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Scrub rangelands support livestock grazing and provide ecosystem services to their inhabitants.The present study was conducted in Chakwal,an important tract of ...  相似文献   

The semi-arid grasslands in Inner Mongolia, China have been degraded by long-term grazing. A series of ecological restoration strategies have been implemented to improve grassland service. However, little is known about the effect of these ecological restoration practices on soil carbon and nitrogen storage. In this study, characteristics of vegetation and soil properties under continued grazing and exclusion of livestock for six years due to a nationwide conservation program—′Returning Grazing Lands to Grasslands(RGLG)′ were examined in semi-arid Hulun Buir grassland in Inner Mongolia, China. The results show that removal of grazing for six years resulted in a significant recovery in vegetation with higher above and below-ground biomass, but a lower soil bulk density and pH value. After six years of grazing exclusion, soil organic C and total N storage increased by 13.9% and 17.1%, respectively, which could be partly explained by decreased loss and increased input of C and N to soil. The effects of grazing exclusion on soil C and N concentration and storage primarily occurred in the upper soil depths. The results indicate that removal of grazing pressure within the RGLG program was an effective restoration approach to control grassland degradation in this region. However, more comprehensive studies are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of the RGLG program and to improve the management strategies for grassland restoration in this area.  相似文献   

Grazing exclusion is one of the primary management practices used to restore degraded grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau. However, to date,the effects of long-term grazing exclusion measures on the process of restoring degraded alpine meadows have not been evaluated. In this study, moderately degraded plots, in which the vegetation coverage was approximately 65% and the dominant plant species was Potentilla anserina L, with grazing exclusion for 2 to 23 years, were selected in alpine meadows of H...  相似文献   

Andean grasslands ecosystems are fragile environments with rigorous climatologic conditions and low and variable food for the grazing. The Apolobamba area is located in the Bolivian Andean Mountains. Its high grasslands provide a natural habitat for wild and domestic camelids such as vicuna(Vicugna vicugna) and alpaca(Lama pacos). The botanical diversity plays an essential role in maintaining vital ecosystem functions. The objectives of this research were to determine the seasonal changes in soil properties, to study the vegetation changes during the wet and dry seasons and the influence of soil properties and camelid densities on the vegetation in the Apolobamba grasslands. Four zones with different vicuna populations were selected to be studied. The following soil parameters were determined: total organic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorous, cation exchange capacity, exchangeable cations, pH and texture. The vegetation season changes were studied through botanical identification, above-ground biomass, plant cover and species richness. Results showed that some soil properties such as C/N ratio, CEC, silt and clay percentages kept stable against the seasonal changes. Generally, soil nutrients were relatively higher during the dry season in the surface and subsurface. The results did not point out the predominant vegetation growth during the wet season. The seasonal vegetation growth depended on each species. Thegood soil fertility corresponded to the highest plant cover. Soil fertility presented no influence on the above-ground biomass of the collected species. The negative influence of camelid grazing on soil properties could not be assessed. However, overgrazing could affect some plant species. Therefore, protection is needed in order to preserve the biodiversity in the Andean mountain grasslands.  相似文献   

Raindrop size,rainfall intensity and runoff discharge affect the detachment and transportation of soil particles.Among these three factors,the rainfall intensity seems to be more important because it can change other two factors.Storm patterns can be determined by changing the rainfall intensity during the storm.Therefore,the objective of this research is to test the influence of storm pattern on runoff,soil erosion and sediment concentration on a rangeland soil slope under field rainfall simulation.Four storm rainfall intensity patterns were selected for examining the effects of variations in storm event characteristics on soil erosion processes.The selected storm patterns were:I(45,55 and 70 mm h-1);II(45,70 and 55 mm h-1);III:(70,55 and 45 mm h-1);and IV(55,45 and 70 mm h1).The last pattern is a new one instead of the uniform pattern which has been sufficiently studied in previous researches.The experiments were conducted in field plots(in Kojour watershed,Mazandaran Province,Iran)with an area of one square meter and an constant slope gradient of 18%,surrounded by galvanised sheets.Following the nonuniform prioritization of the storm patterns for the studied variables,time to runoff(I>II>IV>III),runoff volume(III>IV>II>I),sediment concentration(IV>III>I>II)and soil erosion(III>IV>II>I)),it can be generally inferred that each pattern has specific effect on soil erosion processes during a storm.The results of the general linear model(GLM)test indicated that the effects of storm pattern on time to runoff,total runoff volume,runoff coefficient and soil erosion were significant at a level of 99%.The Duncan test showed that the storm patterns can be divided into three groups of III,IV;II;I(for time to runoff),I,II;IV,III(for runoff coefficient),and I;II;IV,III(for runoff volume and soil erosion).  相似文献   

