverse trends. Experiments and observations of natural assemblages indicate that 55% modal plagioclase crystallizes from basalts at the olivine+plagioclase+clinopyroxene+liquid piercing point. The average plagioclase content of this suite of leucogabbros from North Arm Mountain is too high to have formed from simple crystallization at the piercing point. Petrologic modeling indicates the leucogabbros may have formed from basalts into which a small amount (<10%) of plagioclase was resorbed during mixing; the initial compositions of these hybrid basalts lie in the plagioclase primary phase volume. Other suites of layered gabbros from North Arm Mountain are not so plagioclase-rich as the leucogabbros described above. Crystallization of basalts in the plagioclase primary phase volume and the consequent formation of plagioclaserich gabbros may occur in restricted portions of zoned magma chambers underlying oceanic spreading centers, or may occur episodically in the overall lifetimes of the magma chambers.  相似文献   

Small Archaean, pre-metamorphic layered sill-like intrusions showing Stillwatertype differentiation are widespread in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia. The sills have undergone low-grade metamorphism, but the retention of some original minerals and excellent preservation of primary textures have enabled most of their original features to be reconstructed. Despite their small size in comparison with well known layered intrusions, simple differentiation sequences are developed ranging upwards from dunite and harzburgite through orthopyroxenite, norite, norite-gabbro and gabbro to granophyre and anorthosite. The parent magma for the sills appears to have been rich in MgO (15–18%) and is probably represented by the spatially associated high-Mg basalts found in the region. The complexes are interpreted as being contemporaneous with volcanism and may be high-level emplacements.  相似文献   

The chilled margins of the Michikamau, Muskox, Skaergaard, and Bushveld intrusions were experimentally remelted over a range of f O 2. The observed primary phases, at certain values of f O 2 (generally 10–12 to 10–8 atm) correspond with the reported mineralogy of the earliest cumulates. Previous investigations appear to have been conducted at higher values of f O 2 (>10–6 atm) at which the experimental mineralogy did not relate to the cumulates.October 1973 to October 1974 at Division of Tribophysics, C.S.I.R.O., P.O. Box 4331, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia.  相似文献   

攀西裂谷地区层状镁铁岩的PGE矿化作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
攀西裂谷位于四川西部,裂谷经历了元古宙和海西期二次地幔柱活动,形成多处穹窿构造和层状镁铁质岩体的侵入。后一期的层状岩体赋存著名的超大型钒钛磁铁矿床。中国和南非合作研究认为,层状岩体PGE矿化应进一步研究。以新街岩体为代表,经钻探工程建立了岩体剖面;岩石学、矿物学和地球化学研究证实,岩体有三个岩浆旋回和许多韵律层,层厚仅2~3cm。自上而下岩相为辉长岩、橄辉岩、辉石岩和橄榄岩,造岩矿物为贵橄榄石、普通辉石、钛普通辉石和中长石。岩体下部旋回,硫化物较富集,多在高镁质岩相。硅酸盐、氧化物和硫化物三系列矿物共生而不混熔。硫化物呈浸染状,主要有三层,产在橄榄岩、辉石岩和下辉长岩内。铂族矿物有砷铂矿、自然铂、硫锇矿、铋碲钯矿、碲铋矿、碲银矿、自然银等。PGE富集可能有三个阶段:岩浆早期,岩浆中"S"不饱和,PGE易进入硅酸盐;岩浆晚期"S"逸度增高,硫化物富集,为PGE富集阶段;热液阶段PGE再分配富集。PGE和Ni、Cu、S为正相关关系,和Fe、Ti相辅相成,无明显关系。岩石中PGE背景值为(0.166~0.411)×10-6,PGE矿化体的品位变化较大,为(0.94~0.976)×10-6。有的钻孔样品Pt+Pd含量大于1×10-6,可做进一步找矿的依据。  相似文献   

Massive continental volcanism and/or bolide impacts are considered by many authors to have caused three major mass extinction events during the last 300 million years: the end-Permian, end-Cretaceous and end-Triassic extinctions. However, re-evaluation of the frequency of bolide impacts and plume-related flood basalt provinces indicates that both types of event occur much more frequently than mass extinctions, and so, in isolation, may not be responsible for the largest extinctions. Furthermore, the kill mechanisms associated with either flood basalts or impacts do not appear to be sufficiently powerful to cause worldwide collapse of ecosystems leading to the largest mass extinctions. Contemporaneous flood basalts and bolide impact may be prerequisites for the largest mass extinctions. We present a statistical analysis of the probability of coincidence between volcanism and impact, and show that three random coincidences of these events in the last 300 m.y. are likely. No causal relationship between impact and volcanism is necessary. The lesser mass extinctions, on the other hand, may not require juxtaposition of two such catastrophic events; such coincidences occurring on more than three occasions during the last 300 m.y. become increasingly unlikely.  相似文献   

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