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Life cycle of glaciers in the Himalayan region has notably changed due to the climatic variability since last few decades. Glaciers across the world and specially the Himalayan glaciers have shown large scale degeneration in the last few decades. Himalayan glaciers serve as an important fresh water resource for the downstream communities, who are dependent on this water for domestic and other purposes. Therefore, glacier shrinkage and the associated hydrological changes pose a significant problem for regional-scale water budgets and resource management. These issues necessitate the regular and rigorous monitoring of the wastage pattern of the Himalayan glaciers in field and using satellite remote sensing data. In this work, we report rapid and enhanced degeneration of the frontal part of the Kangriz glacier, Jammu and Kashmir(J K), in terms of surface melting, debris cover, snout characteristics and meltwater discharge. Ablation data acquired during 2016-2017 shows the average lowering of the frontal part of the glacier to be ~148 ± 34 cm, one-third of which was found to have occurred within a 13 day time period in September, 2017. Also, the quantum of ice melt was found to be inversely influenced(r =-0.84) by the debris thickness. 15 day meltwater discharge measurement revealed its strong relationship with snout disintegration pattern, evidenced twice during the said time period. Volume of water discharged from the glacier was estimated to be 7.91×10~6 m~3 for the measurement duration. Also, mean daily discharge estimated for the 15 days interval showed good positive correction(r = 0.78) with temperature indicating the direct dependency of the former on land surface temperature conditions of the region. Besides the lowering and discharge observations, the frequent ice-block break-offs at the glacier snout further enhance its overall drastic degeneration. The study suggests that, being the largest glacier in the Suru basin, the Kangriz glacier needs to be continuously monitored in order to understand its glacio-hydrological conditions.  相似文献   

Oplegnathus fasciatus (rock bream) is a commercial rocky reef fish species in East Asia that has been considered for aquaculture. We estimated the population genetic diversity and population structure of the species along the coastal waters of China using fluorescent-amplified fragment length polymorphisms technology. Using 53 individuals from three populations and four pairs of selective primers, we amplified 1 264 bands, 98.73% of which were polymorphic. The Zhoushan population showed the highest Nei’s genetic diversity and Shannon genetic diversity. The results of analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that 59.55% of genetic variation existed among populations and 40.45% occurred within populations, which indicated that a significant population genetic structure existed in the species. The pairwise fixation index F st ranged from 0.20 to 0.63 and were significant after sequential Bonferroni correction. The topology of an unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean tree showed two significant genealogical branches corresponding to the sampling locations of North and South China. The AMOVA and STRUCTURE analyses suggested that the O. fasciatus populations examined should comprise two stocks.  相似文献   

Sea pens are a highly specialized and morphologically distinct group of octocorallians,but many taxa were poorly described and their phylogenetic relationships are still poorly known.We describe two species of sea pens collected from the tropical Western Pacific:Alloptilella splendida gen.et sp.nov.and Scytalium veneris(Thomson Henderson,1906).Alloptilella splendida gen.et sp.nov.accords with the definition of the recently resurrected genus Ptilella Gray,1870 in most characters,but differs from the latter in the arrangement of autozooids and the location of mesozooids.The new species mostly resembles Pennatula naresi K(o|")lliker(1880),but differs by the location of me sozooids and the reddish color of sclerite s surrounding siphonozooids.The generic separation is also well supported by their genetic distances and the molecular phylogenetic trees constructed by the concatenated mtMutS-COI-28 S,where Alloptilella clustered with Scytalium Herklots,1858 and formed a clade with the cluster of Ptilella and Distichoptilum.Scytalium veneris,usually considered as a junior synonym of Scytalium sarsii Herklots,1858,is resurrected by recognizing their distinctive differences.This is the first record of Scytalium veneris outside its type locality,and the phylogenetic analysis indicates that Scytalium is a monophyletic group.Both the families Pennatulidae and Virgulariidae are polyphyletic,and more morphological and molecular data are needed to clarify the phylogenetic positions of pennatulacean families and genera.  相似文献   

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