Grazing exclusion is widely adopted in restoring degraded alpine grasslands on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. However, its effectiveness remains poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the effects of grazing exclusion on plant productivity, species diversity and soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil total nitrogen (STN) storage along a transect spanning from east to west of alpine meadows in northern Tibet, China. After six years of grazing exclusion, plant cover, aboveground biomass (AGB), belowground biomass (BGB), SOC and STN were increased, but species diversity indices declined. The enhancement of AGB and SOC caused by grazing exclusion was correlated positively with mean annual precipitation (MAP). Grazing exclusion led to remarkable biomass increase of sedge species, especially Kobresia pygmaea, whereas decrease of biomass in forbs and no obvious change in grass, leguminous and noxious species. Root biomass was concentrated in the near surface layer (10 cm) after grazing exclusion. The effects of grazing exclusion on SOC storage were confined to shallow soil layer in sites with lower MAP. It is indicated that grazing exclusion is an effective measure to increase forage production and enhance soil carbon sequestration in the studied region. The effect is more efficient in sites with higher precipitation. However, the results revealed a tradeoff between vegetation restoration and ecological biodiversity. Therefore, carbon pools recover more quickly than plant biodiversity in the alpine meadows. We suggest that grazing exclusion should be combined with other measures to reconcile grassland restoration and biodiversitv conservation.  相似文献   

Impact of anthropogenic disturbance on species diversity and vegetation structure of a lowland tropical rainforest was studied in the foothills of Eastern Himalaya, India. Tree species richness, density, basal area and the diversity indices were found significantly (P<0.05) decreased with the increasing level of disturbances whereas, shrub density, basal area and herb density significantly increased with increasing disturbance level. In case of shrubs, Simpson’s dominance index significantly (P<0.007) increased along the disturbance gradient, whereas Pielou’s evenness index significantly (P<0.005) decreased with an increasing level of disturbance. Shannon-Weiner diversity index for herbs significantly (P<0.016) increased with increasing disturbance whereas, Simpson’s dominance index was significantly (P<0.013) declined along the disturbance gradient. Results revealed that 10–50 cm dbh classes constituted the highest stem density, and highest basal area was recorded in the >100 cm dbh class in all three sites. Density of the matured trees decreased with increasing DBH whereas, tree basal area tended to increase with increasing DBH in all three sites. Tree species richness was highest in the lower DBH classes. 62.07% of the total tree species regenerated in the largely undisturbed site followed by 50% in the mildly disturbed and 26.32% in the highly disturbed site. The overall regeneration condition was found to be good in the largely undisturbed site. Mildly disturbed site exhibited fair regeneration and so was in the highly disturbed site. Discernable variations in species composition, diversity, regeneration and tree population structure revealed the impact of anthropogenic disturbances on rainforest vegetation dynamics. Higher degree of disturbance was furtherly found not only affecting species diversity but also promoting the growth of invasive weed species. Dominance of Hydnocarpus kurzii and Crypteronia paniculata in the highly disturbed site also indicated that these less-valued timber species may benefit from the vegetation mosaic produced by the disturbance; so differences in abundance of these species may be useful for bio-indication. Furthermore, present study suggests the need of adequate biodiversity conservation measures and adaptation of sustainable forest management approaches in disturbed areas of lowland tropical rainforest in the foothills of eastern Himalaya, India.  相似文献   

