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A field investigation on Quaternary glacial landforms in Laoshan Mountain has discovered many glacial potholes, scouring grooves on top of granite ridges, and large boulders. These erosional landforms were formed by the meltwater from the overlying ice cap, suggesting that there was at least an ice cap covering Laoshan Mountain and the surrounding areas or even a continental ice sheet over the vast area of Shandong Province in the Late Pleistocene. The ice sheet was obstructed by the Laoshan Mountain, Dazhu Mountain and Xiaozhu Mountain in the coastal areas as it moved toward the Yellow Sea. The ice flows eroded the bedrock and carved the weak intersection of the fault systems in the NE and NW directions into a deep channel, which gradually formed a fjord in the area of the Jiaozhou Bay basin by 20.00 ka BP. The seawater gradually invaded the fjord from the beginning of the Holocene (11.00 ka BP) and Jiaozhou Bay was eventually formed. Similar fjords are easily found along the east of China and they share a similar origin because of the Quaternary glaciation in the region.  相似文献   

本文记述的渤海,黄海海底发现的原始牛角心化石(3件),根据形态特征将其定名为Bos primigenius dalianensis subsp.nov.(原始牛大连亚种)。时代屆新生代第四纪晚更新世。这是我国首次于海底发现的原始牛化石。它的发现为探讨晚更新世时期黄海、渤海古地理环境,古气候条件,海水进退,冰期与间冰期的更替,哺乳动物的演化和迁徙提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

We present geomorphological evidence for multiple glacial fluctuations during the Quaternary in the Taniantaweng Mountain, which is situated at the transition zone of the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. To reconstruct the history of glacial evolution during the Quaternary Glaciation, we present a ~13000 km~2 geomorphologic map(1:440,000) for the Quaternary glaciations, as well as three electron spin resonance(ESR) ages and three optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) ages from the landforms. By integrating these with ages from previous studies, four major glacial advances are identified during marine oxygen isotope stages(MIS) 6, 3, 2 and 1. This glacial chronology is in reasonable agreement with existing glacial chronologies from other parts of the Hengduan Mountains and surrounding mountains. Glaciers had extended to the Yuqu River during the glacial maximum advance(MIS 6), but became successively more restricted from MIS 3 to MIS 1. The glacial distribution show that precipitation brought by the south Asian monsoon might play a primary role in driving glacial advances during the last glacial period in the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

Glacial cirques are typical landscape features of mid-latitude mountain environments like the Central Pyrenees. Their morphology as well as their spatial distribution provides insights about past glaciers and climates. In this study, we examine the distribution, morphometrical and topographical characteristics of glacial cirques in two U-shaped glacial valleys located in the Central Pyrenees – the Aran and the Boí valleys. They are located in different aspects of this mountain range(north vs south) under different climatic influences that promoted distinct glaciation patterns during the late Pleistocene. The spatial mapping of these landforms was carried out using high-resolution imagery and field observations. We analysed the data of the morphometrical and topographical variables of the glacial cirques by using different statistical and geospatial methods in order tounveil the factors controlling their formation and development. A total of 186 glacial cirques were mapped in the study area, including 119 in the Aran and 67 in the Boí valleys. The local topography and microclimate conditions lead to substantial differences in both areas in terms of the morphology and dimensions of the cirques. Glacial cirques in Boí are distributed at slightly higher elevations than in Aran and they are also larger, though their dimensions decrease with elevation in both valleys. Aran cirques are mostly oriented NE, while Boí landforms do not show any prevailing aspect. Even though lithology does not control the distribution of the glacial cirques, some specific lithological settings may favour the development of larger cirques. In general, glacial cirques in the Aran and the Boí valleys show morphometrical properties similar to those reported in other mid-latitude mountain ranges.  相似文献   

Mt.Ma’an (4288 m) is the highest mountain in the southwest edge of Sichuan Basin. It is situated to the south of the Dadu River. The geographic coordinates are: 28°58′N, 102°55′E. There are six peaks over 4000 m in elevation. Many quaternary glacial landforms in this mountain have been discovered. It’s a typical example of fossil glacial landform in the east China. Its glacial stages are the last glaciation (Q 3 3 ) and the neoglaciation (Q 4 3 ). Mt. Ma’an and Mt. Luoji (4359 m) are similar in the fossil glacial landforms, but there are still some differences between them. For example, the ratio between the direct difference and the minus difference is different.  相似文献   

APRELIMINARYSTUDYONQUATERNARYGLACIALLANDFORMSINMT.MA’ANLuoChengde(罗成德)DepartmentofGeography,LeshanTeachersColege,Leshan614004...  相似文献   

