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层状岩质边坡破坏模式及稳定性的数值分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林杭  曹平  李江腾  江学良  何忠明 《岩土力学》2010,31(10):3300-3304
运用FLAC3D模拟层状岩质边坡的破坏模式,并采用强度折减法分析结构面倾角与稳定性之间的关系。结果表明:①水平层状边坡坡顶变形破坏早于坡面和坡脚,形成拉破坏区。当结构面倾角较小时,顺倾向层状边坡主要发生滑移破坏;当结构面倾角较大时,发生弯折-溃曲破坏。直立层状边坡主要发生弯曲-板间拉裂-塌落破坏。逆倾向层状边坡的破坏形式为对于小倾角为滑移破坏,对于陡倾角为倾倒破坏。②对于顺倾向边坡,整体安全系数随结构面倾角先减小后增大,呈现两头高、中间低的形态,在倾角为30°时安全系数最小;对于逆倾向边坡,曲线呈现增大-减小-增大的态势,并且大部分高于顺倾向边坡曲线,符合实际情况。③所采用的低强度弹塑性单元能够比较真实地模拟软弱结构面的变形。  相似文献   

韩智铭  乔春生  朱举 《岩土力学》2018,39(7):2451-2460
天然岩体中常含有多组相互交叉的贯通节理,它们的存在极大地削弱了岩体的力学性质。为了研究含两组交叉贯通节理岩体的强度及破坏特征,基于弹塑性数值流形方法,对不同应力状态下,节理倾角和节理间距不同的岩体压缩试验进行数值模拟。结果表明:岩体强度随节理倾角的变化曲线呈现出多波峰、多波谷特点,岩体强度随节理间距变化曲线符合负指数函数形式。根据节理状态,两组节理岩体的破坏模式可以分为3种:岩块破坏、沿一组节理滑移和沿两组节理滑移。两组节理均会影响岩体强度,一组起主要作用,另一组起次要作用,并且节理组之间存在相互影响。通过对数值计算结果进行回归分析,基于一组节理岩体强度预测模型,量化节理组之间的相互影响,提出适用于含两组交叉贯通节理岩体的强度预测模型。模型形式简单,使用方便,可为实际工程中正确评估岩体强度提供指导性意见。  相似文献   

复杂岩质边坡主要受结构面发育状态控制形成多种类型的变形破坏模式,与土质边坡迥异。本文以招商局漳州开发区11号山西段边坡为例,基于现场地质调查,对其主要节理面进行统计分析和变形模式评判,并对圆弧滑动破坏、楔形体破坏、平面滑动破坏及滚石破坏等各种破坏类型进行定量化评价,进而对边坡整体稳定性进行分析评价,为治理该复杂岩质边坡提出合理化建议,并总结形成复杂岩质边坡稳定性分析的评价思路和基本流程。  相似文献   

隧道等洞室开挖后,其周边通常会产生许多贯穿裂隙,直接影响到围岩稳定。研究贯穿裂隙岩体的强度及其破坏方式对于围岩加固等具有重要意义。基于库伦强度准则,通过建立数学模型,利用 - 坐标系下裂隙面和岩块的强度曲线位置关系研究了贯穿裂隙岩体强度和破坏方式。探讨了贯穿裂隙岩体强度与裂隙面的倾斜角、黏聚力和内摩擦角及岩块的黏聚力和内摩擦角间的关系,得到了贯穿裂隙岩体破坏方式的相关判据。数值算例表明该模型能够预测在任意最小主应力下贯穿裂隙岩体的强度和任意加卸荷路径下岩体破坏方式,与传统的利用 - 坐标系下裂隙面、岩块的强度曲线和摩尔应力圆的位置关系来判断岩体破坏方式的方法相比,该模型的方法更简便有效,结论更直观,能更好地为工程设计和岩体加固提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Step-path failure of rock slopes with intermittent joints   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Plane failure analysis of rock slopes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Hoek and Bray (1981) gave an analytical approach for plane failure analysis for rock slopes that is limited to those slopes in which the upper slope surface is horizontal and the tension crack is vertical. An analysis is presented here which can take these factors into account. It is found that varying the angle of the upper slope from 0° to 30° causes a significant reduction in the factor of safety. Varying the tension crack from vertical to 70° only has an effect when the upper slope angle is less than 20°.  相似文献   

In this paper, a system reliability analysis of rock slope stability with considering all input parameters as stochastic parameter is presented. To perform reliability analysis a cut-set system has been used. For this purpose, Sequential Compounding Method (SCM) as a powerful method for reducing the computational time and accurate evaluation is employed to determine the reliability indices with considering correlations between failure modes which are calculated by defining equivalent linear safety margin for each failure mode. Furthermore, the 3-D system probability of failure surface is presented and the probabilistic model is developed to evaluate the rock slope probability of failure.  相似文献   