Based on the field investigation in August 2001 and August 2002, digital China Vegetation Map in 2001 and Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet) Plateau Vegetation Regionalization Map in 1996, vegetation characteristics along two sides of Qinghai-Xizang highway and railway are studied in this paper. Meanwhile, the impact of Qinghai-Xizang highway and railway constructions on the vegetation types are analyzed using ARCVIEW. ARC/1NFO and PATCH ANALYSIS. It was found that: 1) Qinghai-Xizang highway and railway span 9 latitudes, 12 longitudes and 6 physical geographic regions (East Qinghai and Qilian mountain steppe region, Qaidam mountain desert region,South Qinghai-Xizang alpine meadow steppe region. Qiangtang alpine steppe region, Golog-Nagqu alpine shrubmeadow region and South Xizang mountain shrub steppe region); 2) the construction of Qinghai-Xizang highway and railway destroyed natural vegetation and landscape, especially in 50m-wide buffer regions along both sides of the roads, it was estimated that the net primary productivity deceased by about 30 504.62t/a and the gross biomass deceased by 432 919.25-1 436 104.3t. The losing primary productivity accounted for 5.70% of the annual primary productivity within lkm-wide buffer regions (535 005.07-535 740.11t/a), and only 0.80%-0.89% of that within 10km-wide buffer regions (3 408 950.45-3 810 480.92t/a). The losing gross biomass was about 9.47%-17.06% of the gross biomass within lkm-wide buffer regions (7 502 971.85-25 488 342.71t), and only 1.47%-2.94% of that within 10km-wide buffer regions (43 615 065.35-164 150 665.37t).  相似文献   

In recent decades,overgrazing and the warming and drying climate have resulted in significant degradation of alpine grasslands in the source region of the Yellow River.However,research into the relationships between vegetation and soil properties has mainly focused on an overall degradation stage,and few studies have investigated which soil properties can impact vegetation change at different stages of degradation.Vegetation and soil properties were observed in the field and measured in the laboratory for different predefined stages of degradation for alpine grassland in Maduo County in the source region of the Yellow River.Results show that:1)the aboveground and belowground biomass,soil organic carbon,total nitrogen,nitrate,and ammonia content did not decrease significantly from the intact to moderate degradation stage,but decreased significantly at severe and very severe stages of degradation;2)dominant plant species shifted from gramineaes and sedges to forbs;3)the species richness and Pielou evenness indices decreased significantly at the very severe degradation stage,the Shannon-Wiener diversity index increased at the slight and moderate degradation,but decreased at the severe and very severe degradation stages;4)soil bulk density was the strongest soil driver for changes in the plant biomass and community diversity at the intact,slight and moderate degradation stages,whereas soil organic carbon and nitrate nitrogen content were the main driving factors for changes in plant biomass and diversity at the severe and very severe degradation stages.Our results suggest that there may be different interactions between soil properties and plants before and after moderate stages of degradation.  相似文献   

Secondary forests account for a large amount of subtropical forest due to persistent anthropogenic disturbance in China. The interaction between vegetation and soil during recovery process is rather complex and dependent on forest conditions. Understanding how vegetation and soil properties changes and how their relationship develops in secondary forests is key to effective forest restoration and management. Here we explored the patterns of vegetation and soil properties as well as their correlations during forest recovery process in a subtropical forest in south China. Plots of three forest types, i.e., broadleaf-conifer mixed forest, broadleaved forest and old growth stand, were established to represent the recovery stages. The results showed that diversity patterns in the tree, shrub and herb layers were different: in the tree layer the species diversity peaked at the intermediate stage, while in the understory layers it decreased chronologically. Most of the soil factors showed an increasing trend, and different effects of soil factors were found for the three layers as well as for the two spatial scales. Together, our results suggested that vegetation and soil might be interdependent during the recovery course. Further studies are needed on exploring how vegetation interplays with soil at different scales and how nutrient limitations affects the vegetation development in a chronosequence.  相似文献   