The Heqing-Eryuan fault is an important part of the active fault system in the Northwestern Yunnan Province, China. Thus, the study on the nature, characteristics and activity history of this fault can provide not only the basis for seismic safety and engineering evaluation, but also the important information for the characteristics, history and patterns of the structural deformation of the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Trench and faulted landforms investigations could provide effective paleoseismic methods to obtain the recent parameters of active faults. Using these methods, this study makes some breakthroughs on the recent activity of southeast boundary fault of the Heqing basin, middle segment of Heqing-Eryuan fault zone. Results indicate that the average vertical slip rate and left-lateral slip rate of the segment are about 0.28 mm/a and 1.80 mm/a respectively since the Late Pleistocene. The trench near the Beixi Village at the southeast boundary fault of the Heqing basin reveals that there have been at least three paleoearthquake events during the Holocene (~8 ka BP). The vertical displacement and sinistral strike-slip distance of a single paleoearthquake are ~20 cm and ~1.2 m, respectively. The estimated paleoearthquake magnitudes with Ms7.0, and the recurrence interval at 2-5 ka, as well as the latest activity time during 800- 290 cal yr BP, are of great significance for preventing and mitigating regional earthquake disasters.  相似文献   

There widely occur stretches of permafrost at more than 3,800-4,200 meters above sea level in the source area of the Huanghe (Yellow) River. The periglacial geomorphology develops quite well, including frozen disintegration geomorphology, freezing and thawing geomorphology in cold environments, periglacial dune, buried ices and fossil periglacial phenomena. In light of the relation between stratigraphy and periglacial phenomena, three periglacial periods can be divided, which are the Middle Pleistocene periglacial period, the Late Pleistocene periglacial period and modern periglacial period.  相似文献   

我国东部中低山区第四纪冰川的存在与否一直存在争议,但冰川必然对山体进行冰蚀作用形成冰蚀地貌。为了分析我国东部中低山区的山体地貌是否具有冰蚀特征,该文选取了现代冰川集中发育区-喜马拉雅山脉作为冰蚀地貌的研究对象,通过宏观分析,除了由缩口、三角脊、残弧组成的冰斗系统外,还发现冰蚀作用过程存在避谷、吞脊、切壁、穿梁等特殊习性。分析认为冰蚀过程主要受制于雪线高程、积雪高程与坡向坡角三方面因素的控制。以此为基础,对我国东部的江西庐山、山东蒙山、大兴安岭主峰黄岗梁三个地区的山体地貌进行对比分析,发现这些山区的山体地貌与喜马拉雅山脉的冰蚀地貌具有一致性。文章从冰蚀过程的角度确认了我国东部中低山区存在第四纪冰川的事实。  相似文献   

喜马拉雅山与我国东部中低山区冰蚀地貌对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
我国东部中低山区第四纪冰川的存在与否一直存在争议,但冰川必然对山体进行冰蚀作用形成冰蚀地貌。为了分析我国东部中低山区的山体地貌是否具有冰蚀特征,该文选取了现代冰川集中发育区—喜马拉雅山脉作为冰蚀地貌的研究对象,通过宏观分析,除了由缩口、三角脊、残弧组成的冰斗系统外,还发现冰蚀作用过程存在避谷、吞脊、切壁、穿梁等特殊习性。分析认为冰蚀过程主要受制于雪线高程、积雪高程与坡向坡角三方面因素的控制。以此为基础,对我国东部的江西庐山、山东蒙山、大兴安岭主峰黄岗梁三个地区的山体地貌进行对比分析,发现这些山区的山体地貌与喜马拉雅山脉的冰蚀地貌具有一致性。文章从冰蚀过程的角度确认了我国东部中低山区存在第四纪冰川的事实。  相似文献   

Therearemanyquaternaryglaciallandformsinalpineareasahave3100ma.s.1.intheGongWangMountainsinthenortheastpartofYunnanProvinceofChina.TheglaciationseriesandtheglaciallandformsoftheQuaternaryhaveoncebeencoveredinanarticlesketchily(Yietal.,1991).Onthebasisoffieldinvestigationsinrecentyears,we'11goastepfurthertodiscusstheQuaternaryglaciationseriesandtheglacierlandfo~sthereinthisPaper.I.TabsQU~ANANYG~W~TheGOngWangMountainsissituatedbetweentwobranchesoftheJinshaRiver,theXiaojiangandthePudu…  相似文献   