临空面的几何形状在边坡破坏模式与稳定性分析中起着举足轻重的作用。运动学分析是确定边坡破坏模式与评价边坡稳定性的一种有效方法。目前基于运动学分析的边坡稳定性研究主要集中于单临空面边坡的破坏模式与最大安全开挖边坡角的确定。本文将此项研究扩展至双临空面边坡,将其破坏模式细分为4种,分别为沿结构面发生单平面滑动、沿结构面发生楔形体滑动、沿两个结构面的交线发生楔形体滑动以及倾倒破坏。在立体投影中得出,平滑滑动与楔形体滑动的滑动区为双临空面真倾向线与摩擦圆所组成的区域,单个结构面倾角矢量与两个结构面交线矢量位于该区城内;倾倒破坏区为双临空面真倾向线、摩擦圆与基圆所组成的区域,结构面的法向矢量位于该区城内。提出了双临空面边坡最大安全开挖边坡角的确定方法及边坡设计原则。最后将上述方法应用于三峡库区湖北省秭归县郭家坝镇郭家坝村生基坡高边坡,研究了该双临空面边坡的破坏模式并给出了最大安全边坡角的建议值  相似文献   

The variability of shear characteristics of rock discontinuities is often difficult to ascertain. Thus, even with the reliability-based design (RBD) approach, which allows for consideration of the uncertainty of input parameters, the design of a rock slope system may be either cost-inefficient (overdesign) or unsafe (under-design), depending on whether the variation of input parameters is overestimated or underestimated. The uncertainty about the variation of input parameters is a critical issue in a RBD. This paper presents a feasible approach to addressing this problem using robust design concept. First, the uncertainty of the estimated statistics of input parameters (such as rock properties) is represented by fuzzy sets, which requires only the knowledge of lower and upper bounds of the estimated statistics. Then, the robust design concept is implemented to ensure that the final design is insensitive to, or robust against, the uncertainty of the estimated statistics of input parameters. The design methodology is demonstrated with an application to the design of a rock slope system with multiple failure modes. This design methodology, termed robust geotechnical design (RGD), aims to achieve a certain level of design robustness, in addition to meeting safety and cost requirements. In this paper, the RGD framework is realized through a multi-objective optimization, as it involves three requirements, safety, cost, and robustness. The significance of the design methodology is demonstrated with an example of rock slope design.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a system reliability approach for evaluating the stabilities of rock wedges considering multiple correlated failure modes. A probabilistic fault tree is employed to model the system aspects of the problem. The system reliability analysis is performed using an N-dimensional equivalent method taking into account correlations between different failure modes. Reliability sensitivity analyses at three different levels, namely, single limit state function level, single failure mode level, and system reliability level, were carried out to study the effect of changes in variables on the stability of the wedge. An example case was analysed to illustrate the proposed approach. The stability of the wedge can be evaluated efficiently using the proposed system reliability approach in a more systematic and quantitative way. The probabilities of failure of the wedge from the N-dimensional equivalent method are fairly consistent with those from the Monte Carlo simulation method. The results demonstrate that the probability of failure will be overestimated if the correlations between different failure modes of the wedge are not taken into account. They also demonstrate that the relative importance of different failure modes to the system reliability of the wedge can differ considerably and be treated systematically and quantitatively by the proposed approach. The sensitivity results are highly dependent on the selected sensitivity analysis level.  相似文献   

岩质边坡稳定性分析的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过最大剪应力等值线来确定边坡的滑动面,并与其结构面抗剪强度相比较,给出了确定边坡的稳定系数的方法。  相似文献   

基于国内外研究现状和岩质滑坡案例,总结出岩质滑坡的水力致灾机制,归纳考虑水力作用下的岩质斜坡主要失稳破坏模式,评述了岩质斜坡稳定性分析方法。岩质滑坡的水力致灾机制主要由于水对滑体产生的静水压力(岩体侧面的推力、滑面的扬压力和岩体的浮力)和动水压力(向坡外的渗透力)作用。从渗流—应力耦合的角度可较全面评价水渗流对坡体稳定性的影响。斜坡的岩体结构决定了水力作用方式和坡体的失稳破坏形式,考虑水力作用下的岩质斜坡失稳破坏形式主要有:顺层滑动、平推式滑动、楔形体滑移和危岩的崩塌。对于水力作用下岩质斜坡的稳定性分析方法主要有极限平衡法、有限元强度折减法、基于断裂力学的危岩稳定性分析法和渗流—应力耦合模型分析法,其中前两种方法应用较为广泛。  相似文献   