Different types of vegetation occupy different geomorphology and water gradient environments in the San-jiang Plain,indicating that the soil moisture dynamics and water balance patterns of the different vegetation communi-ties might differ from each other.In this paper,a lowland system,perpendicular to the Nongjiang River in the Honghe National Nature Reserve(HNNR),was selected as the study area.The area was occupied by the non-wetland plant forest and the typical wetland plant meadow.The Microsoft Windows-based finite element analysis software package for simulating water,heat,and solute transport in variably saturated porous media(HYDRUS),which can quantita-tively simulate water,heat,and/or solute movement in variably-saturated porous media,was used to simulate soil moisture dynamics in the root zone(20-40 cm) of those two plant communities during the growing season in 2005.The simulation results for soil moisture were in a good agreement with measured data,with the coefficient of determi-nation(R2) of 0.44-0.69 and root mean square error(RMSE) ranging between 0.0291 cm3/cm3 and 0.0457 cm3/cm3,and index of agreement(d) being from 0.612 to 0.968.During the study period,the volumetric soil moisture content of meadow increased with the depth and its coefficient of variation decreased with the depth(from 20 cm to 40 cm),while under the forest the soil moisture content at different depths varied irregularly.The calculated result of water budget showed that the water budget deficit of the meadow was higher than that of the forest,suggesting that the meadow is more likely to suffer from water stress than the forest.The quantitative simulation by HYDRUS in this study did not take surface runoff and plant growth processes into account.Improved root water uptake and surface runoff models will be needed for higher accuracy in further researches.  相似文献   

Soil moisture is a limiting factor for vegetation restoration on the Loess Plateau, China. Micro-topography may cause heterogeneities in the distribution of soil moisture, but little is known about its effect on deep soil moisture. Our study aims to explore the distribution and impact of soil moisture within the upper 10 m of soil for different microtopographies. Taking undisturbed slope as the control, five micro-topographies were selected. Soil moisture over a depth of 0-10 m from 2017 to 2019 was investigated, and soil particle size and soil organic matter were measured. Variance analysis and multiple comparisons were used to analyze the difference in soil moisture for different microtopographies and multiple-linear regression was used to analyze the influence of micro-topography on soil moisture. There are significant differences in soil moisture within the different layers underlying the examined micro-topographies, while the inter-annual variation in soil water storage for the selected microtopographies increase with increased rainfall. The depth of influence of micro-topographic vegetation on soil moisture exceeded 1000 cm for a gully(GU), 740 cm for a sink hole(SH), 480 cm for a scarp(SC), 360 cm for an ephemeral gully(EG) and 220 cm for a platform(PL). Micro-topography will cause the heterogeneous distribution of soil moisture in the shallower layers, which changes the vegetation distribution differences between micro-topographies. This may be the survival strategy of herbaceous vegetation in response to climate change in the Loess Plateau. For future vegetation restoration efforts, we need to pay attention to the influence of microtopography on soil moisture.  相似文献   

Rangelands occupy more than 80% of the agricultural land in Kyrgyzstan. At least 30% of Kyrgyz pasture areas are considered to be subject to vegetation and soil degradation. Since animal husbandry is the economic basis to sustain people’s livelihoods, rangeland degradation presents a threat for the majority of the population. We present for the first time an ecological assessment of different pasture types in a remote area of the Naryn Oblast, using vegetation and soils as indicators of rangeland conditions. We analysed the current degree of utilization (grazing pressure), the amount of biomass, soil samples, and vegetation data, using cluster analysis as well as ordination techniques. Winter pastures (kyshtoo) are characterized by higher pH values (average of 7.27) and lower organic matter contents (average of 12.83%) compared to summer pastures (dzailoo) with average pH values of 6.03 and average organic matter contents of 21.05%. Additionally, summer pastures show higher above-ground biomass, and higher species richness and diversity. Our results support the hypothesis that winter pastures, which are located near settlements, suffer from over-utilisation, while the more distant summer pastures are subjected to much lower grazing pressure.  相似文献   

Soil moisture is a limiting factor of ecosystem development in the semi-arid Loess Plateau.Characterizing the soil moisture response to its dominant controlling...  相似文献   