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The environmental changes during the Late Pleistocene were more obvious in the eastern China than in other areas at the same latitude, which either between northern and southern, or between land and sea of the eastern China were mostly non-synchronous. The transitional period prior to the last glaciation came about in the northern part of the eastern China about 115,000 yr. ago. The desert environments of the inland of the north China were developed both in the glacial maximum and in the warm interglacial period, but the loess accumulation mostly took place during the glacial period. The sand dunes and the periglacial solifluctions in the lower Changjiang (Yangtze) River region were formed during the last glacial period. The event of lowest surface temperature occurred at 98,000 yr. B.P. and 59,000 yr. B.P. in the northern part of the South China Sea but not during the full-glacial stage. The phenomena mentioned . above were the result of the following reasons that the paleo-environmental changes in the  相似文献   

通过对老灌河河流阶地水平错断幅度和垂直错断幅度的测量 ,证实自晚更新世中期以来黑沟大断裂的构造活动十分强烈 ,主要表现为水平方向上的大规模左旋走滑活动 ,在垂直方向上的活动相对来说比较微弱。不管是水平方向还是垂直方向的活动 ,都表现有加速的趋势。  相似文献   

大连地区碳酸盐岩分布广泛 ,裂隙溶洞发育 ,洞穴堆积物中蕴含了丰富的更新世哺乳动物化石和古文化遗物 ,在境内陆地和附近海域陆续发现了 30余处化石点。在众多的化石点中尤以古龙山遗址和大连动物群最引人注目 ,前者在同一地点内采集到 377种上万件的脊椎动物骨骼化石 ,并伴有石器、骨器、灰烬等远古人类活动的遗物 ;后者包括了 2 8种早更新世的小型哺乳动物 ,这是大连乃至东北地区的首次报导。这些事实说明了东北地区不只是仅有晚更新世的动物群 ,至少还有早更新世的大连动物群 ,即使在晚更新世 ,也不只是单一的披毛犀 -猛犸象动物群 ,还存在着具有从华北向东北过渡性质的古龙山动物群。今后工作中应注意寻找古人类及中更新世的哺乳动物化石 ,加强对全新世动物遗骨的研究。  相似文献   

Since the late 1950's, many Chinese scientists have explored the remains of the Quaternary glaciation in the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau and its surrounding mountains. In the main, 3-4 glaciations have been recognized. The largest one occurred in the Late Middle Pleistocene with piedmont glaciers, ice caps and trellis valley glaciers in many high peak regions. But here is no evidence of a unified ice sheet covering the whole plateau as described by M. Kuhle. Due to the further uplifting of the Himalayas and Qinghai-Xizang Plateau the climate became progressively drier, diminishing the extension of glaciers during the Late Pleistocene. The elevation of the snow line during the Last Glaciation was about 4,000 m on the south, east and northeast edges of the plateau and ascended to 5500 m on the hinder northwest of the plateau. The thermal effect of the big plateau massif, the sharp increase of aridity from the southeast rim to the northwest inland area and the abrupt decrease of precipitation during the  相似文献   

Analysis of 13 spore-pollen assemblage zones reflecting environmental changes since the later middle Pleistocene showed the seccession of paleovegetation and the paleogeographic changes in the Bohai Basin and circumjacent area. Paleoclimatic variations here can obviously be divided into 5 cold and 5 warm periods: 2 cold and 1 warm periods in 200,000–100,000 a B.P.(late middle Pleistocene) 3 cold and 3 warm periods in 100,000–12,000 a B.P.(late Pleistocene), and 1 warm period since 12,000 a B.P. Late Pleistocene climate tended to become colder and colder. The coldest period was in the later stage of late Pleistocene, when the study area was a periglacial zone. The mean annual temperature then was about 10°C lower than it is now. In the middle stage of late Pleistocene, climate became warm; the mean annual temperature then was about 3–4°C higher than it is now. By applying principles of climatic stratigraphy, the authors deduced through sporo-pollen analysis, that the boundary between middle and late Pleistocene should be at 178–181 m, and that between Pleistocene and Holocene should be at 12.8 m. The results of climatic stratigraphy are consistent with those of magnetic stratigraphy. This paper was published in Chinese inOceanologica et Limnologia Sinica.18 (3): 253–266, 1987.  相似文献   


Based on field investigations, laboratory analyses and 14C dating, this paper discusses the laws of the formation and development of the paleosols in the northeast region of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau since Late Pleistocene. The authors reconstruct basic conditions of climate, vegetation, soil and natural zones during the three periods in which the paleosols were formed, i.e. the last interglacial of the Late Pleistocene, warm stage of Late Glacial and the Optimum of Holocene. Finally, this paper discusses the relationship between the paleosols and the uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.  相似文献   

Introduction The impact produced by landsliding in diverse regions of the world has given rise to the development and implementation of different methods, techniques and tools to understand the mechanisms of movements involved, as well as to create maps o…  相似文献   

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