基于岩体结构面分布分形维的岩体质量评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
尽管岩体结构面具有空间上的不规则性和结构网络上的复杂性,但由于它又具有自相似的特征,可以运用分形理论来对其进行研究。运用盒计维数法对某矿山巷道围岩体结构面分布的分维数进行计算,验证了岩体结构面分布的分形特征。通过对岩体结构面分布分形维值分布规律的分析发现,分形维数越大、结构面分布越密集,结构面迹线越长,岩体质量越差,表明可将岩体结构面分布的分形维作为岩体质量评价的指标。将计算所得的岩体结构面分布的分维数与按工程岩体分级标准对相应岩体分级所得的岩体质量等级进行对比,提出了一个以岩体结构面分布的分形维作为分级指标的岩体质量评价方案。  相似文献   

Summary Based on an extension to a model originally proposed by Zhang (1990), a method for estimating the shear strength of a jointed rock mass containing two joint sets is developed. Compared to the original method in which only a single en-echelon joint set was considered, the new method has the following advantages: (1) it allows a much more realistic joint pattern to be incorporated; (2) the effects of joint connectivity and intersection angle between joint sets on shear strength are included. Use of the new method is demonstrated by application to the calculation of the stability of slopes in jointed rock. The importance of joint connectivity, joint persistence and joint set intersection angle on slope stability, as predicted by the model, is revealed.  相似文献   

通过分析岩质高边坡的稳定性,采用格构式加固设计,确定了详细的设计方案;采用有限差分方法来模拟加固方案的数值解法,建立了实际的差分模型,经过计算得出加固后的边坡滑动面消失,支护后岩质边坡的稳定性系数满足要求,边坡处于稳定,为以后实际的边坡加固工程设计和计算依据提供借鉴。  相似文献   

水下岩质边坡稳定性的模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜海西  沈明荣  程石  肖汝诚 《岩土力学》2009,30(7):1993-1999
随着三峡水利建设工程的进行,许多原本位于水面以上且已趋于稳定的人工或自然岩质边坡将被淹没,导致边坡稳定性降低,而水的压力、冲击、渗流和侵蚀等综合作用,给下岩质边坡的稳定性带来大量的不确定性。基于已有的水下土质边坡稳定性试验和水下岩质边坡有限元分析,进行水下岩质边坡模型试验研究,探讨在水位升降水过程中和波浪作用下水下岩质边坡的稳定性和破坏机制。将结构面为30°和50°的两种岩质边坡模型布置在人工水槽中,采用波流系统进行水位升降水波浪冲击试验,量测岩质边坡的应力变化。通过分析边坡各测点应力变化,得出了一些有意义的结论:(1)把边坡前部岩体划分成3个区域,每个区域内应力变化规律相同;(2)水下岩质边坡坡脚处应力集中最大,破坏始于坡脚,并由此产生的塑性区沿结构面逐渐同坡顶发展,这与一般边坡从坡顶逐渐向下发展的开裂破坏形式完全不同;(3)波浪对水下岩质边坡结构面的影响,将随其倾角的变小而减弱。  相似文献   

对典型岩体边坡在地下水作用下的抗滑稳定系数进行了推导,绘制了张裂隙充满水的岩体边坡抗滑稳定系数与斜坡要素之间的关系图表以及滑动临界曲线,由此可根据边坡几何要素直接查出抗滑稳定系数和判断是否会发生滑动破坏。  相似文献   

杨令强  马静  陈祖坪 《岩土力学》2009,30(2):468-472
层间错动带是岩体结构中普遍存在的一种地质现象,含错动带的岩质边坡三维分析更是岩土工程关注的难点问题。结合国内某高拱坝工程,根据岩体层间错动带的分布状况,利用等厚度节理单元模拟了坝区22层错动带和软弱夹层,利用Mohr-Coulomb准则确定节理单元的破环方式,提出了岩质边坡三维滑动面的确定方法,该方法考虑了岩石和错动带(软弱夹层)的随机性。利用弹塑性理论、可靠度理论和破坏追踪相结合的方法,通过3 000多次有限元的计算,得到了边坡滑动面的位置、形态、破坏的先后顺序、滑动的方向以及滑动到任何程度的概率度量。含层间错动带的岩质边坡渐进破坏模式可概括为边坡的破坏起始于层间错动带的剪切破坏。随着各层间错动带的破坏、边坡结构性能恶化,部分较薄的岩层变成不同支撑形式的板,然后部分岩层开始破坏,边坡开始滑动,形成一个或几个破坏台阶,直至失稳。  相似文献   

块状岩体边坡倾倒破坏稳定性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于Scavia模型,该文给出了由台阶状破坏面上柱状岩块所组成的具有潜在旋转-倾倒破坏模式的完整改进理论解。新的闭解允许经典模型中两组节理交汇所形成的直角可为任意角度,锚固力和地震作用力为任意方向,水压力可以是块体高度内的任意值。为了展示一般的运用方法,也为了说明倾倒破坏模式的普遍规律,该文接着给出了可变几何外形的若干理想边坡倾倒破坏的稳定性分析,其分析结果可以用来指导倾倒破坏边坡的加固处理  相似文献   

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