Coastal wetlands play an important role in the global carbon cycle.Large quantities of sediment deposited in the Changjiang(Yangtze) estuary by the Changjiang River promote the propagation of coastal wetlands,the expansion of saltmarsh vegetation,and carbon sequestration.In this study,using the Chongming Dongtan Wetland in the Changjiang estuary as the study area,the spatial and temporal distribution of soil organic carbon(SOC) stocks and the influences of sedimentation and vegetation on the SOC stocks of the coastal wetland were examined in 2013.There was sediment accretion in the northern and middle areas of the wetland and in the Phragmites australis marsh in the southern area,and sediment erosion in the Scirpus mariqueter marsh and the bare mudflat in the southern area.More SOC accumulated in sediments of the vegetated marsh than in the bare mudflat.The total organic carbon(TOC) stocks increased in the above-ground biomass from spring to autumn and decreased in winter;in the below-ground biomass,they gradually increased from spring to winter.The TOC stocks were higher in the below-ground biomass than in the above-ground biomass in the P.australis and Spartina altemiflora marshes,but were lower in the below-ground biomass in S.mariqueter marsh.Stocks of SOC showed temporal variation and increased gradually in all transects from spring to winter.The SOC stocks tended to decrease from the high marsh down to the bare mudflat along the three transects in the order:P.australis marsh S.alterniflora marsh S.mariqueter marsh bare mudflat.The SOC stocks of the same vegetation type were higher in the northern and middle transects than in the southern transect.These results suggest that interactions between sedimentation and vegetation regulate the SOC stocks in the coastal wetland in the Changjiang estuary.  相似文献   

Seasonal snow is one of the most important influences on the development and distribution of permafrost and the hydrothermal regime in surface soil. Alpine meadow, which constitutes the main land type in permafrost regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, was selected to study the influence of seasonal snow on the temperature and moisture in active soil layers under different vegetation coverage. Monitoring sites for soil moisture and temperature were constructed to observe the hydrothermal processes in active soil layers under different vegetation cover with seasonal snow cover variation for three years from 2010 to 2012. Differences in soil temperature and moisture in areas of diverse vegetation coverage with varying levels of snow cover were analyzed using active soil layer water and temperature indices. The results indicated that snow cover greatly influenced the hydrothermal dynamics of the active soil layer in alpine meadows. In the snow manipulation experiment with a snow depth greater than 15 cm, the snow cover postponed both the freeze-fall and thawrise onset times of soil temperature and moisture in alpine LC (lower vegetation coverage) meadows and of soil moisture in alpine HC (higher vegetation coverage) meadows; however, the opposite response occurred for soil temperatures of alpine HC meadows,where the entire melting period was extended by advancing the thaw-rise and delaying the freeze-fall onset time of the soil temperature. Snow cover resulted in a decreased amplitude and rate of variation in soil temperature, for both alpine HC meadows and alpine LC meadows, whereas the distinct influence of snow cover on the amplitude and rate of soil moisture variation occurred at different soil layers with different vegetation coverages. Snow cover increased the soil moisture of alpine grasslands during thawing periods. The results confirmed that the annual hydrothermal dynamics of active layers in permafrost were subject to the synergistic actions of both snow cover and vegetation coverage.  相似文献   

Intercropping, as an overyielding system, can decrease soil erosion on sloping land through the presence of dense canopy covers. However, the structure mechanism in canopy is still unclear. We conducted a two-year field experiment on runoff plots, exploring whether the interaction between vegetation layers reduce soil erosion in maize and potato intercropping systems. The maize, potato, and weed layers in the intercropping system were removed by a single layer, two layers and three layers, respectively(total of 8 treatments including all layers removed as the control). Then, throughfall, runoff and sediment were measured at the plot and row scale on a weekly basis. Based on the difference between each treatment and the control, we calculated and found a relative reduction of runoff and sediment by any combination of the two vegetation layers greater than the sum of each single layer. In 2016 and 2017, the highest relative reduction of runoff reached 15.65% and 46.73%, respectively. Sediment loss decreased by 33.96% and 42.77%, respectively. Moreover, runoffand sediment reduced by the combination of all vegetation layers(no layers removed) was also larger than the sum of that by each single layer. In 2016 and 2017, the highest relative reduction of runoff reached 7.32% and 3.48%, respectively. So, there were synergistic effects among multi-level(two or three layers) vegetation layers in terms of decreasing soil erosion on sloping land. Maize redistributes more throughfall at the maize intra-specific row and the maize and potato inter-specific, which is favorable for the synergistic effect of reducing soil erosion. This finding shows an important mechanism of maize and potato intercropping for soil and water conservation, and may promote the application of diverse cropping systems for sustainable agriculture in mountainous areas.  相似文献   

