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Supporters of the standard Big Bang theory point to the abundances of light elements, predicted by Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) as one of the main observational supports of the theory. However, current data no longer confirm BBN. Instead, measurements of the abundances of He3, He4, and D clearly contradict BBN at more than a 3 level, eliminating a key support of the Big Bang.  相似文献   

Wilkinson microwave anisotropy probe (WMAP) has provided us with the highest resolution all-sky maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). As a result of thermal Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect, clusters of galaxies are imprinted as tiny, poorly resolved dips on top of primary CMB anisotropies in these maps. Here, I describe different efforts to extract the physics of intracluster medium (ICM) from the sea of primary CMB, through combining WMAP with low-redshift galaxy or X-ray cluster surveys. This finally culminates at a mean (universal) ICM pressure profile, which is for the first time directly constrained from WMAP 3 year maps, and leads to interesting constraints on the ICM baryonic budget.  相似文献   

We look for a non-Gaussian signal in the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP ) 5-year temperature anisotropy maps by performing a needlet-based data analysis. We use the foreground-reduced maps obtained by the WMAP team through the optimal combination of the W, V and Q channels, and perform realistic non-Gaussian simulations in order to constrain the non-linear coupling parameter f NL. We apply a third-order estimator of the needlet coefficients skewness and compute the  χ2  statistics of its distribution. We obtain  −80 < f NL < 120  at 95 per cent confidence level, which is consistent with a Gaussian distribution and comparable to previous constraints on the non-linear coupling. We then develop an estimator of f NL based on the same simulations and we find consistent constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity. We finally compute the three-point correlation function in needlet space: the constraints on f NL improve to  −50 < f NL < 110  at 95 per cent confidence level.  相似文献   

The Galactic foreground contamination in CMBR anisotropies, especially from the dust component, is not easily separable from the cosmological or extragalactic component. In this paper, some doubts will be raised concerning the validity of the methods used until now to remove Galactic dust emission and will show that none of them achieves its goal. First, I review the recent bibliography on the topic and discuss critically the methods of foreground subtraction: the cross-correlation with templates, analysis assuming the spectral shape of the Galactic components, the “maximum entropy method”, “internal linear combination”, and “wavelet-based high resolution fitting of internal templates”. Second, I analyse the Galactic latitude dependence from WMAP data. The frequency dependence is discussed with data in the available literature. The result is that all methods of subtracting the Galactic contamination are inaccurate. The Galactic latitude dependence analysis or the frequency dependence of the anisotropies in the range 50–250 GHz put a constraint on the maximum Galactic contribution in the power spectrum to be less than ∼ 10% (68% C. L.) for an ∼ 1 degree scale, and possibly higher for larger scales. The origin of most of the signals in the CMBR anisotropies is not Galactic. In any case, the subtraction of the galaxy is not accurate enough to allow a “precision Cosmology”; other sources of contamination (extragalactic, solar system) are also present.  相似文献   

The measurements of pulsar frequency second derivatives have shown that they are 102−106 times larger than expected for standard pulsar spin-down law, and are even negative for about half of pulsars. We explain these paradoxical results on the basis of the statistical analysis of the rotational parameters ν, and of the subset of 295 pulsars taken mostly from the ATNF database. We have found a strong correlation between and for both and , as well as between ν and . We interpret these dependencies as evolutionary ones due to being nearly proportional to the pulsars’ age. The derived statistical relations as well as “anomalous” values of are well described by assuming the long-time variations of the spin-down rate. The pulsar frequency evolution, therefore, consists of secular change of ν ev(t), and according to the power law with n≈5, the irregularities, observed within a timespan as a timing noise, and the variations on the timescale larger than that—several decades. This work has been supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant No 04-02-17555), Russian Academy of Sciences (program “Evolution of Stars and Galaxies”), and by the Russian Science Support Foundation. The authors would also like to thank the anonymous referee for valuable comments.  相似文献   

We investigate the shapes and mutual alignment of voids in the large-scale matter distribution of a Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology simulation. The voids are identified using the novel watershed void finder (WVF) technique. The identified voids are quite non-spherical and slightly prolate, with axis ratios in the order of   c  :  b  :  a ≈ 0.5 : 0.7 : 1  . Their orientations are strongly correlated with significant alignments spanning scales  >30  h −1 Mpc  .
We also find an intimate link between the cosmic tidal field and the void orientations. Over a very wide range of scales we find a coherent and strong alignment of the voids with the tidal field computed from the smoothed density distribution. This orientation–tide alignment remains significant on scales exceeding twice the typical void size, which shows that the long-range external field is responsible for the alignment of the voids. This confirms the view that the large-scale tidal force field is the main agent for the large-scale spatial organization of the cosmic web.  相似文献   

We have studied the long-term variations of Mira type variables observed with Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment telescope (ROTSE-IIId) between 2004 and 2009 located at TÜB?TAK National Observatory (TUG) in Antalya, Turkey. The actual pulsation periods, variability amplitudes, epochs of maximums and light curves of selected 70 Mira type variables already defined in the SIMBAD database were investigated. In these variables, 17 periods are identified for the first time.  相似文献   

The identification of non-Gaussian signatures in cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature maps is one of the main cosmological challenges today. We propose and investigate alternative methods to analyse CMB maps. Using the technique of constrained randomization, we construct surrogate maps which mimic both the power spectrum and the amplitude distribution of simulated CMB maps containing non-Gaussian signals. Analysing the maps with weighted scaling indices and Minkowski functionals yields in both cases statistically significant identification of the primordial non-Gaussianities. We demonstrate that the method is very robust with respect to noise. We also show that Minkowski functionals are able to account for non-linearities at higher noise level when applied in combination with surrogates than when only applied to noise added CMB maps and phase randomized versions of them, which only reproduce the power spectrum.  相似文献   

A scheme is proposed for explaining the origin of the observed temperature of the cosmic microwave background (relict) radiation in which this radiation is treated as a product of the decay of primordial vector bosons in the framework of the Hoyle-Narlikar conformal cosmology.  相似文献   

We investigate the use of wavelet transforms in detecting and characterizing non-Gaussian structure in maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We apply the method to simulated maps of the KaiserStebbins effect resulting from cosmic strings, on to which Gaussian signals of varying amplitudes are superposed. We find that the method significantly outperforms standard techniques based on measuring the moments of the pixel temperature distribution. We also compare the results with those obtained using techniques based on Minkowski functionals, and we again find the wavelet method to be superior. In particular, using the wavelet technique, we find that it is possible to detect non-Gaussianity even in the presence of a superposed Gaussian signal with 3 times the rms amplitude of the original cosmic string map. We also find that the wavelet technique is useful in characterizing the angular scales at which the non-Gaussian signal occurs.  相似文献   

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