Vegetation restoration has been proposed as an effective method for increasing both plant biomass and soil carbon(C) stocks. In this study, 204 publications(733 observations) were analyzed, focusing on the effects of vegetation restoration on soil organic carbon(SOC) in China. The results showed that SOC was increased by 45.33%, 24.43%, 30.29% and 27.98% at soil depths of 0–20 cm, 20–40 cm, 40–60 cm and 60 cm after vegetation restoration, respectively. Restoration from both cropland and non-cropland increased the SOC content. The conversion of non-cropland was more efficient in SOC accumulation than the conversion of cropland did, especially in 40 cm layers. In addition, the conversion to planted forest led to greater SOC accumulation than that to other land use did. Conversion period and initial SOC content extended more influence on soil C accumulation as the main factors after vegetation restoration than temperature and precipitation did. The SOC content significantly increased with restoration period after long-term vegetation restoration( 40 yr), indicating a large potential for further accumulation of carbon in the soil, which could mitigate climate change in the near future.  相似文献   

Vegetation in hot and arid valleys is a crucial indicator of ecosystem health, but is vulnerable to human activities and environmental change. Using the Longkaikou Reservoir in the Jinsha River in southwestern China as a case study, we developed a spatially explicit model that combined the plant growth, fruiting, seed dispersal, and seed germination stages to reveal the potential impact of multiple human activities(reservoir construction, logging, grazing, and aerial seeding) on the vegetation dynamics of Dodonaea viscosa and Pinus yunnanensis. After reservoir construction, the grassland area of 68 km~2 in 2003 decreased to 24 km~2 in 2018, replaced by forest, shrubland, and bodies of water, and the precipitation increased during the dry season, which indicated the improvement of the local plant and soil environment. Our model predicted that when soil moisture decreased by more than 20% compared to current levels, the area of D. viscosa increased greatly at low elevations; however, when at higher soil moisture, P. yunnanensis would occupy more of the study area. Logging and grazing would slightly change the spatial pattern of vegetation and delay P. yunnanensis communities from achieving stability by directly reducing plant biomass. Countermeasures such as aerial seeding would increase the total area by 13.13 km~2 and 8.09 km~2 of two plants, respectively, and accelerate the stabilization of plant communities. The effects of multiple human activities on vegetation may counteract each other; for example, logging decreased the P. yunnanensis area whereas aerial seeding increased it, and plant biomass changed in response to this pressure. Given the complex relationships between vegetation and human impacts, our study provides a scientific basis for vegetation restoration and ecological security in this hot and arid valley.  相似文献   

Soil water is the key factor that restricts the restoration of the local ecological systems in the Loess Plateau of China. Studying the effects of vegetation types on soil water and its seasonal variation helps to understand hydrological characteristics and provides insights into the sustainable restoration of vegetation. Therefore, the Caijiachuan watershed was chosen as the research object to investigate the water status of a 0-10 m soil layer under different vegetation types including Pinus tabulaeformis, Robinia pseudoacacia, Platycladus orientalis, apple orchard, natural forestland,farmland and grassland. By comparing the difference between soil water of different land use types and that of grassland during the same period, the seasonal changes of soil water status of different types were judged. The results show that(1) in the 0-10 m soil layer, the largest value of soil water content was in the0.3-0.4 m layer, and the lowest was in the 5.6-5.8 m layer. The depths at which the vegetation cover influenced the soil water were up to 10 m;(2) among summer, fall and spring, the soil water storage wasthe highest in the fall. In addition, the lowest value of relative accumulation was in the fall, which was the period in which the soil water recovered;(3) the soil water in the 0-10 m layer was in a relatively deficient state in the artificial forestlands, apple orchards and native forestlands, while the relative accumulation was in the farmland. In addition, the relative deep soil layers(8-10 m) had more serious deficits in the areas in which P. tabulaeformis, R. pseudoacacia and the apple orchard grew;(4) during the study period, the farmland in the summer had the largest relative accumulation(182.71 mm), and the land under R.pseudoacacia in the fall had the lowest relative deficit(512.20 mm). In the Loess Plateau, vegetation cover will affect the change of deep soil moisture and artificial forest will cause soil water loss in different degrees.  相似文献   

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